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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Sobre a participação da vivência profissional dos pais na construção do projeto profissional dos filhos: um estudo exploratório / On the role of parental professional experience in the development of their children\'s career project: an exploratory study

Vardi, Cecilia Helena Gonçalves Ramos 22 April 2010 (has links)
A questão que orienta esse estudo se insere no contexto da orientação profissional que busca ocupar-se da pessoa que traz conflitos frente às suas escolhas de carreira e não dos conflitos em si. Aqueles que buscam por orientação em suas carreiras aqui considerados são jovens que na sua maioria almejam a entrada no mundo do trabalho através da porta do curso superior, e adultos vivendo momentos de crise em suas carreiras e necessidade de reconstrução de caminhos e também de estranhamentos com relação aos novos rumos que o contexto de trabalho vem assumindo. A lógica das relações de trabalho vem sofrendo alterações nos últimos trinta anos, como o escasseamento de contratos de trabalho formal, o aumento da oferta de mão de obra, as mudanças de cultura nas organizações, fruto de fusões ou aquisições por outras empresas, entre outras. A questão que se colocou, portanto, foi de como seriam afetados os adultos mais representativos de uma família nos grupos selecionados para esse estudo, os pais pelas mudanças da realidade das relações de trabalho por eles vivenciadas e a transmissão dessas vivências dentro do seio familiar. O objetivo deste trabalho, como um estudo exploratório, foi buscar subsídios que permitissem amparar a hipótese percebida empiricamente da existência de uma inter-relação entre a maneira como o adulto que trabalha enfrenta os desafios impostos pelo mundo do trabalho e o processo de escolha profissional do seu filho jovem, em fase de entrada nos cursos superiores. Para tal, foram delimitados alguns fatores que afetam diretamente a abrangência do fenômeno estudado. A família considerada foi a família de classe média, com seus valores, expectativas, participação social e projetos de futuro. As famílias observadas são compostas por pais casados morando junto com os filhos. Os pais são ambos profissionais ativos em suas áreas de trabalho, tendo grau de formação superior. Os filhos são estudantes egressantes de escolas particulares que buscam um curso superior. Foram entrevistadas quatro tríades familiares pai, mãe e filho que escolhe uma profissão e analisados os seus discursos com relação às dificuldades e estratégias de enfrentamento perpetradas pelos pais e expectativas e projeções no futuro elaboradas pelos filhos. Foram constatadas convergências nos discursos familiares de pais e filhos, no que concerne às dificuldades e estratégias de enfrentamento dos desafios vividos pelos pais e a possibilidade de elaboração de projetos de carreira dos filhos. Os modelos de carreira construídos pelos pais também tiveram correlação com as fantasias de futuro profissionais dos filhos. Assim, concluiu-se que, no âmbito do grupo social estudado, existe inter-relação entre a vivência profissional dos pais e o projeto profissional dos filhos / The question driving this study exists in the context of career counseling and focuses on individuals who are presented conflicting career choices, as opposed to the conflicting choices themselves. Among those seeking career counseling, the group selected consists of teenagers who in their vast majority are looking to enter the workforce through an undergraduate course; and adults undergoing a career crisis who need to rebuild their career paths, as well as those at odds with the new direction their work context is headed. The logic of the work relationships has gone through changes in the last thirty years, such as the diminishment of formal work contracts, the increase in labor supply, the organizational culture changes due to mergers or acquisitions by other companies, among others. Thus, the question placed was how the most representative adults in a family would be affected in the groups selected for this study, the parents by the changes in the reality of the work relationships they experience and the conveyance of these experiences to the family. The objective of this work as an exploratory study was to seek supporting evidence to the hypothesis observed empirically of the existence of a correlation between the manner in which a working adult faces the challenges imposed by the work space and the career planning process of their teenage children about to begin their undergraduate studies. To this end, a number of constraints were set in order to limit the scope of the study. The familial group considered was the middle class household with its values, expectations, social participation and projected future. The families observed were composed of married parents with live-in children. Both parents were active professionals in their respective work fields and had at least undergraduate degrees. The children were high school students graduating from private schools and seeking an undergraduate degree. Four family triads were interviewed father, mother and teenage child choosing a career and their discourse analyzed in relation to the difficulties and coping strategies engineered by the parents against the expectations and projected future formulated by the children. A correlation was found in the speech of parents and children relative to the challenges and coping strategies lived by the parents and the career planning composed by the children. The career models constructed by the parents also had correlation to the professional future fantasies of the children. Therefore, it was concluded that in the scope of the social group studied there is an interrelationship between the professional experiences of the parents and the career planning of their children

Comment devient-on enseignant ? : les trajectoires de socialisation professionnelle des professeurs des écoles / How does one become a teacher? : trajectories of professional socialization for the teachers in grade schools

Gesson, Benjamin 04 November 2015 (has links)
Cette thèse propose une analyse de la socialisation professionnelle des enseignants en adoptant un cadre théorique et conceptuel interactionniste, et en s’appuyant sur des méthodes empiriques variées (observations, entretiens individuels et collectifs, suivi de cohorte qualitatif). Il en ressort quatre principaux résultats : 1) la formation initiale « marque » profondément les manières d’agir, de faire et de penser le travail des futurs enseignants ; ils y acquièrent des dispositions (langagières, temporelles, rhétoriques ou encore relationnelles) qui symbolisent l’acte de « fabrication sociale » par lequel ils sont passés. 2) Au cours de la formation initiale, les futurs enseignants sont à l’origine d’une « culture étudiante » qui vise à négocier, traduire ou transgresser les normes formelles et officielles véhiculées par l’instance de socialisation. De sorte que les normes informelles ou officieuses produites au sein de cette sous-culture possèdent une influence majeure sur la compréhension du processus de socialisation professionnelle. 3) Il existe une pluralité d’identités professionnelles adoptées par les enseignants au moment de leur entrée dans la carrière, qui se forment sur la base de la trajectoire d’accès au métier, du rapport à la formation et du rapport au travail. Loin de la figure désenchantée du jeune enseignant en souffrance, on découvre alors que le début de carrière peut se révéler épanouissant et source d’accomplissement. 4) Trois formes de carrières et d’identités professionnelles se dégagent de notre enquête diachronique : pragmatique, par « frustration relative » et autonome. En outre, l’identité professionnelle adoptée lors des premières années d’enseignement a tendance à persister dans le temps, révélant la force structurante de la dimension objective des carrières enseignantes (gradations pré-déterminées de l’avancement statutaire et de la mobilité professionnelle, contraintes liées à la séparation des sphères professionnelles et privée…). La thèse conclue sur la nécessité de questionner une vision fonctionnaliste de la formation initiale et une conception administrative de la carrière enseignante actuellement dominantes. / This thesis proposes an analysis of the teachers’ professional socialization through a theoretical and conceptual-interactionist framework. It is based on various empirical methods (observation, individual and collective talks, followed by troop qualitative). Four major elements come out of this thesis: 1) initial training has a deep influence on the soon-to-be teachers concerning the way they act and both the way they work and the way they7consider their work. The act of “social manufacturing” they undergo during their formation enables them to acquire elements for their career (linguistic, temporal, rhetorical or relational elements). 2) During their initial training, the future teachers create a “student culture” which aims at negotiating, translating or transgressing the formal and official standards conveyed by the authority of socialization. Accordingly, the abstract or semi-official standards produced within this subculture have a major influence on the comprehension of the process of professional socialization. 3) There exists a plurality of professional identities adopted by the teachers at the time they begin their career. These are founded on the trajectory which led the individuals to teaching, and also on how they deal with the training and their work. Far from the disillusioned figure of the young teacher in suffering one might expect, the beginning of a career appears to be fulfilling and to be a source of achievement. 4) Three forms of careers and professional identities emerge from our diachronic investigation: a pragmatic identity, an identity created by “relative frustration” and an autonomous identity. Moreover, the professional identity adopted at the time of the first years of teaching tends to persist in time, revealing the structuring force of the objective dimension of the teaching careers (predetermined gradations of advance statutory and professional mobility, constraints related to the separation of the private and the professional spheres…). The thesis concluded on the need for questioning a functionalist vision of initial training and an administrative design of the teaching career currently dominant.

As representações sociais de escola e docência e a constituição identitária de licenciandos em Química / The social representations of school and teacher and the constitution of identity of students enrolled in a Chemistry teacher initial training course

Camila Lima Miranda 15 February 2018 (has links)
Este estudo investigou as representações sociais (RS) de escola e ser professor de licenciandos em Química. Por meio do discurso desses licenciandos, também buscou-se identificar as representações/atribuições de \"outros significativos\" e de \"outros generalizados\", compreendendo se as representações identificadas se refletiam em suas constituições identitárias. Foram realizadas entrevistas semi-estruturadas com quatro alunos de Licenciatura em Química de uma universidade estadual paulista, egressos de escolas públicas. Os dados foram interpretados por meio do diálogo entre duas teorias: a das representações sociais, na perspectiva de Serge Moscovici, e a da identidade profissional de Claude Dubar. As técnicas de análise foram inspiradas na Análise de Conteúdo proposta por Bardin, sendo criadas três categorias subdivididas, quando necessário, em subcategorias. Como resultados, foi possível depreender que o compartilhar da RS acerca de um objeto não implica, necessariamente, em modos singulares de atuação. Embora os jovens compartilhem uma RS de que o professor atuante no sistema público de ensino possui uma formação deficiente, agem de modo antagônico perante tal representação: enquanto uns manifestam o desejo pela atuação nesse sistema de ensino, outros não vislumbram essa possibilidade. Atuar como professor na rede pública de ensino básico pode implicar, para alguns sujeitos, assumir essa atribuição quanto à baixa qualidade enquanto, para outros, vincula-se à possibilidade de atuar de modo oposto àquele retratado nessa RS. A RS sobre a escola também se configurou como fonte de crises identitárias para esses jovens: a dificuldade em acompanhar os demais estudantes, ao migrar para uma escola privada; a reprovação no exame vestibular e a dificuldade em acompanhar o curso após sua aprovação no referido exame fizeram com que sentimentos como valorização e reconhecimento que os acompanharam durante sua escolarização, fundamentais para a construção identitária, fossem questionados, abalando a confiança na escola e em si. Por sua vez, na análise das atribuições dos outros, constatou-se, em relação aos \"outros significativos\", que suas escolhas profissionais não foram plenamente acolhidas por seus familiares; percebem um não acolhimento na universidade, devido à desvalorização do curso de Licenciatura e à falta de cuidado quanto aos diferentes perfis de alunos que compõem a universidade, em especial, por serem egressos do sistema público de ensino básico. Esses jovens sentem-se excluídos, especialmente pela dificuldade em acompanhar o curso. Já em relação aos \"outros generalizados\", sentem expectativas que destoam da RS que esse grupo construiu sobre a docência. Por fim, a análise das RS acerca de professor nos permite inferir que ser professor para esse grupo social relaciona-se à realização pessoal, intrinsecamente ligada à motivação, à autonomia, à inovação, ao afeto para com os estudantes e à necessidade de escutá-los. Os relatos que compuseram os dados deste estudo nos auxiliam a compreender o papel do olhar do outro na constituição identitária. É por meio de tal olhar que o sujeito pode também se reconhecer. Esperamos que o presente estudo possa contribuir para a ressignificação da formação docente, considerando-a enquanto construção diacrônica, permeada pelo contexto social, pela atribuição dos outros - sejam eles significativos ou generalizados - e pelas representações sociais dos atores envolvidos no processo. / This study focuses on perceive if the social representations (SR) concerning school and to be a teacher of students enrolled in a Chemistry teacher initial training course influence the constitution of their identity two main objectives. In this sense, one of the main objectives of this work is to unveil these SR; the second goal is to identify the representations / attributions of the \"significant others\" and the \"generalized others\" from the analysis of the interviews made with these subjects. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with four students of the University of São Paulo, a State university settled at São Paulo city (Brazil). All of them are attending a Chemistry teacher initial training course, and came from public High Schools. The dialogue between the social representations theory, in the Serge Moscovici´s perspective, and the one proposed by Claude Dubar refering to professional identity conducted the data analysis. The analysis was inspired by the Content Analysis techniques as proposed by Bardin, leading to three categories, subdivided, if it is the case, into subcategories. The findings show that the sharing of a SR regarding an social object does not necessarily implies in similar modes of action. These students share the SR that about the teachers acting in the governmental Basic Education system (compulsory school period; in Brazil it comprises primary school, lower secondary education, and high school period, totalizing 12 years) have a poor training to be professionals. Nevertheless, the subjects investigated in this work have different perspectives of action deriving from this shared RS. While some of them intend to work in the public basic schools, the other ones do not divise this possibility. For some individuals, to teach in the basic school public system might imply, to accept the low quality attribution while, for others, this action can favour an opposite intervention in relation to what is portrayed in this SR. The SR about school also became a source of identity crises for these young people: the difficulty to have the same performance of other students when migrating to a private school; the failure in the selection admission exams to the university; and the difficulty in following the undergraduate course after their approval in the said examination transform the feelings fundamental for the construction of their identity, like appreciation and recognition, that accompanied them during their basic schooling, were deeply questioned, fracturing their confidence in the basic school and in themselves. On the other hand, in the analysis of the attributions of the others it was verified, in relation to the \"significant others\", that their professional choices were not fully accepted by their relatives; they perceive a lack of acceptance even in the university context due to the teacher training undergraduate course underestimation and the fact that there are not enough attention to the undergraduate students´ profiles huge differences due mainly to the failure of the Brazilian public basic education system from which they came p. These students feel excluded, especially due to the difficulties to follow the undergraduate course. In relation to the \"generalized others\", they feel expectations that differ from the SR that this group built regarding teaching. Finally, the analysis of these students´ SR concerning to be a teacher allows to conclude that for this social group to be a professor relates to personal fulfillment, intrinsically connected to motivation, autonomy, innovation, affection regarding students and to the need to listen to them. The findings that constitute t this study data permit to understand the role exerted by the other\'s look on the identity constitution. It is through such a look that the subject can also recognize himself. We hope that the present study may contribute to a resignification of the initial teacher training, considering it as a diachronic construction, permeated by the social context, by the attribution of the others - whether significant or generalized - and by the social representations.

A High School Biology Teacher's Development Through a New Teaching Assignment Coupled with Teacher-Led Professional Development

Francis, Lorien Young 01 July 2016 (has links)
This self-study examined the learning that emerged from a change in teaching assignment coupled with self-initiated, teacher-led professional development in order to understand a high school science teacher's development as a teacher. The two participants in the study were the teacher/researcher, an experienced high school biology teacher who was taking up a new assignment teaching biotechnology, an advanced science course; and a first-year teacher assigned to teach biotechnology, who served as collaborator in the professional development and critical friend in the study. In order to uncover the teacher/researcher's learning and thinking, self-study of teaching practice methodology most clearly met the demands of the study. Data emerged from three research conversations and included transcripts of the conversations, artifacts from the participants' practices, notes from meetings, and memos. Data were analyzed using constant comparative methods and the understandings generated are grounded in the data. The study reveals shifts in teacher identity as the expert teacher takes up novice roles, the challenges encountered when teacher knowledge is insufficient for the teaching task, and the experienced teacher's need to return to a place of expertise when faced with a new teaching context. The study finds that (a) teacher identity shifts and develops in new teaching contexts, and teaching expertise facilitates expert identity development in such contexts; (b) expert teacher knowledge mediates novice-ness when experiencing new teaching contexts such as new teaching assignments; and (c) teacher-led professional development is a viable model for professional development experiences and can lead to increased teacher knowledge. The author suggests that (a) teachers are capable of determining what they need to learn and how they might best learn it in a professional development setting; (b) teachers' specific contexts should be honored when designing professional development, which should be practice-centered, and special attention should be given to developing specific subject matter knowledge, pedagogical content knowledge, and science knowledge for teaching; and (c) capable others should be included in collaborative professional development teams.

Building a Professional Identity: The Role of Conferences

Hill, Celeste, Chandler, Kristie, Gerhardt, Clara 09 March 2018 (has links)
Professional identity is an ongoing process that evolves throughout the undergraduate years of study, and which will hopefully facilitate graduate school and vocational choices that match the student’s skills and sense of vocational calling. Professional Identity (PI), one form of social identity, has been described as the “attitudes, values, knowledge, beliefs, and skills that are shared with others within a professional group” (Adams et al., 2006, p. 56). Understanding the options and opportunities the chosen major may facilitate, allows for a good match between student interests and abilities and the potential career of choice. Developing a strong sense of professionalism is a key component within this process. Fields practiced by many NCFR members, including counseling and gerontology, are studying PI because of its links to important educational processes and outcomes. From the beginning of a student’s college education, PI or professional/vocational identity has been shown to relate to important educational processes and outcomes, including completion of a bachelor’s degree. After graduation, PI has been associated with reduced burnout, increased team functioning, and greater retention in fields such as nursing and related helping professions. These links are supported by Social Identity Theory, which suggests that PI shapes the attitudes and behaviors that can differentiate an individual from members of other professional groups, allowing improved collaborations and occupational flexibility. PI is also increasingly important to the work of Family Life Educators (FLEs) and the profession, as the PI of FLE’s becomes more distinct. For NCFR and for educational programs, studying PI seems wise to help promote FLE’s professional status and to encourage family life educators to remain engaged in the profession. Conference attendance can be used as an instructional tool to guide students towards greater professional identity. The increased need for inter-professional collaboration in delivery of services (e.g., family sciences) and the corresponding rise in inter-professional education, demand clear professional identity as an important training metric and goal. These links are supported by Social Identity Theory, which suggests that attitudes and behaviors can differentiate members of specific professional groups, allowing improved collaborations and occupational flexibility. In 2011, following attendance at a regional professional conference, family science students responded to a retrospective pre-test / post-test survey adapted from the Professional Identity Scale. In a two more recent studies within our school (2016 and 2017), it was found that family science students as well as Education majors, benefited from attendance of a professional conference. The implications for the scholarship of teaching and learning in Family Science, as well as Education, could be widespread. The implications for the scholarship of teaching and learning in family science could be widespread. For example, our results indicate that educational programs in family life education could benefit from regular assessment of PI throughout the curriculum. If PI is improved by specific educational practices, such as experiential and service learning opportunities and field placements, it might be possible to focus on improved PI as a path to improve recruitment and retention of students, as well as wider benefits apparent in our field.

Des professionnalités à l'épreuve de la réforme des rythmes scolaires : quand le jeu questionne les pratiques des enseignants et des animateurs / Professionality in reform of rhythm of schooling : when play questions teachers and activity coordinators’ practices

Desvages, Vanessa 07 June 2018 (has links)
Cette recherche interroge la professionnalité des enseignants et des animateurs amenés à partager un même terrain suite à la réforme des rythmes scolaires à travers leurs pratiques singulières du jeu. C’est au filtre de la didactique clinique qu’on analyse cette professionnalité considérant que l’analyse de la pratique didactique ludique ne peut se faire d’une manière désincarnée, excluant le sujet.Notre objectif est d’identifier quelles sont les pratiques ludiques et comment ces pratiques ludiques sont liées au rapport au jeu de l’enseignant et de l’animateur. Nous émettons l’hypothèse que la pratique personnelle ludique et la rencontre avec l’Autre impactent les pratiques ludiques professionnelles.Les quatre études de cas présentées ici et leur comparaison permettent d’identifier les tensions dans les pratiques ludiques de chacun mais aussi dans la construction de son identité professionnelle. La comparaison des cas avec des entretiens de groupes professionnels d’animateurs et d’enseignants permet d’observer comment le sujet s’approprie l’histoire de son groupe et quel rapport il construit avec l’Autre.Cette recherche interroge au-delà de la construction professionnelle des uns et des autres, la spécificité de la pratique ludique à l’école et autour de l’école, les résultats suggérant qu’il n’est pas toujours simple, quel que soit le professionnel, de se détacher de la forme scolaire. Enseignants ou animateurs, chaque sujet s’avère être lieu de tensions internes difficiles à gérer. Cette étude tente de montrer dans quelles mesures les pratiques ludiques de chacun sont impactées par ces jeux de tensions. / This research questions teachers’ professionality and activity coordinators’ professionality who must share education field since reform of rhythm of schooling in 2013. We examine their personal practices of gaming with clinical didactic because analysis can’t forget the subject. We want to see the different ways of playing wondering about the subject’s relationship to the game and about its effect on playing games. Our hypotheses are those personal experiences and the other one influence professional practices of play. We are introducing here four case studies; comparisons are made between themselves to identify tensions in practices of play and in their professional identity construction. We compare these case studies to community discussions: a discussion with a group of activity coordinators and with a group of teachers. These comparisons show how the subject appropriates his group’s history and how he builds relationship to the other one.

Thematic Narrative of LGBT Faculty Members' Professional Identity and Activism

Gall, Kathy Luanne Williamson 01 January 2018 (has links)
Over the past 20 years, lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) individuals have made progress in attaining the same basic civil rights as heterosexual individuals. As in other civil rights movements, the college campus has played an important role. The LGBT community participates in academic and campus life, and numerous colleges are developing and supporting an inclusive, safe, and respectful culture. However, bias and prejudice continue to occur. While researchers have studied the repercussions of prejudice, discrimination, and low evaluation scores for LGBT faculty, little research has been done to explore professional identity and activism in LGBT faculty at traditional 4-year universities. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to explore how the narratives of LGBT faculty at traditional 4-year universities inform the experience of professional identity and activism. Using social identity theory and the concept of activism as conceptual frameworks, 13 faculty from college campuses across the United States were interviewed. The data were analyzed using NVivo software and hand coding. Ten themes were identified: coming out, identity, gender fluidity, stigmatization, campus climate, blatant prejudice and discrimination, resources, advocacy, responsibility, and positive experiences. Participants described professional identity as being fused with their sexual and social identity and described activism as an obligation. The results of this study will be shared in the scholarly and professional communities to support civil rights, activism, and advocacy for the LBGT community on campuses. Future research is recommended regarding the struggles of coming/being out in the academic workplace, as well as activism for LGBT issues on college campuses.

Academic Role and Professional Identity Development in Counselor Education

Scott, Seth 01 January 2018 (has links)
Professional identity development occurs during graduate training through mentoring, modeling, and academic training by counselor educators. If counselor educators are to transmit this professional identity, they must possess a robust professional identity themselves. Professional identity development theory suggests that the strength of this professional identity may be threatened by a lack of belonging in academia for nontenured or contingent faculty. A correlational research design using a purposeful convenience sample was used to examine the relationship between academic role, employment status, years of experience, and professional identity among counselor educators. The participants (n=50) were counselor educators who subscribe to the CESNET-Listserv. A multiple linear regression analysis was conducted to relate demographic variables to scores on the Professional Identity Scale in Counseling (PISC). There were statistically significant relationships between employment status and overall PISC score (p = .044) and Engagement Behavior subscale (p = .013), while academic role was related to Professional Roles and Expertise (p = .041) and Philosophy of the Profession (p = .024) subscales at statistically significant levels. Years of experience was related to the Philosophy of the Profession (p = .046) subscale at a statistically significant level. The potential social change from this study is that a better understanding of factors related to counselor identity in educators may positively influence graduate school mentoring, modeling, and training and thereby strengthen professional identity in counseling students, which in turn may improve the quality of future services to clients.

Digitaliseringens påverkan på redovisningskonsultens professionella identitet / The digitization's impact on the management accountant's professional identity

Eklund, Anna, Thai, Annica, Wikström, Maja January 2019 (has links)
Bakgrund och problemdiskussion: Digitalisering och automatisering har en allt mernärvarande roll i samhället, med stor påverkan på olika yrken, där den mänskliga närvaron ersätts. Redovisningsbranschen har på senare tid varit starkt influerad av den tekniska utvecklingen. Redovisningskonsultens yrkesroll påverkas och tidigare studier indikerar att rollen främst kommer vara rådgivande istället för administrativ i framtiden. Hur påverkasredovisningskonsultens professionella identitet av denna utveckling? Syfte: Studiens syfte är att förstå hur digitaliseringen påverkat redovisningskonsultensprofessionella identitet och hur de ser på en framtid påverkad av digitaliseringen. För att kartlägga och analysera hur den professionella identiteten förändrats läggs särskilt fokus på de tre central aspekter som utgör en professionell identitet; specialiserad kunskap, socialkompetens och kognitiv förmåga. Studien ska även bidra till en förståelse för hur redovisningskonsulterna spår yrkesrollens framtid. Teori och metod: Studien utgår från att digitalisering innebär en automatisering av arbetsflödet, där rutinmässiga arbetsuppgifter automatiseras. Studiens resultatet har jämfört smed teorier för huruvida digitaliseringen använts av redovisningskonsulterna, i syfte att uppnåkunskap om hur långt branschen kommit i den tekniska utvecklingen. Vidare harprofessionsteorin använts, där professions begreppet beskriver hur en profession uppnås genom sex olika steg. Den professionella identiteten i serviceyrken påverkas av externa förändringar. Teori kring den professionella identiteten utgår ifrån tre centrala aspekter hosredovisningskonsulterna; specialiserad kunskap, sociala kompetens och kognitiv förmåga. Studien har utförts genom en kvalitativ metod där empiriskt datamaterial samlats in genomsemistrukturerade intervjuer, med sju verksamma redovisningskonsulter. Urvalet representerar totalt sex olika redovisningsbyråer. Datamaterialet har därefter analyserats utifrån ovanstående teorier. Studiens resultat: Resultatet av studien visar att digitaliseringen påverkat redovisningskonsultens arbetsuppgifter och arbetssätt, då flera arbetsmoment digitaliserats. Utvecklingen har medfört ett tryck på en bredare kunskapsbas samt att redovisningskonsulten numera bör besitta en hög grad av social kompetens. Dessa faktorer är delar av den kognitiva förmågan som även influerats av den tekniska utvecklingen. Sammanfattningsvis harredovisningskonsulternas professionella identitet påverkats av den tekniska utvecklingen och spås göra det även i framtiden. / Background: The development of digitalization and automation has had a large presence in our society, with great effects on different professions, resulting in the human presence being replaced. In recent years the management accounting businesses has been strongly influenced by the digitalization. Studies have indicated that most of the administrative tasks will become more consulatory, changing the management accountant’s role. How does digitalization affect the management accountant’s professional identity? Problem: In order to understand the effects of digitalization on the management accountant’s professional identity, we designed our issue based on theories. The purpose of this study is to map and analyze how the professional identity has changed, focusing on the three crucial aspects that constitutes the professional identity; specialized knowledge resource, interaction know-how and cognitive understanding. The study also analyzes the management accountant’s views of the future of the industry and compares it with the theories regarding the impact of digitalization on their profession. Method and Theory: In this study, we defined digitalization as an automation of workflow, where routine tasks are being automated. By this definition, this study will analyse how the digitalization is used by the management accountants, the purpose is to gain knowledge in how far the industry has come in the technical development. Furthermore, the theory of profession has been used, defined and described by six steps on how to achieve a profession. The professional identity within service work is influenced by external changes. The theory behind the professional identity is constituted by three aspects concerning management accountants. This study is constructed by a qualitative method, where the empirical data has been gathered through semi structured interviews with seven operating management accountants. The range represents a total of six accounting offices. Results of study: The digitalization has influenced the management accountants tasks and how they perform them. The development of the digitalization also brought a need for the management accountants to possess a wider range of knowledge and to be very socially competent. These factors are part of what composes the cognitive understanding and have been affected by the technical development. The result of the study indicates that the technical development has had an impact on the management accountant’s professional identity and will continue to do so in the future. (This paper is written in Swedish)

Att omskapa sin professionella identitet : Från polis till polislärare via intersubjektiva möten

Bergman, Bengt January 2009 (has links)
<p>This licentiate thesis builds on the assumption that there is a shift in professional perspective when a police officer takes on the task of a police teacher in the Police Basic Education Training Programme. This shift of perspective is described as a professional process as well as a learning process, and the investigation focuses the reshaping of one’s professional identity.</p><p>The investigation is based on focus group interviews with four different groups of police teachers in Växjö, Stockholm, and Umeå, where they were asked to talk about their task as police teachers. The analysis is built on theories from George Herbert Mead, Moira von Wright, and Ludwik Fleck about the importance of in-tersubjective interaction in the interpersonal or social perspective of construction knowledge about oneself as a subject and the surrounding world. Professional identity is defined as the way, consciously or unconsciously, an individual under-stands oneself as a professional; it is seen as an ongoing process shaped by con-tinuous intersubjective meetings with others in a changeable world. Professional, personal and possibly tacit knowledge is in that aspect developed and may be pos-sible to articulate in the right environment, for example within focus groups.</p><p>The findings indicate that the change of professional task of the police teachers affects their understanding of themselves as professionals, i.e., their professional identity. The development of new professional and personal knowledge is due to the ability to reflect on the outcome of the intersubjective meetings with students and other teachers. This change of professional identity of the police teachers complicates their mission in two aspects. First, the denial of the relationship with the students as colleagues could be in conflict with the expectation from the stu-dent police officers. Secondly, the gap in knowledge about police work between the reflected personal knowledge of the police teachers and the student police offi-cers’ knowledge built on movies and books makes it difficult to meet the students at their level. This situation demands opportunities for police teachers to discuss their tasks with other teachers on campus, in the context of intersubjective meet-ings.</p>

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