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Metoder för att sända meddelanden från QT Systems fastighetssystem till smarta telefoner / Methods for sending messages from QT Systems' real estate system to smartphonesJernberg, Johan January 2016 (has links)
Företag har länge kunnat nå ut med information till kunder via traditionella metoder så som sms och e-post. I och med den stora populariteten hos smarta telefoner och sociala medier har information nu blivit extra viktigt. Med detta har det även kommit nyare sätt för företag att kommunicera med sina kunder så som via push-notifikationer till smarta telefoner och webbläsare eller via sociala medier. Projektet beställdes av QT Systems och hade som syfte att ge företaget en bättre inblick i vad de har för möjligheter när det gäller att nå ut med information till deras kunder. Målet med projektet var att finna den metod som bör passa bäst för att just QT Systems fastighetssystem ska kunna notifiera deras användare om olika händelser och att kunna visa att denna går att implementera i detta system. Under arbetets gång bestämdes det att push-notifikationer till en native app skulle vara den bästa lösningen. Det har även gjorts ett ”proof-of-concept” som visar att den valda metoden kommer gå att implementera i QT Systems fastighetssystem och åtminstone nå ut till smarta telefoner som har Android eller iOS som operativsystem. / For a long time companies have been able to reach out to customers by traditionally methods such as SMS or e-mail. The huge rise of popularity in smartphones and social media now makes information more important than ever. With this there are newer ways for companies to communicate with their customers such as push-notifications by native apps and browsers or by social media. This project was ordered by QT Systems with the purpose to give the company a better view of their possibilities when it comes to reaching out with information to their customers. The goal with the project was to find the best method for allowing QT Systems' real estate system to notify their users of certain events and to show that this method can be implemented in this system. During the course of this project it was decided that push-notifications by a native app would be the best solution. A ”proof-of-concept” which shows that this method can be implemented in QT Systems' real estate system and that it can be used for at least Android and iOS smartphones was also done.
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Consumer Attitudes towards Push Notifications : As a Marketing Tool to Trigger Impulse Buying Behaviour in Smartphone UsersRigollet, Daníel Ýmir, Kumlin, Hannah January 2015 (has links)
This thesis takes the reader on an exploratory journey into the development of impulse purchasing behaviour stemming from the increased usage of web-connected smartphones. At an unprecedented rate, consumers are able to access businesses online, twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, at their own convenience, without restrictions other than a connection to the World Wide Web. This mobile phenomenon has effectively pushed the commercial market to new boundaries and simultaneously created new possibilities for retailers to reach out to consumers by providing seamless and innovative marketing solutions on portable devices to a fast-growing market segment. This emergent technology and the trends it brings with it, demands special attention to the analysis of consumer behaviourism. As of date, academia has put relatively little emphasis on the evolution of impulse purchasing behaviour as a product of smartphone usage. In this paper, the authors investigate the attitude of local consumers towards so-called ‘push notifications’, whose purpose is to stimulate an impulsive behaviour in the smartphone user. The results of this study show that multiple factors in relation to push notifications on smartphones play an important part in shaping the attitude of consumers and furthermore can elicit impulse buying behaviour. These factors often bridge each other and are at times mutually dependent.
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A Recommendation system for News Push Notifications- Personalizing with a User-based and Content-based Recommendation systemWiklund, Ida January 2020 (has links)
The news landscape has changed during recent years because of the digitization. News can nowadays be found in both newspapers and on different sites online. The availability of the digital newspapers leads to competition among the news companies. To make the users stay on one specific platform for news, relevance is required in the content and oneway of creating relevance is through personalization, to tailor the content to each user. The focus of this thesis is therefore personalizing newspush notifications for a digital newspaper and making them more relevant for users. The project was made in cooperation with VK Media, and their digital newspaper. The task in this thesis is to implement personalization of push notifications by building a recommendation system and to test the implemented system with data from VK. In order to perform the task, a dataset representing reading habits of VK’s users was extracted from their data warehouse. Then a user-based and content-based recommendation system was implemented in Python.The idea with the system is to recommend new articles that are sufficiently similar to one or more of the already read articles. Articles that may be liked by one of the most similar users should also be recommended. Finally, the system’s performance was evaluated with the data representing reading habits for VK’s users. The results show that the implemented system has better performance than the current solution without any personalization, when recommending a few articles to each user. The results from the evaluation also show that the more articles the users have read, the better predictions are possible to make. Thus, this thesis offers a first step towards meeting the expectations of more relevant content among VK’s users.
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Competition or Cooperation? : Using push notifications to increase user engagement in a gamified smartphone application for reducing personal CO2-emissions / Tävling eller samarbete? : Användning av push-notiser för att öka engagemanget hos användare av en spelifierad smartphone-applikation för att minska CO2-utsläppBlomkvist, Sebastian January 2020 (has links)
A helpful tool in forming, breaking, and maintaining habits and behaviors is a digital behavior change intervention (DBCI). These are interventions that leverage digital technologies to help their users to either take on or avoid certain behaviors. A common problem is a lack of user engagement with the interventions’ content, which is key for its effectiveness. It has however been shown that gamified content and using prompts—such as push notifications—may have the effect of increasing user engagement, for both DBCIs and other applications. Furthermore, two commonly occurring game concepts are competition and cooperation, each with different influences on engagement which in turn may vary depending on the context and the user. Therefore, this thesis set out to examine how push notifications can be used to increase user engagement with a gamified DBCI by making its gamified elements more salient. Additionally, it will investigate if there is any difference in influence on engagement of notifications that either promote competition or cooperation. This was evaluated by deploying two different push notification strategies on Deedster—a gamified mobile DBCI with the aim to get its users to reduce their personal CO2-emissions—and tracking user behavior. The results of the evaluation showed that users who received push notifications were more engaged—started more sessions and spent more time—with the application than users who did not receive any. They also performed a significantly higher amount of target behaviors. There was no difference in the influence on performed target behaviors between the notifications promoting competition or cooperation, and only one significant difference—usage of intervention features—regarding user engagement. The gender of the user was also found to be a considerable factor in the influence of the push notifications. Competition increased engagement more than cooperation for male users, but not for female users. / Ett effektivt verktyg för att forma, bryta eller bibehålla vanor och beteenden är en så kallad digital beteendeförändrings-intervention (eng. digital behavior change intervention eller DBCI). Dessa interventioner använder digital teknik för att hjälpa deras användare att antingen påbörja eller undvika särskilda beteenden. Ett vanligt problem med dessa är att användarna ofta inte är särskilt engagerade i interventionernas innehåll eller funktioner, vilket är viktigt för deras effektivitet. Emellertid har det visats att spelifierat innehåll och användandet av notiser—såsom push-notiser—kan ha en ökande effekt på engagemanget. Två vanligt förekommande spelkoncept är tävling och samarbete, båda med sina olika effekter på engagemang vilket också skiftar beroende på kontexten och användaren. Därför ska detta examensarbete undersöka hur push-notiser kan användas för att öka användar-engagemanget i en spelifierad och mobil beteendeförändrings-intervention genom att göra dess spelifierade element mer framträdande. Dessutom kommer det även undersökas om det är någon skillnad i effekt mellan notiser som antingen främjar tävling eller samarbete. Detta var utvärderat genom att använda två olika push-notis-strategier på Deedster—en spelifierad, mobil intervention som syftar till att minska dess användares CO2-utsläpp—och sedan följa användarnas beteende. Resultaten visade att användare som fick push-notiser var mer engagerade—startade mer sessioner och spenderade mer tid—inom applikationen jämfört med användare som inte fick några notiser. De utförde också signifikant fler önskade beteenden. Det var ingen skillnad i effekt på antalet önskade beteende utförda mellan att främja tävling eller samarbete och endast några få skillnader i engagemang. Dock visade det sig att användarens kön var en betydande faktor i effekten av notiserna. Notiserna som främjade tävling var mer effektiva för manliga användare jämfört med de som främjade samarbete. Denna effekt syntes inte bland kvinnliga användare. / Designing digital technologies for supporting energy-related behavior change in the kitchen
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Using Haptics and Vibro-Tactile Technology to Assist Hard-of-Hearing Warehouse EmployeesMandke, Yashodhan Vikas 26 April 2018 (has links)
No description available.
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Исследование возможностей разработки мобильного приложения под российскую операционную систему : магистерская диссертация / Research into the possibilities of developing a mobile application for a Russian operating systemКазаков, В. В., Kazakov, V. V. January 2024 (has links)
The subject of the research is the development of a mobile application for interaction with Directum Rx for a Russian operating system. The purpose of the work is to analyze the possibilities of implementing a mobile application for interaction with Directum Rx for a Russian OS. Research methods: comparative analysis for choosing a Russian mobile operating system; comparative analysis for choosing a set of tools for developing a mobile application for a Russian mobile operating system; literature analysis to study the necessary functionality of the application, build the architecture of the mobile application, study the documentation on the development of mobile applications for the Russian mobile operating system. The result of the work is a conducted study of Russian mobile OS, an analysis of the tools for developing application software defined for a Russian mobile OS, a designed architecture of a mobile application for a specific Russian operating system and automation of the development process. Based on the results of the work, the results were implemented in the company OOO Starkov Group. / Предмет исследования является разработка мобильного приложения для взаимодействия с Directum Rx под российскую операционную систему. Цель работы – анализ возможностей реализации мобильного приложения для взаимодействия с Directum Rx под российскую ОС. Методы исследования: сравнительный анализ по выбору российской мобильной операционной системы; сравнительный анализ по выбору набора инструментов для разработки мобильного приложения под российскую мобильную операционную систему; анализ литературы для изучения необходимого функционала приложения, построения архитектуры мобильного приложения, изучения документации по разработке мобильных приложения под российскую мобильную операционную систему. Результатом работы является проведенное исследование российских мобильных ОС, проведенный анализ инструментов разработки прикладного ПО определенную под российскую мобильную ОС, спроектированная архитектура мобильного приложения под определенную российскую операционную систему и автоматизация процесса разработки. По итогам работы результаты были внедрены в компании ООО «Старков Групп».
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Push it to the limit: Rubrikmakarnas kamp om läsarna : En kvalitativ och kvantitativ innehållsanalys av Sportbladets, Expressens och SVT Sports rubriker, nedryckare och pushnotiser om allsvenska fotbollsmatcher / Push it to the limit: The headline makers battle for the readers : A qualitative and quantitative content analysis of Sportbladet's, Expressen's and SVT Sport's headlines, pull downs and push notifications about Allsvenskan football matchesStenfelt, Alexander, Andréasson, Carl January 2024 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to compare and investigate how three nationwide sports media report on the same Allsvenskan football matches through push notifications, headlines and pull downs. In the study, the analyzed media included Sportbladet, Expressen and SVT Sport. By comparing and analyzing the media coverage of these pseudo events, the study aims to identify differences in news aspects, tonality and use of visual elements. The study further attempts to illustrate how different media convey and shape football news to their readers and how this can affect the interpretation and perception of events in Swedish football. We examined 69 headlines and 69 pull downs in total – 24 each from Expressen and Sportbladet and 21 from SVT Sport. 72 push notifications in total were also examined – 33 from Sportbladet, 31 from Expressen and eight from SVT Sport. The study has been made with a qualitative and quantitative content analysis where the authors have been working with separate analyses with push notifications on one hand, and headlines and pull downs on the other hand. The qualitative analysis (critical discourse analysis) consisted of four different themes to cover the result. The quantitative analysis was made by six diagrams – all to shed light on the actual result. The theoretical framework is based on theories of framing, pseudo events and news evaluation, combined with previous research on headlines and push notifications, the medialization of elite sports, the commercialization of journalism, the meaning of Swedish sports journalism and the reporting on Allsvenskan. The study’s result shows that there are both differences and similarities in their strategy when it comes to headlines, pull downs and push notifications. The biggest difference, however, is between the commercial media (Sportbladet and Expressen) and publicly funded SVT Sport. The commercial media is more keen on using sensational language and often hides information in the headlines. They also find different ways of making a headline rather than the result of the football game more often than SVT. The three media also like to represent big losers and winners and also scapegoats and heroes. Conceptual metaphors are also widely used. SVT Sport were also more informative in their headlines, but at the same time they also used a more varied language. Many of the headlines seem also to be written on pure routine. When it comes to push notifications the language and strategy was similar – but the commercial media sent out significantly more push notifications regarding Allsvenskan than SVT Sport.
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