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Solcellsanläggningars kostnadseffektivitet för elkrävande verksamhet : Lönsamhet, miljöavtryck och självförsörjningsgrad för solcellssystem med olika orienteringJensen, Henrik January 2016 (has links)
The primary aim of this thesis was to use the calculation instrument for the solar energy potential map of Landskrona to simulate several PV systems to a sanitation company. The calculation tool is designed to calculate the profitability and environmental benefits of installing solar panels. The calculation tool was adapted in order to compare cost efficiency, environmental benefit and degree of self-sufficiency and self- consumption for the solutions. The PV system was planned to a company, Landskrona Svalöv Renhållning (LSR). Furthermore, four different ways to construct the PV system were investigated; flat against the roof, tilted with respect to the roof, tilted with respect to the roof and oriented (azimuth angle), as well as an installation with a string of tilted PV modules together with PV modules mounted flat against the roof. Variation of the system configurations was achieved by changing the parameters tilt and azimuth angle. The capacity was adjusted so that the annual production would be 83 500 kWh for all the studied systems. The different systems were optimized in two ways; first for the most output per module, and secondly for the greatest self-sufficiency in order to minimize the losses of excess production. PV modules optimally oriented for production per module provides the highest profitability and lowest payback period. The study suggests that photovoltaic systems are a competitive installation for LSR even without subsidies. The degree of self-consumption was 11 %. Simulation results showed that the degree of self-sufficiency could only be increased marginally by simply changing the orientation of solar cells (with power adapted to maintained production level). There was no significant benefit from tilting the solar cells by 90 ° to increase self-sufficiency in the winter. The simulations showed that almost all of the produced electricity was used to LSR 's internal load. This high degree of self-consumption showed very little excess electricity was produced. LSR is connected to the medium voltage power grid via two transformers. The surplus production covered only part of the no-load losses in transformers. Surplus electricity could therefore not be sold, but the high self-consumption rate limited this loss of revenue. The solar electricity from crystalline silicon cells, results in slightly higher greenhouse gas emissions than wind power but much lower than the production mix of electricity available in the market. The self-produced solar electricity contributed to the environment because LSR did not have to buy the contracted wind electricity, which then became available for others. The study's conclusions are that a PV system is likely to be profitable for LSR. Self-sufficiency would be about 11%, and the self-consumption rate of 98%. The environmental benefit consisted of the contribution of renewable energy in the mix of electricity generation on the market. / Huvudsyftet med denna rapport var att simulera olika solcellsanläggningar med ett beräkningsverktyg till en renhållningsverksamhet. Beräkningsverktyget är framtaget till solpotentialkartan över Landskrona för att beräkna lönsamheten och miljönyttan av att installera solceller. Beräkningsverktyget anpassades för att jämföra kostnadseffektiviteten, självförsörjningsgraden, självkonsumtionsgraden och miljönyttan med olika systemlösningar på solcellsanläggningar. Landskrona Svalövs Renhållning (LSR) var den renhållningsverksamhet de simulerade solcellsanläggningarna anpassades till. Först antogs fyra olika sätt att anlägga solcellerna på; platt, uppvinklat från tak, uppvinklat från tak och riktat (azimutvinkeln) samt en systemlösning med en sträng solceller som var uppvinklade tillsammans med en grupp platt anlagda solceller. Sedan utfördes simuleringar genom att ändra parametrarna vinkel och azimutvinkel. Effekten anpassades så att årsproduktionen var 83 500 kWh för alla de studerade systemen. Dessa olika systemlösningar optimerades på två sätt. För det första, till största produktion per modul, för det andra till största självförsörjningsgrad. Den högsta lönsamheten och lägsta återbetalningstiden gav den solcellsanläggning vars moduler var optimalt orienterad för produktion per modul. Studien pekar mot att en solcellsanläggning för LSR är en konkurrenskraftig installation utan statligt stöd. I de simulerade fallen täckte den egenanvända elen den totala elanvändningen till ca 11 %. Simuleringsresultaten visade att denna självförsörjningsgrad endast gick att höja marginellt genom att ändra på orienteringen (med effekt anpassad så att produktionsnivån bibehölls). Det fanns ingen signifikant nytta av att anlägga solceller i 90° för att öka självförsörjningen under vintern. Simuleringarna visade att nästan all egen elproduktion användes till LSR:s interna last. Denna höga självkonsumtionsgrad visade att mycket lite överskott av el producerades. LSR är anslutna till högspänningsnätet via två transformatorer. Överskottsproduktionen täckte bara en del av tomgångsförlusterna i transformatorerna. Överskottselen kunde därmed inte säljas, men den höga självkonsumtionsgraden begränsade denna förlust av intäkter. Solkraft från solceller av kristallina solceller har något högre växthusgasutsläpp än vindkraftsel men mycket lägre än den produktionsmix av el som finns på marknaden. Egen solelproduktion bidrog till miljönyttan eftersom LSR inte behövde köpa den kontrakterade vindkraften då de använde egen solel och elen från vindkraft blev tillgänglig för andra. Studiens slutsatser är att en solcellsanläggning sannolikt skulle vara lönsam för LSR. Självförsörjningsgraden skulle bli ca 11 % och självkonsumtionsgraden över 98 %. Miljönyttan bestod i tillskott av förnybar el i den mix av elproduktion som fanns på marknaden.
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Renewables Based Polygeneration for Rural Development in BangladeshKhan, MD. Ershad Ullah January 2017 (has links)
Despite the country's rural electrification programme, kerosene is the predominant source for lighting, and unsustainable and polluting woody biomass is virtually the only option available for cooking. The rural population also struggles with unsafe drinking water in terms of widespread arsenic contamination of well water. The present work has taken an integrated approach in an attempt to mitigate problems through small-scale polygeneration, a concept linking renewable energy sources to these energy needs via novel energy conversion systems. Anaerobic digesters (AD) for biogas production are promising in the rural setting, and field surveys have identified problems in the construction, maintenance and operation of existing AD, particularly in overall performance of household digesters. Based on these results, a number of operational and technological improvements are suggested for employing digesters in polygeneration units. This study also examines one approach for small-scale, low cost arsenic removal in groundwater through air gap membrane distillation, a thermally-driven water purification technology. Integration of biogas production with power generation and water purification is an innovative concept that lies at the core of feasibility analyses conducted in this work. One of the case studies presents a new concept for integrated biogas based polygeneration and analyzes the techno-economic performance of the scheme for meeting the demand of electricity, cooking energy and safe drinking water of 30 households in a rural village of Bangladesh. The specific technologies chosen for the key energy conversion steps are as follows: plug-flow digester; internal combustion engine; and membrane distillation. One major concern is local feedstock availability for the digester, since a single feedstock is impractical to serve both cooking, lighting and water purification systems. In this circumstance solar PV could be a potential option for integrated hybrid systems. / Bangladesh har varit föremål för en svår energikris (bristande el- och gasnät) de senaste tre decennierna. Landsbygden, som innefattar 75 % av befolkningen, har varit särskilt drabbad. Trots landets elektrifieringsprogram av landsbygden är fotogenlampor den företrädande ljuskällan, medan förorenande och ohållbar träbaserad biomassa är praktiskt taget det enda alternativet för matlagning. Landsbygden kämpar samtidigt mot osäkert dricksvatten, på grund av utbredd arsenikförgiftning av brunnsvatten, med negativa hälsoeffekter som följd. Tillgång till ren energi och säkert dricksvatten är verkliga behov bland de fattiga på landsbygden, för ökad välfärd. Detta arbete antar ett integrerat tillvägagångssätt för att försöka lösa dessa problem genom småskalig polygenerering. Detta koncept länkar samman förnyelsebara energikällor av biomassa och sol med energibehoven, genom nya energiomvandlingssystem. Anaerobiska rötkammare för biogasproduktion är lovande för landsbygdsmiljö, även om det för närvarande råder en betydande klyfta mellan den tekniska och kostandseffektiva potentialen och faktisk implementering på grund av bristande tekniskt kunnande och tillgång på råmaterial, höga installations- och driftkostnader, och begränsade användartillämpningar. Intervjuundersökningar visar på problem i konstruktion, underhåll och drift av befintliga anaerobiska rötkammare. Särskilt den generella prestandan hos hushållsrötkammare identifieras som bristfällig. Utifrån dessa resultat föreslås en rad drift- och teknikförbättringar för att utnyttja rötkammare i polygenereringssystem. Denna studie undersöker även en metod för småskalig och kostnadseffektiv arsenikrening av grundvatten genom membrandestillation med luftspalt (Air Gap Membrane Distillation, AGMD), vilket är en termiskt driven vattenreningsteknik. Resultat från en experimentell undersökning visar att den undersökta AGMD-prototypen är kapabel att uppnå utmärkt separationseffektivitet med hänsyn till arsenikrening. Parametriska studier med fokus på varierande kylvattentemperatur illustrerar möjligheten att integrera AGMD-teknik i diverse termiska system. Integrering av biogasproduktion med kraftproduktion och vattenrening är ett innovativt koncept som utgör kärnan av förstudierna utförda i detta arbete. En av studierna visar ett nytt koncept för biogasbaserad polygenerering och analyserar den techno-ekonomiska prestandan av metoden för att möta efterfrågan av elektricitet, matlagningsvärme och säkert dricksvatten för 30 hushåll i en Bangladeshisk by på landsbygden. De specifika tekniker som valts för energiomvandlingsstegen är följande: plugg-flödesrötkammare, förbränningsmotor och en AGMD-enhet. Termodynamisk utvärdering inklusive mass- och energibalans av systemet undersöktes tillsammans med produktionskostnaden för elektricitet, matlagningsgas, och säkert dricksvatten. Även återbetalningsperiod och internräntan undersöktes. För att bemöta energi- och arsenikproblemen i Bangladesh, indikerar resultaten att detta polygenereringssystem är mycket mer konkurrenskraftigt och lovande (med avseende på produktionskostnaderna) jämfört med andra tillgängliga tekniker. Ett viktigt problem för rötkammaren är tillgången till lokalt råmaterial, eftersom en ensam källa till råmaterial är opraktiskt för att tillgodose efterfrågan från både matlagning, belysning och vattenrening. I detta fall kan solceller vara ett potentiellt alternativ för integrerade hybridsystem. Teknisk värdering och optimering har genomförts för elektricitet med verktyget HOMER (Hybrid Optimization of Multiple Energy Resources), för ett polygenereringssystem beläget i byn Panipara i Faridpur. Resultaten visar att systement kan tillgodoses det dagliga elektricitetsbehovet och samtidigt producera 0.4 m3 matlagningsbränsle och 2-3 L/person rent dricksvatten. Kostnadsuppskattningar visar att denna metod är högst gynnsam jämfört med andra förnyelsebara alternativ (t ex vind-, vatten-, biobränslebaserad- eller geotermisk energi). / <p>QC 20170419</p> / SIDA – the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency, Department for Research Cooperation, SAREC- project no. SWE-2011-135 / STEM-Fjärrsyn project 2014
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Cost comparison of solar home systems and PV micro-grid : The influence of inter-class diversityKronebrant, Mattias January 2017 (has links)
Nearly one fifth of the global population lacks access to electricity and electricity access is essential for economic growth and human well-being. SHSs and micro-grids both have the possibility of increasing the electricity access in developing countries. The decision to choose either SHSs or micro-grids for rural electrification is a complex task that must consider both the technological factors that separate these two systems and the non-technological factors. Separate times of peak load between households (inter-class diversity) has shown to be one major advantage for the use of micro-grids. Studies have shown that the diversity factor present in micro-grids can scale down the necessary capacity of PV modules and energy storage of up to 80%, in comparison to stand-alone systems (e.g. SHSs). These reductions are nevertheless based on assumed diversity factors, not using real load profiles and the necessary capacities are calculated using intuitive methods (known to be inexact). From interviews in a rural community of Nicaragua, the author generated load profiles and determined the diversity factor of the community. The load profiles were generated with a specially designed software to formulate realistic load profiles for off-grid consumers in rural areas. These load profiles were later used in the software HOMER where the diversity’s influence on required capacity and NPC were determined by comparing SHSs to a PV based micro-grid. The study showed that the required capacity and NPC of the inverter and charge controller are clearly decreased as an influence of inter-class diversity. The required PV and battery capacity are also decreased when a micro-grid is utilized, but these reductions are most likely a result from the limited nominal power per component considered in HOMER. / Nästan en femtedel av världens befolkning saknar tillgång till elektricitet. Nicaragua är ett av de länder där en stor del av befolkningen saknar eltillgång och det gäller speciellt hushållen på landsbygden. Utbyggnader av elnätet till dessa områden är ofta låg-prioriterade på grund av höga kostnader för att tillgodose ett många gånger lågt energi och effektbehov. En alternativ lösning för att ge dessa hushåll tillgång till elektricitet är att använda off-grid system, system frikopplade från det nationella elnätet. Två vanligt förekommande off-grid system är solar home systems (SHSs) och micro-grids. Det faktum att flera hushåll ofta använder sin toppeffekt vid olika tillfällen (sammanlagring av effekt) har visat sig vara till stor fördel för micro-grids. Tidigare studier har visat att sammanlagringsfaktorn i ett micro-grid kan reducera nödvändig kapacitet av solceller och energilager upp till 80%, i jämförelse med enskilda system (t.ex. SHSs). Dessa studier bygger dock på antagna sammanlagringsfaktorer, overkliga lastprofiler och nödvändig kapacitet beräknas med intuitiva metoder. Med data från intervjuer i ett landsbygdssamhälle i Nicaragua skapas lastprofiler och en sammanlagringsfaktor beräknas för samhället. Lastprofilerna skapas i en programvara utvecklad för att formulera realistiska lastprofiler för off-grid konsumenter i landsbygdsområden. Lastprofilerna används senare i programvaran HOMER där sammanlagringens påverkan på nödvändig kapacitet och kostnad undersöks genom en jämförelse mellan SHSs och ett solcellsdrivet micro-grid. Studien visar att nödvändig kapacitet och nuvärdeskostnad för växelriktare och laddningsregulator tydligt minskar till följd av sammanlagring. Nödvändig kapacitet på solceller och batterier minskar också när ett micro-grid används. Dock beror detta med stor sannolikhet inte på sammanlagring utan är ett resultat från de begränsade märkeffekter på komponenter som användes i HOMER.
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Technology development of a maximum power point tracker for regenerative fuel cellsJansen van Rensburg, Neil 06 1900 (has links)
M. Tech. (Department of Electronic Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and Technology) --Vaal University of Technology| / Global warming is of increasing concern due to several greenhouse gases. The combustion of fossil fuels is the major contributor to the greenhouse effect. To minimalise this effect, alternative energy sources have to be considered. Alternative energy sources should not only be environmentally friendly, but also renewable and/or sustainable. Two such alternative energy sources are hydrogen and solar energy.
The regenerative fuel cell, commonly known as a hydrogen generator, is used to produce hydrogen. The current solar/hydrogen system at the Vaal University of Technology’s Telkom Centre of Excellence makes use of PV array to supply power to an inverter and the inverter is connected to the hydrogen generator. The inverter provides the hydrogen generator with 220VAC. The hydrogen generator has its own power supply unit to convert the AC power back to DC power. This reduces the efficiency of the system because there will be power loss when converting DC power to AC power and back to DC power. The hydrogen generator, however, could be powered directly from a PV array. However, the hydrogen generator needs specific input parameters in order to operate. Three different input voltages with their own current rating are required by the hydrogen generator to operate properly. Thus, a DC-DC power supply unit needs to be designed to be able to output these parameters to the hydrogen generator. It is also important to note that current PV panel efficiency is very low; therefore, the DC-DC power supply unit also needs to extract the maximum available power from the PV array. In order for the DC-DC power supply unit to be able to extract this maximum power, a maximum power point tracking algorithm needs to be implemented into the design. The DC-DC power supply is designed as a switch mode power supply unit. The reason for this is that the efficiency of a switch mode power supply is higher than that of a linear power supply.
To reach the objective the following methodology was followed. The first part of the research provided an introduction to PV energy, charge controllers and hydrogen generators. The problem statement is included as well as the purpose of this research and how this research was to be carried out. The second part is the literature review. This includes the background study of algorithms implemented in MPPT’s; it also explains in detail how to design the MPPT DC-DC SMPS. The third part was divided into two sections. The first section is the design, programming and manufacturing of the MPPT DC-DC SMPS. The second section is the simulation of the system as a whole which is the simulation of the PV array connected to the MPPT DC-DC SMPS and the hydrogen generator. The fourth part in the research compared the results obtained in the simulation and practical setup. The last part of the research provided a conclusion along with recommendation made for further research.
The simulation results showed that the system works with an efficiency of 40,84%. This is lower than expected but the design can be optimised to increase efficiency. The practical results showed the efficiency to be 38%. The reason for the lower efficiency is the simulation used ideal components and parameters, whereas the practical design has power losses due to the components not being ideal.
The design of the DC-DC switch mode power supply, however, indicated that the hydrogen generator could be powered from a PV array without using an inverter, with great success.
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Analýza didaktických materiálů z oblasti hudební výchovy pro děti 3-6 let a jejich využití v praxi / Analysis of teaching materials in the field of music education for children aged 3-6 and their use in practiceMartínková, Hana January 2012 (has links)
Analysis of teaching materials in the field of music education for children 3 to 6 years and their use in practice The theoretical part of the paper summarizes the current knowledge about the concept of music education in kindergarten, describes the musical ability and position of musical activities in the Framework curriculum for pre-school education. Furthermore, this work characterized the components of music education, such as singing, instrumental music and movement and listening activities. The practical part consists of two parts. The first section contains the mapping of the current situation of teaching materials for preschool children. Research method was a questionnaire survey, which was determined by width and source of musical materials that teachers use in practice with preschool children. The second part is methodical and includes songbook in which the notation of specific songs that appear when working in nursery schools. Keywords music, musical development conditions, musical ability, musical activities and games, RVP PV, teaching materials
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Rozvoj řečových a pěveckých dovedností v MŠ na základě hudební pohádky / Development of Speaking and Singing Skills of Children Based on Musical Fairy-tale in a KindergardenHnojská, Jana January 2013 (has links)
The target of diploma work is to verify possibilities of methodical work in a kidregarden which will conect all aspects of pre-school education together based on a musical fairy -tale. The development of speaking and singing skills wiil be in a center of an atention of the work. Theoretical part of the work will contain explanation of basic musical- psychological expressions in conection with each ethaps of children evolution in a pre-school education. A Special emphasis will lay on a development of motorical, listening, musical, singing and speaking skills. Beside musical and musical-motion activities, dramatical genres will be used. There will be planned a project ( musical fairy tale) in which all points of contemporary pre- school education will be used. All these points will be defined and shortly characterized. In the second part will be introduced project that will have a target to verify how much it is possible to influence speaking and singing skills by musical fairy-tales. Everything will be concepted on a base of holistic aproach in the RVP frame.
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Modelagem da usina fotovoltaica do estádio do Mineirão para estudos de propagação harmônicaMonteiro Júnior, Alcy 16 December 2014 (has links)
Este trabalho apresenta um estudo de medições e simulações de fluxo harmônico na Usina Solar Fotovoltaica do Estádio Mineirão em Belo Horizonte/MG. O objetivo foi verificar o comportamento dos inversores solares fotovoltaicos na geração de harmônicos e a atenuação ocorrida pela agregação de múltiplos inversores. Para isso, foram realizadas medições em seis pontos estratégicos da usina investigada, por meio de analisadores de qualidade de energia, o que possibilitou a verificação do comportamento da usina em horários distintos e condições climáticas diversas. Foi avaliada a injeção de harmônicos no sistema elétrico pelos inversores e comparados os valores com os limites previstos em normas, procedimentos e recomendações vigentes. Além disso, o modelo completo da usina foi desenvolvido e simulado utilizando os softwares OpenDSS, ANAH e PowerFactory para análise harmônica e sua validação com os dados de medição. Os resultados obtidos indicam boa conformidade das medições e adequações dos modelos desenvolvidos. / This work presents a study of harmonic measurements and flow simulations in Photovoltaic Solar Plant of the Mineirao Stadium in Belo Horizonte/MG. The objective was to verify the behavior of photovoltaic solar inverters in the generation of harmonics and the attenuation occurred by the aggregation of multiple inverters. For this, measurements were performed on six strategic points of the investigated plant through power quality analyzers, allowing the verification of the plant's behavior at different times and different climates. It was evaluated the injection of harmonics in the electrical system for inverters and compared the values with the limits laid down in standards, procedures and current recommendations. In addition, the complete model of the plant was developed and simulated using the OpenDSS, ANAH and PowerFactory softwares to harmonic analysis and its validation with the data measurement data. The results indicate good agreement between measurement and developed models.
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Avaliação do ciclo de vida de potenciais rotas de produção de hidrogênio: estudo dos sistemas de gaseificação da biomassa e de energia solar fotovoltaica / Life cycle assessment of hydrogen production routes: study of gaseification systems and photovoltaic solar powerFukurozaki, Sandra Harumi 29 April 2011 (has links)
No presente trabalho, o desempenho energético e ambiental de potencias rotas de produção de hidrogênio gaseificação da biomassa via leito fixo (LFX) e leito fluidizado (LFL) e de energia solar fotovoltaica foram estudados com base na metodologia de Avaliação do Ciclo de Vida (ACV). Após a revisão da literatura e a descrição dos procedimentos de análise, os resultados da ACV são apresentados e discutidos em termos de Demanda Acumulada de Energia (CED), Tempo de Retorno de Investimento em Energia (EPBT) e danos relacionados à Saúde Humana (SH), Qualidade do Ecossistema (QE) e Recursos Minerais e Combustíveis Fósseis (RMCF). No cômputo geral, o LFL é mais favorável para a produção de hidrogênio, embora os dois sistemas de gaseificação apresentem desempenho energético e ambiental similares. Comparativamente, o sistema fotovoltaico apresenta um EPBT maior (4,55 anos) do que os encontrados nos dois sistemas de conversão da biomassa (1,65 anos no LFL e 1,77 anos no LFX). Por outro lado, o sistema de energia solar fotovoltaico é o mais ambientalmente recomendável para a produção de hidrogênio, tendo em vista a menor contribuição em relação aos danos majoritários (saúde humana). Dentro do escopo do estudo, os sistemas avaliados apresentam mais características de complementaridade do que competição. Neste caso, enfatiza-se a importância de uma análise dos fatores econômicos e sociais pertinentes a cada país ou região, bem como dos processos posteriores de reforma e/ou purificação e eletrólise da água, considerando também o seu inteiro ciclo de vida. / In the present study, the energy and environmental performance of hydrogen potential routes biomass gasification systems by fixed bed and fluidized bed and the solar photovoltaic power plant were studied based on Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) methodology. After reviewing the literature and analytical procedures description, the results of life cycle assessment are discussed in terms of Cumulative Energy Demand (CED), Energy Payback Time (EPBT) and damages related to Human Health (SH), Ecosystem Quality (QE) and Mineral and Fossil Fuels Resources (RMCF). Although the two gasification systems have similar energy and environmental performance, the LFL is more favorable for hydrogen production. Regarding the photovoltaic system, this has a greater EPBT (4.55 years) than those found in the two systems of biomass conversion (1.65 and 1.77 years in the LFL and LFX, respectively). On the other hand, the solar photovoltaic system is the more environmentally suitable for hydrogen production, since its contribution related to human health impact is smaller than gasification systems. Within the scope of the study, the evaluated systems have more features of complementarities than competition. In this case, we emphasize the importance of analyzing the economic and social factors that are relevant in each country or region, as well as the subsequent process for hydrogen production (purification and water electrolysis) also considering the entire life cycle of systems.
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Transformação genética de laranja doce (Citrus sinensis L. Osbeck) com o gene hrpN (harpina) e avaliação da resistência ao cancro cítrico (Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. citri) / Sweet orange (Citrus sinensis L. Osbeck) genetic transformation with the hrpN gene (harpin) and evaluation for citrus canker (Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. citri) resistanceBarbosa-Mendes, Janaynna Magalhães 30 March 2007 (has links)
A indústria dos citros é de grande importância econômica e social para o Brasil, que é considerado o maior produtor e exportador de suco concentrado de laranja do mundo. Porém, sérios problemas relacionados a doenças têm afetado a produção e qualidade dos citros. Com o desenvolvimento da engenharia genética e a clonagem de genes relacionados à resistência a doenças em plantas, a transformação genética têm se mostrado uma ferramenta auxiliar a programas de melhoramento genético de citros. O objetivo deste trabalho foi a obtenção de plantas transgênicas de laranja doce das variedades ‘Hamlin’, ‘Valência, ‘Natal’ e ‘Pêra’ expressando o gene hrpN, sob o controle do promotor Pgst1, induzível pelo patógeno. A avaliação da resposta de plantas transgênicas da variedade ‘Hamlin’ contra o agente causal do cancro cítrico, a bactéria Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. citri, também foi realizada. Segmentos de epicótilo foram transformados via Agrobacterium tumefaciens, e selecionados em meio de cultura suplementado com canamicina ou gentamicina. A transformação genética foi confirmada por PCR e Southern blot. A transcrição do gene foi avaliada por RT-PCR e a produção da proteína harpina foi analisada por western blot. A eficiência de transformação variou de 2,7 e 6,2% de acordo com a variedade de laranja. Algumas linhagens de plantas transgênicas apresentaram desenvolvimento anormal, não permitindo a realização da análise por Southern blot nem a multiplicação por enxertia. Plantas de laranja ‘Hamlin’ foram propagadas por enxertia e avaliadas para resistência a Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. citri. Todas as linhagens apresentaram redução na severidade dos sintomas causados pela bactéria X. axonopodis pv. citri, avaliados 30 dias após a inoculação. / The citrus industry has a great economic and social importance for Brazil, which is considered largest producer and orange juice exporter in the world. However, serious problems related to pathogens have affected citrus production and quality. With the development of genetic engineering and the characterization of genes related with plant disease resistance, the genetic transformation became an important tool in citrus breeding programs. The objective of this work was the production of transgenic plants of four sweet orange cultivars ‘Hamlin’, ‘Valencia’, ‘Natal’ and ‘Pera’ expressing hrpN gene under the control of Pgst1 inducible promoter. The evaluation of ‘Hamlin’ sweet orange transgenic plants infected with the causal agent of citrus canker, Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. citri was carry out. Epicotyl segments were inoculated with Agrobacterium tumefaciens, and selected in a culture medium supplemented with kanamycin or gentamycin. The genetic transformation was confirmed by PCR and Southern blot analysis. The gene transcription was evaluated by RT-PCR and the production of harpin protein was detected by western blot. The genetic transformation efficiency varied from 2,7% to 6,2% depending on the cultivar. Some transgenic lines had abnormal development, not allowing performing Southern blot analysis or multiplication by grafting. Plants of ‘Hamlin’ sweet orange were propagated by grafting and evaluated for Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. citri resistance. All tested plants presented reduction in the severity of the symptoms caused by bacterium X. axonopodis pv. citri 30 days after the inoculation.
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Advanced voltage control for energy conservation in distribution networksGutierrez Lagos, Luis Daniel January 2018 (has links)
The increasing awareness on the effect of carbon emissions in our planet has led to several countries to adopt targets for their reduction. One way of contributing to this aim is to use and distribute electricity more efficiently. In this context, Conservation Voltage Reduction (CVR), a well-known technique that takes advantage of the positive correlation between voltage and demand to reduce energy consumption, is gaining renewed interest. This technique saves energy by only reducing customer voltages, without relying on customer actions and, therefore, can be controlled by the Distribution Network Operator (DNO). CVR not only brings benefits to the electricity system by reducing generation requirements (fewer fossil fuel burning and carbon emissions), but also to customers, as energy bill reductions. The extent to which CVR can bring benefits mainly depends on the customers load composition and their voltages. While the former dictates the voltage-demand correlation, the latter constraints the voltage reduction that can be applied without violating statutory limits. Although CVR has been studied for many years, most of the studies neglect the time-varying voltage-demand characteristic of loads and/or do not assess end customer voltages. While these simplifications could be used to estimate CVR benefits for fixed and limited voltage reductions, realistic load and network models are needed to assess the performance of active CVR schemes, where voltages are actively managed to be close to the minimum limit. Moreover, distribution networks have been traditionally designed with limited monitoring and controllability. Therefore, CVR has been typically implemented by adopting conservative voltage reductions from primary substations, for both American and European-style networks. However, as new infrastructure is deployed in European-style LV networks (focus of this work), such as monitoring and on-load tap changers (OLTCs), the opportunity arises to actively manage voltages closer to end customer (unlocking further energy savings). Although these technologies have shown to effectively control voltages in LV networks, their potential for CVR has not been assessed before. Additionally, most CVR studies were performed in a context where distributed generation (DG) was not common. However, this has changed in many countries, with residential photovoltaic (PV) systems becoming popular. As this is likely to continue, the interactions of residential PV and CVR need to be studied. This thesis contributes to address the aforementioned literature gaps by: (i) proposing a simulation framework to characterise the time-varying voltage-demand correlation of individual end customers; (ii) developing a process to model real distribution networks (MV and LV) from DNO data; (iii) adopting a Monte Carlo-based quantification process to cater for the uncertainties related to individual customer demand; (iv) assessing the CVR benefits that can be unlocked with new LV infrastructure and different PV conditions. To accomplish (iv), first, a simple yet effective rule-based scheme is proposed to actively control voltages in OLTC-enabled LV networks without PV and using limited monitoring. It is demonstrated that by controlling voltages closer to customers, annual energy savings can increase significantly, compared to primary substation voltage reductions. Also, to understand the effect of PV on CVR, a centralized, three-phase AC OPF-based CVR scheme is proposed. This control, using monitoring, OLTCs and capacitors across MV and LV networks, actively manages voltages to minimize energy consumption in high PV penetration scenarios whilst considering MV-LV constraints. Results demonstrate that without CVR, PV systems lead to higher energy imports for customers without PV, due to higher voltages. Conversely, the OPF-based CVR scheme can effectively manage voltages throughout the day, minimising energy imports for all customers. Moreover, if OLTCs at secondary substations are available (and managed in coordination with the primary substation OLTC), these tend to regulate customer voltages close to the minimum statutory limit (lower tap positions), while the primary OLTC delivers higher voltages to the MV network to also reduce MV energy losses.
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