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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Paauglių saviraiškos galimybės atliekant solo dainas / Self-expression facilities of the teenagers performing songs solo

Stasevičiūtė, Eglė 20 June 2006 (has links)
In the work of Master both self-expression of teenagers and facilities performing songs solo have been examined. It was determined that during the stage of adolescence way of performance singing solo depends on both psychological and physiological qualities which decide child’s musical potentiality of self-expression. This kind of self-expression allows the personality to unfold and realise oneself in the activity of music. Conceptions and opinions as the key teaching form of music about singing based on various authors have been revised in the work, too. However, when performing songs solo during the stage of adolescence it evokes negative emotions. First part of the work of Master discusses psychological and physiological peculiarities and conceptions of self-expression of a teenager. It has been determined that the following factors have strong influence on teenager’s personality and possibility to express oneself through the singing solo: emotions, requirements, interests, motivation and self-confidence. Second part of the work explains the point of the singing solo as well as means and factors of the impact of an educator which allow the student to show oneself actively during the course of singing solo. Various ways of solo performance have been displayed and described. The results of empirical research are stated in the third part of the work. It has been aspired to study the possibilities of self-expression of the students of 6-8th form when performing songs solo and... [to full text]

Paauglių požiūris į socialinio pedagogo kasdieninę veiklą / Teenagers' attitude towards daily activities of social educator

Varkavičienė, Asta 10 June 2005 (has links)
The aim of this Master's work is to analyze teenagers' attitude towards daily activities of social educator. Research hypothesis: if social educator working at general education school with teenagers can solve arising problems such daily activities influence the formation of teenagers' attitude. Research object - teenagers of general education schools in Utena town. Research aim - to study the attitude of teenagers of general education schools in Utena town towards daily activities of social educator. Research tasks: • to analyse teenagers' attitude towards activities of social educators working at general education schools; • to study social educator's communication and collaboration with teenagers; • to analyse social educator's and teenager's intercommunion. Research methodology: the research was carried out basing on the questionnaire prepared by the author of the work (see Appendix 2). The criteria of questionnaire survey are reflected in questions. Estimation of communication and collaboration between social educator and teenagers in the context of functions performed; estimation of aspects of intercommunion between teenagers and social educator; general estimation of information on respondents. The work is based on empirical study that was carried out in March 2005 at general education schools in Utena. Statistical data were processed by the program Microsoft Excel. Novelty and theoretical significance of the work: the novelty of the subject is outlined by... [to full text]


Poškienė, Rasa 07 September 2010 (has links)
Gyvename globaliame pasaulyje, kur žmonės spręsdami kasdienines ar ilgalaikes užduotis, nuolat susiduria su kliūtimis. Informacinėse visuomenėse stresoriai yra informacijos perteklius ir pernelyg didelės pasirinkimo galimybės. Vaikai dabar susiduria su daugeliu stresorių: nerimu dėl santykių tiek ekonomiškai, tiek psichologiškai nestabiliose šeimose, rinkos santykiais grindžiamos aplinkos eskaluojama visuotine konkurencija, nepamatuotais vartotojiškais poreikiais, išaugusiu psichologiniu ir fiziniu smurtu. Tikėtina, jog globalizacijos kontekste stiprėja ir intensyvėja stresą sąlygojantys reiškiniai, todėl itin svarbia tampa stresą padedančių įveikti sąlygų paieška. Gebėti susidoroti su stresu, reikštų gebėti spręsti problemas. Daugelis autorių gebėjimą spręsti problemas sieja su kūrybiškumu. Tyrimo objektas: paauglių streso įveikimo strategijų, kūrybiškumo, vaizduotės tarpusavio sąsajos. Tyrimo tikslas: teoriškai pagrįsti ir empiriškai nustatyti paauglystėje (13-15m.) streso įveikimo strategijų ir kūrybiškumo sąsajas. Tyrimo metodai: • Teoriniai: mokslinės (psichologinės, pedagoginės), metodinės literatūros analizė. • Empiriniai: kiekybinio duomenų rinkimo ir duomenų apdorojimo. Tyrimo imtis ir organizavimas. Tyrime iš viso dalyvavo 107 tiriamieji iš Kuršėnų miesto Pavenčių vidurinės mokyklos, 13-15 metų paaugliai. Pagrindinės išvados 1. Paauglystė siejama su specifiniu elgesiu, jai būdingomis nuostatomis, vaidmenimis ir konfliktais. Vieni savo elgesiu greitai prisitaiko... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / We live in the global world, where people solve daily or long-term tasks and are constantly meeting with difficulties. In information society the stressors are an excess of information and excessive options. Nowadays children are facing with many stressors: anxiety about the relationship both in economically and psychologically unstable families, in the market-based environment interfaces where general competition is escalated, excessive consumers‘ needs, psychological and physical violence is on the rise. It seems likely that stress determinant phenomenons increase and intensify in the context of globalization, therefore it becomes very important to search the ways how to cope with stress. Being able to cope with stress means that a person is able to solve his/her problems. Many of the authors an ability to solve problems relate to creativity. Object of the research: teenagers‘ stress overcoming strategies, creativity and imagination correlations. Aim of the research: justify theoretically and empirically define stress strategies overcoming and creativity interfaces in adolescence (aged 13-15). Methods of the research: • Theoretic: scientific (psychological, educational), methodical analysis of literature. • Empirical: quantitative data collection and data processing. Organization and proceeding of the research: 107 (aged 13-15) subjects from Kuršėnai Pavenčiai Secondary School participated in the reseach. The main conclusions: 1. Adolescence is related with its... [to full text]

Paauglių smurtas mokykloje: situacija ir analizė / Teenagers violence at school: situation and analysis

Bagdžiūnienė, Žaneta 24 September 2008 (has links)
Paauglių smurtas mokykloje: situacija ir analizė Vilniaus pedagoginio universiteto, Socialinės komunikacijos instituto, neakivaizdinių studijų socialinio darbo antro kurso studentės Žanetos Bagdžiūnienės magistro darbo „Paauglių smurtas mokykloje: situacija ir analizė“ tyrimu siekiama išsiaiškinti paauglių smurto apraiškas bei paplitimą mokykloje, atskleisti priežastis, prevencijos galimybes. Iškelta hipotezė - manoma, jog vis dar aktuali problema mokykloje yra paauglių fizinis smurtas, nemokėjimas konfliktų spręsti socialiai priimtinu būdu. Magistro tiriamajame darbe atliktas kiekybinis tyrimas, kuriuo norima išsiaiškinti paauglių smurto paplitimą mokykloje. Parengta uždaro tipo anketa. Gauti duomenys pateikiami stulpelinėse diagramose procentine išraiška. Tiriamąją imtį sudarė Simno gimnazijos 7-10 klasių 136 paaugliai. Iš jų 63 vaikinai ir 73 merginos. Antrajame etape atliktas kokybinis smurto priežasčių ir prevencijos galimybių tyrimas. Interviu forma apklausti 10 smurtaujančių paauglių, 20 mokytojų/klasės auklėtojų. Taip pat pateikti socialinio pedagogo pildyti 10 – ties smurtaujančių paauglių duomenys. Gautų tyrimo duomenų analizė patvirtino keltą hipotezę: 1. Mokykloje labiausiai paplitęs emocinis bei fizinis paauglių smurtas. Pasitaiko smurto atvejų ir iš mokytojų pusės. Gaujos, reketavimas bei seksualinis priekabiavimas nėra paplitę mokykloje. 2. Pagrindinės paauglių smurto pasireiškimo priežastys pastebimos paauglio aplinkoje, šeimoje. Dažniausiai sutinkamos... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / This research work is presented by Žaneta Bagdžiūnienė the 2nd course social work student from Vilnius pedagogical university, social communication institute, extramural studies. The aim of the master work “Teenagers violence at school: situation and analysis” is to find out the manifestations of violence performed by teenagers and its spread at school and to discover reasons and facilities of prevention. The hypothesis is held – it is thought that topical problem at school is still the teenagers physical violence at school and inaptitude to solve conflicts in social way. Quantative research is done in a master`s research work which has the aim to clear the teenagers spread of violence at school. Private questionnaire forms were prepared. Received information is introduced in column diagrams in percents. Exploratories were 136 teenagers from 7-10 forms from Simnas gymnasium. 63 boys and 73 girls took pat in this research. Qualatative reasons of violence and facilities of prevention research were produced in the second stage. 10 teenagers using violence and 20 teachers/mentors were questionared in a form of interview. The material of 10 teenagers using violence is presented by a social pedagogue. Available material analysis of this research approved the hypothesis: 1. Emotional and physical violence of teenagers is mostly spread at school. Sometimes violence from the side of teachers appear. Gangs, racketeering or sexual faultfinding are not spread at school. 2. The main... [to full text]

Vyresniųjų paauglių elgesys kaip mokymosi motyvacijos kaitos veiksnys / Senior teenagers behaviour as the factor in changing learning motivation

Vaitilavičiūtė, Snieguolė 31 May 2006 (has links)
During the adolescence period changes in behaviour of an individual are noticeable: lessons are being skipped, authority of parents and teachers is not being acknowledged; there appears the need to be among teenagers, to use alcoholic drinks, to smoke, which leads to aggressive behaviour with other teenagers and that is why increase in crime and even occasional suicides are observed. The scientific literature usually analyzes the learning motives and kinds of motivation, however changes in the learning motivation and their causes as well as the behaviour in the period of adolescence are analyzed very little. The aim of this research is to analyze how junior teenagersۥ behaviour decides their learning motivation. The objects of the research are the following: 1) to adduce the reasoning of behaviour; 2) to evaluate the psychological peculiarities of adolescence period as well as the values and the influence of environmental factors on their formation; 3) to discuss the efficiency the motives and kinds of motivation; 4) to cary out the questioning among senior teenagers and to define how factors conditioning their behaviour, such as communication, school, relations with family and the culture of behaviour decide their learning motivation. The research has been carried out in Kaunas “Azuolas” catholic secondary school using questionnaire method where 186 10th-12th formers have been questioned. After analyzing the research data the following conclusions are drawn: 1) The most... [to full text]

Žmogaus vaizdavimo ypatumai paauglių vizualinėje aplinkoje / Peculiarities of representation of man in teenager‘s visual expression

Ščetininienė, Neringa 29 June 2009 (has links)
Mokslinio darbo tema ,,Žmogaus vaizdavimo ypatumai paauglių vizualinėje raiškoje‘‘. Darbo tikslas – nustatyti žmogaus vaizdavimo ypatumus paauglių vizualinėje raiškoje. Uždaviniai: 1) apžvelgti – piešinių vizualinės raiškos tyrinėjimus. 2) aptarti paauglių vizualinės raiškos aspektus. 3) ištirti žmogaus vaizdavimo ypatumus paauglių vizualinėje raiškoje. Tyrimo objektas: žmogaus vaizdavimo ypatumai paauglių vizualinėje raiškoje. Tyrimo hipotezė: tikėtina, kad didžioji dalis mokinių atitinka teoriškai nustatytus tam tikram amžiaus tarpsniui būdingus vizualinės raiškos bruožus. Tyrimo metodai: 1) teorinis – psichologinės, pedagoginės ir kitokios literatūros nagrinėjama tema sisteminė analizė. 2) matematinis – duomenys pateikti absoliučiais skaičiais ir procentais. Raktiniai žodžiai: paauglių piešimo ypatumai, vizualinė raiška, žmogaus vaizdavimas piešiniuose. Mokslinės literatūros analizė atskleidė, kad vaikams yra įgimtas noras piešti. Vaiko piešiniai - tai ne tik estetinis fenomenas, bet ir jo psichologinės, fiziologinės ir socialinės raidos atspindys. Visiems be išimties normalios raidos vaikams būdinga tam tikra dėsninga piešinių kaita. 5 – 8 kl. mokinių piešiniai vystosi nuosekliai, pereinant iš vienos stadijos į kitą: realizmo (9 – 12 m.) ir pseudonatūralistinę (12 – 14 m.). Paauglių piešiniams būdingi ryškūs pasikeitimai, tam įtakos turi besikeičiančios fizinės bei psichologinės amžiaus ypatybės. Piešiniai apgalvojami iš anksto, prieinama prie tikroviško... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Topic of this scientific work is „Peculiarities of representation of man in teenager‘s visual expression“. Purpose of this work is to determine peculiarities of representation of man in teenager’s visual expression. Tasks: 1) Review research of visual expression in drawings. 2) Discuss aspects of teenager’s visual expressions. 3) Investigate peculiarities of representation of man in teenager‘s visual expression. A subject of research: peculiarities of representation of man in teenager‘s visual expression. A hypothesis of research: it is possible that most schoolchild match theoretically estimated visual expression characteristics for a certain age group. Research methods: 1) theoretical – systematical analysis of psychological, pedagogical and other literature on research subject. 2) mathematical – data is presented by absolute numbers and percents. Keywords: peculiarities of teenager‘s drawing, visual expression, representation of man in drawings. Analysis of scientific literature indicates that children have inborn wish to draw. Child‘s drawings – not only aesthetical phenomenon but also the reflection of his psychological, physiological and social development. All without exception children having normal development have certain regular alternation of their drawings. Drawings of schoolchild in 5 – 8 grades develop sequentially passing from one stage to another: realistic (9 – 12 years old) and pseudo naturalistic (12 – 14 years old). Teenager‘s drawings... [to full text]

Psichologiniai paauglių sunkumai ir polinkis save žaloti / Teenagers psychological problems and turn for self – harm

Čiuvašovienė, Jurgita 08 June 2005 (has links)
SUMMARY Management of Public Health Teenagers psychological problems and turn for self – harm. Jurgita Čiuvašovienė Supervisor Nida Žemaitienė, Dr. Sc. Assoc. Prof. Department of Preventive Medicine. Faculty of Public Health, Kaunas University of Medicine. – Kaunas, 2005. – P.75 Aim of the study. To find out the psychological burden, experienced by teenagers, aged 15-16 and the reasons of bent for self-harm. Methods. The was carried out an anonymous questionnaire. 480 teenagers, aged 15-16 from Kaunas, Klaipėda and Jurbarkas, took part in the research. We‘ve used for the research Lifestale and coping questionare, which was created in the Oxford University. Microsoft Excel, SPSS 11,0 for Windows computer programs has been used to analyse the research data. Statistically reliable results are those, when p<0,05, P=95 percent. Results. According to the research data, deliberately harm themselves 3,96 % of all questioned teenagers. This data just slightly differs from the other research data (from 1509 teenagers, aged 15-16, deliberately harm themselves, as the average, 6,3% of teenagers, Ystgaard M., Reiholdt P., Husby J. 2002). The main ways of teenagers self-harm are cutting, drinking medicine by huge, non-therapical doses, attempt to drown and jumping from a roof. The main reasons to harm themselves deliberately were after arguing with parents, fights and problems with brothers, problems at studies, and drinking alcohol. The main cause of deliberate self-harm was a wish to... [to full text]

Paauglių psichinės sveikatos priežiūros paslaugų poreikis bei požiūris į jas teikiančius specialistus / Teenagers needs of mental health care help and their attitudes to the specialits

Abraitytė, Aistė 10 June 2005 (has links)
Aim of the study: to evaluate teenagers mental health care needs and correspondence to their expectations. Methods: Participants were 15-16 years old (9-10 form) schoolchildren from Kaunas town and region secondary schools. Respondents were interviewed by anonymous questionnaire. We examined 1000 participants. The response was 80,8 percents, but 759 cases were analysed. There were used Epi-Data and SPSS 11.5 statystical programs to count the data. Chi-criteria and correlated analysis methods were used to ensure statistical reliability. Statistical conclusion was confidential at p £0,05. Results: Teenagers mental health conception and official mental health definitions were different. In qualitying mental health schoolchildren mostly emphasized inner shape; 21,6 percent associated it with reason, 10 percent- with behaviour and reaction to surroundings, 8 percents- brains and nervous activity. Some of respondents mixed up mental health concept with mental non-health and then they emphasized particular physical complaints, malfunction of nervous system and etc. The fifth (23 percent) of schoolchildren had various mental health complaints, 16,3 percent- problems in family, 12,8 percent- in school and 10,8 percent had difficulties in relations with friends. Teenagers didn’t attributed subjective problems to the problems group, which would be the reason to go to specialists. Girls used specialists favours more often as boys. Teenagers, who lived in region, had bigger needs... [to full text]

Kolektyvinės religinės muzikos veiklos poveikis paauglių muzikinei kultūrai / Influence of Collective Religious Musical Activities upon Teenagers’ Musical Culture

Minkevičiūtė, Jūratė 16 August 2007 (has links)
Temos pasirinkimą lėmė vis labiau įsigalintis pragmatinis visuomenės požiūris į muziką. Ypač tai pasakytina apie religinę muziką ir jos sklaidos galimybes, nes paprastai tai apsiriboja arba klasikiniais tapusių muzikos kūrinių sukurtų prieš kelis šimtmečius atlikimu scenoje, arba religinių kūriniu atlikimu per mišias. Darbo autorė, remdamasi praktinio darbo su jaunimo religiniu choru patirtimi, bei atliktu konstatuojamuoju tyrimu, siekia išsiaiškinti veiksnius skatinančius domėtis religine muzika bei su ja susijusia veikla. Į giedojimą darbe žiūrima kaip į muzikinio bei meninio lavinimo būdą bei muziknio ugdymo probelmų sprendimo būdą. Tyrimo objektas – kolektyvinės religinės muzikinės veiklos įtaka jaunimo nuostatai į muziką kaip į vieną iš muzikinės kultūros sudedamųjų dalių. Tyrimo tikslas: išanalizuoti religinės muzikos poveikio asmenybės formavimuisi specifiką. Tyrimo hipotezė: tikėtina, kad religinė muzika teigiamai veikia jaunimo pasaulėžiūrą. Tyrimo uždaviniai: 1. Išanalizuoti mokslinę ir metodinę literatūrą apie paauglių psichologines ir fiziologines savybes, muzikinę kultūrą ir teologiją. 2. Parengti tyrimo instrumentą, padėsiantį suprasti religinės muzikos įtaką jaunimo muzikinei kultūrai. 3. Atlikti konstatuojamąjį tyrimą. 4. Atlikti tyrimo rezultatų analizę. 5. Parengti mokslines išvadas. Tyrimo metodai : teorinė literatūros šaltinių analizė, mokinių anketinė apklausa raštu; konstatuojamasis tyrimas, aprašomoji statistika. Išvados:... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / It was predetermined by the pragmatic attitude of the society towards music, getting deeper and deeper. This is especially so with the religious music and its dissemination opportunities, because usually it is limited with performance of classical musical pieces, created several centuries ago or performance of religious creations during mass. Author of the paper, basing upon the practical experience of work with youth religious choir and declarative research performed, is seeking to find out the factors, stimulating interest in the religious music and related activities. Paper deems chant a musical and artistic development way as well as the musical education problem solution way. Subject of the research: influence of collective religious musical activities upon the youth’s attitude towards music like one of the components of musical culture. Aim of the research: to analyse possible specificity of religious music impact upon musical culture. Hypothesis of the research: possibly, religious music positively affects the youth’s musical culture. Tasks for the research: 1. To analyse scientific and methodical literature. 2. To prepare the research instrument. 3. To execute a declarative survey. 4. To execute analysis of the survey results. 5. To prepare scientific conclusions. Methods of the research: theoretical analysis of written sources, written questioning survey of the pupils; declarative research, descriptive statistics. Conclusions: Analysis of the scientific... [to full text]

Paauglių laisvalaikio struktūra socioedukaciniu aspektu / Structure of teenagers' leisure from socio-educational aspect

Valiūtė, Donata 30 July 2013 (has links)
Darbe yra iškeltas tikslas – atskleisti paauglių popamokinio užimtumo struktūrą socialiniu – edukaciniu aspektu. Vadovaujanti šiuo tikslu iškelti tokie uždaviniai: taikant teorinę analizę, atskleisti laisvalaikio reikšmę asmenybės formavimuisi socialiniu – edukaciniu aspektu, taikant anketinę apklausą paaugliams, išsiaiškinti esamą laisvalaikio leidimo situaciją per laisvalaikio fazių, popamokinės veiklos ir fizinės aplinkos prieinamumo aspektus bei taikant neparametrinę statistiką atskleisti pageidaujamą laisvalaikio leidimo situaciją per laisvalaikio fazių, popamokinės veiklos ir fizinės aplinkos prieinamumo aspektus. / Obtained results of the research demonstrated that currently the leisure structure among adolescents comprise the following ways of spending passive free-time: watcing TV, sitting at computer, listening to music. Activities of active leisure most often include the following: riding a bicycle, rollerskates, being engaged in sports activities. When looking at the situation of needs, the adolescents express a wish to spend their leisure in a more active, public way and to visit cultural institutions more often. It is noticed that traditions of festivals are fostered in families, however there is no tendency to organise leisure, very often passive recreation is selected, although after completion of the reserach it was established that there is a need to spend leisure with family in a more active way. It should be noted that more than a half of all the respondents indicated that their parents encourage them to take part in after-school activities which demostrates parents‘ interest in their child‘s occupation. It is obvious from the results obtained that the situation of availability of public spaces and occupation institutions within adolescents‘ residential area, according to their opinion, is satisfactory.

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