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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Achieving aid effectiveness through results-based management: : A chimera?

Nytting, Erika January 2022 (has links)
New Public Management has been the prevailing governance model in public sector administration since the late 1980s. In 2005, OECD-DAC member states adopted the resultsbased management model ‘Paris Agenda for Aid Effectiveness’, building on new public management theory and values. The aim was to achieve more effective aid by coordinatingand harmonising donor efforts, aligning development interventions and funding, supporting national ownership and propelling a result- and accountability culture by demonstrating achievements.Despite its worthy ambitions the Aid Effectiveness Agenda has paradoxically failed todeliver on its own outcomes. The results-based management framework underpinning theagenda has proven to be highly complex in methodology, interpretation and application. The framework is laborious and burdensome, diverting time from ‘ordinary’ work and risking a bureaucratization of the development aid sector. The ‘measurement fever’ has grippeddonors and agencies alike, and is now mainly driven by donors’ domestic accountability concerns, rather than the real needs of developing countries. More alarmingly, it has not onlyhad numerous unintended consequences but also outright adverse effects. This in turnen dangers long-term human development.This study sets out to explore to what extent the results-based management framework, based on new public management theory, has been a suitable management model to achieve aid effectiveness in the development aid sector. It departs from the governance theories of Denhardt and Denhardt (2000) and assesses whether New Public Service couldbe a fitting alternative governance model. The study utilizes the realist review methodology,specifically the CMO-configuration, in order to explore how context and mechanisms interact and how this affects the outcome. This study has through its aggregative and configurativeambition explored 26 scholarly articles in the time frame of 2011 to 2021 in order to draw conclusions.The review has found that the results-based management framework does not support the underlying theory of change that is imperative to achieve the Aid Effectiveness Agenda.Contextual factors are found to impede implementation, although due to being under research edit is difficult to determine to what extent. Further, none of the five mechanisms ofthe Paris Declaration can neither fully nor partially be said to contribute to ‘aid effectiveness’as defined in the Aid Effectiveness Agenda. Rather, the review has found that the literatureall point to numerous adverse effects of its implementation.This study concludes that the New Public Service governance model, at least intheory, could prove to be a more suitable management model for the development aidsector. Since the sector is neither linear nor predictable as the business sector for whichthe framework was developed, it is not surprising that adverse effects abound. Especiallysince the development aid sector is highly complex with a multitude of actors, politicalincentives and not least challenging implementational environments. In contrast, New Public Service places the citizen at the centre and aspire at buildingdemocratic citizenship and community through citizen participation and dialogue. Such analternative governance model built on democratic theory and participative epistemologyhas the potential to democratize governance practices by replacing the vertical top-downprincipal-agent dynamics of new public management with more horizontal forms of citizeninvolvement, co-determination and mutual accountability. New Public Service stresses the‘serving not steering’ aspect of governance, which would open up for a more authenticdiscourse of recipients owning development in their own society and setting the direction.No systematic review has previously been carried out to assess governance models inrelation to achieving the Aid Effectiveness Agenda. In fact, there is very little research onwhat has worked or not regarding the agenda. This thesis sets out to fill this gap and tocontribute to the discussion of governance models on a theoretical level. It is also anempirical contribution to applied development management regarding insights about whatcontexts and mechanisms affect aid effectiveness.

Česká rozvojová spolupráce: Naplňování principů Pařížské deklarace o efektivnosti rozvojové pomoci / Czech development cooperation: Adherence to the principles of the Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness

Ocknecht, Martin January 2016 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to evaluate the range the Czech Republic fulfills the international commitments stipulated by the Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness. And, if it needed, to find factors which influence fulfilling of the declaration commitments. This is done by analysis of the documents and interviews. The analysis of the data related to the supplied development aid is the core of the thesis. The aid depends on these key principles: ownership, alignment, harmonization, managing for results and mutual accountability. Two projects of the Czech Development Agency between years 2013 and 2015 in Cambodia and the State of Palestine are analyzed in two case studies. The operationalization of the terms and following own methodical framework application to the output data led to a result, whether the international commitments are (not) complied with. The performed research implies that commitments are fulfilled rather insufficiently in the Cambodia case, whereas the commitments in State of Palestine case were fulfilled completely. A new innovative approach was crucial. The projects are directed by Palestinian partner. In Cambodia, the critical principle is the mutual accountability because of the lack of the capacities (mostly in funding) and unsatisfactory management. There is a...

Česká rozvojová spolupráce: Naplňování principů Pařížské deklarace o efektivnosti rozvojové pomoci / Czech development cooperation: Adherence to the principles of the Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness

Ocknecht, Martin January 2016 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to evaluate the range the Czech Republic fulfills the international commitments stipulated by the Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness. And, if it needed, to find factors which influence fulfilling of the declaration commitments. This is done by analysis of the documents and interviews. The analysis of the data related to the supplied development aid is the core of the thesis. The aid depends on these key principles: ownership, alignment, harmonization, managing for results and mutual accountability. Two projects of the Czech Development Agency between years 2013 and 2015 in Cambodia and the State of Palestine are analyzed in two case studies. The operationalization of the terms and following own methodical framework application to the output data led to a result, whether the international commitments are (not) complied with. The performed research implies that commitments are fulfilled rather insufficiently in the Cambodia case, whereas the commitments in State of Palestine case were fulfilled completely. A new innovative approach was crucial. The projects are directed by Palestinian partner. In Cambodia, the critical principle is the mutual accountability because of the lack of the capacities (mostly in funding) and unsatisfactory management. There is a...

"Appropriation" des processus de développement par les pays en développement? Une perspective des acteurs sociaux nationaux : étude de cas : Rwanda

Ngirumpatse, Pauline 12 1900 (has links)
L’« appropriation » par les pays en développement (PED) de leurs processus de développement forme la clef de voûte de la nouvelle approche de l’aide et de la coopération au développement telle que promue par la Déclaration de Paris (2005). Si ce passage vers l’« appropriation » vise à installer les PED « dans le siège du conducteur », il reste tout de même inscrit dans une relation d’aide. Or, la Déclaration de Paris pose cette « appropriation » comme le résultat d’un consensus et comme un principe devant être mis en oeuvre sur un terrain vierge via une série de mesures techniques préoccupées par une efficacité ou plutôt une efficience de l’aide. En s’intéressant à la perspective d’acteurs sociaux nationaux quant à cette question de l’ « appropriation » à partir d’une étude de cas c’est-à-dire d’un contexte précis, ici celui du Rwanda, cette thèse vise à démontrer que l’agenda et les politiques en matière de développement, dont la question de l’ « appropriation », ne peuvent être saisis dans un vide contextuel. En effet, ce que met en évidence la perspective des acteurs sociaux nationaux au Rwanda quant à cette question de l’ « appropriation », c’est leur réinscription de cette question dans le contexte du Rwanda post-génocide et dépendant de l’aide, et leur appréhension de celle-ci à partir de ce contexte. Ce contexte informe le récit de ces acteurs qui met en sens et en forme cette « appropriation ». Leur saisie de l’ « appropriation » se bâtit autour d’un double impératif dans le contexte du Rwanda post-génocide, un impératif d’une part de reconstruction socio-économique et d’autre part d’édification d’une nation, et ce, à la lumière des tensions ‘ethniques’ qui traversent et structurent historiquement l’espace politique et social rwandais et qui ont donné lieu au génocide de 1994. / As put forward in the Paris Declaration (2005), “ownership” by developing countries of their development process forms the cornerstone of a new approach to aid and development cooperation. If the aim of “ownership” is to put developing countries “in the driver’s seat” of their development, it nonetheless remains an aid relation. Indeed, the Paris Declaration claims that “ownership” is the outcome of a consensus as well as a principle to be implemented through a series of technical measures preoccupied with concerns of effectiveness (or more accurately aid efficiency). As such, it puts forward the idea that aid is implemented as if on a blank slate. Beginning with a specific case study, in this instance Rwanda, and by focusing on the perspectives of national social actors on the issue of “ownership,” this thesis demonstrates that development agenda and policies, including the question of “ownership,” cannot be adequately grasped in a contextual vacuum. Through the narratives of national social actors, the meaning of “ownership” is reconfigured within the context of post-genocide Rwanda and aid-dependency, highlighting the significance of context in giving content and form to “ownership.” In the context of a post-genocide Rwanda, the understanding of “ownership” by national social actors is articulated around a double imperative: on the one hand, the demand for socio-economic reconstruction, on the other, the imperative of nation-building in light of the ‘ethnic’ tensions that cut across and historically structure Rwandan social and political space, and which led to the 1994 genocide.

The Paris Declaration - A Paradigm Shift At All Levels? : Swedish Non-Governmental Organisations' Roles in Development Aid Policy

Palmgren, Anna, Lundberg, Åsa January 2009 (has links)
In order to make development aid more efficient, a large number of donors, including Sweden, signed the so called Paris Declaration in 2005. The Declaration gives the partner countries more responsibility for their own development and aims to make he development aid provided by donor countries more measurable. It has been referred to as a paradigm shift within this policy area due to its far‐reaching goals. The Declaration has consequences for all actors in the development aid community, and this thesis aims at outlining and analyzing the effects of the Declaration on the Swedish non‐governmental organisations which hold a frame agreement with the Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA). As an increasing part of evelopment aid is being channelled through NGOs and they hold an important role in the area, they are interesting subjects of study. The analysis is conducted from a society‐centred governance perspective, which focuses on how different actors in society shape public policy. The perspective hallenges the view on the state as dominating unilaterally and takes into account the diversity of actors involved in policy‐making, such as NGOs. The result of the study is, among other things, that the character of the relationships and interactions between Swedish NGOs and SIDA varies, and can be described as either a more traditional hierarchical model or co‐governing. Furthermore, the Paris Declaration is perceived by the NGOs as being a step in the right direction rather than a paradigm shift at all level. / För att göra utvecklingsbistånd effektivare, undertecknade ett stort antal givare, däribland Sverige, den så kallade Parisdeklarationen 2005. Deklarationen ger samarbetsländerna ett större ansvar för sin egen utveckling och syftar till att göra biståndet från givarländerna mer mätbart. Man har kallat detta ett paradigmskifte inom området på grund av sina långtgående mål. Deklarationen har konsekvenser för alla aktörer inom området utvecklingsbistånd, och denna uppsats syftar till att beskriva och analysera de effekter som deklarationen har på de svenska icke‐statliga organisationer som har ett ramavtal med SIDA. Eftersom en allt större del av utvecklingsbiståndet kanaliseras genom enskilda organisationer och de innehar en viktig roll i området, är de intressanta att studera. Analysen görs utifrån ett samhällsorienterat governance perspektiv som fokuserar på hur olika aktörer i samhället utformar den offentliga politiken. Perspektivet utmaningar uppfattningen om att staten ensidigt dominerar och tar hänsyn till mångfalden av aktörer i det politiska beslutsfattandet, till exempel icke‐statliga organisationer. Resultaten av undersökningen är bland annat att karaktären av de relationer och interaktioner mellan svenska icke‐statliga organisationer och SIDA varierar, och kan beskrivas som traditionellt hierarkisk, eller samarbetsbaserad (co‐governing). Vidare uppfattas Parisdeklarationen av icke‐statliga organisationer som ett steg i rätt riktning, snarare än ett paradigmskifte på alla nivåer.

Assessment of aid effectiveness in Ethiopia : a case study on the General Education Quality Improvement Programme and the collaboration among DFID, UNICEF and the World Bank

Solome Zemene Kassa 11 1900 (has links)
This research focuses on assessing the extent to which the Principles of Aid Effectiveness were followed and translated into action by taking the General Education Quality Improvement Programme (GEQIP) in Ethiopia as an example. Outcomes of the secondary reviews conducted on the selected government institutions and development partners documents demonstrate that these Principles are taken as overarching strategies to guide the undertakings on GEQIP. The study attests that a number of factors influence the realization of aid effectiveness in Ethiopia. These include, at the recipient level, existence of strong national development plans while demanding improvement on absorptive capacity. At the level of development partners, compliance with pledges made on the provision of resources and better coordination is needed. A common country framework to guide the aid effectiveness process including mutual accountably is important. The study most importantly identifies that beyond sector specific reviews, emphasis should also be given to assess the contribution of the Principles of Aid Effectiveness for efficient delivery of support to the GEQIP. / Development Studies / M.A. (Development Studies)

Assessment of aid effectiveness in Ethiopia : a case study on the General Education Quality Improvement Programme and the collaboration among DFID, UNICEF and the World Bank

Solome Zemene Kassa 11 1900 (has links)
This research focuses on assessing the extent to which the Principles of Aid Effectiveness were followed and translated into action by taking the General Education Quality Improvement Programme (GEQIP) in Ethiopia as an example. Outcomes of the secondary reviews conducted on the selected government institutions and development partners documents demonstrate that these Principles are taken as overarching strategies to guide the undertakings on GEQIP. The study attests that a number of factors influence the realization of aid effectiveness in Ethiopia. These include, at the recipient level, existence of strong national development plans while demanding improvement on absorptive capacity. At the level of development partners, compliance with pledges made on the provision of resources and better coordination is needed. A common country framework to guide the aid effectiveness process including mutual accountably is important. The study most importantly identifies that beyond sector specific reviews, emphasis should also be given to assess the contribution of the Principles of Aid Effectiveness for efficient delivery of support to the GEQIP. / Development Studies / M.A. (Development Studies)

Les nouvelles modalités de l'aide publique au développement : analyse de l'appui du Canada et du Partenariat mondial pour l’éducation à la phase I du Programme de développement stratégique de l’éducation de base (PDSEB) au Burkina Faso, du point de vue d’acteurs de terrain

Kaboré, Marcel 10 1900 (has links)
Les conférences internationales de Jomtien en 1990, de Dakar en 2000 sur l’Éducation pour tous et la déclaration du millénaire pour le développement ont abouti à l’engagement de faire de l’éducation (surtout l’éducation de base), un pilier important du développement pour toute société, accessible à tous et toutes (enfants, jeunes et adultes). Le Forum de Dakar exhortait aussi les pays riches et les organismes internationaux à soutenir financièrement et techniquement les pays en développement ayant un programme éducatif pertinent. Afin de respecter ces engagements internationaux et nationaux (la Loi sur l’orientation de l’éducation de 2007 et la Stratégie de croissance accélérée et de développement durable), le Burkina Faso a élaboré et mis en œuvre un Programme décennal de développement de l’éducation de base (PDDEB), de 2001 à 2010, suivi du Programme de développement stratégique de l’éducation de base (PDSEB) qui couvre la période de 2012 à 2021. Le PDSEB nécessite d’importantes ressources financières dont le pays ne dispose pas. Il a donc sollicité le soutien de différents partenaires techniques et financiers, dont le Canada et le Partenariat mondial pour l’éducation (PME). La présente étude vise à analyser la mise en œuvre des nouvelles modalités de l’aide publique au développement à travers l’appui du Canada et du PME à la phase I du PDSEB (2012-2015). Pour ce faire, elle se base sur la Déclaration de Paris sur l’efficacité de cette aide (OCDE, 2005) comme cadre de référence. Ce cadre a guidé la collecte des données (constitution d’un corpus de documents institutionnels et réalisation d’une vingtaine d’entretiens individuels avec des représentants des ministères de l’Éducation nationale, de l’Économie et de différentes agences de coopération présentes au Burkina Faso) ainsi que leur analyse. / The international conferences of Jomtien in 1990, Dakar in 2000 on Education for All and the Millennium Development Declaration resulted in the commitment to make education (especially basic education) an important pillar of development for any society, accessible to all (children, youth and adults). The Dakar forum also urged rich countries and international organizations to provide financial and technical support to developing countries with relevant educational programs. In order to meet these international and national commitments (the 2007 Education Orientation Act and the Strategy for Accelerated Growth and Sustainable Development), Burkina Faso developed and implemented a Ten-Year Basic Education Development Program (PDDEB) from 2001 to 2010, followed by the Strategic Development Program for Basic Education (PDSEB) covering the period from 2012 to 2021. The PDSEB requires significant financial resources that the country does not have. It has therefore sought the support of various technical and financial partners, including Canada and the Global Partnership for Education (GPE). This study was designed to analyze the implementation of new official development assistance modalities through Canada’s and the GPE’s support to Phase I of the PDSEB (2012-2015). To this end, we use the Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness (OECD, 2005) as a conceptual framework. This framework guided the data collection (creation of a corpus of institutional documents and individual interviews with around 20 representatives of the Ministries of National Education and the Economy and various cooperation agencies present in Burkina Faso) as well as their analysis.

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