Spelling suggestions: "subject:"parkinson disease"" "subject:"perkinson disease""
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Avaliação da função executiva e da fluência verbal em pacientes com doença de Parkinson / Assessment of executive function and verbal fluency in patients with Parkinson´s diseaseLee, Alessandra Ferreira Barbosa 26 February 2018 (has links)
Pacientes com doença de Parkinson (DP) apresentam diversos sintomas não motores, dentre eles, alterações cognitivas. Déficits de função executiva podem ser observados desde os estágios iniciais da DP e impactam na independência funcional e na qualidade de vida. A função executiva é essencial para a realização de atividades de vida diária, que requerem integração cognitivo-motora. A realização de atividades cotidianas depende não só do sistema motor, mas também da interpretação e do processamento sensorial/ perceptual e da seleção e do planejamento da melhor estratégia motora. Sendo assim, um grande número de atividades de vida diária pode ser afetado por déficits na função executiva em pacientes com DP. Nessas tarefas, os componentes cognitivos e motores competem por recursos atencionais, o que pode prejudicar o desempenho em um ou em ambos os componentes. Entretanto, os estudos são muito direcionados para a análise de tarefas-duplas que envolvam equilíbrio em ortostatismo e marcha, mas contemplam pouco outras tarefas motoras. Os objetivos desse estudo foram (1) comparar o desempenho de pacientes com DP com o de um grupo controle nos testes de função executiva (Trail Making Test) e de fluência verbal (fluência semântica e fonêmica e diadococinesia oral /pataka/) e (2) investigar possíveis correlações entre função executiva e fluência verbal. O estudo foi realizado de maneira transversal, em uma única sessão, em uma avaliação de cerca de 50 minutos. Quarenta pacientes com DP (idade entre 50 e 79 anos, Hoehn & Yahr entre 2 e 3) e quarenta controles (com idade e escolaridade semelhantes) foram avaliados com o Trail Making Test, a fluência verbal semântica e fonêmica e o teste de diadococinesia oral. Na parte A do TMT, os participantes conectaram círculos numerados de 1 a 25, em sequência. Na parte B, os participantes conectaram círculos alternando números e letras (1-A-2-B-3-C-4-D-5-E-6-F-7-G-8-H-9-I-10-J-11-K-12-L-13). No teste de fluência verbal fonêmica, foi solicitado que os participantes dissessem palavras começando com a letra F. No teste de fluência verbal semântica, os participantes disseram o maior número de animais possível, em 60 segundos. No teste de diadococinesia oral, os participantes repetiram a sequência /pataka/ o mais rápido possível. Os grupos foram comparados por meio de análises de variância e as relações entre as variáveis foram investigadas pelo teste de correlação de Pearson. A análise de variância mostrou diferenças significativas entre grupos (F1,78=10,55; p=0,002) e entre partes do Trail Making Test (F1,78=154,02; p < 0,001). A parte B apresentou tempos maiores que a parte A (p < 0,001). Pacientes com DP disseram menos palavras nos testes de fluência verbal, em comparação aos controles (p < 0,001). Pacientes com DP repetiram a sequência /pataka/ menos vezes que os controles (p=0,019). Houve forte correlação entre o teste de fluência verbal fonêmica e a parte B do Trail Making Test (valor de r=-0,874 e p=0,001) e entre a diadococinesia oral e as partes A e B do Trail Making Test (valor de r=-0,824 e p=0,001). A correlação entre a parte B do Trail Making Test, que é uma medida de função executiva e reflete a habilidade de integração cognitivo-motora e as tarefas de fluência verbal, evidencia a importância do controle motor para as tarefas de fala. A tarefa da fala fornece não somente sobrecarga cognitiva, mas também motora para pacientes com DP. Esse conhecimento é importante para a prática clínica, uma vez que é necessário detectar a natureza do acometimento e da tarefa para usá-las de maneira adequada em programas de reabilitação / Patients with Parkinson´s disease (PD) can present several non-motor symptoms, including cognitive deficits. Executive function deficits can be observed since the early stages of PD and impact on functional independence and quality of life. The executive function is essential to the activities of daily living, which require cognitive-motor integration. The performance of activities of daily living depends not only on the motor system, but also on the sensory/ perceptual interpretation and processing and the selection and planning of the best motor strategy. Therefore, many activities of daily living can be affected by deficits in the executive function in patients with PD. In such tasks, cognitive and motor components compete for attentional resources, which may impair the performance of one or both tasks. However, most studies focus on to the analysis of dual-tasks involving orthostatic balance and gait, but they do not approach other motor tasks. The objectives of this study were (1) to compare the performance of patients with PD with a control group in executive function (Trail Making Test) and verbal fluency tests (semantic and phonemic and oral diadochokinesis /pataka/) and (2) to investigate possible correlations between executive function and verbal fluency. This was a cross-sectional study and the tests were performed individually in a 50-minute single session. Forty people with PD (aged 50 - 79 years, Hoehn & Yahr 2 - 3) and forty controls (with similar age and education) were evaluated with Trail Making Test (TMT, executive function), phonemic/semantic verbal fluency and oral diadochokinesis (/pataka/) tests. In part A of Trail Making Test, participants connected circles with the numbers 1-25, in sequence. In part B, participants connected circles in a sequence with alternated numbers and letters (1-A-2-B-3-C-4-D-5-E-6-F-7-G-8-H-9-I-10-J-11-K-12-L-13). In the phonemic verbal fluency test, participants were instructed to say words beginning with the letter F. In the semantic verbal fluency test, participants were instructed to say out loud as many animals as they could remember, in 60 seconds. In the oral diadochokinesis test, participants were asked to say the /pataka/ sequence as fast as they could. Groups were compared by analyses of variance and the relationships between the variables were investigated by Pearson correlation tests. Analysis of variance showed significant differences between groups (F1,78=10.55; p=0.002) and between Trail Making Test parts (F1,78=154.02; p < 0.001). Part B showed longer times than part A (p < 0.001). People with PD said fewer words in both fluency tests, compared to controls (p < 0.001). People with PD repeated the sequence /pataka/ less times than controls (p=0.019). There was a strong correlation between the phonemic verbal fluency test and the part B of Trail Making Test (r=-0.874 and p=0.001) and between the oral diadochokinesis test and both parts of the Trail Making Test (r=-0.824 e p=0.001). The correlation between the part B of Trail Making Test, which is an executive function measure and reflects the cognitive-motor integration ability, and the verbal fluency tests, evidences the importance of motor control for speech tasks. Speech tasks not only provide cognitive overload, but also motor overload in patients with PD. This knowledge is important in clinical practice, in which therapists must detect the nature of the disability and the task to use this information properly in rehabilitation programs
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L’olfaction chez le patient gériatrique : constantes et spécificités pathologiques des interactions olfacto-trigéminales dans une population porteuse de synucléopathies / Olfaction in elderly : constants and pathological characteristics of the olfactory and trigeminal interactions in a population carrying synucleopathiesFoguem, Clovis 19 December 2017 (has links)
CONTEXTE: La maladie de Parkinson idiopathique (MPI), la démence à corps de Lewy (DCL) et la démence parkinsonienne (DP) sont des synucléinopathies. La dysfonction olfactive est reconnue comme étant une caractéristique principale de ces maladies. L'objectif de ce travail était d'évaluer et de comparer les seuils de détection olfactifs dans ces trois synucléinopathies (MPI, DP, DCL) chez des sujets âgés de plus de 65ans. Dans cette optique, trois études ont été menées utilisant des substances odorantes stimulant variablement les systèmes trigéminal et olfactif.MÉTHODES: les tests de détection des seuils olfactifs ont été réalisés chez (1) 89 patients ayant une MPI versus témoins sains, (2) 17 PD versus MPI et (3) 20 DCL versus PD versus témoins sains appariés, en utilisant l'alcool phényléthylique, le n-butanol et la pyridine comme stimuli. Les seuils de détection de ces 3 odorants ont été évalués à l'aide d'une série de dilution de facteur 2 et une procédure ascendante de choix forcé.Les données ont été analysées en utilisant des tests de Mann-Whitney-Wilcoxon ou Kruskal-Wallis, la corrélation de Spearman et des analyses de covariance. Des analyses discriminantes ont également été réalisées.RÉSULTATS: (1) Les seuils de détection olfactifs sont capables de discriminer les patients MPI des témoins sains et les patients ayant une MPI bénigne de ceux avec autonomie déficiente. De plus, nous avons trouvé une subtile interaction entre les systèmes olfacto-trigeminal.(2) Nos résultats mettent en évidence, une absence de différence significative des seuils de détection des odorants entre MPI et PD appariés.(3) Nous avons constaté des différences significatives des seuils olfactifs entre patients ayant une DCL, une DP et témoins sains (p <0,001), avec une altération majeure de la sensibilité olfactive chez les patients atteints de DCL par rapport à ceux ayant une DP.Au travers des 3 études, une corrélation significative a été trouvée entre les seuils de détection des trois odorants.CONCLUSION: Ce travail souligne que la DCL peut être distinguée de la DP, la DP des sujets sains et la MPI des sujets sains en évaluant les seuils de détection des trois odorants. Cependant, l’absence de différence significative entre les seuils de détection olfactifs entre les MPI et DP soulève des doutes sur l'importance des tests de seuils de détection olfactive dans le suivi cognitif dans la MPI. D'autres recherches sur le dysfonctionnement olfactif dans les synucléinopathies sont nécessaires pour conforter nos résultats.MOTS CLÉS: Principales synucléinopathies (maladie Parkinson idiopathique, Démence parkinsonienne, Démence à corps de Lewy); seuils de détection des odorants; interactions des systèmes olfacto-trigéminal ; diagnostics positif et différentiel. / Idiopathic Parkinson disease (IPD), Dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB) and Parkinson’s disease dementia (PDD) are synucleinopathies. Olfactory impairment is recognized as a characteristic feature of some synucleinopathies. The aim of this study was to assess and compare olfactory detection thresholds in these three synucleinopathies (IPD, PDD and DLB). For that purpose three studies were conducted: (1) Elderly with IPD matched to healthy controls, (2) IPD versus PPD and (3) between DLB, PDD and healthy controls using odor stimuli that variably trigger nasal trigeminal and olfactory systems.METHODS: Olfactory thresholds tests were performed in 89 IPD patients aged over 65 compared to paired matched healthy controls, in 17 IPD versus and matched PDD patients and in 20 LDB patients versus PDD patients versus matched healthy controls, using Phenyl-ethyl alcohol, n-Butanol and Pyridine as stimuli. Detection thresholds for these 3 odorants were assessed using an ascending staircase factor-2 odor dilutions series and a binary forced-choice procedure. Participants were priory evaluated by experimented physicians.Data were analyzed using Mann-Whitney-Wilcoxon or Kruskal-Wallis tests, Spearman correlation and covariance analyses. Discriminant analyses were also carried out to predict and classify the three participants’ groups in the third study.RESULTS: (1) Olfactory detection thresholds are able to discriminate elderly IPD from healthy controls, with a fair detection thresholds performance for pyridine compared to the two other odorants; and the ability to distinguish benign IPD patients with good autonomy from those with impaired autonomy (malign IPD). Moreover, we found subtle olfacto-trigeminal systems interaction.(2) Our results highlight no significant difference on odor detection threshold between elderly IPD compared with matched PDD patients.(3) We found significant odor thresholds differences between LBD patients, PDD patients and healthy controls (all p-values < 0.001), with also a significant poor sense of smell in DLB patients compared to moderate PDD patients. A plain differentiation between the three groups was confirmed by standardized canonical discriminant analyses.Through the 3 studies, a significant correlation was found between the odor detection thresholds.CONCLUSION: This work highlights that DLB can be distinguished from PDD, PDD from healthy controls and IPD from healthy controls by assessing odors (PEA, n-butanol, pyridine) detection thresholds. However, the lack of difference between olfactory thresholds between IPD and PDD raises doubts on the importance of olfactory thresholds tests in the cognitive follow-up of patients with IPD.Further investigations of olfactory dysfunction in patients with synucleinopathies are needed to confirm our results.KEYWORDS: idiopathic Parkinson disease; Parkinson's disease dementia ; Dementia with Lewy bodies; odor detection thresholds; chemonasal trigeminal and olfactory systems interactions; clinical diagnosis.
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The Effects of Speech Tasks on the Prosody of People with Parkinson DiseaseAndrew Herbert Exner (7460972) 17 October 2019 (has links)
of the key features of the hypokinetic dysarthria associated with Parkinson
disease is dysprosody. While there has been ample research into the global
characterization of speech in Parkinson disease, little is known about how
people with Parkinson disease mark lexical stress. This study aimed to determine
how people with Parkinson disease modulate pitch, intensity, duration, and
vowel space to differentiate between two common lexical stress patterns in
English: trochees (strong-weak pattern) and iambs (weak-strong pattern), in two
syllable words. Twelve participants with mild to moderate idiopathic Parkinson
disease and twelve age- and sex-matched controls completed a series of speech
tasks designed to elicit token words of interest in prosodically-relevant speech
tasks (picture identification (in isolation and lists) and giving directions
(spontaneous speech). Results revealed that people with Parkinson disease produced
a higher overall pitch and a smaller vowel space as compared to controls,
though most lexical marking features were not significantly different. Importantly,
the elicitation task had a significant effect on most dependent measures. Although
lexical stress is not significantly impacted by Parkinson disease, we recommend
that future research and clinical practice focus more on the use of spontaneous
speech tasks rather than isolated words or lists of words due to the
differences in the marking of lexical stress in the latter tasks, making them
less useful as ecologically-valid assessments of prosody in everyday
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Protein complexes assembly, structure and function /Wilhelm, Kristina Rebecca, January 2009 (has links)
Diss. (sammanfattning) Umeå : Umeå universitet, 2009. / Härtill 4 uppsatser.
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Transcriptomics and proteomics applied to developmental toxicology /Kultima, Kim, January 2007 (has links)
Diss. (sammanfattning) Uppsala : Uppsala universitet, 2007. / Härtill 5 uppsatser.
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On Parkinson's disease and schizophrenia : case control studies, cellular localization and modelling of candidate genes /Carmine, Andrea, January 2003 (has links)
Diss. (sammanfattning) Stockholm : Karol. inst., 2003. / Härtill 11 uppsatser.
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Characterization of the dopaminergic potential of the human NTera2/d1 (NT2) cell line in vitro /Misiuta, Iwona E. January 2005 (has links)
Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of South Florida, 2005. / Includes vita. Includes bibliographical references. Also available online.
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Μελέτη βιοχημικών και μοριακών μηχανισμών σε εγκεφαλικές περιοχές στη μετάλλαξη ντοπαμινεργικής απονεύρωσης του μυός "weaver"Κανελλόπουλος, Ηλίας 08 February 2010 (has links)
Η νόσος Parkinson είναι μία νόσος νευροεκφυλιστικής φύσεως, η οποία αναπτύσσεται προοδευτικά και χαρακτηρίζεται κλινικά από κινητική δυσλειτουργία. Τα αίτια της νόσου μέχρι σήμερα είναι άγνωστα. Η εκφύλιση της ντοπαμινεργικής μελαινοραβδωτής οδού στη νόσο Parkinson οδηγεί σε επακόλουθη ελάττωση του νευροδιαβιβιστή ντοπαμίνη στο ραβδωτό σώμα και σε διαταραχή της ισορροπίας της λειτουργίας του κυκλώματος των βασικών γαγγλίων, γεγονός που έχει ως συνέπεια την εμφάνιση των κινητικών συμπτωμάτων της νόσου. Ο μυς weaver αποτελεί ένα εξαιρετικό πειραματικό μοντέλο για τη διαλεύκανση των μηχανισμών που ευθύνονται για την προοδευτική εκφύλιση των ντοπαμινεργικών νευρώνων, η οποία λαμβάνει χώρα ενδογενώς και προοδευτικά.
Στην παρούσα διατριβή εξετάστηκε ο πιθανός ρόλος του οξειδωτικού στρες και της απόπτωσης στη νευροεκφύλιση των μυών weaver. Για το σκοπό αυτό μελετήθηκαν οι εγκεφαλικές περιοχές που εμπλέκονται άμεσα ή έμμεσα στη μελαινοραβδωτή νευροεκφύλιση καθώς και η παρεγκεφαλίδα. Επίσης, στις παραπάνω περιοχές, μελετήθηκε η έκφραση των αποπτωτικών/αντι-αποπτωτικών γονιδίων της οικογένειας bcl-2 καθώς και η έκφραση των προστατευτικών θερμοεπαγόμενων γονιδίων, Hsp27 και Hsp70. Οι παραπάνω μελέτες έγιναν σε φυσιολογικούς και weaver μύες 21 ημερών επειδή στο στάδιο αυτό η εκφύλιση των ντοπαμινεργικών νευρώνων έχει φτάσει στο 42% και οι ντοπαμινεργικοί δενδρίτες είναι ήδη μειωμένοι κατά 76%.
Τα αποτελέσματα και τα συμπεράσματα της διατριβής συνοψίζονται στα παρακάτω:
Οι weaver μύες παρουσίασαν σημαντική αύξηση του οξειδωτικό στρες στη παρεγκεφαλίδα και στο μεσεγκέφαλο που είναι οι εγκεφαλικές περιοχές στις οποίες συμβαίνει νευροεκφύλιση. Τα αποτελέσματα αυτά υποδηλώνουν ότι το οξειδωτικό στρες πιθανόν να συμμετέχει στη νευροεκφύλιση των περιοχών αυτών. Επίσης η παρεγκεφαλίδα και ο μεσεγκέφαλος εμφάνισαν υψηλά επίπεδα κατακερματισμένου DNA. Σημαντικά επίπεδα κατακερματισμένου DNA εμφάνισαν και άλλες περιοχές του εγκεφάλου που εξετάστηκαν. Τα αποτελέσματα αυτά υποδηλώνουν ότι η απόπτωση πιθανόν να συμμετέχει στη νευροεκφύλιση των περιοχών αυτών.
Τόσο τα επίπεδα έκφρασης του αντιαποπτωτικού γονιδίου bcl2 όσο και τα επίπεδα έκφρασης των προστατευτικών και αντιαποπωτικών γονιδίων Hsp27 και Hsp70, βρέθηκαν αυξημένα στη παρεγκεφαλίδα των Weaver μυών υποδηλώνοντας ότι τα κύτταρα της παρεγκεφαλίδας επιστρατεύουν αμυντικούς μηχανισμούς έναντι του οξειδωτικού στρες και της απόπτωσης. / The Parkinson disease is a neurodegeneration disease that develops progressively and it is clinically characterized by motor disturbances. The degeneration of nigrostriatal dopaminergic innervations in Parkinson disease leads to subsequent decrease of dopamine neurotransmitter in corpus striatum and to disturbance of operational equilibrium of basal ganglia circuit. The result of this is the motor symptoms that the disease appears. The weaver mouse constitutes an excellent Parkinson model for understanding the mechanisms which are responsible for the progressive degeneration of the dopaminergic neurons.
The roles of oxidative stress and apoptosis in the neurodegeneration of weaver mice were investigated. The brain regions that are involved directly or indirectly in nigrostriatal dopaminergic innervations as well as cerebellum were examined. In addition, the expression of the apoptotic/antiapoptotic genes of bcl-2 family as well as the expression of the protective heat shock protein genes, Hsp27 and Hsp70. were examined in the above brain regions.
The results and conclusions of this work are summarized bellow:
The weaver mice showed significant increase of the oxidative stress in cerebellum and midbrain which are the major regions where neurodigeneration takes place. These results suggest that oxidative stress is probably involved in the neurodigeneration of these regions. All brain regions of weaver mice examined showed significant increases in fragmented DNA with the higher fragmentation taking place in the cerebellum and in midbrain. These results suggest that apoptosis is may involved in the neurodegeneration of all these regions.
The expression levels of the antiapoptotic gene bcl-2 as well as the expression of the protective heat shock protein genes, Hsp27 and Hsp70, were found to increase in the cerebellum of the weaver mice suggesting that the cerebellum cells recruit defense mechanisms against oxidative stress and apoptosis.
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Εφαρμογές των ασαφών γνωστικών δικτύων στην ιατρικήΑννίνου, Αντιγόνη 24 October 2012 (has links)
Σκοπός της παρούσας διπλωματικής εργασίας είναι η ανάπτυξη ενός Συστήματος Υποστήριξης Αποφάσεων βασισμένο στα Ασαφή Γνωστικά Δίκτυα, το οποίο θα μπορεί να χρησιμοποιηθεί στον ιατρικό τομέα για τη διάγνωση ασθενειών και πιο συγκεκριμένα της νόσου του Parkinson. Αρχικά θα γίνει περιγραφή των Ασαφών Γνωστικών Δικτύων αλλά και του τρόπου υλοποίησης ενός Συστήματος Υποστήριξης Αποφάσεων για τη διάγνωση της νόσου του Parkinson. Στη συνέχεια θα γίνει πείραμα με στόχο να διαγνωσθεί το στάδιο, στο οποίο βρίσκονται τρεις ασθενείς. Αυτή η διάγνωση θα γίνει με δύο διαφορετικούς τρόπους. Τέλος θα συγκριθούν και θα αναλυθούν τα πειραματικά αποτελέσματα καθώς και τα συμπεράσματα που προκύπτουν από μία τέτοια έρευνα. / The purpose of this diploma thesis is to develop a Decision Support System based on Fuzzy Cognitive Maps. This system can be used in medicine in order to diagnose diseases, and more specifically Parkinson’s disease. After that three patients will be examined and the system will diagnose the stage of their disease. This diagnose will be achieved in two different ways. Finally we will compare and analyze the experimental results and the conclusions derived from such research.
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Abordagem por ressonância magnética do mecanismo de ação da pressão expiratória positiva nasal como forma de tratamento da apneia do sonoBraga, Carla Winei January 2012 (has links)
Esta tese de doutorado aborda o assunto apneia do sono, especialmente a síndrome de apneia e hipopneia obstrutiva do sono (SAHOS) como principal motivo de investigação. Nosso estudo teve como objetivo estudar o mecanismo fisiológico de funcionamento da válvula expiratória nasal (nEPAP) denominada Provent. Trata-se de um dispositivo descartável utilizado em ambas as narinas e que permite a inspiração normal, porém oferece resistência à expiração, fazendo com que o próprio paciente gere uma determinada pressão expiratória nasal. Este mecanismo de atuação da válvula determina algum grau de modificação na via aérea superior e no pulmão. Embora já se saiba que este dispositivo é efetivo no tratamento de pacientes com SAHOS leve e moderada3 o seu mecanismo fisiológico de funcionamento ainda não está completamente entendido. Utilizamos um método de ressonância magnética para avaliar a via aérea superior e o pulmão de pacientes em utilização do Provent nasal. Estudamos dez pacientes, 7 homens e 3 mulheres, entre 30 e 62 anos, com diagnóstico clínico de SAHOS e confirmado pela polissonografia (IAH>5 ev/h). Realizamos então, em diferentes momentos, polissonografia diagnóstica, polissonografia em uso da válvula nasal e exame de imagem (ressonância magnética). A faringe e o pulmão foram inspecionados e medidos durante alguns ciclos respiratórios, com e sem a válvula nasal. Neste estudo, validamos o exame de Ressonância Magnética para a avaliação da área transversal da via aérea superior e da capacidade residual funcional durante a respiração através da válvula nasal. Com os nossos resultados reforçamos os achados anteriores da literatura referentes aos três possíveis mecanismos de funcionamento desta válvula nasal: hiperinflação pulmonar importante aumentando a tração na traqueia, uma tendência à dilatação da faringe durante a expiração que se mantém no início da inspiração reduzindo a colapsabilidade da faringe e, finalmente, hipoventilação e aumento de PCO2. Considerando estes resultados, podemos dizer que a pressão expiratória positiva nasal pode ser uma alternativa de tratamento da SAHOS. Os resultados deste estudo são apresentados sob a forma de artigo já publicado em revista internacional de alto impacto científico (Journal of Applied Physiology). Adicionalmente, na forma de apêndice, realizamos outro estudo objetivando estudar o comportamento da SAHOS na Doença de Parkinson e as alterações ocasionadas em marcadores periféricos de lesão neuronal, especificamente a proteína S100B e a Enolase. Os transtornos do sono, incluindo os distúrbios respiratórios, são frequentes nos pacientes com Doença de Parkinson (DP), e, estudos já realizados mostram que a proteína S100B pode estar aumentada tanto em pacientes com SAHOS1 como naqueles com Doença de Parkinson2, sugerindo a possibilidade de algum grau de dano neuronal nestes pacientes quando comparados com indivíduos normais. Estes achados serviram de motivação para o estudo das variáveis neurofisiológicas do sono e do comportamento de biomarcadores em pacientes com Parkinson e, supostamente, SAHOS concomitantemente. / The issue of this doctoral thesis is Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA). Our study intended to clarify the mechanism of action of nEPAP (Nasal Expiratory Positive Airway Pressure), delivered with a disposable device (Provent, Ventus Medical). It has been shown to improve sleep disordered breathing (SDB) in some subjects3, but how it works is still not completely understood. We studied 10 patients, 7 males and 3 females, age between 30 and 62 years old, with clinic OSA and confirmed by sleep study (IHA>5). Sleep studies were performed in different nights, a night for diagnostic of OSA and other night under nasal valve. We did use MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) to see upper airway and lung in patients wearing Provent. The present study demonstrate that significant hyperinflation (an increase in end expiratory lung volume) occurs during breathing through the device. In addition, there may be some trend to dilate the UA during expiration, and this may carry over into inspiration, providing a second mechanism to reduce the tendency of the UA to collapse in patients with SDB. Finally, we were able to show significant hypoventilation and a rise in PCO2 during breathing through the nEPAP during wakefulness, which may persist into sleep. Results are presented in the format of a paper published in a international journal with high scientific impact (Journal of Applied Physiology). In addition, as appendix, we did perform other protocol intended to study OSA in the Parkinson Disease (PD) and correlation with detectable levels of S100B and NSE, biochemical markers of neuronal damage. Sleep breathing disorders are frequent in Parkinson Disease and there are some studies showing that S100B, a known biochemical marker of astrocyte damage, is increased in both SAOS and PD1 2, suggesting a possible neuronal damage while compared to controls. These findings were motivation to investigate biochemical markers and sleep in patients with Parkinson. Our results suggest that sleep disturbance in PD causes a worse sleep quality and leads to S100B elevation during the night. Probably PD patients are suffering some degree of brain damage during the night that trigger a S100B response.
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