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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Outils et méthodologies de caractérisation électrothermique pour l'analyse des technologies d'interconnexion de l'électronique de puissance / Tools and methodologies for electrothermal caracterization adapted to power electronics interconnection technologies

Thollin, Benoît 04 April 2013 (has links)
L'électronique de puissance et particulièrement les systèmes de conversions deviennent un enjeu majeur de la transition énergétique et de l'avenir des transports. Les contraintes technico-économiques liées aux nouvelles applications impliquent une augmentation des densités de puissance au sein des modules tout en limitant leur coût et en conservant une robustesse satisfaisante. Aujourd'hui, des solutions semblent émerger grâce à des structures innovantes associées aux composants grands gap et à l'intégration tridimensionnelle. Ces solutions apportent cependant un certain nombre de contraintes liées aux interconnexions électrothermomécaniques (ETM). L'augmentation des niveaux de température permis par les composants grands gap et l'attrait du refroidissement double face offert par les assemblages 3D augmentent de manière importante les contraintes thermomécaniques et causent des problèmes de fiabilité. C'est pourquoi de nouvelles interconnexions ETM sont développées pour s'adapter aux nouvelles contraintes et rendre possible ce saut technologique. Cependant les outils permettant la caractérisation thermique et électrique de ces nouvelles interconnexions restent à développer. Les travaux présentés dans ce mémoire se portent sur le développement et la mise au point d'outils de caractérisation des interconnexions dans des assemblages 3D. La difficulté d'obtenir la température du composant au sein du boîtier nous a poussé à explorer deux voies permettant d'estimer la température de jonction (TJ). Premièrement par l'implantation de capteurs de température et de tension au coeur d'un composant de puissance grâce la réalisation d'une puce de test spécifique. Et deuxièmement, par l'observation de la réponse en température de composants fonctionnels faisant appel à l'utilisation d'un paramètre électrique thermosensible (PTS) du composant. Les deux pistes explorées mettent à profit des solutions spécifiques innovantes pour permettre des caractérisations thermique et électrique fines des assemblages d'électronique de puissance. / Power electronic and particularly conversion systems are becoming a major challenge for the future of energetic and transport systems. Technical and economic constraints related to new applications lead to an increase of module power densities while reducing cost and maintaining a good robustness. Today, solutions seem to emerge from innovative structures associated to wide band-gap semiconductors and three-dimensional integration. These solutions lead to many constraints in electro-thermo-mechanical (ETM) interconnection field. Temperature level rises allowed by wide band-gap semiconductors and attractiveness of double sided cooling provide by the 3D assemblies have significantly increase thermo-mechanical stresses and cause reliability problems. This is why new ETM interconnections are developed to facing those difficulties and enable this technological gap. However, thermal and electrical interconnections characterization tools need to be develop. Works presented in this thesis focuses on the development of tools for new interconnections characterization adapted to 3D package. The difficulty of obtaining the temperature of the component within the package has led us to explore two ways to estimate the junction temperature (TJ). In a first hand we integrate temperature and voltage sensors inside a power component in a clean room process thanks to the achievement of a specific thermal test chip (TTC). And in a second hand, by observing the temperature response of functional components, using a temperature-sensitive electrical parameter (TSEP). The both paths explored take advantage of innovative specific solutions to allow precise thermal and electrical characterization of power electronic assemblies.

Partial 3D-shape indexing and retrieval / Indexation partielle de modèles 3D

El Khoury, Rachid 22 March 2013 (has links)
Un nombre croissant d’applications graphiques 3D ont un impact sur notre société. Ces applications sont utilisées dans plusieurs domaines allant des produits de divertissement numérique, la conception assistée par ordinateur, aux applications médicales. Dans ce contexte, un moteur de recherche d’objets 3D avec de bonnes performances en résultats et en temps d’exécution devient indispensable. Nous proposons une nouvelle méthode pour l’indexation de modèles 3D basée sur des courbes fermées. Nous proposons ensuite une amélioration de notre méthode pour l’indexation partielle de modèles 3D. Notre approche commence par la définition d’une nouvelle fonction d’application invariante. Notre fonction d’application possède des propriétés importantes : elle est invariante aux transformations rigides et non rigides, elle est insensible au bruit, elle est robuste à de petits changements topologiques et elle ne dépend pas de paramètres. Cependant, dans la littérature, une telle fonction qui respecte toutes ces propriétés n’existe pas. Pour respecter ces propriétés, nous définissons notre fonction basée sur la distance de diffusion et la distance de migration pendulaire. Pour prouver les propriétés de notre fonction, nous calculons le graphe de Reeb de modèles 3D. Pour décrire un modèle 3D complet, en utilisant notre fonction d’application, nous définissons des courbes de niveaux fermées à partir d’un point source détecté automatiquement au centre du modèle 3D. Chaque courbe décrit alors une région du modèle 3D. Ces courbes créent un descripteur invariant à différentes transformations. Pour montrer la robustesse de notre méthode sur différentes classes de modèles 3D dans différentes poses, nous utilisons des objets provenant de SHREC 2012. Nous comparons également notre approche aux méthodes de l’état de l’art à l’aide de la base SHREC 2010. Pour l’indexation partielle de modèles 3D, nous améliorons notre approche en utilisant la technique sacs de mots, construits à partir des courbes fermées extraites, et montrons leurs bonnes performances à l’aide de la base précédente / A growing number of 3D graphic applications have an impact on today’s society. These applications are being used in several domains ranging from digital entertainment, computer aided design, to medical applications. In this context, a 3D object search engine with a good performance in time consuming and results becomes mandatory. We propose a novel approach for 3D-model retrieval based on closed curves. Then we enhance our method to handle partial 3D-model retrieval. Our method starts by the definition of an invariant mapping function. The important properties of a mapping function are its invariance to rigid and non rigid transformations, the correct description of the 3D-model, its insensitivity to noise, its robustness to topology changes, and its independance on parameters. However, current state-of-the-art methods do not respect all these properties. To respect these properties, we define our mapping function based on the diffusion and the commute-time distances. To prove the properties of this function, we compute the Reeb graph of the 3D-models. To describe the whole 3D-model, using our mapping function, we generate indexed closed curves from a source point detected automatically at the center of a 3D-model. Each curve describes a small region of the 3D-model. These curves lead to create an invariant descriptor to different transformations. To show the robustness of our method on various classes of 3D-models with different poses, we use shapes from SHREC 2012. We also compare our approach to existing methods in the state-of-the-art with a dataset from SHREC 2010. For partial 3D-model retrieval, we enhance the proposed method using the Bag-Of-Features built with all the extracted closed curves, and show the accurate performances using the same dataset

How Does a Single Cell Know When the Liver Has Reached Its Correct Size?

Hohmann, Nadine, Weiwei, Wei, Dahmen, Uta, Dirsch, Olaf, Deutsch, Andreas, Voss-Böhme, Anja 14 July 2014 (has links)
The liver is a multi-functional organ that regulates major physiological processes and that possesses a remarkable regeneration capacity. After loss of functional liver mass the liver grows back to its original, individual size through hepatocyte proliferation and apoptosis. How does a single hepatocyte ‘know’ when the organ has grown to its final size? This work considers the initial growth phase of liver regeneration after partial hepatectomy in which the mass is restored. There are strong and valid arguments that the trigger of proliferation after partial hepatectomy is mediated through the portal blood flow. It remains unclear, if either or both the concentration of metabolites in the blood or the shear stress are crucial to hepatocyte proliferation and liver size control. A cell-based mathematical model is developed that helps discriminate the effects of these two potential triggers. Analysis of the mathematical model shows that a metabolic load and a hemodynamical hypothesis imply different feedback mechanisms at the cellular scale. The predictions of the developed mathematical model are compared to experimental data in rats. The assumption that hepatocytes are able to buffer the metabolic load leads to a robustness against short-term fluctuations of the trigger which can not be achieved with a purely hemodynamical trigger.

Untersuchung des zyklisch plastischen Werkstoffverhaltens unter umformnahen Bedingungen

Hahn, Frank 20 May 2003 (has links)
Bei den Verfahren der partiellen Massivumformung, wie dem Bohrungsdrücken, erfährt der Werkstoff eine zyklische Plastifizierung. Dabei bedeutet „zyklisch“ einerseits, dass jedes Werkstoffsegment nur temporär im Umformeingriff ist und dass andererseits der Werkstoff alternierend plastifiziert wird. Inhalt der Arbeit ist die Beschreibung der Geometrie der Umformzone beim Bohrungsdrücken mit Hilfe der Computertomographie und die Untersuchung des zyklisch plastischen Werkstoffverhaltens mit verbleibendem Umforminkrement pro Umformzyklus an Hand von Torsionsuntersuchungen. Mit der Computertomographie ist es gelungen, eine Umformzone bei der partiellen Massivumformung zerstörungsfrei zu analysieren. Die Umformzone kann in zwei Verformungsbereiche aufgeteilt werden. Im Stempelbereich wird der Werkstoff unter einem hohen hydrostatischen Druckspannungsanteil einsinnig plastisch verformt. Im Walkbereich wird der Werkstoff zyklisch plastisch verformt mit einem verbleibenden Umforminkrement pro Zyklus. Das zyklisch plastische Werkstoffverhalten wird von der Verformungsamplitude, der Zyklenzahl, der Verformungsgeschwindigkeit und der Temperatur geprägt. Die Differenzen sowohl zum einsinnigen Werkstoffverhalten als auch bei verschiedenen Verformungsparametern sind in der unterschiedlich ausgeprägten Versetzungszell- und Subkorbildung begründet. Die Umformarbeit unter einsinniger Torsion steht in einem bestimmten Verhältnis zur Umformarbeit unter zyklischer Belastung. Dieses Verhältnis beschreibt der Bauschinger-Energieparameter. Er kann für die energetische Beschreibung zyklisch plastischer Verformungen verwendet werden.

Identification of material parameters in mechanical models

Meyer, Marcus 04 June 2010 (has links)
Die Dissertation beschäftigt sich mit Parameteridentifikationsproblemen, wie sie häufig in Fragestellungen der Festkörpermechanik zu finden sind. Hierbei betrachten wir die Identifikation von Materialparametern -- die typischerweise die Eigenschaften der zugrundeliegenden Materialien repräsentieren -- aus gemessenen Verformungen oder Belastungen eines Testkörpers. In mathematischem Sinne entspricht dies der Lösung von Identifikationsproblemen, die eine spezielle Klasse von inversen Problemen bilden. Der Inhalt der Dissertation ist folgendermaßen gegliedert. Nach dem einführenden Abschnitt 1 wird in Abschnitt 2 ein Überblick von Optimierungs- und Regularisierungsverfahren zur stabilen Lösung nichtlinearer inverser Probleme diskutiert. In Abschnitt 3 betrachten wir die Identifikation von skalaren und stückweise konstanten Parametern in linearen elliptischen Differentialgleichungen. Hierbei werden zwei Testprobleme erörtert, die Identifikation von Diffusions- und Reaktionsparameter in einer allgemeinen elliptischen Differentialgleichung und die Identifikation der Lame-Konstanten in einem Modell der linearisierten Elastizität. Die zugrunde liegenden PDE-Modelle und Lösungszugänge werden erläutert. Insbesondere betrachten wir hier Newton-artige Algorithmen, Gradientenmethoden, Multi-Parameter Regularisierung and den evolutionären Algorithmus CMAES. Abschließend werden Ergebnisse einer numerischen Studie präsentiert. Im Abschnitt 4 konzentrieren wir uns auf die Identifikation von verteilten Parametern in hyperelastischen Materialmodellen. Das nichtlineare Elastizitätsproblem wird detailiert erläutert und verschiedene Materialmodelle werden diskutiert (linear elastisches St.-Venant-Kirchhoff Material und nichtlineare Neo-Hooke, Mooney-Rivlin und Modified-Fung Materialien. Zur Lösung des resultierenden Parameteridentifikationsproblems werden Lösungsansätze aus der optimalen Steuerung in Form eines Newton-Lagrange SQP Algorithmus verwendet. Die Resultate einer numerischen Studie werden präsentiert, basierend auf einem zweidimensionales Testproblem mit einer sogenannten Cook-Mebran. Abschließend wird im Abschnitt 5 die Verwendung adaptiver FEM für die Lösung von Parameteridentifikationsproblems kurz erörtert. / The dissertation is focussed on parameter identification problems arising in the context of structural mechanics. At this, we consider the identification of material parameters - which typically represent the properties of an underlying material - from given measured displacements and forces of a loaded test body. In mathematical terms such problems denote identification problems as a special case of general inverse problems. The dissertation is organized as follows. After the introductive section 1, section 2 is devoted to a survey of optimization and regularization methods for the stable solution of nonlinear inverse problems. In section 3 we consider the identification of scalar and piecewise constant parameters in linear elliptic differential equations and examine two test problems, namely the identification of diffusion and reaction parameters in a generalized linear elliptic differential equation of second order and the identification of the Lame constants in the linearized elasticity model. The underlying PDE models are introduced and solution approaches are discussed in detail. At this, we consider Newton-type algorithms, gradient methods, multi-parameter regularization, and the evolutionary algorithm CMAES. Consequently, numerical studies for a two-dimensional test problem are presented. In section 4 we point out the identification of distributed material parameters in hyperelastic deformation models. The nonlinear elasticity boundary value problem for large deformations is introduced. We discuss several material laws for linear elastic (St.-Venant-Kirchhoff) materials and nonlinear Neo-Hooke, Mooney-Rivlin, and Modified-Fung materials. For the solution of the corresponding parameter identification problem, we focus on an optimal control solution approach and introduce a regularized Newton-Lagrange SQP method. The Newton-Lagrange algorithm is demonstrated within a numerical study. Therefore, a simplified two-dimensional Cook membrane test problem is solved. Additionally, in section 5 the application of adaptive methods for the solution of parameter identification problems is discussed briefly.

Conditional stability estimates for ill-posed PDE problems by using interpolation

Tautenhahn, Ulrich, Hämarik, Uno, Hofmann, Bernd, Shao, Yuanyuan January 2011 (has links)
The focus of this paper is on conditional stability estimates for ill-posed inverse problems in partial differential equations. Conditional stability estimates have been obtained in the literature by a couple different methods. In this paper we propose a method called interpolation method, which is based on interpolation in variable Hilbert scales. We are going to work out the theoretical background of this method and show that optimal conditional stability estimates are obtained. The capability of our method is illustrated by a comprehensive collection of different inverse and ill-posed PDE problems containing elliptic and parabolic problems, one source problem and the problem of analytic continuation.

Tracking of individual cell trajectories in LGCA models of migrating cell populations

Mente, Carsten 20 April 2015 (has links)
Cell migration, the active translocation of cells is involved in various biological processes, e.g. development of tissues and organs, tumor invasion and wound healing. Cell migration behavior can be divided into two distinct classes: single cell migration and collective cell migration. Single cell migration describes the migration of cells without interaction with other cells in their environment. Collective cell migration is the joint, active movement of multiple cells, e.g. in the form of strands, cohorts or sheets which emerge as the result of individual cell-cell interactions. Collective cell migration can be observed during branching morphogenesis, vascular sprouting and embryogenesis. Experimental studies of single cell migration have been extensive. Collective cell migration is less well investigated due to more difficult experimental conditions than for single cell migration. Especially, experimentally identifying the impact of individual differences in cell phenotypes on individual cell migration behavior inside cell populations is challenging because the tracking of individual cell trajectories is required. In this thesis, a novel mathematical modeling approach, individual-based lattice-gas cellular automata (IB-LGCA), that allows to investigate the migratory behavior of individual cells inside migrating cell populations by enabling the tracking of individual cells is introduced. Additionally, stochastic differential equation (SDE) approximations of individual cell trajectories for IB-LGCA models are constructed. Such SDE approximations allow the analytical description of the trajectories of individual cells during single cell migration. For a complete analytical description of the trajectories of individual cell during collective cell migration the aforementioned SDE approximations alone are not sufficient. Analytical approximations of the time development of selected observables for the cell population have to be added. What observables have to be considered depends on the specific cell migration mechanisms that is to be modeled. Here, partial integro-differential equations (PIDE) that approximate the time evolution of the expected cell density distribution in IB-LGCA are constructed and coupled to SDE approximations of individual cell trajectories. Such coupled PIDE and SDE approximations provide an analytical description of the trajectories of individual cells in IB-LGCA with density-dependent cell-cell interactions. Finally, an IB-LGCA model and corresponding analytical approximations were applied to investigate the impact of changes in cell-cell and cell-ECM forces on the migration behavior of an individual, labeled cell inside a population of epithelial cells. Specifically, individual cell migration during the epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) was considered. EMT is a change from epithelial to mesenchymal cell phenotype which is characterized by cells breaking adhesive bonds with surrounding epithelial cells and initiating individual migration along the extracellular matrix (ECM). During the EMT, a transition from collective to single cell migration occurs. EMT plays an important role during cancer progression, where it is believed to be linked to metastasis development. In the IB-LGCA model epithelial cells are characterized by balanced cell-cell and cell-ECM forces. The IB-LGCA model predicts that the balance between cell-cell and cell-ECM forces can be disturbed to some degree without being accompanied by a change in individual cell migration behavior. Only after the cell force balance has been strongly interrupted mesenchymal migration behavior is possible. The force threshold which separates epithelial and mesenchymal migration behavior in the IB-LGCA has been identified from the corresponding analytical approximation. The IB-LGCA model allows to obtain quantitative predictions about the role of cell forces during EMT which in the context of mathematical modeling of EMT is a novel approach.

Beamforming and Protection Strategies in Gaussian MISO Wiretap Systems with Partial Channel State Information

Engelmann, Sabrina 29 June 2015 (has links)
Within this thesis, we investigate the possibilities of physical layer secrecy for two special system models. In detail, we study beamforming and protection strategies in the Multiple-Input Single-Output (MISO) Gaussian Wiretap Channel (WTC) and the Gaussian two-hop relay WTC with multiple antennas at transmitter and receiver. In both system models, we examine the influence of partial Channel State Information (CSI) on the link to the eavesdropper and compare the achievable secrecy rates with the case of full CSI. We show for the MISO WTC that in the fast fading scenario the Beamforming Vector (BV) can be optimized such that the ergodic secrecy rate is maximized with regard to the degree of channel knowledge. Further we show that the ergodic secrecy rate can be significantly increased by usage of Artificial Noise (AN), if applied in a smart way. This means that the degree of channel knowledge on the link to the eavesdropper influences the portion of power that is spent for AN at the transmitter as well as the direction, in which the AN signal is sent. In addition, we apply the same beamforming and protection strategies to the slow fading scenario and find that these techniques also reduce the secrecy outage probability. For the two-hop relay WTC, we introduce Information Leakage Neutralization (IN) as a new protection strategy. If applied to a system model, where the transmitter has full CSI, the instantaneous secrecy rate performs almost as well as the instantaneous capacity of the peaceful system without an eavesdropper. The IN protected scheme outperforms the AN protected approach and performs much better than any beamforming scheme without additional protection mechanism. Another positive aspect of the IN protected scheme in the case of full CSI is that conventional channel codes can be applied instead of wiretap codes. For the case of partial CSI, where the transmitter has only an outdated estimate on the channel between relay and the eavesdropper, we show that the IN protected scheme can also be applied. Here, it strongly depends on the channel realizations and the delay of the estimate, whether the IN or the AN protection scheme should be applied. / In dieser Arbeit wird das Leistungsvermögen der Sicherheit auf der physikalischen Schicht anhand von zwei speziellen Systemmodellen untersucht. Im Detail werden Beamforming- und Absicherungsstrategien im gaußschen Multiple-Input Single-Output (MISO) Wiretap Channel (WTC) und dem gaußschen Two-hop Relay WTC mit mehreren Antennen am Sender und Empfänger studiert. In beiden Systemmodellen wird der Einfluss von partieller Kanalkenntnis zum Abhörer betrachtet und die so erreichbaren Sicherheitsraten mit denen verglichen, die bei voller Kanalkenntnis erreichbar sind. Für den MISO WTC kann gezeigt werden, dass für Kanäle mit schnellem Schwund der Beamforming-Vektor in Hinblick auf die ergodische Sicherheitsrate unter Berücksichtigung des Grades der Kanalkenntnis optimiert werden kann. Zudem kann durch die intelligente Verwendung von künstlichem Rauschen (Artificial Noise, AN) die ergodische Sicherheitsrate signifikant erhöht werden. Hierbei nimmt der Grad der Kanalkenntnis direkt Einfluss auf die Aufteilung der Leistung zwischen Daten- und AN-Signal am Sender sowie auch auf die Richtung, in der das AN-Signal gesendet wird. Zudem kann gezeigt werden, dass dieselben Beamforming- und Absicherungsstrategien ebenfalls die Sicherheitsausfallwahrscheinlichkeit für Kanäle mit langsamem Schwund minimieren. Im gaußschen Two-hop Relay WTC wird Information Leakage Neutralization (IN) als neuartige Absicherungsstrategie eingeführt. Diese Absicherungsstrategie erreicht nahezu dieselben instantanen Raten wie ein friedvolles System ohne Abhörer, wenn es bei voller Kanalkenntnis am Sender eingesetzt wird. Weiterhin sind durch die IN-Absicherungsstrategie höhere Raten erreichbar als durch den Einsatz von AN. Zusätzlich kann im Fall von voller Kanalkenntnis auf den Einsatz von Wiretap-Codes verzichtet werden. Auch im Fall partieller Kanalkenntnis, wo der Sender nur eine veraltete Schätzung des Kanals zwischen Relay und Abhörer besitzt, kann gezeigt werden, dass die IN-Absicherungsstrategie angewendet werden kann. Hierbei hängt es jedoch stark von den Kanalrealisierungen und dem Alter der Kanalschätzung ab, ob die IN- oder die AN-Absicherungsstrategie bessere Ergebnisse bringt und daher angewandt werden sollte.

Virtualisation of FPGA-Resources for Concurrent User Designs Employing Partial Dynamic Reconfiguration

Genßler, Paul Richard 12 March 2015 (has links)
Reconfigurable hardware in a cloud environment is a power efficient way to increase the processing power of future data centers beyond today\'s maximum. This work enhances an existing framework to support concurrent users on a virtualized reconfigurable FPGA resource. The FPGAs are used to provide a flexible, fast and very efficient platform for the user who has access through a simple cloud based interface. A fast partial reconfiguration is achieved through the ICAP combined with a PCIe connection and a combination of custom and TCL scripts to control the tool flow. This allows for a reconfiguration of a user space on a FPGA in a few milliseconds while providing a simple single-action interface to the user.

Exponential Stability and Initial Value Problems for Evolutionary Equations

Trostorff, Sascha 07 May 2018 (has links)
The thesis deals with so-called evolutionary equations, a class of abstract linear operator equations, which cover a huge class of partial differential equation with and without memory. We provide a unified Hilbert space framework for the well-posedness of such equations. Moreover, we inspect the exponential stability of those problems and construct spaces of admissible inital values and pre-histories, on which a strongly continuous semigroup could be associated with the given problem. The theoretical results are illustrated by several examples.

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