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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Lived experiences of police officers dealing with domestic violence matters in Mankweng, Limpopo Province

Mkhonto, Ronny January 2022 (has links)
Thesis (M. (Social Work) -- University of Limpopo, 2022 / Several studies show that domestic violence is a global problem that the police deal with daily. Police officers are mostly being called upon to intervene during domestic violence occurrences. The police are considered first responders to domestic violence and other emergencies because of their broader scope. This study aimed to explore the lived experiences of police officers who are dealing with domestic violence matters in Mankweng, Limpopo Province, South Africa. This study was qualitative and employed an exploratory case study to get insight into the lived experiences of police officers who are assigned to handle domestic violence cases. Five police officers were sampled from Mankweng Police Station using purposive and snowball sampling techniques. To stay in line with Covid-19 national regulations, data was collected via individual telephone interviews. Data was collected until saturation was reached and analysed thematically. The study found that police officers require the necessary skills and resources to deal with victims and survivors of domestic violence, especially those who have experienced emotional abuse. Furthermore, the study revealed a need for inter-professional collaboration between the police and social service agencies. Dealing with domestic violence presents complications for police officers, especially when they have to make an informed decision. The study recommends that more social workers should be hired in the police stations to assist police officers in handling domestic violence cases.

Den ideella aktörens potential : En kvalitativ studie om volontärarbetares perspektiv på att förebygga problem bland unga

Wärulf, Emma January 2023 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to investigate in what ways volunteers at local youth empowerment organizations can contribute to the prevention of adversity and intimate partner violence among youths, as well as their perception of the needs of their target group. Another aim is to discuss the possibilities of cooperation between different agents working to support adolescents, which includes volunteers, schools, parents and other adults. This subject is relevant for social work as organizations in the nonprofit sector can be established as producers of welfare services. The investigation is conducted through qualitative thematic analyses of interviews with four volunteers from two different organizations, and the analysis is presented in three themes. The theoretical perspectives applied are street-level bureaucracy, ecological system theory, stigma, and gender theory. The empirical body describes both opportunities and limitations of the preventative work, and the result implies that no single agent has enough resources to decrease adolescents’ social vulnerability by their own means. Therefore, the possibility of cooperation between agents in various levels of the ecological system is discussed. The conclusion of this study is that all agencies need to contribute to create more effective prevention and support measures to reduce youth adversity and intimate partner violence, and volunteers can play a key role in this work.

Anhöriginvandring och partnervåld : En kartläggande litteraturstudie av kvinnors upplevelser / Family Migration and Intimate Partner Violence : A charted literature study of women's experiences

von Grothusen, Klara, Meijer Hermodsson, Saga January 2024 (has links)
Foreign-born women who migrate to a partner implies a particular vulnerability towards intimate partner violence. This is due to reasons including migration law related dependency. Little research has been made on intimate partner violence amongst this specific migrant group. This scoping review aims to investigate experiences of intimate partner violence amongst women who, as a result of their migration status, stand in a dependent position in relation to their partner. Searches were made in two databases. The initial searches resulted in 625 articles, these were all reviewed by their titles. 213 articles were reviewed by abstracts and 27 were reviewed by full text. Three articles were conducted by examining references of the articles. This resulted in 17 articles being included in this scoping review. Key findings include the women's double exposure in relation to: physical abuse, their financial situation, mental abuse, social isolation, latent abuse and exploitation. Findings also include consequences of the violence: Emotional consequences and coping. To avoid generalization and instead focus on the diversity of migration experiences this study presents an intersectional perspective on migrant women's experiences of intimate partner violence. This study analyzes how multiple factors of disadvantage including gender, class, ethnicity and migration status all intersect and create a complex and unique exposure when it comes to intimate partner violence.

Kvinnors hälsa efter att de blivit utsatta för våld av en partner : en litteraturöversikt / Womens's health after being exposed to violence by a partner : a literature review

Lindström, Johanna, Noori, Mandana January 2023 (has links)
Bakgrund Våld i nära relationer är en global folkhälsofråga. Enligt en WHO-studie har många kvinnor runt om i världen blivit utsatta för olika former av våld från sina partners. Hälsa definieras på olika sätt. Inom vårdvetenskapen definieras hälsa som en balans mellan fysiskt, psykiskt och socialt välbefinnande. Våld kommer vidare i olika former och kan utövas fysiskt, psykiskt, sexuellt och ekonomiskt. Kvinnor är särskilt utsatta för sådant våld. Sjuksköterskor har en viktig roll i att upptäcka och stödja kvinnor som utsätts. Dock finns brister i sjuksköterskors kunskap och självförtroende när det gäller att hantera dessa situationer. Syfte Syftet var att belysa kvinnors hälsa efter att de blivit utsatta för våld av en partner. Metod En icke-systematisk litteraturöversikt har genomförts baserat på 15 vetenskapliga artiklar, som omfattar såväl kvalitativa som kvantitativa ansatser. Artiklarna samlades in från databaserna PubMed och CINAHL genom att använda olika kombinationer av sökord. Artiklarna har alla blivit peer reviewed och genomgått en kvalitetsbedömning med de kriterier som fastställts av Sophiahemmet University för att utvärdera deras vetenskapliga klassificering och kvalitet. Resultat Resultatet sammanställdes under fyra huvudkategorier: fysisk-, psykisk- och social hälsa samt skadliga hälsobeteenden som konsekvens av partnervåld. Resultatet tyder på att våld i nära relation har konsekvenser för alla former av hälsa samt att det leder till skadliga hälsobeteenden. Kvinnans möjligheter att uppnå god hälsa försämras och risken att drabbas av ohälsa ökar av partnervåld. Slutsats Denna uppsats belyste kvinnors hälsa efter våld i nära relationer. Våldet har en negativ påverkan på fysisk, psykisk och social hälsa samt leder till ohälsosamt beteende. Alla inom vården bör kunna möta våldsutsatta kvinnor och erbjuda relevant hjälp och stöd. Denna litteraturöversikt hoppas kunna öka sjuksköterskors medvetenhet om våld i nära relationer och dess breda konsekvenser vilket är nödvändigt för upptäckt, förebyggande, kunskapsspridning och stöd till de drabbade kvinnorna. / Background  Violence in intimate relationships is a global public health issue. According to a WHO study, many women around the world have been exposed to various forms of violence from their partners. Health is defined in different ways. In nursing science, health is defined as a balance between physical, mental and social well-being. Violence comes in different forms and can be practiced physically, psychologically, sexually and financially. Women are particularly vulnerable to such violence. Nurses have an important role in detecting and supporting women who are exposed. However, there are gaps in nurses' knowledge and self-confidence when it comes to handling these situations. Aim  The aim was to shed light on women's health after being subjected to violence by a partner. Method  A non-systematic literature review has been carried out based on 15 scientific articles, which include qualitative as well as quantitative approaches. The articles were gathered from the PubMed and CINAHL databases by employing various combinations of keywords. The included articles have been peer-reviewed and subjected to a quality assessment using the criteria established by Sophiahemmet Univeristy for evaluating their scientific classification and quality. Results  The results were compiled under four main categories: physical health, mental health, social health, and harmful health behaviours as a consequence of partner violence. The results indicate that violence in a close relationship has several bad consequences on all types of health and that it leads to harmful health behaviour, which means that the abused woman cannot achieve good health. Conclusions  This essay highlighted women's health after intimate partner violence. The violence has a negative impact on physical, mental and social health and leads to unhealthy behaviour. Everyone in healthcare should be able to meet abused women and offer relevant help and support. This literature review hopes to increase nurses' awareness of intimate partner violence and its broad consequences, which is necessary for detection, prevention, knowledge dissemination and support for the affected women.

Den krävande kunskapen : Om svårigheterna att uppnå självupplevd kunskap om våld i nära relationer inom socialtjänsten

Kunosson, Chrystal January 2024 (has links)
The Swedish social services have an extensive responsibility for supporting victims andperpetrators of intimate partner violence (IPV) as well as their children. Social serviceworkers therefore need knowledge about IPV. However, previous research has shown that theself perceived competence of such knowledge is lacking among social workers. The purposeof this study is to examine why that is and what perspectives on knowledge about IPV thatare communicated (and not) by one of the central actors of the state governing of knowledge,the National Board of Health and Welfare (Socialstyrelsen). It also explores to what extentcritical perspectives are expressed. This is done by categorizing the content of one of theBoard’s IPV educational materials into three sections of knowledge: theoretical, factual andpractical knowledge. The results are analyzed using Bacchis analytical tool “Whats’s theProblem Represented to Be” (WPR), which shows that factual knowledge is dominant in thematerial while theoretical knowledge is least common. Critical perspectives on IPV, likeanalyses of structural power mechanisms, are hardly noticeable, which is considered as ashortcoming when it comes to understanding IPV. As IPV is a complex issue that can beviewed as troublesome within the social services and provoke emotions and resistance,pedagogical tools specifically adapted to education about IPV can be needed, which is nottaken into consideration in the studied material. The study discusses that a predominance offactual knowledge and a lack of critical perspectives in the educational material can beunderstood as influenced by NPM, focusing on production within prevailing frames ratherthan challenging them in order to enable social change. For knowledge about IPV to beimplemented and deepened within the social services, and thereby the support to IPV victims,perpetrators and their children to be strengthened, this study suggests that criticalperspectives are needed in the learning process, using pedagogical approaches which take thecomplexity of IPV into consideration

Sjuksköterskors erfarenhet av att vårda kvinnor som blivit utsatta för våld i nära relation : - En kvalitativ litteraturöversikt / Nurses' experiences in caring for women who have been exposed to intimate partner violence : - A review

Qvick, Ella, Rise, Emma January 2023 (has links)
Bakgrund: Våld i nära relationer utgör ett brott mot mänskliga rättigheter och utgör ett allvarligt hälsoproblem. De mest förekommande typerna av våld mot kvinnor i nära relation är fysiskt, psykiskt och sexuellt våld. Kvinnor som sökte hjälp av hälso- och sjukvården upplevde avsaknad av stöd och det saknades kunskap. Sjuksköterskans ansvar är att vara medveten om olika indikationer på våld samt stödja, ge råd, vara beredd att ställa frågor och lyssna på den våldsutsatta kvinnans berättelse. Därför är det viktigt att öka kunskapen inom området. Syfte: Att studera sjuksköterskor inom slutenvårdens erfarenhet av att vårda kvinnor som varit utsatta för våld i nära relation. Metod: En litteraturöversikt med 9 vetenskapliga artiklar med kvalitativ design. Artikelsökningar genomfördes med databaserna Cinahl, Medline samt manuellt där kvalitetsgranskning genomfördes med hjälp av Hälsohögskolans granskningsprotokoll för kvalitativa artiklar. Datainsamlingen granskades med stöd av Fribergs (2022) femstegsanalys.   Resultat: Resultatet presenterades  i 2 huvudkategorier: Balansgången mellan att vara professionell och emotionell med tillhörande subkategorier. Resultatet visade en emotionell påverkan hos sjuksköterskorna där de fick svårt att distansera sig från offrets känslor. Sympatikänslor och förutfattade meningar kunde hindra sjuksköterskorna från att ställa frågan om våld. Brist på riktlinjer, tid, kunskap och organisatoriskt stöd identifierades som hinder att identifiera våldsutsatta kvinnor. Slutsats: Sjuksköterskornas erfarenheter av att vårda våldsutsatta kvinnor beskrevs som emotionellt påfrestade. De fanns ett tvivel till hur sjuksköterskorna skulle gå till väga vid samtalet om våld vilket kunde grunda sig på förutfattade meningar och attityder. De beskrev att brist på tid, kunskap, riktlinjer, utbildning och organisatoriskt stöd kunde hindra sjuksköterskorna att identifiera våld i nära relation och erbjuda kvinnorna adekvat vård.

Dyadic and Ecological Associations with Intimate Partner Violence (IPV): Using Hierarchical Linear Modeling to Differentiate IPV from Community Crime

Carpenter, Rachel 01 May 2023 (has links)
Research on intimate partner violence (IPV) and intimate partner sexual violence (IPSV) has largely focused on individual and dyadic-level risk factors, but recently studies have explored how the surrounding environment is associated with IPV/IPSV. Studies that have explored community-level variables typically only use IPV/IPSV samples and do not first compare indicators of IPV/IPSV to those of general crime in those same communities. To address these gaps, this study was conducted in two parts. Data were retrieved from the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation Reporting System, County Health Rankings and Roadmaps System, the US Census Bureau, and other sources. Study 1 first determined that aspects of gender inequality, specific socioeconomic variables, and health-related factors differentiated IPV/IPSV from community crime. Study 2 utilized multilevel modeling to further investigate the nested effects of IPV/IPSV on individuals within the larger community. Significant individual level variables included younger age, differences among relationship type, and drug use. At the community level, factors related to socioeconomics and children, firearm prevalence, and certain health-related factors (e.g., lack of health insurance) were important when comparing IPV/IPSV. Prevention and intervention efforts should improve healthcare access and medical IPV screening, target younger age groups, provide specific resources to improve socioeconomic status, and reduce excessive drug/alcohol use and firearm use in IPV/IPSV.

Att möta kvinnor som blivit utsatta för våld i nära relationer - Sjuksköterskors erfarenheter: : en litteraturstudie

Slunga, Ebba, Omnell, Lina January 2022 (has links)
Bakgrund: Våld i nära relationer är ett samhällsproblem oberoende av religion, kultur ochsocioekonomiskstatus.Kvinnordrabbasistörstutsträckningoch konsekvenserav våldet påverkar kvinnornas fysiska, psykiska och reproduktiva hälsa. Sjuksköterskor har en viktig roll i bemötandet av våldsutsatta kvinnor, då det finns flertalet hinder för sjuksköterskorna i mötet och det är därför viktigt att undersöka sjuksköterskors erfarenheter.  Syfte: Att beskriva sjuksköterskors erfarenheter av att möta kvinnor som blivit utsatta för våld i nära relationer.  Metod: Litteraturstudien baserades på nio kvalitativa studier. Databassökning genomfördes i PubMed och Cinahl. Analysen inspirerades av hur kvalitativ innehållsanalys beskrivs av Graneheim och Lundman, samt Danielsson.  Resultat: Analysen resulterade i fyra kategorier: “att känna motstridiga känslor”, “att balansera olika roller”, “att vara osäker kring tillvägagångssätt” och “att sakna organisatoriskt stöd”.  Konklusion: Mötet med kvinnor som blivit utsatta för våld i nära relationer kan leda till motstridiga känslor och svårigheter i att balansera professionella- och privata roller för sjuksköterskor. Sjuksköterskor behöver organisatoriskt och professionellt stöd i arbetet med våldsutsatta kvinnor. Sjuksköterskor upplever bristande utbildning och därför behövs vidare forskning för att utveckla samt förbättra utbildningen och vården. / Background: Intimate partner violence (IPV) is a widespread societal problem independent of religion, culture and socioeconomic status. Women are more commonly exposed to IPV which affects their physical, psychological and reproductive health. Nurses play an important role in the encounter of women exposed to IPV. Nurses’ experience various obstacles during these encounters, therefore it is important to explore nurses’ experiences.  Aim: To describe nurses’ experiences of encountering women who have been exposed to intimate partner violence.  Methods: The literature review was based on nine qualitative studies. Database searches were made in PubMed and Cinahl. The analysis was inspired by qualitative content analysis described by Graneheim and Lundman, as well as Danielsson.  Results: The analysis resulted in four categories: “to feel conflicting emotions”, “to balance different roles”, “to be uncertain about approaches” and “to lack organisational support”.  Conclusion: For nurses the encounter with women exposed to IPV may lead to conflicting emotions and difficulties with balancing their professional and private roles. Nurses need organisational and professional support in their work with women exposed to IPV. Nurses experience insufficient education and therefore further research is required to improve educational programs and the provided care.

Omvårdnadspersonals erfarenheter av att identifiera kvinnor utsatta för våld i nära relationer : – En litteraturstudie / Nursing staff’s experiences of identifying women exposed to intimate partner violence : – A literature study

Söderlund, Evelina, Karlsson, Wilma January 2022 (has links)
Bakgrund: Våld i nära relationer är ett stort samhällsproblem som påverkar både fysisk, psykisk och sexuell hälsa. Kvinnor är mer utsatta för att drabbas av upprepat och allvarligt våld. Syfte: Syftet med studien var att beskriva omvårdnadspersonals erfarenheter av att identifiera kvinnor utsatta för våld i nära relationer.  Metod: En litteraturstudie baserad på åtta kvalitativa artiklar. Databassökningar har genomförts i PubMed, Cinahl och PsycInfo. Analysen av artiklarna genomfördes med hjälp av Fribergs femstegsmodell. Resultat: Analysen resulterade i tre kategorier och åtta subkategorier. Kategorierna var: ”Sjukvårdens ansvar och organisation”, ”Hinder vid mötet med kvinnan” och ”Tillvägagångssätt vid identifiering”. Konklusion: Det har identifierats hinder inom sjukvårdens organisation för identifiering av våldsutsatta kvinnor vilket pekar mot att mer utbildning, tydligare riktlinjer och bättre ansvarsfördelning behövs. Vidare forskning behövs för att öka förståelsen kring sjukvårdens organisation och hur den stödjer hanteringen av våldsutsatta kvinnor samt eventuella förbättringsarbeten som behövs. / Background: Intimate partner violence is a big society issue who affects both physically, psychologically and sexual health. Women are more exposed to suffer repeatedly and serious violence. Aim: The aim of the study was to describe nursing staff's experiences of identifying women who have been exposed to intimate partner violence Methods: A literature study based on eight qualitative studies. Databases searches were conducted in PubMed, Cinahl and PsycInfo. The analysis of the articles was conducted using Fribergs five-step model.   Results: The analysis resulted in three categories and eight subcategories. The categories were: “Responsibilities and organization of the healthcare”, “Obstacles in the meeting with the woman” and “Approach to identification”.  Conclusion: Obstacles have been identified within the healthcare organization for identifying women exposed to intimate partner violence, which points to the need for more training, clearer guidelines and better division of responsibilities. Further research is needed to increase understanding of the organization of healthcare and how they support the handling of women exposed to violence, and which possible improvement work that is needed.

A Comparative Study: Women's Rights in Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, and Tajikistan

Ginn, Megan A 01 January 2016 (has links)
After 1991 five countries emerged out of the fall of the Soviet Union to create a new region: Central Asia. No longer dominated by Soviet rule these countries fought to overcome barriers to independence and struggled to be seen by the international community as developed countries. However, these countries were far from developed and had to pay the high cost of human rights to get what they desired. This study researches and analyzes how Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, and Tajikistan have traded the rights of women to achieve a placebo of development. Two of the largest violations of women’s rights that have manifested because of the government’s direct actions are domestic abuse and sex trafficking. The government’s structure and leadership, the economic opportunity for women, and the cultural acceptance have all been orchestrated by the government to create a society where women’s rights are unheard of. The actions taken by the three governments seem extensive on paper and international covenants yet are never implemented to help society. Through this research women’s rights in the Central Asian countries of Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, and Tajikistan are examined through the prevalence and acceptance of both domestic violence and sex trafficking. The international conventions, domestic policies, and actions taken by political leaders are examined to better understand the underlying reasons that contribute to the persistence of these attitudes.

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