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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Gregorian Chant in the Organ Symphonies of Widor and Dupré, a Lecture Recital, Together With Three Recitals of Selected Works of J. S. Bach, S. Barber, A. Bruckner, F. Couperin, M. Dupré, M. Duruflé, C. Franck, W. A. Mozart, O. Messiaen, J. Pachelbel, M. Reger, and Others

Thomas, Paul Lindsley 05 1900 (has links)
The lecture recital was given on November 20, 1979. The final movement of Widor's Symphonie Gothique, opus 70, the first movement of Widor's Symphonie Romane, opus 73, and the first movement of Dupré's Symphonie-Passion, opus 23 were performed following a lecture on Gregorian Chant in the organ symphonies of Widor and Dupré. The lecture included a brief historical discussion of the decline of organ literature following the French Classical School, the development of the Modern French Organ School beginning with the establishment of the organ department at the Paris Conservatory, the revival of plainsong and the establishment of the School of Solesmes, and the influence of César Franck and the organ symphony. The main body of the lecture included biographical sketches of Widor and Dupré, a discussion of the general characteristics of their organ symphonies, with the emphasis upon those movements specifically employing the use of Gregorian chant.

A Passion for Privilege: Mercy Otis Warren's Expression of Emotion, 1769-1780

Essman, McKenna 24 May 2022 (has links)
No description available.

Augustine and the Trinity vision in the Vita Sancti Augustini Imaginibus Adornata

Slaymaker, Peter James Victor January 2013 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI)

ルソーにおける政治的身体と一般意志 / ルソー ニオケル セイジテキ シンタイ ト イッパン イシ

平 光佑, Kosuke Taira 20 March 2022 (has links)
本論文は、ルソーの国家論を、政治的身体のアナロジーに着目することによって解明することを目的とする。『社会契約論』を構成する三つの重要概念、すなわち「社会契約」、「一般意志」、「人民主権」がいかにして緊密に連関し合っているのかが、この「政治的身体」のアナロジーの解読を通じて示される。とりわけ「一般意志」については、『エミール』における意志論にも言及しつつ、「特殊意志」との接合がいかにして可能かを探求する。 / This study aims to clarify the political philosophy of Rousseau by analysing the analogy of the Body Politic. Through the analogy, it is shown how three important notions in The Social Contract , namely the social contract, the general will and popular sovereignty, are related closely each other. In terms of the general will, I explore the possibility of connecting it to the particular will while mentioning the discussion about free will in Emile. / 博士(哲学) / Doctor of Philosophy / 同志社大学 / Doshisha University

The Process of Becoming an Advocate for the Counseling Profession: A Qualitative Analysis of Counselors’ Development toward Advocacy

White, Marisa Lynn 15 December 2009 (has links)
No description available.

A Descriptive Analysis of the Oberammergau Passion Play 2010

Wolf, Christa J. 20 September 2013 (has links)
No description available.

An instructional framework for implementing genius hour in the classroom

Townsend, Kenneth 06 1900 (has links)
The creation of an instructional genius hour framework for classroom implementation is an objective of this study. Currently, genius hour educators use a wide variety of frameworks. Some genius hour educators do not follow a set framework, yet others continually modify their genius hour frameworks. This study draws attention to the need to create an instructional framework for classroom implementation. This study was conducted through semi-structured interviews with five of the most respected genius hour educators. For the purposes of this study, each individual educator was treated as a separate case study. During the semi-structured interviews, genius hour educators shared their personal experience with implementing genius hour, their personal philosophies and ideas related to genius hour, their recommendations regarding genius hour implementation, and their recommendations regarding genius hour frameworks for classroom implementation. Moreover, this study also conducted two observations of genius hour classrooms in action. These classroom observations offered data related to genius hour educational philosophy and the need for a genius hour framework. This study recommends that educators use an instructional framework when implementing genius hour. A framework will have a positive effect on the performance of genius hour because of the added structure and clarity it provides for students and educators. It is recommended that educators choose a framework, and modify it in order to best serve the academic needs of their particular genius hour programme. This study moves beyond the genius hour framework by identifying major themes that genius hour educators should consider when implementing genius hour in the classrooms. Alongside the importance of the framework model, the common themes of front-loading, learning from failure, developing passion, and mentoring emerged from the interviews and observations. In essence, this study developed a framework model, game time, based around the importance of incorporating the aforementioned themes. The findings within this study offer an understanding of the importance of using a genius hour framework for classroom implementation. This study envisions that educators can use the research gathered in order to create an optimal genius hour framework for classroom implementation. This offers a framework for classroom implementation, which should be individualized in order to best suit the classroom specific needs. / Hierdie studie het die skepping van ʼn genie-uur-onderrigraamwerk vir klaskamer-implementering ten doel. Tans gebruik genie-uuropvoeders ’n wye verskeidenheid raamwerke. Sommige genie-uuropvoeders volg nie ’n vasgestelde raamwerk nie, terwyl andere voortdurend hul genie-uurraamwerke verander. Hierdie studie vestig aandag op die behoefte om ʼn onderrigraamwerk vir klaskamerimplementering te skep. Hierdie studie is uitgevoer deur middel van halfgestruktureerde onderhoude met vyf van die mees gerespekteerde genie-uuropvoeders. Vir die doeleindes van hierdie studie is elke individuele opvoeder as ’n afsonderlike gevallestudie behandel. Gedurende die halfgestruktureerde onderhoude het genie-uuropvoeders hul persoonlike ervarings van die inwerkingstelling van genie-uur, hul persoonlike filosofieë en idees oor genie-uur, hul aanbevelings vir genie-uurimplementering, en hul aanbevelings vir genie-uurraamwerke vir klaskamerimplementering gedeel. Verder het hierdie stude ook twee waarnemings van genie-uurklaskamers-in-aksie uitgevoer. Hierdie klaskamerwaarnemings het data in verband met genie-uuronderwysfilosofie en die behoefte aan ’n genie-uurraamwerk opgelewer. Hierdie studie beveel aan dat opvoeders ʼn onderrigraamwerk gebruik wanneer hulle genie-uur in werking stel. ’n Raamwerk sal ’n positiewe uitwerking op die uitvoering van genie-uur hê as gevolg van die bykomende struktuur en duidelikheid wat dit aan studente en opvoeders bied. Daar word aanbeveel dat opvoeders ’n raamwerk kies en dit aanpas ten einde die beste in die akademiese behoeftes van hul betrokke genie-uurprogram te voorsien. Hierdie studie beweeg verder as die genie-uurraamwerk deur belangrike temas te identifiseer wat genie-uuropvoeders kan oorweeg wanneer hulle genie-uur in die klaskamers in werking stel. Afgesien van die belangrikheid van die raamwerkmodel het die algemene temas van voorkantlading, leer uit mislukking, ontwikkeling van passie en leidinggewing uit die onderhoude en waarnemings na vore gekom. Hierdie studie het wesenlik ’n raamwerkmodel ontwikkel, genaamd speeltyd, wat gebaseer is op die belangrikheid daarvan om die voorgenoemde temas te inkorporeer. Die bevindings van hierdie studie bied ʼn begrip van die belangrikheid daarvan om ’n genie-uurraamwerk vir klaskamerimplementering te gebruik. Hierdie studie stel in die vooruitsig dat opvoeders die navorsing sal gebruik wat ingesamel is om ʼn optimale genie-uurraamwerk vir klaskamerimplementering te skep. Dit bied ’n raamwerk vir klaskamerimplementering, wat geïndividualiseer behoort te word om die beste in die spesifieke behoeftes van elke klaskamer te voorsien. / Ukwakhiwa kohlaka lokufundisa ngendlela ye-genius hour oluzosetshenziswa ekilasini yiyona njongo yalolu cwaningo. Njengamanje, othisha abalandela indlela yegenius hour basebenzisa izinhlobonhlobo zezinhlaka. Abanye othisha abalandela indlela yegenius hour abasebenzisi izinhlaka ezibekiwe, kodwa abanye bayaqhubeka nokulungisa izinhlaka zabo zegenius hour. Lolu cwaningo luveza isidingo sokwakhiwa kohlaka lokufundisa oluzosetshenziswa ekilasini. Lolu cwaningo lwaluqhutshwa ngokuxoxisana okuhleliwe nothisha abahlanu abahlonishwa kakhulu begenius hour. Ngokwenjongo yalolu cwaningo, uthisha ngamunye wayethathwa njengowahlukile kwabanye abasetshenziswe ocwaningweni. Ngenkathi kuqhubeka izingxoxo ezihleliwe, othisha begenius hour baxoxa ngabahlangabezana nakho uma beqalisa ukusebenzisa igenius hour, imigomo abayilandelayo kanye namasu ahambisana negenius hour, izincomo zabo mayelana negenius hour kanye nezincomo zabo ngezinhlaka zegenius hour ezizosetshenziswa ekilasini. Phezu kwalokho, lolu cwaningo luphinde lwabuka kusetshenziswa igenius hour kabili emakilasini ngenkathi eqhubeka. Lokhu kubhekwa kwamakilasi kwaveza imininingwane eqondene nemigomo yezemfundo yegenius hour kanye nesidingo sohlaka lwegenius hour. Lolu cwaningo luncoma ukuba othisha basebenzise uhlaka lokufundisa uma beqala ukusebenzisa igenius hour. Uhlaka luzoba nomphumela omuhle ekusebenzeni kwegenius hour, ngenxa yokwakheka okwengeziwe kanye nokucacisa, ihlinzekela abafundi nothisha. Kunconywa ukuba othisha bakhethe uhlaka, balulungise kahle ukuze luhambisane nezidingo zezemfundo zohlelo lwabo oluthile lwegenius hour. Lolu cwaningo luhamba ludlulele ngale kohlaka lwegenius hour ngokuhlonza izingqikithi okufanele othisha begenius hour bacabange ngazo uma beqala ukusebenzisa igenius hour emakilasini. Ngaphandle kokubaluleka kwesimo sohlaka, izingqikithi ezejwayelekile zokufundisa ngokuhlahla indlela, ukufunda ngokwehluleka kuqala, ukukhula kothando kanye nokwalusa kwavela ezingxoxweni nasekubukeni. Empeleni. lolu cwaningo selwakhe isimo sohlaka, isikhathi semidlalo, okuncike ekubalulekeni kokuhlanganisa lezi zingqikithi ezibaliwe. Okutholakele kulolu cwaningo kunikeza ukuqonda kokubaluleka kokusebenzisa uhlaka lwegenius hour ekilasini. Lolu cwaningo lubona ukuthi othisha bangasebenzisa imininingwane etholakale ocwaningweni ukwakha uhlaka lwegenius hour olusebenza kahle oluzosetshenziswa ekilasini. Lokhu kuhlinzeka uhlaka oluzosetshenziswa ekilasini, okumele lwenziwe lusebenzele umuntu ngamunye ukuze luhambisane kahle nezidingo zekilasi ngalinye. / Curriculum and Instructional Studies / D. Ed. (Curriculum and Instructional Studies)

Toward constructing a psychosocial model of career wellbeing for the South African working adult

Bester, Salemon Marais 01 1900 (has links)
In this research, a cross-sectional quantitative survey was conducted on a convenience sample of working adults (N = 550) from different race, gender, age, qualification, job level and tenure groups in various South African organisations, with the intention of developing a psychosocial model of career wellbeing for the working adult in the South African context. To identify the elements and nature of the model, the relationship dynamics between the constructs of occupational passion, psychological career resources, psychosocial career preoccupations and the outcome of career satisfaction were examined. The mediating effect of psychological career resources and psychosocial career preoccupations on the relationship dynamics between occupational passion and career satisfaction was determined. The moderating effect of certain sociodemographic variables (race, gender, age, qualification, job level, and tenure) on the relationship dynamics between the research constructs was measured. In addition, an evaluation of the differences manifested by individuals from various sociodemographic backgrounds (race, gender, age, qualification, job level, and tenure) regarding the research constructs added to an understanding of the manifested model. Correlation and inferential statistical analyses (multi-level mediation modelling, regression analysis and tests for significant mean differences) indicated that career management practices should consider harmonious passion to be an important intrinsic motivational antecedent in explaining the variance in individuals’ career satisfaction as it can facilitate the development of important psychosocial resources. These resources include flexible career preferences, well-crafted career plans and actions to achieve career goals, career harmonisers (i.e. self-esteem, behavioural adaptability and emotional literacy) and a strong need to be upskilled and employable (career adaptation needs). These elements manifested as the core elements of the psychosocial career wellbeing profile. Job level and race were further indicated as important sociodemographic variables in explaining levels of career satisfaction. Differences between race, gender, age, qualification, job level and tenure groups, for the constructs of occupational passion, psychological career resources, psychosocial career preoccupations and career satisfaction, also need to be considered in the career wellbeing profile. Theoretically, the results advanced career theory by empirically validating the core elements of the career wellbeing profile. These may be applied to inform career management practices and consequently enhance the career wellbeing of working adults. / Industrial and Organisational Psychology / Ph. D. (Psychology (Industrial and Organisational Psychology))

František de Meyronnes: Kritická edice a analýza Traktátu Passione Domini / Francis of Meyronnes's Tractatus de passione Domini: Critical edition and analysis

Burgazzi, Riccardo January 2015 (has links)
Univerzita Karlova v Praze Filozofická fakulta Ústav řeckých a latinských studií Latinská medievistika a neolatinská studia Abstract Francis of Meyronnesʼ Tractatus de passione Domini: Critical edition and analysis Školitel: doc. Mgr. Lucie Doležalová, M.A., Ph.D. 2015 Riccardo Burgazzi Abstract Francis of Meyronnes (1288 - 1328) was a theologian and a sermonist, disciple of John Duns Scotus. He studied at the University of Paris and taught in several provincial studia in France and in Italy. He became master of theology in 1323 and he was named Provincial Minister of Provence in 1324; later, he moved to Avignon, where he worked as a preacher and a counselor. Francis of Meyronnes wrote an impressive number of works that can be classified as philosophical, political, and devotional. Meyronnes' Tractatus de Passione Domini, the subject of this dissertation, could be dated between 1318 and 1320, when Francis was Baccalarius Biblicus in Paris. It was probably written for his brothers in order to provide them with a biblical commentary which could have been an instrument for helping them in the composition of their own sermons and works. As Tobias Kemper claims, the authors from the Late Middle Ages used to tell the Passion mainly in two ways: in form of "meditations" or in form of "narrative representations"....

The role of Archaeology in the Jesus industry

Dyer, Jennifer 12 1900 (has links)
The question leading to this study is whether the facts and theories pertaining to the Bible and Jesus Story as presented by The Authors (H Schonfield, D Joyce, B Thiering, M Baigent, R Leigh, H Lincoln; M Starbird, and D Brown) could be verified by the Archaeology evidence. I have adopted a multidiscipline and holistic approach considering information gathered from all media sources to ascertain what theories, if any could replace the traditional Jesus Story of the New Testament. I considered whether the alternative theories or traditional theories were believable due to the evidence presented by Biblical Archaeology or by the techniques used by The Authors in presenting their facts. By using Thouless’ system of Straight and Crooked thinking I was able to ascertain that the theories used in the novels written by The Authors may have been persuasive, but lacked substance. / Biblical and Ancient Studies / M. Th. (Biblical Archaeology)

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