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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Determining the Level of Patient Satisfaction in a Dental Hygiene Setting.

Bhoopathi, Vinodh 16 August 2005 (has links) (PDF)
Not many studies have been conducted in the past to determine patients' level of satisfaction in academic dental hygiene settings. This patient satisfaction study analyzed the level of patient satisfaction with the dental hygiene clinic at East Tennessee State University, Johnson City, TN. The purpose of the study was to determine if there was a statistically significant influence of demographic characteristics of the patients and the affective behavior of the care providers on level of patient satisfaction. It was concluded that except for age, other demographic variables did not have any statistically significant influence on patient satisfaction. Also, care provider's affective behavior significantly influenced patient satisfaction. Overall, the dental hygiene patients were satisfied with the clinic. As patients' needs are prioritized in this customer-driven industry, such positive patient satisfaction data can be used for the welfare of the patients, the care providers, and the health care organization.

Measuring Patient Satisfaction After Providing a Choice of Nourishment Options Between Meals in a Long-Term Care Setting.

Hutson, Samantha 09 May 2009 (has links) (PDF)
The purpose of this study was to determine whether providing residents of the James H. Quillen Veterans Affairs Medical Center Community Living Center with a choice of nourishment options between meals would improve their satisfaction with the nourishment administration process. As opposed to being given the same nourishment item each day, residents were offered choices from a nourishment cart based upon their diet order. Sixteen residents completed the pre-survey, participated in the revised nourishment cart system for a 3-week period, and completed the postsurvey. Level of satisfaction was determined by analyzing the responses given by the residents on the pre- and post-surveys. There were increases in the overall level of satisfaction the residents felt with the incorporation of the new nourishment cart system.


Schneider, Vernon January 2023 (has links)
Objective: Increased prenatal care satisfaction is associated with positive clinical and business outcomes. Despite a link between pre-visit preparation interventions and patient satisfaction, little is known about the development of digital pre-visit interventions to improve prenatal patient satisfaction. Methods: A two-phase approach was employed. In the first phase, a mixed-methods survey was deployed to establish determinants of patient satisfaction, to identify unmet patient needs, determine current preparation practices and determine what visit patients felt the least prepared for. A convenience sample of 87 prenatal patients completed a self-administered survey on a tablet within 4 weeks of their estimated due date. In the second phase, a combination of participant interviews and staff workshops followed a Design Thinking methodology to co-design a prototype intervention to help patients prepare for their visit. Results: Of the participants surveyed, 94.1% reported feeling satisfied with their prenatal care. Visit preparedness was found to be a statistically significant predictor of overall satisfaction. Preparedness was lowest in early pregnancy and for primigravida patients. Patients reported a mismatch between high informational needs and low visit frequency in early pregnancy. To fulfill their information needs, participants conducted frequent research on their pregnancy, often using digital resources such as websites, peer-forums, mobile applications and social media. Participants reported low satisfaction with system characteristics of their care, citing the wait time needed to see their provider, time spent in the waiting room and a lack of flexibility in appointment scheduling as pain points in their care. Utilizing a Design Thinking approach, a prototype digital on-boarding package was co-developed with patients and clinic staff. Conclusions for Practice: Implementation of a digital on-boarding package for patients ahead of their first visit has the potential to fulfill informational needs and set expectations for their care journey, which in turn can increase preparedness and satisfaction. / Thesis / Master of Science (MSc) / Satisfied patients are more likely to have better health outcomes, are more likely to provide a positive review about their care provider and are less likely to pursue malpractice claims. One possible way to make patients more satisfied is to better prepare them for visits with their doctor. This study explored the current pregnancy experience of patients at an obstetrics clinic in Niagara and combined patient and staff input to come up with potential ways to help them prepare. Most patients were satisfied with their care, especially ones who said they felt well prepared for their visits. Patients in their first pregnancy felt least prepared for their visits. Patients in early pregnancy shared that they had many questions and that they wished they could have seen their physician earlier. To help patients, a digital on-boarding package was designed to answer patients’ questions and connect them with trustworthy resources.

Exploring the relationship between patients' health locus of control and perception of physician's support

Ricci Twitchell, Maria F. 01 January 2008 (has links)
This study explored the relationship between patients' Health Locus of Control and their perceptions about the nature of their physician-patient relationship. The Locus of Control Scale and the Multidimensional Health Locus of Control Scale were implemented to measure the degree of personal control individuals attribute to their health. The Health Care Climate Questionnaire was used to measure the perceived physician support. The predicted result of the study was that patients who exhibit a higher degree of internal health locus of control would report better relationships with their physicians. This hypothesis was confirmed; there was a positive relationship between Internal health Locus of Control and the Health Care Climate questionnaire. Also, a significant relationship between the Powerful Others subscale of the health Locus of Control and perceived physician support was established.

Preoperativ information till patienter

Persson, Anna, Sterner, Maria January 2007 (has links)
Information är en viktig del av sjuksköterskans arbete och hennes pedagogiska roll sätts här på prov. En operation är en stor händelse i en patients liv och det är välkänt att patienter ofta är missnöjda med den information de får. Syftet med denna uppsats var att få fördjupad kunskap om vilken information patienter vill ha inför en operation och hur de upplever den information de får. Detta har gjorts genom en litteraturstudie där vetenskapliga artiklar i ämnet sökts och kritiskt granskats. Därefter sammanställdes resultaten av tolv slutligen valda artiklar till ett gemensamt resultat. Resultatet av studien blev att patienter generellt är nöjda med informationsmängden men önskar mer information om smärta och smärtbe-handling och om hur komplikationer kan förebyggas. / Information is an important part of a nurse’s work and her pedagogic skills are put to the test. Surgery is an important event in a patient’s life and it is well known that patients often are unsatisfied with the information they receive. The objective of this essay was to retrieve deeper knowledge of what information patients want before an operation and their experiences of the information they do receive. This was done by a literature review in which scientific articles were searched for, critically examined and the results from twelve finally chosen articles were com-piled into a common result. The result of the study was that patients generally are satisfied with the amount of information they receive but they wish more informa-tion about pain and pain treatment and about how complications can be prevented.

Homeless Patients' Experience of Satisfaction With Care

McCabe, Susan, Macnee, Carol L., Anderson, M K. 01 April 2001 (has links)
This article explores homeless individuals' experiences of satisfaction with health care, and explores the interrelationship among experiences of being homeless, health perceptions of participants, and experiences of satisfaction with health care. It presents the findings of a phenomenological study that was conducted using participants selected from five sites in one southeastern state. Participant interviews were conducted at a nurse-managed primary health care clinic for homeless, at a night time soup-kitchen, and at three private, not-for-profit, homeless shelters in two different towns. The study was part of a larger study designed to develop and validate a reliable measure of client satisfaction with primary health care among homeless individuals. Face-to-face in-depth interviews with 17 homeless individuals were conducted, with the semistructured interview constituting the primary data source. Common themes were identified and the interrelationship of theme clusters was explored. Analysis of the data yielded five distinct themes that represent the lived experiences of satisfaction with health care. These themes were mediated and directly informed by five themes of homelessness and three themes of health identified in the shared experiences of the participants. The themes identified suggest that satisfaction with health care for homeless persons differs from currently identified dimensions of satisfaction with care, and that some aspects of homelessness are seen by participants as positive and health promoting.

Vuxnas upplevelser av patienttillfredsställelse på akutmottagningen : En deskriptiv litteraturstudie

Åsén, Emilia, Lindberg, Victoria January 2023 (has links)
Bakgrund: Akutmottagningen är en plats där troligtvis alla har varit eller någon gång kommer besöka. Platsen skulle kunna beskrivas som hektisk och kaotisk med stress och tidspress. Syfte: Att beskriva vuxna patienters upplevelser av patienttillfredsställelse på akutmottagningen. Metod: Sökningen genomfördes i databasen MEDLINE genom sökmotorn PubMed. Sökorden som användes baserades på litteraturstudiens syfte och analyserades med hjälp av Evans narrativa syntes med deskriptiv sammanställning. Huvudresultat: Flertalet upplevelser som kan ha påverkan på patienttillfredsställelsen, såväl negativa så som positiva, framkom. De negativa upplevelserna handlar bland annat om dålig kommunikation, långa väntetider och ett opersonligt bemötande. De positiva upplevelserna belyser bland annat en god kommunikation, kortvarig väntetid och ett empatiskt bemötande. De negativa upplevelserna är något som framkommer mer än de positiva upplevelserna. Slutsats: Patienttillfredsställelse är ett komplext begrepp som inte kan besvaras på ett enkelt sätt, men som kan påverkas av både negativa och positiva upplevelser. Upplevelserna kan utlösa dominoeffekt på varandra där kommunikationen verkar ha stor inverkan, dock får ingen av de övriga upplevelserna förminskas. Behovet av att förstå vad som påverkar patienttillfredsställelsen är stor och behöver belysas. Denna litteraturstudie kan bidra till en bättre personcentrerad omvårdnad där patientens behov är det centrala. / Background: The emergency department is a place everyone most likely has or will visit. The emergency department might be described as a chaotic and hectic place with stress and pressure regarding time. Aim: To describe adult patients experiences of patient satisfaction in the emergency department. Method: The search was done in the data base MEDLINE via PubMed. The search terms used was based on this literature reviews aim, and the selected articles were analyzed based on Evans analyze method of narrative synthesis with a descriptive summary. Findings: A plentiful amount of experiences, both positive and negative, may influence on the perception of patient satisfaction. The negative experiences include for instance bad communication, long waiting times and impersonal treatment. The positive experiences include for instance good communication, short waiting times and an empathic treatment. The negative experiences appear more frequent than the positive experiences. Conclusion: Patient satisfaction is a complex concept that cannot be answered in a simple way but might be affected by both negative and positive experiences. The different experiences could trigger a domino effect on each other, where communication seems to have great impact, however no other experience should be diminished. The need to understand what contributes to the experienced patient satisfaction may vary and must be highlighted. This literature review may contribute to a better person-centered nursing care where the patient needs is central.

Patientens upplevelse av postoperativ smärthantering efter magtarmkirurgi / Postoperative pain, patient experience, patient expectations, patient satisfaction, pain management

Guldbrand, Sarah, Grönberg Svalander, Olivia January 2023 (has links)
Antalet operationer i Sverige ökar, många är operationer av mag- och tarmkanalen. Brister rapporteras i behandlingen av smärta efter operationen, vilket kan leda till kroniska komplikationer för patienten. Smärtlindring främjar mobilisering och minskar komplikationer, det är en av sjuksköterskans främsta uppgifter att lindra lidande. Det är viktigt att vården tillgodoser patienternas behov av smärtlindring för att minska risken för komplikationer samt främja hållbar utveckling genom att nyttja vårdens resurser rätt. Studiens syfte är att belysa patienters upplevelse av postoperativ smärthantering efter mag-tarmkirurgi. Vald metod är allmän litteraturöversikt där främst kvalitativa artiklar används. Data samlas in från olika databaser för att finna kvalitativa studier. Datainsamlingen resulterar i relevanta artiklar med mixad metod av både kvalitativ och kvantitativ karaktär. Litteraturstudiens resultat baseras på data från de 11 utvalda artiklar som analyserats och sammanställts. Resultatet visar att patientens upplevelse i samband med postoperativ smärthantering efter mag-tarmkirurgi kan beskrivas genom sårbarheten när människan blir patient, där vårdrelationen har betydelse för smärtupplevelsen samt vikten av att känna delaktighet för att kunna påverka hur den postoperativa smärtan hanteras. Vidare framkommer att patienters upplevelser av postoperativ smärta präglas av faktorer såsom känslan av att vara till besvär, vikten av engagemang från sjuksköterskorna samt vilken information som ges under vårdtiden. Studien visar vikten av förtroende och god kommunikation mellan sjuksköterska och patient. Slutsatsen som kan dras är vikten av att patienten känner sig sedd utifrån sin livsvärld, även då patientens primära omvårdnadsbehov endast är smärthantering. / The number of surgeries in Sweden is increasing, with many of them being surgeries of the gastrointestinal tract. There are reported deficiencies in the treatment of pain after surgery, which can lead to chronic complications for the patient. Pain management is important for promoting mobilization and reducing complications, and it is one of the nurse's main tasks to alleviate suffering. It is important for healthcare to meet patients' needs for pain relief to reduce the risk of complications and promote sustainable development by utilizing healthcare resources correctly. The purpose of the study is to highlight patients' experiences of postoperative pain management after gastrointestinal surgery. The chosen method is a general literature review, primarily utilizing qualitative articles. Data is collected from various databases to find qualitative studies. The data collection results in relevant articles using a mixed method approach of both qualitative and quantitative method. The results of the literature review are based on data from the 11 selected and analyzed articles. The results show that patients' experiences of postoperative pain management after gastrointestinal surgery can be described through the vulnerability of becoming a patient, where the patient-care relationship is significant for the pain experience. The importance of feeling involved in influencing the management of postoperative pain is emphasized. Furthermore, patients' experiences of postoperative pain are influenced by factors such as feeling burdensome, the importance of engagement from nurses, and the information provided during care regarding the significance of pain relief and how different pain management methods work. The study highlights the importance of trust and good communication between nurses and patients. The conclusion that can be drawn is the importance of patients feeling seen from their life-world, even when their primary nursing need is pain management.

Improving Community Pharmacy Consultations for People with Depression

Alshammari, Adel H.N.A. January 2015 (has links)
Aims The aims of this study were to increase community pharmacists’ willingness and confidence to provide consultations for people with depression, and to enhance patients’ awareness of the pharmacists’ developing role. Research Design To observe pharmacist-patient consultations, the researcher developed a patient scenario. Pharmacist knowledge and attitude questionnaires were adapted, and a skills observation checklist was developed. Assessments of patient satisfaction levels took place before and after pharmacist training, which included a simulated consultation and action planning. The consultations were both video recorded and observed. Participants undertook a short interview with the researcher and each pharmacist developed his/her own plan for continuing professional development (CPD). An exploration of the interview transcripts was undertaken qualitatively. A University Ethics Panel approved the project. Results There were twenty-two pharmacists who took part in the study, comprising eighteen males and four females. MPharm students comprised one female and two males, and community pharmacists made up three females and sixteen males. The quantitative results: It was found that pharmacists possessed appropriate knowledge (the mean score was 75%, which showed that the pharmacists were aware of the safety and action of anti-depressants). The mean score for attitude was 54%, which tends towards the positive. When observing the simulated consultations, the mean score for initiating a consultation session was recorded at 28%. This indicates that the pharmacists were not very interested in initiating rapport with patients. However, the highest mean score calculated was 61%, which corresponded with closing a consultation. For data collection and action, the mean scores were 42% and 35%, respectively, and this indicates the need for improvement in these areas. The qualitative findings: The pharmacists demonstrated good knowledge about anti-depressants and held positive attitudes towards people with depression. However, the pharmacists were not very willing to exercise the responsibilities of their extended role or provide additional services for patients. The pharmacists lacked certain skills and opportunities to be able to enhance the patients’ satisfaction. The pharmacists in this study needed to improve their soft skills in some areas and engage in mutual discussion with patients in order to enhance patients’ expectations with the service provided. Conclusion/discussion The knowledge and attitude of pharmacists were good, but their consultation skills could be improved. Although simulated consultation allowed pharmacists to review their skills and practice the apparent impact on patient care was limited. This study has enable greater understanding of pharmacist strategies when consulting people with depression, and the findings could be used by those developing training programmes for enhancing pharmacists skills.

The Impact of Visual Aids on Prenatal Genetic Counseling Session Patient Outcomes

Knyszek, Brittney Lynn 27 August 2012 (has links)
No description available.

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