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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Resistance analysis of axially loaded drilled shafts socketed in shale

Burkett, Terry Bryce 05 November 2013 (has links)
An investigation into the load-settlement behavior of two drilled shafts, founded in shale, is presented. The motivation for this research is to advance the understanding on how drilled shafts react under loading in stiff clays and shales. The objectives of the study are to measure the strengths within the subsurface material at the test site, estimate the unit side shear and unit end bearing of the shale-shaft interaction by running two axial load tests, and compare the results to the current design methods that are used to predict the axial capacity of drilled shafts. A comprehensive field investigation, performed by Fugro Consultants, provided strength profiles of the subsurface material at the test site. Through the cooperation of the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT), the Association of Drilled Shaft Contractors, and McKinney Drilling Company, two drilled shafts were installed at a highway construction site in Austin, Texas. The load tests were performed by Loadtest, Inc.; using the patented Osterberg-Cell™ loading technique to axially displace the shafts. Ensoft, Inc. installed strain gauges at multiple levels within the shafts, making it possible to analyze the shaft mobilization during loading. Ultimate end bearing values of about 100- and 120-ksf were measured for Test Shafts #1 and #2, respectively. The current methods for estimating unit end bearing, developed by TxDOT and the Federal Highway Administration, provide fairly accurate predictions when compared to the measured information. The ultimate side resistance obtained near the O-Cell™ in each test was about 20-ksf, however, the measured ultimate side resistance steadily decreased nearing the tip of the shaft. For the zones where the side resistance was believed to be fully mobilized, the TxDOT design method accurately predicts the side resistance. A limited amount of information is currently available for load tests performed in soils with TCP values harder than 2-in per 100 blows. Additional load test information should allow for a stronger correlation between TCP tests and unit resistances for very hard clay-shales, as well as, allowing for further evaluation of the shale-shaft interaction near the shaft tip. The results presented herein demonstrate the effectiveness of the current design methods for drilled shafts and the non-uniformity of side resistance within one- to two-diameters of the shaft tip. / text

Mécanismes de tassement du ballast et sa variabilité / Mechanisms of ballast settlement and its variability

Quezada, Juan Carlos 03 December 2012 (has links)
La dégradation géométrique de la voie ferrée sur les Lignes à Grande Vitesse (LGV) est un phénomène qui entraîne des coûts de maintenance importants pour assurer une qualité de circulation et de sécurité. Cette dégradation géométrique est imputable, en partie au tassement de la couche de ballast qui constitue l'une des parties de la voie ferrée.Le tassement du ballast est un phénomène difficile à estimer et à prédire car sa nature granulaire et ses caractéristiques particulières entraînent des variabilités de ses propriétés mécaniques. Ce travail de thèse est consacré à l'étude du comportement mécanique du ballast, pour le développement d'un modèle prédictif du tassement sur voie ferrée à partir de la caractérisation mécanique initiale du matériau (grâce à l'utilisation du pénétromètre léger Panda) et des sollicitations auxquelles la voie est soumise. Grâce à l'étude paramétrique développée sur un banc d'essais à échelle réelle, nous avons constitué et validé un modèle de prédiction qui est basé sur une loi de relaxation logarithmique.La modélisation numérique par éléments discrets en utilisant la méthode de la Dynamique des Contacts permet d'étudier les propriétés mécaniques du matériau ballast à l'échelle des grains. L'analyse des déformations transitoires montre une dépendance claire de la déformation moyenne par rapport à la contrainte appliquée et au rapport d'aspect en raison de l'action du frottement aux frontières. Les fluctuations de ces déformations, sont très importantes et semblent évoluer avec la déformation moyenne. Finalement, la pertinence de la caractérisation du ballast à partir de l'essai Panda a été vérifiée à partir d'une étude paramétrique sur les mécanismes d'enfoncement grâce à l'utilisation de cette approche numérique discrète. / Railway track degradation on high-speed lines is a phenomenon which causes high maintenance costs to ensure quality traffic and safety.This geometric degradation is due in part to the vertical strain (settlement) of the ballast layer, which compose the track.The ballast settlement is a difficult phenomenon to estimate and predict because its granular nature and characteristics of this layer induces variability of its mechanical properties.This work is devoted to the study of the mechanical behavior of ballast, to develop a predictive model of track settlement from the initial mechanical characterization of the material (by means a light penetrometer Panda) and the loading on track. By means several test on a full-scale model of railway track, we established and validated a predictive model based on a logarithmic relaxation law. Numerical modeling by discrete element method using the Dynamic Contacts allows to study the mechanical properties of ballast at grain-scale.Transient deformation analysis shows a clear dependence of the average deformation with respect to the stress and aspect ratio as a result of the frictional feedback at the boundaries. Fluctuations of these deformations are significant and seem to evolve with the average deformation. Finally, the relevance of the ballast characterization using the Panda test has been verified by means a parametric study on mechanisms during the penetration process by discrete element method.

Instrumentação avançada para tomada de decisão na avaliação da resistência do solo à penetração de raízes / not available

Ladislau Marcelino Rabello 27 November 2003 (has links)
Neste trabalho é apresentado um instrumento para auxílio à tomada de decisão em processos que envolvem avaliações da resistência do solo à penetração de raízes. Seu desenvolvimento fundamenta-se na concepção de uma nova ferramenta instrumental avançada, que viabiliza em tempo quase real informações para análise da variabilidade espacial da resistência do solo à penetração de raízes, tanto para área como para perfil, devido aos processos de compactação natural ou artificial do solo. Ensaios para a medida da resistência do solo à penetração de raízes podem ser realizados tanto em ambiente laboratorial como diretamente em campo agrícola. Para o desenvolvimento utilizou-se o enfoque da instrumentação inteligente, bem como uma microsonda (ângulo de cone de 30º, diâmetro de base de 1,6 mm e comprimento total de 30 mm) sensoriada por célula de carga. Resultados mostram que medidas de resistência do solo à penetração de raízes podem ser realizadas até um limite de (49,03 +/- 0,07) Kgf com resolução de 1,57 Kgf. Adicionalmente, a versatilidade do sistema é verificada para a coleta de dados e interpretação da resistência do solo à penetração de raízes, uma vez que podem ser apresentados na forma de tabelas, gráficos unidimensionais, mapas bidimensionais e mapas tridimensionais. Desta maneira, o sistema possibilita ao usuário uma rápida interpretação sobre o estado de agregação do solo em áreas de cultivo agrícolas. / This work is presented an instrument for decision-making in agricultural processes based on the measurements and mapping of soil resistance to the root penetration. Its development was based on a new and advance instrumentation tool, which enables in almost real-time to acquire the necessary information for spatial variability analysis of the resistance to root of plants penetration in soils, due to, either, natural or artificial compaction soil processes, i.e., not only for an area of soil but also to soil profile. The system allows soil resistance essays for both laboratory and agricultural field. Moreover, intelligent instrumentation concept was focused in the development, as well as a microprobe (30º for the spire angle, 1,6 mm for the base diameter, and 30 mm of total length), sensored by strain-gage transducers. Results have shown that measurements of soil resistance to root of plant penetration are allowed up to the limit of (49,03 +/- 0,07) Kgf, with 1,57 Kgf of resolution. Additionally, the suitability of the system is verified for soil resistance data collection and its interpretation to root plant penetration, since they can be presented in format of tables, one-dimensional graphics, two-dimensional maps and three-dimensional maps. Therefore, this system allows to the users a fast interpretation of soil aggregation state in agricultural areas.

Comportement thermo-hydromécanique des sols au voisinage des géo-structures énergétiques

Eslami, Hossein 28 November 2014 (has links)
Les géostructures énergétiques consistent à établir un échange thermique direct avec le sol grâce à des systèmes intégrés dans les fondations ou les structures géotechniques. L’incorporation des échangeurs de chaleur aux géostructures provoque une variation cyclique de la température du sol adjacent. Des questions se posent sur l'impact de ces variations thermiques sur les paramètres géotechniques des sols en général, et en particulier des sols sensibles argileux. L’objectif de cette thèse est d’améliorer la compréhension et la quantification de l’impact de la variation de la température sur la capacité portante des pieux géothermiques. Actuellement, le dimensionnement des capacités portantes des fondations profondes est basé sur les résultats d’essais pénétrométriques ou pressiométriques. Des méthodes expérimentales ont été développées afin de permettre la réalisation de ces essais dans les conditions du laboratoire. Des essais mini-pénétrométriques sont réalisés sur des éprouvettes compactées à différents états initiaux et soumises à des températures variant de 1 à 70 °C. Les résultats montrent une évolution sensible des paramètres étudiés, la résistance en pointe (qc) et le frottement latéral (fs), pour un matériau illitique, lorsqu’il est compacté du côté sec de l’optimum. Les essais mini-pressiométriques, réalisés sur des massifs de sol illitique compactés en modèle réduit d’échelle métrique dans une cuve thermo-régulée, ont montré une diminution de la pression de fluage (pf) et de la pression limite (pl) avec l’augmentation de la température, tandis que la variation du module pressiométrique (EM) est moins marquée. Les résultats montrent une quasi-réversibilité des effets d’un cycle de chauffage dans la gamme de température testée alors que l’effet d’un cycle de refroidissement n’est que partiellement réversible. Pour les essais soumis à plusieurs cycles thermiques, le premier cycle induit des variations de paramètres toujours plus importantes que les cycles suivants. Une analyse approfondie de l’évolution des propriétés thermiques (la conductivité thermique (λ), la capacité thermique volumique (Cv) et la diffusivité thermique (D)) des sols en fonction de la teneur en eau, de la masse volumique sèche et de la température montre une augmentation de ces paramètres avec l’augmentation de w et ρd et une augmentation de λ des éprouvettes illitiques du côté sec de l’optimum avec l’augmentation de la température de 1 à 70 °C. En résumé, pour les pieux énergétiques, les résultats obtenus en laboratoire montrent une modification de la capacité portante due à la variation des paramètres du sol illitique sous l’effet des cycles thermiques / Energy geostructures involve providing a direct heat exchange with the ground through integrated systems in the foundations or geotechnical structures. The incorporation of heat exchangers in geostructures produces a cyclic variation of the temperature in the adjacent soil. Therefore, there are important scientific questions about the effect of temperature variations on hydro-mechanical soil parameters in general, and particularly for sensitive clay soils. The main objective of this thesis is to improve the understanding and the quantification of the impact of temperature variation on the bearing capacity of geothermal piles. Currently, the design of the bearing capacity of deep foundations is based on the results of in situ penetrometer and pressuremeter tests. Herein, experimental methods are developed to carry out these tests in laboratory conditions. Mini-penetrometer tests were carried out on samples compacted at different initial states and subjected to temperature variations ranging from 1 to 70 °C. The results showed a significant change in the studied parameters: the cone resistance (qc) and the friction sleeve resistance (fs) for an illitic material compacted on the dry side of the compaction curve. Mini-pressuremeter tests performed on the same illitic compacted soil in a thermo-regulated metric scale container, showed a decrease in creep pressure (pf) and limit pressure (pl) with increasing temperature, while the variation of pressuremeter modulus (EM) is less pronounced. The results showed a quasi-reversibility of the effect of a heating cycle through the temperature range tested, while the effect of a cooling cycle was only partially reversible. In the case of several thermal cycles, the first cycle induced more important parameter variations than the subsequent cycles, and at the end of the experimentation. Further analysis of the evolution of the thermal properties (thermal conductivity (λ), heat capacity (Cv) and thermal diffusivity (D)) within heating and cooling process as a function of soil water content and dry density showed an increase of these parameters with the increase of initial values of w and ρd, and an increase of λ in the dry side of the compaction curve with increasing temperature from 1 to 70 °C. In summary, for the energy piles driven in the clay soils, some modifications in the bearing capacity have to be taken into account due to the variation of the hydro-mechanical parameters of the soil induced by thermal cycles

Localisation et caractérisation des tannins dans la pellicule du raisin : impact de l'organisation physico-chimique des parois cellulaires sur la composante tannique, la qualité du fruit et la typicité des raisins de Bordeaux / Localization and characterization of grape skin tannins : impact of cell wall physicochemical organization on tannin component, fruit quality and typicality of the Bordeaux grapes

Lacampagne, Soizic 03 December 2010 (has links)
Qualité du fruit et la typicité des raisins de Bordeaux.La maturation de la pellicule du raisin est un phénomène complexe, caractérisé par de nombreux changements structuraux importants et par l’accumulation de composés œnologiques tels que les tannins. Malgré leurs propriétés biologiques et organoleptiques essentielles pour la qualité des fruits et des vins, peu de travaux concernent l’organisation et la localisation de ces composés au sein du tissu pelliculaire. Dans la pellicule, les tannins peuvent être plus ou moins liés aux constituants cellulaires modulant ainsi leur extractibilité lors des processus de vinification. Notre travail, basé sur des approches biochimiques, moléculaires et microscopiques, apporte des données nouvelles sur la biosynthèse, la localisation et l’organisation des tannins dans la pellicule. Au sein de ce tissu, nous avons souligné l’importance des tannins pariétaux et montré que leurs caractéristiques physico-chimiques dépendaient entre autre des changements structuraux des parois. Ainsi, cette organisation caractérise en partie la texture de la pellicule et conditionne la qualité du fruit. Pour appréhender l’évolution des critères de texture de la pellicule au cours de la maturation du raisin, l’analyse sensorielle des baies et la mesure par pénétrométrie s’avèrent être des outils pertinents. / Skin grape maturation is a complex phenomenon, characterized by an important number of structural changes as well as by phenolic compounds accumulation (i.e. tannins). Despite their biological and organoleptic properties in fruit and wine quality, few studies report both tannins organization and localization in skin tissue. In skins, tannins may be more or less related with cellular components, modulating their extractability during winemaking process.Our work, based on biochemical, molecular and microscopic approaches reveals new data on skin tannins biosynthesis, localization and organization. Within this tissue, we highlighted the parietal tannins importance, we evidenced that their physicochemical characteristics depend among other structural changes on cell walls. Thus, this organization partially characterized the skin texture and affects fruit quality. To understand the evolution criteria for skin texture during grape berry ripening, sensory analysis and measurements by penetrometer proved to be relevant tools.

Quality of CPTU : Analyses and comparison of data from commercial actors in Stockholm/Mälardalen

Kardan, Caesar January 2015 (has links)
CPTU is one of the most sophisticated geotechnical investigation methods. However, there is a large amount of uncertainties related to this method. The uncertainties depend on different types of factors, for instance lack of accuracy in performance and equipment. The objective of this master thesis is to compare the CPTU-results from a number of commercial actors in Stockholm/Mälardalen in order to analyze these results with respect to the current standards and guidelines. The comparison was made in order to highlight the difference in results which may appear due to different equipment, performance of the operator and evaluation method. Based on this, an invite was sent to the commercial actors in Stockholm/Mälardalen, resulting in the participation of five different commercial actors in this investigation. Execution in the field was conducted over a six week period. During this time 26 CPTU were performed in total in a small area in Hagby, Stockholm, by these different actors. Once the data was collected from all of the actors, the results were evaluated with the aid of the computer softwares Conrad and Excel. The main conclusions from this study are: Not one of the performed CPTU in this master thesis fulfills the requirements for CPT class 1 according to the European standards. The quality of the education of operators should be improved and geotechnical engineers and the clients need to be more familiar with CPTU. The evaluated results from different commercial actors differ, and this can depend on the choice of equipment and performance of the operator during penetration, but it can also depend on systematic errors in the cone penetrometers / CPTU-sonderingar är en av de mest sofistikerade undersökningsmetoderna för geoteknisk analys och bedömning. Det finns emellertid en hög grad av osäkerhet i denna metod. Osäkerheten beror på olika typer av faktorer, bland annat brist på noggrannhet i handhavande och utrustning. Syftet med detta examensarbete är att jämföra CPTU-resultat från de kommersiella aktörerna i Stockholm/Mälardalen för att senare analysera dessa resultat i förhållande till gällande ramverk och riktlinjer. Jämförelsen gjordes med avsikt att lyfta fram skillnaderna i resultat som kan uppstå på grund av olika utrustning, handhavande och utvärderingsmetod. Baserat på detta skickades en inbjudan till de kommersiella aktörerna i Stockholm/Mälardalen, vilket ledde till att fem olika kommersiella aktörer deltog i undersökningen. Utförande i fält genomfördes under en period på sex veckor. Under denna tid utfördes totalt 26 sonderingar i ett avgränsat område i Hagby, Stockholm, av dessa olika aktörer. När all data samlats in från alla aktörer utvärderades resultaten med hjälp av mjukvarorna Conrad och Excel. De viktigaste slutsatserna i denna studie är: Ingen utav de utförda CPTU-sonderingarna uppfyller kraven för CPT klass 1 enligt den europeiska standarden. Kvaliteten på utbildning av fältgeotekniker bör förbättras och geotekniska ingenjörer och även beställare bör bli mer bekanta med CPT. De utvärderade resultaten från de olika aktörerna skiljer sig åt, och detta kan bero på valet av utrustning och fältgeoteknikerns prestation vid sondering men det kan också bero på systematiska fel i de använda sonderna.

Development of Urban Tree Growth Models Based on Site and Soil Characteristics

Wenzel-Bartens, Julia 09 December 2010 (has links)
Trees provide numerous benefits crucial to urban environments, yet poor growing conditions often prevent trees from reaching their genetic potential for growth, longevity, and ecosystem function. To overcome these limitations, greater understanding of tree growth in the urban environment is needed. The goal of this research project was therefore to characterize a broad suite of soil characteristics associated with urban tree plantings and evaluate their suitability for modeling physical dimensions and growth rates of urban trees. A series of observational studies and experiments was conducted on urban soils inhabited by two tree species (Zelkova serrata (Thunb.) Mikano and Quercus phellos L.) in Washington, DC and one tree species (Quercus virginiana Mill.) in Jacksonville, FL – two major metropolitan areas of the eastern United States with contrasting climate and soils. Characterization of urban soil attributes within cities revealed low variability for some properties (soil texture, pH, and certain plant nutrients with coefficients of variation (CV) below 0.5), but high variability (CV>1.0) for others (nitrate, ammonium, copper, and zinc). This is dependent on the location. These findings suggest that tree planting site evaluations may not require measurements for all soil properties and that representative sampling may be sufficient to accurately characterize most soil properties within a city. Field assessment of urban tree soils also revealed that conventional measures of soil compaction are difficult to obtain due to obstructions by roots and other foreign objects. To address the critical need for efficient and reliable assessment of soil compaction around urban trees, an experiment was conducted to develop bulk density estimation models for four common soil texture classes using soil strength and soil moisture as predictor variables. These models provided medium (0.42) to high (0.85) coefficients of determination when volumetric water content (VWC) was log transformed, demonstrating that measurements of soil texture, strength, and moisture can provide rapid, reliable assessment of soil compaction. Tree growth modeling focused on three response variables: canopy projection (CP), canopy volume (CV), and peak-increment-area age (PIA). To calculate PIA, tree-ring analysis was used to determine the age at which maximal trunk diameter growth occurred between transplanting and time of sampling. Because Q. virginiana has difficult-to-distinguish growth rings, an intensive tree-ring analysis of cores collected from these trees was conducted. The analysis revealed interseries correlation coefficients of up to 0.66, demonstrating that Q. virginiana can be aged with fairly high confidence in an urban setting. Empirical models developed for all three tree species using the suite of soil and site variables explained 25% – 83% of the observed variability in tree physical dimensions and growth rates. Soil pH was found to be a significant predictor variable for the majority of growth models along with nutrients such as Fe, B, Mn, and Zn, which are also associated with soil alkalinity. Models for PIA possessed the highest coefficient of determination, suggesting that measurements of soil conditions can be used confidently to predict the age at which growth rate subsides in these species. CV and CP were not predicted as well by soil-related variables, presumably because above-ground constraints such as pruning and building encroachment can affect canopy size without necessarily affecting growth rate. Certain prediction models for all three species included predictor variables with counterintuitive influences on tree growth (e.g., negative influences of soil depth on Q. phellos and soil volume on Q. virginiana), suggesting that either these urban trees are responding to these variables in a novel manner or that variables unaccounted for in these models (perhaps related to urbanization or high vehicular traffic) are concomitantly influencing tree growth. / Ph. D.

Estimativa da retenção de água no solo a partir do uso de equipamentos não convencionais, redes neurais artificiais e funções de pedotransferência / Water retention soil estimate using nonconventional equipment, artificial neural networks and pedotransfer functions

Angelotti Netto, Antonio 06 September 2007 (has links)
O desenvolvimento econômico e o aumento da produtividade agrícola intensificaram o uso de produtos químicos nas lavouras. Quando se pretende quantificar o impacto ambiental de tal uso é necessário empregar modelos que descrevam o fluxo de água e solutos na região não saturada do solo. Para esse fim, um dos parâmetros mais eficazes é conhecer a retenção de água no solo. O objetivo deste trabalho foi desenvolver funções de pedotransferência (FPTs) que estimassem a partir de análise em redes neurais artificiais (RNAs) a retenção de água nos solos da microbacia hidrográfica do ribeirão Canchim, município de São Carlos, SP. Os atributos físicos, textura (argila, silte e areia), densidade e resistência à penetração dos solos: LVAd, LVe, LVdf e NVef, manejados com e sem cobertura vegetal e sob mata foram determinados com equipamentos não convencionais na Embrapa Instrumentação Agropecuária em São Carlos, SP. Esses parâmetros foram utilizados como variáveis de entrada nas duas redes neurais artificiais. Foram obtidas, ainda, as curvas de retenção de água no solo por meio da câmara de pressão de Richards e da tomografia computadorizada, além da porosidade total e da condutividade hidráulica não saturada. O analisador granulométrico de solos e o penetrômetro associado a TDR possibilitaram a obtenção de um grande número de dados. Os atributos físicos dos solos apresentaram grande variabilidade em função da constituição granulométrica e manejos adotados. As RNAs foram eficientes no desenvolvimento de FPTs capazes de estimar a retenção de água com base em propriedades básicas de solo obtidas em grande número. / Economic development and increasing agricultural productivity have intensified the use of chemical products in farming. The quantification environmental impact of these products requires the use of models that describe the flow of water and solutes in the unsaturated region of the soil. For this purpose, one of the most effective parameters belong to the water retention curve of the soil. The purpose of this work was to develop pedotransfer functions (PTFs) to estimate the retention of water by soils of the hydrographic microbasin of the Canchim river, in the municipality of São Carlos, state of São Paulo, Brazil, based on artificial neural networks (ANNs). The physical attributes, granulometry (clay, silt and sand), density and resistance to penetration of LVAd, LVe, LVdf and NVef soils, managed with and without vegetal cover and under forest, were determined using nonconventional equipment at Embrapa Instrumentação Agropecuária in São Carlos, SP. These parameters were used as input variables for two artificial neural networks. The soils\' water retention curves were also obtained using a Richards pressure chamber and computed tomography, as well as their total porosity and unsaturated hydraulic conductivity. A soil granulometric analyzer and a penetrometer allied to TDR provided a large number of data. The soils\' physical attributes displayed a wide variability as a function of their granulometric constitution and adopted managements. The ANNs were effective in developing PTFs able to estimate the water retention based on the large number of basic soil properties.

Landtechnische Methoden zur Erfassung von Bodenverdichtungen / Agricultural Engineering Approaches for the Detection of Soil Compaction

Denker, Stephan 21 July 2011 (has links)
No description available.

Performance of penetrometers in deepwater soft soil characterisation

Low, Han Eng January 2009 (has links)
Offshore developments for hydrocarbon resources have now progressed to water depths approaching 2500 m. Due to the difficulties and high cost in recovering high quality samples from deepwater site, there is increasing reliance on in situ tests such as piezocone and full-flow (i.e. T-bar and ball) penetration tests for determining the geotechnical design parameters. This research was undertaken in collaboration with the Norwegian Geotechnical Institute (NGI), as part of a joint industry project, to improve the reliability of in situ tests in determining design parameters and to improve offshore site investigation practice in deepwater soft sediments. In this research, a worldwide high quality database was assembled and used to correlate intact and remoulded shear strengths (measured from laboratory and vane shear tests) with penetration resistances measured by piezocone, T-bar and ball penetrometers. The overall statistics showed similar and low levels of variability of resistance factors for intact shear strength (N-factors) for all three types of penetrometer. In the correlation between the remoulded penetration resistance and remoulded shear strength, the resistance factors for remoulded shear strength (Nrem-factors) were found higher than the N-factors. As a result, the resistance sensitivity is less than the strength sensitivity. The correlations between the derived N-factors and specific soil characteristics indicated that the piezocone N-factors are more influenced by rigidity index than those for the T-bar and ball penetrometers. The effect of strength anisotropy is only apparent in respect of N-factors for the T-bar and ball penetrometers correlated to shear strengths measured in triaxial compression. On the other hand, the Nrem-factors showed slight tendency to increase with increasing strength sensitivity but were insensitive to soil index properties. These findings suggest that the full-flow penetrometers may be used to estimate remoulded shear strength and are potentially prove more reliable than the piezocone in estimating average or vane shear strength for intact soil but the reverse is probably true for the estimation of triaxial compression strength.

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