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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

An assessment of the social intent in John Wesley's doctrine of sanctification

Smith, Wayne Peter 11 1900 (has links)
John Wesley was a well educated son of a cleric, who chose to be a theologian and a minister in the Church of England. His theological distinctive was his insistence on the possibility of entire sanctification in this lifetime. In response to their position on sanctification, Wesley and the Methodists sought to save souls and cure the ills in society because they believed it was divinely mandated. Their love and work for the less fortunate was a response to their love for God and in obedience to His commandments. This is the great success of their work. They were able to serve God and their generation in a balanced yet inseparable way. The result of Wesley's life, direct and indirect, was that the social and spiritual plight of thousands of individuals and families was improved and dozens of church groups, missionary societies and benevolent organisations have emerged / Christian Spirituality, Church History and Missiology / Th.M. (Church History)

The Political Economy of Environmental Policy with Overlapping Generations

Karp, Larry, Rezai, Armon 03 August 2014 (has links) (PDF)
A two-sector OLG model illuminates the intergenerational effects of a tax that protects an environmental stock. A traded asset capitalizes the economic returns to future tax-induced environmental improvements, benefiting the current asset owners, the old generation. Absent a transfer, the tax harms the young generation by decreasing their real wage. Future generations benefit from the tax-induced improvement in environmental stock. The principal intergenerational conflict arising from the tax is between generations alive at the time society imposes the policy, not between generations alive at different times. A Pareto-improving tax can be implemented under various political economy settings. (authors' abstract)

Presupposition projection and entailment relations

García Odón, Amaia 28 September 2012 (has links)
In this dissertation, I deal with the problem of presupposition projection. I mostly focus on compound sentences composed of two clauses and conditional sentences in which the second clause carries a presupposition. The central claim is that the presupposition carried by the second clause projects by default, with the exception of cases in which the presupposition entails the first clause (or, in disjunctive sentences, the negation of the first clause). In the latter cases, the presupposition should not project, since it is logically stronger than the first clause (or its negation). Thus, in conjunctions, if the presupposition projected, the speaker’s assertion of the first clause would be uninformative. As for conditionals and disjunctions, if the presupposition projected, the speaker would show inconsistency in his/her beliefs by showing uncertainty about the truth value of the first clause (or its negation). I argue that, in conditionals, this uncertainty is conversationally implicated whereas, in disjunctions, it results from the context’s compatibility with the first disjunct. I maintain that, in cases where projection is blocked, the presupposition is conditionalized to the first clause (or its negation). I demonstrate that the conditionalization is motivated in a straightforward way by the pragmatic constraints on projection just described and that, contrary to what is defended by the so-called ‘satisfaction theory’, presupposition conditionalization is a phenomenon independent from local satisfaction. / En esta tesis, trato el problema de la proyección de presuposiciones. Me centro mayoritariamente en oraciones compuestas de dos cláusulas y en oraciones condicionales cuya segunda cláusula contiene una presuposición. El argumento central es que la presuposición contenida en la segunda cláusula proyecta por defecto, con la excepción de casos en los que la presuposición entraña la primera cláusula (o, en las oraciones disyuntivas, la negación de la primera cláusula). En estos últimos casos, la presuposición no debería proyectar, puesto que es lógicamente más fuerte que la primera cláusula (o su negación). Por tanto, en las oraciones conjuntivas, si la presuposición proyectase, la aseveración de la primera cláusula por parte del hablante no sería informativa. En cuanto a las oraciones condicionales y disyuntivas, si la presuposición projectase, el hablante mostraría inconsistencia en sus creencias al mostrar incertidumbre acerca del valor de verdad de la primera cláusula (o su negación). Sostengo que, en oraciones condicionales, esta incertidumbre es implicada conversacionalmente mientras que, en las oraciones disyuntivas, resulta de la compatibilidad contextual de la primera cláusula. Mantengo que, en casos en los que la proyección es bloqueada, la presuposición es condicionalizada a la primera cláusula (o su negación). Demuestro que la condicionalización es motivada de manera directa por las restricciones de tipo pragmático descritas arriba y que, contrariamente a la idea defendida por la así llamada ‘teoría de la satisfacción’, la condicionalización de la presuposición es un fenómeno independiente de la satisfacción local de la misma.

Jogos digitais como forma de incentivo à computação por humanos. / Digital games as a way to encourage human computing.

FARIAS, José Antônio Leal de. 17 April 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Johnny Rodrigues (johnnyrodrigues@ufcg.edu.br) on 2018-04-17T12:08:06Z No. of bitstreams: 1 JOSÉ ANTÔNIO LEAL DE FARIAS - DISSERTAÇÃO PPGCC 2014..pdf: 3257698 bytes, checksum: cea41aeb45f4b269f2356f8ecad15069 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-04-17T12:08:06Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 JOSÉ ANTÔNIO LEAL DE FARIAS - DISSERTAÇÃO PPGCC 2014..pdf: 3257698 bytes, checksum: cea41aeb45f4b269f2356f8ecad15069 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-08-05 / Recompensas em Crowdsourcing Computação por Humanos é uma abordagem que utiliza seres humanos para obter resultados mais satisfatórios em áreas em que os atuais recursos computacionais não conseguem atender adequadamente. Diversas técnicas e aplicações foram desenvolvidas para suportar essa abordagem e algumas delas utilizam recompensas financeiras como forma de estímulo aos indivíduos, enquanto outras se utilizam de jogos criados especialmente para suportar uma determinada tarefa e ao mesmo tempo como meio para aumentar a participação e o engajamento dos participantes. Este estudo descreve os resultados de um experimento que utilizou jogos comuns, não associados a qualquer tarefa ou atividade específica, criados apenas para entretenimento, como forma de recompensa para esses indivíduos. Nossos resultados mostram que jogos são um meio eficiente de estímulo ao engajamento na execução de Computação por Humanos. / Human Computation is an approach that uses humans to get more satisfactory results in areas where current computational infrastructures cannot meet properly. Several techniques and applications have been developed to support this approach and some of them use financial rewards as a stimulus to individuals, while others make use of games specifically designed to support a particular task and, at the same time, as a means to increase the participation and engagement of his participants. This study describes the results of an experiment that used regular games, not associated with any specific task or activity, created just for entertainment, as a reward for these individuals. Our results show that games are an effective means of stimulating the involvement in the execution of Human Computations.

An assessment of the social intent in John Wesley's doctrine of sanctification

Smith, Wayne Peter 11 1900 (has links)
John Wesley was a well educated son of a cleric, who chose to be a theologian and a minister in the Church of England. His theological distinctive was his insistence on the possibility of entire sanctification in this lifetime. In response to their position on sanctification, Wesley and the Methodists sought to save souls and cure the ills in society because they believed it was divinely mandated. Their love and work for the less fortunate was a response to their love for God and in obedience to His commandments. This is the great success of their work. They were able to serve God and their generation in a balanced yet inseparable way. The result of Wesley's life, direct and indirect, was that the social and spiritual plight of thousands of individuals and families was improved and dozens of church groups, missionary societies and benevolent organisations have emerged / Christian Spirituality, Church History and Missiology / Th.M. (Church History)

Bioinspired surfaces and materials

Schirhagl, Romana, Weder, Christoph, Lei, Jiang, Werner, Carsten, Textor, Hans Marcus 07 January 2020 (has links)
Over millions of years evolution has optimized the properties of materials via natural selection for many specific purposes. Indeed, natural materials have unique properties which come very close to perfection. Cells, for instance, are able to carry out intricate sequences of chemical reactions that are difficult or impossible to carry out ex vivo, cell membranes are the most complex selective and responsive semipermeable membranes that exist, and animal shells exhibit a clever nanostructure that renders them hard and tough at the same time. In short, materials scientists can learn a lot from nature’s materials. The perfection and performance of nature’s materials not only spark fascination, but also trigger the question as to why certain structures or surfaces exhibit outstanding properties and inspire research towards new materials. While the materials of living nature impressively serve dedicated purposes, they are formed under restricted conditions. For instance, they have to be designed to function under a narrowly defined set of physiological conditions, and can only be composed of building blocks an organism has available. Without these restrictions, material scientists can design entirely new materials or surfaces.

Étude sur "Lion de Bourges", poème épique du XIVe siècle / Study about "Lion de Bourges", epic poem from XIVth century

Gallois, Martine 02 May 2011 (has links)
L’étude du long poème épique de Lion de Bourges permet de mettre en évidence un parcours individuel modelé par la recherche d’un ordre politique et féodal, au sein duquel le héros tente d’inscrire son action, celle d’un ordre familial, au travers du lignage et de la parentèle, et celle d’un ordre personnel, à la fois recherche des origines et du père, qui devient une quête d’identité. L'idéal chevaleresque s’inscrit donc dans trois perspectives complémentaires. C’est d’abord face à l’instabilité des structures et du pouvoir royal, l’aspiration au rétablissement d’un ordre politique, mais l’inachèvement des actions entreprises et la constante réapparition du mal font que cette quête de l’ordre reste imparfaite. C’est ensuite l’effort pour la restauration d’un ordre familial mis à mal par les entreprises des traîtres et les aléas de l’aventure, mais là encore l’engagement et les efforts du héros ne permettent d’obtenir que des résultats imparfaits ou insatisfaisants. C’est donc à un niveau supérieur, dans la quête d’un ordre intérieur et dans un élan vers la perfection que l’itinéraire personnel de Lion de Bourges peut trouver son véritable sens. Cependant, son ultime tentative pour s’approcher du sacré ne conduit qu’à un échec : le contact avec le surnaturel chrétien est réservé au personnage du Blanc Chevalier, revenant secourable, et le héros doit se contenter d’une forme intermédiaire de merveilleux féerique. En définitive, ce poème témoigne, de manière originale et fort cohérente, de la vision pessimiste de l’idéal humain et de l’engagement héroïque, qui devient prédominante dans l’épopée française tardive. / The long epic poem Lion de Bourges portrays the personal quest of a hero, first, to set in order a feudal political structure; then his own family structure (through ancestry and parentage); and finally, his personal life; for seeking his origins and father becomes a search for his own identity. The chivalric ideal therefore is seen through three complementary perspectives. Initially, when faced with the instability of social structures and royal power, Lion seeks to re-establish political order, but both Lion’s inability to complete his goals and the constant reappearance of evil cause this quest to remain incomplete. Afterwards, Lion’s effort to bring his family back together is derailed by traitors’ plots and the fortunes of adventure, so there again the hero’s efforts produce only imperfect or unsatisfactory results. It is thus only at the highest level, the quest for personal order, for spiritual perfection, that the private itinerary of Lion de Bourges might find its true goal. However, his last desire, to reach sanctity, leads to failure as well: contact with the Christian supernatural is reserved for the White Knight, a helpful spirit, and the hero must content himself with a lesser form of supernatural, the enchanted marvelous world. Clearly, this poem demonstrates, in an original and highly consistent way, the pessimistic view of the human ideal and of heroic engagement that predominates in late French epic.

Le modèle de la vierge consacrée au VIe siècle : l’exemple du De consolatoria castitatis laude d’Avit de Vienne

Domingos Pimentel, Caroline 05 1900 (has links)
Au VIe siècle, dans le royaume des Burgondes, Avit de Vienne compose une lettre pour sa sœur, la moniale Fuscine. Cette œuvre consolatoire et élogieuse se nomme De consolatoria castitatis laude. Ce texte permet de comprendre la situation particulière dont bénéficie la virgo dans la société chrétienne tardo-antique. Au niveau de son contenu, l’objectif de ce livre sert à montrer à la monacha que le choix virginal représente une forme d’échappatoire et de liberté. Il s’agit d’une réalité que ne connaît pas l’épouse. Les devoirs du mariage, les dangers de la maternité, les tracas du siècle, le veuvage, le deuil, tout cela est inconnu à la vierge parce qu’elle s’écarte des obligations terrestres. L’utilisation de la Bible et de plusieurs références patristiques constituent l’héritage des mentalités religieuses dont s’inspire Avit dans la construction d’un discours orienté sur la distinction socioreligieuse de la virgo. / In the 6th century, in the kingdom of the Burgundians, Avitus of Vienne composes a letter for his sister, the nun Fuscina. This consoling and eulogistic artwork is called De consolatoria castitatis laude. This text generates in us an understanding of the particular context of the virgo in the Christian society of Late Antiquity. Regarding the text, the purpose of the book is to show to the monacha that the virginal choice represents a way of escape and freedom, a reality that the spouse is unaware of. The duties of marriage, the dangers of motherhood, the troubles of the century, the widowhood and the mourning are all unknown to the virgin because she excludes herself to worldly obligations. The use of the Bible and several patristic references shape the legacy of religious mentalities which inspires Avitus in making an oriented speech on the virgo’s socio-religious distinctness.

The impact of liberation theology on methodism in South Africa with regard to the doctrine of christian perfection

Bailie, John 01 1900 (has links)
Thesis / There is potential for a schism, within the Methodist Church of Southern Africa (MCSA) today, between Fundamentalist and Liberationist Methodists, who struggle to find common identity and vision. A question that needs examination is whether it is possible to develop an authentically, uniting Southern African Methodist Theology within the current Institutional structure of the MCSA. For this to become possible, some key areas of discussion are highlighted in this paper, such as the training of ministers and the MCSA as Institution. This paper attempts to enter into conversation between Fundamental and Liberation Methodism using the Doctrine of Christian Perfection, 'the Grand Depositum' of Methodism, as a point of reference and develop an epistemological framework based on Wesley’s 'quadrilateral' of Scripture, reason, experience and tradition. This paper takes as a standpoint the need for an authentically Southern African Methodist theology, which is both uniting and transformatory, in order for the MCSA to fulfil its vision of “A Christ Healed Africa for the Healing of Nations.” / Systematic theology and Theological Ethics / D. Th. (Systematic Testament)

Aquinas se Quinque Viae as 'n holistiese beredenering

Ueckermann, Isabella Jacoba 06 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Aquinas's five point argument for God's existence views creation as a holistic entity in which synthesis and creative influences are initiated through the interaction between minimal and maximal acts of being. These acts are represented by the per accidens and the per se respectively. Both these acts are fundamental acts which are crucial to the outcome of the argument for the existence of God. The creature who, because of his per accidens dependency, possesses minimal status, is elevated to a place of honour by participation in creation. Both the essence and esse of creatures have their origin in the pure esse of the maximal act of being (God). Maximal being, the efficient cause, grounds the similarity between itself and minimal acts of being. Both the per accidens and the per se have crucial roles to play in the verification of tbe argument. Should any one of these two elements be lacking, the argument would be invalid. / Aquinas se Quinque Via as 'n Holistiese Beredenering is 'n vyfpunt-argument vir die bestaan van God wat die skepping as 'n eenheid beskou waarin sintese en skeppende invloede bewerkstellig word deur interaksie tussen minimale en maksimale bestaansaktes. Die bestaansaktes word deur die per accidens en die per se (wat die fundamentele boustene in die argument vorm) verteenwoordig. Die skepsel wat vanwee sy per accidens- afhanklikheid beperkte status beklee, word deur bemiddeling van die per se of maksimale bestaansakte (God) tot deelgenoot verhef en beklee ·n ereplek in die skepping. Beide die esse en essensie van menslike wesens het hul oorsprong in die suiwer esse van die maksimale bestaansakte. Maksimale bestaan, die effektiewe oorsaak, begrond die ooreenkoms tussen sigself en die minimale bestaansaktes. Die per accidens sowel as die per se vervul 'n onontbeerlike rol in die bewysvoering van die argument. Sou een van die twee fundamentele elemente ontbreek, sou die argument in geheel ongeldig wees. / Philosophy, Practical & Systematic Theology / M.A. (Wysbegeerte)

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