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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Starozákonní exegeze u Filóna Alexandrijského a Řehoře z Nyssy. / Interpretation of the Life of Moses according to Gregory of Nyssa and Its Inspiration by the Thought of Philo of Alexandria.

Dudziková, Markéta January 2019 (has links)
Interpretation of the Life of Moses according to Gregory of Nyssa and Its Inspiration by the Thought of Philo of Alexandria Philo of Alexandria (c. 20 BC - c. 40 CE) and his allegorical interpretation of the Bible (especially the Pentateuch) had a strong influence on early Christian writers including Gregory of Nyssa (c. 335 - c. 395 CE). It is obvious that Gregory was inspired by Philo judging from the fact that Gregory's treatise The Life of Moses (De vita Moysis) has the same name and a partly similar topic as one of Philo's writings. For Gregory, Moses is an ideal example of perfect virtue which consists in a continual progression toward the Good. The main topic of the thesis is Philo's influence on Gregory's interpretation of Moses. The work discusses the following issues in the thought of both authors: the treatise De vita Moysis, the person of Moses, exegetical principles, perfection that could be demonstrated on the life of a good person, the question of knowledge and unknowability of God and the mediation between God and men. Since Gregory's reception of Philo was influenced by Origen of Alexandria, Origen's biblical exegesis and exegetical theory are also briefly presented. In the centre of the thesis, there are those questions: In what way was Gregory's concept of perfect virtue inspired by the...

文殊類經典所蘊涵不二中道之義理及其實踐 / The Doctrine and Practice of “the Dharma-Door of Non–Duality” in the Mañjuśrī Scriptures

陳渝菁, Chen, Yu-Jing Unknown Date (has links)
本論文研究材料為佛教經典中與文殊菩薩相關論述的典籍,研究之主題為不二中道之義理思想,並就生命境界的提升與轉化為焦點,呈顯不二中道思想對生命問題的實踐。 佛教經典中與文殊菩薩有關的經典數量非常多,為了對文殊法門能整體地掌握,因此首先將大乘佛典中文殊菩薩的相關典籍及其同本異譯作全盤地整理,並且從中探究文殊菩薩在佛教經典中所扮演的角色。 文殊菩薩在大乘經典中出現得很早,他所顯現的身分也很特殊,一方面他是十地菩薩,另一方面他因為智慧第一而堪為諸佛之引導者,是過去、現在、未來諸佛之「佛母」,然而文殊菩薩又以「童真菩薩」的樣貌實踐菩薩道。另外,他也是菩提道上淳熟的修行者,能入聖道,能入出菩薩「正性離生」,並且已經決定不退墮。在禪定方面,他已久修三昧,是甚深三昧的實證者。再者,文殊菩薩身具超越二元對立的圓滿智慧,能「達無礙智慧彼岸」,具有「超越智慧的完成」,也是智與行融合的實踐者。 「文殊法門」的內容是以空義為基礎,以不二中道思想為主軸,意指為不落入於任何的極端,捨離二邊,又不執著於二邊,是一種不偏於任何一方的觀點或方法。「不二」是依於法性平等的原則而突破認知所形成的框架,進而讓每個生命體放捨因對立所造成分離、孤立、二元的主觀評價,以中道的角度面對各種問題,避免讓個體生命落入一般認知的苦樂、迷悟、生死、聖凡等二元對立中,超越「分別」所造成的侷限,並且朝向更廣闊的生命視野。 本文並藉由經典中的例示闡述不二法門的實踐面向,說明超越二元對立的中道思想可以在面對人、事、物時,提供另一種適切的行為態度,避免陷入極端的對立狀態。不二法門對於生命困頓的問題正好能提供更開闊的思維角度,因此阿闍世王有機會可以跳脫罪惡感的枷鎖;娼妓金色女能轉化生命中受到貪欲煩惱所困擾的瓶頸;惡魔波旬也有可能得以超越心靈「束縛」與「解脫」的兩邊。 文殊類經典中所提出的例示,正顯示著不二法門對各種不同社會階層的生命關懷,是具有普遍性及平等性。這種關懷表面上看來是針對經典中的人物,然而事實上這正是經典向讀經者傳達著對生命體的關懷,期望所有的生命個體面對生命困頓的境界時,能在有限與無限的掙扎中超脫,使生命的寬廣度更向上開拓。 / This thesis utilizes and explores the Mañjuśrī scriptures, which discuss the doctrine of “non-duality”, and which are associated with the concept of the “Middle Way”. It is the purpose of this thesis to explore “the dharma-door of non-duality” (advaya-dharma- paryāya / mukha). The method adopted by Mañjuśrī, especially so, the focus on the study of sentient beings practicing “non-duality” to overcome the difficulties in life, is central to this study. To fully comprehend the Mahāyāna scriptures which expound on the subject of Mañjuśrī, this thesis studies and compares many textual sources, including the sutra itself, which has been translated by different translators spanning many different periods of history. In the Mahāyāna scriptures, Mañjuśrī appears very early, and plays an important role in inspiring aspirant Buddhas and Bodhisattvas in cultivating the “Bodhi-Mind”. On one hand, Mañjuśrī plays the role of a Bodhisattva, and on the other hand, he is the supervisor of all Buddhas in the past, the present, and the future. As the embodiment of the perfection of wisdom, Mañjuśrī, out of great compassion, devotes himself to support and assist all sentient beings in overcoming obstacles, and does this systematically by preaching the doctrine of non-duality. The dharma-door of Mañjuśrī, non-duality, is a method of attaining the Middle Way, based on emptiness (wunyata). The Mañjuśrī scriptures elucidate the concept of the “Middle Way” by means of transforming erroneous dichotomous cognition into the cognitive state of non-duality. To illustrate the theme of practicing non-duality, I will give three concrete illustrations of how king Ajatawatru applied non-duality to solving the paradoxes of guilt and guiltlessness. For example, how did a prostitute make use of non-duality to transcend the conflicting natures of greed and purity, and how did the demon utilize the actuality of the “Middle Way” to overcome the contradiction between mental restraint and unrestrained conceptualization? In brief, this study examines the main idea of the Mañjuśrī scriptures depicting non-duality, which can help sentient beings free themselves from dilemma. In other words, the Mañjuśrī scriptures take non-duality as a guideline to concern all kind of living beings in different social conditions.

Το σωκρατικό δαιμόνιο στον νεοπλατωνικό Πρόκλο

Γκοζντάρη, Νατάσα 02 May 2011 (has links)
Η παρούσα μεταπτυχιακή διατριβή έχει ως στόχο να μελετήσει την έννοια του σωκρατικού δαιμονίου όπως αυτή εκφράστηκε κυρίως στον φιλόσοφο Πρόκλο, καθώς επίσης να εντοπίσει το περιεχόμενο, την έκταση και τις προθέσεις αλλά και τους μεθοδολογικούς τρόπους με τους οποίους ο ίδιος ο νεοπλατωνικός σχολάρχης θεωρούσε ότι έπρεπε να προσεγγισθεί η παιδαγωγική σχέση ανάμεσα στον Σωκράτη και στον Αλκιβιάδη, ώστε να κατανοηθεί το βαθύτερο περιεχόμενό της. Ως κείμενο αναφοράς και ανάλυσης έχουμε το υπόμνημα του Σχολάρχη της Ακαδημίας: Εἰς τὸν Πλάτωνος πρῶτον Ἀλκιβιάδην , 85.19-93.28, σ’ ένα εδάφιο του πλατωνικού διαλόγου Αλκιβιάδης Ι (103 a-b), στο οποίο παρουσιάζεται η αφετηρία της επικοινωνίας ανάμεσα στον Σωκράτη και τον Αλκιβιάδη, η επικοινωνιακή σχέση δηλαδή μεταξύ δασκάλου – μαθητή, η οποία τροφοδοτείται επαναληπτικά και από την θεϊκή έμπνευση του Σωκράτη, από το σωκρατικό δαιμόνιο. Στο πρώτο κεφάλαιο της εργασίας μας επιχειρούμε μια αναδρομική έρευνα στην έννοια του σωκρατικού δαιμονίου όπως αυτή εμφανίστηκε στην σύγχρονη ιστορία – πορεία της φιλοσοφικής έρευνας. Στο δεύτερο κεφάλαιο γίνεται μια σύντομη εισαγωγή στον πλατωνικό διάλογο Αλκιβιάδης Ι και στο υπόμνημα του Πρόκλου Εἰς τὸν Πλάτωνος πρῶτον Ἀλκιβιάδην αναδεικνύοντας το συνθετικό φιλοσοφικό εγχείρημα του νεοπλατωνικού φιλοσόφου. Στο τρίτο κεφάλαιο γίνεται μία απόπειρα σχολιασμού ενός ευσύνοπτου τμήματος του υπομνήματος του Πρόκλου, με κύριο στόχο να δοθούν απαντήσεις στις «κατηγορίες» που απέδιδαν ορισμένοι στην θεία αυτή έμπνευση του Σωκράτη ως προς την διαφθορά του νεαρού Αλκιβιάδη. Στην συνέχεια, επιχειρήσαμε να οδηγηθούμε σε ορισμένα συμπεράσματα (καταρρίπτοντας τις κατηγορίες), καθώς επίσης έγινε μία προσπάθεια καταγραφής των εννοιών που συναντήσαμε. Προχωρήσαμε επίσης στην σύνταξη ενός ευσύνοπτου φιλοσοφικού λεξικού των εννοιών που χρησιμοποίησε ο νεοπλατωνικός φιλόσοφος στην προσπάθειά του να αναδείξει την θεϊκή αυτή έμπνευση του Σωκράτη ως μία δύναμη αγαθή και προνοητική με «προβλεπτικό» και «γνωστικό» χαρακτήρα, που κατ’ επέκταση καθιστά την σχέση διδασκάλου – μαθητή παιδαγωγικώς και προσωπικώς αναγκαία και θείων προδιαγραφών. Η εν λόγω εργασία ανήκει κυρίως στους θεωρητικούς κλάδους της φιλοσοφίας της θρησκείας και της μεταφυσικής, αλλά και συγχρόνως εντάσσεται στην ιστορία της φιλοσοφίας, καθότι παρουσιάζει ένα στάδιο της εξέλιξης μιας θεωρίας που αναπτύχθηκε τον 4ο αιώνα π.Χ. / The main aim of this M.A dissertation is to explore the sense of the daimonion of Socrates as it was mainly examined by the philosopher Proclus. We will try to identify the content, scope and intentions, but also the methodology by means of which the Neoplatonist scholarch himself approached the pedagogical relationship between Socrates and Alcibiades, in order to understand its deeper content. Our textual source is Proclus' Commentary on Plato's Alcibiades I, 85.19-93.28, which refers to Alcibiades I, 103 a-b. This is the starting point of communication between Socrates and Alcibiades, that is to say the communicative relationship between the teacher and the student, the content of which is repeatedly defined by the divine inspiration of Socrates, the Socratic daimonion. In the first chapter of our study, we attempt a retrospective research on the concept of Socrates’ daimonion as it appeared in the frame of modern philosophical research. The second chapter is a brief introduction to the Platonic dialogue Alcibiades I and to Proclus’ Commentary on Plato's Alcibiades I, highlighting the synthesis which is evident in the philosophical project of the Neoplatonist philosopher. The third chapter is an attempt to analyze a brief part of Proclus' commentary, aiming to provide answers to "accusations" attributed by some against Socrates’ divine inspiration with reference to the corruption of the young Alcibiades. We also attempt to describe the relevant concepts and reach some conclusions after the refutation of these accusations. We also proceed to a compilation of a concise philosophical dictionary of concepts-terms used by the Neoplatonist philosopher in his attempt to prove the divine inspiration of Socrates to be both a good and providential power with the possibility to acquire foreknowledge. This in turn makes the relationship between the teacher and the student pedagogically and personally necessary and gives it divine properties. The dissertation belongs to philosophy of religion, metaphysics, and history of philosophy, as well, since it examines a stage in the evolution of a theory developed in the 4th century B.C.

The impact of liberation theology on methodism in South Africa with regard to the doctrine of christian perfection

Bailie, John 01 1900 (has links)
Thesis / There is potential for a schism, within the Methodist Church of Southern Africa (MCSA) today, between Fundamentalist and Liberationist Methodists, who struggle to find common identity and vision. A question that needs examination is whether it is possible to develop an authentically, uniting Southern African Methodist Theology within the current Institutional structure of the MCSA. For this to become possible, some key areas of discussion are highlighted in this paper, such as the training of ministers and the MCSA as Institution. This paper attempts to enter into conversation between Fundamental and Liberation Methodism using the Doctrine of Christian Perfection, 'the Grand Depositum' of Methodism, as a point of reference and develop an epistemological framework based on Wesley’s 'quadrilateral' of Scripture, reason, experience and tradition. This paper takes as a standpoint the need for an authentically Southern African Methodist theology, which is both uniting and transformatory, in order for the MCSA to fulfil its vision of “A Christ Healed Africa for the Healing of Nations.” / Systematic theology and Theological Ethics / D. Th. (Systematic Testament)

Aquinas se Quinque Viae as 'n holistiese beredenering

Ueckermann, Isabella Jacoba 06 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Aquinas's five point argument for God's existence views creation as a holistic entity in which synthesis and creative influences are initiated through the interaction between minimal and maximal acts of being. These acts are represented by the per accidens and the per se respectively. Both these acts are fundamental acts which are crucial to the outcome of the argument for the existence of God. The creature who, because of his per accidens dependency, possesses minimal status, is elevated to a place of honour by participation in creation. Both the essence and esse of creatures have their origin in the pure esse of the maximal act of being (God). Maximal being, the efficient cause, grounds the similarity between itself and minimal acts of being. Both the per accidens and the per se have crucial roles to play in the verification of tbe argument. Should any one of these two elements be lacking, the argument would be invalid. / Aquinas se Quinque Via as 'n Holistiese Beredenering is 'n vyfpunt-argument vir die bestaan van God wat die skepping as 'n eenheid beskou waarin sintese en skeppende invloede bewerkstellig word deur interaksie tussen minimale en maksimale bestaansaktes. Die bestaansaktes word deur die per accidens en die per se (wat die fundamentele boustene in die argument vorm) verteenwoordig. Die skepsel wat vanwee sy per accidens- afhanklikheid beperkte status beklee, word deur bemiddeling van die per se of maksimale bestaansakte (God) tot deelgenoot verhef en beklee ·n ereplek in die skepping. Beide die esse en essensie van menslike wesens het hul oorsprong in die suiwer esse van die maksimale bestaansakte. Maksimale bestaan, die effektiewe oorsaak, begrond die ooreenkoms tussen sigself en die minimale bestaansaktes. Die per accidens sowel as die per se vervul 'n onontbeerlike rol in die bewysvoering van die argument. Sou een van die twee fundamentele elemente ontbreek, sou die argument in geheel ongeldig wees. / Philosophy, Practical and Systematic Theology / M.A. (Wysbegeerte)

An analysis of the role of Christian leaders in the schism in the African Methodist Episcopal Church in Southern Africa, from 1899 to 1908

Biwa, Albert Eberhardt 11 1900 (has links)
Abstracts in English, Afrikaans and Xhosa / This research analyses the role of Christian leaders in the schisms that occurred in the African Methodist Episcopal Church in Southern Africa, from 1899 to 1908. The study assesses whether their character and conduct were in keeping with the requirements of the law of the Church and the model of ethical leadership developed in this dissertation. The study assesses the different reasons for the schisms, as well as the impact of these schisms on the community, taking into consideration the socio-cultural contexts of the time. The dissertation discusses how Christian leaders ought to act and evaluates the consequences of the decisions made by the relevant leaders. Finally, the study explores pathways towards the restoration of separated churches. The study argues that the spiritual and moral formation of Christian leaders is essential for both the restoration of the AME Church and the prevention of schisms in the future / Hierdie navorsing ontleed die rol van Christelike leiers in die breuke wat van 1899 tot 1908 in die Afrika-Metodiste- Episkopale Kerk in Suidelike Afrika voorgekom het. Die studie assesseer of hul karakter en optrede ooreengestem het met die vereistes van die wet van die Kerk en die model van etiese leierskap wat in hierdie dissertasie ontwikkel is. In die studie is die verskillende redes vir die breuke geassesseer, sowel as die impak van hierdie skeurings op die gemeenskap, met inagneming van die sosio-kulturele kontekste van die tyd. Die dissertasie bespreek hoe Christelike leiers veronderstel is om op te tree en evalueer die gevolge van die tersaaklike leiers se besluite. Laastens bied die dissertasie ʼn blik op moontlike maniere om kerke wat geskei geraak het, te herstel. Die studie voer aan dat die spirituele en morele formasie van Christelike leiers noodsaaklik is vir sowel die herstel van die AME-kerk as die voorkoming van skeurings in die toekoms. / Olu phando luphengulula indima yeenkokheli zobuKrestu kuqhekeko olwenzeka kwinkonzo yamaWesile eyaziwa ngokuba yiAfrican Methodist Episcopal Church in Southern Africa, kwiminyaka ephakathi kowe-1899 nowe-1908. Esi sifundo sivavanya indlela ezi nkokheli zaziphatha ngayo, nokuba ingaba zayilandela njani imigaqo nemithetho yeCawa. Isifundo esi sikwaqwalasela, zizame ukuphuhlisa indlela emsulwa yobunkokheli. Esi sifundo siqwalasela izizathu ezahlukeneyo zoqhekeko, nefuthe lolu qhekeko eluntwini, phakathi kweemeko zentlalo nenkcubeko yelo xesha. Uphando olu luxoxa ngokuba iinkokheli zobuKrestu zifanele ukuziphatha njani kwaye lukwavavanya iziphumo zezigqibo ezathathwa ziinkokheli ezazithatha inxaxheba ngelo xesha.Ekugqibeleni, olu phando luqwalasela iindlela zokubuyelana kweecawe ezaqhekekayo. Isifundo esi sibeka elokuba ubume bomoya nesimilo seenkokheli zobuKrestu bungundoqo kwaye bubalulekile ekubuyiseleni iCawe iAME nokunqanda ukuba kungaze kuphinde kubekho uqhekeko. / Christian Spirituality, Church History and Missiology / M. Th. (Christian leadership)

Towards a Consummated Life: Kenneth Burke's Concept of Consummation as Critical Conversation and Catharsis

Bacalski, Cherise Marie 14 March 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Consummation was the one term about which Kenneth Burke wasn't particularly long-winded - odd considering his claim that it was the apex of his theory of form. Perhaps Burke never explained exactly what consummation was because he himself was never clear on the subject, as he told John Woodcock in an interview toward the end of his career. Burke began conceptualizing his theory of form early on - in his 20s - and published it in his first critical book, Counter-Statement, in 1931. At that time, Burke's theory of form had already taken one evolutionary step - from self-expression, with the focus on the artist, to communication, with the focus on the psychology of the reader. Communication was to Burke an "arousing and fulfilling of desires." However, by the 60s, Burke introduced us to a new term which he only used a handful of times in his entire corpus: consummation. This paper attempts to define consummation by exploring Burke's theory of form and looking to his correspondences with friends and scholars. It offers two answers: first, consummation is the act of a reader responding to a writer in critical conversation; second, consummation is the ultimate cathartic achievement. Both play an important civic role. Using current science regarding the gut in connection with emotional purgation, this paper treats seriously Burke's essay "The Thinking of the Body (Comments on the Imagery of Catharsis in Literature)" and his ideas regarding the "Demonic Trinity": micturition, defecation, and parturition, explaining Burkean catharsis as it differs from, deepens, and extends Aristotelian catharsis. What can we learn from what Burke meant by consummation? That the symbolic world is much more significant to our survival than we may realize. As the world of scientific motion advanced rapidly during Burke's lifetime, he began to lose hope that symbolic action could keep up with it. We can see how important poetry and the symbolic motive was for him; he seemed to think it was a matter of life and death. This paper explores what it meant for Burke to seek a consummated life, and the implications that held for him and for us. In the end, the paper posits the importance of catharsis to society in terms of war and peace.

Iconología del Monte de Perfección. Para una teoría de la imagen en San Juan de la Cruz

Serra Zamora, Anna 14 December 2010 (has links)
Este trabajo pretende establecer una teoría de la imagen en San Juan de la Cruz a partir de los textos del autor y de la interpretación del dibujo del Monte de perfección o Monte Carmelo (ca.1580). Nuestro estudio parte de la comprensión de los hechos vitales fundamentales que llevaron a este religioso a la creación literaria y de ésta, a la creación plástica. Se analizarán las características de dicha imagen, como diagrama espiritual vinculado a técnicas de memorización, como ejemplo de poesía visual, como plasmación del mundo interior e invisible y como icono que responde a lo que podríamos llamar una estética de la negatividad, antiidolátrica, abstracta. El estudio se basa en una recopilación iconográfica que muestra la evolución de la imagen original a través de distintas ediciones de las obras de San Juan. / This dissertation aims to establish a theory of image in Saint John of the Cross through his texts and an interpretation of the drawing of the Mount of Perfection or Mount Carmel (ca. 1580). Our investigation starts with an explanation of the facts that brought this religious man to the literary creation, and from it, up to the graphical creation. We carry out an analysis of the features of this image, understood as a spiritual diagram related to mnemonic techniques, as an example of visual poetry, as an expression of the inner and invisible world and as an icon in response to what we could call aesthetics of negativity, antiidolatry and abstraction. This work is based on an iconographical recopilation that shows the evolution of the primitive image through different editions of Saint John's works.

マイモニデスにおける神への道程 : 神を知解することと人間の生き方との相関性に関する考察 / マイモニデス ニオケル カミ エノ ミチノリ : カミ オ チカイ スル コト ト ニンゲン ノ イキカタ トノ ソウカンセイ ニカンスル コウサツ / マイモニデス ニ オケル カミ エノ ドウテイ : カミ オ チカイ スル コト ト ニンゲン ノ イキカタ トノ ソウカンセイ ニ カンスル コウサツ

神田 愛子, Aiko Kanda 09 September 2021 (has links)
序論では研究史を踏まえ、マイモニデスの時代の政治・社会的背景、彼の生涯と著作を概観し、中世ユダヤ思想における彼の思想の位置づけと影響関係を考察した上で『迷える者の手引き』読解の方法論を提示した。本論では「神の本質と属性」、「戒律と人間の自由意志」、「マイモニデスにおける神への道程」の三つを中心的テーマに据え、それらを副題の「神を知解することと人間の生き方との相関性」に結び付けて考察した。 / In the Introduction, based on the History of Maimonidean Study, I surveyed the position of Maimonides' thought and the influential relations among the Medieval Jewish Thought, and then, presented the methodology to read "the Guide of the Perplexed." In the main part, I set the following three subjects, i.e., 'the Essence of God and His Attributes,' 'God's Commandments and Man's Freedom of the Will,' and 'the Transitional Path to God in Maimonides,' to the central theme, and examined these three subjects by connecting with the subtitle, 'the Correlativity between Man's Comprehension of God and His Way of Life.' / 博士(一神教研究) / Doctor of Philosophy in Monotheistic Studies / 同志社大学 / Doshisha University

A promise kept: the mystical reach through loss

Collins, Jody 04 October 2019 (has links)
The meaning of loss is love. I know this through attention to experience. Whether loss or love is experienced in abundance or in absence, the meaning is mystical with an opening of body, mind, heart and soul to spirit. And so, in the style of a memoir, in the way of contemplative prayer, I contemplate and share my soul as a promise kept in the mystical reach through loss. With the first, initiating loss, the loss of my nine-year-old nephew, Caleb, I experience an epiphany that gives me spiritual instructions that will not be ignored. I experience loss as an abundance of meaning that comes to me as gnosis, as “knowledge of the heart” according to Elaine Pagels or divine revelation in what Evelyn Underhill calls mystical illumination in the experience of “losing-to-find” in union with the divine. Then, with gnostic import, in leaving the ordinary for the extraordinary, I enter the empty room in the painful yet liberating experience of the loss of my self. In the embrace of emptiness, I proceed to the first wall, the second wall, the third wall, the dark corner of denial, the return to centre, and, finally, to breaking the fourth wall in the empty room so as to keep my promise to you. Who are “you”? You are God. You are Caleb. You are spirit. You are my higher soul or self. And, you are the reader. You are my dear companion in silence. And then, through a series of broken promises and more loss, within what John of the Cross calls, “the dark night of the soul,” I am stopped by the ineffability of the dark corner of denial, the horror of separation and the absence of meaning, which is depicted as the grueling gap between the spiritual abyss and the breakthrough. What does it mean to keep going through a solemn succession of losses? I don’t know. In going into the empty room, I simply put pain to work in order to reach you. Through loss, though there are infinite manifestations, there is only one way: keep going. And so, in a triumph of the spirit, I keep going so as to be: a promise kept in the mystical reach through loss. As for you, through my illumined and dark experiences of loss, what is my promise to you? I keep going to reach the unreachable you. In the loss of self, with embodied emptiness, in going into the dark corner of denial, with a return to the divine centre of my emptied self, in an invitation to you, I give my soul to you in union with you. / Graduate / 2020-06-25

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