Spelling suggestions: "subject:"permit"" "subject:"hermit""
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Quantitative analysis of quota trading behaviour at the end of the quota yearSterelyukhin, Alex 05 1900 (has links)
The Canadian supply management system offers some lessons for the design of a domestic permit trading system. One of the objectives of the domestic trading system is minimizing costs and maximizing the system's efficiency for participants and system administrators. This paper suggests that a permit trading system designed with a longer permit period and without a grace period can be more efficient than a system designed with a shorter permit period and a grace period for compliance. This study is based on Canadian Supply Management System experience and examines the Canadian dairy industry, where two different schemes (monthly and annual) have been used. Under the annual scheme, a strong compliance mechanism stimulates participants to exchange quotas during the dairy year (permit period) and does not require burdensome, non-compliance procedures after the permit period ends. The monthly scheme is characterized by a short permit period and a grace period for compliance. This study examines how these two schemes affect participants' behavior on the quota exchange. The empirical results show evidence of the influence of different schemes on farmers' behaviours regarding the quota exchange. As a conclusion, the paper recommends the use of a permit trading mechanism with a longer permit period and without a grace period for the design of a carbon trading system. The results support Barichello (2002), who developed the Canadian domestic permit trading scheme on the basis of receiving an offset from agricultural soil carbon sinks.
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Quantitative analysis of quota trading behaviour at the end of the quota yearSterelyukhin, Alex 05 1900 (has links)
The Canadian supply management system offers some lessons for the design of a domestic permit trading system. One of the objectives of the domestic trading system is minimizing costs and maximizing the system's efficiency for participants and system administrators. This paper suggests that a permit trading system designed with a longer permit period and without a grace period can be more efficient than a system designed with a shorter permit period and a grace period for compliance. This study is based on Canadian Supply Management System experience and examines the Canadian dairy industry, where two different schemes (monthly and annual) have been used. Under the annual scheme, a strong compliance mechanism stimulates participants to exchange quotas during the dairy year (permit period) and does not require burdensome, non-compliance procedures after the permit period ends. The monthly scheme is characterized by a short permit period and a grace period for compliance. This study examines how these two schemes affect participants' behavior on the quota exchange. The empirical results show evidence of the influence of different schemes on farmers' behaviours regarding the quota exchange. As a conclusion, the paper recommends the use of a permit trading mechanism with a longer permit period and without a grace period for the design of a carbon trading system. The results support Barichello (2002), who developed the Canadian domestic permit trading scheme on the basis of receiving an offset from agricultural soil carbon sinks.
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Quantitative analysis of quota trading behaviour at the end of the quota yearSterelyukhin, Alex 05 1900 (has links)
The Canadian supply management system offers some lessons for the design of a domestic permit trading system. One of the objectives of the domestic trading system is minimizing costs and maximizing the system's efficiency for participants and system administrators. This paper suggests that a permit trading system designed with a longer permit period and without a grace period can be more efficient than a system designed with a shorter permit period and a grace period for compliance. This study is based on Canadian Supply Management System experience and examines the Canadian dairy industry, where two different schemes (monthly and annual) have been used. Under the annual scheme, a strong compliance mechanism stimulates participants to exchange quotas during the dairy year (permit period) and does not require burdensome, non-compliance procedures after the permit period ends. The monthly scheme is characterized by a short permit period and a grace period for compliance. This study examines how these two schemes affect participants' behavior on the quota exchange. The empirical results show evidence of the influence of different schemes on farmers' behaviours regarding the quota exchange. As a conclusion, the paper recommends the use of a permit trading mechanism with a longer permit period and without a grace period for the design of a carbon trading system. The results support Barichello (2002), who developed the Canadian domestic permit trading scheme on the basis of receiving an offset from agricultural soil carbon sinks. / Land and Food Systems, Faculty of / Graduate
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Management of safety - a systems engineering approachBlack, Derrick Davidson January 2008 (has links)
In delivering Safety in systems it is not only essential to ensure that each part of the system is safe but that account is taken of the interrelationship between the components of the system and the relationship with its environment. When viewed from a System Engineering perspective safety is often "pigeon-holed" into non-functional aspects, while, when viewed from the standpoint of Engineering Management it is considered in terms of organisational culture. In reality, both views must be considered.
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Námitky v územním a stavebním řízení / Objections in planning permission proceedings and building permit proceedingsMourek, Karel January 2021 (has links)
Objections in planning permission proceeding and building permit proceeding Abstract The thesis focuses on objections as a key institute by which participants can defend their rights in the planning permission proceedings and building permit proceedings - the objections. The aim of the thesis is to map this institute both in terms of its procedural use and in terms of the facts that the participants in the proceedings apply in these objections. The author of the thesis does so due to the fact that no professional literature deals directly with this topic. The thesis is divided into several parts. The first part briefly describes the basic principles and mechanisms of planning permission proceeding and building permit proceeding, which are key for a proper understanding of the meaning of objections. The second part briefly describes the history of objections in the legislation from the second half of the nineteenth century to the present and the third part explains the concept of objections from the perspective of administrative law and construction law. The main content of the thesis is then in the fourth and fifth part. In these parts, the institute of objections is described first in the planning permission proceedings and then in the building permit proceedings. It describes in detail who is entitled to...
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Ohlašování a povolování staveb - srovnání hmotněprávní a procesněprávní úpravy / Notifying and permitting development projects - a comparison of substantive and procedural regulationKlimešová, Dominika January 2016 (has links)
This thesis deals with notifying and permitting structures. The aim of the thesis is to analyze the current legal regulation of regimes for the realization of structures, including outlining changes in connection with the amendment to the Act No. 183/2006 Coll., on Town and Country Planning and Building Code (Building Act), as amended, and to compare notification and permission regimes from both substantive and procedural law. The thesis is divided into an introductory chapter, eight chapters and a conclusion. The introductory chapter covers an introduction to the realization of structures and its position within building law. The first chapter provides a historical excursion into the legal development of building law and describes applicable legal regulation of building law in the Czech Republic. The second chapter deals with the selected fundamental concepts essential to the realization of structures. The third chapter concentrates on the organization of public administration in the area of notifying and permitting structures. The purpose of the fourth chapter is to provide an overview of the regimes for the realization of structures and their brief summary. The fifth chapter deals with structures which do not require a notification nor a building permit. The sixth chapter focuses on the legal...
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An Economic Analysis of Regulation by Conditional PermitsLenntorp, Erik January 2006 (has links)
Syftet med denna avhandling är att öka kunskapen om varför villkorade tillstånd inte leder till att en lag fullt ut implementeras. Den lagstiftning som reglerar industriella verksamheter innehåller ofta generella principer. Dessa ska vägleda myndigheten i att balansera verksamhetens nytta mot eventuella negativa effekter. Tillstånd att bedriva en viss verksamhet är en värdefull rättighet för verksamhetsutövaren, men samtidigt är tillstånd villkorade och förenade med kostnader för denne, t.ex. för att begränsa utsläpp. Studier av exempelvis miljölagstiftning visar att villkorade tillstånd har bidragit till att uppfylla lagstiftningens huvudsakliga intention, men att genomförandet ofta kännetecknas av att lagstiftningens krav modifieras. I praktiken är villkorade tillstånd ett resultat av förhandlingar mellan myndigheten och verksamheten. Ett skäl till att myndigheten inleder förhandlingar är att tillämpning av lagen kräver kompletterande information om verksamheten. Ett annat skäl är att det är kostsamt för myndigheten att kontrollera tillstånds efterlevnad samt att beivra deras överträdelser. Den analytiska ansatsen är analogin mellan ett villkorat tillstånd och ett kontrakt i principal-agent teorin. Ett huvudresultat är att denna teori är lämplig för att studera villkorade tillstånd. I avhandlingen studeras olika svårigheter för myndigheten att genomföra lagstiftningen. Fokus riktas mot asymmetrisk information, men dessutom behandlas förhandlingsstyrka, politiska påtryckningar samt möjligheten att överträda tillståndsvillkor. Studierna visar att dessa förhållanden kan förklara brister vid lagstiftningens genomförande. Myndigheten kan dock begränsa konsekvenserna av dessa genom att jämka på tillståndet, dvs. att inte helt följa lagens bokstav. Anpassning till asymmetrisk information gör att myndigheten får tillgång till verksamhetsspecifik information. Anpassning till villkorsöverträdelser gör att nyttan med regleringar kan vägas mot kostnader för kontrollåtgärder. Villkorade tillstånd har även andra fördelar. Utvägen att neka ett tillstånd ger myndigheten en viss förhandlingsstyrka. Möjligheten att bestraffa verksamheten genom att dra in dess tillstånd medför att myndigheten kan spara kontrollresurser alternativt skärpa villkoren.
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Hur får man sökande att skicka in kompletta bygglovshandlingar / How to get applicants to submit complete building permit documents.Djioui, Zakaria, Mizori, Ravand January 2019 (has links)
När man ska bygga något nytt, ändra en byggnad eller riva en byggnad behövs ett bygglov från kommunen där åtgärden ska utföras. Örebro kommun har sett att majoriteten av enklare bygglovsärenden behöver kompletteras innan de kan beviljas. Detta medför en förlängd bygglovsprocess i väntan på en komplett bygglovsansökan. Syftet med denna rapport är att undersöka de underliggande faktorerna som medför att personer som söker bygglov inte skickar in kompletta bygglovshandlingar samt att hitta lösningar på dessa. En enkätundersökning har genomförts för att undersöka vad bygglovssökare i Örebro kommun upplevde var bra respektive dåligt med deras ärende och bygglovsprocess. Det genomfördes även en granskning på kommunens hemsida för bygglov i syfte att försöka förbättra den och hitta faktorer som leder till att bygglovssökare inte skickar in kompletta handlingar. Denna rapport avgränsar sig till privatpersoner som fått komplettera sin bygglovsansökan innan de fått ett beviljat bygglov mellan sommaren 2018 och våren 2019 i Örebro kommun. Bygglovstyperna som undersökts är nybyggnad av komplementbyggnad, tillbyggnad av komplementbyggnad samt tillbyggnad av enbostadshus. Resultat visar att kontrollplanen som är nödvändig för en ansökan ofta är bristfällig jämfört med andra handlingar. De som sökt bygglov menar att den är svår att förstå och information om kontrollplanen som hittas på Örebro kommuns hemsida inte är tillräckligt tydlig. Det visar sig också att hälften av respondenterna i enkäten som gjorts är positivt inställda till en kort informationsfilm på Örebro kommuns hemsida där det förklaras vad som ska skickas in samt hur handlingarna ska se ut. Kontrollplanen visade sig vara problematisk för personer som sökt bygglov. De tyckte att det fanns en osäkerhet gällande om den skulle skickas med, vad för punkter som ska finnas med i kontrollplanen för respektive ansökan samt vad punkterna man kontrollerar mot betyder. En åtgärd som kan förbättra detta problem är att tydligt på Örebro kommuns hemsida informera att en kontrollplan måste skickas in med en ansökan samt vad för konsekvenser en ej komplett ansökan får. Konsekvensen är en förlängd bygglovsprocess i väntan på en komplett bygglovsansökan. Man kan också på Örebro kommuns hemsida tydligt förklara vad varje kontrollpunkt i kontrollplanen som ska med betyder. Det Örebro kommun också kan tänka på är att minska mängden text som finns på bygglovssidorna. Detta för att personer som söker bygglov ska se en kort och koncist förklaring på vad för handlingar som ska skickas in för att underlätta för dem. Örebro kommun bör också visa exempel på kontrollplaner i exempelritningar som finns på Örebro kommuns hemsida för att sökande på ett enkelt sätt ska kunna se vilka handlingar som ska skickas in. / When you want to build something new, reconstruct a building or demolish a building, a building permit is needed from the municipality. Örebro municipality has seen that a majority of building permit cases needs to be supplemented before they can be approved. This results in an extended building permit process. The purpose of this report is to examine the underlying factors that leads to people seeking building permits do not submit complete. A survey has been carried out to investigate what people applying for building permits in Örebro municipality experienced was good and bad with their case regarding the building permit process. An inspection was also carried out on the municipality's website for building permits to find reasons why people applying for building permits do not submit complete documents. This report is limited to individuals who have supplemented their building permit application before receiving a granted building permit between summer 2018 and spring 2019 in Örebro municipality. The building permits that were investigated are of simpler cases. Results show that the control plan is often inadequate compared to other documents. Those who have applied for a building permit mean that it is difficult to understand the information in the control plan found on the Örebro municipality's website and that the information is not sufficiently clear. It also turns out that half of the respondents in the survey have been positively set towards a short information film on the Örebro municipality's website. The information film would explain what type of documents that should be submitted and how the documents should look. The control plan proved to be problematic for people who applied for a building permit. They felt that there was an uncertainty regarding the control plan whether it should be sent in with the apply for building permits. They also felt an uncertainty regarding what type of control points should be included in the control plan for each application and what the controls you check against means. An action that can solve this problem is to clearly inform on Örebro municipality's website that a control plan must be submitted with an application and what consequence a non-complete application results in. The consequence is an extended building permit process pending a complete building permit application. Örebro can also clearly explain on their website what each control point in the control plan means. What the Örebro municipality also can think about is to reduce the amount of text that is on the building permit webpages. This is because people who apply for a building permit should see a brief and concise explanation of what documents should be submitted in order to facilitate them. Örebro municipality should also have examples of control plans in the example documents that are available on the website, in order for applicants to easily see which documents that should be submitted.
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The impact of illegal fishing on South Africa's economy / Leenke SchraaderSchraader, Leenke January 2013 (has links)
This study focuses specifically on the laws and regulations relating to commercial fishing within the Exclusive Economic Zone of South Africa and the impact of illegal fishing (IUU). The goal is to determine how overfishing can be stopped or minimised and ultimately for South Africa to harvest the illegally caught fish in such a way that it becomes part of the South African economy and generates revenue.
The study will analyse the international legal instruments applicable and their impact on the development of the South African maritime laws. An in depth look at the relevant South African maritime laws will be vital as to determine if these laws are adequate to protect the fish resources from illegal exploitation and official mismanagement. To see if South Africa’s maritime laws are lacking with other countries a comparison must be done, particularly with a country like Australia that has one of the highest success rates when it comes to combating IUU fishing.
It will be found that the international legal instruments and agreements on the use of the sea have afforded rights and powers to coastal states to protect their sea zones, but it will remains the responsibility of each coastal state to determine how it will use these rights and powers to protect its own sea zones. Further it will be shown that South Africa has the necessary legislative measures in place to protect its fish resources, but the problem lies with the implementation of those measures Australia does not only rely on its legislation to stop IUU fishing, but it also uses external methods, that South Africa will have to consider. / LLM (Import and export Law), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014
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The impact of illegal fishing on South Africa's economy / Leenke SchraaderSchraader, Leenke January 2013 (has links)
This study focuses specifically on the laws and regulations relating to commercial fishing within the Exclusive Economic Zone of South Africa and the impact of illegal fishing (IUU). The goal is to determine how overfishing can be stopped or minimised and ultimately for South Africa to harvest the illegally caught fish in such a way that it becomes part of the South African economy and generates revenue.
The study will analyse the international legal instruments applicable and their impact on the development of the South African maritime laws. An in depth look at the relevant South African maritime laws will be vital as to determine if these laws are adequate to protect the fish resources from illegal exploitation and official mismanagement. To see if South Africa’s maritime laws are lacking with other countries a comparison must be done, particularly with a country like Australia that has one of the highest success rates when it comes to combating IUU fishing.
It will be found that the international legal instruments and agreements on the use of the sea have afforded rights and powers to coastal states to protect their sea zones, but it will remains the responsibility of each coastal state to determine how it will use these rights and powers to protect its own sea zones. Further it will be shown that South Africa has the necessary legislative measures in place to protect its fish resources, but the problem lies with the implementation of those measures Australia does not only rely on its legislation to stop IUU fishing, but it also uses external methods, that South Africa will have to consider. / LLM (Import and export Law), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014
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