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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Är det skäligt? : En studie kring skäl vid överklagade bygglov / Is it reasonable? : A study of reasons in connection with the appeal of building permits

Carlsson, Caroline, Lindesson, Julia January 2016 (has links)
I den rådande bostadsbristen har en del av samhällsdebatten handlat om att effektivisera bygglovsprocessen och mer specifikt möjligheten att överklaga bygglov. Förslag som framkommit i förarbeten till plan- och bygglagen (PBL) är bland annat att begränsa vad som får överklagas och vem som har rätt att överklaga ett bygglovsbeslut samt att avgiftsbelägga överklaganden. Då förarbetena endast bygger på generell statistik saknas kunskap kring vad den klagande parten anför för skäl vid ett överklagande. Det saknas även redovisning kring vilka skäl som vinner störst framgång hos länsstyrelsen genom att ärenden återförvisas eller upphävs. Syftet med studien är att skapa förståelse kring överklagade bygglov samt vilken funktion länsstyrelsen fyller som överklagandeinstans. Huvudmålet är att utreda skälen bakom överklagade bygglov samt undersöka vilka av de anförda skälen som har störst framgång för de klagande hos länsstyrelsen. För att uppfylla syftet har tre frågeställningar besvarats. Vilka skäl som anförs av klagande part? Med vilka skäl upphäver och återförvisar länsstyrelsen kommunernas beslut? I vilken grad överensstämmer skälen anförda av klagande med de skäl länsstyrelsen upphäver eller återförvisar ärenden? En kvantitativ innehållsanalys har tillämpats tillsammans med juridisk metod för att kunna uttolka och klassificera skälen. För att sammanställa och analysera resultatet användes statistisk analys. Totalt har 274 överklagade beslutshandlingar granskats och resulterat i 197 handlingar som ansågs representativa för studien. Granskningen resulterade vidare i 77 kategorier med skäl anförda av klagande part. De skäl som anförts flest gånger av klagande part var att åtgärden medförde betydande olägenhet, stred mot detaljplan eller påverkade omgivningen negativt med hänsyn till exempelvis stads- och landskapsbild samt kulturvärden på platsen. Vidare anfördes även frekvent att grannehörande ej hade skett eller att det funnits brister i bygglovshandlingarna. Skäl som inte berörde den sökta åtgärden, så kallade okynnesskäl, var också ett av de vanligaste skälen anförda av klagade part. Det överlägset vanligaste skälet för upphävande var att åtgärden strider mot detaljplan och inte var att betrakta som en liten avvikelse. För återförvisade ärenden var de vanligaste skälen för länsstyrelsens beslut att grannehörande ej hade skett samt att byggnadsnämnden brustit i sin motivering. Totalt överensstämde anförda skäl av klagande och länsstyrelsens skäl för upphävande eller återförvisning i 47 % av fallen. Sammantaget var de största framgångsfaktorerna skäl som berör planstridigheter eller brister i byggnadsnämndens hantering av bygglovsärenden. Som helhet ansågs länsstyrelsen fylla en viktig roll som tillsynsmyndighet och borde därmed inte uteslutas ur instanskedjan. / In the current housing crisis, part of the social debate has been focused on streamlining the building permit process, and more specifically the ability to appeal a building permit. Proposals that emerged in the legislative history is to limit what and who has the right to appeal a building permit decision and the possibility to charge for the appeals. As the legislative history is only based on general statistics there is a lack of knowledge about what the complainant confided as reasons for the appeal. Nor is there any recognition on the grounds that wins the greatest success with the provincial government by matters referred back or canceled. The purpose of the study is to create a better understanding about the contested building permits and the function the provincial government fills as the appeal court. The main objective is to investigate the reasons behind the contested building permits, and investigate which of the arguments that have the greatest success for the complainants. To fulfill the purpose three questions were answered. What are the reasons invoked by the appellant? With what the reasons cancels and remits the provincial government municipal decisions? To what degree do the reasons cited by the complainant correspond with the reasons the provincial government cancels or refers cases? A quantitative content analysis was applied together with the legal method to interpret and classify the reasons. A statistical method has been used to compile and present the results. A total of 274 contested decision documents were reviewed and resulted in 197 documents considered as representative for the study. The review resulted in 77 categories of reasons cited by the complainants. The most common reasons were: significant inconvenience, the measure is contrary to the local plan, city- and landscape, cultural heritage and good overall effect is adversely affected, the neighbor hearing has not occurred, that there have been shortcomings in the documents and frivolous reasons. By far the most common reasons for the cancellation was that the measure is contrary to local plan and was not considered to be a little deviation. The most common reasons for the provincial government to remit cases were that the neighbor hearing had not occurred and that the building committee failed in its justification of the decision. Reasons cited by the complainant and the provincial governments reasons for the suspension or referral was consistent in 47% of the cases. Overall, the biggest success factors to cited reasons involving measures who is contrary to local plan or defects in the building committees' handling of building permits. As a whole the provincial government are considered to play an important role as a regulator and should therefore not be excluded from the instance chain.

Zaměstnávání cizinců / Employment of foreigners

Kakrdová, Iva January 2012 (has links)
The topic of the thesis is to analyse the employment relationships with a foreign component. Firstly, the thesis focuses on the employment of citizens of the Union within the territory of the EU countries and the rights of these workers. The next chapter provides an outline of the third-country nationals and concentrates on problems arising for the long-term residents who require staying in one of the EU countries for a longer period. Eventually, the last chapter of the thesis deals with the legislation in the Czech Republic which differentiates between the nationals of the EU and other (third-country) nationals. The purpose of this thesis is to provide an overview of the legal regulation of employment of foreign workers within the European Union and the Czech Republic.

Právní úprava procesu výstavby přístavu v České republice / Legal regulation of the port construction in the Czech Republic

Karban, Adam January 2014 (has links)
Legal regulation of the port construction in the Czech Republic The purpose of the thesis "Legal regulation of the port construction in Czech Republic" is to describe the entire process of the construction work of the port in the Czech Republic. The master thesis defines in the first chapter some of the legal terms that are important for the successful implementation of the building project. The main objective of this chapter was to determine how the legal acts regard the legal term port. Thesis also defines the legal concept of waterwork. The definition of the waterwork is very important due to the fact that under the law the port is considerated as a water work. The next chapter deals with the urban planning proceedings and the individual stages of urban planning documentation. The thesis therefore describes in detail the various steps and requirements of urban planning documentation. The thesis also deals with the need to obtain the EIA for the assessment and also with the legal regulation of this document. The construction of port as the waterwork is strongly related to the building proceedings, which is in the area of ports construction replaced by the water acts proceeding. This work thus shows variations from the normal building proceedings. In the chapter related to the building proceedings...

Eoliennes et paysages : recherche sur les critères jurisprudentiels de l'insertion paysagère des éoliennes / Wind turbines and landscapes : Wind turbine landscape sensitivity, a juridical study

Crespy, Clément 17 June 2013 (has links)
Appréhender la question de l'insertion paysagère des éoliennes suppose la détermination préalable des objets juridiques étudiés. Sous les hospices de la notion de « patrimoine commun de la nation », éoliennes et paysages apparaissent ainsi comme des sœurs ennemies. Cette conflictualité est consommée lorsque l'article L. 110-1 du Code de l'environnement dispose que la protection des paysages est d'intérêt général autant que l'est la mise en valeur des ressources naturelles. L'antagonisme postulé des deux notions doit cependant être nuancé en ce que le juge administratif tient le rôle d'arbitre dans les conflits nés de ce que les préoccupations paysagères viennent limiter l'implantation des constructions éoliennes. Alors que ce rapport de force s'apprête à gagner le contentieux spécial des installations classées, le contentieux des permis de construire éolien a été le terrain fertile et propice de l'émergence d'une démarche objective orientant l'appréciation qualitative et donc a priori subjective de l'atteinte aux paysages. Le contentieux des permis de construire éolien a également rendu possible le dépassement du contrôle de l'atteinte aux paysages que la doctrine présente classiquement comme un contrôle dissymétrique, par la formalisation d'un contrôle du bilan paysager des constructions éoliennes pouvant symboliser l'armistice de cet affrontement infécond. / In order to understand the legal bond between wind turbines and landscapes, preliminary elements must be understood. Regarding the legal concept of a « common national heritage », wind turbines and landscapes appear to be two enemy sisters. The conflict emerges when the Environmental Code presents both landscape protection and natural resource development within general interest. The two antagonising notions have to be refined, as the administrative judge appears to be an adjudicator between landscape protection and wind turbine implementation. Whilst the wind turbine landscape sensitivity question is about to integrate the litigation for Classified Installations for the Protection of the Environment, building permits litigation provides the basis for defining an objective method for the subjective definition of damage to the landscape. Using a litigation concerning building permits, a new method of landscape damage assessment has been drafted. Thus, a fine line balancing landscaping can be considered as the end of the war but not necessarily a victory in this meaningless standoff.

Kinmen specific area land development permission consideration system to traditional settlement public space production result research consideration system , review on the traditional settlement public space development's influence

hsu, shih-ching 10 September 2008 (has links)
Therefore Kinmen because of the Kuomintang and Communist Parties war, for a long time battlefield government affairs related prohibition rule and military control influence. After on November 1, 1992 relieved the battlefield government affairs military control, for the effective management land resource's development, in January 20, 1996 announced that implemented the Kinmen specific area plan. But shape extension from the Minnan tradition construction pattern and the culture, has the regional color extremely the traditional settlement, after facing the so significant policy the change, in the settlement has many big heavy changes inevitably. This research is on the Kinmen specific area land development permission consideration system (Kinmen County natural village development permit consideration standard), review on the traditional settlement public space development's influence, divides into the system and the actual case observation and so on two general orientations, spirit and the goal the elaboration development permit consideration system, the execution way and the result is the key point; The actual case extension of by the traditional settlement public space texture, newly supposes the construction to use the open area for the public to use directions and so on inventory survey primarily. By present situation material's collection reorganization,, preceding the public spatial production result the appraisal, Seeks for the settlement public space the significance and the value is., seeks for in the system the feasible adjustment. The public space's production is the Kinmen specific area land development permission consideration system important goal. This research already regarding development plan's important item and the topographic diagram, inspected one by one by the observation approach the development base has constructed in the use, the collection reorganization public uses the open area present situation material. After collecting entire data and set of cartography discovery, this policy and is inferior to the public spatial production's result to anticipate obviously. May discover the consideration system lacks the superior plan to instruct, the examination resolution carries out the mechanism deficient, with the place environment project deficient conformity contact surface, to use the open area deficient for the public to be too scattered, and the development consideration process lacks questions and so on public participation to wait for overcoming with adjusts. In addition, this research to Kinmen area tradition settlement under development licensing system, for adaptation modern life state, regarding public spatial texture development and vicissitude, by examination licensing system moderate adjustment, but promotes the public spatial production to carry out the proportion effectively, improves in the natural village the living conditions quality.

Eco-labelling. A Socio-economic Analysis.

Williams, Wendy 11 1900 (has links) (PDF)
Due to the interdisciplinary nature of eco-labelling, the sense of the phenomenon itself is lost when studied in isolation. With this consideration, a balance of research between practical and theoretical approaches, between environmental sociology, environmental economics, international trade relations, consumer society, sustainability and marketing theory was explored. Eco-labelling has far-reaching ramifications in society, not just in the commercial relationship between producer and consumer, but in socio-cultural norms and values. It combines economic and social forces via the marketplace. The research of this paper focuses on 1) the socio-cultural aspects of eco-labelling, 2) the economic incentive which drives eco-labelling and 3) the global institutional structures which influence the eco-labelling dimension. Chapter 1 provides an overview of eco-labelling and introduces ecological modernization, the theoretical foundation of this paper. Chapter 2 is a summary of interviews which were conducted with eco-labelling managers around the world. Chapter 3 analyses the economic impact of eco-labelling, the effects on international trade and the environment, and how eco-labelling affects consumers and producers. Chapter 4 deals with the social context of eco-labelling, and the social paradigms of consumer society and sustainability, merging in the case of ecological modernization. Chapter 5 looks at opportunities and challenges to eco-labelling, and concrete recommendations with respect to the design of eco-labelling programmes are made. Eco-labelling is the only tool which functions within the conflicting social forces of consumer society and sustainability. As a market-based instrument for environmental management that functions within the producer - consumer relationship, eco-labelling can be seen as the ecological marketisation of consumer society. Best practices in eco-labelling rely on accepting the fundamental market principles combined with social trends. (author´s abstract)

Buller i bostäder : Projektering av bostäder med hänsyn till trafikbuller / NOISE IN HOUSING : DESIGN OF RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS REGARDING NOISE

Stråhle, Mattias, Olofsson, Nina January 2013 (has links)
Många av Sveriges kommuner vill förtäta sina städer med bostäder och lokaler för att bygga ett mer hållbart samhälle. Ambitionenär att kunna fylla de luckor som finns i stadsbilden och använda stadsmark som tidigare inte är bebyggd för bostadsbyggnation. Examensarbetet behandlar de problem som trafikbullret genererar och som måste hanteras vid projektering av nybyggnation, samt undersöker de krav och regler som styr den tekniska utformningen och planlösningen av bostäder med hänsyn till trafikbuller. När Skanska tidigare har projekterat bostäder i stadskärnan har man upplevt problem med att få bygglov när den föreslagna planlösningen har sovrum mot bullrig sida. Fokus ligger på de krav och råd som styr placering av sovrum och försöker hitta lösningar som gör det möjligt att få bygglov med placering av sovrum mot bullrig sida. För att finna en lösning på problemet har vi undersökt följande: Lagar och regler så som PBL, PBF, BBR och Boverkets allmänna råd. Hur Örebro kommun tillämpar reglerna och de allmänna råden. Om olika kommuner i landethar olika tillämpningar av Boverketsregler ochallmänna råd. Marknadsundersökning av befintliga väggkonstruktioner och fönster för att se om det finns tekniska lösningar som ger en tillräcklig ljuddämpning för att uppfylla ljudkraven i BBR. Om det finns någon praktiskt användbar skillnad på ljudstyrkan vid fasad för olika våningsplan i byggnader. / Many of the Swedish municipality’s wants to increase the density of housing and commercial buildings in the city. The ambition is to fill gaps and use vacant lots that have not previously been built upon.The paper deals with the problems that traffic noise creates and that has to be addressed when planning new apartments. It also investigates the regulations that governs the technical design and plan of apartments with regard to traffic noise. Skanska have previously experienced difficulties with getting building permits approved if the plan incorporated bedrooms facing towards the traffic noise.The focus is on regulationsand general advice that governs the locations of bedrooms and tries to find solutions that makes it possible to get building permit with bedroom facing the noisy side. To find a solution to the problem we have examined the following: Laws and regulations like PBL, PBF, BBR and Boverkets general advice. How Örebromunicipalityapplies regulations and general advice. If different municipalities in Sweden applies regulations andgeneral advice in the same manor. Examinationof the sound-absorbing propertiesof available wall constructions and windows to find out if it is possible to fulfill guidelines regarding sound level in bedrooms. If there is a useful difference in sound level outside the wall for different floors in buildings.

Přepravní a spediční služby v oblasti mezinárodní dopravy / Transport and spedition services in the area of international freight

Jablonská, Petra January 2008 (has links)
This work describes terms and costs of czech freight firms.

Ekologie a právo - povolovací procesy pro výstavbu a provozování průmyslových areálů / Ecology and Law – Permission procedures for the construction and operation of industrial plants

Matějíková, Lucie January 2011 (has links)
The subject of this Master's Thesis is a description of administrative and similar proceedings leading to issue of permits, consents, statements and expert opinions needed for the implementation of entrepreneurial plans that could potentially have negative impacts on the environment. This Thesis describes the process of environmental impact assessment (so called EIA) and its specifics, as well as its relevance for further administrative proceedings. Other subject of analyses is the integrated permit, a document that substitutes selected individual administrative deeds, and also the very permits, consents and statements intended to protect the individual environmental departments (such as air, water, landscape) or to regulate environmentally relevant activities (e.g. waste treatment). Subject of analyses are also the permission procedures pursuant to the Construction Act that ensure the protection of the common public interest on environment protection by the means of so called binding opinions of environmental protection authorities necessary in the land-use and construction permit issue proceedings as well as in other land-use planning activities. The aim of this Thesis is to describe specific aspects of the individual approval proceedings and their mutual procedural and factual correlation in order to eliminate interpretation difficulties caused by the fragmented legal regulation in the area of environmental protection legislation.

Three Essays in Natural Resource and Environmental Economics

Kuusela, Olli-Pekka 25 March 2013 (has links)
This dissertation analyses the impact of political and macroeconomic uncertainties on environmental outcomes and design of policy instruments.  The first essay examines how the rate of agricultural land expansion in tropical countries depends on the nature and persistence of new political regimes.  We use a novel panel data method that extends previous studies.  We find that both new autocratic and democratic regimes have accelerated the expansion of agricultural land, thus yielding support to some of the findings in the earlier literature.  Interesting differences emerge between regions, with the impact being most pronounced in Latin America.  The analysis is developed more formally using a simple competitive land use model with political regime dependent confiscation risk and agricultural subsidy policy.  The second essay evaluates the effectiveness of performance bonding for tropical forest concession management in achieving first and second best outcomes concerning reduced impact logging (RIL) standards.  As a novel contribution, this essay introduces a simple model of two-stage concession design, and focus on the impact of three complications: harvester participation constraints, government repayment risk, and imperfect enforcement.  We find several new and interesting results, in particular, imperfect enforcement and bond risk may deter implementation of bonding schemes as either the bond payment has to be set higher or the penalty mapping has to become more punitive.  Policy implications, including potential for mechanisms such as REDD+ in improving the bonding outcomes, and the degree of financial support required to guarantee full implementation of RIL, are also examined.  The third essay focuses on the relative performance of fixed versus intensity allowances in the presence of both productivity and energy price uncertainties.  Both allowance instruments achieve the same steady-state emissions reduction target of 20%, which is similar to the current policy proposals, and the regulator then chooses the allowance policy that has the lowest expected abatement cost.  We use a standard real business cycle (RBC) model to solve for the expected abatement cost under both policies.  Unlike previous studies, our results show that under a reasonable model calibration, fixed allowances outperform intensity allowances with as much as 30% cost difference. / Ph. D.

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