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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Leiden im ersten Petrusbrief : Ursprünge, Formen und Strategien der Bewältigung / Suffering in First Peter : origin, forms and strategies for coping

Graser, Aaron 12 February 2013 (has links)
German text / Die vorliegende Arbeit setzt sich mit der zentralen Leidensthematik des Ersten Petrusbriefes auseinander. Einer vorläufigen Betrachtung der Entwicklung und des Gebrauchs des zentralen Leidens- Begriffs folgt die ausführliche Untersuchung und Darstellung der Urheber des Leidens und der Ursachen und Gründe für rechtes und falsches Leiden. Es folgt unter Berücksichtigung einiger kulturanthropologischer Einsichten und moderner psychologischer Analysen bezüglich der Wirkung von verbaler Gewalt eine Betrachtung der Arten und Formen des Leidens sowie der Begründungen und Ziele des Leiden. Der zweite Hauptteil untersucht Verhaltensanweisungen, Trost und Anleitung zur Leidensbewältigung, die der Verfasser seinen Empfängern zukommen lässt. Dabei wird zum einen ein Vergleich zwischen den Aussagen des Ersten Petrusbriefs und der antiken Konsolationsliteratur vorgenommen, zum anderen zwischen den vorgeschlagenen Bewältigungsstrategien des Briefes und den Strategien der modernen Sozialpsychologie zum hilfreichen Umgang mit Diskriminierung und Verfolgung. Abschließend werden die zentralen Beobachtungen zusammengefasst. / This dissertation addresses the central theme of suffering in the First Epistle of Peter. After a detailed survey of research, it begins with an examination of the development and use of the terminology for suffering. This is followed by a thorough examination of the origin of suffering and the causes and reasons for right and false suffering. Careful attention to Greek lexicography and grammar is combined with rhetorical criticism. Analysis of both the forms of suffering and the reasons and purposes of suffering is combined with insights from cultural anthropology and modern studies of the effects of verbal violence. The second main part examines the behavioural instructions, comfort and ways of coping with suffering. Furthermore, 1 Peter is compared with the comfort given in various ancient consolation literatures. In addition, the strategies for coping with discrimination and suffering in 1 Peter are compared to insights from modern social psychology. A concluding chapter summarises the results and reflects on their present-day significance. / New Testament / M. Th. (New Testament)

In search of protection : sexual minority women in Canadian refugee determination

Tremblay, Mélanie 08 1900 (has links)
Le Canada accepte des demandes d’asile sur la base de l'orientation sexuelle depuis plus de 20 ans. Quoi qu’il en soit, cette recherche permet de douter du fait que les demandes sur la base de l’orientation sexuelle déposées par des femmes soient traitées de façon adéquate. Pour garantir l’accès à la protection des femmes appartenant à des minorités sexuelles, une analyse du risque de persécution fondé sur l'orientation sexuelle doit incorporer des considérations de genre ainsi que divers autres facteurs d’ordre social et culturel. À partir d’une étude de cas de demandes du statut de refugié déposées par des femmes sur la base de l’orientation sexuelle et rejetées par la Commission de l'immigration et du statut de réfugié entre 2010 et 2013, cette recherche identifie des procédés décisionnels problématiques qui font obstacle au droit d’asile de ces femmes. Les résultats de cette étude révèlent qu’une analyse intersectionnelle, laquelle prend acte des formes variées et multiples de l’oppression dans un contexte social donné, est d’importance cruciale pour une évaluation éclairée et non tronquée des risques de persécution pour les minorités sexuelles féminines. À la lumière de ces résultats, ce mémoire propose qu’une analyse intersectionnelle accompagne une nécessaire formation pour les membres de la Commission de l'immigration et du statut de réfugié du Canada sur des questions particulières à des minorités sexuelles. / Canada has accepted refugee claims on the basis of sexual orientation for more than 20 years; however, research suggests that claims brought by women on the basis of sexual orientation have not always received fair adjudication. To ensure equitable access to protection for sexual minority women, an analysis of their risk of persecution must incorporate gender and other social and cultural factors that influence their experiences. Based on a case study of claims brought by women on the basis of sexual orientation between 2010 and 2013, which were subsequently rejected by the Canadian Immigration and Refugee board, this research identifies decision making that poses obstacles to sexual minority women’s access to refugee protection. The findings from this case study demonstrate that an intersectional analysis, which considers various forms of oppression within a particular social context, is crucial to a complete and informed assessment of the risk of persecution for sexual minority women. In light of these findings, this paper proposes that an intersectional analysis accompany continued training for Immigration and Refugee Board members on issues particular to sexual minorities.

Nástin dějin lidských práv do jejich všeobecné deklarace / The Outline of History of Human Rights to the Universal Declaration

Pilátová, Lucie January 2015 (has links)
The thesis is focused on the history of human rights, and their evolution since the time of ancient Greece and Rome to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights of 1948. The aim of the work is to make reader acknowledged with major events which influenced the development of human rights. Described are the thoughts of philosophers and significant events that changed the course of development of human rights. There is depicted a situation in ancient Rome and Greece, the period of development of the Christian faith and the Middle Ages and significant modern milestones including French revolution and the emergence of Declaration of Human rights, the reign of Maria Theresa and her son Joseph II. who made o lots of reforms, or revolution of 1848 and finally the emergence of Universal Declaration of Human Rights of 1948.

Řízení o udělení mezinárodní ochrany / Proceedings for the granting of international protection

Mašková, Barbora January 2011 (has links)
The thesis deals with procedure of asylum and additional protection granting in the Czech Republic. The thesis focuses on characteristic features of the process; primarily the proceeding the application of protection and asylum granting by official authorities. To a certain extent, the thesis copes with substantive law; it defines terms of refugee and asylum law. It enumerates and characterizes the mentioned terms in connection with the process of the asylum and protection granting in the Czech Republic. Impact of the European Union law on the Czech internal law is also discussed.

Náboženský život v československých věznicích v období komunistického režimu / Religious Life in Czechoslovak Prisons in the Period of the Communist Regime

Synek, Jan January 2011 (has links)
This thesis deals with Czechoslovak penal system between the years 1948 - 1989 from the view of religion. It investigates the developement of spiritual service in prison, follows its decline after February 1948 and describes in which way the prisoners tried to find a solution to the prohibiton to practice religion in prisons. Further it focuses on religious persecution in communist Czechoslovakia, presents reasons for imprisonment of the members of individual confessions and shows how their faith reflected in everyday life in prison. The author makes a reference to the concentration of priests in closed departements, explains its reason and tries to depict everyday life of these separated communities. He describes in details how the convicted practiced the acts of their religion and he deals with the differences of individual confessions. The work speculates over the sense of imprisonment of hundreds of priests, friars and laymen from some of the Churches in communist Czechoslovakia. It thinks about the power of faith and conviction exposed to cruel physical treatment and mental violence. It also deals with the question of colaboration, relations between members of different confession and between the convicted and warders. In the end it depicts how the people with religious belief, who were...

Dialogue entre le bébé et les aspects bébés du self dans les contextes d’anorexie : le bébé dans sa famille, l’adulte et sa parentalité interne / A Dialogue Between the Baby and the Babies Aspects of the Self in the Contexts of Anorexias : the Baby and its Family, the Adult and its Internal Parentality

Deronzier, Déborah 11 December 2014 (has links)
Cette thèse propose une modélisation de la dynamique psychique à l’œuvre dans les contextes d’anorexie. A partir d’une approche processuelle, elle explore la continuité psychodynamique entre les anorexies du bébé-dans-sa-famille et les anorexies mentales de l’adulte. La première partie est consacrée à une revue de la littérature psychanalytique considérant les travaux portant sur l’anorexie mentale de l’adolescente et de l’adulte, les travaux consacrés aux anorexies du bébé et les travaux traitant des anorexies aux différents âges de la vie. La seconde partie présente les fondements épistémologiques de cette recherche. Elle ouvre une réflexion sur la recherche en psychologie clinique et sur ses liens avec la pratique et l’enseignement. Elle précise ma filiation théorique et praticienne. La troisième partie est consacrée à la méthodologie de la recherche clinique, et principalement aux spécificités de l’observation clinique psychanalytique. Elle présente la méthode E. Bick d’observation du bébé dans sa famille, ses apports à la recherche et à la pratique cliniques ainsi que l’adaptation réalisée auprès des patients souffrant d’anorexies. La quatrième partie propose une réflexion sur les enjeux psychiques de la « relation de nourrissage ». Cette relation est envisagée comme une relation commensale (W.R. Bion, 1962), paradigme de la rencontre intersubjective, de la croissance psychique de la subjectivité du bébé et de l’essor de la parentalité, mais aussi terrain privilégié de la transmission psychique inconsciente. La cinquième partie est consacrée à la mise en dialogue entre le bébé-dans-sa-famille et les aspects bébés du self de l’adulte dans les contextes d’anorexie. Les anorexies sont envisagées en terme de refus-impossibilité alimentaire témoignant d’une tentative d’organisation de modalités de survie psychique. Deux angoisses communes apparaissent au centre de la dynamique psychique : une angoisse catastrophique et une angoisse de persécution. L’angoisse catastrophique prend la forme d’une « chute sans fin désintégrante », signe d’une dépression primaire. Elle est surchargée par une angoisse de vampirisation-dévoration qui est notamment envisagée comme une forme d’objectalisation de l’angoisse de « chute sans fin désintégrante ». Les modalités de défenses adhésives ont pour fonction de lutter contre la chute sans fin désintégrante. Elles sont accompagnées d’une inhibition de la vie pulsionnelle —plus particulièrement de l’avidité secondaire— ainsi que de son clivage, son déni et sa projection. Le contact avec la vie émotionnelle du bébé réactive la dépression primaire contre laquelle les aspects bébés du self parental se sont organisés dans une économie de survie psychique. Le refus-impossibilité alimentaire du bébé apparaît en miroir d’un refus-impossibilité d’accueil et de mise en sens de la vie émotionnelle qui caractérise la parentalité anorexique. Le lien entre le bébé et la parentalité, mais aussi entre les aspects bébés du self et la parentalité interne, est caractérisé par une réflexivité opaque et persécutoire intériorisée par le bébé —et les aspects bébés du self— sous la forme d’un cercle pernicieux et involutif. Ce travail se conclut sur la proposition d’un gradient du lien de nourrissage structuré par deux pôles. Le plus intégré, celui de la relation de nourrissage, est caractérisé par une relation d’intimité entre le bébé et la parentalité et l’introjection d’une relation de réflexivité commensale, mutuelle et asymétrique, soutenant l’intégration pulsionnelle, le développement des bases d’un surmoi protecteur et la croissance psychique. Le second est défini comme un lien d’anourrissage, caractérisé par une relation d’ex-timité entre le bébé et la parentalité, l’intériorisation d’un réflexivité opaque et persécutoire sous la forme d’un cercle involutif entraînant la désintrication pulsionnelle et le développement d’un « surmoi sévère et destructeur du moi » (W.R. Bion, 1959). / This dissertation offers a modelisation of the psychological dynamics which are at work in the contexts of anorexia. Process is the cornerstone to the exploration of the ongoing psychodynamic that is at work with the anorexia of the baby-in-its-family and the anorexia nervosa of the adult. The first part reviews the existing psychoanalytical literature and considers the works dealing with the anorexia nervosa of the teenager and of the adult, then the works dedicated to the anorexias of the baby; last but not least, the works offering an approach that considers the anorexias at the different stages of life. The second part deals with the epistemological basis of this work. It explores the research in clinical psychology and the way it is linked to practice and teaching. It looks into the theoretical and practical filiation that operates in our approach to the mental life and to the care relationship. The third part is dedicated to the methodology of the clinical research – mainly the specificities of psychoanalytical observation. It presents E. Bick’s method of infant observation and how this method was adapted for the clinical work with anorexic patients. The fourth part ponders on what is psychologically at stake in the ‘feeding relation’. This relation is seen as commensal (W.R. Bion, 1962), the paradigm of the intersubjective encounter, of the psychological development of the baby’s subjectivity and the emerging parentality, but also the most favored ground of the unconscious psychological transmission. The fifth part creates a dialogue between the baby-in-its-family and the babies aspects of the adult self in the contexts of anorexia. Anorexias are considered in terms of food refusal-impossibility demonstrating an attempt to organise psychological survival. Two common anxieties are at the center of the psychological dynamic : a catastrophic anxiety and a persecution anxiety. The catastrophic anxiety appears as an « endless and disintegrative fall », a sign of a primary depression, which is overloaded with a vampirising and devouring anxiety. The persecution anxiety is also thought as a form of objectalisation of the anxiety of « endless and disintegrative fall ». The adhesive defenses, which are organised to fight against the « endless and disintegrative fall », are accompagnied by an inhibition of the instinctual drives —especially of secondary greed— as well as their splitting, denial and projection. The contact with the baby’s emotional life reactivates the primary depression against which the babies aspects of the parental self are organised in an economy of psychological survival. The food refusal-impossibility of the baby appears as a mirror to the refusal-impossibility to receive and give meaning to the emotionnal life that characterises anorexic parentality. The link between the baby and its parentality, but also between the babies aspects of the self and the internal parentality, presents an opaque and persecutory reflexivity that is interiorized by the baby and the babies aspects of the self, with the form of a pernicious and involutive circle. Finally, this dissertation concludes with the proposition of a range of the feeding relation that is structured by two poles. The first pole is the more integrated one : that of the feeding relation. It is marked by a relation of intimacy between the baby and its parentality and by the introjection of a commensal reflexivity which is both mutual and asymmetrical, and which sustains the integration of instinctual drives, the development of the bases of a protective superego and of the mental growth. The second pole, the un-linked one, is that of the relation of un-feeding characterized by a relation of ex-timity between the baby and its parentality, and the interiorization of a persecutory and opaque reflexivity in the form of a involutive circle leading to the desintegration of the drive and the development of an ego destructive superego (W.R.Bion, 1959).

ŽIVOT A DÍLO KONRÁDA MARIA KUBEŠE, T. J. (1890-1967) misionáře, kazatele, exercitátora a hlubokého mariánského ctitele / Life And Work of Konrád Maria Kubeš, T. J. (1890-1967): Missionary, Preacher, Excercitator and Deep Devotee of the Marian Cult

MIKULÁŠEK, Josef January 2019 (has links)
This dissertation in its first part inquires the life and work of Konrád Maria Kubeš (1890? 1967), a people?s missionary, a preacher, an excercitator and a deep devotee of the Marian cult. It is introduced with the socio-political history in 1890?1967, with the overview of the Popes and theological thinking between 1878 and 1978. Next, it looks in detail into each period of Kubeš?s life, his family background, high school studies in Hradec Králové, his theological studies in Prague, his entry into the monastic order and his activities in Society of Jesus. The dissertation pursues Kubeš?s life story in communist centralization monasteries, in Moravec, his short work in Bukovinka and finally his forced stay in Břežany near Znojmo. Afterwards, it analyses Kubeš?s theological work published in books and journals, as well his historical contribution. The final part of the dissertation evaluates Kubeš?s personality and his significance in the context of the Czech religious and monastic history of the 20th century. The author based his thesis primarily on archival recources, Kubeš?s short autobiographical memories, oral and written witnesses of his contemporaries and last but not least on secondary literature. The second part of the dissertation contains 182 text apendixes and 2 pictorial apendixes which are make up an indispensable and logical supplement to the whole picture of the life, work and contribution of Konrád Maria Kubeš.

La letteratura concentrazionaria / Literature Based on the Experiences in Concentration Camps

RONDENA, ELENA 10 April 2008 (has links)
Affrontando lo studio della Letteratura Italiana risulta evidente l'omissione dai manuali, ad eccezione di Primo Levi, degli scritti di coloro che sono stati deportati tra il 1939 e il 1945 in seguito alle persecuzioni razziali. Il tempo trascorso dalla Shoah ha, invece, dimostrato la presenza di un ingente quantità di opere che costituiscono il corpus della Letteratura Concentrazionaria, ossia la letteratura dei campi di concentramento. Gli autori di questa letteratura sono poco conosciuti e considerati minori, ma la loro scrittura raggiunge spesso un'ineguagliabile altezza intellettuale, morale, stilistica. La narrazione dei loro ricordi traumatici è il risultato di precise decisioni: quali fatti raccontare, in che ordine cronologico, ma soprattutto attraverso quale forma. Questi testi concentrazionari, infatti, possono essere studiati da diversi punti di vista, quello più inusuale è la divisione per generi: racconto, autobiografia, saggio, romanzo, diario, lettera, poesia. Non sempre la distinzione fra questo o quel genere è netta, ma è molto significativo che a partire da una tragedia, quale l'Olocausto, si possa scegliere di raccontare la propria esperienza prestando attenzione al modo di esprimerla. È il primo segno che dimostra quanto anche di fronte al male l'uomo non perda il desiderio di ricercare il vero ed il bello. / Such a long time has passed since the end of the Shoah and it has become clear that there are a lot of works written in those years which now form the corpus of literature based on the experiences in concentration camps. The authors of these works are not very well-known and they are usually considered minor but their works have often reached highly intellectual, moral and stylistic results. The narration of their traumatic memories is the result of precise decisions, i.e. what to tell, in what chronological order, but especially in what forms. The texts based on the experiences in concentration camps can in fact be studied from different points of view. The most unusual is their study through genres: short story, autobiography, essay, novel, journal, letter, poetry. The distinction between one genre and another is not often clear-cut. What is interesting to underline is that in front of a tragedy, as the Holocaust was, it is possible to choose to tell one's own experience by paying special attention to the way of expressing it. This is evidence that in front of evil man does not ever lose the desire to look for truth and beauty.

A little story about big issues : an introspective account of FEMEN

Myshko, Yelena January 2018 (has links)
This research contributes a detailed personal account of a FEMEN activist. It presents an autophenomenographic analysis of cultural artefacts, including a Retrospective Diary, resulting from the activity of Yelena Myshko in FEMEN between 2012 and 2014. Previously FEMEN has been used as raw material for external analysis by press and academics to fit their individual agendas. To counteract this, Myshko’s research proposes an insider perspective on FEMEN activism. She writes herself in response to academics and FEMEN leader Inna Shevchenko who ignore the contribution of FEMEN Netherlands. Myshko merges author/researcher/researched and uses evocative storytelling to provide an introspective account of sextremism, connecting it to relevant embodiment concepts that illustrate its technology of empowerment and unintended side effects.   Through an autophenomenographic analysis of her personal experience, Myshko suggests how FEMEN employs sextremism to create soldiers of feminism. Her research proposes that sextremism is an attitude, a way of life and technology of resistance. For Myshko, sextremism embodies feminist polemic that turns against patriarchy through topless protest. Through personal accounts she illustrates how she internalized this aggressive femininity during physical and mental training. Myshko argues that in protest FEMEN activists communicate to the public and mobilize new activists through feminist snap. In addition, Myshko observes that sextremism produces visual activism that internalizes feminist polemic and transforms it into figurative storytelling. Myshko explains how she reproduced sextremism through body image that made her assertive and empowered her in action.   In turn Myshko demonstrates how personal accounts of sextremist embodiment and problems encountered as a woman in the world reproduce FEMEN’s fight in the media. Myshko analysis interviews with the press where she pinpoints topical feminist issues, making FEMEN real and relevant in Western society. Myshko observes that the media appropriated the spectacle created by FEMEN Netherlands but often distorted it and bend the news to fit its own agenda. In addition, the media criticized FEMEN Netherlands for cross-passing national values and power symbols. For Myshko, sextremism is empowering but also destructive. It promotes an unapologetic self-critical attitude that accumulates collateral damage in battle. The sporadic and restrained relationships between activists does not allow intimacy. Because of the eye of the media, tenderness is perceived as weakness and is not aloud. The combination of criticism, media scrutiny and police persecution hurt Myshko’s feelings. These unresolved feelings of hurt led to resentment and disengagement from FEMEN.

Leiden im ersten Petrusbrief : Ursprünge, Formen und Strategien der Bewältigung / Suffering in First Peter : origin, forms and strategies for coping

Graser, Aaron 12 February 2013 (has links)
German text / Die vorliegende Arbeit setzt sich mit der zentralen Leidensthematik des Ersten Petrusbriefes auseinander. Einer vorläufigen Betrachtung der Entwicklung und des Gebrauchs des zentralen Leidens- Begriffs folgt die ausführliche Untersuchung und Darstellung der Urheber des Leidens und der Ursachen und Gründe für rechtes und falsches Leiden. Es folgt unter Berücksichtigung einiger kulturanthropologischer Einsichten und moderner psychologischer Analysen bezüglich der Wirkung von verbaler Gewalt eine Betrachtung der Arten und Formen des Leidens sowie der Begründungen und Ziele des Leiden. Der zweite Hauptteil untersucht Verhaltensanweisungen, Trost und Anleitung zur Leidensbewältigung, die der Verfasser seinen Empfängern zukommen lässt. Dabei wird zum einen ein Vergleich zwischen den Aussagen des Ersten Petrusbriefs und der antiken Konsolationsliteratur vorgenommen, zum anderen zwischen den vorgeschlagenen Bewältigungsstrategien des Briefes und den Strategien der modernen Sozialpsychologie zum hilfreichen Umgang mit Diskriminierung und Verfolgung. Abschließend werden die zentralen Beobachtungen zusammengefasst. / This dissertation addresses the central theme of suffering in the First Epistle of Peter. After a detailed survey of research, it begins with an examination of the development and use of the terminology for suffering. This is followed by a thorough examination of the origin of suffering and the causes and reasons for right and false suffering. Careful attention to Greek lexicography and grammar is combined with rhetorical criticism. Analysis of both the forms of suffering and the reasons and purposes of suffering is combined with insights from cultural anthropology and modern studies of the effects of verbal violence. The second main part examines the behavioural instructions, comfort and ways of coping with suffering. Furthermore, 1 Peter is compared with the comfort given in various ancient consolation literatures. In addition, the strategies for coping with discrimination and suffering in 1 Peter are compared to insights from modern social psychology. A concluding chapter summarises the results and reflects on their present-day significance. / New Testament / M. Th. (New Testament)

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