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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Concentrations of Triclosan in the City of Denton Wastewater Treatment Plant, Pecan Creek, and the Influent and Effluent of an Experimental Constructed Wetland

Waltman, Elise Lyn 08 1900 (has links)
The Pecan Creek Waste Reclamation Plant in Denton, Texas, an activated sludge WWTP, was sampled monthly for ten months to determine seasonal and site variation in concentrations of triclosan (5-chloro-2-(2,4-dichlorophenoxy)phenol), an antibacterial additive. SNK separation after the highly significant ANOVA on ranked data were: summer = fall > winter = spring and influent > downstream = effluent = wetland inflow > wetland outflow (a=0.05). After the plant converted to ultraviolet disinfection, measurements were made before and after the UV basin to determine if significant amounts of triclosan were converted to dioxin. Percent loss at each of the treatment steps was determined. Concentrations of triclosan in the downstream site were below the published NOEC for the most sensitive species.

E-commerce basado en la comercialización de productos de cuidado personal eco amigables: Eco Care / E-commerce based on the commercialization of eco-friendly personal care products: Eco Care

Caro Llanos, Ariana, Casasola Laines, Roy Richard, Hurtado Gutarra, Alexandra Trinidad, Luritta Otero, Mariana, Pisculich Felix, Dara Milenka 07 July 2021 (has links)
Hoy en día el cuidado personal de las mujeres con el uso de productos naturales es una gran tendencia, la cual genera un creciente interés de compra por parte de ellas. Sin embargo, a pesar de que en la actualidad existe una gran cantidad de emprendimientos que ofrecen este tipo de productos, algunos de ellos surgidos a partir de la coyuntura y otros han sido afectados por la misma, resulta difícil lograr ubicarlos para realizar las compras de manera fácil y sencilla. Esto se debe al bajo alcance que la mayoría de los emprendimientos tienen tanto en Facebook como en Instagram, lo cual genera que el usuario compre otro tipo de productos al no lograr encontrarlos de una forma rápida y práctica. A través del presente trabajo, se busca desarrollar un plan de negocio para dar solución al problema mencionado y tener en cuenta la viabilidad que este tendría. La misma comprende el desarrollo de una página web multimarca que sirva de canal de venta para los diversos emprendimientos que se sumen y que a su vez ésta le brinde una mayor exposición y profesionalismo a su negocio de cara al consumidor. Por lo cual, en primer lugar, se tuvo que realizar diversos estudios de viabilidad del proyecto, para los cuales se emplearon diversas entrevistas y encuestas tanto al público objetivo, como también a expertos del rubro de negocio. Asimismo, el presente documento valida la importancia y necesidad de cada elemento que compone de cierta forma a la organización. Con ello hacemos referencia a nuestros socios clave, recursos clave, canales de comunicación y demás elementos. Finalmente, se realizaron campañas con publicidad en redes sociales que nos permitieron generar una mayor interacción y un considerable número de ventas en la página web. / Nowadays, women's personal care with the use of natural products is a great trend, which generates a growing interest in their purchase. However, even though there are currently many businesses that offer this type of products, some of them emerged from the economic situation and others have been affected by it, it is difficult to locate them to make purchases in an easy and simple way. This is due to the low reach that most of the ventures have both on Facebook and Instagram, which generates that the user buys other types of products when not being able to find them in a fast and practical way. Through this work, we seek to develop a business plan to solve the problem and consider the feasibility that this would have. It includes the development of a multi-brand website that serves as a sales channel for the various enterprises that join and that in turn will provide them with greater exposure and professionalism to their business in the face of the consumer. Therefore, first, several feasibility studies of the project had to be carried out, for which several interviews and surveys to the target public, as well as to experts in the business area, were used. Likewise, this document validates the importance and necessity of each element that makes up the organization in a certain way. By this we refer to our key partners, key resources, communication channels and other elements. Finally, campaigns were carried out with advertising on social networks that allowed us to generate greater interaction and a considerable number of sales on the website. / Trabajo de investigación

Proyecto Aurora

Álvarez García, Daniel, Cebreros Salazar, Enrique Alberto, Herrera Ludeña, Yenifer Carolina, Herrera Vásquez, María Angélica, Sayas Monrroy, Mariafe Jazmín 28 January 2021 (has links)
En el presente trabajo de investigación se analizan todos los aspectos necesarios para iniciar un proyecto de negocio basado en la elaboración y comercialización de productos de cuidado personal hechos a base de algas pardas, mayormente conocido como sargazo. Este insumo brinda colágeno, hidrata y contiene vitaminas beneficiosas para la piel, por lo que es adecuado recibir sus nutrientes a través de productos de uso rutinario. Actualmente, el mercado de productos de higiene y cuidado personal se encuentra en crecimiento por la situación actual de la pandemia del COVID-19, por lo que la población ha priorizado el consumo de productos que le aseguren limpieza y cuidado. Adicionalmente, ya existía una tendencia a utilizar productos que contengan insumos naturales para el cuidado de la piel, por lo que un negocio con estas características tiene valor agregado frente a las otras empresas del mercado actual en Perú. A partir de las situaciones planteadas nace Aurora, negocio de productos de cuidado personal hechos a base de algas pardas en presentación de jabón y crema hidratante. Aurora cubre las necesidades de este tipo de productos de los usuarios de nivel socioeconómico A/B y C de las zonas 6 y 7 de Lima Metropolitana. Se estima que su tamaño de mercado inicialmente es de 432 649 personas, con un crecimiento anual del 6%. Para el inicio de sus operaciones se necesita una inversión inicial de S/ 14 869,26, la cual le permitirá adquirir los recursos necesarios para la producción y comercialización del producto. / This research work analyzes all the necessary aspects to start a business project based on the development and commercialization of personal care products made from brown algae, mostly known as sargassum. This input provides collagen, hydrates and contains beneficial vitamins for the skin, so it is appropriate to receive its nutrients through products for routine use. Currently, the market for hygiene and personal care products is growing due to the current situation of the COVID-19 pandemic, so the population has prioritized the consumption of products that ensure cleanliness and care. Additionally, there was already a tendency to use products that contain natural ingredients for skin care, so a business with these characteristics has added value compared to other companies in the current market in Peru. From the situations raised, Aurora was born, a business of personal care products made from brown algae in a presentation of soap and moisturizer. Aurora covers the needs of this type of product for users of socioeconomic levels A / B and C in zones 6 and 7 of Metropolitan Lima. It is estimated that its market size initially is 432 649 people, with an annual growth of 6%. An initial investment of S / 14,869.26 is required to start its operations, which will allow it to acquire the necessary resources for the production and commercialization of the product. / Trabajo de investigación

A sea of contested evidence: Disputes over coastal pollution in Hout Bay, Cape Town, South Africa

Beukes, Amy 23 June 2022 (has links)
The City of Cape Town's (CoCT) wastewater management system discharges effluent from households, industries and other sources into the Atlantic Ocean through deep-water marine outfalls in Green Point, Camps Bay and Hout Bay. At total capacity, these three outfalls discharge 55.3 megalitres (Ml) into marine receiving environments daily. With minimal pre-treatment that amounts to screening and sieving, this results in microbial and chemical pollution of the sea (including chemicals of emerging concern), marine organisms, recreational beaches, and Marine Protected Areas (MPAs). This research focuses on contestations over evidence of that pollution in Hout Bay. The study documents the work of independent scientists seeking to provide evidence of coastal pollution obtained via microbial and chemical analyses of water (coastal and inland) and marine organisms (Mytilus galloprovincialis) samples. It also presents accounts of pollution obtained via ethnographic research with local residents, fishers, frequent water users and river activists who have observed and experienced poor coastal water quality. However, the form of evidence that is considered and informs decision-making processes by the CoCT has consistently sought to invalidate these forms of evidence, from both independent scientists and the public. Debates around knowledge of water and contests over evidence that highlight the entanglements of science, politics, and ways of knowing make visible a consistent pattern in coastal water-quality governance by the City, which results in inaction regarding the ever-growing issue of coastal pollution in Cape Town.

Childhood and adolescent exposure to chemicals found in personal care products

Khan, Nahiyan Saiyara 12 1900 (has links)
Contexte : Les produits de soins personnels contiennent plusieurs substances chimiques dont l'exposition est préoccupante pour les jeunes vu leur plus grande susceptibilité aux expositions chimiques. Aucune revue publiée n’a étudié l'exposition des jeunes aux substances chimiques dans ces produits. Objectif : Cette revue de la portée vise à synthétiser des études de biosurveillance décrivant les concentrations de parabènes, phénols, phtalates et substances per- et polyfluoroalkylées (PFAS) après l'utilisation de produits de soins personnels chez les jeunes âgés de 5 à 19 ans. Méthodes : La recherche a été effectuée dans MEDLINE, Embase et Global Health. L’éligibilité des articles a été évaluée. Les résultats des études éligibles ont été résumées et décrites. Résultats : Trente-sept études ont été incluses, la première étant publiée en 2013. La majorité des études étaient transversales (n=35) et incluaient plus de 100 participants (n=27). Les substances chimiques les plus fréquemment étudiées étaient les phtalates (n=23), suivies des parabènes et des phénols (chacun n=18), puis des PFAS (n=1). La matrice biologique principalement utilisée était l'urine (n=36). Plusieurs études (n=31) ont rapporté au moins une association positive entre les produits de soins personnels et certaines classes chimiques, comme entre le maquillage et les parabènes; la lotion et les phénols; et le parfum et les phtalates. Conclusion : Plus d'études sur ce sujet sont nécessaires pour documenter l'importance relative de l'utilisation des produits de soins personnels par rapport à l'exposition totale aux substances chimiques. L’uniformisation des questionnaires de collecte de données pourrait aider à réduire l'hétérogénéité des résultats. / Background: Personal care products (PCPs) contain a variety of chemicals including parabens, phenols, phthalates, and per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS). Exposure to these chemicals is of concern for children and adolescents, as they are known possess an increased susceptibility to chemical exposures. To date, no published review has explored youth exposure to chemicals found in PCPs. Objective: This scoping review aimed to provide an overview of biomonitoring studies that describe the concentrations of parabens, phenols, phthalates, and PFAS following PCP use among children and adolescents of any age from 5 to 19 years old. Methods: The search was conducted in MEDLINE, Embase, and Global Health. Articles were screened and assessed for eligibility. From eligible studies, data were extracted to summarize and describe the findings. Results: Thirty-seven studies were included, the first of which appeared in 2013. The majority of studies were cross-sectional (n=35) and included more than 100 participants (n=27). The most frequently studied chemicals were phthalates (n=23), followed by parabens and phenols (each n=18), and then PFAS (n=1). The biological matrix mainly used was urine (n=36). Thirty-one studies reported at least one positive association between personal care products and certain chemical classes, such as between makeup and parabens; lotion and phenols; and perfume and phthalates.

Private Labels and Personal Care: A Focus on Store Brand Package Design, Branding Design and Consumer Attitudes Towards Private Label Personal Care Products

King, Larrie Leon, Jr. 04 August 2014 (has links)
No description available.

Spirituální potřeby lidí s DMO a jejich naplňování v sociální péči / Spiritual Needs in People with Cerebral Palsy and Their Saturation in Social Care

Rohlenová, Alžběta January 2014 (has links)
Master's thesis called Spiritual needs in people with cerebral palsy and their saturation in social care focuses on expressing spirituality in people with cerebral palsy (CP) and studies what the spiritual needs may be and if personal care assistants (PCAs) can help to fulfil clients' spiritual needs. The theoretical part shows the issues of CP and the view to people with this disability, with the emphasis to the options of their participation for life in society. It deals with the topic of spirituality and spiritual dimension as one of many dimensions of human personality. After presenting several important theories of needs it continuous with the role of PCAs and their role in fulfilling the clients' spiritual needs. The practical part proceeds from the combination of quantitative and qualitative research; from a questionnaire inquiring the expressiveness of the spirituality and its sharing with PCAs, and interviews seven people with CP inquiring their spiritual needs and possibilities of their fulfilling by PCAs. The results show concrete and stronger spirituality expressing in people with CP than in major population and that the spiritual needs come out from their live situation. Besides spiritual needs and forces that allow them to fulfil their needs on their own. The PCAs are also a rich...

Imagerie moléculaire d’empreintes digitales par spectrométrie de masse : potentiels et applications en science forensique

Lauzon, Nidia 04 1900 (has links)
No description available.

Truth-telling in aged care: a qualitative study

Tuckett, Anthony Gerrard January 2003 (has links)
This thesis argues that truth-telling in high level (nursing home) aged care is a undamentally important aspect of care that ought to reside equally alongside instrumental care. The health of the resident in a nursing home, as with individuals in other care contexts, is directly linked to care provision that allows the resident to be self determining about their care and thus allows them to make reasonable choices and decisions. This qualitative study explores the meaning of truth-telling in the care providerresident dyad in high level (nursing home) aged care. Grounded within the epistemology of social constructionism and the theoretical stance of symbolic interactionism, this study relied on oral and written text from care providers (personal care assistants and registered nurses) and residents. Thematic analysis of data relied on practices within grounded theory to determine their understanding and the conditions and consequences of their understanding about truth-telling in the nursing home. Through an understanding of the relationship-role-residency trinity, truth-telling in high level (nursing home) care comes to be understood. It has been determined that the link between truth-telling and the nature of the care provider-resident (and residents' families) relationship is that both personal carers and nurses in this study premise their understanding of truth disclosure on knowing a resident's (and resident's family's) capacity for coping with the truth and therefore catering for the resident's or family's best interests. The breadth and depth of this knowing and how the relationship is perceived and described determine what care providers will or will not tell. That is, the perceptions both personal carers and nurses have about the relationship - how they describe themselves as 'family like', 'friend' and 'stranger', has implications for the way disclosure operates and is described. Additionally, how care providers perceive and understand their role determines what care providers will or will not tell. That is, the perceptions both carers and nurses have about their own and each other's role - how they describe themselves for example as 'hands-on' carer and 'happy good nurse' has implications for the way disclosure operates and is described. Furthermore, care providers' meaning and understanding of truth-telling in aged care is not possible in the absence of an appreciation of how the care providers give meaning to and come to understand the care circumstance - residency, the aged care facility, the nursing home. That is, the perceptions both personal carers and nurses have about the aged care facility - how they describe residency as 'Home away from Home' (and what this means), as a place of little time and a plethora of situations have implications for the operation of truth-telling as a whole. Recommendations from the study include the implementation of a telling audit to better serve the truth-telling preferences of residents and the reorientation of care practices to emphasise affective care (talk rather than tasks). Furthermore, it is recommended that changes occur to the care provider roles, that care providers define themselves as facilitators rather than protectors, and education be ongoing to improve communication with and care of residents with dementia and those dying. Finally, the language of residency as 'home' needs to capture an alternate philosophy and attendant practices for improved open communication.

<b>Development of a Variable Dilution Olfaction Chamber Coupled with a Proton Transfer Reaction Mass Spectrometer for Evaluation of Human Response to Indoor Emissions from Scented Volatile Chemical Products</b>

Jordan N Cross (16700061) 02 August 2023 (has links)
<p>This study is focused on the design, production, and operation of a controlled environmental olfaction chamber to evaluate human physiological and emotional response to volatile chemical emissions (VCPs) from scented household products in addition to careful characterization of the volatile organic compounds (VOCs) present in these product emissions. Utilizing proton transfer reaction time-of-flight mass spectrometry, the chamber can collect VCP emissions and identify VOCs present to complete an accurate chemical profile of household and common product emissions not previously known. This instrument is one of the first of its kind and will serve as a key element in understanding the relationship between human physical and cognitive health and the built environment.</p>

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