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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Tienermeisies se betrokkenheid by dwelmmisbruik : 'n gender perspektief

Rhode, Jolene 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MEdPsych (Educational Psychology))--University of Stellenbosch, 2009. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die Kaapse Vlakte, die konteks vir die studie, word onder andere gekenmerk deur sy lae sosio-ekonomiese status, hoë werkloosheid, bende-aktiwiteite, gesinsgeweld, gebroke gesinstrukture en dwelmafhanklikheid. Tienerdogters wat in gemeenskappe op die Kaapse Vlakte opgroei, word daagliks aan hierdie hindernisse blootgestel, wat hulle meer vatbaar maak vir die misbruik van dwelmmiddels. Die doel van die studie was om tienermeisies in ’n benadeelde gemeenskap wat dwelmmiddels gebruik, se perspektiewe met betrekking tot dwelmmisbruik te ondersoek. Die studie het ’n genderperspektief aangeneem, met ander woorde dit het vroue as subjekte sentraal geplaas en hulle probleem met dwelmmisbruik ondersoek. Min navorsing oor dwelmmisbruik fokus op vroue, ten spyte van ’n veronderstelling dat misbruik onder vroue ernstige gevolge vir die samelewing inhou. Aangesien ek gepoog het om hierdie tienermeisies se behoeftes aan ondersteuning en moontlike maniere waarop hierdie behoeftes aangespreek kan word, te verstaan en te beskryf, het ek van ’n kwalitatiewe navorsingsontwerp gebruik gemaak en die studie vanuit ’n interprevistiese paradigma benader. Data is met behulp van onderhoude, persoonlike refleksies en observasies bekom. Die navorsingsbevindinge het getoon dat die tienerdogters se huislike omstandighede deur enkelouerskap en afwesige vaderskap vererger word, dat daar ’n gebrek aan kommunikasie tuis is en dat hulle behoeftes aan liefde en emosionele sekuriteit uitspreek. Die tienerdogters voer aan dat hulle dwelms gebruik om van hul probleme tuis te ontvlug. In hierdie studie oor tienerdogters se redes vir en perspektiewe ten opsigte van dwelmmisbruik, toon data dat hulle duidelike behoeftes aan ondersteuning het - tuis sowel as in die samelewing waarin hulle leef. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The Cape Flats is characterized by low socio-economic status, high unemployment, gang activities, crime, domestic violence, broken family structures and drug dependency. As a teenage girl, living in communities on the Cape Flats, there is often the possibility of being vulnerable to the misuse of drugs. The aim of this study was to investigate the perceptions of teenage girls using drugs in a disadvantaged community. The study adopted a gendered perspective that places women as subjects central to the problem of drug abuse. Little research focuses on women using drugs despite the consequences it poses for society. The study attempts to understand and describe teenage girls’ need for support as well as ways in which their needs can be addressed. A qualitative interpretivist research design was used to gain insight into and understanding of the participants’ perspectives. The data were collected by means of interviews, reflective diaries and observations. The research findings indicate that single parenting and absent fathers worsen the teenage girls’ home circumstances, that there is a lack of communication at home and that they express a need for love and emotional security. Furthermore, teenage girls use drugs to escape from the problems they face at home. The results suggest a need for adequate and appropriate support in the home environment as well as in society.

The value, place and method of teaching natural science in the foundation phase

Bosman, Linda 31 March 2006 (has links)
ABSTRACT The study aims at establishing whether Foundation Phase schooling provides a proper foundation for the promotion of scientific literacy. Natural Science in the Foundation Phase is understood as scientific knowledge, process skills, and values and attitudes, which together should foster scientific literacy. Influential perspectives on learning, and teaching methods appropriate to Natural Science education in the Foundation Phase, are reviewed, and the Natural Science Learning Area in the RNCS discussed in the context of global trends in curriculum development. Finally the findings of an empirical survey on the perceptions of Foundation Phase teachers with regard to Natural Science teaching and learning, are presented. Major findings include the following: (1) Scientific literacy is currently not a curriculum priority in the Foundation Phase, due mainly to meagre time allocation and lack of applicable Learning Outcomes. (2) Although teachers appear predominantly positive towards the Learning Area, significant shortcomings need to be addressed before Natural Science teaching in the Foundation Phase may claim to provide the required basis for promoting scientific literacy. OPSOMMING Die studie poog om vas te stel of Grondslagfase-onderrig `n geskikte basis lê vir die bevordering van wetenskaplike geletterdheid. Natuurwetenskappe in die Grondslagfase word beskou as `n kombinasie van wetenskaplike kennis, prosesvaardighede, en waardes en ingesteldhede, wat gesamentlik wetenskaplike geletterdheid ten doel het. Invloedryke perspektiewe op leer, en gepaste onderrigmetodes vir die effektiewe fasilitering van Natuurwetenskappe-onderrig in die Grondslagfase word onder die loep geneem voordat die Natuurwetenskappe-leerarea in die Hersiene Nasionale Kurrikulumverklaring bespreek word binne die konteks van wêreldwye neigings in kurrikulumontwikkeling. Laastens rapporterr die studie die bevindinge van `n empiriese ondersoek na die persepsies van Grondslagfase-onderwysers rakende Natuurwetenskaponderrig en -leer. Belangrike bevinding sluit in: (1) Die bevordering van wetenskaplike geletterdheid word nie as kurrikulumprioriteit in die Grondslagfase beskou word nie, soos blyk uit die karige toedeling van tyd en aantal leeruitkomste aan die Natuurwetenskappe-leerarea op hierdie vlak. (2) Alhoewel onderwysers se persepsies rakende Natuurwetenskaponderrig en -leer oorwegend positief blyk te wees, is daar ernstige tekortkominge wat aangespreek moet word voordat Natuurwetenskappe-onderrig in die Grondslagfase die vereiste grondslag sal kan lê vir die bevordering van wetenskaplike geletterdheid. / Educational Studies / M.Ed.

Emosionele intelligensie in sielkundige opvoedkundige perspektief / Emotional intelligence in psychological educational perspective

Strydom, I. (Irene) 06 1900 (has links)
Summaries in Afrikaans and English / Emosionele intelligemsie is nag nie bevredigend binne die Sielkundige Opvoedkunde beskryf nie. Die begrip emosionele intelligensie .is deur sosiale wetenskaplikes aanvaar en word as een van die intelligensies van menswees beskou. Emosionele intelligensie word beskou as die vermoe om • eie emosies te herken, te verstaan en op aanvaarbare wyse uit te leef, • ander se emosies te herken en te verstaan en • die vermoe om die self te motiveer. Die doel van die ondersoek was om emosionele intelligensie (EK) binne Sielkundige Opvoedkundige terme te beskryf en adolessente wat emosionele probleme beleef s.e EK-profiele te ontleed. 'n Bestaande EK-instrument, di.e Q-Metricsvraelys, is vir hierdie ddel aangepas en ge'lmplementeer. Die slotsom waartoe gekom is, is dat adolessente met emosionele probleme onder andere depressief, aggressief en emosioneel ongeletterd is. Die opvoedkundige sielkundige kan die EK-instrument as diagnoseringsmiddel aanwend en terapiebeplanning hiervolgens doen. / Emotional intelligence has not been described in satisfactory Psychological Educational terms. The concept emotional intelligence is accepted by social scientists and is regarded as one of the intelligences of being human. Emotional intelligence can be described as the ability to • recognise and understand one's own emotions and to express it in an acceptable way, • to recognise and understand others' emotions and • being able to motivate the self. The aim of this study was to describe emotional intelligence in Psychological Educational terms and to analyse the EQ profiles of adolescents who experience emotional problems. An existing EQ instrument, the Q-Metrics Questionnaire, has been adapted and implemented for this purpose. The final conclusion is that adolescents who experience emotional problems, are amongst other things depressed, aggressive and emotionally illiterate. The educational psychologist can use the EQ instrument as a diagnostication instrument and can plan therapy sessions according to these results. / Educational Studies / M.Ed. (with specialisation in Guidance and Counselling)

A psychosocial educational programme for caregivers of people diagnosed with bipolar disorder

Van der Walt, Ilse Annemarie January 2014 (has links)
Bipolêre versteuring is ‘n kroniese, herhalende en ernstige siekte met ‘n voorkoms van 1 % wêreldwyd. Pasiënte kan psigoties word, selfmoordideasie hê en ook soms aggressief raak. Dikwels moet hulle gehospitaliseer word - ook teen hulle wil, want hulle mag soms geen insig toon nie. Pasiënte mag presenteer met ‘n ko-morbiede toestand, byvoorbeeld substansmisbruik of ‘n persoonlikheidsversteuring. Dit gebeur dikwels dat hulle nie hulle toegewysde rolle, byvoorbeeld dié van gade, broodwinner, ouer of volwasse kind, kan vervul nie. Versorgers van pasiënte gediagnoseer met bipolêre versteuring, word eweneens beïnvloed deur die siekte en die gepaardgaande stigma daarvan. Dit kan vir hulle baie moeilik wees wanneer hulle die verantwoordelikhede en rolle van die pasiënt moet oorneem. Beskou vanuit die oogpunt van ‘n ekologiese sisteemperspektief is die aard van hierdie impak op die maatskaplike funksionering van die versorgers relevant vir maatskaplike werk in die geestesgesondheidsveld. Die verkenning van hierdie impak en die ontwikkeling van ‘n intervensie om die impak aan te spreek het dus die rasionaal van hierdie studie gevorm. Die geïntegreerde biopsigososiale model, binne ‘n ekologiese sisteem perspektief, word aangewend by die psigiatriese instelling waar die navorser werk. Hierdie benadering het dus ook gedien as die vertrekpunt vir die betrokke studie. Die gemengde-metode navorsingsbenadering is tydens hierdie studie benut ten einde ‘n uitgebreide analise van die navorsingsprobleem te verskaf. Die voorgenome studie het binne die kategorie van toegepaste navorsing geval, want die doel daarvan was om ‘n program te ontwikkel om hulp te verleen aan versorgers van individue gediagnoseer met bipolêre versteuring. Die navorser het haar navorsing gerig aan die hand van Rothman en Thomas (1994) se intervensie ontwerp en ontwikkelingsmodel (D&D) deur gebruik te maak van kwalitatiewe en kwantitatiewe metodes. Na afloop van die analise van die kwalitatiewe data, is ‘n unieke psigo-maatskaplike opvoedkundige program, die SEE-SAW program, ontwikkel en toe geïmplementeer. Die konsep van balans versus wanbalans binne die sisteem is essensieel; die navorser se program het ten doel gehad om beter balans binne die sisteem van die pasiënt en versorger te bewerkstellig. Die gevolgtrekkings het duidelik getoon dat die versorger van die bipolêre pasiënt blootgestel is aan ‘n wye spectrum van behoeftes en uitdagings, maar dat intervensies soos die SEE-SAW program van groot waarde mag wees. / Bipolar disorder (BD) is a chronic, recurrent, serious illness that occurs in 1 % of people globally. Patients might become psychotic, suicidal and sometimes violent. They often need to be hospitalised, even against their will because they may have no insight. Patients may have a comorbid condition such as substance abuse or a personality disorder. They are frequently unable to fulfil their assigned roles of spouse, breadwinner, parent or adult child. Caregivers of patients diagnosed with BD are also affected by the illness and the associated stigma. It becomes very difficult for them when they have to take over the responsibilities and roles of the patient. The nature of this impact on the social functioning of the caregivers, understood from an ecological systems perspective, is relevant for social work in the mental health care field. Discovering more about this impact and developing an intervention to curb it therefore formed the rationale for this study. The integrated biopsychosocial model, within an ecological systems perspective, is being used at the psychiatric institution where the researcher works. This approach therefore also served as the point of departure from which this research was conducted. A mixed methods research approach was utilised to provide a comprehensive analysis of the research problem. The proposed study fell into the category of applied research, due to its aim of designing a programme to assist caregivers of people diagnosed with BD. The researcher directed the study according to Rothman and Thomas’s (1994) intervention design and development model (D&D), using qualitative and quantitative methods. After the analysis of the qualitative data a unique psychosocial educational programme, the SEE-SAW programme, was developed and then implemented. The concept of equilibrium versus disequilibrium in the system is central; the researcher’s programme therefore strove towards better equilibrium within the system of patient and caregiver. From the conclusions it is apparent that the caregiver of the BD patient is exposed to a wide spectrum of needs and challenges, but that interventions such as the SEE-SAW programme may be very helpful. / Thesis (PhD)--University of Pretoria, 2014. / Social Work and Criminology / PhD (Social Work) / Unrestricted

Gebruik van Beck se kognitiewe terapie by sekondêre skoolleerders met subkliniese depressie / The use of Beck's cognitive therapy for secondary school learners with subclinical depression

Davel, Jaqualine Cecile Flower 30 June 2002 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Uit 'n literatuurstudie en empiriese ondersoek wat onderneem is, blyk dit dat 15-40% van alle adolessente subkliniese depressie ervaar. Veranderinge en toenemende druk en eise eie aan die adolessente-fase, bring by baie adolessente depressiewe gevoelens mee. Ten spyte van hierdie omstandighede is daar egter ook baie adolessente wat hierdie fase van ontwikkeling sonder enige noemenswaardige probleme deurloop. Aaron Beck is van mening dat dit nie die omstandighede opsigself is wat tot depressie aanleiding gee nie, maar wel die betekenis wat individue aan omstandighede gee. Beck noem dat depressiewe persone tot irrasionele oortuigings, foutiewe inligting-prosessering en disfunksionele outomatiese gedagtes geneig is. Om hierdie probleem aan te spreek is ses adolessente, wat subkliniese depressie ervaar, aan Beck se kognitiewe terapie onderwerp. Die primere doel van Beck se terapie is die regstelling van bogenoemde disfunksionele kognisies. Die gevolgtrekking is dat wanneer adolessente wat subkliniese depressie ervaar, se disfunksionele kognisies reggestel word, hulle depressiewe gevoelens opgehef word. / From a literature study and empirical research which was undertaken, it seems that 15-40% of all adolescents experience subclinical depression. Changes and increasing pressure and demands, typical of the adolescent phase, causes many adolescents to experience depressing emotions. In spite of these circumstances there are also many adolescents who go through this phase in development without any significant problems. Aaron Beck is of opinion that it is not the circumstances in and of itself that lead to depression but rather the meaning that individuals attached to these circumstances. Beck mentions that depressive people are inclined to irrational beliefs, erroneous information-processing and dysfunctional automatic thoughts. To address this problem, six adolescents who experience subclinical depression, were subjected to Beck's cognitive therapy. The primary target of Beck's therapy is the correction of above mentioned dysfunctional cognitions. The conclusion is that when the dysfunctional cognitions of adolescents who experience subclinical depression can be corrected, their depressive feelings will diminish. / Educational Studies / M. Ed. (Voorligting)

Gebruik van Beck se kognitiewe terapie by sekondêre skoolleerders met subkliniese depressie / The use of Beck's cognitive therapy for secondary school learners with subclinical depression

Davel, Jaqualine Cecile Flower 30 June 2002 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Uit 'n literatuurstudie en empiriese ondersoek wat onderneem is, blyk dit dat 15-40% van alle adolessente subkliniese depressie ervaar. Veranderinge en toenemende druk en eise eie aan die adolessente-fase, bring by baie adolessente depressiewe gevoelens mee. Ten spyte van hierdie omstandighede is daar egter ook baie adolessente wat hierdie fase van ontwikkeling sonder enige noemenswaardige probleme deurloop. Aaron Beck is van mening dat dit nie die omstandighede opsigself is wat tot depressie aanleiding gee nie, maar wel die betekenis wat individue aan omstandighede gee. Beck noem dat depressiewe persone tot irrasionele oortuigings, foutiewe inligting-prosessering en disfunksionele outomatiese gedagtes geneig is. Om hierdie probleem aan te spreek is ses adolessente, wat subkliniese depressie ervaar, aan Beck se kognitiewe terapie onderwerp. Die primere doel van Beck se terapie is die regstelling van bogenoemde disfunksionele kognisies. Die gevolgtrekking is dat wanneer adolessente wat subkliniese depressie ervaar, se disfunksionele kognisies reggestel word, hulle depressiewe gevoelens opgehef word. / From a literature study and empirical research which was undertaken, it seems that 15-40% of all adolescents experience subclinical depression. Changes and increasing pressure and demands, typical of the adolescent phase, causes many adolescents to experience depressing emotions. In spite of these circumstances there are also many adolescents who go through this phase in development without any significant problems. Aaron Beck is of opinion that it is not the circumstances in and of itself that lead to depression but rather the meaning that individuals attached to these circumstances. Beck mentions that depressive people are inclined to irrational beliefs, erroneous information-processing and dysfunctional automatic thoughts. To address this problem, six adolescents who experience subclinical depression, were subjected to Beck's cognitive therapy. The primary target of Beck's therapy is the correction of above mentioned dysfunctional cognitions. The conclusion is that when the dysfunctional cognitions of adolescents who experience subclinical depression can be corrected, their depressive feelings will diminish. / Educational Studies / M. Ed. (Voorligting)

A critical socio-historical analysis of the evolution of freedom of expression in the three most recent government of Ethiopia (1930-2014)

Seyoum, Adugnaw Dessie 11 1900 (has links)
This historical study analyses the holistic dynamics of Ethiopia, taking into account political, social, economic, cultural, religious, and media development aspects, with a focus on the three most recent governments (1930–2014), in relation to freedom of expression. The analysis indicates that the Feudalist-Imperial system was clearly the extension of centuries-old imperial hegemony which had used religious, cultural and patriotic hegemony to stifle freedom of expression. During the Socialist-Military regime every sphere of society, including acts of expression, were oriented towards the revolution and socialist political ideology. During the current ethnically based so-called Revolutionary-Democratic regime, freedom of expression has been stifled by means of legislation, government and party structures, complex surveillance, and social networks. While the instruments of repression have differed, relatively speaking, from government to government, the extent of repression has remained similar over a number of centuries. Threats to freedom of expression derive from rulers or governments, in which instances they are entrenched through policies, laws and bureaucracies, from religious and cultural hegemonies, from poverty and a related lack of education and access to information, and from conflicts, rivalry and wars. These threats have their origins in three main interrelated causal or determining factors, namely the Certainty–Uncertainty Dilemma, Ethno-Luminary Thought and Narcissism, which together form a pyramid beneath which freedom of expression in Ethiopia has been trapped. This pyramid is identified in the study as the Social Pyramid, or the Pyramid of Repression Instruments, and it in turn gives rise to an overall web of suppression, that is, the Pyramid Trap of Repression. The study concludes that the repression of freedom of expression in Ethiopia is likely to remain intact, insofar as the threats to freedom of expression and the factors giving rise to those threats persist. While limited gains concerning the right to freedom of expression are achieved periodically, these are routinely undone and rolled back, since the Pyramid Trap of Repression is not dismantled. / In hierdie historiese studie word die holistiese dinamika van Etiopië ontleed, met inagneming van politieke, sosiale, ekonomiese, kulturele, religieuse, en media-ontwikkelingsaspekte. Daar word op die drie mees onlangse regerings (1930–2014) gefokus, ten opsigte van vrye meningsuiting. Die ontleding dui daarop dat die feodalisties-imperialistiese stelsel duidelik die uitbreiding van eeue-oue imperialistiese hegemonie was wat religieuse, kulturele en patriotiese hegemonie gebruik het om vrye meningsuiting te onderdruk. Gedurende die sosialisties-militêre regime was elke sfeer van die samelewing, insluitende dade van uitdrukking, georiënteer tot die revolusie en sosialisties-politieke ideologie. Tydens die huidige, etnies gebaseerde sogenaamde revolusionêr-demokratiese regime, is vrye meningsuiting onderdruk deur wetgewing, regering- en partystrukture, komplekse bewaking, en sosiale netwerke. Hoewel die instrumente van onderdrukking relatief gesproke verskil het van regering tot regering, het die mate van onderdrukking oor ʼn aantal eeue heen soortgelyk gebly. Bedreigings vir vrye meningsuiting is afkomstig van heersers of regerings (en in sulke gevalle word hulle beveilig deur beleide, wette en burokrasieë), van religieuse en kulturele hegemonieë, van armoede en ʼn verwante gebrek aan opvoeding en toegang tot inligting, en van konflikte, mededinging en oorloë. Hierdie bedreigings het ontstaan vanweë drie vernaamste kousale of bepalende faktore wat onderling verwant is, naamlik die sekerheid-onsekerheid-dilemma, etno-voorligter-denke en narsisme, wat gesamentlik ʼn piramide vorm waaronder vrye meningsuiting in Etiopië vasgevang is. Hierdie piramide word in die studie as die sosiale piramide, of die piramide van onderdrukkingsinstrumente, geïdentifiseer, en dit lei op sy beurt tot ʼn algehele web van onderdrukking – die piramidelokval van onderdrukking. Die gevolgtrekking van die studie is dat die onderdrukking van vrye meningsuiting in Etiopië waarskynlik onaangeroer gaan bly, so lank as wat die bedreigings vir vrye meningsuiting en die faktore wat tot daardie bedreigings aanleiding gee, onveranderd bly. Hoewel beperkte suksesse van tyd tot tyd behaal word rakende die reg tot vrye meningsuiting, word sulke prestasies dikwels ongedaan gemaak, omdat die piramidelokval van onderdrukking nie afgebreek word nie. / Communication Science / D. Litt. et Phil. (Communication)

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