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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Grupperingar i skolvärlden : En studie om hur lärare i särskolan uppfattar mötet mellan grundskolan och grundsärskolan / Groupings in school´s : A study of some special school teacher’s perceptions of the encounter between compulsory school and special school

Wåger, Jonny January 2017 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to investigate some teachers in special school´s perceptions of the meeting of compulsory school and special school. In this study, ethnocentrism is used as a theoretical framework, the theory which is built on the meeting between groups and how they interact. The study has a phenomenographic onset, which is a qualitative method. The gathering of data was made through interviews, one to one. Five interviews were made and analyzed by the use of phenomenographic analysis. Five categories were identified: Inclusion, commitment and interest, knowledge about special school, to be forgotten, and differences in cognitive approach. In the sample space the underlying structures was discussed by ethnocentrism, as well as previous literature and research. Some common points of contact between ethnocentrism and previous research on the meeting could be found. What the study also found was that four out of five respondents felt a sense of belonging in school, while one felt that the Special school was excluded from the regular school. The respondents could all agree on the fact that several factors affected the meeting. These five categories could be seen as areas of improvement in schools that want to work in an inclusive manner. These factors were also lifted in previous research on special school and inclusion.

"Upplevelser av egenterapin" – en kvalitativ studie om psykologstudenters egenterapi / " Experiences of personal therapy" – A qualitative study of psychology students personal therapy

Hedman, Klas January 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Speciallärarnas uppfattningar och beskrivningar om fenomenet matematiksvårigheter samt undervisningsstrategier / The Special Teachers' Perceptions of the Phenomenon of Mathematics Difficulties and Descriptions of Teaching Strategies

Kahruman, Elif January 2021 (has links)
Med bakgrund i att begreppet matematiksvårigheter tycks tolkas olika och att det inte helt och hållet är klarlagt hur en lämplig undervisning ska bedrivas för elever med matematiksvårigheter så syftar detta självständiga arbete till att studera det närmare. Syftet med uppsatsen är att fånga speciallärarnas tankar och kunskap om fenomenet matematiksvårigheter och undersöka vilka undervisningsstrategier som kan användas för att stödja elever i matematiksvårigheter inom matematikämnet. Baserat på syftet av studien ska följande frågeställningar besvaras hur speciallärare uppfattar fenomenet matematiksvårigheter? Hur beskriver speciallärare relevant matematikundervisning för elever med matematiksvårigheter? För att uppnå syftet och besvara frågeställningarna har intervju samt fenomenografisk- och tematisk analys tillämpats. Intervjuerna genomfördes genom videokommunikation. Intervjuer genomfördes av sex olika speciallärare alla med speciallärarexamen, verksamma i olika kommuner runt om i Sverige. Svaren på frågorna 1–4 analyserades genom fenomenografisk analys och resterande intervjufrågor analyserades genom tematisk analys. Genom fenomenografisk analys framkom speciallärarnas uppfattningar om orsaker till matematiksvårigheter både gällande generella- och specifika matematiksvårigheter. Det som framkom är bland annat att utformningen av matematikundervisningen arbetssätt och lärmiljö kan bidra till att eleverna utvecklar matematiksvårigheter. Slutsats ur studien är att speciallärarnas erfarenheter och uppfattningar om orsaker till matematiksvårigheter tycks vara för stort elevantal, tidsbrist och bristen på studiero. En annan orsak till specifika matematiksvårigheter är att fel diagnostisering. Vidare framträdde speciallärarnas beskrivningar och upplevelser av relevant undervisningsstrategier genom tematisk analys. Sådan matematikundervisning är enligt speciallärarna att eleverna guidas från det konkreta till mer abstrakta delar i undervisningen och stegvis lösa matematiska uppgifter i explicit undervisning. Det är rimligt att anta att både explicit undervisning och undervisning som guidar eleverna från konkret och abstrakt stöttar elevernas kognitiva utveckling vilket är det mest relevanta och framgångsrika undervisningsstrategier för elever i matematiksvårigheter. / Given that the concept of mathematical difficulties seems to be interpreted differently and that it is not entirely clear how a suitable teaching should be conducted for students with mathematical difficulties, this independent work aims to study it in more detail. The purpose of the essay is to capture the special needs teachers' thoughts and knowledge about the phenomenon of mathematics difficulties and to investigate which teaching strategies are used to support students in mathematics difficulties in the subject of mathematics. Based on the purpose of the study, the following questions should be answered how special needs teachers perceive the phenomenon of mathematics difficulties? How do special needs teachers describe relevant mathematics teaching for students? To achieve the purpose and answer questions, phenomenographic interviews, transcription, phenomenographic and thematic analysis have been applied. Phenomenographic interviews conducted in video communication. The interviews were completed by six different special teachers, all of whom received special teacher degrees in different municipalities around Sweden. The results of the data collection were divided into the interview questions. Questions 1–4 were analyzed by phenomenographic analysis and the remaining interview questions were analyzed by thematic analysis.Through phenomenographic analysis, the special teachers' perceptions of causes of mathematical difficulties emerged, both regarding general and specific mathematical difficulties. It emerged, among other things, that the design of mathematics teaching working methods and learning environment can contribute to students developing mathematical difficulties. Another reason for specific mathematical difficulties is that incorrect diagnosis can lead to students having difficulties. Furthermore, descriptions and experiences of the special teachers went through thematic analysis. The relevant mathematics teaching according to the special teachers is that the students are guided from the concrete to the abstract parts of the teaching and explicit teaching. Some conclusions from the study are that it is possible to assume that the special teachers' experiences and perceptions that the reason why mathematical difficulties can arise is due to the design of the teaching regarding student number, lack of time and study leave. Also, that these problematic factors must change in the school world to reduce the number of students who end up in mathematics difficulties. It is also likely to assume that students with specific math difficulties do not need to be diagnosed to counteract misdiagnosis as a causal explanation for students ending up in math difficulties. The students in mathematics difficulties can, regardless of diagnosis, receive the support needed to stimulate and lead students in the subject of mathematics according to the Education Act. It is further reasonable to assume that both explicit teaching and teaching that guides student from concrete and abstract support students' cognitive development, which is the most relevant and successful teaching strategies for students in mathematics difficulties.

Såga rakt och tillverka uttryck : En studie av hantverkskunnandet i slöjdämnet

Frohagen, Jenny January 2016 (has links)
Sloyd is related to craft knowing, making traditions and materiality. The meaning of knowing in sloyd is vaguely articulated and thereby can be interpreted by teachers in different ways. This study aims at contributing to an articulation of craft knowing within sloyd education. The study was carried out in the form of two learning studies, each one focusing on a specific object of learning. The knowing of sawing straight was studied through phenomenographic analysis of video recordings of students’ work with handsaws in wood. Different ways of knowing this capability have been described. The second study focused on the knowing of interpreting symbols in sloyd objects. Different ways of perceiving this capability have been described through the learning study’s three iterative lesson interventions. The two objects of learning are discussed as pointing out different aspects of craft knowing in sloyd education. Craft knowing has been recognized as embodied thinking and interaction with tools and materials in order to achieve certain intentions (Dormer, 1994; Illum, 2004). It is often described as embedded in our actions (Polanyi, 1966) and manifested in specific actions: as knowing-in-action (Schön, 1983). Furthermore, it is multimodal and derives from practical knowledge traditions where dexterity, visuality and materiality are central modes of communication (Kress & van Leeuwen, 2006). When engaging in sloyd activities one engages in different communal shared craft techniques and strives to obtain and express intended shapes, functions, lines, patterns and affiliations. To be able to say and make something in a ‘right way’ can be understood as a specific literacy (Gee, 2015). Some aspects of craft knowing are presented and discussed in terms of craft literacy: as embodied interactions with materials and tools in specific ways. These descriptions can contribute to our shared understanding of the meaning of craft knowing as well as the meaning of sloyd knowing.

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