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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Aten??o Psicol?gica Cl?nica: encontros terap?uticos com crian?as em uma creche / Psychological Clinic Attention: therapeutic encounters with children in a daycare center

Campos, Ana Paula de S? 12 February 2008 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-04T18:27:39Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Ana Paula de Sa Campos-1.pdf: 379768 bytes, checksum: 6a4e85a070edd212ee44f0aa9dce065b (MD5) Previous issue date: 2008-02-12 / Pontif?cia Universidade Cat?lica de Campinas / This research proposes to analyze the therapeutic potentiality of encounters held by the researcher psychologist with children of three to six years old within the context of daycare center located in Campinas, SP. The theoretical reference used was the Person Centered Approach (PCA) developed by the American psychologist Carl Ransom Rogers. Specifically, it is based upon the therapeutic proposal of Virginia Mae Axline, known as Child Centered Ludotherapy. The study may be characterized as intervention research, developed with a basis in the implantation of a practical clinical psychology, made available to the children in an institutional context. Initially, the researcher participated weekly in the routine activities of the daycare center, with the status of an observer, for a period of two months, when she entered into contact with the children and with the technicians in an informal manner. The therapeutic encounters emerged from a spontaneous need of some of the children. The stay of the researcher in the daycare center was, approximately, one year and half, dating from April 2006 to December 2007. The children themselves generated the structure of the meetings, establishing with the researcher a relationship which is similar to the clinical intervention known as On Duty Psychology. This is a differentiated psychological practice that emphasizes empathic listening, positive unconditional acceptance and congruence as therapeutic attitudes of the psychologist on duty. The research was conducted in a phenomenological manner: some narratives having been constructed upon therapeutic encounters. The narratives allow the understanding and interpretation of the clinical arousal which emerged from the therapeutic encounters through a prism of an inter-subjective relationship. It may be concluded that the therapeutic encounters present favorable conditions to the production of the psychological potential for self understanding and integration. In this study, evidence was found of: a) the capacity of the children to assume the initiative in a spontaneous search in relation to psychological help; b) the capacity of the children in communicating feelings regarding themselves and their problems; c) the capacity of the children to understand and collaborate in the construction of the relationship for psychological help; d) the importance and competence of the attitudes of empathy, positive unconditional acceptance and congruence on the part of the psychologist. The results confirm the innovative character and the importance of the development of differentiated clinical practices in institutional contexts. This research permits a glimpse of new directions insofar as the applicability of therapeutic encounters of this nature given their psychological mutative nature. / Esta pesquisa prop?s-se a analisar a potencialidade terap?utica de encontros realizados pela psic?loga pesquisadora com crian?as de tr?s a seis anos, no contexto de uma creche inserida em Campinas, SP. O referencial te?rico utilizado foi a Abordagem Centrada na Pessoa (ACP), desenvolvida pelo psic?logo norte-americano Carl Ransom Rogers. Especificamente, fundamenta-se na proposta terap?utica de Virg?nia Mae Axline, denominada Ludoterapia centrada na crian?a. O estudo caracterizou-se como uma pesquisa interven??o, desenvolvida com base na implanta??o de uma pr?tica psicol?gica cl?nica, disponibilizada para crian?as em um contexto institucional. Inicialmente, a pesquisadora participou semanalmente das atividades rotineiras da creche, na condi??o de observadora, durante um per?odo de dois meses, quando entrou em contato com as crian?as e com os t?cnicos de maneira informal. Os encontros terap?uticos emergiram da demanda espont?nea de algumas crian?as. A perman?ncia da pesquisadora na creche foi de, aproximadamente, um ano e meio, datando de abril de 2006 a dezembro de 2007. As pr?prias crian?as geraram a estrutura dos encontros, estabelecendo com a pesquisadora uma rela??o que se aproxima da interven??o cl?nica denominada de Plant?o Psicol?gico. Esta ? uma pr?tica psicol?gica que se constitui em um enquadre diferenciado que prioriza a escuta emp?tica, a aceita??o positiva incondicional e a congru?ncia como atitudes terap?uticas do plantonista. A pesquisa foi conduzida de maneira fenomenol?gica, tendo sido constru?das narrativas baseadas nos encontros terap?uticos. As narrativas permitiram compreender e interpretar o acontecer cl?nico que emergiu dos encontros terap?uticos, por um prisma de uma rela??o intersubjetiva. Concluiu-se que os encontros terap?uticos apresentam condi??es favor?veis ? atualiza??o do potencial psicol?gico para a autocompreens?o e integra??o. Neste estudo, foram evidenciadas: a) a capacidade das crian?as em assumir a iniciativa pela procura espont?nea por uma rela??o de ajuda psicol?gica; b) a capacidade das crian?as em comunicar sentimentos a respeito de si mesmas e de seus problemas; c) a capacidade das crian?as em compreender e colaborar para a estrutura??o da rela??o de ajuda psicol?gica; d) a import?ncia e sufici?ncia das atitudes de empatia, aceita??o positiva incondicional e congru?ncia por parte da psic?loga. Os resultados confirmaram o car?ter inovador e a import?ncia do desenvolvimento de enquadres cl?nicos diferenciados em contextos institucionais. Esta pesquisa permite vislumbrar novos caminhos no sentido da aplicabilidade de encontros terap?uticos desta natureza, dada a sua potencialidade mutativa.

Plant?o psicol?gico em um servi?o universit?rio de psicologia: a experi?ncia de aprimorandas / Psychological on duty attention in an improvement professional program held at a university psychology service: the experience of graduate students

Zanoni, Maria Rita de Lima 13 February 2008 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-04T18:27:40Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Maria Rita de Lima Zanoni.pdf: 629151 bytes, checksum: 9c24d167fff2cd471b136074d65f2afe (MD5) Previous issue date: 2008-02-13 / Pontif?cia Universidade Cat?lica de Campinas / This research aims to apprehend the experience being lived by three psychologists at graduation level, in becoming clinical psychologists, during the last month of a one year Improvement Professional Program, held at a University Psychology Service, with a focus on a clinical psychological practice named Psychological On Duty Attention. It is a differentiated clinical approach developed at institutions as an alternative to traditional psychotherapies. The theoretical fundaments to this study insert into Humanistic Psychology, more precisely into the Person Centered Approach, developed by the North American psychologist Carl R. Rogers in the 50 s of 20 th Century. It is a qualitative research developed in a phenomenology perspective. Two meetings of dialogical nature had been carried through, with duration of approximately ninety minutes, with the three participants in group. The following phenomenological analysis of the meeting evolved, from an understanding concerning of the specificity of each meeting to a broader understanding of the meanings of the experience in focus. One concludes that the experience of practicing the role of a psychological on duty adviser constitutes a privileged field of learning for the clinical psychologist. The acquired experience made possible to the participants the get in contact with several unexpected situations, contributing to the development of a differentiated listening, of a sharpened clinical perception, besides exciting a sense of responsibility extended in relation to the patients and to the community. Considering the intervention model that characterizes the Psychological On Duty Attention, one concludes that this mode of psychological clinical attention may contribute in significant way for the clinical education of the psychologist, by propitiating the practicing of certain facilitative attitudes - empathy, positive unconditional acceptance and congruence - conceived by Rogers as necessary and sufficient for a psychological helping relationship to be efficient. / Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo apreender a experi?ncia de tornar-se psic?logo cl?nico, vivida por tr?s psic?logas em fase de conclus?o de um Programa de Aprimoramento Profissional, desenvolvido em um Servi?o Universit?rio de Psicologia, tendo como foco a pr?tica de uma modalidade de aten??o psicol?gica, denominada Plant?o Psicol?gico. Este Servi?o caracteriza-se como um enquadre cl?nico diferenciado, desenvolvido em institui??es como uma alternativa ?s psicoterapias tradicionais. A fundamenta??o te?rica deste estudo insere-se na Psicologia Humanista, mais precisamente na Abordagem Centrada na Pessoa, desenvolvida pelo psic?logo norte americano Carl R. Rogers, na d?cada de 50, do s?culo XX. Trata-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa de cunho fenomenol?gico. Foram realizados dois encontros de natureza dial?gica, com dura??o de aproximadamente noventa minutos, com as tr?s participantes em grupo. Em seguida, a an?lise fenomenol?gica dos encontros evoluiu, de uma compreens?o acerca da especificidade de cada encontro para uma compreens?o mais ampla quanto aos significados da experi?ncia em foco. Concluiu-se que a pr?tica do Plant?o Psicol?gico constitui um campo privilegiado de aprendizagem para o psic?logo cl?nico. A experi?ncia adquirida possibilitou ?s participantes o contato com diversas situa??es inesperadas, contribuindo para o desenvolvimento de uma escuta diferenciada, de uma percep??o cl?nica mais agu?ada, al?m de suscitar um senso de responsabilidade ampliado em rela??o aos clientes e ? comunidade. Ao considerar o modelo de interven??o que caracteriza o Plant?o Psicol?gico, conclui-se que esta modalidade de aten??o psicol?gica pode contribuir de modo significativo para a forma??o cl?nica do psic?logo, ao propiciar a pr?tica das atitudes facilitadoras - empatia, aceita??o positiva incondicional e congru?ncia - concebidas por Rogers como necess?rias e suficientes para que uma rela??o de ajuda psicol?gica possa ser eficaz.

Dan?ar o adolescer: estudo fenomenol?gico com um grupo de dan?a de rua em uma escola / Dancing and adolescencing: phenomenological study of a street dancer group in a public highschool

Rego, Renata Marques 17 December 2008 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-04T18:27:42Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertacao Renata M Rego.pdf: 649608 bytes, checksum: d903f61a334d1c5183e78385631de5ab (MD5) Previous issue date: 2008-12-17 / Pontif?cia Universidade Cat?lica de Campinas / This research was carried out to understand the significance of dancing experience of adolescent street dancers within a school context. It was a qualitative study based on exploratory analysis and phenomenological background. The guiding theoretical reference undertaken in this study was the Humanistic Psychology, specifically the Client-Centered Approach, developed by Carl Rogers. This study was conducted on a public school environment employing street dance classes offered to teenagers as an extra curricular project. The researcher attended weekly the dancing classes during six months. Afterwards it was performed private interviews with adolescents. Seven narratives were developed according to the intersubjective relationship developed among the researcher and the students, focusing on personal experience by the adolescents. It was concluded that teenagers experience by taking street dance classes led to a significant learning, as developed by Rogers, since it becomes more spontaneous, self-guided, and toward selffulfilling. The experience offered to the street dancer group provided the students in their growing process with typical elements as follows: spontaneous interest in participate on personal activities which contribute to the physical and psychological growth; physical and emotional experience on their growing body, their losses and potential creativity; complete involvement of affection and intellect, throughout the learning processes; self-recognition assisted by a positive and varied acceptance weaning from parentship; distinction between their parents and themselves; the experience of being part of a group and have their own particularities at the same time; development of personal power and self-reliance as derived from the dancing process; the enthusiasm to the world desiring to change it, rethinking themselves in this process and enduring a smoother balance for integration extending this experience toward adulthood. This study suggests that the school context represents a potential to develop significant interpersonal relationship easing a psychological development. / Esta pesquisa prop?s-se a compreender os sentidos atribu?dos ? experi?ncia de dan?ar por adolescentes praticantes da dan?a de rua em um contexto escolar. Trata-se de um estudo qualitativo de car?ter explorat?rio e de inspira??o fenomenol?gica. O referencial te?rico norteador do estudo foi a psicologia de orienta??o humanista, especificamente a Abordagem Centrada na Pessoa (ACP), desenvolvida por Carl Rogers. Realizou-se no contexto de um grupo de dan?a de rua, oferecido a alunos adolescentes em uma escola p?blica da cidade de Campinas, sob a forma de um projeto extracurricular. A pesquisadora acompanhou, semanalmente, durante seis meses as aulas de dan?a e, posteriormente, realizou entrevistas individuais com os alunos que se interessaram em participar da pesquisa. Objetivando focar a experi?ncia vivida pelos participantes da pesquisa sob o prisma da rela??o intersubjetiva estabelecida entre a pesquisadora e os alunos, foram constru?das sete narrativas. Concluiu-se que a experi?ncia dos adolescentes com a dan?a de rua no contexto da escola aproxima-se da proposta de aprendizagem significativa, desenvolvida por Rogers, ao constituir-se em uma aprendizagem auto-iniciada, auto-dirigida e dotada de significa??o pessoal. A experi?ncia vivida no grupo de dan?a de rua proporcionou aos alunos a emerg?ncia de elementos t?picos da experi?ncia de adolescer, como o interesse espont?neo em participar de atividades dotadas de significa??o pessoal e que contribuam para o crescimento; viv?ncia f?sica e subjetiva do corpo em crescimento, suas perdas e potencial criativo; envolvimento integral com a experi?ncia de aprendizagem, envolvendo sentimentos e intelecto; busca por si mesmo facilitada pela aceita??o positiva de outros significativos; diferencia??o em rela??o aos pais; viv?ncia de pertencimento a um grupo que compartilha significados, ao mesmo tempo em que se diferencia da maioria; sentimentos de auto-confian?a e poder pessoal ao dan?ar; abertura para o mundo e interesse em modific?-lo, refazendo-se a si mesmo neste processo; desejo de levar da adolesc?ncia o dan?ar como um brincar e um modo de cuidar de si. Este estudo evidenciou tamb?m que o contexto da escola representa um espa?o potencial para o desenvolvimento de rela??es interpessoais significativas e facilitadoras para o desenvolvimento psicol?gico.

Plant?o Psicol?gico: estudo fenomenol?gico em um Servi?o de Assist?ncia Judici?ria / Psychological emergency attendance: a phenomenological study in a Service of Judiciary Assistance

Mozena, Helen 17 February 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-04T18:27:46Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Helen Mozena.pdf: 700969 bytes, checksum: 8c5f9754318f8b421ff5918fbfc50d36 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009-02-17 / This research had the proposal of understand the therapeutical potential of a clinical modality of psychological attention, called psychological emergency attendance, as being implanted by the researcher in the context of a Judiciary Assistance Service. It is based upon the humanist psychology proposal, specifically on Person Centered Approach (PCA), developed by the American psychologist Carl Rogers. It is fit in the qualitative research modality, characterizing itself as research intervention. The researcher remained attending emergencies in the Service during two days, every week, for nine months. The subjects that participated indirectly on the study were those who had requested the psychological emergency attendance and agreed to participate on the research. The adopted method was the phenomenological, and the inter-subjective experience of the researcher lived during the attendance, was the analysis object. Thus, narratives had been written that had brought to light significant elements of the lived experience in the attendance. It had evidenced that the presence of a psychologist in the context of the Judiciary Assistance Service contributed so that the institution could offer a psychological listening differentiated to persons and their demands. The customers had appropriated of the psychological attendance space their own way, which made possible to attribute new meanings to the juridical complaints. Therefore, it was possible to offer privileged space to the psychological suffering so that it could also be expressed and received in that context, working as a facilitative instrument of the self growing tendency. The psychological attendance did not occur only in the formal attendance with the customers, but also on contact with employees and trainees who spontaneously looked for psychological help. Thus, it was possible to know the practical meaning of the psychological emergency attendance in this context, its limits and potentialities and legitimize it as clinical psychological attention modality suited with the clientele and the Service. / Esta pesquisa objetivou compreender a potencialidade terap?utica de uma modalidade de aten??o psicol?gica cl?nica, denominada plant?o psicol?gico, ao ser implantada pela pesquisadora no contexto de um Servi?o de Assist?ncia Judici?ria. Fundamenta-se nos pressupostos da psicologia humanista, especificamente na Abordagem Centrada na Pessoa (ACP), desenvolvida pelo psic?logo norte-americano Carl Rogers. Enquadra-se na modalidade de pesquisa qualitativa, caracterizando-se como pesquisa interven??o. A pesquisadora permaneceu de plant?o no Servi?o durante dois dias, semanalmente, por um per?odo de nove meses. Participaram do estudo indiretamente todas as pessoas que procuraram pelo atendimento no plant?o psicol?gico e concordaram em participar da pesquisa. O m?todo adotado foi o fenomenol?gico, sendo a experi?ncia intersubjetiva da pesquisadora, vivida durante os atendimentos, o objeto de an?lise. Assim, foram redigidas narrativas que trouxeram ? luz elementos significativos da experi?ncia vivida nos atendimentos. Constatou-se que a presen?a de uma plantonista no contexto do Servi?o de Assist?ncia Judici?ria contribuiu para que a institui??o pudesse oferecer uma escuta psicol?gica diferenciada ?s pessoas e suas demandas. Os clientes apropriaram-se do espa?o de atendimento psicol?gico a sua pr?pria maneira, o que lhes permitiu atribuir ?s queixas de natureza jur?dica novos significados. Portanto, foi poss?vel disponibilizar um espa?o privilegiado para que o sofrimento psicol?gico tamb?m pudesse ser expresso e acolhido naquele contexto, funcionando como instrumento potencializador da tend?ncia atualizante. O plant?o psicol?gico n?o ocorreu apenas durante os atendimentos formais aos clientes, mas tamb?m na conviv?ncia com funcion?rios e estagi?rios que buscaram espontaneamente ajuda psicol?gica. Sendo assim, foi poss?vel conhecer o sentido da pr?tica do plant?o psicol?gico neste contexto, seus limites e potencialidades, e legitim?-la como uma modalidade de aten??o psicol?gica cl?nica condizente com a clientela e o Servi?o.

Falando pra galera :narrativas sobre a experi?ncia de profissionais da sa?de em um projeto social / Talking to the Kids: narratives on the experience of health professionals in a social project

Zaparoli, Carolina Teixeira 17 February 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-04T18:27:59Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Carolina Teixeira Zaparoli.pdf: 579714 bytes, checksum: 19514413578fa3f13ab8cfe93d5562dd (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-02-17 / This research objectified to comprehend the experience of public health professionals in relation to the participation in a project called Talking to the Kids developed by a non governamental organization. It is a qualitative study of phenomenological inspiration. The theoretical framework included the concepts of Carl Rogers on significant learning and the pedagogical principles developed by Paulo Freire. The researcher interviewed seven health professionals: psychologist, occupational therapist, health communitarian agent, nurse, nurse aid, dentist and medical doctor. Objectifying to focus on the - experience lived by the participants and communicated during an encounter between the researcher and each one of the professionals, seven comprehensive narratives were constructed. The narratives had brought to clear significant elements of the experience lived by the professionals. It was concluded that the learning environment offered by the project to the professionals in relation to the development of activities with adolescents come close to the rogerian proposal for a meaningful learning, due to the inclusion of affective and cognitive elements, beyond having been auto-directed. The experience made possible for the professionals to rescue elements of their own adolescence and also it made them leave the condition of observers to assume qualified and efficient personal attitudes. It provided an experimental setting for the participants in order to allow them to try other ways to be a health professional. This research signals the importance of proposals that aim to characterize health professionals practices from strategies that value the personal experience, contributing for the reinforcement of the Unique Health System SUS in Brazil. / Esta pesquisa objetivou compreender a experi?ncia de profissionais de sa?de p?blica em rela??o ? participa??o em um projeto denominado Falando Pra Galera, desenvolvido por uma organiza??o n?o governamental. Trata-se de um estudo qualitativo de inspira??o fenomenol?gica. Os referenciais te?ricos norteadores foram os conceitos de Carl Rogers sobre aprendizagem significativa e os princ?pios pedag?gicos propostos por Paulo Freire. A pesquisadora entrevistou sete profissionais da sa?de: psic?logo, terapeuta ocupacional, agente comunit?rio de sa?de, enfermeiro, auxiliar de enfermagem, dentista e m?dico. Objetivando apreender a experi?ncia vivida pelos participantes.A partir de encontro dial?gico entre a pesquisadora e cada um dos profissionais, foram constru?das sete narrativas compreensivas. As narrativas trouxeram ? tona elementos significativos da experi?ncia vivida pelos profissionais. Concluiu-se que o ambiente de aprendizagem proporcionado pelo projeto aos profissionais em rela??o ao desenvolvimento de atividades com adolescentes aproxima-se da proposta de Rogers para uma aprendizagem significativa, ao incluir elementos afetivos e cognitivos, al?m de ter sido auto-dirigido. A experi?ncia possibilitou aos profissionais resgatar elementos de sua pr?pria adolesc?ncia, fazendoos sa?rem da condi??o de expectadores para assumirem uma postura pessoal, qualificada e eficaz. Proporcionou-lhes ainda um espa?o para a experimenta??o de outras maneiras de ser profissional da sa?de. Esta pesquisa sinaliza a import?ncia de propostas que visem qualificar a pr?tica dos profissionais da sa?de a partir de estrat?gias que valorizem a experi?ncia pessoal, contribuindo para o fortalecimento do Sistema ?nico de Sa?de SUS -- no Brasil.

Plant?o psicol?gico em institui??o de longa perman?ncia para idosos: um estudo fenomenol?gico / Psychological on duty service in long term elderly institutions: a phenomenological study

Ramos, Ma?sa Tordin 06 February 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-04T18:28:03Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Maisa Tordin Ramos.pdf: 1073745 bytes, checksum: 4bc3d03e5da060c0240cfca964a7180d (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-02-06 / Pontif?cia Universidade Cat?lica de Campinas / This research aims to understand and interpret, phenomenologicaly, the therapeutic potencial of psychological on duty services provided by the researcher in a Long Term Elderly Institution located in the interior of the state of S?o Paulo. During eight months, once a week, the researcher remained at the Institution and sessions occured according to the spontaneous demand of those residing there. The theoretical reference was Person Centered Approach developed by north american psychologist Carl Rogers. After each session a narrative was built, containing the most significant elements of the clients' experience as apprehended by the researcher during the clinical event. Based on these individual narratives a synthetic narrative was built developing an interpretation of the meaning of the psychological service when offered to institutionalized elderly people. The results of this study indicate that making available a clinical psychological intervention of this kind - on duty service- in an elderly institution such as this one gave the elderly a unique opportunity of attention, characterized by an attitude of empathy and unconditional positive regard. The basic elements experienced by the clients were: a) they felt welcomed, respected and understood in their complaints and personal yearnings; b) they were able to regain the individuality they had lost in the process of institutionalization; c) they came in contact with their psychological necessities, beyond their physical needs; d) they had a sense of ligitimacy, of being capable of exercising more motivating activities that than those prescribed in their daily routine; e) they also imprinted new meaning to the process of aging, including the importance of sharing feelings and engaging in new projects. This research points to more wholesome alternatives to the care of elderly, who are at the brink of a future where they will be a significant portion of the population; in this way signalizing important challenges to be assumed by psychologists, both researchers and professionals. / Esta pesquisa objetivou compreender e interpretar fenomenologicamente a potencialidade terap?utica de atendimentos de plant?o psicol?gico, disponibilizados pela pesquisadora em uma institui??o de longa perman?ncia para idosos, localizada no interior do estado de S?o Paulo. A pesquisadora permaneceu na institui??o uma vez por semana, durante oito meses e os atendimentos ocorreram a partir da demanda espont?nea das pessoas que l? residiam. Dez dois dezoito idosos institucionalizados foram atendidos em sess?es individuais e tr?s em sess?es grupais. O plant?o tamb?m ocorreu durante o desenvolvimento de atividades rotineiras da institui??o. O referencial te?rico adotado foi a Abordagem Centrada na Pessoa, desenvolvida pelo psic?logo norte-americano Carl Rogers. Ap?s cada atendimento foi constru?da uma narrativa contendo os elementos mais significativos da experi?ncia dos clientes da forma como a pesquisadora os apreendeu no acontecer cl?nico. A partir destas narrativas individuais foi constru?da uma narrativa s?ntese contendo uma interpreta??o sobre o sentido do plant?o psicol?gico quando oferecido a idosos institucionalizados. Concluiu-se que disponibilizar uma interven??o psicol?gica cl?nica como o plant?o em uma institui??o desta natureza possibilitou aos idosos um espa?o diferenciado de aten??o, caracterizado por atitudes de empatia e considera??o positiva incondicional. Os principais elementos da experi?ncia vivida pelos clientes podem ser assim resumidos: a) sentiram-se acolhidos, respeitados e compreendidos em rela??o a queixas e anseios pessoais; b) puderam resgatar a individualidade perdida no processo de institucionaliza??o; c) entraram em contato com suas necessidades psicol?gicas para al?m das limita??es f?sicas; d) sentiram-se legitimados como pessoas capazes de exercer atividades mais motivadoras do que aquelas previstas na rotina di?ria; e) imprimiram novos significados ao processo de envelhecimento, inclusive a import?ncia de compartilhar sentimentos e empreender novos projetos. Esta pesquisa aponta alternativas para o cuidado integral ?s pessoas idosas no limiar de um futuro no qual ser?o parcela significativa da popula??o. Neste sentido, sinaliza desafios importantes a serem assumidos pelos profissionais e pesquisadores da ?rea de psicologia.

Compreens?o psicol?gica das viv?ncias de pais em aconselhamento gen?tico (ag): um estudo fenomenol?gico / Psychological understanding of parent s experience in genetic counseling (GC): a phenomenological study

Messias, Tatiana Slonczewski Caselli 10 February 2006 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-04T18:29:24Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Tatiana Messias.pdf: 927085 bytes, checksum: 3cdca6dadcee4ded792743072f7b01fb (MD5) Previous issue date: 2006-02-10 / The research aimed to understand psychologically mother s and couples experiences in a process of Genetic Counseling (CG) on the Perinatal Genetic Ambulatory of CAISM/ UNICAMP after the birth of a child with Neural Tube Defect compatible or not with surviving with the purpose of planning specific actions regarding the attention to mental health in that context. Ten participants were selected among the population of mothers and couples attended during the period from March, 2003 to February, 2004, based on the richness and how representative were the psychological experiences reported. The research descriptive and with an exploratory feature was developed based on the phenomenological method. It began with the researcher s insertion on the studied context as a trainee. Observations were made during the GC consultations and, in a posterior moment, interviews with the participants were conducted, stimulated by some starting questions, in two moments: immediately after the GC and about six months later. The reports, transformed in Narratives, brought elements of the parents psychological experiences both in regard to the malformed children s death and surviving, as well as meaningful interpersonal relationships with relatives, friends and medical staff. The malformation diagnosis, the decisions derived by it and the contact with the baby dead or alive was a painful experience to mothers and couples. The emphasis, however, was given to the mothers experiences because of the considerable personal transformation caused by the existence of a malformed child. All the women participants in the research experienced motherhood even those whose babies didn t survive or the ones who proceeded with early pregnancy interruption given to their babies the status of sons. The surviving of the malformed child altered essentially mother s lives and their plans about the future because demanded intensive care and dedication, many times in detriment of their own needs. In this way, although reporting certain surpass about the initial suffering, they started to live in accord to the child s progresses. Differently, but without less suffering, the mothers whose babies passed way seemed to be able to surpass part of the suffering, dealing with the emptiness derived from the suspension of the exercise of their mother capacity trough the retake of ordinary activities and plans for the future, as they recovered psychologically. Even having the parents limitations for the comprehension of the orientations they received at the GC, it was experienced positively, both in regard to the contact they had with the staff and by the fact it had become an opportunity for relieving guilt, demystification of fantasies about the origins of the pathology and better comprehension of the problem. The possibility of the researcher s insertion on the service added to the study an ethnographic feature that leaded to a wider psychological comprehension about the studied question, making possible the reflection regarding the proper institutional psychological attention to the context and phenomena on focus, generating some strategies of intervention. / A pesquisa teve como objetivo compreender psicologicamente viv?ncias de m?es e casais em processo de Aconselhamento Gen?tico (AG) no Ambulat?rio de Gen?tica Perinatal do CAISM/UNICAMP, ap?s o nascimento de um filho portador de defeito de fechamento do tubo neural - compat?vel ou n?o com a sobrevida - visando ao planejamento de a??es espec?ficas voltadas a aten??o ? sa?de mental nesse contexto. Dez participantes, atendidos naquele contexto no per?odo de mar?o/2003 a fevereiro/2004, foram selecionados tendo como crit?rios a riqueza e a representatividade das viv?ncias psicol?gicas relatadas. O estudo descritivo e de car?ter explorat?rio desenvolveu-se com base no m?todo fenomenol?gico. Iniciou-se com a inser??o da pesquisadora no ambulat?rio, na condi??o de estagi?ria. Foram realizadas observa??es durante as consultas de AG e, posteriormente, entrevistas semi-dirigidas com os participantes, estimuladas por quest?es disparadoras, em dois momentos: imediatamente ap?s o AG e cerca de seis meses depois. Os relatos, transformados em narrativas trouxeram elementos das viv?ncias psicol?gicas dos pais, tanto em rela??o ? morte quanto ? sobrevida do filho malformado, bem como de rela??es interpessoais significativas com familiares, amigos e com as equipes m?dicas. O diagn?stico da malforma??o, as decis?es dela decorrentes e o contato com o filho vivo ou morto - constitu?ram intensas viv?ncias psicol?gicas para m?es e casais. A ?nfase, por?m, foi dada ?s viv?ncias das m?es pela consider?vel transforma??o existencial em fun??o do nascimento de um filho malformado.Todas as participantes do estudo vivenciaram a maternidade, mesmo aquelas cujos filhos n?o sobreviveram ou que procederam ? interrup??o gestacional em etapa precoce do desenvolvimento fetal, e atribu?ram aos beb?s o status de filhos. A sobreviv?ncia do filho malformado, por sua vez, alterou essencialmente a vida das m?es e seus planos para o futuro, demandando delas intensos cuidados e dedica??o, muitas vezes em detrimento de suas pr?prias necessidades. Assim, embora relatassem certa supera??o em rela??o ao sofrimento inicial, passaram a viver de acordo com os progressos do filho. Diferentemente, embora n?o com menos sofrimento, as m?es cujos filhos faleceram parecem ter sido tamb?m capazes de superar parte do sofrimento ao longo do tempo, lidando com o vazio decorrente da suspens?o do exerc?cio da capacidade materna pela retomada de atividades rotineiras e de planos quanto ao futuro. Ainda que tenham existido limita??es por parte dos pais para a compreens?o das orienta??es recebidas no AG, este foi vivenciado positivamente, tanto em rela??o ao contato que tiveram com a equipe quanto ao fato de ele ter-se constitu?do numa oportunidade para al?vio da culpa, desmistifica??o de fantasias quanto ? origem da patologia e melhor compreens?o do problema. A possibilidade de inser??o da pesquisadora no servi?o acrescentou ao estudo car?ter etnogr?fico consideravelmente enriquecedor, levando a uma compreens?o psicol?gica mais abrangente da complexidade da quest?o estudada e possibilitando a reflex?o acerca da aten??o psicol?gica de car?ter institucional adequada ao contexto e ao fen?meno em foco, gerando algumas estrat?gias de interven??o.

Plant?o psicol?gico: o processo de mudan?a psicol?gica sob a perspectiva da psicologia humanista / Psychological on duty service: Psychological change process under the humanistic psychology approach

Perches, Tatiana Hoffmann Palmieri 18 February 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-04T18:29:45Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Tatiana Hoffmann Palmieri Perches.pdf: 677571 bytes, checksum: 3f4a1d88c21b3eabdd535c7e46627b0d (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009-02-18 / This research aimed to bring about essential elements present in the psychological change process that is triggered by the psychological on duty service on the clients; this modality of psychological intervention is characterized by a unique session encounter. One or two meetings afterwards are also possible. This study is based on the Person Centered Approach, developed by Carl Rogers. It took place in a psychological service offered to the staff of a General Hospital in the countryside of S?o Paulo state. It was adopted the phenomenological method with a Husserl s inspiration which is compatible with the epistemological principles of humanistic psychology. It was possible to make an analysis of the elements that were present in the researcher and clients? inter-subjective experiences. This modality of psychological intervention, so called, psychological on duty service, when it is practiced according to the person centered approach, suggests that the professional on duty adopts facilitating attitudes of unconditional positive regard, empathic comprehension and congruency or authenticity. These attitudes constitute the therapist-client relation and they are close in the meaning to the dialogic and mutuality encounter performed by Buber. Four narratives were stated by the researcher from the sessions, based on fragments of sessions from the psychological on duty service, which represent the essential elements of the experience, taken from the process. The narratives enlighted elements of psychlogical nature which suggest the actualization of the self-knowledge potential of the clients, along with the personnal autonomy. The concept of significative psychological change refers to the simbolization process with the meaning given to experiences, from the psychological helping relation. The researcher concluded that a constructive changing process was triggered in the clients in the psychological on duty service context. The elements that facilitated this simbolization process may be these: client s spontaneous search for help, motivated by his feeling of vulnerability the anguish experience promoted; the on duty service proposal that is limited to a single session which encourages the stablishment of an important affective feeling in an intersubjective nature; an authentic emotional availability in the professional, which is visible by the unconditional positive regard, empathy and congruency, that became essential for the important stablishment of a process of psychological growth, when communicated to the client and the fact of being in a mutual relation, in the buberian meaning, allowing that the adequate simbolization happens from genuine talking and listening during the process. The psychological on duty service as a psychological intervention which legitimates client?s emergential demand represents an important alternative for psychological attention in institutions due to its inclusive and innovative clinical psychological proposal. / Esta pesquisa objetivou evidenciar como um processo de mudan?a psicol?gica ? desencadeado no cliente a partir do atendimento de plant?o psicol?gico. Baseou-se nos pressupostos da ACP - Abordagem Centrada na Pessoa, desenvolvida por Carl Rogers. Foi realizada no contexto de um servi?o de plant?o psicol?gico disponibilizado a funcion?rios de um Hospital Geral do interior do estado de S?o Paulo. Adotou-se o m?todo fenomenol?gico de inspira??o husserliana que ? compat?vel com os princ?pios epistemol?gicos da psicologia humanista, possibilitando uma an?lise dos elementos presentes na experi?ncia intersubjetiva vivida nas sess?es de plant?o, pela pesquisadora/plantonista e os clientes. Esta modalidade de aten??o psicol?gica denominada plant?o psicol?gico, quando praticada ? luz da ACP, prop?e que o plantonista adote atitudes facilitadoras de considera??o positiva incondicional, compreens?o emp?tica e congru?ncia ou autenticidade. Estas atitudes constituidoras da rela??o psicoterapeuta/cliente aproximam-se do conceito de encontro dial?gico desenvolvido por Buber. A pesquisadora construiu quatro narrativas a partir dos atendimentos realizados, com base em fragmentos das sess?es de plant?o psicol?gico que representam os elementos essenciais apreendidos. Estas sugerem a presen?a de um processo de atualiza??o do potencial de auto conhecimento por parte dos clientes que lhes possibilitou readquirir a autonomia pessoal. Entende-se, nesta pesquisa, por processo de mudan?a psicol?gica significativa a atribui??o de significados ?s experi?ncias ou sentido ?s ang?stias, a partir de um processo de simboliza??o. Desta forma, as narrativas descreveram o processo de mudan?a num sentido positivo na dire??o de uma simboliza??o adequada das experi?ncias vividas. Concluiu-se que os elementos que facilitaram este processo de simboliza??o foram a busca espont?nea do cliente, motivada pela vulnerabilidade desencadeada pela experi?ncia de ang?stia; a dimens?o temporal, vista como uma possibilidade de atualiza??o da historicidade, por meio da peculiaridade deste encontro intersubjetivo; o estar em rela??o no sentido buberiano - evidenciando a import?ncia da reciprocidade e da mutualidade na rela??o, uma vez que a simboliza??o adequada ocorre a partir da fala e da escuta genu?na de ambos, plantonista e cliente, ao longo do processo; uma disponibilidade emocional aut?ntica por parte do plantonista traduzida por atitudes de aceita??o positiva incondicional, empatia e congru?ncia, essenciais no desencadeamento de um processo de crescimento psicol?gico no qual a busca pelo sentido das experi?ncias vividas ? mobilizada e potencializa um produtivo reencontro consigo mesmo. Concluiu-se, ainda, que o Plant?o Psicol?gico como uma interven??o que legitima a demanda imediata do cliente representa uma alternativa importante de aten??o psicol?gica em institui??es, ao constituir-se em uma proposta inovadora por seu car?ter inclusivo.

Terapia de fam?lia e seus significados: narrativas sobre as experi?ncias dos clientes / Family therapy and its meanings: narratives on client s experiences

Costa, Juares Soares 16 December 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-04T18:29:55Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Juares Soares Costa.pdf: 813333 bytes, checksum: 5ebcc05b5997c26ade8e02f369b798af (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-12-16 / The purpose of this study was to apprehend and interpret in a phenomenological way some of the significant elements from people s experiences whom have concluded a process of family therapy. The research focus was on the meaning given by clients to their experiences. The researcher constituted a dialogical relationship with participants and, by doing so was able to access the meanings of their experiences and to communicate them through comprehensive narratives inspired by the ideas of Walter Benjamin. Narrative emerged as a proper methodological strategy to present and analyze patients experiences on family therapy as it was told to the researcher in a clinical setting. After all the families were interviewed a narrative synthesis was written with the main meanings of their experiences as they were understood by the researcher. These interpretations pointed a way that made possible the proposition of some guidelines for the clinical practice with families in institutional settings: 1) the therapy may work even if only two family members take part in it; 2) an easy and neutral attitude by the therapist is positive for the clients; 3) the therapeutical conversation is a model for the family in other contexts; 4) the reflexive conversation between the therapists or between a therapist and a family member is a model for changes in the family dynamics; 5) the couple or any other part of the family may be counseled apart, as a way to deal with specific issues that may influence other family members; 6) the families appreciates the conversations where they can speak, hear and be heard; 7) Even the persons who did not volunteer to go to therapy saw it as an opportunity for positive changes; 8) The pre-settled number of therapy sessions may be changed in a process where the decision is shared with the patients. / Este estudo buscou apreender e interpretar, fenomenologicamente, elementos significativos da experi?ncia vivida por pessoas que conclu?ram um processo de terapia de fam?lia. O foco da investiga??o localizou-se em como os clientes significam a experi?ncia vivida. Foi desenvolvido como uma pesquisa fenomenol?gica na qual o pesquisador constituiu uma rela??o dial?gica com os participantes, a partir da qual apreendeu significados e os comunicou sob a forma de narrativas compreensivas. A narrativa, inspirada nas id?ias de Walter Benjamin, emergiu como uma estrat?gia metodol?gica adequada para apresentar e analisar as experi?ncias de pessoas atendidas em terapia de fam?lia, relatadas ao pesquisador em uma situa??o cl?nica. Constru?ram-se narrativas compreensivas ap?s cada encontro com membros de cinco fam?lias. Posteriormente, foi elaborada uma narrativa-s?ntese contendo os principais significados da experi?ncia dos participantes da forma como foram apreendidos pelo pesquisador. Estes significados apontaram um sentido que possibilitou a proposi??o de alguns norteadores para a pr?tica cl?nica com fam?lias em contextos institucionais: 1) o processo terap?utico pode ser eficaz mesmo com a participa??o de apenas dois membros da fam?lia; 2) uma postura neutra e tranq?ila por parte do terapeuta ? percebida como positiva pelos clientes; 3) a conversa??o terap?utica constitui um referencial que a fam?lia adota em outros contextos; 4) o modelo de conversa??o reflexiva entre os terapeutas ou entre o terapeuta e membros da fam?lia tamb?m pode constituir um modelo para mudan?a das din?micas do grupo familiar; 5) a fam?lia pode beneficiar-se do atendimento em separado do casal ou de outro subgrupo, com o objetivo de trabalhar quest?es espec?ficas que possam ter influ?ncia sobre os problemas de outros membros; 6) as fam?lias valorizam as conversa??es que permitem a todos serem ouvidos e falar; 7) o encaminhamento involunt?rio para a terapia ? percebido pelas fam?lias como uma oportunidade para mudan?as construtivas; 8) o n?mero pr?-estabelecido de sess?es pode se revisto em cada caso a partir de um processo de decis?o compartilhado com os clientes.

A experi?ncia de adolescentes portadores de diabetes Mellitus Tipo 1: seus significados e sentido

Cavalcanti, Tatiana Nunes 11 August 2008 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T15:38:42Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 TatianaNC.pdf: 292627 bytes, checksum: 567a01916e52d4c875ccad101311ad3d (MD5) Previous issue date: 2008-08-11 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cient?fico e Tecnol?gico / Worldwide, the diabetes mellitus is considered a serious problem of public health; it also involves high costs for its treatment and its complications. Even though the onset of diabetes mellitus type 1 is on 5% to 10% of the diabetic population, it is the most aggressive type of anifestation; furthermore, it is the commonest chronic disease in childhood and adolescence. Such data show the importance of understanding the development of this disease from the moment the individual perceives it, according to their experience, observing the complexity of the phenomenon thoroughly. This study aimed to comprehend the experience of the adolescent with onset of diabetes mellitus type 1 in order to learn how these young individuals perceive and reason their place in the world when they experience this illness. The methodological strategy was based on qualitative research of phenomenological inspiration. We applied the main ideas of heideggerian ontology and some concepts of existential phenomenological psychology to guide our reflexive path. The participants were 10 young individuals (06 female and 04 male), ages between 15 and 18, under treatment in the city of Recife, Pernambuco. The methodological resource was the narrative, which allowed us access to the adolescents experience. The comprehension of the reports was based on the heideggerian hermeneutics, whose priority is the interpretation of the meaning expressed by the participants speech. The results showed that factors such as social, family, economic and cultural context greatly influence the perception and the way the individuals deal with, perceive and reason their experience. We noticed that the diabetes type 1 may often represent a limitation, but it does not make it impossible to be part of the world with others. The data show a significant affective ambivalence regarding the content more directly related to the disease. This demonstrates the unique way which each one gives meaning and reasons their condition of existence. This research points out the need to understand the complexity of this phenomenon in a more complete manner, considering the adolescent in their timely and historical context. We believe we can encourage thinking that may become actions which are more fit to the reality researched regarding all the parties involved with the subject, such as health professionals, adolescents, family, support programs and public health policies / O diabetes mellitus, no cen?rio mundial, ? considerado como um problema s?rio de sa?de p?blica, al?m de envolver altos custos no seu tratamento e das suas complica??es. Embora acometa de 5% a 10% da popula??o diab?tica, o diabetes mellitus tipo 1 ? o tipo mais agressivo de suas representa??es, al?m de ser a doen?a cr?nica mais comum na inf?ncia e adolesc?ncia. Tais dados indicaram a import?ncia de se compreender o processo dessa doen?a a partir da percep??o da pessoa acometida, de acordo com a sua experi?ncia, observando a complexidade do fen?meno em sua totalidade. Esse estudo objetivou compreender a experi?ncia do adolescente portador de diabetes mellitus tipo 1 no sentido de apreendermos como esses jovens significam e d?o sentido ao seu estar no mundo, ao experienciar essa enfermidade. A estrat?gia metodol?gica teve como fundamento a pesquisa de abordagem qualitativa de inspira??o fenomenol?gica. Utilizamos as principais id?ias da ontologia heideggeriana e alguns conceitos da psicologia fenomenol?gico-existencial para nortear o nosso percurso reflexivo. Participaram do estudo 10 jovens (06 do sexo feminino e 04 do sexo masculino), com idades entre 15 e 18 anos, sob tratamento, na cidade do Recife, Pernambuco. O recurso metodol?gico utilizado foi a narrativa que nos permitiu acesso ? experi?ncia dos adolescentes. A compreens?o dos relatos teve como base a hermen?utica heideggeriana que prioriza a interpreta??o do sentido que emerge atrav?s das falas dos participantes. Os resultados revelaram que fatores como o contexto social, familiar, econ?mico e cultural influenciam, sobremaneira, a percep??o e a forma como os jovens lidam, significam e d?o sentido a sua experi?ncia. Percebemos que ter o diabetes tipo 1 pode representar, muitas vezes, uma limita??o, mas n?o uma impossibilidade de estar-no-mundo-com-os-outros. Os dados revelaram uma significativa ambival?ncia afetiva quanto ao conte?do mais especificamente relacionado ? doen?a. Isso demonstra a singularidade com que cada um significa e atribui sentido a sua condi??o de exist?ncia. Esse estudo evidenciou a necessidade de se compreender a complexidade desse fen?meno de uma forma mais integrada, considerando o adolescente em seu contexto hist?rico e temporal. Acreditamos poder favorecer reflex?es que possam ser revertidas em a??es mais condizentes com a realidade estudada a todos os envolvidos que lidam com a tem?tica, a saber, profissionais de sa?de, adolescentes, familiares, programas de apoio e pol?ticas p?blicas de sa?de

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