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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A educação e a formação de atitudes que envolvam valores morais / Education and training the attitudes involving moral values

Oliveira, Jorge Alves de 08 August 2006 (has links)
O presente trabalho, pautado na análise de textos de autores que se ocuparam ou não da educação como tema, retoma a antiga e sempre atual questão do ensino das atitudes morais. Nesta discussão, indicam-se dois elementos que podem enriquecer e até contribuir decisivamente para esse ensino a virtude e a reflexão filosófica. De saída, questionam-se os discursos que objetivam construir atitudes morais, sobretudo com base no exame de seus possíveis significados para aqueles a quem se dirigem. Embora apoiado exclusivamente na bibliografia consultada, este trabalho encontrou indicações de que a assimilação de algo que é externo pode ser mais proveitosa e dotada de significado quando existe um tempo para entendê-lo, analisá-lo e enfim absorvê-lo. Analogamente, a repetição reiterada de uma atitude pode ser ressignificada se essas repetições forem entremeadas por momentos de reflexão. Neste contexto, complementa-se a idéia de virtude fazendo-a sempre acompanhar de reflexão atenta e argumentação rigorosa, como convém às disposições e ações que demandam atualização permanente. O trabalho envolve também questões relativas ao conceito de ensino, procura delimitar os limites tênues entre moral e ética e tece algumas reflexões sobre a virtude. Finalmente, sustenta a idéia de uma crença alicerçada em fundamentos filosóficos e encerra-se com algumas observações sobre como a escola pode atuar a partir destas formulações. / This paper , based on the analysis of texts by authors who are not occupied or education as its theme , incorporates ancient and ever present issue of the teaching of moral attitudes . In this discussion , indicate are two elements that can enhance and even contribute decisively to this teaching virtue and philosophical reflection . Output , is the question discourses that aim at building moral attitudes , particularly based on the examination of its possible meanings for those to whom they are addressed . Although supported exclusively found in the literature , this study found indications that the assimilation of something that is external can be more profitable and endowed with meaning when there is a time to understand it , analyze it and finally absorb it . Similarly , the repeated repetition of an attitude can be re-signified whether these repeats are interspersed with moments of reflection . In this context, it complements the idea of making a virtue always follow careful and rigorous reasoning reflection, as befits the provisions and actions that require constant updating . The work also involves issues relating to the concept of education , aims at defining the tenuous boundaries between morals and ethics and offers some reflections on virtue . Finally, it supports the idea of a grounded in philosophical foundations and ends with some observations on how the school can act from these formulations belief.

Crise des mathématiques et de la physique et réflexion philosophique de 1890 à 1910 en France / Mathematics and physics crisis and philosophical reflection between 1890 and 1910 in France

Chandelier, Cédric 17 June 2013 (has links)
La réflexion des épistémologues français, dans les années 1890-1910, auplus près des transformations que connaissent alors les mathématiques et laphysique, prend la forme de la réhabilitation d’un lien naturel entre les sciences et laphilosophie, et aboutit à l’institutionnalisation de ce lien. Les débats qui opposentl’intellectualisme à l’anti-intellectualisme révèlent un continuisme historiqueparadoxal. La conscience épistémologique se présente comme le reflet dumouvement qu’elle imprime à la base de toute théorie. L’union duconventionnalisme et du bergsonisme dans un nouveau positivisme, celui de« l’esprit », tend à faire de la thèse de la liberté une « doctrine ». Les résistancesmétaphysiques qui s’expriment face à la dogmatisation de la conscienceépistémologique, au lieu d’affaiblir la tendance à l’inachèvement d’un état critiqueessentiellement compréhensif et durable, nourrissent l’imperfection de la synthèsenaissante. L’intellectualisme et l’anti-intellectualisme se rejoignent dans unrenoncement définitif à l’hypothèse de la chose en soi. L’ambition conventionnalistede concilier création et accord éloigne le courant épistémologique « nouveau » deses sources poincaréenne et bergsonienne, qui permettent de mesurer la portéeontologique de la relativité scientifique. / Between 1890 and 1910, the reflection of French epistemologists – inspiredby the transformations in physics and mathematics – take the form of therehabilitation of a natural link between science and philosophy, which ends in aninstitutionalisation of that link. The debates that pit intellectualism against antiintellectualismreveal a paradoxical historical continuism. Epistemologicalconscience presents itself as a reflection of the movement which is imparted to thebasis of every theory. The union between conventionalism and Bergsonism in a newpositivism, the one of “spirit”, tends to turn the thesis of liberty into a “doctrine”.The metaphysical resistances which oppose dogmatisation of epistemologicalconscience, instead of weakening the tendency towards incompletion of anessentially comprehensive and enduring critical condition, nourish the imperfectionof the incipient synthesis. Intellectualism and anti-intellectualism concur in adefinitive renunciation of the thing-in-itself. The conventionalist ambition toreconcile creation and agreement estranges the “new” epistemological current fromits Poincarian and Bergsonian sources which make it possible to measure theontological range of scientific relativity.

MÃmesis, EducaÃÃo e PrÃtica Docente em Theodor W. Adorno / Mimesis, education and teaching practice in Theodor W. Adorno

Maria Socorro Gomes 31 January 2013 (has links)
nÃo hà / A cada dia se intensificam as dificuldades da educaÃÃo em cumprir sua tarefa. Arriscamo-nos em dizer que isto acontece por nÃo ser levada em consideraÃÃo a hipÃtese de que os indivÃduos sÃo portadores de certo grau de irracionalidade, ou seja, nem sempre agem segundo a razÃo, e esta, como acentua Adorno, nÃo escapa de seu momento autoritÃrio, quando um indivÃduo age conforme interesses particulares, esquecendo-se dos direitos dos outros. Em vista disso, o foco central destadissertaÃÃo consiste em analisara articulaÃÃo entre a mÃmesis, a educaÃÃo e a prÃtica docente em Theodor W. Adorno. Ou seja, o objetivo à explanarcomo o fenÃmeno da mÃmesis pode atuar na prÃtica docente ecomo podeinfluenciar na educaÃÃo,desenvolvendo comportamentos abusivos tanto nos alunos como nos professores.Trata-se de uma pesquisa bibliogrÃfica, pois à elaborada com baseem materiais publicados, constituindo-se principalmente de livros e artigos.Ampara-se na teoria crÃtica sob uma abordagem dialÃtico-negativa. No primeiro momento do trabalho discute-se a inter-relaÃÃo dos conceitos de Esclarecimento e mÃmesis apoiando-se na obra DialÃtica do Esclarecimento. No segundo momento do trabalho a finalidade à abordar a relevÃncia da mÃmesis no processo educativo com arrimo nos conceitos de semiformaÃÃo (Halbbildung) e indÃstria cultural(Kulturindustrie). No terceiro momento do trabalho vÃ-se comose dà a relaÃÃo entre a mÃmesis e a prÃtica docentee suas implicaÃÃes filosÃfico-educacionais no processo formativo.Embora o filÃsofo nÃo ofereÃa uma posiÃÃo que satisfaÃa inteiramente as exigÃncias prÃticas, pois segundo ele a educaÃÃo està imersa em ambigÃidades que dificultam um posicionamento fechado, os resultados da pesquisa indicaram a necessidade de repensar a educaÃÃo em seus aspectos subjetivos. Indicaram tambÃm que a iniciativa polÃtica deve fazer parte da prÃtica cotidiana de cada professor, que necessita do auxÃlio incondicional dos que pensam as reformas educativas para que estas caminhem à contrapelo das formas ideolÃgicas e polÃticas de dominaÃÃo e das configuraÃÃes econÃmicas e polÃtico-culturais de estranhamento e de reificaÃÃo social. / The difficulties of education in fulfilling its tasks have been intensified day by day. We venture to say that it happens not for taking into consideration the hypothesis that individuals are suffering from some degree of irrationality, i.e. they do not always act according to reason, and that, as Adorno emphasizes, they do not escape from their authoritarian moment, when an individual acts in accordance with his interests, managing to forget other peopleâs rights. In view of this, the central focus of the dissertation is to examine the relationship between mimesis, education and teaching practice in Theodor W. Adorno. That is, the goal is to explain how the phenomenon of mimesis can act on teaching practice and how it can influence education, developing abusive behavior both in students and in teachers. This is a literature search, since it is designed according to published materials, consisting mainly of books and articles. It is based on critical theory under a dialectical-negative approach. At first the paper discusses the interrelationship of the concepts of mimesis and Clarification relying on the book DialÃtica do Esclarecimento. In the second stage of the work, the purpose is to address the relevance of mimesis in the educational process with support in the concepts of semi-erudition (Halbbildung) and cultural industry (Kulturindustrie). In the third stage of the research is shown how the relationship between mimesis and teaching practice and its philosophical implications in the educational-training process are made. Although the philosopher does not offer a position that fully meets the practical requirements because he said education is immersed in ambiguities that hinder closed positioning, the results of the research indicate the need to rethink education in its subjective aspects. They also indicated that teachersâ actions can be presented as mimetic behavior as they disseminate the practices of the dominant ideology favoring the maintenance of an education faced almost exclusively to the work force, requiring a posture of defiance and resistance on the part of both students and teachers and that therefore the policy initiative should be part of the routine practice of every teacher who needs the unconditional support of those who dream up the educational reforms so that they walk the wrong way to the ideological and political forms of domination and configurations of economic and political-cultural unfamiliarity and social alienation.

A educação e a formação de atitudes que envolvam valores morais / Education and training the attitudes involving moral values

Jorge Alves de Oliveira 08 August 2006 (has links)
O presente trabalho, pautado na análise de textos de autores que se ocuparam ou não da educação como tema, retoma a antiga e sempre atual questão do ensino das atitudes morais. Nesta discussão, indicam-se dois elementos que podem enriquecer e até contribuir decisivamente para esse ensino a virtude e a reflexão filosófica. De saída, questionam-se os discursos que objetivam construir atitudes morais, sobretudo com base no exame de seus possíveis significados para aqueles a quem se dirigem. Embora apoiado exclusivamente na bibliografia consultada, este trabalho encontrou indicações de que a assimilação de algo que é externo pode ser mais proveitosa e dotada de significado quando existe um tempo para entendê-lo, analisá-lo e enfim absorvê-lo. Analogamente, a repetição reiterada de uma atitude pode ser ressignificada se essas repetições forem entremeadas por momentos de reflexão. Neste contexto, complementa-se a idéia de virtude fazendo-a sempre acompanhar de reflexão atenta e argumentação rigorosa, como convém às disposições e ações que demandam atualização permanente. O trabalho envolve também questões relativas ao conceito de ensino, procura delimitar os limites tênues entre moral e ética e tece algumas reflexões sobre a virtude. Finalmente, sustenta a idéia de uma crença alicerçada em fundamentos filosóficos e encerra-se com algumas observações sobre como a escola pode atuar a partir destas formulações. / This paper , based on the analysis of texts by authors who are not occupied or education as its theme , incorporates ancient and ever present issue of the teaching of moral attitudes . In this discussion , indicate are two elements that can enhance and even contribute decisively to this teaching virtue and philosophical reflection . Output , is the question discourses that aim at building moral attitudes , particularly based on the examination of its possible meanings for those to whom they are addressed . Although supported exclusively found in the literature , this study found indications that the assimilation of something that is external can be more profitable and endowed with meaning when there is a time to understand it , analyze it and finally absorb it . Similarly , the repeated repetition of an attitude can be re-signified whether these repeats are interspersed with moments of reflection . In this context, it complements the idea of making a virtue always follow careful and rigorous reasoning reflection, as befits the provisions and actions that require constant updating . The work also involves issues relating to the concept of education , aims at defining the tenuous boundaries between morals and ethics and offers some reflections on virtue . Finally, it supports the idea of a grounded in philosophical foundations and ends with some observations on how the school can act from these formulations belief.

Vznik a vývoj filosofických názorů na postavení ženy ve společnosti / Origin and development of philosophical views on the status of women in society

Antošová, Lenka January 2015 (has links)
This thesis deals with philosophical outlook on the concept of women and their role in history and society. This work seeks to present the image of a woman who has always been a reflection of contemporary society on the background of various historical eras (ancient, medieval, modern times, the 20th century.). Using the method of analysis thesis searches for the reasons of reduction of male population and examines the consequences of this disposition for women. The work focuses on the role of women in the family, upbringing and education. An integral part of this thesis is the insight into relationship between men and women as a basic part of every human society. The conclusion of this work is the analysis and evaluation of the historical development, at the imaginary end of which woman stands today, using the works of philosophers of the late 20th century. Keywords: status of women - history - society - relationship - gender - family - upbringing - education - philosophical reflection

Mímesis, educação e prática docente em Theodor W. Adorno / Mimesis, education and teaching practice in Theodor W. Adorno

GOMES, Maria Socorro January 2013 (has links)
GOMES, Maria Socorro. Mímesis, educação e prática docente em Theodor W. Adorno. 2013. 101f. – Dissertação (Mestrado) – Universidade Federal do Ceará, Programa de Pós-graduação em Educação Brasileira, Fortaleza (CE), 2013 / Submitted by Márcia Araújo (marcia_m_bezerra@yahoo.com.br) on 2013-10-03T16:01:03Z No. of bitstreams: 1 2013-DIS-MSGOMES.pdf: 1734747 bytes, checksum: 5aba8082fb5d5b270dcbd3d2386674a5 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Márcia Araújo(marcia_m_bezerra@yahoo.com.br) on 2013-10-03T17:22:36Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 2013-DIS-MSGOMES.pdf: 1734747 bytes, checksum: 5aba8082fb5d5b270dcbd3d2386674a5 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2013-10-03T17:22:36Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2013-DIS-MSGOMES.pdf: 1734747 bytes, checksum: 5aba8082fb5d5b270dcbd3d2386674a5 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013 / The difficulties of education in fulfilling its tasks have been intensified day by day. We venture to say that it happens not for taking into consideration the hypothesis that individuals are suffering from some degree of irrationality, i.e. they do not always act according to reason, and that, as Adorno emphasizes, they do not escape from their authoritarian moment, when an individual acts in accordance with his interests, managing to forget other people’s rights. In view of this, the central focus of the dissertation is to examine the relationship between mimesis, education and teaching practice in Theodor W. Adorno. That is, the goal is to explain how the phenomenon of mimesis can act on teaching practice and how it can influence education, developing abusive behavior both in students and in teachers. This is a literature search, since it is designed according to published materials, consisting mainly of books and articles. It is based on critical theory under a dialectical-negative approach. At first the paper discusses the interrelationship of the concepts of mimesis and Clarification relying on the book Dialética do Esclarecimento. In the second stage of the work, the purpose is to address the relevance of mimesis in the educational process with support in the concepts of semi-erudition (Halbbildung) and cultural industry (Kulturindustrie). In the third stage of the research is shown how the relationship between mimesis and teaching practice and its philosophical implications in the educational-training process are made. Although the philosopher does not offer a position that fully meets the practical requirements because he said education is immersed in ambiguities that hinder closed positioning, the results of the research indicate the need to rethink education in its subjective aspects. They also indicated that teachers’ actions can be presented as mimetic behavior as they disseminate the practices of the dominant ideology favoring the maintenance of an education faced almost exclusively to the work force, requiring a posture of defiance and resistance on the part of both students and teachers and that therefore the policy initiative should be part of the routine practice of every teacher who needs the unconditional support of those who dream up the educational reforms so that they walk the wrong way to the ideological and political forms of domination and configurations of economic and political-cultural unfamiliarity and social alienation. / A cada dia se intensificam as dificuldades da educação em cumprir sua tarefa. Arriscamo-nos em dizer que isto acontece por não ser levada em consideração a hipótese de que os indivíduos são portadores de certo grau de irracionalidade, ou seja, nem sempre agem segundo a razão, e esta, como acentua Adorno, não escapa de seu momento autoritário, quando um indivíduo age conforme interesses particulares, esquecendo-se dos direitos dos outros. Em vista disso, o foco central destadissertação consiste em analisara articulação entre a mímesis, a educação e a prática docente em Theodor W. Adorno. Ou seja, o objetivo é explanarcomo o fenômeno da mímesis pode atuar na prática docente ecomo podeinfluenciar na educação,desenvolvendo comportamentos abusivos tanto nos alunos como nos professores.Trata-se de uma pesquisa bibliográfica, pois é elaborada com baseem materiais publicados, constituindo-se principalmente de livros e artigos.Ampara-se na teoria crítica sob uma abordagem dialético-negativa. No primeiro momento do trabalho discute-se a inter-relação dos conceitos de Esclarecimento e mímesis apoiando-se na obra Dialética do Esclarecimento. No segundo momento do trabalho a finalidade é abordar a relevância da mímesis no processo educativo com arrimo nos conceitos de semiformação (Halbbildung) e indústria cultural(Kulturindustrie). No terceiro momento do trabalho vê-se comose dá a relação entre a mímesis e a prática docentee suas implicações filosófico-educacionais no processo formativo.Embora o filósofo não ofereça uma posição que satisfaça inteiramente as exigências práticas, pois segundo ele a educação está imersa em ambigüidades que dificultam um posicionamento fechado, os resultados da pesquisa indicaram a necessidade de repensar a educação em seus aspectos subjetivos. Indicaram também que a iniciativa política deve fazer parte da prática cotidiana de cada professor, que necessita do auxílio incondicional dos que pensam as reformas educativas para que estas caminhem à contrapelo das formas ideológicas e políticas de dominação e das configurações econômicas e político-culturais de estranhamento e de reificação social.

Filosofie výchovy a otázka možnosti výuky etiky / Philosophy of education and the question of teaching ethics

Randová, Michaela January 2019 (has links)
The Thesis deals with possibility of teaching ethics. It explores philosophy of education and ethics. Basic question is whether it is even reasonable to teach ethics. Thesis also reflects the essence and nature of upbringing and education. In final chapter the thesis comes to synthesis of philosophy of education and ethics. Points of focus from previous chapters are merged together and author tries to show a path with elementary starting points. Author concludes that ethics can be taught by philosophical discussion, thinking and by combined discovery of theoretical philosophy. Ethics that grows from philosophical thinking and thinking process itself may develop the ability of students to pose important questions and deeply reflect ethical issues. They establish ethical outlook and inner understanding. They aim for uplifting the listeners, to shake their human psyche, to stir unrest in their souls. Goal of teachers of this subject is to challenge current certanties. Teachers have the possiblity to teach their students to think philosophically by introducing them to philosophical thinking, where thinking is defined as "Thinking in bigger picture". Keywords Ethics, Ethical Education, Philosophy of Education, Philosophy, Education, Philosophical Reflection, Ethical Dimension of Teaching

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