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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Gesundheitlicher Benefit sportlicher Aktivitäten von Menschen mit Behinderungen im Freizeit- und Breitensport / Zum Wandel des Sports von Menschen mit Behinderungen durch die Inklusionsbestrebungen Deutschlands nach Ratifizierung der UN-Behindertenrechtskonvention / Health benefits of physically active people with disabilities through recreational sports / - The change of sports and opportunities in recreational sports for people with disabilities through Germanys ambitions of inclusion following the ratification of the `Convention of the United Nations on the rights of persons with disabilities‘ -

Adomßent, Björn 12 December 2016 (has links)
Um den Menschenrechten für Menschen mit Behinderungen eine größere Beachtung zukommen zu lassen wurde die Behindertenrechtskonvention der Vereinten Nationen verfasst. In den Vertragsstaaten trat diese nach Ratifizierung in Kraft. In Deutschland werden daher seit 2009 die Bedingungen dieser Konvention im Rahmen der Inklusionsbestrebungen und weiteren Maßnahmen verstärkt umgesetzt. In diesem Kontext werden Erklärungsmodelle der Begriffe ‚Behinderung‘ und ‚Inklusion‘ diskutiert und die geschichtlichen Entwicklungen der UN-Behindertenrechtskonvention und des Behindertensports in Deutschland dargestellt. Sportliche Aktivitäten als Teil der individuellen Freizeitgestaltung sowie Sport zählen als Kulturgut zu den Grundbedürfnissen der Menschen, auch derer mit Behinderungen, und sind im Vertragstext der Konvention explizit berücksichtigt. Besonders innerhalb Deutschlands wird den verschiedenen Ebenen des Sports hohes Potential für die Inklusion von Menschen mit Behinderungen zugeschrieben und als Mittel zum Anstoß und zur Umsetzung von Veränderungen genutzt. Somit ergeben sich Veränderungen für das Sporttreiben von Menschen mit Behinderungen und den Behindertensport sowie den gesamten Sektor des Freizeit- und Breitensports, welcher zunehmend inklusiv zu gestalten ist. In Verbindung der geschichtlichen Entwicklung des Behindertensports in Deutschland mit Ergründungen des Verständnisses von Behindertensport und der Motive von Menschen mit Behinderungen für sportliche Aktivitäten, wird der biopsychosoziale Charakter eines gesundheitlichen Benefits durch den Sport von Menschen mit Behinderungen gegenüber reiner Therapie und reinem Rehabilitationssport deutlich. Ein Ausblick auf die Organisationen des Behindertensports in anderen Ländern gibt Anregungen für erforderliche Veränderungen der bestehenden Sportangebote in Deutschland. Da ein gesundheitlicher Benefit biopsychosozialer Art nicht messbar und nur schwer erfassbar ist, wird dessen Wirkung unter Einbeziehung leistungsdiagnosticher Untersuchungsergebnisse von Sportlern des Paralympischen Skiteams alpin mit einer Leistungssteigerung in Beziehung gesetzt, die sich über die reine physische Leistungsverbesserung hinaus auch positiv auf psychosoziale Belange im Alltag auswirkt und das Potential beinhaltet, die Teilhabe am gesellschaftlichen Leben und die Anerkennung und Wertschätzung innerhalb der Gesamtgesellschaft zu verbessern. Nachdem ein gesundheitlicher Benefit des Sports von Menschen mit Behinderungen gegenüber reiner Therapie und reinem Rehabilitationssport und dessen positive Wirkung auf die Inklusionsbestrebungen aufgezeigt wurde, werden Anforderungen an den Freizeit- Breitensport diskutiert. Nur durch Verbesserung der Bedingungen und zunehmende Förderungen ist der Freizeit- und Breitensport in Sportvereinen langfristig in der Lage flächendeckend allen interessierten Menschen mit Behinderungen ein an Interessen und Bedürfnissen orientiertes, wohnortnahes und inklusives Sportangebot zu ermöglichen, durch welches ein biopsychosozialer gesundheitlicher Benefit und damit einhergehend eine verbesserte gesellschaftliche Inklusion ermöglicht werden.

Lyžování a snowboardování na 1. stupni ZŠ / Skiing and snowboarding at first grade of elementary

Lutašová, Andrea January 2015 (has links)
This academic work deals with children who are school age or younger school age and their interest in skiing and snowboarding. It tries to expose the reason of decreasing attendance at ski courses offered by schools. The research made by questionnaire shows that most of the children attending lower grades of elementary schools do some sport. They would also like to attend the ski course but they often listed finances as the obstacle. The results of interviews made with teachers of elementary schools and high schools display that only the children who had experienced winter sports either before entering elementary school or soon after entering school want to participate. This work considers as important placing the ski courses at the first grade of the elementary schools. The number of children interested in winter sports would increase. More of them would consider participating at ski courses that help raising the physical and mental condition. Keywords: younger school age, physical activities, snowboarding, skiing

Porovnání účasti v pohybových aktivitách studentů středních škol a žáků základních škol v Praze / Comparision of participation in physical activities of secondery school students and primary school pupils in Prague

Podroužková, Eva January 2014 (has links)
Title: Comparison of participation in physical activities of secondary school students and primary school pupils in Prague Objectives: The aim of the thesis was to find and compare the participation in extracurricular physical and sport activities of Prague's secondary school students and Prague's primary school pupils based on questionnaire survey and following evaluation of the obtained data. Methods: The research was realized using the questionnaire survey. The questionnaire was designed specifically for this research. Results: The research results suggest that the physical activities are comparatively expanded among secondary school students and primary school pupils in Prague. It has been statistically proven that primary school pupils are interested in physical activities in organized form more than secondary school students. There are not significant statistical differences between primary school pupils and secondary school students in the frequency of doing physical activities. Keywords: physical activities, secondary school, primary school

Motivace žáků 2. stupně základních škol k pohybovým aktivitám a sportu / Motivation of secondary school-age children to physical activities and sports

Suchánková, Denisa January 2016 (has links)
The topic of my diploma thesis is the motivation of the pupils at the secondary school. I focus on the two groups of the pupils. First group is the pupils who don't practice any sports and what is their relationship to physical activities and sports. The second group is the students who are active members of sports clubs and their relationship to sports. I will compare both student's groups and try to find what are the sources of their motivation, how to influence the motivation and what exactly determines their choice of sport. I will describe the influence of motivation in the theoretical part of my thesis. Later I will deal with the importance of the physical activities during the human life span. I will deal with the stimuli which affect the students in the selecting their sporting focus and activities via questionnaire in the practical part of the diploma thesis. Key words: motivation, secondary schools, physical activities, sport, leisure time

Postoje k pohybovým aktivitám u žáků mladšího školního věku / Attitude toward physical activity in children of age 8 - 10 years

Holický, Jakub January 2011 (has links)
ATTITUDE TOWARD PHYSICAL ACTIVITY IN CHILDREN OF AGE 8-10 YEARS Objectives: The main objective of this work is to identify attitudes towards physical activities for school children using a questionnaire CATP / Grade Year 3 (Schutz et al. 1985) in deliberately selected schools in 2008/2009 and subsequent comparison with results Málková in 2002. Methods: In our empirical study we used the method to get data questionnaire. It is a specialized questionnaire for primary school children known CATP GRADE / YEAR 3 (Schutz et al.1985). The questionnaire affects six dimensions of attitudes (social sensitivity, health hazards, social experience, aesthetic and pleasure of movement). For proper completion of the questionnaire was a manual for teachers or other examiners who are prepared to answering any questions students. Research was conducted in the third and fourth classes intentionally selected school (one village and a Prague Elementary School). The research was a one- stage and continued the descriptive research of Kaplan (2001). Results: The observed average values of six variables, we found higher value for X5dimensions - aesthetic in girls. For boys the contrary, we increased the value obtained is the dimension X3 - danger. We believe that this is due to the initial awareness of female and male...

Vliv pohybových aktivit na soběstačnost a kvalitu života seniorů žijících v domácím prostředí / The influence of independency of seniors in home care by movement activities

Hrbáčková, Danuše January 2012 (has links)
Title: Influence of Physical Activity over Self-care and Quality of Life of Elderly People Living at Home Objectives: The main objectives of this thesis are measuring the level of the physical activities of elderly people living at home and the analysis of the influence of these activities on their independence in everyday activities and on their quality of life. Methods: For research I choose a questionnaire survey as main metod. To collect data for the research I used physical activity questionnaire which I created specifically for this thesis, Barthel Index the standardized self-care test, SQUALA questionnaire measuring the quality of live. To verify my hypothesis I statistically evaluated the outcomes of the tests and questionnaires. For this purpose I used the descriptive statistics in the computer program Microsoft Office Excell. Results: The main objective was fulfiled. Results of research proved statistical important depence among age, physical activities, independence in activities of daily living and quality of individuals life Key words: elderly people, physical activities, quality of live, independence

Volno-časové pohybové aktivity studentů UK FTVS obor TVS / Leisure-time physical activities of students of FTVS UK specialization TVS

Měchura, Jakub January 2013 (has links)
Title: Leisure-time physical activities of students of FTVS UK specialization TVS Aims: To obtain information about students of 3rd year undergraduate studies at the Faculty of Physical Education and Sport specialization TVS and their habits in leisure activities and sports. Compare the information about students learning the different specializations. Identify, describe and compare other factors affecting the participation of students on lemure-time physical activities and sports. Methods: Collection of information and the actual survey was conducted using questionnaires and document analysis. Subsequently, the results were analyzed using statistical methods and calculations. Results: The survey found that among students of different study directions are the differences in participation in leisure-time physical activities. Students of Sport specialization operate more in competitive sport than other directions, but don't lag behind in participation in leisure-time physical activities. Most aktive in these activities are students of direction Outdoor activities. Furthermore, it was found that with the advent of the high school students at changing habits and attitudes to sport. Students are less involved in competitive sport clubs and begin to pay more attention to sport in their own time and in...

Trompete: aspectos físicos e orgânicos da performance musical - proposta de atividade física para melhor desempenho e manutenção da performance / Trumpet: Physical and Organic Aspects of Musical Performance - A proposal of physical activities to maintain technical skills and improving performance

Maestrello, Dino 26 July 2010 (has links)
A performance no trompete apresenta, além do contexto estético e musical, considerável componente físico, uma vez que o instrumento amplifica os sons \"produzidos\" pelo corpo. Neste ponto, o trabalho coordenado das diversas estruturas corporais (físicas e orgânicas) empregadas na execução do trompete exige do músico certo grau de desenvolvimento físico. O objetivo da pesquisa pauta-se na análise destas estruturas sobre uma proposta de atividades físicas, em sentido a manter e melhorar a performance no instrumento. Em um primeiro momento procura-se definir a atividade física em seu âmbito geral, benefícios, possibilidades de trabalho e atuação de profissionais. Tais conceitos são empregados posteriormente na análise dos diversos fatores utilizados no âmbito da performance, tais como a respiração, identificando as principais estruturas pulmonares e a respiração aplicada a performance; o \"aquecimento\" como preparação para atividade, com o exame de tradicionais estudos calistênicos; e a embocadura, desde pontos simples como dentes e ossos, até temas mais complexos como coluna de ar, vibração labial, vocalização e projeção. Todos estes temas sempre baseados em literatura e metodologia específicas do instrumento e de áreas congêneres ao assunto. A parte derradeira fica a cargo da pesquisa de campo, onde instrumentistas de sopro são questionados sobre diversos pontos do estudo/performance. Em linhas gerais, a análise demonstrou que 68% da população optam pela atividade física, e que 46% têm a mesma como forma de condicionamento para fins de saúde. Na parte específica dos instrumentos de sopro, os exercícios técnicos mais apontados são à respiração (35%), notas longas (17%) e a flexibilidade (11%). Dentre as exigências físicas mais proeminentes sobre a prática, a capacidade pulmonar é o ponto de maior consenso (53%), seguido da resistência muscular (21%). Após análise entre teoria, exemplos musicais e dados práticos coletados, conclui-se que atividade física auxilia na prática instrumental, em sentido a minimizar as exigências físicas impostas aos músicos. Apresenta-se em sequencia uma proposta de exercícios físicos baseada nos principais pontos utilizados no desempenho. Esta fica a critério de exercícios de alongamento, atividades aeróbicas (andar, correr, nadar) e ações de sobrecarga; nas questões específicas podem ser aplicados exercícios fonoaudiológicos simples e metodologia pertinente a cada instrumento. / The performance on the trumpet presents, besides the musical and aesthetics context, considerable physical component, considering the instrument as an amplifier of the sound \"produced\" by our body. At this point, the coordinated work of several body structures (physical and organic) employed on trumpet performance demands from the player high levels of physical development. The objective of this research denotes the analysis of these structures about a physical activities propose, in a way to maintain and improve trumpet\'s performance. First, we define physical activity in general focus; benefits, possibilities of work and professional attendance. The concepts explained before are now employed on the analysis of other factors, considering the performance environment, such as breathing, identifying main lung structures and the breathing process applied to performance; the \"warm-up\" as a preparation to the activity, with analysis of the traditional calisthenics exercises, the embouchedure, since simple points (teeth and bones) until more complex subjects like air column, lip vibration, vocalize and projection. Everything based on the specific methodology of the trumpet and related areas. The last part is presented by the public research, where wind players are interviewed about all aspects of performance and study. In general, the interview shows us that 68% of the population choose the physical activity, and 48% place it for health purpose. On the specific instrument themes, the most answered exercises are breathing (35%), long notes (17%) and flexibility (11%). About the main physical demanding on practice, the lung capacity is the point of consensus (53%), followed by muscular endurance (21%). After an explanation among points from theory, musical examples and collected dates from the interviews, we conclude the physical activity as a useful toll to decrease the physical demanding faced by the players. In such way we present a propose with physical exercises based on the main body functions employed on performance. It is based on stretching exercises, aerobic activities (walking, running, swimming) and weight-lifting actions; specific procedures of each instrument may be applied, as well simple speech science exercises.

Rörelseaktivitet i förskolan : En studie om den fysiska aktivitetens effekt på barn

Junkergård, Karolina January 2019 (has links)
Syftet med studien var att öka kunskapen om hur koncentrationen hos barn i förskolan påverkas vid en lässamling om de innan har fått utföra en pedagogstyrd rörelseaktivitet. För att få besvara mina forskningsfrågor utgick jag ifrån två frågeställningar om hur rörelseaktiviteter innan en lässamling påverkar barnens koncentration under lässamlingen och om barns ålder har en påverkan på koncentrationen i lässamlingen. Metoden som användes var en observation med ett observationsschema och två kvalitativa intervjuer med en pedagog. Resultatet visade att vissa barn blev mer positivt påverkade av rörelseaktiviteten med en bättre koncentrationsförmåga under lässamlingen, medans vissa barn blev påverkade på ett mer negativt sätt som utspelade sig med en svårighet att hålla koncentrationen under lässamlingen. I resultat visades det att åldern har en betydelse för hur rörelseaktivitet kan användas. / The purpose of the study was to increase the knowledge on how children in preschools are affected by physical activities that are led by the preschool teachers before reading. In the pursuit for answers I asked two questions those where if the physical activities before the reading had any effect on the children and if the children’s age mattered. The method that I ended up using was observations by an observations list and two qualitative interviews with the preschool teacher. The results showed that some of the children were positively affected by the physical activities with an increase in concentration ability during the reading. While some of the other children showed signs of difficulty in keeping concentration. In the results I concluded that age matter on how the physical activities should be applied.

Les dispositifs de prévention du vieillissement en France : articulations et place des activités physiques / Prevention of aging and physical activities

Caluzio, Christine 03 October 2016 (has links)
Pendant près d’un siècle, la France construit une politique de la vieillesse résultant de la progressive mise sur l’agenda politique de la question du vieillissement de la population dont la prise en charge se tournera récemment vers la problématique de sa prévention dans l'objectif d’un « vieillissement actif », en santé et/ou d’un « bien-vieillir ». Dans cette perspective, nourrie des avancées scientifiques et des transformations sociales, la prévention du vieillissement va intégrer dans les différents textes et dispositifs les activités physiques et sportives (APS) comme outil fondamental. On observe ainsi au détour des années 2000 en France, l’inscription des APS au sein des politiques publiques de prévention. Notre travail se propose de tracer la place des APS dans les différents textes de politique de la vieillesse au niveau international et national pour comprendre quand, comment et pourquoi celles-ci apparaissent incontournables. Nous plaçons aussi la focale sur les différents dispositifs de prévention du vieillissement mobilisant les APS aux différentes échelles des politiques publiques en France. Nous mettons alors au jour la présence d’une multitude d’acteurs publics et privés issus de secteurs d’activités différents et une forte fragmentation des dispositifs ainsi qu’une pluralité de modèles d’interventions dont les formes de coordination restent partielles. / For nearly a century, France has been gradually building its policy on ageing, as the topic took a larger and larger part in the political agenda. It has recently concentrated on prevention, to aim for active ageing, healthy ageing or ageing well. As a result, in a backdrop of scientific progress and social transformations, sports and physical activities have become the main tool of ageing prevention strategies.It was in the 2000’s that sports and physical activities became fully part of the French public policy for prevention. Our research is especially concerned with the international and national ageing policies, which use sports and physical activities as a privileged tool to keep seniors healthy. The aim is to understand when, how and why sports and physical activities became the cornerstone of these policies.We will also focus on the various schemes which rely on sports and physical activities and which are currently implemented across the country at each level of public policy making.We will show that there are a huge number of private and public actors, with all kinds of expertise, who take part in these schemes. The programmes of action are numerous and varied, but appear fragmented and sometimes lacking in coordination.

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