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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Beliefs of Self-esteem among Biracial Individuals

Harmon, Rebekah Brittany 01 June 2016 (has links)
With the increase in interracial marriage researchers have begun to thoroughly assess how self-esteem and racial identity are affected. Recent studies have revealed that the construct of biracial identity is complex in forming a sense of self and racial identity. This inability to identify with a specific race is not only an issue to our entire population but especially to the biracial community. The social work profession has an array fields and services that become flexible to diverse populations; yet, the biracial population has not be explored in depth which may result in not fully understanding the dynamics of the culture that play into the individual. This study utilized a qualitative analysis consisting of interviews with nine participants who shared their experiences of self-esteem as being a biracial individual. The purpose of this study is to explore the perception of self-esteem among biracial individuals. Biracial in this current study refers to an individual being biologically mixed with two different races, yet one biological parent is African American. Biracial females, not to exclude biracial males, are dealing with a complex issue because they are placed in a predicament of trying to parallel their identity from Western culture. The findings of the study will increase the awareness and cultural humility within a new growing population, impact future social work policy, practice, and research.

Fizinio ugdymosi naudos supratimo poveikis XI klasės mokinių fizinių ypatybių kaitai / The influence of the physical education benefit’s understanding for the physical features’ change of both sexes 11th class schoolchildren in secondary school

Totoris, Tomas 12 June 2006 (has links)
The purpose of the research- to investigate the influence of the physical education benefit’s understanding for the physical features’ change of both sexes 11th class schoolchildren in secondary school. Seventy nine schoolgirls and schoolboys, whose belong to the main medical physical ability group and attend Kalvarija secondary school, took part in our pedagogical experiment. The experiment was organized during the school year of 2004-2005. In September 2004 schoolchildren were distributed into two experimental (E1 group of 19 schoolgirls and 21 schoolboys) and two control (E2 group of 20 schoolgirls and 19 schoolboys) classes. “The experimental program of knowledge education” was applied for group E1, group E2 had the same physical education lessons as earlier. Research methods used in a Masters thesis were as follows: analysis of literature, questionnaire method, physical features’ testing, statistical analysis. After the questioning of schoolchildren it became clear, that physical education��s knowledge and it’s influence for the change of schoolgirls’ and schoolboys’ physical features, also factors making impact for approach to have sport are very important. EUROFIT and other physical tests were used to identify physical features of pupils. The results of questioning the schoolchildren shown, that only about half of them think, that physical education lessons are meaningful. It’s reasons could be the lack of physical education knowledge and the absence of textbook of... [to full text]

Lietuvos karo akademijos kariūnų greitumo jėgos ir greitumo kaita studijų metu / Lithuanian Military Academy cadets force quikness and fluctuation of the quikness physicals characteristics duing the studies

Dembinskas, Vilius 16 August 2007 (has links)
Aktualumas. Tyrimai rodo silpną šalies jaunuolių sveikatą ir prastą fizinį parengtumą. NATO šalių ginkluotose pajėgose karių, kariūnų ir karininkų specialiam fiziniam rengimui skiriamas svarbus vaidmuo. Taigi iškyla keletas spręstinų tikslų, tarp kurių – karinei tarnybai tinkamiausių asmenų atranka ir bendrojo fizinio, be specialaus taikomojo rengimo, veiksmingų būdų paieška. Naujumas. Darbe tiriamas Lietuvos karo akademijos studentų kariūnų fizinis parengtumas. Nagrinėjamos 1–2 kurso studentų fizinio parengtumo – greitumo ir šoklumo fizinių ypatybių – 2003–2005 m. kryptys. Tokio pobūdžio darbų nėra daug, todėl tyrimo duomenys turės naujumo aspektą. Mokslinė problema. Kariūnų veikla iš esmės skiriasi nuo sportinės veiklos. Nuolat kintant stojančiųjų į LKA kontingentui ir priėmimo sąlygoms, aktuali yra ši mokslinė problema: kaip tikslingai valdyti kariūnų fizinį rengimą, nuolatos vertinant taikomos fizinio rengimo programos veiksmingumą pagal objektyvius motorinės sistemos kaitos rodiklius. Vieni iš tokių rodiklių yra raumenų galingumo, jėgos ir greitumo rodikliai. Prielaida. LKA studentų kariūnų fizinis parengtumas sparčiausiai gerėja pirmais studijų metais. Tyrimo tikslas – nustatyti ir įvertinti LKA 1–2 kurso studentų greitumo jėgos ir greitumo rodiklių kaitą studijų metu. Uždaviniai: 1. Nustatyti LKA 1–2 kurso studentų antropometrinių rodiklių kaitą studijų metu; 2. Nustatyti ir įvertinti LKA 1–2 kurso studentų kojų raumenų greitumo jėgos rodiklių kaitą studijų... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Actuality. Researches show weak health and bad physical qualification of the country‘s lads. In the armed forces of the NATO countries, special physical preparation of soldiers, cadets and officers plays an important role. Also, there are a few purposes to solve, including selection of the people most suitable for military service and searching effective ways for general physical without special applicable preparation. Newness. In the work, physical preparation of the students-cadets of the War Academy of Lithuania is researched. The tendencies of physical preparation of the students of the 1–2 course – physical features of quickness and spring – in 2003–2005 are analyzed.There are not so many works of this kind, so the data of the research is going to have an aspect of newness. Scientific problem. The cadets‘ activity differs from sport activity essentially. As the contingent of the entrants to the War Academy of Lithuania and acceptance conditions are always changing, this scientific problem is actual: how to run physical preparation of the cadets purposefully, evaluate efficiency of the programme of physical preparation applied following objective indicators of alternation of the motor system steadily. Some of these indicators are the indicators of the muscle power, strenght and quickness. Hypothesis – physical preparation of the students-cadets of the War Academy improves mostly in the first study year. Purpose of the research – to establish and evaluate... [to full text]

The Impact of Physical Features On the Book Selection Process of Fourth and Eighth Graders

Gibson, Bria Leigh 22 March 2011 (has links)
No description available.

Geotecnologias aplicadas à análise espaço temporal do uso e cobertura da terra e qualidade da água do reservatório de Barra Bonita, SP, como suporte à gestão de recursos hídricos / Geotechnologies applied to spatial and temporal analysis of the land use and land cover basin related to the water quality Barra Bonita reservoir to support water resources management

Prado, Rachel Bardy 10 September 2004 (has links)
Perante a situação atual de degradação dos recursos hídricos, destacando os reservatórios destinados a usos múltiplos, e a necessidade de se buscar soluções para tal problema, foi proposto o presente trabalho. O reservatório de Barra Bonita, localizado no interior do Estado de São Paulo, foi escolhido para estudo, por estar inserido em uma área densamente povoada, industrializada e ocupada por agricultura intensiva. Os dados adquiridos foram de natureza cartográfica (cartas de pedologia, geomorfologia, geologia, drenagem e malha municipal); orbitais (imagens multiespectrais dos satélites Landsat 5 e 7); censitários (produção agrícola municipal e densidade demográfica); limnológicos (característicasfísicas, químicas e biológicas do reservatório estudado, obtidas em campo e na literatura); pluviométricos e fluviométricos. A organização e o tratamento das diversas informações foram realizados com o auxílio de Sistema de Informação Geográfica (Spring 3.6), obtendo também um banco de dados limnológicos multitemporal. As ferramentas de geotecnologias foram aplicadas na caracterização dos fatores fisiográficos, no mapeamento do uso e cobertura da terra e do potencial poluidor das sub-bacias da bacia de drenagem, sendo os resultados analisados em conjunto com os dados referentes à qualidade da água do reservatório de Barra Bonita, de forma espacial e temporal (período de 1990 a 2002). Os resultados mostraram que ocorreu um incremento significativo do nível trófico da água, de forma diferenciada para cada compartimento do reservatório em questão, durante o período avaliado. A análise integrada dos sistemas aquático e terrestre, no espaço e no tempo, permitiu concluir que a degradação da qualidade da água se deve às alterações no uso e cobertura da terra e ao aumento populacional, traduzidos em fontes difusas e pontuais de poluição. Desta forma, fica evidenciada a importância da gestão de recursos hídricos na bacia estudada e espera-se que as informações obtidas e metodologias aplicadas neste trabalho possam subsidiar ações direcionadas a este propósito. / Nowadays, water quality deterioration is a common problem related to pollution inputs from point and nonpoint sources. The situation becomes worse in the reservoirs due to multiple water uses. Barra Bonita reservoir was selected for this study because it is located in an overpopulated area of the São Paulo State, southern Brazil. Moreover, it is a region of many industries and intensive agriculture. The data used to carry out the study included physical features (pedology, geomorphology, geology, drainage, precipitation and flow) provided by several public agencies in different scales and formats; land use and land cover maps derived from interpretation of Landsat TM ETM satellite images; limnologycal variable measurements derived from field work and literature spanning the period comprised between 1979 and 2002 and census data (population density and agriculture production). The first step in the study was to build a limnologycal database to compile and organize all the information available regarding water quality in the Barra Bonita reservoir. A second major step was to implement and feed the Médio Tietê Basin Geographic Information System with the selected pollution forcing variables. After that, the geotechnogies were applied to diagnose physical features, to map land use and land cover and to model potential pollution instances for each sub-basin. This data was analyzed in the space and time considering the water quality degradation from 1990 to 2002. The results showed an increase in the eutrophication level of Barra Bonita reservoir in the period considered in response to changes in land use and land cover patterns. The water-land integrated analysis allowed to verify that the water degradation is related to the land use and land cover changes and population increase (diffuse and point contribution). Therefore, the water resources management is paramount in order to improve the water quality in this basin. It is expected that information and methodologies applied in this research can be used to support this sustainable process.

Vidutiniškai sutrikusio intelekto vaikų fizinių ypatybių lavinimas ir emocinė raiška taikant aerobikos pratimus fizinėje veikloje / Ordinally distrubed intellect children physical peculiarity and emotion expression using aerobics routines at physical lessons

Taurienė, Nerilė 26 September 2008 (has links)
Specialiosios pedagogikos fizinio ugdymo didaktikos srityje stinga tyrimų, analizuojančių vidutinę proto negalę turinčių vaikų fizinio ugdymo turinį, orientuotą į tai, kad ir vidutinę proto negalę turintiems vaikams, tikslingai parenkant fizinio ugdymo turinį (fizines ypatybes lavinančius pratimus), įvedant ir emocinio pasitenkinimo momentų (muzika, šokis, žaidimai) plėtotųsi kiekybiniai ir kokybiniai fizinių ypatybių rodikliai. Iškelta hipotezė, teigianti, jog tiriamosios grupės interesus ir poreikius atitinkanti mūsų sudaryta eksperimentinė fizinio ugdymo programa bus priimtinesnė sutrikusio intelekto vaikams dėl įdomesnių, emocionalesnių, patrauklesnių, nenusibodusių aerobikos pratimų derinimo prie muzikinio fono. Kokybiniu eksperimentu buvo atliktas tyrimas, kurio tikslas - ištirti vidutiniškai sutrikusio intelekto vaikams sudarytos aerobikos taikymo per fizinės veiklos pamokas programos priimtinumą jų emocinei raiškai ir motorikos lavinimui. Atlikta kokybinė duomenų analizė. Tyrime dalyvavo Šiaulių specialiosios mokyklos 7-14 metų ugdytiniai, vidutiniškai sutrikusio intelekto, turintys įvairių kompleksinių sutrikimų ( endokrininės sistemos sutrikimas, nutukimas, netaisyklinga laikysena, plokščiapadiškumas, akių ligos, Autizmo sindromas ), vaikų cerebrinį paralyžių ir kt. Tyrime dalyvavo 10 vaikų. Empirinėje dalyje testavimo būdu buvo nustatinėjami šie tyrimo objekto kintamieji: fizinės ypatybės - judesių koordinacija ir pusiausvyra (Eurofit‘o modifikuoti testai)... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The special school teacher’s physical upbringing didactics, remit lacks research these are analyzing intrinsic mind disability having children physical peculiarity purport, orientative for this, that and for unimpressive mind disability having children, expediently choose physical upbringing purports (physical features which educate routine), introductional and emotional changing moments (music, dance, games) developing quantitative and qualitative physical features exponents. There dislodged hypothesis, proposing, that searching group interests and requirements corresponding our made experimental physical upbringing program, will be more accepted for the disturbed intellect people (children) for more interesting, more emotional, more attractive, not boring aerobic routine turing by the musical context. The qualitative experiment was transacting research, which purpose is- explore ardinary disturbed intellect children made by the aerobical uses too physical lesson programs, admissibility for them emotional expression and the motorical training. Made qualitative information analysis. In analysis contested Šiauliai special school 7-14 years school-child, middily disturbed intellect, having variously complexive flusters. In research contested 10 schoochilds. In the empirintitive sections contestitive temper were designating these exploratory object rotationals: physical features – movement coordination and balance (Eurofit’s modifitive tests), posture (Heoger’s modifical... [to full text]

Pasirinkto fizinių pratimų komplekso veiksmingumas / Efficiency of individually chosen physical exercise complex

Medonis, Aurimas 16 August 2007 (has links)
Aurimas Medonis Pasirinkto fizinių pratimų komplekso veiksmingumas Santrauka Tyrimo tikslas  įvertinti X klasės vaikinų pasirinktų fizinių pratimų kompleksų įvairialypį veiksmingumą. Nuo 2006 m. sausio 9d. iki 2006 m. gegužės 22 d. Vilniaus Žirmūnų gimnazijoje ir Vilniaus Šv. Kristoforo mokykloje buvo vykdytas ugdomasis pedagoginis eksperimentas. Jame dalyvavo 59 X klasių pagrindinės medicininės fizinio pajėgumo grupės vaikinai. Atsitiktiniu būdu buvo parinktos 3 eksperimentinės (E1  2a, 10c, 10d ─ 24 vaikinai) ir 4 kontrolinės (E2 ─ 2d, 2c, 10b, 10e ─ 35 vaikinai) klasės. Nepriklausomas kintamasis ─ sukurta fizinių ypatybių lavinimo per kūno kultūros pamokas bei laisvalaikiu metodika, kuri rėmėsi mokinio pasirinktu fizinių pratimų kompleksu. Ši metodika didino kūno kultūros pamokų žinias, įtvirtino savimoką. Eksperimentinėje (E1) grupėje vaikinams per 2 savaitines kūno kultūros pamokas buvo galima rinktis pratimus iš pateiktų variantų, taip pat sugalvoti savų pratimų. Be to pratimų kompleksą rekomenduota atlikti ir laisvalaikiu bent vieną kartą per savaitę. E2 grup��s vaikinai per kūno kultūros pamokas dirbo įprastai, į kūno kultūros pamokas įkomponuojant tradicines fizinių ypatybių lavinimosi priemones ir metodiką. Per eksperimentines kūno kultūros pamokas kryptingiau dirbta taikant bendradarbiavimo metodą: kūno kultūros ir socialiniai gebėjimai buvo plėtojami tiesiogiai mokiniams bendradarbiaujant dėl individualios atsakomybės ir teigiamos tarpusavio priklausomybės... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Aurimas Medonis Efficiency of individually chosen physical exercise complex Summary The purpose of the research is to evaluate individually chosen physical exercise complex method’s efficiency of the 10th grade schoolboys. Fifty-nine schoolboys, who belong to the main medical physical ability group and attend Vilniaus Žirmūnų gymnasium and Vilniaus Šv.Kristoforo secondary school, took part in the pedagogical experiment. The experiment was organized during the school year 2006, from January 9th to May 22d. Schoolboys were distributed into three experimental (E1  2a, 10c, 10d ─ 24 schoolboys) and four control (E2 ─ 2d, 2c, 10b, 10e ─ 35 schoolboys) classes. The experimental program was applied to group E1, while group E2 had the same physical education lessons as earlier. Independent variable ─ method of improving physical features was designed in order to increase individually chosen physical exercise complex. Research methods used in the Master‘s thesis are the following: analysis of literature, questionnaire, physical features testing and statistical analysis. Questionnaire investigated 10th grade schoolboys’ attitude towards sport, healthy life style as well as independent work out. Eurofit’s (2002) and J.Skernevičius’ (2004) physical tests as well as physical education standards were used in order to identify physical features of the pupils. Investigation results were evaluated with „Statistica“ and MS „Excel“ computer programmes. Results of the questionnaire show... [to full text]

Geotecnologias aplicadas à análise espaço temporal do uso e cobertura da terra e qualidade da água do reservatório de Barra Bonita, SP, como suporte à gestão de recursos hídricos / Geotechnologies applied to spatial and temporal analysis of the land use and land cover basin related to the water quality Barra Bonita reservoir to support water resources management

Rachel Bardy Prado 10 September 2004 (has links)
Perante a situação atual de degradação dos recursos hídricos, destacando os reservatórios destinados a usos múltiplos, e a necessidade de se buscar soluções para tal problema, foi proposto o presente trabalho. O reservatório de Barra Bonita, localizado no interior do Estado de São Paulo, foi escolhido para estudo, por estar inserido em uma área densamente povoada, industrializada e ocupada por agricultura intensiva. Os dados adquiridos foram de natureza cartográfica (cartas de pedologia, geomorfologia, geologia, drenagem e malha municipal); orbitais (imagens multiespectrais dos satélites Landsat 5 e 7); censitários (produção agrícola municipal e densidade demográfica); limnológicos (característicasfísicas, químicas e biológicas do reservatório estudado, obtidas em campo e na literatura); pluviométricos e fluviométricos. A organização e o tratamento das diversas informações foram realizados com o auxílio de Sistema de Informação Geográfica (Spring 3.6), obtendo também um banco de dados limnológicos multitemporal. As ferramentas de geotecnologias foram aplicadas na caracterização dos fatores fisiográficos, no mapeamento do uso e cobertura da terra e do potencial poluidor das sub-bacias da bacia de drenagem, sendo os resultados analisados em conjunto com os dados referentes à qualidade da água do reservatório de Barra Bonita, de forma espacial e temporal (período de 1990 a 2002). Os resultados mostraram que ocorreu um incremento significativo do nível trófico da água, de forma diferenciada para cada compartimento do reservatório em questão, durante o período avaliado. A análise integrada dos sistemas aquático e terrestre, no espaço e no tempo, permitiu concluir que a degradação da qualidade da água se deve às alterações no uso e cobertura da terra e ao aumento populacional, traduzidos em fontes difusas e pontuais de poluição. Desta forma, fica evidenciada a importância da gestão de recursos hídricos na bacia estudada e espera-se que as informações obtidas e metodologias aplicadas neste trabalho possam subsidiar ações direcionadas a este propósito. / Nowadays, water quality deterioration is a common problem related to pollution inputs from point and nonpoint sources. The situation becomes worse in the reservoirs due to multiple water uses. Barra Bonita reservoir was selected for this study because it is located in an overpopulated area of the São Paulo State, southern Brazil. Moreover, it is a region of many industries and intensive agriculture. The data used to carry out the study included physical features (pedology, geomorphology, geology, drainage, precipitation and flow) provided by several public agencies in different scales and formats; land use and land cover maps derived from interpretation of Landsat TM ETM satellite images; limnologycal variable measurements derived from field work and literature spanning the period comprised between 1979 and 2002 and census data (population density and agriculture production). The first step in the study was to build a limnologycal database to compile and organize all the information available regarding water quality in the Barra Bonita reservoir. A second major step was to implement and feed the Médio Tietê Basin Geographic Information System with the selected pollution forcing variables. After that, the geotechnogies were applied to diagnose physical features, to map land use and land cover and to model potential pollution instances for each sub-basin. This data was analyzed in the space and time considering the water quality degradation from 1990 to 2002. The results showed an increase in the eutrophication level of Barra Bonita reservoir in the period considered in response to changes in land use and land cover patterns. The water-land integrated analysis allowed to verify that the water degradation is related to the land use and land cover changes and population increase (diffuse and point contribution). Therefore, the water resources management is paramount in order to improve the water quality in this basin. It is expected that information and methodologies applied in this research can be used to support this sustainable process.

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