Spelling suggestions: "subject:"aphysical restraint"" "subject:"2physical restraint""
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Nurses' and elderly patients' decisions regarding physical restraintMion, Lorraine Cecilia January 1992 (has links)
No description available.
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Att skada eller skydda? : En kvalitativ studie om dilemmat med begränsningsåtgärder inom äldreomsorgenTåli, Elinor January 2015 (has links)
The aim of this study is to examine how assisting nurses reflects and talks about physical restraint in dementia care in Sweden. This study is based on three focus group interviews with a total of 13 people working in the eldercare in Sweden. The theoretical framework is a conflict, created by Rosmari Eliasson, between seeing the older persons as a subject and an object and that the conflict doesn’t have a solution. My results show that there is a difficult area to work in which attempts to protect persons with impaired decision-making capacity from harming themselves or be harmed in any other way and at the same time respect the individual and his autonomy. There is a thin line between on one had to harm someone and on the other hand to protect the elderly person. The staff that are working with the elderly people feel forced to use physical restraint as a way of harm reduction, but at the same time they are violating the elderly people’s autonomy. In many cases the physical restraint is justified as a protective measure and the staff doesn’t see the physical restraint as a way of restrict and constrain the elder person.
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Does the use of the Papoose Board have long-term negative effects on pediatric dental patients? a follow-up study : submitted to the Faculty of the Graduate School in partial fulfillment ... for the degree of Master of Science in Pediatric Dentistry ... /Buckey, Polly Blake. January 2002 (has links)
Thesis (M.S.)--University of Michigan, 2002. / Includes bibliographical references.
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Sjuksköterskors erfarenheter av tvångsvårdsåtgärder på patienter med psykisk ohälsa – en litteraturstudieEdholm, Johannes, Fa, Denise January 2014 (has links)
Syfte: Syftet med föreliggande litteraturstudie var att beskriva sjuksköterskors erfarenheter av att utföra tvångsvårdsåtgärder av patienter med psykisk ohälsa samt att granska de valdaartiklarnas urvalsmetod. Metod: Föreliggande litteraturstudie har en deskriptiv design som inkluderar artiklar av bådekvalitativ och kvantitativ ansats, litteraturstudien innefattar totalt tolv artiklar. Resultat: Resultatet visade att sjuksköterskors erfarenheter av utförande av tvångsvårdsåtgärder inkluderar ett brett spektrum av känslor som engagerar bland annat enmotstridighet av känslor då patientens autonomi fråntogs. Resultatet visade skilda erfarenheter hos sjuksköterskor gällande uppfattning om tvångsvårdsåtgärder gynnade patienten i fråga eller inte. Majoriteten av sjuksköterskorna upplevde att utförandet av tvångsåtgärder används för lättvindigt samt att de äventyrar den terapeutiska alliansen med patienten. Sjuksköterskor gemensamma åsikt var att det fanns behov för att få möjlighet att ventilera åtgärdsförfarandet. Slutsats: Resultatet visade att majoriteten av sjuksköterskor ansåg att tvångsvårdsåtgärder medförde negativa erfarenheter. Ett återkommande utslag i samband med tvångsvårdsåtgärder var motstridighet av känslor hos sjuksköterskorna till följd av det etiska dilemmat som uppstod. Gemensamma erfarenheter identifierades, att tvångsvårdsåtgärder användes för lättvindigt. Alternativa åtgärder bör få mer utrymme att implementeras i den kliniska praktiken. Det bör även utvecklas ett ventilationsforum för sjusköterskor som kommer i kontakt med tvångsåtgärder för möjlighet till diskussion samt en förbättring av förfarandet. / Aim: The aim of the present study was to describe nurses' experiences of performing compulsory measures of patients with mental illness and review the selected articles sample method. Method: The present literature study has a descriptive design that includes articles of both qualitative and quantitative approach; the literature review includes a total of twelve articles. Result: The results showed that nurses' experiences of performing compulsory treatment measures include a wide range of emotions that involve, among other things, a conflict of emotions in conjunction with the exclusion of the patient's autonomy. Results showed differing experiences of nurses existing idea of compulsory measures favored the patient in question or not. The majority of nurses felt that the execution of coercive measures was used too casually as well as to undermine the therapeutic alliance with the patient. Nurses’ common view was that there was need for the opportunity to vent action procedure. Conclusion: The results showed that the majority of nurses felt that compulsory measures implied negative experiences. A recurring verdict associated with compulsory measures was a contradiction of emotions in nurses due to the ethical dilemma that arose. Common experiences were identified, that compulsory measures was used too lightly. Alternative measures should have more room to be implemented in clinical practice. It should also develop a forum for ventilation for the nurses that are in contact with the coercion, an opportunity for discussion and improvement of the procedure.
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Fyysisten rajoitteiden käyttö vanhusten laitoshoidossaSaarnio, R. (Reetta) 01 September 2009 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to describe and explain the use of physical restraints in institutional elderly care from the viewpoint of the elderly, their family members, nursing staff and nursing superiors. The empirical part of the study was conducted in two stages. The approach in the first stage was quantitative: data were collected with a questionnaire from the nursing staff (n = 1,148). The data were collected using stratified sampling in two stages: by type of institution and by province. The data were analysed using descriptive statistics as well as explorative factor analysis. The second stage of the study was conducted with a qualitative approach, collecting the data from the elderly (n = 7), their family members (n = 7), nursing staff (n = 16) and nursing superiors (n = 5) using participant observation, individual and group interviews. The data were analysed using inductive content analysis.
The use of physical restraints on the elderly was common in institutional care, especially in health centre wards. Both direct and indirect forms of restraint were used to limit the mobility of the elderly. The most commonly used form of direct restraint was elevating the sides of the bed (84%). Indirect forms of restraint included removing the patient’s mobility aid, clothes or alarm bell, as well as a mode of operation that promotes passivity. The nursing staff considered the use of physical restraints on the elderly as an ethical conflict situation. A family member of the elderly could be an active agent, either by using physical restraints or demanding that the nursing staff use them.
The nursing staff stated that lack of legislation has an effect on the widespread use of physical restraints. Thirty-three per cent of the nursing staff reported having written instructions on the use of physical restraints in their work unit. The use of physical restraints made the elderly susceptible to hazardous situations, maltreatment and institutionalisation. Attempts were being made to reduce the use of physical restraints by using alternative methods. The participation of a doctor and a physical therapist in elderly care would promote the use of alternative methods, as would support provided by the work unit superiors.
The information obtained from the study can be used to widen the gerontological knowledge basis of nursing science as well as to develop gerontological nursing practices in elderly care. The new information can be utilised in basic, further and updating education in the field of social and health care, as well as in producing and developing institutional care services for the elderly. / Tiivistelmä
Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli kuvata ja selittää fyysisten rajoitteiden käyttöä vanhusten laitoshoidossa vanhusten, omaisten, hoitohenkilökunnan ja hoitotyön esimiesten näkökulmasta. Tutkimuksen empiirinen osio tehtiin kahdessa vaiheessa. Ensimmäisen vaiheen lähestymistapa oli kvantitatiivinen ja aineisto kerättiin kyselylomakkeella vanhusten hoitotyöhön osallistuvalta henkilökunnalta (n = 1148). Aineisto kerättiin käyttäen ositettua otantaa kaksivaiheisesti: laitostyypeittäin ja lääneittäin. Aineisto analysoitiin käyttäen kuvailevan tilastotieteen menetelmiä sekä eksploratiivista faktorianalyysia. Tutkimuksen toisen vaiheen lähestymistapa oli kvalitatiivinen ja aineistot kerättiin vanhuksilta (n = 7), omaisilta (n = 7) sekä vanhusten hoitotyöhön osallistuvalta henkilökunnalta (n = 16) ja hoitotyön esimiehiltä (n = 5) osallistuvan havainnoinnin sekä yksilö- ja ryhmähaastatteluiden menetelmillä. Aineistot analysoitiin induktiivisella sisällön analyysimenetelmällä.
Fyysisten rajoitteiden käyttö oli yleistä vanhusten laitoshoidossa, erityisesti terveyskeskusten vuodeosastoilla. Vanhuksen liikkumisen rajoittamiseen käytettiin sekä suoria että epäsuoria rajoittamismuotoja. Yleisimmin käytetty suora rajoittamismuoto oli ylösnostetut sängynlaidat (84 %). Epäsuoria rajoittamismuotoja olivat liikkumisen apuvälineen, vaatteiden, soittokellon poisottaminen sekä passivoiva toimintatapa. Hoitohenkilökunta piti fyysisten rajoitteiden käyttöä eettisenä ristiriitatilanteena, jossa hoitaja joutui valitsemaan vanhuksen turvallisuuden lisäämisen ja henkilökohtaisen vapauden riistämisen välillä. Omainen saattoi olla aktiivinen toimija käyttäessään itse tai vaatiessaan hoitohenkilökuntaa käyttämään fyysisiä rajoitteita.
Hoitohenkilökunta totesi lainsäädännön puuttumisen vaikuttavan fyysisten rajoitteiden runsaaseen käyttöön. Hoitohenkilökunnasta 33 % ilmoitti työyksikössään olevan kirjalliset ohjeet fyysisten rajoitteiden käytöstä. Fyysisten rajoitteiden käyttö altisti vanhuksen vaaratilanteille, kaltoinkohtelulle sekä laitostumiselle. Vanhusten laitoshoidossa pyrittiin vähentämään fyysisten rajoitteiden käyttöä vaihtoehtoisia toimintatapoja käyttämällä. Lääkärin ja fysioterapeutin osallistuminen vanhusten hoitoon edistäisi vaihtoehtoisten toimintatapojen käyttöä, samoin työyksikön esimiesten tuki.
Tutkimuksessa tuotetulla tiedolla voidaan laajentaa hoitotieteen gerontologista tietoperustaa ja kehittää gerontologisen hoitotyön toimintoja vanhusten hoitotyössä. Uutta tietoa voidaan hyödyntää sosiaali- ja terveydenhuoltoalan perus-, jatko- ja täydennyskoulutuksessa sekä tuotettaessa ja kehitettäessä vanhusten laitoshoitopalveluja.
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De la cécité empathique transitoire à la prudence dans les soins. Au sujet de la contention lors des soins en pédiatrie / Emphatic blindness and caution in careLombart, Bénédicte 02 February 2016 (has links)
Cette thèse interroge l’usage de la contention forte lors des soins en pédiatrie. Cette problématique soulève des questions philosophiques et éthiques qui s’inscrivent dans des pratiques quotidiennes de soins. Pourtant cette pratique, à laquelle se confronte fréquemment les soignants est relativement peu interrogée, voire banalisée.En effet, l’enfant effrayé ou douloureux peut se débattre et s’agiter au décours du soin et il arrive que plusieurs adultes le maintiennent pour poursuivre le geste. Un rapport de force s’installe alors entre soignants et enfant. Dans certains cas, la contrainte physique de l’enfant lors du soin s’apparente littéralement à de la violence. Le passage de l’usage légitime de la force à la violence illégitime n’est pas systématiquement identifié.Par ailleurs le fait de contraindre l’enfant de force confronte l’infirmier à un paradoxe : celui de faire mal à l’enfant pour son bien. Cela complique la perception de l’illégitimité de certaines contentions.Difficile voire impossible de renoncer à faire le soin et pourtant regrettable d’user de la contention forte à l’encontre d’un enfant malade. Une étude qualitative ancillaire à la réflexion philosophique été menée auprès de soignants de pédiatrie. L’objectif était d’interroger cette question du point de vue des soignants pour comprendre comment l’usage de la contention lors d’un soin en pédiatrie pouvait se transformer en un usage illégitime de la force. Les résultats de cette étude ont montré que la contention était une pratique laborieuse, source de malaise mais le plus souvent vécue comme inévitable et influencée par les habitudes de l’équipe d’appartenance. (Ces résultats sont en annexe de la thèse) Le « bien de l’enfant » justifiait le recours à la force. On assistait à une hiérarchisation déontologique où la réalisation du geste technique subordonne le respect du rythme de l’enfant. L’analyse de la parole des soignants a mis en évidence : empathie et attention des soignants à l’égard de l’enfant mais à l’évocation de la contention l’enfant disparaissait du discours. Un peu comme si l’enfant disparaissait du « radar émotionnel » du soignant, le temps de la contention. Le concept de « cécité empathique transitoire » a été proposé pour caractériser le phénomène qui se produit lors d’une contention forte.La thèse explore les raisons qui conduisent les adultes qui soignent à disqualifier le refus de l’enfant en proposant une forme de réhabilitation de la parole de celui-ci. Le travail s’organise autour de développement des regards et des points de vue qui tantôt masquent tantôt rendent visibles une partie de la réalité : celle de l’enfant et celle du soignant. Les soignants sont tels les prisonniers de la caverne, otages de leurs illusions. L’espoir de maitriser l’inconstance de l’existence par la grâce de la biotechnologie semble les contraindre à sacrifier leur propre subjectivité. L’arraisonnement de l’enfant mais aussi du soignant à la technique est au cœur du débat qui émerge de la réflexion. Au fil du travail, émerge l’idée d’un entre-deux des différences, qui pourrait être un nouvel espace conceptuel où les différences entre l’enfant et les soignants se rassemblent dans l’espace de la contingence. Cet entre-deux ouvre sur de nouveaux possibles, invite à devenir prudent. La prudence aristotélicienne comme disposition pratique apporte de nouvelles perspectives à cette problématique. L’invitation à la délibération dans les soins ouvre sur une proposition concrète de déploiement de la notion de care appliquée plus spécifiquement au champ de la pédiatrie. / From transitional empathic blindness to caution during care. About physical restraint during nursing care in pediatric wardsThis thesis questions the use of strong physical restraint during pediatric care. The issue raises philosophical and ethical questions falling within daily practices of nursing acts. However, this custom to which nurses are frequently exposed is rather seldom questioned or is routinized.A child who is scared or in pain can struggle or jitter during the care and it happens that serval adults retrain the child in order to finish the treatment. It is a real power struggle between the nurses and the child. Sometimes, the child’s physical restraint is similar to violence. The step from using reasonable strength to using unfounded violence is not automatically identified.Moreover, the nurse restraining a child strongly faces a paradox: hurting a child for his wellbeing. This complicates the perception of the illegitimacy of some restraints.It is difficult if not impossible to forgo the treatment, but it is nevertheless unfortunate to use physical restraint on a sick child. A qualitative research backed by a philosophical reflection has been conducted among pediatric nurses. The aim was to probe the issue from the nurses’ point of view in order to understand how the use of physical restraint during a treatment in pediatric wards could lead to the use of unfounded strength. The result of the research highlighted that restraint was an unpleasant, cumbersome practice, but that it was often experienced as unavoidable and governed by the team’s habits. (The results of the research can be found in appendix) The “child’s wellbeing” justified the use of strength, like a kind of ethical prioritization, where achieving the technical act subordinated the respect of the child’s rhythm. Analyzing the nurses’ comments highlighted their empathy and attention to the child, but when talking about restraint, the child was no longer mentioned. It seemed the child disappeared from the nurse’s “emotional radar” during a physical restraint. The idea of “transitional empathy blindness” was suggested to characterize the phenomenon occurring during a strong physical restraint.The thesis also explores the reasons leading the adults in charge of the care to disqualify the child’s refusal by offering a means to resume the dialog with the child. The work is structured around the evolution of the attitudes and opinions that sometimes conceal the child’s and the nurse’s reality and sometimes make it visible. Nurses are like prisoners in a cave, hostages of their own illusions. The hope of mastering the fickleness of life thanks to biotechnology seems to force them to sacrifice their own subjectivity. Trying to subjugate the child but also the nurse to the technical act is food for thought. Throughout the work, the idea of an in-between differences stands out. It could lead to a new concept where the differences between the child and the nurses could meet in case of contingency. This in-between opens new possibilities and encourages caution. As practical measure, Aristotle’s principle of caution develops a new insight regarding this issue. The possibility of discussing nursing practices leads to a concrete proposal to spread the notion of care more specifically in the field of pediatrics.
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Att riskera kränka en annan människas värdighet : En litteraturöversikt om tvångsåtgärder inom psykiatrisk heldygnsvård ur sjuksköterskans perspektiv. / To risk violating another person's dignity : A literature review on coercive measures in psychiatric round-the-clock care from the nurse perspective.Holmberg, Maria, Engström, Nadja January 2022 (has links)
Bakgrund: Den psykiatriska heldygnsvården ämnas att vila på samma värdegrund som övriga vården; en humanistisk människosyn med respekt och omtanke för den som vårdas. Patienten som vårdas inom psykiatrisk heldygnsvård har i samma utsträckning rätt till en god vård där hens självbestämmande och integritet respekteras. Trots detta kräver situationen ibland att detta frångås och sjuksköterskan blir i stället tvungen att ta till tvångsåtgärder av olika slag, som riskerar att kränka patientens värdighet och skada vårdrelationen. Samtidigt som psykisk ohälsa har blivit alltmer vanligt förekommande i samhället har psykiatrin diskuterats och granskats i media. Allt fler visar ett stort missnöje kring hur vården bedrivs och har starka åsikter kring det faktum att patienterna fråntas sina rättigheter och vårdas med tvång. Sjuksköterskan slits mellan viljan att göra gott och att göra rätt gentemot patienten samtidigt som den egna hälsan står på spel. Syfte: En litteraturöversikt för att belysa sjuksköterskors erfarenheter av att utföra tvångsåtgärder inom psykiatrisk heldygnsvård. Metod: Strukturerad litteraturöversikt enligt granskningsmallen av Bettany-Saltikov och McSherry (2016). Kvalitativa artiklar från tre olika databaser analyserades och sammanställdes i en kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Tretton artiklar relevanta för ämnet analyserades och la grunden till litteraturöversiktens fem kategorier för att belysa sjuksköterskors erfarenheter av tvångsåtgärder inom den psykiatriska heldygnsvården. Resultat: Baserat på de tretton artiklar som valdes ut för denna litteraturöversikt skapades fem kategorier som uppmärksammar sjuksköterskans utsatthet och etiska dilemma vid tvångsåtgärder, hur viktigt det är med en god vårdrelation, stöd i arbetet och slutligen hur tvångshandlingar är en balansgång mellan gott och ont. Slutsats: Att som sjuksköterska utsätta patienten för tvångsåtgärder kan ses som en nödvändighet men även vara ett svårt etiskt dilemma som sätter både den vårdande relationen och patientens välbefinnande på spel. Sjuksköterskor inom den psykiatriska heldygnsvården har ett uttalat behov av ökad utbildning och stöd samt tid för reflektion där de får möjlighet att bearbeta de känslor som uppkommer vid utförandet av tvångsåtgärder. Det krävs även er tid och möjlighet för sjuksköterskor att skapa en god vårdrelation till patienterna då det inte bara kan underlätta vid tvångsåtgärder utan även kan fungera förebyggande.
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The Use of Physical Restraints Among Nursing Home Residents: Do Disparities Exist?Fashaw, Shekinah 01 January 2014 (has links)
Introduction: The purpose of this study is to examine how nursing home (NH) characteristics, specifically racial composition of nursing homes residents, influences the use of physical restraints. As the population ages and becomes more diverse, it is essential to mitigate/eliminate racial/ethnic disparities in quality care. Methods: This is cross-sectional study using a 2010 national data set from Brown University Center for Gerontology and Healthcare Research. This study employs Donabedian's Structure-Process-Outcome (SPO) conceptual framework. Statistical analysis includes univariate, bivariate, and a logistic regression model. It is hypothesized that nursing homes with higher proportions of black residents, more Medicaid residents, and for-profit ownership status will be associated with higher prevalence of physical restraint use. Results: Findings show that nursing homes with high proportions of blacks have a lower likelihood of high physical restraint use. Nursing homes with a higher proportion of Medicaid-reliant residents have a higher likelihood of restraint use, as does for-profit nursing homes. Discussion: The findings indicate that there are no racial/ethnic disparities present in the use of physical restraints in nursing homes. There is indication of socio-economic disparities, since nursing homes with higher Medicaid-reliant residents are associated with greater restraint. There are policy implications associated with these findings, including raising Medicaid per diem or implementing a quality performance payment incentive. Further research will be needed to determine ways to reduce racial/ethnic disparities in nursing homes. This research, adds to the nursing home literature focused on socio-economic disparities.
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Relationship between Nurse Training and Physical Restraints in Nursing HomesTessier, Terah 01 January 2016 (has links)
According to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), approximately 1.3 million U.S. residents are residing in nursing homes. CMS enforced regulations in the Nursing Home Reform Act. Training in the use of restraints in nursing homes is monitored through the CMS standards. The purpose of this study was to determine whether there was a correlation between training standards of health care practitioners and their use of restraints in nursing homes based on the patterns of citations by RNs and CNAs. Data were collected from Kansas, Louisiana, and Ohio within the CMS Nursing Home Data Compendium. The key research question examined differences in standard training requirements, policies, and citations regarding restraint use in the selected states. The theoretical framework for this study was the social influence theory. The results of the analysis of variance indicated that between 2008 and 2012, there were significant differences in policy and standards requirements for the training of registered nurses and certified nursing assistants regarding restraint use; there was also a relationship between the training of staff and the number of citations of restraint use in Kansas, Louisiana, and Ohio. There were significant (p < .02) variations throughout the 3 states regarding the policies, procedures, and training expectations. The positive social change that could result from these findings is the standardization of training that may help decrease restraint use and become the foundation of more respectful and caring practices in nursing homes.
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Incidência e fatores associados à contenção física em pacientes agitados e/ou agressivos em emergências psiquiátricas / Incidence and factors associated with physical restraint in agitated and/or aggressive patients in psychiatric emergenciesMarcelo Nobre Migon 14 May 2007 (has links)
Fundação Carlos Chagas Filho de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado do Rio de Janeiro / Os pacientes agressivos e/ou agitados correspondem a 10% de todas as internações em emergências psiquiátricas. Dependendo do grau de agitação, esses pacientes representam um risco para a integridade física, tanto para os profissionais que ali estão como para si mesmos. Dentre as alternativas para lidar com esses casos está a contenção física. Ainda que amplamente utilizada, seu uso é controverso e proibido em alguns países. No Brasil inexistem protocolos orientando o seu uso. O objetivo deste estudo foi conhecer a freqüência e os fatores associados a esta prática através de uma revisão sistemática e de um estudo em emergências
psiquiátricas do município do Rio de Janeiro. A revisão identificou apenas quatro estudos, sendo três nos EUA e um na Índia. A freqüência de contenção em pacientes agitados e/ou agressivos nos serviços de emergência psiquiátrica variou
de 14% até 59%. Os desenhos adotados, assim como as análises estatísticas, mostraram fragilidades para a investigação dos fatores explicativos para o uso de contenção física. O estudo nas emergências psiquiátricas do Rio de Janeiro lançou mão de informações sobre o uso de contenção física entre 298 pacientes participantes de um ensaio clínico comparando dois medicamentos para lidar com quadros de agitação psicomotora e comportamento agressivo nesses serviços. As variáveis investigadas foram aquelas coletadas antes da entrada do paciente no ensaio clínico. Portanto, variáveis que antecederam a decisão do médico conter o
paciente. A análise dos dados fez uso do método Bayesiano. As prioris dos parâmetros utilizadas no modelo de regressão binária foram obtidas de um outro ensaio clínico, conduzido em uma das três emergências envolvidas no presente estudo. A freqüência no emprego da contenção física foi 24,5%, sem diferença entre os três hospitais. O estudo mostrou ainda que pacientes mais jovens, com quadros mais intensos, com suspeita diagnóstica de entrada de abuso de substâncias e que foram atendidos na parte da manhã apresentaram maior chance de serem fisicamente contidos. O presente trabalho aponta para a necessidade de conduzir estudos especificamente desenhados para avaliar a freqüência e os fatores associados com o uso de contenção física, os quais deverão subsidiar o desenvolvimento de protocolos sobre o uso desta prática em nosso meio. / Agressive and/or agitated patients corresponds to 10% of all patients in psychiatric emergencies. Depending on the severity of the agitation, these patients represent a great risk not only for their physical integrity, but also for professionals. Use of restraints is one among several ways of dealing with these cases. Although it is largely used, its indication is not so clear and some countries not even allow such practice. In Brazil we dont have any protocol for this practice. The objective of this
study is to learn about the frequency and the factors associated with this practice by doing a systematic review and a study in some emergency rooms in Rio de Janeiro. The systematic review identified only four studies, three from the United States and one conducted in India. The frequency of restraints in psychiatric emergency rooms went from 14% to 59% for aggressive/agitated patients. The studies considered in our systematic review were not conducted with the same purpose as ours and the statistical analyses were not appropriated for identifying associations. The study in
the psychiatric emergencies in Rio de Janeiro showed provided information on the use of physical restraints among 298 participant patients of a randomized clinical trial comparing two different drugs to deal with cases of psicomotor agitation and aggressive behavior in these services. The analyzed variables were those collected before the entrance of the patient in the clinical trial. This was done to guarantee that
variables preceded the doctors decision to contain or not the patient. The analysis of the data made use of the Bayesian method. The prioris of the parameters used in the model of binary regression came from a similar study conducted in one of the three involved emergencies of the present study. The frequency in the use of the physical restraints was 24.5%, without difference between the three hospitals. The study also showed that younger patients, with more intense agitation, with suspicious initial diagnosis of abuse of substances and that they had been admitted in the morning
presented a greater probability of being physically restrained. The present study points out the necessity to carry out other investigations specifically designed to evaluate the frequency and the factors associated with the use of physical restraint,
aiming to subsidize the development of protocols on the use of physical restraints in our services.
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