Spelling suggestions: "subject:"piezoelectricity."" "subject:"piezoelectricitiy.""
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Synthesis, structural and ferroelectric properties of perovskite-like layered structured materialsChen, Chen January 2015 (has links)
Perovskite-like layered structured (PLS) compounds display a range of interesting physical and chemical properties, including photocatalysis, photoluminescence, ion conductivity, electrochemical stability, magnetic properties, ferroelectricity and piezoelectricity. There are mainly three homologous series of PLS compounds distinguished by their different BO6 octahedra orientation: the Dion-Jacobson phase (A'An-1BnO3n+1); the AnBnO3n+2 phase; and the hexagonal phase (AnBn-1O3n). Some of the 4-layer AnBnO3n+2 compounds, like La2Ti2O7 and Sr2Nb2O7, have been reported to be ferroelectrics with super high Curie point (above 1300 °C), but no ferroelectric properties have been reported for the 2-layer and 3-layer AnBnO3n+2 compounds, and also there are few reports on the ferroelectric properties of compounds with Dion-Jacobson structure and hexagonal structure. Consequently, in this work, the crystallographic structures, microstructures, dielectric, ferroelectric and piezoelectric properties of (AxLa1-x)Ti2O7 (A = Sm and Eu) solid solutions with 4-layer AnBnO3n+2 structure, Pr3Ti2TaO11 with 3-layer AnBnO3n+2 structure, LaTaO4 with 2-layer AnBnO3n+2 structure, ABiNb2O7 (A = Rb and Cs) with Dion-Jacobson structure and Sr6TiNb4O18 with hexagonal structure were studied. Spark plasma sintering (SPS) was used to sinter ceramics with high density and preferred orientation. X-ray diffraction refinement (XRD) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) were used to study the crystallographic structures and microstructures of the layer structured compounds. The ferroelectricity was studied using the current-electric field and polarization-electric field hysteresis loops. The Curie point and phase transitions were studied using the temperature dependence of the dielectric constant and loss. Piezoresponse force microscopy (PFM) was also used to study the ferroelectric domain structure of some layer structured compounds. In the first part of this work, the piezoelectric constant of La2Ti2O7 was improved by doping Sm. The crystallographic structure of (Eu1-xLax) 2Ti2O7 and (Sm1-xLax) 2Ti2O7 solid solutions were well studied. (AxLa1-x)Ti2O7 solid solutions were isomorphous with La2Ti2O7 when x was less than 0.5 for (EuxLa1-x)Ti2O7 and 0.8 for (SmxLa1-x)Ti2O7. When x was above their solubility limit, a biphase was observed. The XRD and Raman data suggested that the biphase consisted of (AxLa1-x)2Ti2O7 perovskite-like layered structure and pure Sm2Ti2O7 pyrochlore structure. Ferroelectric domain switching was observed in the I-E and P-E hysteresis loops for textured (SmxLa1-x)Ti2O7 (x < 0.2). The highest d33 was 2.8 pC/N for (Sm0.1La0.9)Ti2O7. In the second part, The Pr3Ti2TaO11 compound was demonstrated to have a 3-layer type II AnBnO3n+2 PLS structure belonging to space group Pmc21 with unit cell parameters a = 3.8689(3) Å, b = 20.389(2) Å, c = 5.5046(5) Å, and its ferroelectric properties were investigated. Analysis of the XRD and TEM results showed that Pr3Ti2TaO11 ceramics have an n = 3 (type II) heteroblock structure consisting of alternating n = 2 and n = 4 octahedral oxide layers. High resolution electron microscopy revealed the layered structure to be highly disordered, with faulting of the heteroblock structure and the coexistence of a n = 4 phase on a fine scale (nm), which was evident as a broadening of the XRD peaks of the ceramics. Pr3Ti2TaO11 ceramic exhibits a super-high Curie point (1415±5 °C). A small, but measurable piezoelectric constant d33 between 0.1 and 0.2 pC/N was detected for the samples poled above 900 °C under an electric field of 100~200 V/cm. Pure LaTaO4 powders with orthorhombic phase were be prepared by co-precipitation method. The orthorhombic LaTaO4 powders have a 2-layer perovskite-like layered structure with space group A21am, which was refined using Rietveld method. The single phase O-LaTaO4 ceramic was prepared using SPS with a slow cooling rate (20 °C/min). A d33 of 0.3 pC/N was obtained from the electric field induced orthorhombic phase. In the second part of this work, the ferroelectricity and piezoelectricity of CsBiNb2O7 with Dion-Jacobson type PLS structure was successfully demonstrated for the first time. The ferroelectricity and piezoelectricity of RbBiNb2O7, which have similar structure with CsBiNb2O7, were also fully studied. Highly textured 2-layer Dion-Jacobson ceramics ABiNb2O7 (A = Rb and Cs) were prepared by one-step SPS. High resolution TEM showed well ordered (0 0 1) lattice planes. Striped ferroelectric domains were observed using PFM. The ferroelectricity and piezoelectricity of CsBiNb2O7 has been demonstrated for the first time. The Tc of RbBiNb2O7 and CsBiNb2O7 are 1098±5 and 1033±5 °C, respectively. The piezoelectric constant of RbBiNb2O7 and CsBiNb2O7 were approximately 5 and 8 pC/N. Thermal depoling studies confirmed the Curie point and the stability of the piezoelectricity. Sr6Nb4TiO18 ceramics with non-centrosymmetric structure were successfully prepared, but no obvious evidence was found to prove its ferroelectricity. The untextured and textured 6-layer Hexagonal compound Sr6Nb4TiO18 was prepared by solid state reaction and spark plasma sintering. Its Curie point was found to be greater than 1500 °C. No ferroelectric properties were observed by studying of I-E and P-E loops, and no d33 was observed after poling.
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Dispositifs innovants pour la récupération de l'énergie thermique / Innovative devices for heat energy harvestingPuscasu, Onoriu 22 January 2014 (has links)
Le présent travail est une contribution au domaine de la récupération de l’énergie. La conversion mise en place est faite à échelle centimétrique, les puissances électriques produites étant suffisantes pour alimenter des dispositifs à basse consommation, comme par exemple les capteurs sans fil. Une technologie innovante pour la récupération de l’énergie thermique est proposée, l’objectif étant de fabriquer des dispositifs fins, flexibles et bas coût pour une utilisation sans radiateur. Le fonctionnement choisi repose sur une conversion de la chaleur en électricité en deux étapes : thermomécanique (réalisée avec des bilames thermiques) et mécano-électrique (réalisée avec des piézoélectriques). Plusieurs prototypes ont été élaborés, aboutissant à des dispositifs matriciels flexibles, d’une épaisseur de quelques millimètres et fonctionnant sans radiateur avec refroidissement par convection naturelle. Les signaux générés sont des pics de tension qui dépassent les 10 V, pour une puissance mécanique disponible autour de 200 µW à 75°C. Plusieurs études ont été réalisées pour l'optimisation des dispositifs et la caractérisation de leurs composants. Leurs lois d’échelle ont été déduites, prédisant un gain en puissance avec la miniaturisation. Des modèles ont été proposés pour le comportement du piézoélectrique et pour le comportement thermique d’un dispositif. Les premiers cas d’usage ont été identifiés et les premiers tests ont été faits dans les environnements proposés par des potentiels utilisateurs. / The present work is a contribution to the domain of energy harvesting. The developed conversion is made at centimeter scale, and the generated electrical power is sufficient for low power devices, as for example wireless sensor nodes. An innovative technology for heat energy harvesting is proposed, with the goal to fabricate thin, flexible, and low cost devices for a use without a heat sink. Their working principle relies on a two-step conversion of heat into electricity: thermo-mechanical (with thermal bimetals) and mechanoelectrical (with piezoelectrics). Several prototypes have been built, resulting in flexible matrix devices that are a few millimeters thick and work without a heat sink with natural convection. The generated signals are voltage peaks above 10 V, for an available mechanical power in the order of 200 µW around 75°C. Several studies have been done for the optimization of the devices and the characterization of their components. Scale laws have been established, and predict significant power gain with miniaturization. Analytical models have been elaborated for the behavior of the piezoelectric and for the thermal behavior of a device. The first use cases have been identified, and the first tests have been performed in environments proposed by potential end users.
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Conception et évaluation des performances d'un microgyromètre vibrant triaxial en GaAS à structure plane / Conception and performances evaluation of a GaAS planar triaxial vibrating rate microgyroRoland, Iännis 04 July 2012 (has links)
Cette thèse présente la conception d'un microgyromètre MEMS triaxial. Les microgyromètres ont de nombreuses applications telles que le contrôle d'attitude de drones ou l'interfaces homme/machine. Les microgyromètres triaxiaux sont particulièrement avantageux car ils permettent de déterminer les trois composantes de la vitesse de rotation à partir d'un seule structure monolithique et planaire. Le principe de fonctionnement des gyromètres vibrants à effet Coriolis (CVG) a été étudié analytiquement, puis une structure originale de gyromètre triaxial monolithique et planaire a été conçue. Cette structure est constituée de quatre poutres encastrées sur un cadre déformable. Des prototypes en silicium ont été réalisés et caractérisés. L’arséniure de gallium (GaAs) a été sélectionné pour la réalisation en raison de ses propriétés piézoélectriques et de son fort potentiel de miniaturisation. Un système d’électrodes pour l'excitation et la détection des vibrations mécaniques a été mis au point. Deux procédés d'usinage du GaAs ont été développés, un procédé de gravure chimique et un procédé de gravure plasma permettant tous les deux de graver verticalement le GaAs sur 450 micromètres de profondeur. Le procédé de gravure plasma est compatible avec la réalisation du CVG triaxial. Des résonateurs de test en GaAs dopé Carbone ont été réalisés par gravure chimique pour mesurer l'évolution en température de la résistivité et des propriétés électromécaniques de ce matériau. Ces mesures ont permis d'estimer que les marches aléatoires angulaires du CVG triaxial sont inférieures à 0,025 degré par racine d'heure sur la gamme de température [-40°C +80°C] pour les trois axes de mesure. Ceci situe le potentiel du CVG triaxial conçu parmi les CVG MEMS les plus performants. / This PhD present the conception of a triaxial MEMS microgyro. Microgyros offer a wide range of applications varying from drones attitude control to human interface devices. The triaxial microgyros offer great benefits because they allow determination of the three rotation rate components with only one monolithic planar structure. The operating principle of Coriolis Vibrating Gyro (CVG) has been studied analytically and an original structure has been designed. This structure consists of four beam clamped into a deformable frame. Some silicon prototypes have been machined and characterised. The gallium arsenide (GaAs) has been chosen for the realisation because of its piezoelectric properties and its great miniaturization potential. A transduction system based on GaAs piezoelectricity was developed. Two GaAs machining processes have been developed: a chemical etching process and a plasma etching process which both enable 450 micrometers deep vertical etching. The plasma etching technique allows high fidelity enough machining to be compatible with the triaxial CVG realisation. Some C-doped GaAs test resonators have been realised to measure the resistivity temperature dependency and electromechanical properties of this material. Those characterisations lead to estimate the angular random walk for the three axis ranges below 0,025 degree per square root hour on the temperature range [-40°C +80°C]. This sets the triaxial CVG together with the best monoaxial MEMS CVG.
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Design Of Enhanced Piezoelectric Materials From Quantum Chemical Calculations / Conception par la modélisation moléculaire de matériaux à propriétés piézoélectriques augmentéesElkelany, Khaled 05 February 2016 (has links)
Une analyse exhaustive de la piézoélectricité a été réalisée par la modélisation moléculaire basée sur l'application des principes de la mécanique quantique. La calibration de la méthode et des paramètres du calcul est d'abord examinée en comparant les résultats calculés concernant les oxydes de silicium et de Germanium à leurs homologues expérimentaux. Ensuite, les paramètres microscopiques qui influencent chaque contribution de cette propriété macroscopique de réponse sont distinctement rationalisés. Enfin, après la rationalisation de la propriété piézoélectrique, la conception de matériaux montrant un effet piézoélectrique élevé a été tentée. Nous avons montré que la grande piézoélectricité induite par un dopage dans le plan du graphène tendra vers une valeur unique, ni nulle ni infinie, et de façon indépendante de la nature physique ou chimique particulière du défaut. L'induction d'une piézoélectricité hors du plan du graphène en brisant sa planéité selon la direction-z est également étudiée. La réponse piézoélectrique obtenue est largement améliorée par rapport à la limite finie de la piézoélectricité dans le plan, mais aux grandes concentrations du défaut seulement. En effet, contrairement à la composante dans le plan de la piézoélectricité, la composante hors du plan, dépend de la nature du défaut et diminue jusqu'à tendre vers zéro à dilution infinie. / An exhaustive analysis of the technologically important piezoelectric phenomena is here done by applying quantum chemical simulations. At first, the calibration of the assumed computational scheme is examined by comparing our calculated piezoelectric properties of the well-known piezoelectric quartz to their experimental counterparts. Secondly, the microscopic parameters that influence each contribution of piezoelectric macroscopic property are distinctly rationalized. After the rationalization of the piezoelectric property, the design of materials that exhibiting a high piezoelectric effect has been attempted. It has been shown that a large in-plane piezoelectricity induced in graphene by doping can be acquired by including any in-plane defect(s). Moreover, in the limit of vanishing defect concentration, the piezoelectric response tends toward a unique value, neither null nor infinite, regardless of the particular chemical or physical nature of the defect. The induction of an out-of-plane piezoelectricity in graphene by breaking its planarity through the non-periodic z-direction is stated, where the obtained piezoelectric response is largely improved compared to the finite in-plane piezoelectric limit, at however higher concentration of the defect. Contrarily to what has been discussed for the in-plane piezoelectric effect, the out-of-plane one eventually vanishes as far as the limit of infinite defect dilution is reached, and so it relies ultimately on the nature of the defect.
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Desenvolvimento e caracterização de compósitos piezoelétricos de PZT com matriz cimentícia e borracha natural /Santos, Josiane Alexandrino dos. January 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Jose Antonio Malmonge / Resumo: O uso de materiais inteligentes tem sido cada vez mais utilizado pelo ramo de engenharia civil, devido à crescente demanda por construções que têm como função não só atenderem ao crescente aumento populacional, como agirem também como facilitadores da vida humana. Dentro dos estudos em desenvolvimento nesta área, o que vem ganhando destaque é o desenvolvimento de sensores compósitos de materiais piezoelétricos à base de cimento, que sejam capazes de atuar no monitoramento e detecção de possíveis falhas nas estruturas civis em tempo real e contínuo. Alguns dos grandes problemas encontrados no desenvolvimento de sensores piezoelétricos baseados em matrizes cimentícias, encontram se na degradação das propriedades dos sensores frente às condições ambientais em tempo contínuo a que estes são submetidos, bem como, a possibilidades de as fases de preenchimento interferirem diretamente no processo de cura da matriz, reduzindo suas propriedades mecânicas desejáveis. Buscando resolver tais problemas, o presente trabalho teve como objetivo a obtenção e caracterização de compósitos piezoelétricos utilizando como matriz o cimento modificado com borracha natural (BN) e titanato zirconato de chumbo (PZT) como fase piezoelétrica. O PZT foi escolhido como fase piezoelétrica devido seu alto valor do coeficiente piezoelétrico enquanto a inserção da BN buscou garantir aos compósitos, resistência à passagem de água, umidade e a resistência a soluções nocivas ao cimento, atuando no aumento da dura... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: The use of intelligent materials has been increasingly used by the civil engineering industry, in response to the increasing demand for constructions that serve, not only to attend to the increasing population, but also to act as facilitators of human life. Within the studies under development in this area, the one that has being gaining prominence is the development of composite sensors of cement-based piezoelectric materials, that can act in the monitoring and detection of possible failures in civil structures in real and continuous time. Some of the major problems encountered in the development of piezoelectric sensors based on cementitious matrices lie in the degradation of the properties of the sensors, both as against the environmental conditions in continuous time to which they are subjected, as well as the possibility that filling phases interfere directly in the process of curing the matrix, reducing its desirable mechanical properties. In order to solve such problems, the present study aimed to obtain and characterize of a composite piezoelectric array of modified cement with natural rubber (NR) and lead zirconate titanate (PZT) as the piezoelectric layer. The PZT was chosen as the piezoelectric phase because of its high piezoelectric coefficient, while the BN insertion sought to guarantee the resistance of the composites to the passage of water, moisture and noxious solutions to the cement, in order to increase not only the durability, as well the piezoeletric prop... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Mestre
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Análise de um sistema de captura de energia piezoelétrico não linear e não ideal utilizando-se uma estrutura aporticada. / Analysis of a piezoeletric energy harvesting nonlinear and non-ideal using a portal frame structure.Itamar Iliuk 16 June 2016 (has links)
A crescente utilização de novas tecnologias, as quais necessitam de uma fonte de energia menor e mais eficiente, como os microssensores para monitoramento de sistemas e estruturas nas chamadas cidades inteligentes, torna a captura da energia do ambiente uma opção viável para alimentação de tais dispositivos. Como a energia cinética é uma fonte de energia facilmente encontrada no ambiente, os sistemas que a capturam e convertem em eletricidade têm sido amplamente estudados, especialmente os que utilizam transdutores piezoelétricos. Considerando estruturas aporticadas, como prédios, pontes etc., comumente encontradas nas cidades, este trabalho apresenta um novo modelo de sistema de captura de energia piezoelétrico com base em um pórtico não linear, sob uma excitação não ideal, por meio de uma fonte com potência limitada. Para modelar o acoplamento piezoelétrico, foram consideradas as não linearidades do material piezoelétrico. Por meio das simulações numéricas, pode-se verificar a eficiência e a viabilidade do modelo proposto. Devido ao fato de as vibrações do meio ambiente serem senoidais, aleatórias ou transitórias, surge uma dificuldade na captura de energia de forma eficiente e com um nível contínuo. A utilização de controles passivos pode melhorar a energia capturada, removendo o movimento caótico do sistema e mantendo a oscilação em uma órbita periódica estável. Assim, duas estratégias de controle passivo foram empregadas, a primeira utilizando uma subestrutura com características de absorvedor de energia não linear (NES) e a segunda pela introdução de um pêndulo. Em ambos os casos, as simulações demonstraram que o controle passivo foi eficiente em levar o sistema caótico para uma órbita periódica estável, otimizando a captura de energia do sistema. Uma análise considerando incertezas nos parâmetros foi realizada, para verificar a robustez da estratégia de controle, assim como a sensibilidade do sistema de controle a erros paramétricos. Os resultados mostraram a eficiência do controle passivo e o fenômeno do bombeamento de energia na supressão do comportamento caótico. A principal vantagem do controle passivo é não necessitar de componentes eletrônicos para controlar o sistema, sendo apenas um componente mecânico \"massa\", acoplado à estrutura principal. Uma análise wavelet foi realizada sobre o modelo, para identificar o comportamento oscilatório do sistema e permitir a visualização das frequências de vibração que capturam mais energia. / The increasing use of new technologies, which have the need for smaller and more energy efficient sources, such as micro-sensors for monitoring systems and structures of the so-called smart cities, assigns environmental energy harvesting a viable option to power such devices. As kinetic energy is a source easily found in the environment, the systems that harvest and convert this type of energy into electricity have been widely studied, especially those using piezoelectric transducers. Considering framed structures, such as buildings, bridges, etc., which are commonly found in the cities, this paper presents a new model of piezoelectric energy harvesting system based on a nonlinear portal frame, under a non-ideal excitation by a source with limited power. To model Piezoelectric couplings, they were considered nonlinearities of the piezoelectric material. Through numerical simulations, the effciency and viability of the proposed model can be verified. A difficulty arises in harvesting energy in an efficient manner, and with a continuous level, because the vibrations of the environment are sinusoidal, random or transient. However, the use of passive controls can improve the energy harvested by removing the chaotic motion of the system and maintaining the oscillation at a stable periodic orbit. Thus, two passive control strategies were employed, the first using a substructure with characteristics of nonlinear energy sink (NES), and the second by introducing a pendulum. In both cases, the simulations showed that the passive control was efficient in bringing the chaotic system to a stable periodic orbit, optimizing the energy harvest system. An analysis considering the uncertainties in the parameters was performed to verify the robustness of the control strategy, as well as the sensitivity of the control system of parametric errors. The results showed the efficiency of passive control and the energy pumping phenomenon in the suppression of the chaotic behavior. The main advantage of passive control is not to require any electronic components for controlling the system, only a mechanical component _mass_, attached to the main structure. A Wavelet Analysis was conducted on the model to identify the oscillatory behavior of the system and allowed the viewing of the vibration frequencies that harvest more energy.
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Development of piezocatalytic nanomaterials for applications in sustainable water treatmentJennings, Brandon 01 May 2017 (has links)
Piezoelectric materials produce an electric potential in response to a mechanical strain. They are, therefore, capable of converting ambient waste mechanical energy into useful electrical energy which, in turn, may be harnessed and used as a supplemental source of power in a variety of applications. Engineered piezoelectric materials may be deployed to improve treatment efficiency during the production of potable water, which is both chemically and energetically intensive. Ambient mechanical energy is prevalent in municipal water treatment. Vibrations induced by water treatment plant pumps (such as High Service Pumps), turbulence resulting from cross-flow or dead-end membrane filtration, or agitation from mechanical mixing (paddle or impeller) may provide sufficient input mechanical input energy to activate a piezoelectric response.
The objective of this work was to fabricate and characterize a range of nanofiber-based piezoelectric materials and demonstrate their application as an alternative energy supply for driving environmental treatment (e.g., pollutant degradation) via simple mechanical agitation. To achieve this objective, we fabricated a variety of piezoelectric nanofiber composite mats consisting of barium titanate (BTO) nanocrystals grown via an alkaline hydrothermal method atop an electrospun carbon nanofiber (CNF) support.
We hypothesized that the greatest degree of piezoelectric activity (as measured by the voltage produced as a function of mechanical strain) would be achieved for nanofiber composites containing BTO with the largest fraction of tetragonal crystal structure, known to be piezoelectrically active. A systematic study on the impacts of hydrothermal treatment time, temperature, as well as the influence of ethylene glycol as an organic co-solvent on BTO crystal size and morphology was performed. For example, ethylene glycol was found to disrupt the dissolution-precipitation mechanism of BTO crystal growth and instead spurred the growth of BTO nanorods and nanosheets on the CNF support.
After characterization, the strength and electromechanical properties of various BTO-CNF composites was assessed. In some cases, output voltages have been measured on the order of 2.0 V/cm2 in response to surface bending strain induced by a custom cantilever-oscillometer apparatus. Optimal fractions of BTO loading in the composites were assessed through mass-loading electromechanical studies.
As a proof of concept application, BTO nanoheterostructures were shown to utilize ultrasonic vibrations to degrade sodium orange II salt (4-(2-Hydroxy-1-naphthylazo)benzenesulfonic acid sodium salt) via piezocatalysis. Ongoing and future work will continue to develop optimized piezocatalytic nanoheterostructures able to harvest the electrochemical potential generated from mechanical agitation and structural deformation for the production of oxidizing and reducing equivalents for degradation of persistent and emerging organic contaminants and disinfection in water treatment.
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Preparation and investigation of polymer-foam films and polymer-layer systems for ferroelectretsFang, Peng January 2010 (has links)
Piezoelectric materials are very useful for applications in sensors and actuators. In addition to traditional ferroelectric ceramics and ferroelectric polymers, ferroelectrets have recently become a new group of piezoelectrics. Ferroelectrets are functional polymer systems for electromechanical transduction, with elastically heterogeneous cellular structures and internal quasi-permanent dipole moments. The piezoelectricity of ferroelectrets stems from linear changes of the dipole moments in response to external mechanical or electrical stress. Over the past two decades, polypropylene (PP) foams have been investigated with the aim of ferroelectret applications, and some products are already on the market. PP-foam ferroelectrets may exhibit piezoelectric d33 coefficients of 600 pC/N and more. Their operating temperature can, however, not be much higher than 60 °C. Recently developed polyethylene-terephthalate (PET) and cyclo-olefin copolymer (COC) foam ferroelectrets show slightly better d33 thermal stabilities, but usually at the price of smaller d33 values. Therefore, the main aim of this work is the development of new thermally stable ferroelectrets with appreciable piezoelectricity. Physical foaming is a promising technique for generating polymer foams from solid films without any pollution or impurity. Supercritical carbon dioxide (CO2) or nitrogen (N2) are usually employed as foaming agents due to their good solubility in several polymers. Polyethylene propylene (PEN) is a polyester with slightly better properties than PET. A “voiding + inflation + stretching” process has been specifically developed to prepare PEN foams. Solid PEN films are saturated with supercritical CO2 at high pressure and then thermally voided at high temperatures. Controlled inflation (Gas-Diffusion Expansion or GDE) is applied in order to adjust the void dimensions. Additional biaxial stretching decreases the void heights, since it is known lens-shaped voids lead to lower elastic moduli and therefore also to stronger piezoelectricity. Both, contact and corona charging are suitable for the electric charging of PEN foams. The light emission from the dielectric-barrier discharges (DBDs) can be clearly observed. Corona charging in a gas of high dielectric strength such as sulfur hexafluoride (SF6) results in higher gas-breakdown strength in the voids and therefore increases the piezoelectricity. PEN foams can exhibit piezoelectric d33 coefficients as high as 500 pC/N. Dielectric-resonance spectra show elastic moduli c33 of 1 − 12 MPa, anti-resonance frequencies of 0.2 − 0.8 MHz, and electromechanical coupling factors of 0.016 − 0.069. As expected, it is found that PEN foams show better thermal stability than PP and PET. Samples charged at room temperature can be utilized up to 80 − 100 °C. Annealing after charging or charging at elevated temperatures may improve thermal stabilities. Samples charged at suitable elevated temperatures show working temperatures as high as 110 − 120 °C. Acoustic measurements at frequencies of 2 Hz − 20 kHz show that PEN foams can be well applied in this frequency range. Fluorinated ethylene-propylene (FEP) copolymers are fluoropolymers with very good physical, chemical and electrical properties. The charge-storage ability of solid FEP films can be significantly improved by adding boron nitride (BN) filler particles. FEP foams are prepared by means of a one-step procedure consisting of CO2 saturation and subsequent in-situ high-temperature voiding. Piezoelectric d33 coefficients up to 40 pC/N are measured on such FEP foams. Mechanical fatigue tests show that the as-prepared PEN and FEP foams are mechanically stable for long periods of time. Although polymer-foam ferroelectrets have a high application potential, their piezoelectric properties strongly depend on the cellular morphology, i.e. on size, shape, and distribution of the voids. On the other hand, controlled preparation of optimized cellular structures is still a technical challenge. Consequently, new ferroelectrets based on polymer-layer system (sandwiches) have been prepared from FEP. By sandwiching an FEP mesh between two solid FEP films and fusing the polymer system with a laser beam, a well-designed uniform macroscopic cellular structure can be formed. Dielectric resonance spectroscopy reveals piezoelectric d33 coefficients as high as 350 pC/N, elastic moduli of about 0.3 MPa, anti-resonance frequencies of about 30 kHz, and electromechanical coupling factors of about 0.05. Samples charged at elevated temperatures show better thermal stabilities than those charged at room temperature, and the higher the charging temperature, the better is the stability. After proper charging at 140 °C, the working temperatures can be as high as 110 − 120 °C. Acoustic measurements at frequencies of 200 Hz − 20 kHz indicate that the FEP layer systems are suitable for applications at least in this range. / Piezoelektrische Materialien haben große technische und wirtschaftliche Bedeutung für Anwendungen in Sensoren und Aktuatoren. Neben den traditionellen ferroelektrischen Keramiken und Polymeren bilden Ferroelektrete eine neue Gruppe der Piezoelektrika. Ferroelektrete sind reversible funktionelle Polymersysteme zur Umwandlung von elektrischer in mechanische Energie und umgekehrt. Sie zeichnen sich aus durch eine elastische zelluläre Struktur mit internen quasi-permanenten Dipolen. Der Mechanismus der Piezoelektrizität in Ferroelektreten wird dominiert von der Änderung der einzelnen Dipolmomente bei Einwirkung einer äußeren mechanischen Kraft. Insbesondere zelluläres Polypropylene (PP) war in den vergangenen zwei Jahrzehnten Gegenstand intensiver Forschung und Entwicklung im Hinblick auf die grundlegenden Eigenschaften und Anwendungen von Ferroelektreten. Einige bereits erhältliche kommerzielle Produkte nutzen die in geladenem zellulären PP erreichbaren hohen piezoelektrischen d33-Koeffizienten von 600 pC/N und mehr, sind aber durch eine relativ geringe maximale Betriebstemperatur von ungefähr 60 °C eingeschränkt. Die kürzlich entwickelten Ferroelektrete aus zellulärem Polyethylenterephthalat (PET) und zellulären Cyclo-Olefin-Copolymeren (COC) zeigen eine bessere Temperaturbeständigkeit (vor allem COC), allerdings gewöhlich auf Kosten von geringeren d33-Koeffizienten. Das Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit ist es, temperaturbeständige Ferroelektrete mit für den Markt geeigneten piezoelektrischen Eigenschaften zu entwickeln. Physikalisches Schäumen ist eine beliebte Methode, um besonders reine Polymerschäume herzustellen. Häufig werden, wegen ihrer guten Löslichkeit in vielen Polymeren, Kohlenstoffdioxid (CO2) und Stickstoff (N2) im superkritischen Zustand als Treibmittel eingesetzt. Der Polyester Polyethylennaphtalat (PEN) hat ähnliche Eigenschaften wie PET, ist jedoch temperaturbeständiger. Ein Dreistufenprozess (Schäumen, Aufblähen und Strecken) wurde entwickelt, um PEN-Schäume für hochwertige Ferroelektrete herzustellen. Ungeschäumte PEN-Folien werden mit superkritischem CO2 unter hohem Druck gesättigt und anschließend unter geringem Druck bei Temperaturen nahe der Glastemperatur geschäumt. Um die Hohlräume zu vergrößern, wird der Schaum anschließend mittels Gasdiffusionsexpansion (GDE) aufgebläht. Nach zusätzlichem biaxialen Verstrecken erhält man die optimalen linsenförmigen Zellen, welche zu einer minimalen mechanischen Steifigkeit und einem maximalen piezoelektrischen d33-Koeffizienten des Ferroelektrets führen. Sowohl Korona- als auch Kontaktaufladung werden an zellulärem PEN erfolgreich eingesetzt. Die Lichtemission der dielektrisch behinderten Entladungen (DBDs) kann klar beobachtet werden. Korona-Aufladung in Gasen mit hohen dielektrischen Durchbruchsfestigkeiten, wie z.B. Schwefelhexafluorid (SF6), ermöglicht es, das Paschen-Durchbruchsfeld in den Hohlräumen und damit die erzielbare interne Ladungsdichte zu erhöhen. Dadurch können für zelluläres PEN piezoelektrische d33-Koeffizienten bis zu 500 pC/N erzielt werden. Piezoelektrischen Resonanzmessungen der Ferroelektrete liefern Steifigkeiten c33 im Bereich von 1 – 12 MPa, Antiresonanzfrequenzen von 0.2 – 0.8 MHz und elektromechanische Kopplungsfaktoren zwischen 0.016 und 0.069. PEN-Ferroelektrete zeigen eine bessere Temperaturstabilität als solche aus PP und PET. Der Anwendungsbereich von unbehandeltem PEN reicht bis etwa 80 – 100°C, jener von getemperten oder bei 120°C geladenen Proben bis etwa 110 – 120 °C. Akustische Messungen im Frequenzbereich von 2 Hz – 20 kHz zeigen die Eignung von PEN-Ferroelektretwandlern für Luftschallanwendungen. Fluoriertes Ethylen-Propylen (FEP) ist ein Fluorpolymer mit sehr guten physikalischen, chemischen und elektrischen Eigenschaften. Die Ladungsspeichereigenschaften von ungeschäumtem FEP können durch die Beimengung von Bornitrid deutlich verbessert werden. In dieser Arbeit wird zelluläres FEP mittels eines einstufigen Prozesses, dem schon erwähnten Schäumen mit überkritischem CO2, hergestellt. Die geladenen FEP-Proben weisen d33-Koeffizienten von bis zu 40 pC/N auf. Ermüdungstests zeigen eine sehr gute mechanische Stabilität von PEN- und FEP-Ferroelektreten. Zelluläre Polymerferroelektrete haben großes Potenzial für Anwendungen, und die Suche nach geeigneten zellulären Morphologien ist eng verknüpft mit dem technischen Aufwand ihrer Herstellung. Alternativ wurden Ferroelektrete mit Sandwich-Strukturen aus FEP-Folien entwickelt. Durch Laserverschmelzen eines FEP-Foliengitters mit zwei umgebenden FEP-Folien wird eine definierte, einheitliche zelluläre Struktur gebildet. Aus dielektrischen Resonanzspektren können effektive piezoelektrische d33-Koeffizienten bis zu 350 pC/N, effektive mechanische Steifigkeiten um 0.3 MPa, Antiresonanzfrequenzen um 30 kHz und elektromechanische Kopplungsfaktoren von etwa 0.05 abgeleitet werden. Proben, welche bei erhöhter Temperatur geladen werden, zeigen höhere Ladungsstabilitäten. Nach geeigneter Aufladung bei 140 °C kann die Arbeitstemperatur bis auf 110 – 120 °C gesteigert werden. Akustische Messungen im Frequenzbereich von 2 Hz – 20 kHz zeigen die Eignung von FEP-Sandwich-Strukturen für Luftschallanwendungen.
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Flexible piezoelectric composites and concepts for bio-inspired dynamic bending-twisting actuationSamur, Algan 10 April 2013 (has links)
No description available.
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Nonlinear Electroelastic Dynamical Systems for Inertial Power GenerationStanton, Samuel January 2011 (has links)
<p>Within the past decade, advances in small-scale electronics have reduced power consumption requirements such that mechanisms for harnessing ambient kinetic energy for self-sustenance are a viable technology. Such devices, known as energy harvesters, may enable self-sustaining wireless sensor networks for applications ranging from Tsunami warning detection to environmental monitoring to cost-effective structural health diagnostics in bridges and buildings. In particular, flexible electroelastic materials such as lead-zirconate-titanate (PZT) are sought after in designing such devices due to their superior efficiency in transforming mechanical energy into the electrical domain in comparison to induction methods. To date, however, material and dynamic nonlinearities within the most popular type of energy harvester, an electroelastically laminated cantilever beam, has received minimal attention in the literature despite being readily observed in laboratory experiments. </p><p>In the first part of this dissertation, an experimentally validated first-principles based modeling framework for quantitatively characterizing the intrinsic nonlinearities and moderately large amplitude response of a cantilevered electroelastic generator is developed. Nonlinear parameter identification is facilitated by an analytic solution for the generator's dynamic response alongside experimental data. The model is shown to accurately describe amplitude dependent frequency responses in both the mechanical and electrical domains and implications concerning the conventional approach to resonant generator design are discussed. Higher order elasticity and nonlinear damping are found to be critical for correctly modeling the harvester response while inclusion of a proof mass is shown to invigorate nonlinearities a much lower driving amplitudes in comparison to electroelastic harvesters without a tuning mass.</p><p>The second part of the dissertation concerns dynamical systems design to purposefully engage nonlinear phenomena in the mechanical domain. In particular, two devices, one exploiting hysteretic nonlinearities and the second featuring homoclinic bifurcation are investigated. Both devices exploit nonlinear magnet interactions with piezoelectric cantilever beams and a first principles modeling approach is applied throughout. The first device is designed such that both softening and hardening nonlinear resonance curves produces a broader response in comparison to the linear equivalent oscillator. The second device makes use of a supercritical pitchfork bifurcation wrought by nonlinear magnetic repelling forces to achieve a bistable electroelastic dynamical system. This system is also analytically modeled, numerically simulated, and experimentally realized to demonstrate enhanced capabilities and new challenges. In addition, a bifurcation parameter within the design is examined as a either a fixed or adaptable tuning mechanism for enhanced sensitivity to ambient excitation. Analytical methodologies to include the method of Harmonic Balance and Melnikov Theory are shown to provide superior insight into the complex dynamics of the bistable system in response to deterministic and stochastic excitation.</p> / Dissertation
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