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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Rekultivierung von Tagebaufolgeflächen mit verschiedenen Bodenhilfsstoffen und Baumarten / Reclamation of surface mining areas with different soil additives and tree species

Kirscht, Meike 31 March 2011 (has links)
Tagebaumaßnahmen führen durch Entfernung des Oberbodens, Vermischung von Bodenschichten bei der Wiederverfüllung von Restlöchern und Maschineneinsatz dazu, dass auf Tagebaufolgeflächen meist extrem schwierige Standortbedingungen für Pflanzenwachstum herrschen. Dazu zählen v.a. Bodenverdichtung und Bodenversauerung durch die Verwitterung von Eisensulfiden, was Ernährungsstörungen und Belastungen mit Schwermetallen und anderen Schadstoffen zur Folge hat. Die Bodenbedingungen sind auf kleinem Raum sehr heterogen. Das ungünstige Mikroklima der vegetationsfreien Flächen verstärkt die durch Bodenverdichtung schwierige Wasserversorgung. Mykorrhiza-Pilze fehlen oft zunächst. Ziel dieser Arbeit war die Entwicklung eines möglichst wenig aufwendigen Konzeptes, um mit Hilfe geeigneter Baumarten und Bodenhilfsstoffe zumindest auf kleiner Fläche eine Begrünung von Kippen-Rohböden zu erreichen, um so Startpunkte einer Sukzession zu etablieren. Zu diesem Zweck wurden verschiedene Baumarten (Quercus robur, Acer platanoides, Sorbus aucuparia, Alnus glutinosa, Pseudostuga menziesii und Pinus sylvestris) und Bodenhilfsstoffe zur Verbesserung der physikalischen (Perlit, Wasserspeichersubstanzen: sowohl herkömmliches, petrochemisches Hydrogel als auch neuartiger Superabsorber aus pflanzlicher Stärke), chemischen (Kalk), physikalischen und chemischen (Kompost) sowie biologischen (Mykorrhiza-Impfung) Bodeneigenschaften getestet. Die Bodenhilfsstoffe wurden einzeln und miteinander kombiniert eingesetzt. Auf auch Jahre nach der Ablagerung des Haldensubstrats noch vegetationsfreien Flächen im ehemaligen Ronneburger Uranerz-Abbaugebiet wurden Freilandversuche mit knapp 1.000 Bäumen angelegt; Topfversuche im Gewächshaus dienten der Begleitung und Vertiefung. Die physikalischen und chemischen Bodeneigenschaften der Versuchsflächen wurden analysiert, die Effekte der Bodenhilfsstoffe darauf im Topfversuch überprüft. Die Entwicklung der Versuchspflanzen wurde über zwei Jahre hinweg durch regelmäßige Vitalitätsschätzungen auf einer 5-stufigen Skala, Messungen verschiedener Wuchsparameter und Analysen der Elementgehalte in den Assimilationsorganen untersucht. Die Böden wiesen eine sehr geringe Wasserspeicherkapazität und eine stark gestörte Infiltrations- und Wasserleitfähigkeit auf. Das Nährstoffpotential war mit Ausnahme sehr geringer Stickstoff-Gehalte gut. Eine sehr starke Versauerung sowie stark belastende Kupfer- und Schwefel-Gehalte waren die Haupt-Probleme. Auffällig waren hohe Magnesium-Gehalte und -Sättigungen. Die Versuchspflanzen waren entsprechend sehr stark mit Schwefel und Kupfer sowie mit Eisen, Aluminium und teilweise Mangan belastet und zeigten auffallend hohe Magnesium-Gehalte. Sie wiesen Ernährungsdefizite auf, die auf die geringe Stickstoffversorgung, Nährstoffantagonismen/Ionenkonkurrenz und Toxizität zurückgeführt werden können. Im Verlauf des Versuchs entwickelte sich auf einigen Versuchsflächen in Teilbereichen Spontanvegetation (Moose, Calamagrostis epigejos). Bodenuntersuchungen ergaben leicht höhere pH-Werte und eine entsprechend günstigere Ernährungssituation in diesen Bereichen, vermutlich aufgrund einer unregelmäßigen Flächenkalkung einige Jahre vor Versuchsbeginn. Die Entwicklung der Versuchspflanzen wurde stark von den Standortunterschieden beeinflusst. Kalk und Kompost hatten deutlich positive Effekte auf die chemischen Bodenbedingungen und die Pflanzenentwicklung. Mit Kompost war der Einfluss vor allem bei den anspruchsloseren Baumarten Eberesche, Schwarz-Erle und Wald-Kiefer oft größer. Daneben zeigten Mykorrhiza-Impfungen eine starke Wirkung, vor allem in Kombination mit Kalk und/oder Wasserspeichersubstanzen. Die positiven Wirkungssynergismen von Mykorrhiza-Impfungen und Wasserspeichersubstanzen auch ohne Kalk-Gaben waren angesichts der sehr stark sauren Standortverhältnisse bemerkenswert. Darüber hinaus hatten Wasserspeichersubstanzen wie auch Perlit keine, teilweise sogar negative Effekte durch Herabsetzung der Kalk-Wirkung in kombinierten Varianten. Zudem wiesen die mit Perlit oder Wasserspeichersubstanzen gepflanzten Bäume teils hohe Schadstoff-Belastungen auf. Die Bodeneigenschaften wurden nicht beeinflusst; die feinbodenreichen Lehmböden mit ihrer geringen Infiltrationsfähigkeit durch Zerscherung der Grobporen bei Verdichtung schienen für den Einsatz von Wasserspeichersubstanzen weniger geeignet zu sein. Das Vorhandensein von Pilz-Partnern zur Mykorrhiza-Bildung ist auf diesen schwierigen Standorten offenbar von besonderer Bedeutung, da diese Symbiose die Wasserversorgung von Pflanzen verbessern kann, außerdem ihre Ernährung fördert und die Schadstoff-Aufnahme hemmt, wie im Rahmen der vorliegenden Arbeit bestätigt werden konnte. So konnten durch kombinierte Mykorrhiza-Impfungen teilweise selbst die extremen Schwefel-Gehalte auf ein normales Maß gesenkt werden, was mit Kalkung allein nicht der Fall war. Die obligat Mykorrhiza bildenden Rot-Eichen und Wald-Kiefern, zwei eigentlich zur Tagebaurekultivierung sehr geeignete und viel verwendete Baumarten, zeigten insgesamt hohe Ausfallraten. Bei den Eichen spielte dabei die schlechte Qualität des Pflanzenmaterials, bei den Kiefern wahrscheinlich starke Trockenheit zum Zeitpunkt der Versuchsanlage im Frühjahr 2005 eine Rolle. Bei den ebenfalls obligat Mykorrhiza bildenden Douglasien war der Standort in günstigeren Bereichen, in denen sich auch Spontanvegetation entwickeln konnte und in die nachweislich Mykorrhiza-Pilze einwanderten, von großer Bedeutung. Wie die als einzige Baumart nicht mit Kupfer belastete Eberesche und die durch ihre Symbiose mit Stickstoff-fixierenden Bakterien sehr gut geeignete Erle, die von allen Baumarten die besten Ergebnisse zeigte, konnte sich auch die Douglasie auf diesen etwas besseren Standorten selbst ohne Bodenhilfsstoffe zufrieden stellend entwickeln. Angesichts des extremen Sommers 2006 kam vermutlich auch ihre Trockenheitstoleranz zum Tragen. Die Spitz-Ahorne zeigten hohe Schadstoff-Belastungen, kaum Wachstum und eine stark gestörte Wurzel-Ausformung. Die Baumart wurde zudem stark verbissen und erwies sich insgesamt als wenig geeignet. Auf Grundlage der Ergebnisse der auf den Ronneburger Tagebaufolgeflächen durchgeführten Untersuchungen wird für die Rekultivierung dieser und vergleichbarer Standorte eine Mischung aus Erlen, Ebereschen und Douglasien empfohlen, wobei die Erle auch aufgrund ihrer Standort verbessernden Eigenschaften den größten Anteil einnehmen sollte. In stärker versauerten (pH KCl < 4), frei von Bodenvegetation bleibenden Bereichen sollte einige Zeit im Vorfeld der Pflanzungen eine Kalkung mit aufgrund der Bodengehalte magnesiumfreiem Kalk erfolgen, um die Voraussetzungen für Bodenvegetation und Mykorrhiza-Pilze zu verbessern. Bei den Ebereschen und Erlen ist eine Kompost-Gabe ins Pflanzloch als Starthilfe sinnvoll. Zumindest bei den Douglasien sollten Mykorrhiza-Impfungen durchgeführt werden, die generell auf diesen Standorten empfehlenswert sind und somit auch für die Ebereschen und Erlen sehr vorteilhaft sein können. Die Dauer der Wirkung der Bodenhilfsstoffe und die über die beobachtete Zeit hinaus gehende Entwicklung der Bäume sind unter den gegebenen, sehr schwierigen Standortbedingungen mit fortschreitender Pyrit-Verwitterung und damit Bodenversauerung offen.

Tüpfelbau im Laubholz: Der aktuelle Stand der Wissenschaft mit besonderem Fokus auf Rot-Buche (Fagus silvatica L.) und Stiel- sowie Traubeneiche (Quercus robur L. und Quercus petraea Liebl.)

Hallas, Till 12 April 2011 (has links)
Tüpfel ermöglichen den interzellularen Stoffaustausch im Holzkörper. Im Zuge der Prozessgestaltung in den Bereichen Holzschutz und Zellstoffherstellung sind genauere Kenntnisse über ihren Aufbau von grundlegender Bedeutung. Das anatomische Wissen ermöglicht eine verbesserte Einschätzung der Tränkbarkeit sowie allgemein über die Eindringwege von Flüssigkeiten im Holz. Die Arbeit fasst den aktuellen Wissensstand des Baus der Tüpfel im Laubholz zusammen. Dabei stehen die in Deutschland wichtigsten Laubbaumarten, namentlich die Rot-Buche (Fagus silvatica L.) und Stiel- sowie Traubeneiche (Quercus robur L. und Quercus petraea Liebl.), im Fokus der Untersuchung. Zunächst wird der allgemeine Aufbau der Tüpfel beschrieben und besonders neuere Erkenntnisse mit aufgegriffen. Im Anschluss wird der Wissensstand zur Tüpfelbau der Rot-Buche sowie der Stiel- wie Trauben-Eiche zusammengefasst dargestellt.

The impact of low cost sanitation on groundwater contamination in the city of Addis Ababa

Abay, Girmay Kahssay 06 1900 (has links)
Providing clean water remains a challenge in many African countries. Ethiopia, with the second largest population in Africa is also faced with this predicament. Efforts to improve supply have focused on abstracting groundwater. Although relatively cheaper to utilize, groundwater is prone to contamination, from improperly disposed of waste, particularly urban areas with no appropriate sanitation services. The city of Addis Ababa is faced with this difficult situation. Currently about 75 % of the population of Addis Ababa has access to sanitation in the form of pit latrines, while 0.6 % has access to sewerage services. The rest of the population is considered to have no access. This proliferation of pit latrines in the city has enhanced the risk of groundwater contamination. This research was initiated with the objective of assessing the temporal and spatial extent of contamination of groundwater due to human waste. It attempted to review the quality of water in deep wells and springs. The data analyzed indicates that the temporal and spatial extent of contamination has increased over the past few decades. Over abstraction of groundwater has also been observed. Whilst contaminant levels such as nitrates and chlorides in many wells are below maximum permissible values, few wells in the centre of the city have exhibited higher values. This steady temporal increase may soon make some wells unsuitable for human consumption. Efforts to reduce this risk will need to focus on sewerage services provision, review of existing environmental policy, public awareness drive and sustainable groundwater management. / D.Phil. (Environmental Science)

Conducting water and sanitation survey using Personal Digital Assistants and Geographic Information System technologies in rural Zimbabwe

Ntozini, Robert 06 1900 (has links)
Access to clean water and improved sanitation are basic human right. This quantitative, descriptive study sought to establish current water and sanitation coverage in Chirumanzu and Shurugwi districts in Zimbabwe and develop methods of assessing coverage using Geographic Information Systems. Google Earth was used to identify homesteads. Personal digital assistant-based forms were used to collect geo-referenced data on all water points and selected households. Geospatial analysis methods were used to calculate borehole water coverage. Using Google Earth, 29375 homesteads were identified. The water survey mapped 4134 water points; 821 were boreholes; and only 548 were functional. Functional borehole water coverage was: 57.3%, 46.2%, and 33.5% for distance from household to water point of within 1500 m, 1000 m, and 500 m respectively. Sanitation coverage was 44.3%, but 96% of the latrines did not meet Blair Ventilated Pit latrine standards. / Health Studies / M.A. (Public Health) (Medical Informatics)

Strategy for developing an ecological sanitation system at the Barrage informal settlement

Mokoena, Mita January 2015 (has links)
The Barrage informal settlement (BIS) is a peri-urban community of about 300 people resident on private land close to the banks of the Vaal River in Gauteng South Africa. The study focuses on the living and sanitation conditions in which people find themselves. Measured against the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) BIS and its residents clearly are far from meeting MDG 7 target 7 C. For the purposes of this study the researcher investigated ecological sanitation (EcoSan) as an alternative solution for the current local sanitation conundrum. Residents either use the veld or a dysfunctional pit system. The data used for the project was generated both in a qualitative and quantitative mode. Semi-structured interviews were randomly conducted. Participants were requested and subsequently assisted in completing a questionnaire. There were also several focus group discussions for gathering relevant data. The researcher tried to form an impression of the perceptions of community members in terms on the type of sanitation system they wished to use. Community members actively engaged in strategies aimed to find out how they perceive sanitation, potable water supply and matters of hygiene. The findings revealed dissatisfaction regarding to current conditions in BIS. Residents are uncertain because the land on which they reside on does not belong to them. This, in turn, creates uncertainty and feelings of insecurity, about the relevance of a potential water-based sanitation system. At the same time members of the community indicated they had no interest in a dry toilet system. Neither are they keen on the use of community ablution blocks (CABs) as alternative. Residents showed no willingness and are also not prepared to pay for sanitation because they cannot afford it. The dilemma is that residents are at the mercy of Emfuleni Local Municipality (ELM) and the private owners of the land on which they reside. Where do we find the solution to all of the issues? Participatory deliberation strategies were used to determine which system of sanitation local residents preferred. They clearly came out in favour of the Water Bank concept as a feasible sanitation system option. However, as a result of the unfulfilled promises of Emfuleni Local Municipality (ELM) and landowners the community remains in a state of uncertainty about the permanence of the BIS.

Strategy for developing an ecological sanitation system at the Barrage informal settlement

Mokoena, Mita January 2015 (has links)
The Barrage informal settlement (BIS) is a peri-urban community of about 300 people resident on private land close to the banks of the Vaal River in Gauteng South Africa. The study focuses on the living and sanitation conditions in which people find themselves. Measured against the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) BIS and its residents clearly are far from meeting MDG 7 target 7 C. For the purposes of this study the researcher investigated ecological sanitation (EcoSan) as an alternative solution for the current local sanitation conundrum. Residents either use the veld or a dysfunctional pit system. The data used for the project was generated both in a qualitative and quantitative mode. Semi-structured interviews were randomly conducted. Participants were requested and subsequently assisted in completing a questionnaire. There were also several focus group discussions for gathering relevant data. The researcher tried to form an impression of the perceptions of community members in terms on the type of sanitation system they wished to use. Community members actively engaged in strategies aimed to find out how they perceive sanitation, potable water supply and matters of hygiene. The findings revealed dissatisfaction regarding to current conditions in BIS. Residents are uncertain because the land on which they reside on does not belong to them. This, in turn, creates uncertainty and feelings of insecurity, about the relevance of a potential water-based sanitation system. At the same time members of the community indicated they had no interest in a dry toilet system. Neither are they keen on the use of community ablution blocks (CABs) as alternative. Residents showed no willingness and are also not prepared to pay for sanitation because they cannot afford it. The dilemma is that residents are at the mercy of Emfuleni Local Municipality (ELM) and the private owners of the land on which they reside. Where do we find the solution to all of the issues? Participatory deliberation strategies were used to determine which system of sanitation local residents preferred. They clearly came out in favour of the Water Bank concept as a feasible sanitation system option. However, as a result of the unfulfilled promises of Emfuleni Local Municipality (ELM) and landowners the community remains in a state of uncertainty about the permanence of the BIS.

Assessing the capacity of small independent providers to deliver improved sanitation at scale in low income urban settlements

Godfrey, Amaka O. January 2009 (has links)
More than half of the human population will be living in urban areas in 2008, of which 81 percent will be in poor areas of towns and cities of the developing world. Governments of most African cities are unable to provide the urgently needed sanitation facilities amongst other services. The informal sector (small independent providers) rather than externally supported efforts provide the majority of household sanitation facilities. The commonly held assumption amongst sector professionals is that partnership with the informal private sector to develop the sanitation market is a sustainable way of increasing access to improved sanitation in low-income urban areas. This research assesses the capacity of small independent providers of sanitation services (SIPS) to up scale and accelerate the delivery of improved sanitation. The thesis adds to an · improved understanding of the capacity of small independent sanitation providers to upscale the delivery of improved sanitation and answers the following questions: what is their level of knowledge, skills and experiences of various sanitation options?; what are house owners' preferences?; and what are their experiences of obtaining sanitation services from small independent providers?. The research adopted a mix of qualitative and quantitative research methodologies in order to ensure the validity and reliability of the findings. The field work was conducted in the three municipalities in the city of Oar es Salaam, Tanzania. The thesis concludes that small independent providers have the potential to upscale the delivery of improved sanitation facilities but not without capacity building, particularly in the areas of developing appropriate sanitation technologies; appropriate enabling environment (infrastructure to support hygienic emptying and sludge disposal, and effective policy and regulatory framework) and support with demand generation. The implications of the research highlight the need to integrate any SIPS capacity enhancement and 'official' involvement in sanitation provision as part of an urban improvement programme. The recommendations from the thesis outline key support areas for the respective SIPS typologies, and the responsibilities of the various stakeholders (government, NGOs, donors) and SIPS. Potential areas of further research include development of appropriate sanitation technology for low-income urban settlements and creating an effective enabling environment.

Contribution to the capacity determination of semi-mobile in-pit crushing and conveying systems

Ritter, Robert 04 January 2017 (has links) (PDF)
As ore grades decline, waste rock to ore ratios increase and mines become progressively deeper mining operations face challenges in more complex scenarios. Today´s predominant means of material transport in hard-rock surface mines are conventional mining trucks however despite rationalisation efforts material transportation cost increased significantly over the last decades and currently reach up to 60% of overall mining. Thus, considerations and efforts to reduce overall mining costs, promise highest success when focusing on the development of more economic material transport methods. Semi-mobile in-pit crusher and conveyor (SMIPCC) systems represent a viable, safer and less fossil fuel dependent alternative however its viability is still highly argued as inadequate methods for the long term projection of system capacity leads to high uncertainty and consequently higher risk. Therefore, the objective of this thesis is to develop a structured method for the determination of In-pit crusher and conveyor SMIPCC system that incorporates the random behaviour of system elements and their interaction. The method is based on a structured time usage model specific to SMIPCC system supported by a stochastic simulation. The developed method is used in a case study based on a hypothetical mine environment to analyse the system behaviour with regards to time usage model component, system capacity, and cost as a function of truck quantity and stockpile capacity. Furthermore, a comparison between a conventional truck & shovel system and SMIPCC system is provided. Results show that the capacity of a SMIPCC system reaches an optimum in terms of cost per tonne, which is 24% (22 cents per tonne) lower than a truck and shovel system. In addition, the developed method is found to be effective in providing a significantly higher level of information, which can be used in the mining industry to accurately project the economic viability of implementing a SMIPCC system.

Recherche d'une prédiction de fragmentation charge par charge pour les tirs à ciel ouvert / Search for a hole-by-hole fragmentation prediction method in application to open pit blasts

Delille, Florent 11 September 2012 (has links)
Pour contribuer à la compréhension des processus d'arrachement et de fragmentation de la roche par l'explosif en ciel ouvert, le travail de recherche présenté dans ce mémoire vise à affiner les techniques empiriques de prédiction de fragmentation existantes. Un programme expérimental conséquent réalisé en échelle réelle sur site minier apporte des données ainsi que de nouveaux éléments par rapport à l'existant dans la littérature. En particulier, une comparaison entre résultats de tirs de charge unique et résultats de tirs à plusieurs charges est faite. Dans le contexte roche/explosif du site test, les résultats démontrent que le bénéfice industriel d'une prédiction charge par charge est limité. Une approche numérique a été mise en œuvre en parallèle du travail expérimental ; elle met à contribution un modèle rhéologique d'endommagement développé spécifiquement pour l'étude de laf ragmentation par l'explosif (Rouabhi, 2004). Des calculs 2D avec réduction d'échelle ont été réalisés ; l'utilisation d'un tel modèle d'endommagement s'avère indispensable, et la nécessité de coupler dans le futur les effets des ondes de choc et des gaz d'explosion dans la modélisation est soulignée. On explique par ailleurs de manière originale les résultats d'une étude expérimentale en laboratoire (Miklautsch et al., 2002). En fin de mémoire, plusieurs méthodologies de prédiction charge par charge aisément reproductibles sont testées et ajustées aux résultats du programme expérimental. On finit par montrer que la meilleure méthode offre même davantage de précision lorsqu'elle est appliquée avec les paramètres moyens des tirs et non charge par charge. / To contribute in the understanding of rock breakage and fragmentation processes in open pit blasting, the herein presented research aims at refining existing empirical fragmentation prediction techniques. A comprehensive full-scale experimental program has been conducted in an open pit mine and analyzed. The experiments yield data as well as enlightenments with respect to existing literature on blasting experiments. In particular, single-hole and multiple-hole blasting results are compared. In the test site's rock/explosives context, results demonstrate that industrial benefits from a hole-by-hole prediction are limited. A numerical approach has been developed in parallel to experimental work; it takes advantage of adamage behaviour law specifically designed for fragmentation by explosives (Rouabhi, 2004). 2D calculations with scale reduction are made; the use of such a behaviour law is shown to be essential, and it is outlined that coupling shock wave & explosive gases effects should be sought in future modelling work. Moreover, results observed in a laboratory scale experimental study (Miklautsch, 2002) are explained in an original way. At the end of the thesis, several hole-by-hole prediction methods – which can easily be reproduced –are tested and fitted with results from the full-scale blasting experiments. In the end, it is shown that the most accurate method obtained, when used with mean blast pattern parameters instead of hole-by-hole information, actually provides an even more accurate prediction.


JORGE GOMEZ SOTO 14 August 2019 (has links)
[pt] Esta dissertação tem como objetivo principal estudar um caso real do comportamento de taludes de grande altura em um projeto de mineração situado no Peru, em termos de deslocamentos e fatores de segurança, considerando uma escavação com uma profundidade que se aproxima de 900 m. As análises tensão x deformação foram executadas pelo método dos elementos finitos, em modelos bi e tridimensionais, considerando o modelo constitutivo de Mohr-Coulomb para os seis diferentes tipos de rocha encontrados na área do projeto. Também foram investigados os efeitos da geometria 3D em análises pseudo-estáticas, tendo em vista a mineração estar situada em região de atividade sísmica, bem como a distância da pilha de material estéril em relação à borda da escavação. De modo geral observou-se que os deslocamentos horizontais e o fator de segurança estático são maiores em analises 3D, enquanto que os deslocamentos verticais resultaram superiores nas análises 2D. Os efeitos da pilha de estéril nos valores do fator de segurança foram pouco significativos, mas a configuração da superfície potencial de ruptura varia de acordo com a distância da pilha à escavação. O fator de segurança pseudo-estático em análises 3D depende da orientação considerada para a força pseudo-estática horizontal. / [en] The main objective of this thesis is to investigate the mechanical behavior of rock slopes of great height in a mining project located in Peru, in terms of displacements and safety factors, considering that the excavation has almost reached the depth of 900m. The stress – strain analyses were carried out by the finite element method considering bi and three-dimensional models and the Mohr-Coulomb constitutive model for the six different types of rock found in the area of the project. The 3D geometrical effects on pseudo-static analyzes were also investigated, since the mine is situated in a region of seismic activity, as well as the influence of the distance of the waste material from the edge of the excavation. In general, it was observed that the horizontal displacements and the static safety factor are larger in 3D analysis while the vertical displacements were superior in 2D models. The effects of the waste dump on the values of the safety factor were insignificant, but the configuration of the potential failure surface varied according to its distance from the excavation. The pseudo-static safety factor in 3D analysis depends on the orientation considered for the horizontal pseudo-static force.

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