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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A procedure to evaluate the feasibility of naval ship designs

Cassedy, William Augustus Tyler January 1977 (has links)
Thesis. 1977. Ocean E.--Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Dept. of Ocean Engineering. / MICROFICHE COPY AVAILABLE IN ARCHIVES AND ENGINEERING. / Includes bibliographical references. / by William Augustus Tyler Cassedy IV. / Ocean E.

Design and construction of a high-speed human-powered boat

Mosley, Kim Arthur January 1982 (has links)
Thesis (M.S.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, 1982. / MICROFICHE COPY AVAILABLE IN ARCHIVES AND ENGINEERING / Bibliography: leaf 51. / by Kim Arthur Mosley. / M.S.

Debridement Of Subgingival Periodontally Involved Root Surfaces With A Micro-Applicator Brush: A Macroscopic And Scanning Electron Microscope Study

Carey, Helen January 1998 (has links)
Master of Science in Dentistry / This work was digitised and made available on open access by the University of Sydney, Faculty of Dentistry and Sydney eScholarship . It may only be used for the purposes of research and study. Where possible, the Faculty will try to notify the author of this work. If you have any inquiries or issues regarding this work being made available please contact the Sydney eScholarship Repository Coordinator - ses@library.usyd.edu.au

Modeling of planing craft in waves

Garme, Karl January 2004 (has links)
Simulation of the planing hull in waves has been addressed during the last 25 years and basically been approached by strip methods. This work follows that tradition and describes a time-domain strip model for simulation of the planing hull in waves. The actual fluid mechanical problem is simplified through the strip approach. The load distribution acting on the hull is approximated by determining the section load at a number of hull sections, strips. The section-wise 2-dimensional calculations are expressed in terms of added mass coefficients and used in the formulations of both inertia and excitation forces in the equations of motions. The modeling approach starts from the hypothetic assumption that the transient conditions can be modeled based on those section-wise calculations. The equation of motion is solved in the time-domain. The equation is up-dated at each time step and every iteration step with respect to the momentary distribution of section draught and relative incident velocity between the hull and water and catches the characteristic non-linear behavior of the planing craft in waves. The model follows the principles of the pioneering work of E. E. Zarnick differing on model structure and in details such as the modeling of the lift in the transom area. A major part of the work is concerned with experiments and evaluation of simulations with respect to performed model tests and to published experiment data. Simulations of model tests have been performed and comparisons have been made between measured and simulated time series. The link between simulation and experiment is a wave model which is based on a wave height measurement signal. It is developed and evaluated in the thesis. The conclusions are in favor of the 2-dimensional approach to modeling the conditions for the planing hull in waves and among further studies is evaluation of simulated loads and motions to full-scale trial measurement data.

Models under uncertainty to support sow Herd management in the context of the pork supply chain

Rodríguez Sánchez, Sara Verónica 26 February 2010 (has links)
En els últims anys s'ha observat un canvi radical en l'estructura del sector porcí.Les explotacions porcines estan sent cada vegada més especialitzades i la grandàriade les seves operacions ha anat en augment. A més, les explotacions porcinesmodernes estan tendint a integrar i coordinar les seves operacions en Cadenes desubministrament del sector porcí (PSC en anglès). L'objectiu general de la tesi vaser formular un conjunt de models per a donar suport a la gestió del ramat de trugesreproductores i la producció de garrins dintre d'un context de cadena desubministrament, donant respostes pràctiques a preguntes rellevants sovintpreguntades per qui prenen les decisions. Així les principals decisions estratègiquesi tàctiques relacionades amb la gestió del ramat de truges reproductores i laproducció de garrins en un context de cadena de subministrament (PSC) van serconsiderades.Bàsicament quatre models sota incertesa van ser desenvolupats. El primer va ser laformulació d'un programa lineal d'un model semi-Markovià per al disseny de lesinstal·lacions de granges. Es va mostrar que la distribució del ramat basada enestats fisiològics i moviments entre instal·lacions fou útil pel càlcul dels espaisnecessaris per a cada instal·lació. La formulació va considerar les recentsregulacions de la Unió Europea relacionades amb el benestar animal i el cost de lesinstal·lacions. Continuant amb aspectes relacionats amb el benestar animal, es vadesenvolupar un marc per a la integració dels senyals clínics dintre d'un model dereemplaçament. Aquest model correspon a un procèss Markovià jeràrquic multinivell,que a més realitza una actualització de dades a través de xarxes Bayesianas.Els resultats van mostrar com la incorporació dels senyals clínics en els models dereemplaçament ha dut a millors polítiques de selecció a través d'una eficientdetecció de truges reproductores febles en el ramat. Els dos models següentsformulats sota un horitzó temporal finit han mostrat la distribució o estructura delramat evolutionant cap a l'estat estable. Variacions temporals en paràmetres opertorbacions transitòries van ser representades a través de models d'horitzó finiton diferents escenaris van capturar la incertesa del sistema. L'ús de Programació lineal va permetre explícitament incorporar restriccions de ramat més fàcilment queen una formulació amb Processos de decisió de Markov. Finalment el model deprogramació estocàstica de dues etapes amb recurs va mostrar ser una eina factibleper a tractar amb la incertesa del sistema a través d'escenaris. Beneficis addicionalsvan ser la compra de verres, la planificació de la producció i decisions dereemplaçament, tot sota un esquema d'horitzó de temps rodant.Avui dia, amb l'actual estructura del sector, és raonable pensar en models capaçosde resoldre amb major precisió els problemes que afecten a dos o més etapes de lacadena, i integrar-los a tots en algun sistema d'informació, amb la finalitat demillorar la gestió global de la cadena. Els models presentats en aquesta tesi sóneines adequades per a plantar cara a les principals decisions estratègiques itàctiques de la gestió del ramat de truges reproductores i la producció de garrins enun context de PSC / En los últimos años se ha observado un gran cambio en la estructura del sectorporcino. Las explotaciones porcinas están siendo cada vez más especializadasmientras que el tamaño de sus operaciones ha ido en aumento. Además, estántendiendo a integrar y coordinar sus operaciones en cadenas de suministro (PSC eninglés). Así, el objetivo general de la tesis fue formular un conjunto de modelospara apoyar la gestión del rebaño de cerdas reproductoras y la producción delechones dentro de un contexto de cadena de suministro, dando respuestas prácticasa preguntas relevantes a menudo questionadas por quienes toman las decisiones.De ahí que, las principales decisiones estratégicas y tácticas relacionadas con lagestión del rebaño en un contexto de cadena (PSC) fueron consideradas.Básicamente, cuatro modelos bajo incertidumbre fueron desarrollados. El primeroformula un programa lineal de un modelo semi-markoviano para el diseño de lasinstalaciones de granjas. Se mostró que la distribución de la manada basada enestados fisiológicos y movimientos entre instalaciones es útil para el cálculo de losespacios necesarios para cada instalación. La formulación consideró las recientesregulaciones de la Unión Europea relacionadas con el bienestar animal, además delcoste de las instalaciones. El segundo modelo desarrolló un marco para laintegración de las señales clínicas dentro de un modelo de reemplazamiento. Laformulación corresponde a un proceso Markoviano jerárquico multi-nivel, conactualización de datos a través de redes Bayesianas. Los resultados mostraroncómo la incorporación de las señales clínicas ha llevado a mejores políticas deselección a través de una eficiente detección de cerdas débiles en el rebaño. Lossiguientes dos modelos son formulados bajo un horizonte de tiempo finito ymuestran la distribución o estructura del rebaño moviéndose hacia el estadoestable. Las variaciones temporales en parámetros o perturbaciones transitoriasfueron incorporadas a través de modelos de horizonte finito donde diferentesescenarios representaron la incertidumbre del sistema. El uso de Programaciónlineal permitió explícitamente incorporar restricciones de rebaño más fácilmenterespecto a la formulación con Procesos de decisión de Markov. Finalmente el modelo de programación estocástica de dos etapas con recurso mostró ser unaherramienta factible para tratar con la incertidumbre del sistema a través deescenarios. Beneficios adicionales fueron la programación de cerdas jóvenes, laplaneación de la producción y decisiones de reemplazo, todo bajo un esquema dehorizonte de tiempo rodante.Hoy en día, con la actual estructura del sector, es razonable pensar en modeloscapaces de resolver con mayor precisión los problemas que afectan a dos o másetapas de la cadena, e integrarlos a todos en algún sistema de información, con elfin de mejorar la gestión global de la cadena. Por lo que los modelos presentadosen esta tesis son herramientas adecuadas para hacer frente a las principalesdecisiones estratégicas y tácticas de la gestión del rebaño de cerdas reproductoras yla producción de lechones en un contexto de cadena de suministro. / A noticeable change in the structure of the Spanish pork sector has been observedin recent years. Pig farms have become more and more specialized and the size oftheir operations has been increasing. Moreover, modern pig farms have tended tointegrate and coordinate their operations into Pork Supply Chain (PSC). Thus, theoverall aim of this thesis was to formulate a set of models to support sow herdmanagement and piglet production in a pork supply chain context, giving practicalanswers to relevant questions often asked by decision makers. Hence, the mainstrategic and tactical decisions regarding sow herds and piglet productionmanagement in a pork supply chain context were considered.Basically, four models under uncertainty were developed. The first one was a linearprogramming formulation of a semi-Markov model to design pig facilities. Itshowed that herd distribution based on physiological states and movementsbetween facilities were useful to calculate the room needs for each sow facility.The formulation considers recent EU regulations regarding animal welfare and theimpact on economic cost of housing facilities. Ongoing with animal welfare issues,a framework for the integration of clinical signs into a sow replacement model wasdeveloped. The sow replacement model used in the framework was a multi-levelhierarchical Markov process using Bayesian updating. The results showed how theincorporation of clinical signs in sow replacement models led to better cullingpolicies through more efficient detection of the weakest sows in the herd. The nexttwo models formulated under finite time horizon showed the herd distribution orstructure moving to the steady state. Temporary shocks in parameters or transitoryperturbations were better represented by finite time horizon models wherescenarios collected part of the uncertainty of the system. The use of LinearProgramming led to incorporate herd constraints more easily than in a MarkovDecision Process. Finally the two-stage stochastic programming model withrecourse showed to be a suitable tool to deal with the uncertainty of the systemthrough scenarios. Additional benefits for practical purpose were the scheduling of purchasing of gilts, planning piglet production and replacement policy, all under arolling time horizon scheme.Nowadays, with the current structure of the sector, it is reasonable to think aboutmodels capable of solving more accurately problems involving two or more stagesof the chain, and integrating them all together in some information system, in orderto improve the management of the PSC. Hence the models presented in this thesisare suitable tools to deal with main strategic and tactical decisions in sow herdsproducing piglets in a general PSC context.

Proceedings of the 23rd Workshop on (Constraint) Logic Programming 2009

January 2010 (has links)
The workshops on (constraint) logic programming (WLP) are the annual meeting of the Society of Logic Programming (GLP e.V.) and bring together researchers interested in logic programming, constraint programming, and related areas like databases, artificial intelligence and operations research. The 23rd WLP was held in Potsdam at September 15 – 16, 2009. The topics of the presentations of WLP2009 were grouped into the major areas: Databases, Answer Set Programming, Theory and Practice of Logic Programming as well as Constraints and Constraint Handling Rules.


Geske, Ulrich, Wolf, Armin January 2010 (has links)
The workshops on (constraint) logic programming (WLP) are the annual meeting of the Society of Logic Programming (GLP e.V.) and bring together researchers interested in logic programming, constraint programming, and related areas like databases, artificial intelligence and operations research. In this decade, previous workshops took place in Dresden (2008), Würzburg (2007), Vienna (2006), Ulm (2005), Potsdam (2004), Dresden (2002), Kiel (2001), and Würzburg (2000). Contributions to workshops deal with all theoretical, experimental, and application aspects of constraint programming (CP) and logic programming (LP), including foundations of constraint/ logic programming. Some of the special topics are constraint solving and optimization, extensions of functional logic programming, deductive databases, data mining, nonmonotonic reasoning, / interaction of CP/LP with other formalisms like agents, XML, JAVA, program analysis, program transformation, program verification, meta programming, parallelism and concurrency, answer set programming, implementation and software techniques (e.g., types, modularity, design patterns), applications (e.g., in production, environment, education, internet), constraint/logic programming for semantic web systems and applications, reasoning on the semantic web, data modelling for the web, semistructured data, and web query languages.

Optimal deadrise hull analysis and design space study of naval special warfare high speed planing boats /

Whalen, Todd E. January 2002 (has links)
Thesis (M.S. in Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering and M.S. in Civil and Environmental Engineering)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2002. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 64-65). Also available online.

Besimokančių darbuotojų karjeros planavimo sąlygos švietimo organizacijoje / Career planning conditions of learning employee in educational system

Rainytė, Erika 08 June 2009 (has links)
Karjera yra labai svarbus žmogaus ateities elementas. Ji nėra svarbi tik siauram ratui perspektyvių žmonių. Dažnai suaugęs žmogus mokosi dėl keleto priežasčių, t.y. nori išlikti darbo vietoje ir turi neatsilikti nuo jaunų specialistų, kurie turi platesnį išsilavinimą; nori padaryti karjerą toje srityje, kurioje dirba; yra verčiami mokytis, nes direktorius/ viršininkas liepia tai daryti dėl organizacijos bendrų tikslų siekimo ar pan. Problema: Organizacijų vadovai nepakankamai sudaro sąlygas besimokančių darbuotojų karjeros kėlimui, karjeros planavimui toje pačioje organizacijoje. Objektas. Besimokančių darbuotojų karjeros planavimo sąlygos švietimo organizacijose. Klausimas. Kokias sąlygas karjeros planavimui turi besimokantis darbuotojas, dirbantis švietimo organizacijoje? Tikslas – Atskleisti ar besimokantiems darbuotojams sudaromos sąlygos karjeros planavimui, dirbant švietimo organizacijoje. Uždaviniai: 1. Apibrėžti profesinės ir asmeninės karjeros sampratą. 2. Pagrįsti personalo kvalifikacijos tobulinimo vietą personalo vadyboje. 3. Aprašyti suaugusiųjų mokymosi reikšmę karjerai. 4. Atskleisti besimokančių darbuotojų karjeros planavimo sąlygų visumą. Aprašant besimokančių darbuotojų karjeros planavimui sudaromas sąlygas švietimo organizacijose galima teigti, jog pagrindinėmis darbuotojų norą mokytis priežastimis galima laikyti pačių darbuotojų asmeninį norą tobulėti bei profesinės kvalifikacijos kėlimą. Organizacija iš besimokančių darbuotojų visada gauna naudos... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Career is very important element in human’s future because it is important not only for in-group of perspective people. Usually, grown up people learn for several reasons: people want to remain at work and do not want to stay away from young specialists who have higher education. People want to succeed in their work and, for this reason, they are forced to learn because the manager enquires to do this for general aims of organization. Problem: Are there sufficient conditions in educational system for learning employee in career planning in the same organization? What they are? Does learning employee have wider possibilities of career in educational system than the one who is not studying? Object: Career planning conditions of learning employee in educational system. Question: What career planning conditions learning employee, who works in educational system, have? Purpose: To reveal conditions of career planning to learning employees while working in educational system. Tasks: 1. To define the concept of professional and personal career. 2. To justify the place of qualification improvement in human resources. 3. To reveal the meaning of adult learning in their career. 4. To describe the totality of career planning conditions of learning employees. While describing career planning conditions of learning employee in educational system, we can affirm that the main reason, why employees want to improve, is their own wish to become better workers and gain higher professional... [to full text]

Strateginis marketingo planavimas: Šiaulių miesto įmonių atvejis / Strategic marketing planing: Siauliai business case

Bartaševičienė, Renata, Urba, Egidijus 20 June 2013 (has links)
Bakalauro baigiamajame darbe analizuojamas strateginis marketingo planavimas: Šiaulių mieso įmonių atveju, kurio tyrimui buvo nusitaikyta į didžiausias Šiaulių miesto įmones, vertinant pagal metines pardavimo apimtis. Šio darbo tikslas identifikuoti Šiaulių miesto įmonių strateginio marketingo planavimo būklę. Darbo objektu pasirinktas strateginis marketingo planavimas.Teorinėje darbo dalyje atlikta teorinė strateginio marketingo planavimo analizė. Vadovaujantis moksline literatūra, gautos sampratos buvo susistemintos, siekiant pagrįsti jų svarbą strateginio marketingo planavimo procese. / The Bachelor thesis analyzes the strategic marketing planning: Siauliai city enterprises in which the study was tar the largest city of Siauliai companies in terms of annual sales. The aim of this work is to identificate the city of Siauliai corporate strategic marketing planning condition. The object of this work was chosen strategic marketing planning. In theoretical part of the paper made the theoretical analysis of the strategic marketing planning. According to scientific literature, the concept has been codified in order to justify the importance of the strategic marketing planning process. In empirical part of quality testing, data analysis and present their results. Qualitative analysis was used to carry out an expert - customer interviews, expert interviews and focus group methods. Expert - customer define their interviews were taken and tested expert - customer submission of the initial versions and after that it was slightly adjusted. The expert survey were interviewed 36 Siauliai companies, the study helped to identify the key criteria for further investigation. In Focus group was discuss the results, the experts submitted their interpretations and insights. The study helped to identify that the strategic marketing planning condition is moderate.

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