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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Application of statistical learning theory to plankton image analysis

Hu, Qiao, Ph. D. Massachusetts Institute of Technology January 2006 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--Joint Program in Applied Ocean Science and Engineering (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering; and the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution), 2006. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 155-173). / A fundamental problem in limnology and oceanography is the inability to quickly identify and map distributions of plankton. This thesis addresses the problem by applying statistical machine learning to video images collected by an optical sampler, the Video Plankton Recorder (VPR). The research is focused on development of a real-time automatic plankton recognition system to estimate plankton abundance. The system includes four major components: pattern representation/feature measurement, feature extraction/selection, classification, and abundance estimation. After an extensive study on a traditional learning vector quantization (LVQ) neural network (NN) classifier built on shape-based features and different pattern representation methods, I developed a classification system combined multi-scale cooccurrence matrices feature with support vector machine classifier. This new method outperforms the traditional shape-based-NN classifier method by 12% in classification accuracy. Subsequent plankton abundance estimates are improved in the regions of low relative abundance by more than 50%. Both the NN and SVM classifiers have no rejection metrics. In this thesis, two rejection metrics were developed. / (cont.) One was based on the Euclidean distance in the feature space for NN classifier. The other used dual classifier (NN and SVM) voting as output. Using the dual-classification method alone yields almost as good abundance estimation as human labeling on a test-bed of real world data. However, the distance rejection metric for NN classifier might be more useful when the training samples are not "good" ie, representative of the field data. In summary, this thesis advances the current state-of-the-art plankton recognition system by demonstrating multi-scale texture-based features are more suitable for classifying field-collected images. The system was verified on a very large real-world dataset in systematic way for the first time. The accomplishments include developing a multi-scale occurrence matrices and support vector machine system, a dual-classification system, automatic correction in abundance estimation, and ability to get accurate abundance estimation from real-time automatic classification. The methods developed are generic and are likely to work on range of other image classification applications. / by Qiao Hu. / Ph.D.

A quantitative study of the water quality and plankton of Upper Blue Lake, Lower Blue Lake, and the Oaks Arm of Clear Lake in Lake County, California

Hayes, Stephen Patrick 01 January 1974 (has links)
This study was undertaken to examine any possible associations between the measurements of water quality and lake conditions, and the quantity and composition of plankton present in Upper Blue Lake, Lower Blue Lake, and the Oaks Arm of Clear Lake during the sampling period. A secondary objective of this study was to provide a record of these measurements. These measurements, when taken collectively, are important indicators of the trophic state or nutrient condition of the waters of the three lakes from February through October 1972.

An Ecological Approach to Feed Management in Fish Rearing Ponds

Filbrun, Jesse Everett 23 July 2013 (has links)
No description available.

Long-Term Surface Uplift History of the Active Banda Arc-Continent Collision: Depth and Age Analysis of Foraminifera from Rote and Savu Islands, Indonesia

Roosmawati, Nova 06 July 2005 (has links) (PDF)
Analysis of foraminifera for synorogenic pelagic units of Rote and Savu Islands, Indonesia, reveals high rates of surface uplift in the past 1.5 Ma of the incipient Banda arc-continent collision. Paleodepth estimates are derived from benthonic forams and ages from planktonic forams. But estimates are complicated, however, by abundant reworking; yet several distinctive species have been found. Synorogenic deposits in western Rote yield forams of biozone Neogene (N) 18 and depths from 5000-5700 meters at the base of the section, and 3600 meters at the top of the section. Eastern Rote yields forams of N 19/20 - N 22 and depths from 5400-5700 meters. Central Rote yields N 21 and depths from 5000-5700 meters. Because all of the sections are presently about the same elevation (~200 m), long-term surface uplift rates are slightly higher (1.84-3.29 m/yr) in eastern and central Rote than those in western Rote. Forams from Savu yield ages of N19/20 - N 22. Across Savu depth estimates range from 3200-5700 meters, which yields a range of uplift rates from 1.86 mm/yr in SE Savu to 3.25 mm/yr in Central Savu. These results indicate the Banda arc-continent collision caused uplift of Rote and Savu at rates of 1-2 mm/yr over the past 3 Ma.

Étude acoustique du macrozooplancton au Pérou : estimation de biomasse, distribution spatiale, impact du forçage physique, et conséquences sur la distribution des poissons fourrage / Acoustic study of macrozooplancton off Peru : biomass estimation, spatial patterns, impact of physical forcing, and effect on forage fish distribution

Ballón Soto, Roberto Michael 12 May 2010 (has links)
La partie nord du Système du courant de Humboldt (NSCH) couvre moins de 0.1% de la surface océanique mondiale mais produit plus de poisons, en particulier d'anchois du Pérou (Engraulis ringens), par unité de surface que n'importe quelle autre région du monde. Bien que ce système produise suffisamment de macrozooplancton pour alimenter les populations de poisson fourrage, le manque d'informations sur ce compartiment limite nos capacités d'étude. L'objectif de cette thèse est d'étudier la dynamique de la distribution spatiotemporelle de la biomasse en macrozooplancton du NSCH en relation avec l'environnement physique et les poissons fourrage, à différentes échelles. Pour ce faire une méthode acoustique bi-fréquences a été développée et appliqué à des séries de données acoustiques historiques. Des informations à haute résolution ont ainsi pu être extraite sur la biomasse et les patrons de distribution du macrozooplancton, de la galathée pélagique 'munida', des poissons et des autres compartiments. Cette méthode nous a également permis d'estimer l'extension verticale de la communauté épipélagique (ZVEEC). Nous avons démontré que ZVEEC coïncide avec la limite supérieure de la zone de minimum d'oxygène (ZMO), ce qui permet de produire des donnés spatialisées à haute résolution de la limite supérieure de la ZMO et d'estimer le volume d'habitat de l'anchois. Notre estimation de biomasse en macrozooplancton, environ quatre fois supérieures aux estimations antérieures, est en accord avec les découvertes récentes sur l'écologie trophique des poissons fourrage du NSCH et fournit des éléments étayant les théories actuelles sur l'origine de la haute productivité en poissons du NSCH. L'étude des impacts des structures physiques de submeso- et mesoéchelle sur la distribution du macrozooplancton supporte l'hypothèse d'une structuration de type 'bottom-up'. Nous avons également mis en évidence l'impact de la structuration spatiale du macrozooplancton sur la distribution des poissons fourrage. Les données physiques et biologiques à haute résolution obtenues grâce à cette étude ouvrent de nouvelles perspectives pour réaliser des études écologiques intégrées à échelles multiples et pour calibrer les modèles biogéochimiques, trophiques ou End-to-End. / The Northern Humboldt Current system (NHCS) represents less than 0.1% of the world ocean surface but produces more fish, mainly Peruvian anchovy (Engraulis ringens), per unit area than any other region in the world. Although this system produces enough macrozooplankton to feed its high production of forage fish, the paucity of information on zooplankton hampers research in the system. The objective of this study was to investigate the multiscale dynamics of the spatiotemporal distribution of the macrozooplankton biomass off Peru in relation to the physical environment and their fish predators. For that a bi-frequency acoustic method was developed and applied to extract, from historical acoustic data, high-resolution information on the biomass and the patterns of distribution of macrozooplankton, the pelagic red squad 'munida', fish and other marine compartments. This method also allows estimating the vertical extension of this epipelagic community (ZVEEC). We demonstrated that ZVEEC coincide with the upper limit of the oxygen minimum zone (OMZ), which allowed both producing high-resolution spatial data of the upper limit of the OMZ and estimating the volume habitat of anchovy. The estimated macrozooplankton biomass was about four times higher than previously reported. This estimate is in agreement with the recent findings on forage fish trophic ecology and supports the current hypotheses explaining the NHCS high fish production. The study of the impacts of the submeso- and mesoscale physical structures on macrozooplankton provided evidence of the bottom-up physical effect on the distribution of macrozooplankton biomass. We also found further evidence of the structuring bottom-up effect that macrozooplankton exert on forage fish. The high-resolution biological and physical data obtained in this study opens new perspective to perform integrated multiscale ecological studies and to calibrate biogeochemical, trophic and End-to-End models.

Use of ATP as a Planktonic Biomass Indicator in Reservoir Limnology

Perry, William B. 08 1900 (has links)
A series of laboratory experiments and a field investigation were conducted to closely define the application of the ATP assay and ATP as a planktonic biomass estimator for routine use in reservoir limnology. The laboratory experiments verified the published range of C:ATP ratios (i.e. 250:1) as a conversion factor for ATP to biomass in cultured selected genera of freshwater algae, except for the species of blue-green algae examined. The field investigation conducted at Moss Reservoir included organic carbon measurements with ATP biomass in size classes on a depth basis. The ATP biomass varied seasonally and with depth; the best significant mtltiple correlation was between organic carbon and the smallest size class (.45 to 10 um) and total net plankton biomass (.45 to 165 um). Daily monitoring of biomass in size classes demonstrated the sensitivity of the technique.

Úloha mikrobiotopů v časo-prostorové diferenciaci společenstev fytoplanktonních bičíkovců / The role of microhabitats in spatio-temporal differentiation of phytoplankton flagellates

Pusztai, Martin January 2014 (has links)
This thesis deals with factors structuring phytoplankton flagellates. The aim of the thesis was to investigate the role of microhabitats in spatio-temporal differentiation of lentic communities of these flagellates, which has not been rigorously examined to date. The study was conducted during 2010-2013 in the shallow littoral sites of Horní rybník, Rybníčky u Podbořánek Nature Reserve. Phytoplankton flagellates showed cyclic seasonal dynamics, which was reflected by significantly different community structure and species richness during the season. In contrast, silica-scaled chrysophytes showed a non- cyclic seasonal dynamics. The impact of the season was strongly correlated with the impact of fluctuating environmental factors - pH, conductivity and temperature. Gradient of interrelated environmental factors between the northern and southern shore together with microhabitat - substrate type played the major role and accounted for 64.4 - 75.8 % variability in the data. Microhabitat type (plankton, metaphyton, epipelon) significantly affected species richness and community structure also in the course of the season. A large number of species was assessed to prefer a certain type of microhabitat. These preferences were observed at both species and generic levels, and even at the level of the main taxonomic...

2D Modelling of Phytoplankton Dynamics in Freshwater Lakes

Harlin, Hugo January 2019 (has links)
Phytoplankton are single celled organisms capable of phytosynthesis, and are present in all the major oceans and lakes in the world. Phytoplankton contribute to 50% of the total primary production on Earth, and are the dominating primary producer in most aquatic ecosystems. This thesis is based on the 1D deterministic model by Jäger et. al. (2010) which models phytoplankton dynamics in freshwater lakes, where phytoplankton growth is limited by the availability of light and phosphorus. The original model is here extended to two dimensions to include a horizontal dimension as well as a vertical dimension, in order to simulate phytoplankton dynamics under varying lake bottom topographies. The model was solved numerically using a grid transform and a finite volume method in MATLAB. Using the same parameter settings as the 1D case studied by Jäger et. al. (2010), an initial study of plankton dynamics was done by varying the horizontal and vertical diffusion coefficients independently.

Diversidade de bactérias quitinolíticas isoladas em amostras de água do mar e plâncton coletadas na região costeira do estado de São Paulo. / Diversity of Chitinolytic bacteria isolated from seawater and plankton samples collected at São Paulo Coast, Brazil.

Sales, Claudiana Paula de Souza 06 August 2009 (has links)
Bactérias quitinolíticas são autóctones do ecossistema marinho e tem um importante papel no processo de degradação de quitina. Relativamente pouco é conhecido sobre a diversidade e potencial enzimático de bactérias quitinolíticas isoladas de ambientes tropicais costeiros. Amostras de água do mar e de plâncton foram coletadas no Canal de São Sebastião, Baixada Santista e Ubatuba. As bactérias quitinolíticas foram enumeradas e isoladas em meio mínimo contendo quitina coloidal e caracterizadas através de métodos fenotípicos e genotípicos. As maiores contagens de bactérias quitinolíticas foram observadas em amostras de água do mar e plâncton coletadas na Baixada Santista. A diversidade de bactérias quitinolíticas e o potencial de produção de quitinases foram influenciados pelo nível de contaminação fecal presente no ecossistema marinho. Uma maior diversidade foi encontrada em ambiente com médio e baixo impacto antropogênico, mas bactérias quitinolíticas isoladas de ambiente com alta atividade antropogênica mostraram os maiores valores de produção de quitinases. / Chitinolytic bacteria are autochthonous in marine ecosystems and have an important role in chitin degradation process. A very little is know about the diversity and enzymatic potential of chitinolytic bacteria isolated from coastal tropical environments. Seawater and plankton samples were collected at Canal de São Sebastião, Baixada Santista and Ubatuba. Chitinolytic bacteria were counted and isolated in minimal media containing colloidal chitin and characterized using phenotypic and genotypic methods. Highest counts of chitinolytic bacteria were observed in seawater and plankton samples collected at Baixada Santista. The diversity of chitinolytic bacteria and the potential of chitinases production were influenced by the level of fecal contamination present in the marine ecosystem. Highest diversity was found in environment with medium and low anthropogenic impact, but chitinolytic bacteria isolated from environment with high anthropogenic influences showed highest chitinases production.

Frequência e diversidade de colifagos somáticos isolados de amostras de água do mar, plâncton e bivalves da baixada santista, canal de São Sebastião e Ubatuba. / Frequency and diversity of somatic coliphages isolated from seawater, plankton and bivalves samples from baixada Santista, Canal de São Sebastião e Ubatuba.

Rosero, Edith Mariela Burbano 03 July 2009 (has links)
Os colifagos somáticos (CS) são os melhores indicadores de poluição fecal. Neste trabalho, foi determinada a abundância de CS em amostras de água do mar, plâncton, e bivalves coletadas em Santos, São Sebastião e Ubatuba. Houve correlação positiva entre CS e as bactérias marinhas viáveis, coliformes termotolerantes, E.coli e enterococos intestinais, e a correlação foi negativa com a temperatura. As maiores contagens de CS foram obtidas em Santos. As freqüências das famílias encontradas nas amostras de água do mar e plâncton foram: Siphoviridae (50% e 65,8%), Podoviridae (36% e 15,8%), Microviridae (9% e 15,8%) e Myoviridae (5%, 2,6%), respectivamente. Em bivalves, só foi observada Siphoviridae. Os morfotipos observados foram A1 (3%), B1 (63%), C1 (21%) e D1 (13%). As técnicas de RFLP e rep-PCR não foram discriminatórias. 9,6% dos colifagos apresentaram os genes que codificam para as toxinas ST e/ou LT. O presente estudo está identificando os colifagos como perigos microbiológicos e gerando subsídios para avaliação de riscos microbiológicos no ecossistema marinho. / The somatic coliphages (SC) are the better indicator for fecal pollution. In this research, it was obtained the SC abundance in seawater, plankton and bivalves samples collected from Santos, São Sebastiâo and Ubatuba. SC counts were correlated with marine viable bacteria, thermotolerant coliforms, E. coli and intestinal enterococci, and the correlation was negative with the temperature. Highest SC counts were obtained from samples collected at Santos. The frequency of SC families found in seawater and plankton samples were: Siphoviridae (50% and 65.8%), Podoviridae (36% and 15.8%), Microviridae (9% and 15.8%), and Myoviridae (5%, 2.6%), respectively. In bivalves, only Siphoviridae was found. Morphotypes A1 (3%), B1 (63%), C1 (21%) and D1 (13%) were observed. The RFLP and rep-PCR techniques were not discriminatory. 9.6% of coliphages contained genes codifying for thermostable toxin (ST) and/or thermolabil toxin (LT). This study is identifying the coliphages as microbial hazard and giving support to later studies for microbial risk assessment of marine ecosystem.

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