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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Enhancement of tomato resistance to Tuta absoluta by the expression of two barley proteinase inhibitors

Hamza, Rim 14 December 2017 (has links)
Evolution has provided vast genetic diversity, enabling plants to surmount many biotic pressures. Plants have evolved various morphological and biochemical adaptations to cope with herbivores attacks. Despite that, yearly, around 40 % of worldwide crop production is lost due to pests and pathogens, with 13 % due to insects. Tuta absoluta has become a major pest threatening tomato crops worldwide and without the appropriated management it can cause production losses between 80 to 100 %. To cope with this threat, we need to strengthen plant defense arsenals. The incorporation to plants of defensive genes like proteinase inhibitors by means of genetic engineering is a promising alternative. In the first chapter of this work we investigated the inhibitory activity of two trypsin inhibitors from barley; BTI-CMe and BTI-CMc. Besides, we succeeded to increase the BTI-CMc in vitro inhibitory activity by introducing a single mutation in its putative reactive site. In the second chapter, we investigated the in vivo effect of (a serine proteinase inhibitor) BTI-CMe and a (cysteine proteinase inhibitor) Hv-CPI2 isolated from barley on Tuta absoluta and we examined the effect of their expression on the tomato defensive response. We found that larvae fed on the double transgenic plants showed a notable reduction in weight. Moreover, only 56% of the larvae reached the adult stage. The emerged adults showed wings deformities and reduced fertility. We also investigated the effect of proteinase inhibitors ingestion on the insect digestive enzymes. Our results showed a decrease in larval trypsin activity. Proteinase inhibitors had no harmful effect on Nesidiocoris tenuis; a predator of Tuta absoluta, despite transgenic tomato plants attracted the mirid. We investigated whether or not plant defensive mechanisms were activated in the transgenic tomato plants and found that, interestingly, the expression of the barley cysteine proteinase inhibitor promoted plant defense, inducing the tomato endogenous wound inducible proteinase inhibitor 2 (Pin2) gene. Moreover, glandular trichomes production was increased and the emission of volatile organic compounds was altered. Our results demonstrate the usefulness of the co-expression of different proteinase inhibitors for the enhancement of plant resistance to pests. / La evolución ha proporcionado una gran diversidad genética, permitiendo a las plantas superar muchas presiones bióticas. Las plantas han desarrollado diversas adaptaciones morfológicas y bioquímicas para hacer frente a los ataques de los herbívoros. A pesar de ello, anualmente, alrededor del 40 % de la producción mundial de cultivos se pierde debido a plagas y patógenos, siendo un 13 % debido a insectos. Tuta absoluta se ha convertido en una de las principales plagas que amenazan los cultivos de tomate en todo el mundo y sin la gestión adecuada puede causar pérdidas de producción entre el 80 y el 100 %. Para hacer frente a esta amenaza, necesitamos fortalecer los arsenales de defensa de las plantas. La incorporación a las plantas, mediante ingeniería genética, de genes defensivos como los inhibidores de proteinasas es una alternativa prometedora. En el primer capítulo de este trabajo se investigó la actividad inhibitoria de dos inhibidores de tripsina procedentes de cebada; BTI-CMe y BTI-CMc. Además, se logró aumentar la actividad inhibitoria in vitro de BTI-CMc mediante la introducción de una única mutación en su putativo centro reactivo. En el segundo capítulo, se investigó el efecto in vivo de un inhibidor de serin proteinasa (BTI-CMe) y un inhibidor de cisteín proteinasa (Hv-CPI2) aislado de cebada en Tuta absoluta y se examinó el efecto de su expresión en la respuesta defensiva del tomate. Se encontró que las larvas alimentadas con las plantas transgénicas dobles mostraron una notable reducción de peso. Además, sólo el 56 % de las larvas alcanzó la etapa adulta. Los adultos emergentes mostraron deformidades de las alas y reducción de la fertilidad. También se investigó el efecto de la ingesta de inhibidores de proteinasa en las enzimas digestivas de los insectos. Nuestros resultados mostraron una disminución en la actividad tripsina larvaria. Los inhibidores de proteinasas no tuvieron efectos nocivos sobre Nesidiocoris tenuis(depredador de Tuta absoluta) a pesar de que las plantas transgénicas de tomate atrajeron al mirido. Se investigó si los mecanismos defensivos de las plantas se activaban en las plantas de tomate transgénico y se encontró que, curiosamente, la expresión de la cistatina de cebada promovía la defensa de la planta, induciendo el gen del inhibidor de proteasa 2 endógeno del tomate, inducible por herida (Pin2). Además, aumentó la producción de tricomas glandulares y se alteró la emisión de compuestos orgánicos volátiles. Nuestros resultados demuestran la utilidad de la co-expresión de diferentes inhibidores de proteinasas para el aumento de la resistencia de las plantas a plagas. / L'evolució ha proporcionat una gran diversitat genètica, permetent a les plantes superar moltes pressions biòtiques. Les plantes han desenvolupat diverses adaptacions morfològiques i bioquímiques per fer front als atacs dels herbívors. Tot i això, anualment, al voltant del 40 % de la producció mundial de cultius es perd a causa de plagues i patògens, amb un 13 % a causa de insectes. Tuta absoluta s'ha convertit en una de les principals plagues que amenacen els cultius de tomaca a tot el món i sense la gestió adequada pot causar pèrdues de producció entre el 80 i el 100 %. Per fer front a aquesta amenaça, necessitem enfortir els arsenals de defensa de les plantes. La incorporació a les plantes de gens defensius com els inhibidors de proteïnases per mitjà de l'enginyeria genètica és una alternativa prometedora. En el primer capítol d'aquest treball es va investigar l'activitat inhibitòria de dos inhibidors de tripsina aïllats a partir d'ordi; BTI-CMe i BTI-CMC. A més, es va aconseguir augmentar l'activitat inhibitòria in vitro de BTI-CMC mitjançant la introducció d'una única mutació en el seu lloc reactiu putatiu. En el segon capítol, es va investigar l'efecte in vivo d'un inhibidor de serin proteinasa (BTI-CMe) i un inhibidor de cisteïn proteinasa (Hv-CPI2) aïllats d'ordi en Tuta absoluta i es va examinar l'efecte de la seva expressió en la resposta defensiva del tomaca. Es va trobar que les larves alimentades amb les plantes transgèniques dobles van mostrar una notable reducció de pes. A més, només el 56 % de les larves va aconseguir l'etapa adulta. Els adults emergents van mostrar deformitats de les ales i reducció de la fertilitat. També es va investigar l'efecte de la ingesta d'inhibidors de proteinasa en els enzims digestius dels insectes. Els nostres resultats van mostrar una disminució en l'activitat tripsina larvària. Els inhibidors de proteïnases no van tenir efectes nocius sobre Nesidiocoris tenuis, un depredador de Tuta absoluta, tot i les plantes transgèniques de tomaca van atreure al mirid. Es va investigar si els mecanismes defensius de les plantes s'activaven a les plantes de tomaca transgènic i es va trobar que, curiosament, l'expressió de cistatina d'ordi promovia la defensa de la planta, induint el gen de l'inhibidor de proteasa 2 endogen de la tomaca, induïble per ferida (Pin2). A més, va augmentar la producció de tricomes glandulars i es va alterar l'emissió de compostos orgànics volàtils. Els nostres resultats demostren la utilitat de la co-expressió de diferents inhibidors de proteïnases per a l'augment de la resistència de les plantes a plagues. / Hamza, R. (2017). Enhancement of tomato resistance to Tuta absoluta by the expression of two barley proteinase inhibitors [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/92723

Association of plastid lipid metabolism with the activation of systemic acquired resistance in Arabidopsis thaliana

Krothapalli, Kartikeya January 1900 (has links)
Doctor of Philosophy / Department of Biology / Jyoti Shah / Localized inoculation of a plant with an avirulent pathogen results in the activation of systemic acquired resistance (SAR), a defense mechanism that confers enhanced resistance against a variety of pathogens. The activation of SAR requires the translocation of an unknown signal from the pathogen-inoculated organ to the other organs where defenses are primed to respond faster in response to a future attack by a pathogen. Previous studies with the Arabidopsis thaliana dir1 (defective in induced resistance1) and sfd1 (suppressor of fatty acid desaturase deficiency1) mutants implicated a role for plant lipids in the activation of SAR. DIR1 encodes a putative lipid transfer protein and SFD1 encodes a dihydroxyacetone phosphate (DHAP) reductase involved in plastid glycerolipid metabolism. To further evaluate the role of DHAP reductases and plastid lipids in SAR, the involvement of two additional putative DHAP reductase encoding genes (AtGPDHp and AtGPDHc) and the SFD2 gene, which like SFD1 is involved in plastid glycerolipid metabolism, in SAR was evaluated. Only SFD2 was found to be essential for SAR. Although the lipid profile of the sfd2 mutant was similar to that of the fad5 (fatty acid desaturase 5) mutant, sfd2 is not allelic with fad5 and does not influence FAD5 expression. The SFD2 gene was mapped to an 85 kilo basepairs (kb) region on the third chromosome of Arabidopsis. The lipid composition defect of the sfd2 mutant was partially complemented by two independent recombinant bacterial artificial chromosomes (BACs) that contained genomic DNA spanning the wild type SFD2 locus. The role of plastid synthesized glycerolipids in the activation of SAR was further evaluated by characterizing SAR in additional Arabidopsis mutants that were deficient in plastid lipid metabolism. The requirement of MGD1 (MONOGALACTOSYLDIACYLGLYCEROL SYNTHASE 1), DGD1 (DIGALACTOSYL-DIACYLGLYCEROL SYNTHASE 1) and FAD7 (FATTY ACID DESATURASE 7) genes in SAR, confirmed the essential role of plastid glycerolipids, presumably a galactolipid-dependent factor, in signaling associated with the SAR.

Analysis Of Function Of The Son1-Interacting Protein, Lnk2 In Arabidopsis Thaliana

Zogli, Prince Kudjoe 01 January 2015 (has links)
The Arabidopsis SON1 F-box protein was implicated in regulating a pathogen defense pathway, but its exact function in wild-type plants is unknown. As an F-box protein it was predicted that SON1 would assembles into a SON1-SCF ubiquitin ligase complex that recruits specific plant defense-related proteins for proteolysis. The yeast 2-hybrid assay was used to screen for potential substrates for a putative SON1-SCF ligase, leading to the identification of Arabidopsis LNK2 as a SON1-binding factor. Comprehensive protein-protein interaction analysis has shown that the binding of SON1 to LNK2 protein is specific, because closely related, full-length Arabidopsis F-box proteins do not interact with LNK2. However, when tested in isolation, some fragments derived from the paralog proteins did bind SON1, suggesting that higher order structure or inter-domain interference affects the ability of SON1 to recruit substrate. When analyzed for interaction domains, three regions of SON1 were identified that bind to LNK2 and a LNK2 binding region spans a conserved amino acid region. Phylogenetic analysis revealed that there is a paralogous gene called LNK1 in Arabidopsis, and both LNK1 and LNK2 are restricted to the plant kingdom. LNK2 and LNK1 are seen to be widely distributed in embryophyte seed and spore plants. Genetic analysis and complementation tests showed that LNK1 and LNK2 regulate flowering and photo-morphogenesis redundantly. Though lnk1 and lnk2 mutants look similar to wild-type plants, lnk1 lnk2 double mutant plants possess a long hypocotyls and flower late compared to wild-type plants. Because SON1 is implicated in plant defense, lnk mutants were assessed for susceptibility to a virulent oomycete pathogen, Hyaloperonospora arabidopsidis (Hpa). Interestingly, lnk mutants supported less disease development, suggesting a role of the wild-type LNK proteins in the enabling of pathogen colonization or in repressing host defenses. To confirm that each of the phenotypes described were a consequence of lnk1 and lnk2 mutations, wild type LNK1 and LNK2 were introduced into lnk1 lnk2 plants and examined. For most phenotypes, genetic complementation and thus restoration of a WT phenotype was observed. However, differences were uncovered in the ability of LNK genes to rescue the phenotypes, indicating specialization of function. The interaction of LNK2 with SON1 suggests that SON1-dependent ubiquitination and proteasomal degradation may control LNK2 abundance. I show by a cell free protein degradation assays that proteasome-based degradation of LNK2 as well as LNK1 is possible. Data showed that SON1 binds to ASK1 in-planta suggest the existence an SCFSON1 complex that targets LNK2 for polyubiquitination and its subsequent degradation by the proteasome. The data presented in this dissertation indicates a role for LNKs in flowering and plant defense and also suggest that proteasome-base regulation of LNK turnover may be utilized to regulate LNK protein abundance and proper maintenance of the circadian clock.

Identification of candidate resistance metabolites to Leifsonia xyli subsp. xyli in sugarcane through metabolomic profiling / Identificação de metabólitos candidatos em cana-de-açúcar para resistência à Leifsonia xyli subsp. xyli através da análise de perfil metabólico

Moretti, Fernanda Raquel Rezende de Castro 30 November 2017 (has links)
Ratoon stunting disease (RSD) is a serious disease that affects all sugarcane producing countries. The major symptom of RSD is plant growth reduction, which is only seen in ratoon plants, causing up to 80% biomass reduction depending on environmental conditions. The disease is due to Leifsonia xyli subsp. xyli (Lxx), a gram-positive and nutritionally fastidious bacterium that so far has been found to specifically colonize the xylem vessels of sugarcane. However, the successful early detection of this pathogen is currently the main challenge for RSD prevention. Breeding for resistance to RSD, although not in practice, is a viable control measure. Since sugarcane varieties differ in relation to their degree of colonization by Lxx and losses are directly related to population densities of the pathogen in the plant, a promising breeding strategy would be to select for genotypes that are resistant to bacterial multiplication. Thus, knowledge on the responses of sugarcane to RSD at the \"omics\" level is an essential starting step to identify key metabolic targets for breeding resistant varieties. The overall goal of this study is to determine the metabolic profiles of a susceptible (CB49-260) and resistant (SP80-3280) variety inoculated or not with Lxx and to compare the results with existing proteomic and transcriptomic data to define a core of targets (proteins, genes, and metabolites) that can be tested as markers of resistance in a collection of sugarcane varieties. Bacterial titers were quantified by Real-Time PCR (qPCR). The metabolites were profiled from the leaves and from the xylem saps collected at 30 and 120 days after inoculation (DAI). Untargeted analysis were performed with Gas Chromatography - Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS) and were carried out on leaves and sap from 120 DAI. Targeted analysis was executed with Liquid Chromatography - Tandem Mass Spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) on both tissues at both timepoints. To validate metabolomics results, a set of metabolites was chosen to be tested in vitro, in order to detect growth alterations caused to Lxx. qPCR confirmed the susceptibility of CB49-260 as it had higher titers than SP80-3280. Global analysis revealed that both varieties and tissues have different metabolic profiles but that those differences are more quantitative than qualitative. The targeted approach identified more amino acids, sugars, organic acids and phosphorylated compounds in the non-inoculated susceptible genotype, while the resistant one had higher abundance of phenolics. It was also shown that inoculation with Lxx results in more relative abundance of amino acids, organic acids, phosphorylated compounds and phenolics. Furthermore, a key amino acid for Lxx survival was related to inoculation on both varieties, as well as a known phenolic compound related to plant defense. Distinguished phenolics resulting from the targeted analysis were selected to evaluate their effect on Lxx growth in vitro. Although some compounds caused inhibition, further optimization of the methodology is needed to confirm these results. / O Raquitismo-da-soqueira (RSD) é uma grave doença que afeta todos os paises produtores de cana-de-açúcar. O principal sintoma do RSD é tamanho reduzido das plantas, observado apenas nas plantas-soca, o que pode resultar em perdas de biomassa em até 80%, dependendo das condições climáticas. A doença é causada por Leifsonia xyli subsp. xyli (Lxx), uma bactéria gram-positiva e fastidiosa, descrita até o presente momento como hospedeira natural apenas da cana-de-açúcar, colonizando principalmente os vasos do xilema. Todavia, a detecção precoce deste patógeno é o principal desafio para prevenção do RSD. O melhoramento genético para resistência ao RSD, apesar de viável, não é uma medida de controle adotada na prática. Como existe diferenças entre as variedades de cana em relação ao grau de colonização por Lxx e as perdas estão diretamente relacionadas ao título bacteriano, uma estratégia de melhoramento promissora é a seleção de genótipos que apresentam resistência à multiplicação bacteriana. Portanto, o conhecimento das respostas da cana-de-açúcar ao RSD em termos \"ômicos\" é um passo inicial primordial para a identificação de alvos-chave para melhorar variedades resistentes. O objetivo geral deste estudo foi determinar os perfis metabólicos de duas variedade, uma suscetível (CB49-260) e uma resistente (SP80-3280) inoculada ou não com Lxx e comparar os resultados com dados já existentes de proteômica e transcriptômica para definir um núcleo de alvos (proteínas, genes e metabólitos) que possam ser testados como marcadores de resistência em uma coleção de cana-de-açúcar. Os títulos bacterianos foram quantificados por PCR em tempo real (qPCR). Os perfis metabólicos foram elaborados a partir de folhas e fluído xilemático coletados aos 30 e 120 dias após inoculação (DAI). A análise não-direcionada foi realizada por cromatografia gasosa acoplada à espectrometria de massas (GC-MS), usando folhas e extratos coletados aos 120 DAI. Já a análise direcionada foi efetivada via cromatografia líquida acoplada à espectrometria de massas em tandem (LC-MS/MS), em ambos tecidos e tempos de coleta. Para validar os resultados de metabolômica, um grupo de metabólitos destacado nas análises de metabolômica foi escolhido para testes in vitro e por fim detectar alterações no crescimento de Lxx. O resultado do qPCR confirmou a suscetibilidade da CB49-260, pois esta continha títulos superiores à SP80-3280. A análise global revelou que ambos variedades e tecidos possuem perfis metabólicos distintos, porém essas diferenças foram mais quantitativas que qualitativas. A análise direcionada identificou mais aminoácidos, açúcares, ácidos organicos e compostos fosforilados no genótipo suscetível não-inoculado, enquanto que o resistente apresentou maior abundância de compostos fenólicos. Também foi demonstrado que a inoculação com Lxx resultou em maior quantidade de aminoácidos, ácidos orgânicos, compostos fosforilados e fenólicos. Ademais, um aminoácido essencial à sobrevivência de Lxx foi relacionado à inoculação de ambas variedades, assim como um composto fenólico relacionado a defesa de plantas. O teste in vitro mostrou que, apesar de alguns compostos causarem inibição, é necessário aprimorar a metodologia utilizada para confirmar os resultados obtidos.

Consequências ecológicas do ataque de plantas de tomate por Tetranychus evansi

Tschoeke, Marcela Cristina Agustini Carneiro da Silveira 20 August 2015 (has links)
Os ácaros Tetranychus evansi e Tetranychus urticae são pragas conhecidas de tomateiros. O ácaro T. urticae induz as defesas diretas e indiretas das plantas de tomate. Já a espécie T. evansi suprime as defesas diretas e indiretas e protege seu sitio de alimentação com a produção de teia densa. Não se conhece o desempenho de insetos pragas em plantas infestadas por ácaros T. evansi. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar, em campo, a colonização de plantas por outros artrópodes após serem infestadas por T. evansi ou por T. urticae. No primeiro capítulo da tese foram feitos experimentos em campo para avaliar o desempenho de fêmeas de T. evansi em plantas de tomate limpas (controle) ou infestadas por T. evansi ou infestadas por T. urticae. Foi observado que a oviposição de fêmeas de T. evansi em plantas infestadas anteriormente por T. urticae foi significativamente menor do que observada em plantas limpas ou infestadas antes por T. evansi. Também foi avaliada a preferência de artrópodes em cada tratamento. As plantas foram separadas em três tratamentos (planta limpa, infestada com 400 ácaros T. urticae ou T. evansi) e após 4 dias foram posicionadas em um hexágono, em campo. A maior quantidade de herbívoros foi encontrada em plantas limpas do que em plantas infestadas com T. urticae ou com T. evansi. Dentre os herbívoros com maior abundância e frequência estavam as moscas brancas Bemisia tabaci (Biotipo B). No segundo capítulo foi estudada a preferência das moscas brancas (B. tabaci) em plantas limpas ou infestadas por T. evansi ou T. urticae com e sem teia. As moscas brancas foram encontradas em maior quantidade em plantas limpas ou infestadas por T. urticae. No terceiro capítulo foi avaliada a oviposição e desempenho de moscas brancas B. tabaci em plantas limpas ou infestadas com ácaros T. evansi ou T. urticae. As moscas brancas ovipositaram mais em plantas infestadas por T. evansi e em plantas limpas. Não houve diferença significativa na taxa de mortalidade de ninfas de moscas brancas entre os tratamentos. Nessa tese foi comprovado que artrópodes em campo evitam plantas infestadas por T. evansi. / The spider mites Tetranychus evansi and Tetranychus urticae are pests of tomato plants. The species T. urticae induces direct and indirect defenses of tomato plants. The species T. evansi suppresses direct defenses of tomato plants and protects its feeding site with dense web. The performance of insect pests on plants infested by T. evansi mites is not known. The objective of this study was to evaluate the colonization of plants infested by T. evansi and T. urticae by other arthropods in the field. In the first chapter of this thesis I evaluated the performance of females of T. evansi in clean or infested tomato plants by T. evansi or T. urticae. I observed that the oviposition of T. evansi females was significantly lower on plants previously infested by T. urticae than on clean or infested plants by T. evansi. In another experiment, I evaluated the preference of arthropods in each treatment. Plants were divided into three treatments (clean plant, infested with 400 T. urticae or 400 T. evansi) and after 4 days they were positioned in a hexagon in the field. The largest amount of herbivores were found on clean plants, than on plants infested by T. urticae or T. evansi. The whitefly Bemisia tabaci (byotipe B) was the most abundant herbivore found on the plants. In the second chapter, I studied the preference of whitefly (B. tabaci) for clean plants or plants infested by T. evansi or T. urticae with and without web. The whiteflies were found in greater quantities in clean plants or plants infested by T. urticae. In the third chapter, I assessed the oviposition and performance of whitefly B. tabaci in clean plants or infested plants with T. evansi or T. urticae. The whiteflies laid more eggs on plants infested by T. evansi and clean plants. There was no significant difference in mortality of whiteflies nynphs between treatments. This thesis has been proved that arthropods in the field avoid plants infested by T. evansi, in the field.

Characterization Of A Putative SIR2 Like Deacetylase And Its Role In SABP2 Dependent Salicylic Acid Mediated Pathways In Plant

Haq, Md I 01 August 2014 (has links)
Salicylic Acid Binding Protein2 (SABP2) is an enzyme known to play important role in SA mediated pathway. SBIP-428 (SABP2 Interacting Protein-428), a SIR2 like deacetylase, has been found to interact with SABP2. We demonstrate that SBIP-428 functions as a Sirtuin deacetylase. We show that SBIP-428 itself is lysine acetylated. Interactions of a SBIP-428 with SABP2 also raised the possibility of SABP2 itself being lysine acetylated. The recombinant purified SABP2 or native partially purified SABP2 displayed no acetylation. In response to TMV infection, the expression of SBIP-428 was down regulated at 48 hpi. In addition, SBIP-428 was up regulated in plant known to accumulate less SA. Taken together expression of SBIP-428 is negatively correlated to the levels of SA in plants. The AtSRT2 plants exhibit no altered growth phenotype but exhibit a higher pathogen resistance against bacterial pathogen. Our results indicate that SBIP-428 is an important regulator in plant defense pathway.

Identification, Cloning, and Expression of Tobacco Responsive to Dehydration like Protein (RD22), SBIP-355 and Its Role in SABP2 Mediated SA Pathway in Plant Defense

Almazroue, Hanadi Abdulaali 01 December 2014 (has links)
Abscisic acid (ABA) induces RD22, responsive to dehydration stress gene. Salicylic acid (SA) has been the focus of research due to its role against pathogens and abiotic stress. Interaction between ABA and SA signaling pathways is still poorly understood. SA-Binding Protein 2 (SABP2) converts methyl salicylate to SA. An attempt was made to identify proteins that interact with SABP2 using a yeast 2-hybrid screening. Several interactors were identified. One of them, SA-Binding Protein 2 Interacting Protein-355 (SBIP-355), showed high homology to RD22. Bioinformatic approaches showed that SBIP-355 contains a BURP domain. Phylogenetic analysis reveals that SBIP-355 clustered into the clade of RD22-like proteins. Thus, SBIP-355 gene might be a stress-inducible gene and encodes a dehydration-responsive protein, which is important for the stress tolerance of tobacco. The complementary DNA (cDNA) of tobacco SBIP-355 was cloned into pDEST-17 vector and then expressed in E. coli to detect the expression of SBIP-355 protein.

Characterization of a Putative Phospholipase D ´ Like Gene as a Lipid Signaling Modulator and Its Role in Salicylic Acid Mediated Defense Pathway in Nicotiana tabacum

Dean, Phillip T. 01 December 2014 (has links)
Plants are in a perpetual evolutionary arms race with a wide range of pathogens. Their sessile nature has led plants to evolve defense mechanisms that can quickly recognize a unique stressor and deploy a resistance tailored for a specific attack. The salicylic acid (SA) mediated defense pathway has been shown to be one of the major defense tactics plants can initiate to defend themselves against microbial pathogens. Following a pathogen attack high levels of methyl salicylate (MeSA) are produced that can be converted to SA by the enzyme salicylic acid binding protein 2 (SABP2). A yeast two-hybrid screening was performed to identify protein interactions with SABP2 to better understand the regulation of the enzyme on a cellular level. SBIP-436 is an interacting protein of tobacco SABP2 which showed high homology to phospholipase D-δ (PLD- δ). With an abundance of stimulators PLD- δ may be a lipid signaling modulator developed to perform various functions in different situations. PLD- δ may be a key player in a lipid signaling cascade in the SA mediated defense pathway. We present a novel Nicotiana tabacum PLD- δ putative gene construct. We demonstrate that the putative PLD- δ is subject to alternative splicing and its expression is differentially modulated under biotic and abiotic stress. Our results indicate that this putative PLD- δ may play a role in the SA mediated defense pathway.

Pointillism in Plant Systems Biology: I. Proteomic Analysis of Plant Exosome-like Particles II. Amyloplast-binding Puroindoline Fusion Proteins for Recombinant Protein Expression.

Greenham, Trevor 24 September 2019 (has links)
Expanding upon our understanding of plant defense is critical, particularly with the perilous threats of climate change and overpopulation to our food security, health and well-being. In this study, we focused on plant defense using two distinct approaches. First, we performed a proteomic analysis of plant exosome-like nanoparticles in order to elucidate their defense related protein cargo. Secondly, we used a wheat antimicrobial protein, puroindoline, as a fusion partner for the expression of recombinant proteins in rice endosperm. Plant exosome-like nanoparticles (ELP) were isolated from fresh tomato and subjected to mass spectrometry (MS) analysis. The ELPs were compared to fresh pressed tomato juice, and the proteins that were significantly upregulated in the ELPs were analyzed for their defensive properties. Bioinformatic analysis identified 30 proteins upregulated in the ELPs, with a majority of these being involved in plant defense. Puroindoline is a protein found in soft wheat varieties. A unique feature of this protein is the presence of a tryptophan-rich domain, which causes it to localize and tether onto starch granule surfaces; a property we are seeking to exploit for recombinant protein isolation. We hypothesized that when expressed in a pin-null crop, such as rice, puroindoline along with its fusion partner will localize and adhere to starch granule surfaces. PIN fusions were expressed in rice, and their subcellular localization was determined by immunolocalization. It was observed that PIN localizes to rice starch ii granules in vitro and in planta, and retains its starch granule binding abilities as a fusion partner. To identify other possible starch granule binding fusion partners, an anhydrous cleavage method was developed that can scan dry biological materials for associated proteins, in this case the starch granule surface. Incubation of our cleavage reagent with isolated rice starch granules yielded several cleavage products as determined through SDS-PAGE. These cleavage products were compared with previous proteomic data of trypsin digested rice starch granules.


Moreira Soares, Juliana 01 January 2018 (has links)
Systemic acquired resistance (SAR) is a type of plant defense mechanism that is induced after a localized infection and confers broad-spectrum immunity against related or unrelated pathogens. During SAR, a number of chemical signals and proteins generated at the site of primary infection travel to the uninfected tissues and are thought to alert the distal sites against secondary infections. Glycerol-3-phosphate (G3P) is one of the chemical signals that play an important role in SAR. G3P is synthesized in the cytosol and chloroplasts via the enzymatic activities of G3P Dehydrogenase (G3Pdh) or Glycerol Kinase (GK). Interestingly, a mutation in three of the five G3Pdh isoforms or GK impairs SAR by lowering the pathogen induced G3P pool. This suggests that total cellular pool of G3P is critical for SAR. To determine factors contributing to G3P flux between various subcellular compartments I analyzed the role of putative G3P transporters in G3P flux and SAR. The Arabidopsis genome encodes five isoforms of G3P Permeases (G3Pp) and these transmembrane proteins are predicted to localize to plasma membrane, chloroplast or mitochondria. At least two G3Pp isoforms (G3Pp1 and G3Pp3) were able to complement the Escherichia coli mutant impaired in the uptake of G3P into the cytoplasm. Characterization of Arabidopsis G3Pp mutants showed that a mutation in G3Pp2, G3Pp3 and G3Pp4 compromised SAR but not local resistance. Furthermore, this SAR defect could only be complemented by exogenous application of G3P. The G3Pp mutants accumulated wild-type-like levels of G3P suggesting that the subcellular compartmentalization of G3P might contribute to the induction of SAR.

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