Spelling suggestions: "subject:"blaster"" "subject:"claster""
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Analýza metod hodnocení špinivosti ETICS / Analysis of methods for evaluation ETICS dirtinessKrejčík, Jakub January 2019 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with problems of dirtiness of surface layers of ETICS (External thermal insulation contact system). In the theoretical part, soil damping agents and processes occurring when adhering dirt are described. The practical part then evaluates the impact of the aspects described below on their dirtyness. At the same time, it monitors the differences in staining depending on the type of material and the manufacturer. A methodology for artificial staining with controllable and repeatable conditions was developed in a special simulator, and this methodology was also verified practically. Simultaneously, individual plasters were exposed to the natural environment, for comparison of laboratory and actual conditions.
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Příprava vysokohodnotného sádrového pojiva / Preparation of high-valueable gypsum binderHájková, Iveta January 2012 (has links)
This work is oriented on the preparation of high-voluable sulphate binder based on gypsum waste. One of the potential mineral resources in Moravia is Pregips chemical gypsum, produced by Precheza. This is the raw material, which is characterized by high purity, high quality and is economically acceptable. Beta burned gypsum plaster from this, however, need to modify due to suppression of the high needs of water mixing, which is determined by its morphology. The need for mixing water has a large impact on the strength of gypsum binders. Therefore it is necessary to find a suitable additive, which would reduce the coefficient of water in the preparation of porridge normal consistency.
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Adhäsionskräfte von Artikulationsgipsen an Typ 3 und 4 Modellgips. Eine in vitro Studie: Adhäsionskräfte von Artikulationsgipsen an Typ 3 und 4 Modellgips.Eine in vitro StudieBrückner, Julian Karl 17 April 2015 (has links)
Artikulationsgips dient der sicheren Verankerung von zahnärztlichen Gipsmodellen im Kausimulator. Eine Norm zur Quantifizierung der Haftfähigkeit dieses speziellen Dentalgipses an Gipsmodellen existiert bisher nicht. Ziel der vorliegenden Untersuchung ist es, Unterschiede zwischen Artikulationsgipsen bezüglich ihrer Adhäsion an Modellgipsen festzustellen und die neu entwickelte Methode zu bewerten.
Material und Methoden
Zur Untersuchung wurden die Artikulationsgipse dentona® arti-base® 60, piccodent® A 50, AmannGirrbach Artifix® und KerrTM Snow White Plaster No.2 an einen Typ 3 (dentona® dento dur® 110) und 4 Gips (dentona® sockel plaster® GT 160) gegossen. Die zylindrischen Prüfkörper enthielten zentrisch eingegossene Retentionen, die zur Verankerung in einer Universalprüfmaschine dienten. Prüfkörper aus Typ 3 und 4 Gips wurden vor dem Angießen des Artikulationsgipses 48 h getrocknet. Die Messung der Adhäsionskraft (in N) erfolgte mittels Zugversuch, 1 h nach der Erstarrung des Artikulationsgipses. Für jede Kombination wurden 10 Versuche durchgeführt. Die Datenauswertung erfolgte mittels t Test bei unabhängigen Stichproben und Dunnett´s T3 Vergleichstest (α=0,05).
Aus den 80 ermittelten Werten konnte ein Ranking der Gipskombinationen erstellt werden (Max. 1950,77 N, Min. 495,97 N). Es zeigten sich signifikante Unterschiede zwischen den einzelnen Kombinationen aus Modell- und Artikulationsgips. Innerhalb der Kombinationen mit Typ 3 Gips ergaben sich signifikante Unterschiede. Die Gruppen mit Typ 4 Modellgipses unterschieden sich hingegen nicht signifikant. Eine weitere Analyse zeigte bei zwei Artikulationsgipsen einen signifikanten Unterschied zwischen der Verwendung von Typ 3 und 4 Modellgips.
Es zeigte sich, dass die neu entwickelte Methode für die Untersuchung der Haftfähigkeit von Artikulationsgipsen geeignet ist. Aneinander gegossene Artikulations- und Modellgipse erreichen unterschiedlich hohe Adhäsionskräfte. Ein Vorteil für die Verwendung des Typ 3 gegenüber dem Typ 4 Modellgips ergab sich nicht. Am besten erschien in unserer Untersuchung die Kombination von dentona® dento dur® 110 und dentona® arti-base® 60.
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A comparison of three types of orthodontic study modelsMadhoo, Amika January 2020 (has links)
Magister Scientiae Dentium - MSc(Dent) / The aim of this present study was to compare the accuracy of digital and printed study models with plaster study models, that are considered the gold standard.
The objectives were to compare the accuracy of measurements obtained from digital and printed study models with those of plaster study models, to establish which type of study model yielded the most accurate measurements in comparison to plaster study models and to identify possible disadvantages and errors that can be made using any of the three types of study models.
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Moderna putsade fasader : En fördjupningsstudie om putsade fasaders beständighet / Contemporary stucco walls : An in-depth study of the resistance in stucco wallsBrandhorst-Satzkorn, Erik, Edling, Amanda January 2015 (has links)
Problematik med moderna putsfasader rörande hållbarhet har på senare år uppenbarat sig. Trots modern byggnadsteknik är skaderisken idag större än den var med äldre byggnadsteknik. Sprickbildningar, missfärgningar, mikrobiella angrepp, frostsprängningar, mögelangrepp m.m. är alla exempel på skador som kan uppstå. Rapporten syftar till att identifiera risker och problem med dagens putsfasadkonstruktion, samt undersöka hur dessa problem kan avhjälpas byggnadstekniskt och arkitektoniskt. Projektet avgränsas till fasader på nybyggda flerbostadshus i svenskt klimat. Fokus ligger på att undersöka putsade fasader. Vägguppbyggnaden avgränsas till utfackningsväggar av regelkonstruktion då det är en vanlig ytterväggskonstruktion. Underlaget till rapporten baseras på litteraturstudier, tekniska rapporter och rådgivning från handledare och yrkeskunniga experter. Fördjupningsstudier görs inom putsfasader för att reda ut det bästa lösningsförslaget för hållbara putsfasader. Resultatet av rapporten pekar på att det inte finns en enkel lösning till problematiken. Förebyggs ett problem uppstår ett annat. Det finns dock vissa parametrar som bör tas i anspråk. Ytterväggen bör tvåstegstätas för att förebygga mögelrisk i konstruktionen. Grovkornigt putsbruk bör användas för att förebygga sprickbildning och eventuellt minska adsorption. Vattenavvisande detaljer i det arkitektoniska formspråket bör finnas för att minska vattenbelastningen. Ytfärgen bör vara oorganisk och alkalisk för att ytterligare förebygga uppkomsten av mikrobiella angrepp. För vidare studier föreslås att putsprovväggskonstruktionen konstrueras och testas i praktiken. Faktorer som kornstorlek, vattenavvisande detaljer, adsorption bör vara fokus. Konstruktionernas RF i ytskiktet studeras därefter för att ge en idé över vilken konstruktion som förebygger skador effektivast. / In recent years, sustainability problems with regards to contemporary stucco facades have revealed themselves. Despite modern construction techniques, the risk of damage today is greater than it was with older techniques. Damage such as cracks, discoloration, microbial attacks, frost damage, mold, etc. are all examples of risk factors. The report aims to identify the risks and problems of today's plaster facade construction, as well as explore how these problems can be remedied through constructional and architectural solutions. The project is constrained to facades of newly constructed apartment buildings in the Swedish climate. The focus is to examine the plastered facades. Wall construction is constrained to pre-fabricated wall panels of regulatory structure as it is the most common exterior wall construction in Sweden. The basis for the report is based on literature studies, technical reports and guidance from supervisors and skilled experts. In-depth studies have been performed on plaster facades to find the best recommendations for durable plaster facades. The results of the report indicate that there is no simple solution to the problem. However, there are some guidelines that should be followed. The outer wall should be “two way sealed” to prevent the risk of mold in the construction. Coarse plaster should be used to prevent cracking and to reduce adsorption. Water repellent details should be implemented to reduce the water load on the walls. The surface paint should be inorganic and alkaline in order to further prevent the development of microbial attacks. For further study, the report suggests that a stucco sample wall structure is tested in practice. Factors such as particle size, water repellent details and adsorption properties should be the focus. The RH in the surface layer should thereafter be studied to give an idea of which structure that prevents damage most efficiently.
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Communal Hall in Hackney WickEbadi, Arshia January 2012 (has links)
Located in eastern London and beside the Olympic legacy there is this knotty hood, called Hackney Wick. A public realm has been proposed in the London Borough of Hackney local development masterplan for this neighbourhood. The project is a communal hall settled in the heart of this town context, has been challenged to tie with the dodgy surroundings. Coming from Olympic park, passing over the separating river and going to Victoria Park, is the main walking and cycling path. Also having the bus route on the same side, makes the northern side more exposed to the people. Facing the northern side of the site is the overground which generates views from the train to the project. As a result, in all the studied schemes, it has been tried to have a big opening looking towards this side. Observing the whole hood, you will find out the context is dominated by typical London brick walls, mostly filled with graffiti arts. This creates a special character for the area, and at the same time brings out some dodgy views. So the idea was to get benefit of the existing wall in the boundary of the site, as a tool to block the ugly views and create an inner paradise, and at the same time, with the aim of the brick nature of that wall, relate to the character of the context. However eventually, it ended up to propose to rebuild the wall with reused bricks, and cover the new added parts in white plaster. So finally, there would be this perception as if there is a new object over the existing, and the old brick wall remains at the bottom exposed to graffiti arts and keeps the same nature as it used to have.
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Plaster för framtidens cirkulära ekonomi / Plastics for the circular economy of the futureBeach, Elisabeth January 2021 (has links)
Riksdagen (2020) har beslutat att Sveriges långsiktiga ekonomi ska styras successivt över från dagens konsumtionsekonomi mot en mer hållbar cirkulär ekonomi men ändå tyckts det enligt flera av de källor som har använts att det går alldeles för långsamt med övergången. Europeiska Kommissionen (2015) beskriver den cirkulära ekonomin som “… där värdet av produkter, material och resurser bibehålls i en ekonomi så länge som möjligt och där genereringen av avfall minimeras, som ett viktigt bidrag till EU:s ansträngningar för att utveckla en hållbar, låg koldioxid, resurseffektiv och konkurrenskraftig ekonomi”. Denna studien syftar till att studera framtida plaster utifrån en cirkulär ekonomi. Studien har tillämpat Rhetorical Structure Theory (RST) för en översiktlig men systematisk litteraturanalys med avsikt av att identifiera och kritiskt utvärdera forskning för att svara på en på förhand formulerad forskningsfråga. Granskningen föregicks därmed av en plan och inkluderar såväl kvalitativ som kvantitativ korpus forskning för att hitta, markera och räkna fall av begreppsanvändning och identifiera samband mellan begrepp, det vill säga de så kallade (s k) koherensrelationerna. En kvalitativ komparativ innehållsanalys mellan korpus har används mellan promemoria, utredningar tillsatta av regeringen och vetenskapliga artiklar. Med utgångspunkt i problembeskrivning är syftet med denna examensuppgift att utveckla kunskaper om plasters möjligheter och plats inom en framtida cirkulär ekonomi på basis av tidigare forskning. Genom en undersökning av existerande forskning är de huvudsakliga frågeställningarna för uppsatsen följande: - Vilka är framtidens plaster? - Har en bionedbrytbar plast en plats i samhället? - Hur ser framtidsutsikterna ut för biobaserade plaster och bionedbrytbara plaster? - Hur ser vårat samhälle ut i framtiden? Vi lämnade det gamla skänka och reparera samhället för ett köp och sälj samhälle och det finns ekonomiska teorier om vad som var de drivande incitamenten till det. Några av de krafter till förändringen/förändringarna var bland annat tillgången till billig arbetskraft, ny byggteknik för fabriker och lager och nya transportnät. På grund av dessa delar kunde man producera med köp och sälj teknologi och utöka mervärde. Nu idag när detta hotas börjar man prova andra produktionsformer. En cirkulär ekonomi med inslag av det gamla skänka och reparera samhället uppnås genom bland annat design där man designer för att öka livslängden för plastprodukter. På grund av den framtida plastens gränsöverskridande krävs det en kombination av nya styrmedel, beteendeförändringar och forskning för att hitta plastens plats i en cirkulär ekonomi. Resultaten bygger på analys av studiens litteraturkorpus vad beträffar information om plastens roll i en cirkulär- och bioekonomiskt samhälle där dess funktion har satts i relation till dess miljönytta och möjlighet till en plats i ett kretsloppssamhälle. Med ett ökat råoljepris och styrmedel i form av skattereduktionen och bidrag för verksamheter som vill blir mer hållbara möjliggörs en framtida cirkulär ekonomi. Genom design kan plastprodukter plockas bort från för ett mer hållbart samhälle. Syftet med rapporten har delvis kunnat beskrivas men på grund av komplexiteten av ämnet har det inte funnits några enkla svar till forskningsfrågorna då de beror på faktorer som går utanför studiens ramar. / In 2020, the Swedish Parliament passed a motion to move the national economic base from a linear toward a circular economy, but the transition may be moving too slowly. The European Commission (2015) describes a circular economy as ”… where the value of products, materials and resources is maintained in the economy for as long as possible, and the generation of waste minimized, as an essential contribution to the EU's efforts to develop a sustainable, low carbon, resource efficient and competitive economy”. This thesis aims to study future plastics from a circular economy perspective. The thesis has applied Rhetorical Structure Theory (RST) to produce systematic literature analysis with the intention of identifying and critically evaluating research to answer a specific research question. The review proceeded through a plan that included both qualitative and quantitative corpus research to find, mark and count instances of the use of concepts and identify conjunctions between them, that is so called coherence conjunctions. A qualitative comparative content analysis between corpora has been used involving independent scientific articles and reports from commissioned investigations appointed by the Swedish government. Based on the problem description, the purpose of this thesis is to develop knowledge about the possibilities and place of plastics in a future circular economy using previous research. Through a study of existing research, the main questions for the thesis are the following: - Plastics of the future? - A biodegradable plastic, does it play a role in the society? - What are the prospect for biobased plastics and biodegradable plastics? - What might our future society look like? We left the old donate and repair society for a buy and sell society and there are economic theories of to what was the driving incitements to that. One of which was accessibility of cheap labour, new construction technology for factories and warehouses and a new transport network that enabled factories to produce and transport goods within effectively and increase the surplus value of production (i.e. profit). Now today when global environmental challenges threaten the sustainability and profitability of this form of consumption economy efforts have emerged to uncover new production forms. A circular economy with elements of the old donate and repair society is one of them. It demands redesigning production to increase service life for plastic products. The future of plastic is at a crossroads that requires a combination of new policy instruments and changes in behaviour and research. The result is based on an analysis of the study’s literature corpus regarding information on plastics role in a circular- and bioeconomy society where its function is put in relation to its environmental benefits and its ability for a spot in a recycling society. Together with an increase in crude oil and policy instruments in the form of tax reductions and subsidies for commercial activities who want to become more sustainable it enables a future circular economy. The aim of this thesis has been fulfilled, but the complexity of the subject has led to unanswered research questions due to factors that lie somewhat outside the scope of the study.
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Untersuchungen zur Abbindeexpansion von verschiedenen Artikulationsgipsen bei unterschiedlicher LagerungRudatzki, Tina 30 September 2013 (has links)
Abbindeexpansion von verschiedenen Artikulationsgipsen bei unterschiedlicher Lagerung
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Les façades enduites au plâtre d'Île-de-France. Le déclin du plâtre extérieur, du XVIIe au XXe siècle. / Gypsum facades of Ile-de-France. Decadence of external gypsum renders, 17th-20th century.Le Dantec, Tiffanie 10 January 2019 (has links)
La notoriété du plâtre de Paris dépasse les frontières de la France, son utilisation pour le moulage, la sculpture, les décors architecturaux associés aux productions artistiques françaises lui donnèrent ses lettres de noblesse. Le plâtre est avant toute chose un des matériaux les plus utilisé dans la construction francilienne, et l’un des plus visibles. La moitié des bâtiments parisiens et une grande partie du bâti historique d’Île-de-France offrent encore à la vue du passant des façades enduites en plâtre, datant d’entre le XVIIe siècle et le milieu du XXe siècle. Cependant, les enduits de plâtre sont confondus avec des enduits de ciment ou de chaux, sont appelés à tort plâtre-et-chaux et sont parfois recouverts de peintures épaisses qui brouillent leur observation. De ce fait, les enduits, souvent qualifiés d’ouvrages constructifs mineurs, sont peu étudiés et le plâtre reste un matériau encore ignoré malgré un regain d’intérêt de la part des chercheurs sur les matériaux « pauvres » tels que la chaux ou la terre. Les enduits au plâtre ont pourtant une valeur autre qu’historique et technique. L’esthétique de leur riche ornementation qui cisèle les parements d’ombre et de lumière, mais également leurs couleurs et leurs textures, participent pour beaucoup aux ambiances urbaines. Cette étude se propose d’explorer le déclin de l’utilisation du plâtre en façade à travers l’analyse d’un corpus de soixante édifices soit une centaines de façades décrites et intégrées à une base de données et à un Système d’Information Géographique (SIG). Les enduits observés couvrent trois siècles, de l’âge d’or de la pratique au XVIIe siècle jusqu’à la disparition des savoir-faire suite aux grands conflits du XXe siècle, en passant par les changements drastiques dans la fabrication des matériaux lors de la révolution industrielle. La lecture des traités de construction, des journaux, des brevets d’invention et l’étude de devis de maçonnerie et de procès-verbaux d’experts du bâtiment complètent la recherche de terrain par une étude historique. De 1667 aux années 1980, l’usage du plâtre en extérieur est décortiqué à travers l’évolution de l’extraction, de la fabrication, de la mise en œuvre du plâtre et de la conception des façades. La thèse explore comment, de matériau incontournable à la construction, le plâtre est peu à peu relégué aux décors intérieurs au fur et à mesure de l’altération de sa qualité et de la disparition des savoir-faire locaux. / Plaster of Paris’ notoriety exceeds France’s national borders, its use in moulding, sculpture, architectural ornaments in French artistic production built its reputation. Beyond plaster for moulding, gypsum plaster is one of the most used materials for building construction in the Paris area, and one the most obvious one. In fact, half of Paris ancient buildings and a large part of historical buildings in the region Ilede-France have facades covered with gypsum-based renders and ornaments. However, gypsum renders are still mistaken with lime or cement renders, people call them gypsum-and-lime renders and most of them are covered by thick layers of recent paints, making their observation difficult. Renders are often qualified as minor items in the construction field and are not studied much, while external gypsum plaster is still mostly ignored even though there is a renewal for this kind of materials thanks to wider studies on the uses of earth and lime. Gypsum renders, though, have historical and technical values, but are also aesthetically pleasing. Their rich ornamentation carves facades with lights and shadows, colors and textures. The skin of the buildings shapes the urban atmosphere.Our study will explore the rise and fall of external gypsum renders through the analysis of sixty buildings and one hundred facades which have been put into a database and a Geographical Information System (GIS). The studied facades have been built and rendered over three centuries, from the golden age of the seventeenth century to the loss of know-how in the second half of the twentieth century. The period of the industrial revolution is carefully analyzed as the industrial sector experienced drastic changes in the process of making plaster. This fieldwork is completed with historical research based upon the readings of construction treatises, newspapers, invention patents, building cost estimates and building experts’ statements from various centuries. The use of external gypsum renders is analyzed from 1667 until 1980, through the evolution of the extraction, production and execution processes as well as building conception. This report expresses how gypsum plaster was an essential material for construction and slowly became a fragile one, only good to use in decoration and internal works, as its legendary good quality deteriorated and local know-how disappeared.
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revealing objectsZackrisson Andersson, Jenny January 2023 (has links)
Through translations and transformations, my degree project aims to explore what makes something – space, or an object– charged. I am investigating ways to create objects with the starting point in two pieces of furniture, analyzing them both in their everyday contexts, and in certain works of art. This has resulted in the creation of two works that I have called an imprint and a bench and a bed. The quality that I have been searching for in this project is what activates a subjective feeling of recognition that will stay in the mind of the beholder, a charge in an object that affects memory or consciousness. The way I explore this quality is by analyzing the terms Eros and punctum and by investigating the relationship between the abstract and the figurative, examining the bodily connection to the objects and the surrounding.
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