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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Efeitos da poluição atmosférica sobre a saúde de crianças em seis municípios com diferentes perfis de fontes de poluentes / Effects of atmospheric pollution on the health of children in six municipalities with different sources of pollutants

Cirino, Fabricio dos Santos 28 January 2019 (has links)
Esta tese analisou o efeito da poluição atmosférica nas doenças respiratórias em crianças de 0 (zero) a 6 (seis) anos de idade incompletos residentes em Campinas, Cubatão, Santos, São José dos Campos, São José do Rio Preto e Santo André, caracterizados por seus diferentes perfis de emissão de poluentes do ar, no período de janeiro de 2011 a dezembro de 2014. As concentrações dos poluentes (PM10, NO2, SO2 e O3) foram extraídas de relatórios da CETESB. Foram usados modelos de defasagem com distribuição polinomial, além de uma metarregressão para o PM10, identificando um padrão de efeito deste poluente, independentemente de sua composição. O NO2 e o SO2 não apresentaram concentrações fora dos padrões de qualidade do ar em nenhum dos municípios. O O3 se apresentou em concentrações acima dos padrões de qualidade do ar em diversos dias no período estudado, em todos os municípios, trazendo grande preocupação com relação aos agravos à saúde oriundos deste poluente. O efeito do interquartil (13,81?g/m3) na concentração de PM10 na saúde respiratória das crianças em Campinas foi um aumento de 10,45% (IC95%: 6,39-14,51) dos casos de internação, com efeito já no dia 0; em Cubatão o aumento das internações foi de 14,49% (IC95%: 5,56-23,42); em São José dos Campos o aumento foi de 8,64% (IC95%: 2,41-14,86) nos casos de internações, com uma elevação nestes dados a partir do dia 1; em São José do Rio Preto, no dia da exposição à elevação de concentração de PM10 o aumento de internações nas crianças já foi de 5,75% (IC95%: 1,26-10,25), maior que a somatória dos eventos em uma semana; Santo André, teve um incremento nas internações a partir do dia 1, com uma somatória de 7,30% (IC95%: 1,34-13,25) após seis dias de exposição. Santos não possui significância no efeito adverso em nenhum dos dias após o dia de exposição, nem na somatória dos eventos, mesmo com uma elevação apresentada na ordem de 4,81%. Confirma-se o padrão de efeito, independente do perfil de emissão do PM10 com efeito adverso estatisticamente significante nos dias 0 e 1, respectivamente com 1,84% (IC95%: 1,78-1,89) e 1,03% (IC95%: 1,00-1,07) de aumento nos casos de internações nas crianças expostas / This thesis analyzed the effect of atmospheric pollution on respiratory diseases in children from 0 (zero) to 6 (six) years of age incomplete residing in Campinas, Cubatão, Santos, São José dos Campos, São José do Rio Preto and Santo André, characterized by their different emission profiles of air pollutants in the period from January 2011 to December 2014. The concentrations of pollutants (PM10, NO2, SO2 and O3) were extracted from CETESB reports. Lag models with polynomial distribution were used, in addition to a metarregression for PM10, identifying a pattern of effect of this pollutant, regardless of its composition. NO2 and SO2 did not present concentrations outside the air quality standards in any of the municipalities. O3 was present in concentrations above air quality standards in several days during the study period, in all municipalities, bringing great concern regarding health problems arising from this pollutant. The effect of interquartile (13,81?g/m3) on the concentration of PM10 in the respiratory health of children in Campinas was an increase of 10.45% (95%CI: 6,39-14,51) of the cases of hospitalization, with effect already on day 0; in Cubatão, the increase in hospitalizations was 14.49% (95%CI: 5.56-23,42); in São José dos Campos the increase was 8.64% (95%CI: 2,41-14,86) in cases of hospitalizations, with an elevation in these data from day 1; in São José do Rio Preto, on the day of exposure to the elevation of PM10 concentration, the increase in hospitalizations in children was 5.75% (95%CI: 1.26-10,25), higher than the sum of the events in one week; Santo André, had an increase in hospitalizations from day 1, with a summation of 7.30% (95%CI: 1.34-13,25) after six days of exposure. Santos does not have any significance in the adverse effect in any of the days after the day of exposure, nor in the summation of the events, even with an elevation presented in the order of 4.81%. The effect pattern is confirmed regardless of the PM10 emission profile with a statistically significant adverse effect on days 0 and 1, respectively with 1.84% (95%CI: 1.78-1,89) and 1.03% (95%CI: 1.00-1.07) of increase in cases of hospitalizations in children exposed

Prévision statistique de la qualité de l’air et d’épisodes de pollution atmosphérique en Corse / Statistical forecast of air quality and episodes of atmospheric pollution in Corsica

Tamas, Wani Théo 17 November 2015 (has links)
L’objectif de ces travaux de doctorat est de développer un modèle prédictif capable de prévoir correctement les concentrations en polluants du jour pour le lendemain en Corse. Nous nous sommes intéressés aux PM10 et à l’ozone, les deux polluants les plus problématiques sur l’île. Le modèle devait correspondre aux contraintes d’un usage opérationnel au sein d’une petite structure, comme Qualitair Corse, l’association locale de surveillance de la qualité de l’air.La prévision a été réalisée à l’aide de réseaux de neurones artificiels. Ces modèles statistiques offrent une grande précision tout en nécessitant peu de ressources informatiques. Nous avons choisi le Perceptron MultiCouche (PMC), avec en entrée à la fois des mesures de polluants, des mesures météorologiques, et des sorties de modèles de chimie-transport (CHIMERE via la plate-forme AIRES) et de modèles météorologiques (AROME).La configuration des PMC a été optimisée avant leur apprentissage automatique, en conformité avec le principe de parcimonie. Pour en améliorer les performances, une étude de sélection de variables a été au préalable menée. Nous avons comparé l’usage d’algorithmes génétiques, de recuits simulés et d’analyse en composantes principales afin d’optimiser le choix des variables d’entrées. L’élagage du PMC a été également mis en œuvre.Nous avons ensuite proposé un nouveau type de modèle hybride, combinaison d’un classifieur et de plusieurs PMC, chacun spécialisé sur un régime météorologique particulier. Ces modèles, qui demandent un large historique de données d’apprentissage, permettent d’améliorer la prévision des valeurs extrêmes et rares, correspondant aux pics de pollution. La classification non-supervisée a été menée avec des cartes auto-organisatrices couplées à l’algorithme des k-means, ainsi que par classification hiérarchique ascendante. L’analyse de sensibilité à été menée grâce à l’usage de courbes ROC.Afin de gérer les jeux de données utilisés, de mener les expérimentations de manière rigoureuse et de créer les modèles destinés à l’usage opérationnel, nous avons développé l’application « Aria Base », fonctionnant sous Matlab à l’aide de la Neural Network Toolbox.Nous avons également développé l’application « Aria Web » destinée à l’usage quotidien à Qualitair Corse. Elle est capable de mener automatiquement les prévisions par PMC et de synthétiser les différentes informations qui aident la prévision rendues disponibles sur internet par d’autres organismes. / The objective of this doctoral work is to develop a forecasting model able to correctly predict next day pollutant concentrations in Corsica. We focused on PM10 and ozone, the two most problematic pollutants in the island. The model had to correspond to the constraints of an operational use in a small structure like Qualitair Corse, the local air quality monitoring association.The prediction was performed using artificial neural networks. These statistical models offer a great precision while requiring few computing resources. We chose the MultiLayer Perceptron (MLP), with input data coming from pollutants measurements, meteorological measurements, chemical transport model (CHIMERE via AIRES platform) and numerical weather prediction model (AROME).The configuration of the MLP was optimized prior to machine learning, in accordance with the principle of parsimony. To improve forecasting performances, we led a feature selection study. We compared the use of genetic algorithms, simulated annealing and principal component analysis to optimize the choice of input variables. The pruning of the MLP was also implemented.Then we proposed a new type of hybrid model, combination of a classification model and various MLPs, each specialized on a specific weather pattern. These models, which need large learning datasets, allow an improvement of the forecasting for extreme and rare values, corresponding to pollution peaks. We led unsupervised classification with self organizing maps coupled with k-means algorithm, and with hierarchical ascendant classification. Sensitivity analysis was led with ROC curves.We developed the application “Aria Base” running with Matlab and its Neural Network Toolbox, able to manage our datasets, to lead rigorously the experiments and to create operational models.We also developed the application “Aria Web” to be used daily by Qualitair Corse. It is able to lead automatically the prevision with MLP, and to synthesize forecasting information provided by other organizations and available on the Internet.

Simulation of air quality in underground train stations / Simulering av luftkvalité i underjordiska tågstationer

Söderberg, Benjamin January 2020 (has links)
Particulate matter (PM) is a widespread air pollutant of microscopic particles that are suspended in the atmosphere. There is high concentration of PM in underground train stations and tunnels. The concentration of particulate matter (PM10) measured in Stockholm’s metro varies significantly between day and nighttime traffic of trains. Emission factors are a representative value of a pollutant released into the atmosphere. These factors can be expressed as the weight of pollutant divided by a unit distance, volume, or weight. In this document it is expressed as the amount of energy used to produce a unit weight. Such factor expresses estimation of emissions from train wheel-rail contact and brake. Simulation of particulate matter using IDA tunnel was conducted to evaluate and predict particulate matter (PM10) concentration levels. Previous measured data of PM10 from Mariatorget’s platform (performed by SLB analysis) was used for the validation of the simulation model. These data were collected during winter and summer periods. It was then used as fundamental reference to simulate and calibrate emission factors. Important parameters of the tunnel, platform and trains that were used in traffic were imported. There are ventilation shafts on each end of the platform. These ventilation shafts are open fully during summer and closed during winter periods. Thus, two case scenarios, winter and summer were investigated. The results obtained were later evaluated and analysed. Sensitivity analysis was made to test the effect of ventilation shaft’s openings on emission factors. The results from winter case study showed that emission factors are 0.57 g/kWh from wheel-rail contact and 0.031 g/kWh from brakes. Emission factors from wheel-rail contact give 70% of the measured PM10 concentration whereas brakes give 30% of PM10 concentrations. Results obtained from summer case study showed that emission factors are 0.61 g/kWh and 0.05 g/kWh from wheel-rail contact as well as from brakes, respectively. / Partiklar är en utbredd luftföroreningar av mikroskopiska partiklar som finns i luften. Det finns höga halter av PM (particulate matter) i underjordiska tågstationer och tunnlar. Partikelhalten (PM10) som är uppmätt i Stockholms tunnelbana varierar betydligt mellan dag- och natttågtrafik. Emissionsfaktorn är ett representativt värde för mängden partiklar som släpps ut i atmosfären. Dessa faktorer kan uttryckas som massan av partikel per enhetsavstånd, volym eller vikt. I detta dokument uttrycks detta som den mängd energi som går åt för att producera enhetsviktspartiklar. Faktorn uttrycker en uppskattning av partikelemissioner från hjul-rälskontakt och broms. Simulering har genomfördes i IDA tunnel för att utvärdera och förutsäga partikelhalten på tågplattformar. Tidigare uppmätta data under vinter och sommar från Mariatorgets plattform (utförd av SLB-analys) användes för validering av simuleringsmodellen. Detta användes sedan som grundläggande referens för att simulera och kalibrera emissionsfaktorer. Viktiga parametrar för tunneln, plattformen och tågen som användes i trafiken är inhämtade och evaluerade. Ventilationsschakt finns i varje ände av plattformen. Dessa ventilationsschakt är öppna under sommaren och stängda under vinterperioden. Således undersöktes två scenarier, vinter- och sommarfall. De erhållna resultaten utvärderades och analyserades senare. Känslighetsanalys gjordes för att testa effekten på emissionsfaktorerna av ventilationsschaktens öppningsgrad. Resultaten från vinterfallstudien visade att emissionsfaktorerna är 0,57 g/kWh från hjul-rälkontaktoch 0,03 g/kWh från bromsarna. Emissionsfaktorn från hjul-rälkontakten ger 70 % av den uppmätta PM10 koncentrationen, medan bromsarna ger 30 %. Resultaten från sommarfallstudien visade att emissionsfaktorerna är 0,61 g/kWh och 0,05 g/kWh från hjul-rälkontakten och bromsarna, respektive.

\"Caracterização química do material particulado suspenso na atmosfera empregando a fluorescência de raios X dispersiva em energia (EDXRF)\" / Chemical characterization of the particulate matter suspended in the atmosphere using the energy dispersive x-ray fluorescence (EDXRF)

Lopes, Fabio 18 August 2003 (has links)
O objetivo principal do trabalho foi a avaliação da composição química do material particulado em suspensão na atmosfera em Londrina/PR e Piracicaba/SP. A amostragem foi realizada nas estações de verão e inverno, utilizando-se um amostrador tipo stacker, permitindo a coleta simultânea de particulados fino (partículas com diâmetro aerodinâmico menor que 2,5 \'mü\'m) e grosso (entre 2,5 e 10 \'mü\'m), utilizando filtros com 47 mm de diâmetro e diâmetros de poros de 0,4 e 8 \'mü\'m, respectivamente.Para a análise das amostras, foi utilizada a técnica de fluorescência de raios X por dispersão em energia (EDXRF). As excitações e detecções dos raios X característicos foram realizadas sob atmosfera de ar e vácuo, quantificando-se os elementos químicos na faixa do Al ao Zr. Os espectros de raios X obtidos foram interpretados com o auxílio do programa AXIL. A quantificação dos elementos químicos foi realizada pela metodologia dos parâmetros fundamentais. Foi utilizado também um microscópio eletrônico de varredura acoplado a um sistema de fluorescência de raios X por dispersão em energia para a caracterização química e morfológica dos principais grupos de partículas existentes no material particulado. A metodologia de análise de agrupamento foi usada para identificar as possíveis fontes de emissão ou de formação do material particulado / The main objective of this work was the chemical composition evaluation of the suspended particulate matter in the Londrina/PR and Piracicaba/SP atmospheres. The sampling was accomplished in the summer and winter seasons, with a stacker filter holder, which allowed the simultaneous collection of fine particulates (particles with aerodynamic diameter smaller than 2,5 \'mü\'m) and gross particulates (particles between 2,5 and 10 \'mü\'m), using filters of 47 mm diameter and pore diameters of 0,4 and 8 \'mü\'m, respectively. The samples analysis was accomplished with the energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence (EDXRF) technique. The excitation and detection of the characteristic X-rays were done in air atmosphere and vacuous, quantifying the chemical elements in the range from Al to Zr. The obtained X-rays spectra were interpreted with the aid of the AXIL software. The chemical elements quantification was accomplished by the fundamental parameters methodology. It was also employed a scanning electronic microscope (SEM/EDS) connected to an energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence system for the chemical and morphologic characterization of the main groups of existent particles in the particulate matter. The grouping analysis methodology was used to identify the possible emission or formation sources of the particulate matter

Optimering av dammbindning på Hornsgatan med NORTRIP modellen / Optimization of Dust-Binding on Hornsgatan with the Nortrip Model

Tomasdottir, Tora January 2019 (has links)
Populärvetenskaplig sammanfattning Optimering av dammbindning på Hornsgatan med NORTRIP modellen Massan av luftburna partiklar med en diameter mindre än 10 µm (PM10) är en av de tuffaste miljökvalitetsnormerna att uppnå i Sverige. PM10 kommer från flera olika källor, både naturliga som havssalt och sand, samt antropogena som vägslitage, däckslitage, bromsslitage och avgaser. En stor uppkomstkälla till PM10 i luften slitage på grund av dubbdäcksanvändning. Uppvirvlingen är som störst i mars och april efter att snön smält, temperaturen stigit och vägbanan torkat upp. För att minska PM10 halten i luften kan en dammbindande saltlösning med lägre fryspunkt än vatten läggas ut på vägbanan. I Stockholm används saltlösningen CMA (kalciummagnesiumnitrat). Det är en typ av salt med liten påverkan på den urbana miljön. Vintersäsongen 2016–2017 lades CMA ut tre gånger i veckan på några utvalda gator i Stockholm mellan november och maj. En av dessa gator är Hornsgatan, som har undersökts i denna rapport. CMA är dyrt och resurskrävande att lägga ut. För att optimera utläggningen av CMA i Stockholm har spridningsmodellen NORTRIP (non-exhaust road traffic induced particle emissions) använts. Modellen använder meteorologiska data, trafikdata och data rörande saltning, sandning och städning för att räkna ut halten PM10 som spridits till luften. Den här modellen har använts för att testa några olika dammbindande scenarion på Hornsgatan i vilka CMA har lagts ut. Det har också testats, i NORTRIP, om PM10 halten i luften skulle minska genom utläggning av vatten på vägen. Vatten lades endast ut i modellen efter 15 mars med antagandet att temperaturen inte skulle sjunka under 0 °C efter datumet ifråga. De olika scenariona var utformade för att se om det var möjligt att minimera användandet av CMA men ändå hålla nere PM10 halten i luften. Alla scenarion jämfördes med scenariot där varken CMA eller vatten lades ut för att jämföra om PM10 i luften minskade. Ett resultat visade att det var bättre att lägga ut CMA varje dag under dammiga perioder än att sikta in sig på bara de dammigaste dagarna. PM10 i luften 2016 minskade med 4,7% när de 45 dammigaste dagarna behandlades med CMA. Det kan jämföras med en minskning på 6,5% när CMA applicerades under dammiga perioder under samma år. En annan slutsats var att det ger större effekt att lägga ut CMA i mars och april än mellan november och mars. PM10 i luften 2016 minskade med 2,1% om man började lägga ut CMA 1 november som planerat, och med 1,7% om utläggningen började i slutet av februari, när den dammiga säsongen börjar. Det resulterar i att endast en liten minskning av PM10 halten uppnåddes genom att börja behandla vägbanan med CMA den 1 november istället för i slutet av februari. Att börja lägga ut CMA i slutet av februari istället för 1 november skulle minska kostnaderna betydligt för staden. Resultaten visade även att ett tunt lager vatten (0,3 mm) utlagt på vägbanan mellan ordinarie dagar för dammbindning hade en betydande effekt på PM10 halten i luften. Vid vattenutläggning mellan dagarna för CMA utläggning efter 15 mars 2016 minskar PM10 i luften under 2016 med 1,4% utöver vad den skulle minskat med om inget vatten lagts ut. Den här rapporten visar att det är möjligt att optimera utläggningen av CMA på Hornsgatan. / Abstract Optimization of dust-binding on Hornsgatan with the NORTRIP model The mass of airborne particles with a diameter smaller than 10 µm (PM10) is one of the most difficult environmental quality standards addressed in Sweden. PM10 particles originates from a variety of sources; natural, like sea salt and sand, and human made like road wear, tire wear, brake wear and exhaust. A significant source of PM10 in the air is the usage of studded tires. The suspension typically occurs in March and April when the snow layer melts, temperature rises and the streets dry. A dry street is crucial for the road dust to suspend into the air. A way to prevent road dust to suspend in to the air is spraying the road with a salt solution that does not freeze at temperatures below 0 °C. In Stockholm a dust-binding substance called CMA (Calcium Magnesium Acetate) is used. It is a of salt with minimal negative side effects on the urban environment. CMA was applied on some specific streets in Stockholm three times a week between November and May winter season 2016–2017. One of the streets that gets treated with CMA is Hornsgatan which is the topic of this paper. Dust-binding substances are expensive and time consuming to apply to the streets. To optimize the appliance of CMA in Stockholm a non-exhaust road traffic induced particle emissions (NORTRIP) model has been used. The model uses meteorological data, traffic data combined with data on salting, sanding and cleaning to calculate PM10 suspension to the air. This model has been used to test different dust-binding scenarios on Hornsgatan in which CMA was applied. It has also been tested, in NORTRIP, if spraying the road with water could have a reductive effect on PM10 in the air. Water was only added to the model after the 15th of March because it was assumed the temperature would not sink below 0 °C after this date. The different scenarios were formed to see if it was possible to minimize the usage of CMA and still keep the PM10 level low. All scenarios were compared with the scenario of not applying any CMA or water to see how much PM10 in the air was reduced. One result showed that it is better to apply CMA every day during dusty periods rather than just manage to target the dustiest days alone. PM10 in the air 2016 was reduced by 4.7% when the 45 dustiest days were treated with CMA. This could be compared to a 6.5% reduction when CMA was applied during dusty periods. Another conclusion made was that applying CMA in March and April has a greater effect then applying CMA in November, December, January and February. PM10 in the air 2016 was reduced by 2.1% if the CMA treatment started on the 1st of November as planned, and by 1.7% if the treatment started in the end of February when the dusty season starts. That means there is only a small decrease of PM10 if the appliance of CMA starts in the end of February rather than the 1st of November. Reducing the days of CMA treatment would reduce the cost significantly for the city. It was also shown that a thin layer of water (0.3 mm) applied to the street between ordinary dust-binding days has a significant effect on PM10 in the air. Adding water to the street in between days of dust-binding after the 15th of March 2016 reduced suspended PM10 2016 in the air by 1.5% beyond what it would have been reduced without the water. This paper shows that it is possible to optimize the appliance of CMA.

\"Caracterização química do material particulado suspenso na atmosfera empregando a fluorescência de raios X dispersiva em energia (EDXRF)\" / Chemical characterization of the particulate matter suspended in the atmosphere using the energy dispersive x-ray fluorescence (EDXRF)

Fabio Lopes 18 August 2003 (has links)
O objetivo principal do trabalho foi a avaliação da composição química do material particulado em suspensão na atmosfera em Londrina/PR e Piracicaba/SP. A amostragem foi realizada nas estações de verão e inverno, utilizando-se um amostrador tipo stacker, permitindo a coleta simultânea de particulados fino (partículas com diâmetro aerodinâmico menor que 2,5 \'mü\'m) e grosso (entre 2,5 e 10 \'mü\'m), utilizando filtros com 47 mm de diâmetro e diâmetros de poros de 0,4 e 8 \'mü\'m, respectivamente.Para a análise das amostras, foi utilizada a técnica de fluorescência de raios X por dispersão em energia (EDXRF). As excitações e detecções dos raios X característicos foram realizadas sob atmosfera de ar e vácuo, quantificando-se os elementos químicos na faixa do Al ao Zr. Os espectros de raios X obtidos foram interpretados com o auxílio do programa AXIL. A quantificação dos elementos químicos foi realizada pela metodologia dos parâmetros fundamentais. Foi utilizado também um microscópio eletrônico de varredura acoplado a um sistema de fluorescência de raios X por dispersão em energia para a caracterização química e morfológica dos principais grupos de partículas existentes no material particulado. A metodologia de análise de agrupamento foi usada para identificar as possíveis fontes de emissão ou de formação do material particulado / The main objective of this work was the chemical composition evaluation of the suspended particulate matter in the Londrina/PR and Piracicaba/SP atmospheres. The sampling was accomplished in the summer and winter seasons, with a stacker filter holder, which allowed the simultaneous collection of fine particulates (particles with aerodynamic diameter smaller than 2,5 \'mü\'m) and gross particulates (particles between 2,5 and 10 \'mü\'m), using filters of 47 mm diameter and pore diameters of 0,4 and 8 \'mü\'m, respectively. The samples analysis was accomplished with the energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence (EDXRF) technique. The excitation and detection of the characteristic X-rays were done in air atmosphere and vacuous, quantifying the chemical elements in the range from Al to Zr. The obtained X-rays spectra were interpreted with the aid of the AXIL software. The chemical elements quantification was accomplished by the fundamental parameters methodology. It was also employed a scanning electronic microscope (SEM/EDS) connected to an energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence system for the chemical and morphologic characterization of the main groups of existent particles in the particulate matter. The grouping analysis methodology was used to identify the possible emission or formation sources of the particulate matter

Air quality assessment of the industrialized western Bushveld Igneous Complex / Andrew Derick Venter

Venter, Andrew Derick January 2011 (has links)
South Africa has the largest economy in Africa, with significant mining and metallurgical activities. A large fraction of the mineral assets is concentrated in the Bushveld Igneous Complex (BIC), with the western limb being the most exploited. Although the western BIC is considered to be an air pollution hotspot, inadequate air quality data currently exists for this area. To partially address this knowledge gap, a comprehensive air quality monitoring station was operated for more than two years at Marikana in the western BIC. Basic meteorological parameters, precipitation, Photosynthetic Photon Flux Density (PPFD), trace gas concentrations (SO2, NO, NOx, O3, and CO), physical aerosol parameters (particle number and air ion size distributions, as well as aerosol light absorption) and total PM10 mass concentration were measured. Compared with South African and European ambient air quality standards, SO2, NO2 and CO concentrations were generally below the air quality standards, with average concentrations for the sampling period of 3.8ppb (9.9μg/m³), 8.5ppb (15.9μg/m³) and 230ppb (270μg/m³), respectively. The major source of SO2 was identified as high-stack industry emissions, while household combustion was identified as the predominant source of NO2 and CO. In contrast, O3 exceeded the eight-hour moving average standard (61ppb / 120μg/m³) 322 times per year. The main contributing factor was identified to be the influx of regional air masses, with high O3 precursor concentrations. PM10 exceeded the current South African 24-hour standard (120μg/m³) on average 6.6 times per year, the future 2015 standard (75μg/m³) 42.3 times per year and the European standard (50μg/m³) 120.2 times per year. The PM10 average concentration for the sampling period was 44μg/m³, which exceeded the current European and future (2015) South African annual average standard (40μg/m³), emphasising the PM pollution problem in the western BIC. The main source of PM10 was identified as household combustion. / Thesis (M.Sc. (Chemistry))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2012

Jemný a hrubý aerosol v ovzduší studentského klubu: porovnání před a po zákazu kouření / Fine and coarse aerosol particles in a student's club before and after a smoking ban

Valchářová, Tereza January 2010 (has links)
This master thesis was tasked to find out how the parameter of interior atmosphere changes at student's club "Mrtvá Ryba", that means atmospheric aerosols sized from 0,524 to 20 micrometers. This work tries to show indoor aerosols before and after the smoking ban and its comparison. This work describes concentrations PM1 and PM10, and their behavior per day. Concentrations was measured by APS (Aerodynamic particle sizer). The measurement was the first step in the non-smoking club, then processing with retrieved informations in CoPlot, CoStat and Excel, where the statistical method has done, and comparison with previous values. T-tests was used for statistics and linear regresion. The result confirms, what was it supposed to, so concentracion values are significantly different. The average concentration of all measured days (six) of smoking campaign was at PM1 13,28 µg.m-3 and at PM10 23,38 µg.m-3. The average concentration of all measured days (thirty six) of non-smoking campaign was at PM1 4,88 µg.m-3 and at PM10 24,61 µg.m-3. Resulting concentration of aerosol particles was explicity lower at non-smoking period than at smoking period. Contamination of interior enviroment is influenced by many factors. The most important factor is presence of persons and their number, concentration of outdoor...

Vliv lokálních topenišť na PM10 v městském ovzduší / Influence of local heating to PM10 levels in urban atmosphere

Píšová, Martina January 2014 (has links)
This master thesis evaluates the spatial variability of concentrations of PM10 on the area of towns Mladá Boleslav, Kosmonosy and small village Plazy during one month in the winter of 2013. Using a network measurements, we tried to determine whether sources of pollution are inside the city, or whether these harmful substances are transferred from the outside of the city to the area of the city. For the measurements we used a set of 9 portable laser nephelometers DustTrak (8520, TSI), which were placed on the roofs of schools. In the same time the device called beta-prachoměr (beta dust-meter) was continuously measuring concentrations of PM10, and we also monitored basic meteorological parameters (temperature, humidity, wind speed and direction). All these parameters were continuously measured at five minutes intervals. Also we did personal walks through the city, during which we measured personal exposure to PM10 concentrations. This exposure was compared with exposure of stationary monitors, and finally the differences were quantified. In Mladá Boleslav and in Kosmonosy, the same trend of concentrations of PM10 was observed at all selected locations in the city. Different trend of PM10 concentrations was observed in the village Plazy, where the peaks were higher and more frequent, especially in...

Vliv vlny vedra v létě 2003 a 2006 na úmrtnost obyvatel Prahy / Heat wave effect on mortality in summer 2003 and 2006 in Prague

Knobová, Veronika January 2012 (has links)
Background: During August 2003 and July 2006 there were observed records of high temperature and high concentrations of pollutants across Europe. The effect of heat waves led to significant increases in total mortality, respiratory mortality and cardiovascular mortality. This study evaluates the association between exposure to the heat waves and daily non- accidental mortality, respiratory mortality and cardiovascular mortality in Prague, the Czech Republic. Methods: The effect of heat waves in summer 2003 and 2006 on mortality was investigated using the negative binomial regression (type of the Poisson model). Counts of death were regressed on temperature, long-term trends, season, day of week and concentrations of pollutants (O3 levels, PM10 levels, NO2 levels, SO2 levels, CO levels). We used one day lag. Results: We found an association between the heat waves in summer 2003 and 2006 and daily mortality and mortality on respiratory and cardiovascular diseases. No statistically significant association was detected. The effect of the heat wave was more significant in women. Conclusions: The effect of the heat wave in August 2003 and July 2006 caused adverse effect on the mortality in Prague, though lower as compared to many other cities in Europe. Keywords: heat wave, mortality, temperature, ozone,...

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