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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Estratégia das federações desportivas e o Estado-estudo das principais federações portuguesas nos ciclos olímpicos de Sydney e Atenas

Teixeira, Mário Rui Coelho January 2002 (has links)
No description available.

Digital lösning för fysisk aktivitet

Ekholm, Ida, Fransson, Fredrik January 2018 (has links)
Abstract The purpose of this Bachelor thesis has been to find a way to increase physical activity through the digitization of hiking trails. With information on interesting places around the hiking trail, we hope that this will enable people to get out on the hiking trails. Both to exercise but also to learn a little more about places in their vicinity. Through walking interviews, we have gathered data about the user's thoughts and ideas about the hiking trails. As well as studying UX design and HCI to see patterns of the user that can be applied in the product, to make our design more appealing and more user friendly. In our process, we have used Wireframe to get a common and visual image to work for. After that, we have worked with Extreme programming to work together and create the code for the design. Our result has grown into a demo application that is open to more features and other fields of use if desired. At the end of this work, new thoughts and ideas have also been brought to life, how the demo app could be used in other areas, such as in the archipelago and for educational purposes for children. Keywords Smartphone application, walking trails, points of interests, movement, hiking. / Abstrakt Detta kandidatarbetets syfte har varit att finna ett sätt att öka den fysiska aktiviteten genom digitalisering av vandringsleder. Med hjälp av information om intressanta platser runt om vandringsleden, hoppas vi att detta förmår folk att ta sig ut på vandringslederna. Både för att motionera men också för att lära sig lite mer om platser i sin närmiljö. Vi har genom promenadintervjuer samlat data om användarens tankar och ideér gällande vandringslederna. Samt studerat UX design och HCI för att kunna se mönster hos användaren som går att applicera i produkten, för att göra vår design mer tilltalande och mera användarvänlig. I vår process har vi använt oss av Wireframe för att få en gemensam och visuell bild att jobba efter. Därefter har vi jobbat med Extreme programming för att tillsammans arbeta fram koden till gestaltningen. Vårt resultat har vuxit fram till en demo-applikation som är öppen för fler funktioner och användningsområden om så önskas. I slutet av detta arbetet har även nya tankar och ideér väckts till liv, om hur demo-appen skulle kunna användas inom andra områden såsom i skärgården och i lärosyfte för barn. Nyckelord Mobilapplikation, Vandringsleder, Intressepunkter, Rörelse, Vandring.

SDEFIX : gerenciando fluxos elefantes em pontos de troca de tráfego baseados em redes defenidas por software / SDEFIX : manage elephant flows in SDN-Based IXP networks

Knob, Luis Augusto Dias January 2016 (has links)
Os Pontos de Troca de Tráfego participam de maneira substancial e crítica no ecossistema da Internet, possibilitando conexões entre múltiplos Sistemas Autônomos (ASes, do inglês Autonomous Systems). O gerenciamento das redes de PTT possui como objetivos primários, o gerenciamento dos chamados fluxos elefante (do inglês, elephant flows). Fluxos elefante tendem a existir em número reduzido, porém correspondem à maioria do tráfego em uma infraestrutura de rede. O gerenciamento dos fluxos elefante envolve uma adequada identificação e quando necessário, um redirecionamento destes fluxos para caminhos mais apropriados, de forma a minimizar os possíveis impactos sobre os outros fluxos ativos na rede. Além disso, o gerenciamento de fluxos elefante tornou-se um importante objeto de discussão em PTTs baseados em redes SDN, principalmente porque estas redes dispõem de controladores que possuem uma visão consistente da rede subjacente, o que permite uma gerência destes fluxos de forma refinada. Nesta dissertação, será proposto, desenvolvido e avaliado um sistema de identificação dos fluxos elefante e seus respectivos caminhos de rede, em conjunto com um sistema de recomendação, que possui o objetivo de sugerir configurações alternativas para os fluxos elefante identificados anteriormente nas redes de PTTs baseadas em SDN. Neste sistema, o operador do PTT pode definir templates que em última instância definem como os caminhos dos fluxos elefante serão modificados para atender objetivos específicos. Por fim, será demonstrado que o sistema proposto pode auxiliar o operador do PTT a identificar, gerenciar e mitigar o impacto dos fluxos elefante da rede do PTT. / Internet Exchange Points (IXPs) play a key role in the current Internet architecture enabling cost-effective connections among multiple autonomous systems (ASes). Management of IXP networks is primarily concerned with the management of the so-called elephant flows. Such flows represent a small portion of the total flows of a IXP network but usually have high impact on the overall traffic. Managing elephant flows involves adequate identification and eventually rerouting of such flows to more appropriate locations to minimize the possible negative impact on the other (mice) flows active in the network. Elephant flow management becomes more important in SDN-based IXPs that require controllers to have a consistent view of the underlying network to allow fine-grained adjustment. In this master thesis, we propose, develop, and evaluate an identification system to identify elephant flows and their respectively paths, as well as a recommendation system to suggest alternative configurations to previously identified elephant flows in an SDN-based IXP network. In this solution, the IXP operator can define templates that ultimately define how elephant flows can be reconfigured to achieve a specific objective. We demonstrate that our system can help IXP operators to identify, handle and mitigate the impact of elephant flows in the IXP network.

O estreito de Ormuz : da competição estratégica à Guerra Proxy regional no Oriente Médio

Rucks, Jessika Tessaro January 2017 (has links)
O presente trabalho tem por objetivo analisar o papel do estreito de Ormuz nas dinâmicas de competição no Golfo Pérsico. Ormuz é um estreito geograficamente estratégico, uma vez que é a única via marítima entre o Golfo Pérsico, o Golfo de Omã e o Oceano Índico e encontra-se em uma área rica em hidrocarbonetos. Em vista disso, o primeiro capítulo busca analisar o conceito e as características que qualificam a relevância que alguns estreitos possuem para o Sistema Internacional, caracterizando-os como Pontos de Estrangulamento e, nesse sentido, averiguar as razões que definem o estreito de Ormuz como o principal ponto de estrangulamento marítimo no mundo. Já o segundo capítulo tem como foco o estudo da Competição Estratégica, estabelecida entre Estados Unidos e Irã (2003-2013), que somente tornou-se possível graças às características de Ormuz (e, à assimetria de capacidades). Por fim, o terceiro capítulo procura averiguar o papel do estreito na escalada das rivalidades entre Arábia Saudita e Irã que deflagram a Guerra Proxy, e o seu transbordamento para outros pontos de estrangulamento do Oriente Médio. Espera-se como resultado oferecer uma melhor contextualização e compreensão sobre o tema de Ormuz em particular, bem como dos pontos de estrangulamento, contribuindo dessa forma para a instrumentalização dessas categorias no estudo das Relações Internacionais contemporâneas. / This study aims to analyze the Strait of Hormuz role in the competition dynamics in the Persian Gulf. Hormuz is a strait geographically strategic, since it is the only maritime way between the Persian Gulf, the Gulf of Oman and the Indian Ocean and is located in an area rich in hydrocarbons. In view of this, the first chapter analyzes the concept and characteristics that qualify the relevance of some straits to the International System, characterizing them as Choke points and, accordingly, find out the reasons that define the Strait of Hormuz as the main maritime choke point in the world. The second chapter focuses on the study of the Strategic Competition, established between the United States and Iran (2003-2013), which only became possible because of the characteristics of Hormuz (and because of capacity asymmetry). Finally, the third chapter seeks to ascertain the strait role in escalating rivalries between Saudi Arabia and Iran that trigger the Proxy War and its spillover to other bottlenecks in the Middle East. It is expected as a result provide better context and understanding of Hormuz particular theme and bottlenecks, thus contributing to the exploitation of these categories in the study of contemporary international relations.

Recalage automatique de modèles 3D d'arcades dentaires à partir de photographies / Automatic registration of 3D dental models from photographs

Destrez, Raphaël 13 December 2013 (has links)
En orthodontie, le diagnostic et la planification d'un traitement reposent sur la connaissance de l'architecture dentaire du patient relevée, entre autre, par un moulage en plâtre. Aujourd’hui, des logiciels permettent de manipuler des modèles numériques des arcades dentaires obtenus après numérisation des moulages. Afin d’observer l’engrènement des dents, il est nécessaire de mettre en occlusion les deux arcades numérisées séparément. Cette étape est actuellement manuelle et l’objet de ces travaux de thèse est de proposer une chaîne robuste de traitements permettant un recalage automatique des deux arcades guidé par plusieurs photos "en bouche" du patient. L'approche proposée consiste à définir trois types de points singuliers et à mettre en place des méthodes robustes de détection automatique à la fois sur les modèles 3D et les images couleur s’appuyant sur la courbure et la texture. Une fois mis en correspondance, ces points homologues 2D/3D permettent d'estimer les matrices de projection puis la transformation rigide (6ddl) pour positionner au mieux la mandibule par rapport au maxillaire en minimisant les erreurs de reprojection dans plusieurs vues. Afin de s’affranchir du bruit de détection, les positions 2D et/ou 3D des points sont améliorées au cours du processus d’optimisation. De nombreux tests sur des données virtuelles et réelles valident l'approche choisie. L’occlusion finale obtenue par recalage automatique est proche de la référence de l’expert. Les résultats sont encourageants pour fournir une alternative automatique à intégrer dans un outil d'aide au diagnostic. / In orthodontics, the diagnosis and the planning of a treatment rest on the knowledge of the dental architecture of the patient using, among others, a dental cast in plaster. Today, dedicated software allow to manipulate digital models of the dental arches obtained after digitalization of the casts. To observe the contact of teeth, it is necessary to register both arches scanned separately. This stage is at present manual and the object of this thesis research is to propose a robust chain processing allowing an automatic registration of both arches guided by several photos of the patient mouth. The proposed approach consists in defining three types of singular points and in setting up strong methods of automatic detection at the same time on the 3D models and the color images leaning on the curvature and the texture. Once put in correspondence, these 2D / 3D equivalent points allow to estimate the projection matrices then the rigid transformation (6ddl) to position at best the mandible in relation to the maxillary by minimizing the reprojection errors in several views. To free itself from the noise of detection, the 2D and/or 3D positions of the singular points are improved during the optimization process. Numerous tests on virtual and real data validate the proposed approach. The final occlusion obtained on the real data by automatic registration is close to the reference of the expert. These are encouraging results to supply an automatic alternative to be integrated into a help tool for the diagnosis.

Etude expérimentale et numérique des modes de déformation d'un explosif comprimé / Experimental and numerical study of deformation modes of a pressed HMX-based explosive composition

Vial, Jérôme 24 October 2013 (has links)
L’utilisation industrielle ou militaire des explosifs est largement répandue. La sécurité est devenue un axe majeur avec notamment l’ignition involontaire des explosifs composés de HMX lors des impacts à basse vitesse. L’objectif de cette thèse est de contribuer à la compréhension des mécanismes dissipatifs à l’origine des échauffements locaux dans le matériau. Le développement d’un essai aux barres d’Hopkinson a permis de coupler de grandes vitesses de déformations à des pressions élevées pour compléter les données expérimentales. Cet essai a montré un angle de frottement quasiment identique à celui obtenu en quasistatique mais une contrainte de cohésion supérieure d’environ 25 MPa. Ensuite, pour observer les mécanismes pouvant être sources d’échauffement, un essai de compression dans la tranche a été développé avec des observations en temps réel. Celles-ci ont permis de conclure qu’il y a très peu de frottements entre les gros grains et la matrice (l’ensemble des petits grains, du liant et de la porosité). De la plasticité des grains de HMX a pu être observée mais surtout beaucoup d’endommagement dans certaines zones y compris dans la matrice. Une microfissuration très intense de certains grains a été observée. Parallèlement, une représentation numérique biphasique (gros grains de HMX et matrice) de toute la microstructure du matériau a été considérée. Une confrontation entre les observations expérimentales et les simulations a permis de déterminer le seuil de plasticité du HMX. Le comportement de la matrice a été identifié pour prendre en compte l’effet de vitesse et l’endommagement observé. Enfin, les confrontations entre les essais et les simulations de ceux-ci ont montré que les échauffements devraient plutôt se localiser dans la matrice que dans les gros grains de HMX et que le mécanisme le plus probable est le frottement de lèvres de microfissures. / Safety of industrial or military explosives is a major focus to prevent inadvertent ignition due to accidental loading as, for example, low-velocity impact. Our aim is to understand the dissipative mechanisms at work which could heat a pressed HMX-based PBX. A test based on the Split Hopkinson Pressure Bars system is proposed to carry out a dynamic triaxial compression test. This test simultaneously associates a high strain rate and a high pressure. Data have shown almost the same friction angle as during quasi-static experiments, but a higher cohesive stress. Then, A reversed edge-on impact test has been developed. This experiment enables the real-time observation of the deformation mechanisms at the microstructural scale. No relative displacement is observed between the biggest HMX grains and the matrix made of the smallest grains, the binder and the porosity. Plasticity has been observed into some HMX grains as well as damage by microcracking. Meanwhile, a biphasic (HMX grains and matrix) numerical representation of the material microstructure has been considered. A comparison between experimental observations and simulations is used to determine the yield stress of HMX. The behavior of the matrix has been determined to account for the influence of the strain rate and of the damage. Lastly, a comparison between tests and simulations has highlighted (1) that heating should rather be located in the matrix than in the biggest HMX grains and (2) that the most likely heating mechanism is the friction of microcracks lips.

Sistema análise de perigos e pontos críticos de controle - APPCC, em uma indústria de embutidos de frango e suas implicações para a competitividade

Fortes, Martinha Borghetti January 2002 (has links)
As barreiras impostas pelos mercados externos, relacionadas à sanidade dos produtos e o aumento dos surtos de toxicoinfecções em consumidores, devido à ingestão de alimentos industrializados, são os principais fatores que fazem com que empresas e as cadeias agroalimentares como um todo, preocupem-se com a produção de alimentos seguros (security foods). Diante desta necessidade, foi realizado este estudo, que analisou as vantagens e desvantagens da implantação de um sistema de Análise de Perigos e Pontos Críticos de Controle o APPCC em uma indústria de alimentos. O estudo foi desenvolvido em uma unidade industrial, que já faz uso do sistema há cinco anos, para a produção de embutidos e pratos prontos. A empresa já possui o sistema APPCC estruturado em toda a cadeia de produção, sendo uma das poucas empresas brasileiras a preocupar-se profundamente com esta questão. Os resultados confirmaram a eficiência do sistema para a garantia de segurança em produtos e processos, o que contribui para a melhoria da saúde pública e a diminuição das devoluções. Também podem ser citadas, as vantagens relacionadas ao comprometimento de grupo, valorização e aumento da eficiência operacional, agregação de valor aos produtos ao longo da cadeia e a confiança dos consumidores no que se relaciona a segurança alimentar. Não identificou-se desvantagens aparentes, apenas considerações referentes aos recursos humanos envolvidos, os quais necessitam de treinamento constante, para que desenvolvam suas atividades de acordo com o estabelecido pelo plano. / The barriers imposed by the external markets related to product sanitation and the increase of out breaks among consumers due to the intake of industrialized food are the main factors which make the companies and the agrofeeding chains as a whole to worry about security foods. This study was carried out as a result of this need and it analyzed the advantages and disadvantages of using a control system in food, Hazard Critical Control Points, the HACCP. The system for five years in the production of sausages and ready dishes. The company already ocons the HACCP system structured all over the production chain, being one of the fun Brazilian compances to concern delply about this matter. The results confirm the system efficienty to guarantee the product and process safety, what contributes to the improvement of public health and reduction of returns, as well as the retreat. Also, the advantages related to the group commitment, valuction and operational efficiency increase, value gathering to the products along the chain, as well as the increase in the consumers’ confidence concerning food sefaty. There are not apparent disadvantages, only considerations related to the human resources involved, which need constant supervision in order to develop their activities according to the what was stablished by the plan.

Aumentando a acurácia de predição de avaliação de sistemas de recomendação de vídeo com o uso de pontos de interesse / Enhancing the Predictions accuracy of POI video recommender systems

Dias, Alessandro da Silveira January 2013 (has links)
A cada dia aumenta o número de vídeos disponíveis no mundo. Por exemplo, há uma vasta quantidade de sites de vídeos disponíveis na Web e serviços de Vídeo Sob Demanda além de dispositivos que fazem a gravação de vídeos automaticamente, conhecidos como Personal Video Recorders, 24 horas por dia. Isso pode ocasionar um problema ao usuário: a sobrecarga de conteúdo em formato de vídeo. Uma das maneiras de se tratar tal problema consiste no uso de sistemas de recomendação, os quais filtram o conteúdo com o objetivo de entregar o que for mais interessante ao usuário. A abordagem típica utilizada pelos sistemas atuais consiste em um sistema de recomendação híbrido, i.e., que utiliza tanto filtragem baseada em conteúdo quanto filtragem colaborativa, minimizando os problemas que tais abordagens possuem individualmente. Adicionalmente, com o objetivo de melhorar a recomendação ou de criar novas formas de recomendação, têm sido apresentadas novas abordagens, tais como sistemas de recomendação utilizando dados de redes sociais, computação afetiva, tags, entre outros. Este trabalho tem como objetivo apresentar uma abordagem inovadora, a qual utiliza pontos de interesse em vídeo de usuários (ou seja, os segmentos dos vídeos que eles mais gostam ou que mais se interessam) para melhorar a acurácia de predição de sistemas de recomendação de vídeo que utilizam filtragem colaborativa baseados na abordagem usuário-usuário. Na abordagem proposta, os usuários participam de forma mais ativa e mais interativa ao marcarem seus pontos de interesse. Para avaliação de tal abordagem proposta foi realizada uma avaliação experimental em termos de acurácia de predição de avaliação; pela qual constatou-se que houve melhora na predição de avaliação do sistema de recomendação. Tal melhora está diretamente relacionada com o nível de participação das pessoas na marcação de pontos de interesse. / Every day the number of videos available in the world increases. For example, there is a vast amount of video sites available on the Web, Video On Demand services, as well as devices that records videos automatically, known as Personal Video Recorders, 24 hours a day. It may create a problem for the user: the overload of content in video format. One of the ways to treat such problem is the use of recommender systems, which filter the content in order to deliver what is most interesting to the user. The typical approach is to present a hybrid recommender system, i.e., that uses both contentbased filtering and collaborative filtering, minimizing the problems that these approaches have individually. Additionally, in order to improve the recommendation or to create new approaches of recommendation, has been given new approaches such as systems using data from social networks, affective computing, tags, etc. This paper aims to present an innovative approach, which uses points of interest (POI) in video of users (i.e., video segments best liked or most interested by them) to augment the prediction accuracy of video recommender systems with collaborative filtering based in the useruser approach. In the proposed approach, users participate more actively and more interactively to mark their points of interest. To evaluate this proposed approach an experimental evaluation was performed in terms of accuracy of ratings predictions; in which it was verified that there was an improvement in ratings prediction accuracy of the recommendation system. This improvement is directly related to the level of participation of people in marking points of interest.

Modèles thématiques pour la découverte non supervisée de points de vue sur le Web / Topic Models for Unsupervised Discovery of Viewpoints on the Web

Thonet, Thibaut 23 November 2017 (has links)
Les plateformes en ligne telles que les blogs et les réseaux sociaux permettent aux internautes de s'exprimer sur des sujets d'une grande variété (produits commerciaux, politique, services, etc.). Cet important volume de données d'opinions peut être exploré et exploité grâce à des techniques de fouille de texte connues sous le nom de fouille d'opinions ou analyse de sentiments. Contrairement à la majorité des travaux actuels en fouille d'opinions, qui se focalisent sur les opinions simplement positives ou négatives (ou un intermédiaire entre ces deux extrêmes), nous nous intéressons dans cette thèse aux points de vue. La fouille de point de vue généralise l'opinion au delà de son acception usuelle liée à la polarité (positive ou négative) et permet l'étude d'opinions exprimées plus subtilement, telles que les opinions politiques. Nous proposons dans cette thèse des approches non supervisées - ne nécessitant aucune annotation préalable - basées sur des modèles thématiques probabilistes afin de découvrir simultanément les thèmes et les points de vue exprimés dans des corpus de textes d'opinion. Dans notre première contribution, nous avons exploré l'idée de différencier mots d'opinions (spécifiques à la fois à un point de vue et à un thème) et mots thématiques (dépendants du thème mais neutres vis-à-vis des différents points de vue) en nous basant sur les parties de discours, inspirée par des pratiques similaires dans la littérature de fouille d'opinions classique - restreinte aux opinions positives et négatives. Notre seconde contribution se focalise quant à elle sur les points de vue exprimés sur les réseaux sociaux. Notre objectif est ici d'analyser dans quelle mesure l'utilisation des interactions entre utilisateurs, en outre de leur contenu textuel généré, est bénéfique à l'identification de leurs points de vue. Nos différentes contributions ont été évaluées et comparées à l'état de l'art sur des collections de documents réels. / The advent of online platforms such as weblogs and social networking sites provided Internet users with an unprecedented means to express their opinions on a wide range of topics, including policy and commercial products. This large volume of opinionated data can be explored and exploited through text mining techniques known as opinion mining or sentiment analysis. Contrarily to traditional opinion mining work which mostly focuses on positive and negative opinions (or an intermediate in-between), we study a more challenging type of opinions: viewpoints. Viewpoint mining reaches beyond polarity-based opinions (positive/negative) and enables the analysis of more subtle opinions such as political opinions. In this thesis, we proposed unsupervised approaches – i.e., approaches which do not require any labeled data – based on probabilistic topic models to jointly discover topics and viewpoints expressed in opinionated data. In our first contribution, we explored the idea of separating opinion words (specific to both viewpoints and topics) from topical, neutral words based on parts of speech, inspired by similar practices in the litterature of non viewpoint-related opinion mining. Our second contribution tackles viewpoints expressed by social network users. We aimed to study to what extent social interactions between users – in addition to text content – can be beneficial to identify users' viewpoints. Our different contributions were evaluated and benchmarked against state-of-the-art baselines on real-world datasets

SDEFIX : gerenciando fluxos elefantes em pontos de troca de tráfego baseados em redes defenidas por software / SDEFIX : manage elephant flows in SDN-Based IXP networks

Knob, Luis Augusto Dias January 2016 (has links)
Os Pontos de Troca de Tráfego participam de maneira substancial e crítica no ecossistema da Internet, possibilitando conexões entre múltiplos Sistemas Autônomos (ASes, do inglês Autonomous Systems). O gerenciamento das redes de PTT possui como objetivos primários, o gerenciamento dos chamados fluxos elefante (do inglês, elephant flows). Fluxos elefante tendem a existir em número reduzido, porém correspondem à maioria do tráfego em uma infraestrutura de rede. O gerenciamento dos fluxos elefante envolve uma adequada identificação e quando necessário, um redirecionamento destes fluxos para caminhos mais apropriados, de forma a minimizar os possíveis impactos sobre os outros fluxos ativos na rede. Além disso, o gerenciamento de fluxos elefante tornou-se um importante objeto de discussão em PTTs baseados em redes SDN, principalmente porque estas redes dispõem de controladores que possuem uma visão consistente da rede subjacente, o que permite uma gerência destes fluxos de forma refinada. Nesta dissertação, será proposto, desenvolvido e avaliado um sistema de identificação dos fluxos elefante e seus respectivos caminhos de rede, em conjunto com um sistema de recomendação, que possui o objetivo de sugerir configurações alternativas para os fluxos elefante identificados anteriormente nas redes de PTTs baseadas em SDN. Neste sistema, o operador do PTT pode definir templates que em última instância definem como os caminhos dos fluxos elefante serão modificados para atender objetivos específicos. Por fim, será demonstrado que o sistema proposto pode auxiliar o operador do PTT a identificar, gerenciar e mitigar o impacto dos fluxos elefante da rede do PTT. / Internet Exchange Points (IXPs) play a key role in the current Internet architecture enabling cost-effective connections among multiple autonomous systems (ASes). Management of IXP networks is primarily concerned with the management of the so-called elephant flows. Such flows represent a small portion of the total flows of a IXP network but usually have high impact on the overall traffic. Managing elephant flows involves adequate identification and eventually rerouting of such flows to more appropriate locations to minimize the possible negative impact on the other (mice) flows active in the network. Elephant flow management becomes more important in SDN-based IXPs that require controllers to have a consistent view of the underlying network to allow fine-grained adjustment. In this master thesis, we propose, develop, and evaluate an identification system to identify elephant flows and their respectively paths, as well as a recommendation system to suggest alternative configurations to previously identified elephant flows in an SDN-based IXP network. In this solution, the IXP operator can define templates that ultimately define how elephant flows can be reconfigured to achieve a specific objective. We demonstrate that our system can help IXP operators to identify, handle and mitigate the impact of elephant flows in the IXP network.

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