Spelling suggestions: "subject:"poisson processes."" "subject:"boisson processes.""
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Aspectos estatísticos da amostragem de água de lastro / Statistical aspects of ballast water samplingCosta, Eliardo Guimarães da 01 March 2013 (has links)
A água de lastro de navios é um dos principais agentes dispersivos de organismos nocivos à saúde humana e ao meio ambiente e normas internacionais exigem que a concentração desses organismos no tanque seja menor que um valor previamente especificado. Por limitações de tempo e custo, esse controle requer o uso de amostragem. Sob a hipótese de que a concentração desses organismos no tanque é homogênea, vários autores têm utilizado a distribuição Poisson para a tomada de decisão com base num teste de hipóteses. Como essa proposta é pouco realista, estendemos os resultados para casos em que a concentração de organismos no tanque é heterogênea utilizando estratificação, processos de Poisson não-homogêneos ou assumindo que ela obedece a uma distribuição Gama, que induz uma distribuição Binomial Negativa para o número de organismos amostrados. Além disso, propomos uma nova abordagem para o problema por meio de técnicas de estimação baseadas na distribuição Binomial Negativa. Para fins de aplicação, implementamos rotinas computacionais no software R / Ballast water is a leading dispersing agent of harmful organisms to human health and to the environment and international standards require that the concentration of these organisms in the tank must be less than a prespecified value. Because of time and cost limitations, this inspection requires the use of sampling. Under the assumption of an homogeneous organism concentration in the tank, several authors have used the Poisson distribution for decision making based on hypothesis testing. Since this proposal is unrealistic, we extend the results for cases in which the organism concentration in the tank is heterogeneous, using stratification, nonhomogeneous Poisson processes or assuming that it follows a Gamma distribution, which induces a Negative Binomial distribution for the number of sampled organisms. Furthermore, we propose a novel approach to the problem through estimation techniques based on the Negative Binomial distribution. For practical applications, we implemented computational routines using the R software
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Novel Bayesian Methods for Disease Mapping: An Application to Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary DiseaseLiu, Jie 01 May 2002 (has links)
Mapping of mortality rates has been a valuable public health tool. We describe novel Bayesian methods for constructing maps which do not depend on a post stratification of the estimated rates. We also construct posterior modal maps rather than posterior mean maps. Our methods are illustrated using mortality data from chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases (COPD) in the continental United States. Poisson regression models have attracted much attention in the scientific community for their superiority in modeling rare events (including mortality counts from COPD). Christiansen and Morris (JASA 1997) described a hierarchical Bayesian model for heterogeneous Poisson counts under the exchangeability assumption. We extend this model to include latent classes (groups of similar Poisson rates unknown to an investigator). Also, it is standard practice to construct maps using quantiles (e.g., quintiles) of the estimated mortality rates. For example, based on quintiles, the mortality rates are cut into 5 equal size groups, each containing $20\%$ of the data, and a different color is applied to each of them on the map. A potential problem is that, this method assumes an equal number of data in each group, but this is often not the case. The latent class model produces a method to construct maps without using quantiles, providing a more natural representation of the colors. Typically, for rare events, the posterior densities of the rates are skewed, making the posterior mean map inappropriate and inaccurate. Thus, although it is standard practice to present the posterior mean maps, we also develop a method to provide the joint posterior modal map (i.e., the map with the highest posterior probability over the ensemble). For the COPD data, collected 1988-1992 over 798 health service areas, we use Markov chain Monte Carlo methods to fit the model, and an output analysis is used to construct the new maps.
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Bayesian Simultaneous Intervals for Small Areas: An Application to Mapping Mortality Rates in U.S. Health Service AreasErhardt, Erik Barry 05 January 2004 (has links)
It is customary when presenting a choropleth map of rates or counts to present only the estimates (mean or mode) of the parameters of interest. While this technique illustrates spatial variation, it ignores the variation inherent in the estimates. We describe an approach to present variability in choropleth maps by constructing 100(1-alpha)% simultaneous intervals. The result provides three maps (estimate with two bands). We propose two methods to construct simultaneous intervals from the optimal individual highest posterior density (HPD) intervals to ensure joint simultaneous coverage of 100(1-alpha)%. Both methods exhibit the main feature of multiplying the lower bound and dividing the upper bound of the individual HPD intervals by parameters 0
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Preservação das classes de distribuições não-paramétricas e desigualdades estocásticas entre os D-espectros de networks para seus respectivos tempos de vidas / Preservation of D-spectra nonparametric distribution classes and stochastic inequalites to respective networks lifetimesSaito, Pedro Minoru 22 February 2019 (has links)
Este trabalho reporta sobre a avaliação da confiabilidade de networks, uma representação analítica para diversos sistemas de engenharia e de comunicação, cujas falhas de seus componentes (links) ocorrem segundo um Processo de Poisson Não Homogêneo. Concluiremos que, na comparação de dois networks com a mesma quantidade de links, as desigualdades estocásticas de seus D-espectros serão preservadas em seus tempos de vidas e a preservação das classes de distribuições do D-espectro para o tempo de vida de um network ocorrerá com restrições na função de risco do Processo de Poisson Não Homogêneo. / This work reports networks reliability evaluation, an analytic representation to several engineering and comunication systems, whose components (links) failures occur according to a Nonhomogeneous Poisson Process. We will conclude that, on comparison of two networks with same number of links, stochastic orders of their D-spectra will be preserved to their lifetimes and distribution classes preservation of network D-spectrum to its lifetime will occur with restrictions in hazard function of Nonhomogeneous Poisson Process.
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Aspectos estatísticos da amostragem de água de lastro / Statistical aspects of ballast water samplingEliardo Guimarães da Costa 01 March 2013 (has links)
A água de lastro de navios é um dos principais agentes dispersivos de organismos nocivos à saúde humana e ao meio ambiente e normas internacionais exigem que a concentração desses organismos no tanque seja menor que um valor previamente especificado. Por limitações de tempo e custo, esse controle requer o uso de amostragem. Sob a hipótese de que a concentração desses organismos no tanque é homogênea, vários autores têm utilizado a distribuição Poisson para a tomada de decisão com base num teste de hipóteses. Como essa proposta é pouco realista, estendemos os resultados para casos em que a concentração de organismos no tanque é heterogênea utilizando estratificação, processos de Poisson não-homogêneos ou assumindo que ela obedece a uma distribuição Gama, que induz uma distribuição Binomial Negativa para o número de organismos amostrados. Além disso, propomos uma nova abordagem para o problema por meio de técnicas de estimação baseadas na distribuição Binomial Negativa. Para fins de aplicação, implementamos rotinas computacionais no software R / Ballast water is a leading dispersing agent of harmful organisms to human health and to the environment and international standards require that the concentration of these organisms in the tank must be less than a prespecified value. Because of time and cost limitations, this inspection requires the use of sampling. Under the assumption of an homogeneous organism concentration in the tank, several authors have used the Poisson distribution for decision making based on hypothesis testing. Since this proposal is unrealistic, we extend the results for cases in which the organism concentration in the tank is heterogeneous, using stratification, nonhomogeneous Poisson processes or assuming that it follows a Gamma distribution, which induces a Negative Binomial distribution for the number of sampled organisms. Furthermore, we propose a novel approach to the problem through estimation techniques based on the Negative Binomial distribution. For practical applications, we implemented computational routines using the R software
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Tests d'hypothèses pour les processus de Poisson dans les cas non réguliers / Hypotheses testing problems for inhomogeneous Poisson processesYang, Lin 22 January 2014 (has links)
Ce travail est consacré aux problèmes de testd’hypothèses pour les processus de Poisson nonhomogènes.L’objectif principal de ce travail est l’étude decomportement des différents tests dans le cas desmodèles statistiques singuliers. L’évolution de lasingularité de la fonction d'intensité est comme suit :régulière (l'information de Fisher finie), continue maisnon différentiable (singularité de type “cusp”),discontinue (singularité de type saut) et discontinueavec un saut de taille variable. Dans tous les cas ondécrit analytiquement les tests. Dans le cas d’un saut detaille variable, on présente également les propriétésasymptotiques des estimateurs.En particulier, on décrit les statistiques de tests, le choixdes seuils et le comportement des fonctions depuissance sous les alternatives locales. Le problèmeinitial est toujours le test d’une hypothèse simple contreune alternative unilatérale. La méthode principale est lathéorie de la convergence faible dans l’espace desfonctions discontinues. Cette théorie est appliquée àl’étude des processus de rapport de vraisemblancenormalisé dans les modèles singuliers considérés. Laconvergence faible du rapport de vraisemblance sousl’hypothèse et sous les alternatives vers les processuslimites correspondants nous permet de résoudre lesproblèmes mentionnés précédemment.Les résultats asymptotiques sont illustrés par dessimulations numériques contenant la construction destests, le choix des seuils et les fonctions de puissancessous les alternatives locales. / This work is devoted to the hypotheses testing problems for inhomogeneous Poisson processes.The main object of the work is the study of the behaviour of different tests in the case of singular statistical models. The “evolution of singularity” of the intensity function is the following: regular (finite Fisherinformation), continuous but not differentiable (“cusp”type singularity), discontinuous (jump type singularity)and discontinuous with variable jump size. In all thecases we describe analytically the tests. In the case ofvariable jump size we present as well the asymptoticproperties of the estimators.In particular we describe the test statistics, the choice ofthresholds and the form of the power functions for thelocal alternatives. The initial problem is always the testof a simple hypothesis against a one-sided alternative.The main tool is the weak convergence theory in thespace of discontinuous functions. This theory is appliedto the study of the normalized likelihood ratio processesin the considered singular models. The weakconvergence of the likelihood ratio processes underhypothesis and under alternatives to the correspondinglimit processes allows us to solve the mentioned aboveproblems.The asymptotic results are illustrated by numericalsimulations which contain the construction of the tests,the choice of the thresholds, and the power functions forlocal alternatives.
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Estimation par tests / Estimation via testingSart, Mathieu 25 November 2013 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur l'estimation de fonctions à l'aide de tests dans trois cadres statistiques différents. Nous commençons par étudier le problème de l'estimation des intensités de processus de Poisson avec covariables. Nous démontrons un théorème général de sélection de modèles et en déduisons des bornes de risque non-asymptotiques sous des hypothèses variées sur la fonction à estimer. Nous estimons ensuite la densité de transition d'une chaîne de Markov homogène et proposons pour cela deux procédures. La première, basée sur la sélection d'estimateurs constants par morceaux, permet d'établir une inégalité de type oracle sous des hypothèses minimales sur la chaîne de Markov. Nous en déduisons des vitesses de convergence uniformes sur des boules d'espaces de Besov inhomogènes et montrons que l'estimateur est adaptatif par rapport à la régularité de la densité de transition. La performance de l'estimateur est aussi évalué en pratique grâce à des simulations numériques. La seconde procédure peut difficilement être implémenté en pratique mais permet d'obtenir un résultat général de sélection de modèles et d'en déduire des vitesses de convergence sous des hypothèses plus générales sur la densité de transition. Finalement, nous proposons un nouvel estimateur paramétrique d'une densité. Son risque est contrôlé sous des hypothèses pour lesquelles la méthode du maximum de vraisemblance peut ne pas fonctionner. Les simulations montrent que ces deux estimateurs sont très proches lorsque le modèle est vrai et suffisamment régulier. Il est cependant robuste, contrairement à l'estimateur du maximum de vraisemblance. / This thesis deals with the estimation of functions from tests in three statistical settings. We begin by studying the problem of estimating the intensities of Poisson processes with covariates. We prove a general model selection theorem from which we derive non-asymptotic risk bounds under various assumptions on the target function. We then propose two procedures to estimate the transition density of an homogeneous Markov chain. The first one selects an estimator among a collection of piecewise constant estimators. The selected estimator is shown to satisfy an oracle-type inequality under minimal assumptions on the Markov chain which allows us to deduce uniform rates of convergence over balls of inhomogeneous Besov spaces. Besides, the estimator is adaptive with respect to the smoothness of the transition density. We also evaluate the performance of the estimator in practice by carrying out numerical simulations. The second procedure is only of theoretical interest but yields a general model selection theorem from which we derive rates of convergence under more general assumptions on the transition density. Finally, we propose a new parametric estimator of a density. We upper-bound its risk under assumptions for which the maximum likelihood method may not work. The simulations show that these two estimators are very close when the model is true and regular enough. However, contrary to the maximum likelihood estimator, this estimator is robust.
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Modelos estocásticos e propriedades estatísticas em mercados de alta frequência / Stochastic models and statistical properties in high frequency marketsMolina, Helder Alan Rojas 18 March 2016 (has links)
Neste trabalho, apresentamos um conjunto de fatos empíricos e propriedades estatística de negociações em alta frequência, e discutimos algumas questões gerais comuns a dados de alta frequência tais: como discretização, espaçamento temporal irregular, durações correlacionadas, periodicidade diária, correlações temporais e as propriedades estatísticas dos fluxos de ordens. Logo apresentamos dois modelos da literatura,estilizados para a dinâmica do limit order book. No primeiro modelo os fluxo de ordens é descrito por processos de Poisson independentes, propomos para ele uma forma alternativa da prova de ergodicidade basejada em funções de Lyapunov. O segundo modelo é um modelo reduzido que toma em consideração dinâmicas tipo difusão para os tamanhos do bid e ask, e se foca só nas ordens como melhores preços, e modela explicitamente as cotações do bid e ask na presença de liquidez oculta. E por ultimo, propomos um modelo alternativo para a dinâmica do preço e do spread no limit order book, estudamos o comportamento assintótico do modelo e estabelecemos condições de ergodicidade e transitoridade. Além disso, consideramos a uma família de cadeias de Markov definidos nas sequências de caracteres (strings, ou palavras) com infinito alfabeto e para alguns exemplos inspirados nos modelos de negociações em alta frequência, obtemos condições para ergodicidade, transitoriedade e recorrência nula, para a qual usamos as técnicas de construção de funções Lyapunov. / In this work, we present a set of empirical facts and statistical properties of negotiations at high frequency and discuss some general issues common to high-frequency data such: as discretization, irregular spacing, correlated durations, daily periodicity, temporal correlations and the statistical properties of flows orders. Soon we present two models stylized in the literature for the dynamic limit order book. In the first model the order flow described by separate Poisson processes and we propose it to an alternative form of test ergodicity based on Lyapunov function. The second model is a reduced model that takes into consideration diffusion-type dynamics for the sizes of the bid and ask, and focus only on orders as best price and model explicitly quotes the bid and ask in the presence of hidden liquidity. And finally, we propose an alternative model for the price dynamics and spread in the limit order book, we study the asymptotic behavior of the model and established conditions of ergodicity. Furthermore, we consider the a family of Markov chains defined on the sequences of characters (strings, or words) with infinite alphabet. For some examples inspired by the models of high frequency trading we obtain a conditions for ergodicity, transience and null-recurrence. In order to prove this we use the construction of Lyapunov functions techniques.
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Quelques contributions à l'étude de modèles bivariés de dégradation et de choc en fiabilité / Some contributions to study of bivariate models for deterioration and shocks in reliabilityPham, Hai Ha 15 October 2013 (has links)
La thèse est consacrée à l'étude de modèles bivariés en Fabilité, qui tiennent compte de différents types de dépendance entre composants. Dans un premier temps, nous nous intéressons au cas d'un système formé de deux composants, dont la dégradation est modélisée par un processus de Lévy croissant bivarié (subordinateur bivarié). Sous cette hypothèse, eux études sont faites : l'une sous l'hypothèse de surveillance continue et de réparation parfaite du système, l'autre sous une hypothèse d'inspections périodiques et de réparation imparfaite. Dans un deuxième temps, la thèse est consacrée à un autre modèle de survie bivarié, sous influence d'un environnement stochastique stressant ponctuel. La dépendance entre composants est ici induite par un environnement stressant commun, qui induit des détériorations différentes sur chacun des composants (augmentation du taux de panne pour l'un, du niveau de détérioration pour l'autre). Pour chacun des modèles étudiés, nos résultats montrent l'importance de la prise en compte de la dépendance entre les composants d'un système. / The thesis is devoted to the study of bivariate models in reliability, which take into account several types of dependence between components. As a first step, we are interested in a two-component system with accumulating deterioration modeled by a bivariate increasing Lévy process (bivariate subordinator). Under this hypothesis, two different studies are made : one under the assumption of continuous monitoring and perfect repair, the other one under the assumption of periodic inspections and imperfect repair. In a second step, the thesis is devoted to the study of another bivariate survivalmodel, under the influence of a stochastic and stressful environment. The dependence between components is here induced by the common stressful environment, with different incidence on the two components (increment of failure rate for one, of deterioration level for the other). For each of the studied models, our results show the importance of taking into account the dependence between the components of a system.
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Asymptotiques dans des modèles de boules aléatoires poissoniennes et non-poissoniennes / Asymptotics in poissonian and non-poissonian random balls modelsClarenne, Adrien 11 July 2019 (has links)
Dans cette thèse, on étudie le comportement asymptotique de modèles de boules aléatoires engendrées selon différents processus ponctuels, après leur avoir appliqué un changement d’échelle qui peut être vu comme un dézoom. Des théorèmes limites existent pour des processus de Poisson et on généralise ces résultats en considérant tout d’abord des boules engendrées par des processus déterminantaux, qui induisent de la répulsion entre les points. Cela permet de modéliser de nombreux phénomènes, comme par exemple la répartition des arbres dans une forêt. On s’intéresse ensuite à un cas particulier des processus de Cox, les processus shot-noise, qui présentent des amas de points, modélisant notamment la présence de corpuscules dans des nano-composites. / In this thesis, we study the asymptotic behavior of random balls models generated by different point processes, after performing a zoom-out on the model. Limit theorems already exist for Poissonian random balls and we generalize the existing results first by studying determinantal random balls models, which induce repulsion between the centers of the balls. It models many phenomena, for example the distribution of trees in a forest. We are then interested in a particular case of Cox processes, the shot-noise Cox processes, which exhibit clusters, modeling the presence of corpuscles in nano composites.
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