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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Recruiting foreign nurses for the UK : the role of bilateral labour agreements

Plotnikova, Evgeniya January 2012 (has links)
This thesis is about policy instruments for the regulation of international labour mobility. It focuses on the use of government-to-government agreements on the cross-border movement of nurses, negotiated between source and destination countries. This research is a qualitative case study of agreements signed in the early 2000s between the UK and Spain, South Africa, the Philippines and India. It aims to understand the role of these agreements in British policy as perceived by actors in the destination country. It addresses three questions: 1) What types of agreements did the British government negotiate? 2) Why did the British government negotiate these agreements? and 3) What functions did these agreements perform? Employing the notion of ‘policy tools’ as an organising concept, this thesis’s analytical framework draws on political sociology and the conception of policy instruments as being composed and brought into existence by actors and their power relations in multilevel policy contexts. This study is based on documentary analysis and elite interviews with experts in international organisations, officials in the Department of Health (England), recruitment officers in the source countries, and professional nursing organisations and trade unions in the UK. This thesis argues that government-to-government agreements between the UK and supply countries emerged from a discourse on the ethical recruitment of health workers which was framed in the language of human rights. One of the roles of these agreements was to contain contradictory and conflicting interests between and within institutional actors involved in the international recruitment of nurses on both sides of the migration process. More broadly, the research addresses and advances the discussion of the policy instrumentation approach, and contributes to the understanding of the choice of policy tools and their performance in an ambivalent policy context.

La fabrique des politiques scientifiques : une approche interprétative de l'action publique / The making of research policies : an interpretative perspective of public action

Benninghoff, Martin 26 November 2010 (has links)
L'objectif de cette thèse est d'analyser la fabrique des politiques scientifiques en Suisse. Dans ce but, un accent particulier a été mis sur la politique du Fonds national suisse de la recherche scientifique (FNS) qui représente l'une des plus importantes sources de financement publique de recherche en Suisse. La thèse est divisée en deux parties.La première explique la manière dont différents acteurs participent à l'élaboration et à la légitimation de nouveaux instruments d'action publique dans le domaine de la recherche. Ces instruments visent non seulement à modifier l'organisation institutionnelle et la finalité de la recherche mais également à transformer les représentations des chercheurs. Ainsi, dans l'étude des « Pôles de recherche nationaux » (PRN), mis en place par le Fonds national (FNS) à la fin des années 1990, nous avons considéré cet instrument en tant que porteur d'un discours normatif qui propose de nouveaux critères d'évaluation de l'excellence scientifique. En effet, ces nouveaux critères ne reposent plus seulement sur la qualité scientifique de la recherche, mais également sur la qualité managériale de son organisation. Un tel modèle normatif articule logique de la découverte et de l'expérimentation, d'une part, et logique de l'efficience et de la productivité, de l'autre.La seconde partie analyse la manière dont les chercheurs, financés par ce programme de recherche, interprètent, négocient et traduisent ce nouveau cadre d'interprétation dans le contexte de leurs pratiques. Une approche en terme de « catégorisation identitaire » a permis d'analyser les « médiations » entre la politique du Fonds national, via son programme « Pôles de recherche nationaux », et les pratiques de recherche des membres d'un laboratoire. Nous montrons ainsi que les catégories identitaires ont notamment été mobilisées pour la constitution, le contrôle et la promotion de collectifs.Cette double perspective analytique permet, selon nous, de rendre compte de l'efficacité d'instruments d'action publique tels que les « Pôles de recherche nationaux » en les comprenant à la fois comme des discours et des technique de pouvoir, à savoir des technologies de gouvernement. / This dissertation analyzes the making of science policies in Switzerland, with a special emphasis on the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNF) policy, which represents Switzerland's most important public funding agency. The dissertation is organised in two parts.The first one describes how different actors are involved in the development and legitimization of new policy tools. These instruments are designed not only to change the institutional organization of research and its purpose, but also to transform the representations of researchers. Thus, in the study of "National Centre of Competences in Research" (NCCR), established by the National Fund (SNF) in the late 1990s, we have considered this instrument as the embodiment of a normative discourse that proposes new evaluation criteria of scientific excellence. Those new criteria are not only based on the scientific quality of research activities, but also on the quality of its managerial organization. This model articulates normative logic of discovery and experimentation, on the one hand, and the logic of efficiency and productivity, on the other.A second part examines how researchers funded by this research program interpret, negotiate and translate this new interpretive framework in the context of their practices. An approach in terms of "membership categorization" is used to analyze the "mediations" between the policy of the SNF, through its "National Centre of Competences in Research" (NCCR), and the research practices of members of a laboratory funded by this program. This allows us to show that membership categories have been mobilized for the establishment, control and promotion of collectives.In our opinion, this double analytical perspective allows to account for the effectiveness of public policy instruments like the NCCR, understanding those instruments as discourse and power techniques, that is technologies of government.

Nástroje monetární politiky České národní banky / Tools of monetary policy of the Czech National Bank

Zůna, Zdeněk January 2011 (has links)
Tools of monetary policy of the Czech national bank - summary Zdeněk Zůna The purpose of my thesis is to analyze main factors affecting economic development of Czech Republic and describe in detail the instruments of monetary policy including reasons and consequences of their use. Author chose chronological interpretation with emphasis on inclusion in historical context. Introductory chapter defines the concept of monetary policy and outlines its types and goals. Along with the second and the third chapter, it creates necessary theoretical basis for the practical part. It explains why monetary policy is given to the hands of central banks as independent institutions, and why is price stability in most countries the only main objective of monetary policy. We also get a basic idea of what monetary expansions and monetary restrictions are and what are their consequences. Second chapter deals with process of monetary policy. It describes strengths and weaknesses of different strategies and shows the chain of economic links, through which the instruments used affect final goals. In addition, it presents some problems of monetary policy and discusses the role of time lags. Third chapter looks at the tools of monetary policy in general. Beside basic characteristics, it describes, how they influence monetary base,...

Implementation of New Childcare Policies in New Orleans

Ives, Mary Katherine 15 May 2009 (has links)
The high number of working parents in the U.S. means that there are millions of child in need to care during working hours. Research shows that the quality of this care is of high importance in a child's development, both in the short-term and the long-term. States have used a variety of policy tools to regulate child care and to attempt to improve the quality of care. Louisiana has recently implemented a new policy called the Quality Rating System. Directors of centers in Orleans Parish, Louisiana, were interviewed to determine the impact of participation in QRS. Centers are struggling to meet the requirements and feel that changes need to be made for the program to have a better outcome.

殷格南政策執行理論之研究 / The Study of Helen M. Ingram`s Theory of Policy Implementation

黃國維, Huang,Kuo-Wei Unknown Date (has links)
自從 Pressman 及 Wildavsky 在 1973 年發表「執行:聯邦政府期望如何在奧克蘭市落空」, 首力陳政策執行過程對政策結果的重要性,獲得廣泛熱烈得迴響, 自此而後,研究執行的文章、書籍、刊物如雨後春筍般出現,使得政策執行成為被熱烈討論的一門課題。 儘管執行研究發展至今,已有許多令人稱羨的成果, 但是不少學者表示,政策執行的研究迄今仍面臨許多爭議與瓶頸有待克服及超越。 如 Helen Ingram(1990: p462-463)就表示, 目前研究政策執行的學者們所爭論不休的議題,包括了以下幾點, 例如執行究竟應從何處開始或在何處結束?真正影響執行的關鍵變數究竟為何?又應以何種的標準來評估政策的成功與失敗? 為此, Ingram 在其所著一篇名為「執行: 一回顧與建議性的架構」 (A Review and Suggested Framework) 的文章中,便提出一個整合執行研究的理論架構,在此一理論架構中, Ingram 以因果理論為基礎來建構其政策執行理論模式, 並設計其執行理論中各類型政策與其執行途徑、評估標準之間的因果邏輯關係, 並且強調此關係會隨著情境或系絡的變化而隨時改變,形成另一種類型政策的因果關係。 換言之,Ingram 即是利用政策設計的概念,試圖整合政策執行研究的應然面與實 然面, 使政策執行的研究及分析能更具真實性與實用性。 就應然面而言,他以因果理論為基礎進行整合及建構各政策要素間的因果邏輯關係,並以此關係做為各類型政策設計的理論基礎; 就實然面而言,他則以「權力」此一要素在各政策過程中所扮演的角色, 更進一步深入地分析與解釋上述因果關係背後所隱藏的實質意涵,及其可能的變化情形。 綜而言之,筆者認為, Ingram 政策執行理論的最大特色在於, 其不但超越了傳統政策科學家舊有的思考模式,將政策規劃、政策執行、政策評估等政策過程作一整合性的分析, 同時更將公共政策視為設計政策方案的過程, 一方面吸收政策執行理論的經驗,且另一方面亦拓展了傳統政策規劃理論的視野, 超越了傳統的政治行政二分法的觀念,以更負責、更具實務性的態度來看待政策執行, 可說是為政策執行的研究開啟另一新的研究方向與趨勢,頗值得吾人作更進一步的了解與探討。 總之, 本文之研究目的即在於了解與分析 Helen Ingram(1990) 的政策執行理論的實質意義與內涵, 並希望能將 Ingram 的政策執行理論與實務相結合,以做為後續相關研究之參考。

Vyhodnocení účinnosti nekonvenčních nástrojů měnové politiky ve vybraných zemích- VP-VAR přístup / Assessment of the Efficiency of QE in Selected Countries - A TVP-VAR Approach

Bandžak, Denis January 2021 (has links)
This thesis applies time-varying parameter vector autoregression (TVP-VAR) model with stochastic volatility to assess the effectiveness of quantitative easing in time for the Bank of Japan, the European Central Bank, the Bank of England and the Federal Reserve System between the global financial crisis and COVID-19 pandemic. We find pronounced and statistically significant response of GDP and level of implied stock market volatility to a QE shock whereas the response of CPI is feeble and statistically insignificant. We argue that this does not necessarily imply that there is no effect of QE on CPI but rather that our model was not able to detect it. We believe that this may be due to inflation expectations channel which our model did not account for. This can be reassessed with a TVP-FAVAR model which is more suitable for such an analysis as it can encompass a larger set of variables. Moreover, apart from the US, we report increasing effectiveness of QE in time. This is opposed by the researchers who believe that QE has rather decreasing effectiveness in time because it is more efficient during economic distress and then its efficiency tends to decrease during normal times. We explain this deviation by citing other unconventional monetary tools such as credit easing, forward guidance or negative...

Ação ambiental voluntária nos municípios: um estudo sobre os fatores que influenciam a participação voluntária dos municípios do estado de São Paulo no Programa Município VerdeAzul / Environmental voluntary action in local governments: a study of the factors contributing to the voluntary participation of local governments of the state of São Paulo in the \"Município VerdeAzul\" Program

Lodi, Danielle Christine Ramos 09 February 2017 (has links)
O Programa Município VerdeAzul é um exemplo de Programa Ambiental Voluntário criado pelo Governo do Estado de São Paulo com o objetivo de incentivar e apoiar os municípios na melhoria da gestão ambiental local. Os Programas Ambientais Voluntários são mecanismos de política ambiental amplamente utilizados junto ao setor privado para induzir, as empresas a adotarem ações voluntárias que promovam a qualidade ambiental e o uso sustentável dos recursos. Todavia, esses programas podem ser efetivamente direcionados a organizações públicas, especialmente no contexto da descentralização da gestão do meio ambiente no Brasil, que exige a coordenação de centenas ou milhares de órgãos públicos envolvidos em diferentes realidades municipais. O crescente uso dos Programas Ambientais Voluntários tem suscitado variados estudos, no entanto, permanecem dúvidas, principalmente, a respeito das razões pelas quais as instituições participam de programas do tipo, especialmente instituições públicas. Nesse sentido, o objetivo desta pesquisa é examinar os fatores que contribuem para a participação voluntária das Prefeituras do estado de São Paulo no Programa Município VerdeAzul. Para alcançar o objetivo, foram aplicados questionários e realizadas entrevistas com três grupos de municípios do estado. Os resultados encontrados evidenciam que fatores como a quantidade de funcionários, a existência e atividade do Conselho e Fundo Municipal de Meio Ambiente, a compreensão e concordância com os objetivos do programa, a qualidade da comunicação intersetorial na prefeitura, o envolvimento da alta administração, o comprometimento dos funcionários com o programa, o tempo de experiência dos interlocutores e suplentes na função e o tamanho populacional são fatores que influenciam a participação e o desempenho dos municípios no programa. Ademais, os resultados revelaram que os fatores que mais motivam a participação das prefeituras são de cunho ambiental e financeiro e que os serviços mais valorizados estão relacionados a melhorias econômicas e de imagem. Como conclusão e recomendações merecem destaque a necessidade de melhoria da transparência do processo seletivo para repasse de recursos, a diversificação dos benefícios financeiros, a participação dos governos municipais no design do programa e na definição dos critérios de avaliação, o investimento em monitoramento, fiscalização e motivação da alta administração e a flexibilização dos critérios de acordo com as realidades municipais / The \"Município VerdeAzul\" Program is an example of Voluntary Environmental Program created by the State Government of São Paulo in order to encourage and support municipalities in improving local environmental management. The Voluntary Environmental Programs are environmental policy mechanisms widely used to promote environmental outcomes in the private sector. However, these programs can be effectively used in the public sector, especially in the national context of environmental management decentralization, which requires the coordination of hundreds or thousands of public agencies that are entrenched in unique contexts. The increasing use of Voluntary Environmental Programs have motivated the emergence of several studies, however, questions remain, especially about the decisions of public institutions to participate in program like these. In this sense, the objective of this research is to examine the factors that contribute to the voluntary participation of local governments of the state of São Paulo in the \"Município VerdeAzul\" Program. To address the major goal, we surveyed local governments and conducted semi-structured interviews with three different groups of local government. The results show that factors such as number of employees, the existence and activity of the Environmental Local Council and Municipal Fund for the Environment, understanding and compliance with the program objectives, the quality of intersectoral communication at City Hall, the involvement of top management, the level of employee commitment, how long the local representative have been working with the program and population size are factors that influence the participation and performance of the local governments in the program. Moreover, the results revealed that the factors that motivate the participation of municipalities are environmental and financial oriented and that the most valuable services are related to economic and image improvements. The recommendations to improve the efficacy of the program include: to improve the transparency of the selection process for the transfer of funds, diversification of financial benefits, the participation of municipal governments in program design and in the process of definition of the evaluation criteria, investment in monitoring, inspection and motivation of top management and the promotion of the flexibility of criteria in accordance with local realities

A aplicação conjunta de método de projeção das alterações no uso e ocupação do solo e de instrumentos de gestão ambiental: o caso de São Carlos (SP) / The joint application of projection methods of the alteration on land use and the environmental policy tools: the São Carlos (SP) case

Montaño, Marcelo 08 August 2005 (has links)
A integração do ferramental técnico-científico disponível com os diferentes instrumentos de política e gestão ambiental é essencial para a compatibilização das exigências impostas pelo desenvolvimento com a manutenção ou melhoria da qualidade ambiental e social e, também, para o equacionamento das demandas e dos interesses de cada setor envolvido no processo decisório. Assim, os modelos para a projeção das alterações no uso e ocupação do solo de um determinado território têm sido freqüentemente utilizados. A modelagem propicia a geração e a avaliação das informações para montagem de um panorama das possíveis alterações no uso do solo, considerando que as tendências identificadas para aquele território, num certo instante, sejam mantidas de modo a se desenvolverem de acordo com um determinado cenário projetado. O presente trabalho analisa a possibilidade de aplicação conjunta do método de projeção das alterações no uso e ocupação do solo e instrumentos de política ambiental, levando em conta os aspectos preventivos. Aplicado a uma porção do município de São Carlos (SP), o trabalho apresenta uma projeção para a expansão urbana para os anos de 2012 e 2019, considerando três cenários alternativos de ocupação territorial. Confrontando os resultados obtidos pela modelagem com a capacidade de suporte do meio para a implantação de empreendimentos urbanos - determinada a partir da elaboração de um zoneamento ambiental, verifica-se que, mantidas as tendências atuais, e para os três cenários de ocupação avaliados, a expansão urbana continuará avançando sobre áreas de baixa aptidão para a urbanização, permanecerá exercendo intensa pressão sobre os recursos hídricos e os fragmentos de vegetação nativa, caso não sejam adotadas medidas que modifiquem o atual padrão de ocupação do território. / To compatibilize the demands raised by development with the maintenance or improvement of the social and environmental quality, the integration among technical scientific tools and environmental management instruments is essential to solve the interests of each sector involved at the decision process. On this context are inserted land use and cover change models. The modelling permit the decision-making process to be done evaluating the consequences of possible alterations on land use, which can be identified considering the scenarios projected for the territory under certain circunstances. The presente work analyses the possibility of joint application of this technique and environmental policy tools considering preventive aspects. Allocated to a portion of the São Carlos (SP) municipality, the work projects urban growth for the years 2012 and 2019, considering three alternative scenarios of occupation. Confronting the results obtained by the model with the carrying capacity for the implementation of urban activities - determined from the elaboration of environmental zoning, is showed that, maintained the present tendencies, and for the scenarios evaluated, the urban growth will continue forward and towards the areas with low suitability. In the same way, the pressure over water resources and fragments of native vegetation will remains intense unless measures to modify the standards in occupation can be adopted.

Ação ambiental voluntária nos municípios: um estudo sobre os fatores que influenciam a participação voluntária dos municípios do estado de São Paulo no Programa Município VerdeAzul / Environmental voluntary action in local governments: a study of the factors contributing to the voluntary participation of local governments of the state of São Paulo in the \"Município VerdeAzul\" Program

Danielle Christine Ramos Lodi 09 February 2017 (has links)
O Programa Município VerdeAzul é um exemplo de Programa Ambiental Voluntário criado pelo Governo do Estado de São Paulo com o objetivo de incentivar e apoiar os municípios na melhoria da gestão ambiental local. Os Programas Ambientais Voluntários são mecanismos de política ambiental amplamente utilizados junto ao setor privado para induzir, as empresas a adotarem ações voluntárias que promovam a qualidade ambiental e o uso sustentável dos recursos. Todavia, esses programas podem ser efetivamente direcionados a organizações públicas, especialmente no contexto da descentralização da gestão do meio ambiente no Brasil, que exige a coordenação de centenas ou milhares de órgãos públicos envolvidos em diferentes realidades municipais. O crescente uso dos Programas Ambientais Voluntários tem suscitado variados estudos, no entanto, permanecem dúvidas, principalmente, a respeito das razões pelas quais as instituições participam de programas do tipo, especialmente instituições públicas. Nesse sentido, o objetivo desta pesquisa é examinar os fatores que contribuem para a participação voluntária das Prefeituras do estado de São Paulo no Programa Município VerdeAzul. Para alcançar o objetivo, foram aplicados questionários e realizadas entrevistas com três grupos de municípios do estado. Os resultados encontrados evidenciam que fatores como a quantidade de funcionários, a existência e atividade do Conselho e Fundo Municipal de Meio Ambiente, a compreensão e concordância com os objetivos do programa, a qualidade da comunicação intersetorial na prefeitura, o envolvimento da alta administração, o comprometimento dos funcionários com o programa, o tempo de experiência dos interlocutores e suplentes na função e o tamanho populacional são fatores que influenciam a participação e o desempenho dos municípios no programa. Ademais, os resultados revelaram que os fatores que mais motivam a participação das prefeituras são de cunho ambiental e financeiro e que os serviços mais valorizados estão relacionados a melhorias econômicas e de imagem. Como conclusão e recomendações merecem destaque a necessidade de melhoria da transparência do processo seletivo para repasse de recursos, a diversificação dos benefícios financeiros, a participação dos governos municipais no design do programa e na definição dos critérios de avaliação, o investimento em monitoramento, fiscalização e motivação da alta administração e a flexibilização dos critérios de acordo com as realidades municipais / The \"Município VerdeAzul\" Program is an example of Voluntary Environmental Program created by the State Government of São Paulo in order to encourage and support municipalities in improving local environmental management. The Voluntary Environmental Programs are environmental policy mechanisms widely used to promote environmental outcomes in the private sector. However, these programs can be effectively used in the public sector, especially in the national context of environmental management decentralization, which requires the coordination of hundreds or thousands of public agencies that are entrenched in unique contexts. The increasing use of Voluntary Environmental Programs have motivated the emergence of several studies, however, questions remain, especially about the decisions of public institutions to participate in program like these. In this sense, the objective of this research is to examine the factors that contribute to the voluntary participation of local governments of the state of São Paulo in the \"Município VerdeAzul\" Program. To address the major goal, we surveyed local governments and conducted semi-structured interviews with three different groups of local government. The results show that factors such as number of employees, the existence and activity of the Environmental Local Council and Municipal Fund for the Environment, understanding and compliance with the program objectives, the quality of intersectoral communication at City Hall, the involvement of top management, the level of employee commitment, how long the local representative have been working with the program and population size are factors that influence the participation and performance of the local governments in the program. Moreover, the results revealed that the factors that motivate the participation of municipalities are environmental and financial oriented and that the most valuable services are related to economic and image improvements. The recommendations to improve the efficacy of the program include: to improve the transparency of the selection process for the transfer of funds, diversification of financial benefits, the participation of municipal governments in program design and in the process of definition of the evaluation criteria, investment in monitoring, inspection and motivation of top management and the promotion of the flexibility of criteria in accordance with local realities

Industriarv och kulturmiljöpolicy i stadsförnyelseprocesser : Norrköping, Baltimore och Milano

Legnér, Mattias January 2008 (has links)
How can the public sector eff ectively intervene in and govern urban regenerationin historic environments? Th is report examines three cases of historic industrialstructures recently renewed and (partially) preserved in Norrköping, Baltimoreand Milano. In all cases the public sector in the form of national/federal state,county/state/region and municipal level approached regeneration with a spectrumof policies. Th e report studies how public policy has infl uenced generationeff ects in these formerly industrial districts. In Norrköping a redundant papermill was turned into a conference and symphony hall, in Baltimore an old foundryand machine shop was redeveloped into a mixed cooperative hub for arts andcrafts and housing, and lastly, in Milano a former state owned tobacco manufacturingplant is to be reused as a national center for fi lm making. In all threecases the new uses are defi ned as cultural and creative, in one way or the otherusing the industrial heritage of the place. Historic preservation policy clearly hasa role to play in urban regeneration. Th e selection of policy tools depends on thestructure of the public sector, the possibilities of partnerships and local politicaltraditions. Surprisingly, the Swedish case proved to be much more effi cient whenconsidering partnership, showing that the forms of cooperation in the U.S. casewas more instrumental and poorly adapted to local circumstances. Finally, theauthor ponders over the possibility of historic preservation policies to intervenemore actively in order to contribute to urban regeneration. / Hur kan det off entliga gripa in i och styra förnyelsen av historiska stadsdelar ien önskvärd riktning? Den här rapporten studerar hur tre aktuella fall med äldreindustribebyggelse nyligen förnyats i Norrköping, Baltimore respektive Milano.I samtliga fall har den off entliga sektorn i form av stat, län/delstat/region ochkommunnivå närmat sig förnyelsen med hjälp av olika strategier. Med hjälp avnordamerikansk forskning om off entlig förvaltning studerar rapporten hur dessastrategier, s.k. policyverktyg, påverkat förnyelsen och vilka deras respektive förtjänsterär. Gemensamt är också att de tre områdena har getts kulturella funktionerdär platsens historia utnyttjas. De fyra verktyg som studeras här är reglering,anslag, skattesubventioner och off entlig–privat samverkan. Vilka strategier somväljs beror på den nationella förvaltningsstrukturen, vilka möjligheter till samverkanmed andra sektorer som föreligger och på lokala och regionala politiska traditioner.En förvånande slutsats är att det svenska fallet visade sig vara betydligt mereff ektivt i sin samverkan mellan off entlig och privat sektor än det amerikanska,där samarbetsformerna visade sig vara mycket mer instrumentella och svåranpassade.I slutet av rapporter jämför och refl ekterar författaren över kulturmiljövårdensmöjligheter att mer aktivt bidra till ekonomisk och social förnyelse i städer.

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