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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A educação como prática política: formação e renovação de repertórios pedagógicos no segundo Reinado (o Colégio Pedro II, o Ginásio Baiano e o Culto à Ciência) / Education as politics: the formation and renovation of educational repertoires during Dom Pedros II reign in Brazil (Colégio Pedro II, Ginásio Baiano and Culto à Ciência)

Souza, Carlos Eduardo Dias 18 August 2015 (has links)
O argumento principal deste trabalho parte do pressuposto de que pensar a educação é fundamental para se entender o processo de crise política e as lógicas de renovação social que se desenrolaram durante o Segundo Reinado no Brasil. Assim, a análise do cotidiano escolar de três instituições aqui consideradas modelares de ensino secundário o Colégio Pedro II, fundado em 1837, o Ginásio Baiano, fundado em 1858, e o Culto à Ciência, de 1874 permite identificar, em cada uma delas, padrões distintos de socialização. Trata-se, pois, de uma análise dos sentidos políticos atribuídos à função educativa naquele período. Interessa, portanto: 1. observar a lógica que presidia a organização didático-curricular das instituições ou seja, seus projetos educacionais , buscando identificar temas e questões que podem ser tomados como indicadores de inovações e transformações no conceito de educação em uso na época para, em seguida, 2. analisar de que maneiras tais inovações poderiam se difundir dentre os alunos, realçando aí uma relação social particular, professor-aluno, como meio fundamental de vincular tais projetos, a princípio abstratos, a práticas educativas cotidianas e regulares. O interesse principal, ao final, é 3. sugerir, por meio da apresentação da trajetória de personagens exemplares diretores, professores e alguns alunos egressos dessas instituições os vínculos entre projetos educacionais e ação política no contexto de crise política do Império. O conceito de repertório pedagógico permite associar projeto e prática educacionais, reforçando a modularidade do Colégio Pedro II na esfera da educação secundária e abrindo espaço para a formação de práticas dissonantes de aspecto modernizador tanto no Ginásio Baiano quanto no Culto à Ciência. / The main topic of this thesis comes from the supposition that education is a main sphere in the analysis of Brazilian Empire political crisis and its social renovation patterns developed during Pedros II reign (1840-1889). The routines of three schools considered here as modulates that time Colégio Pedro II, founded in Rio in 1837; Ginásio Baiano, from Salvador in 1858; and Culto à Ciência founded in Campinas in 1874 generated different socialization patterns. These patterns, as shown in this work, had political meanings. The purpose was 1. to notice the didactical and curricular logics of these three institutions its educational projects as source of themes and questions that denote innovations and transformations in the concept of education of the time, to 2. analyze how these innovations could be disseminated through the agents involved at schools organization, basically teachers and students. The intention is to show the practice of educational projects working through those relations. As doing so, this work wants to suggest, when observed the trajectories of some chosen agents from the tree institutions, the relation between educational projects and political action at a political crisis moment as complementary spheres. The use of the concept of repertoire as proposed by Ann Swidler (1986; 1995; 2001), here adapted as an educational repertoire, allows the association between culture here, in its educational sphere and politics. Doing so, Colégio Pedro II the main school of Brazilian Empire is taken as the source of an educational repertoire. This so called imperial repertoire, faced with different situations in distinct places as Bahia and São Paulo provinces and through the performances of directors and teachers as Abílio Borges and João Köpke, were adapted to new contexts, answering the same questions with new answers. The modern educational repertoire improved by Borges and Kökpe reinforces the similarity between education and politics, opening the political field to dissonant proposals, as the abolition of slavery and the Republics system.

A educação como prática política: formação e renovação de repertórios pedagógicos no segundo Reinado (o Colégio Pedro II, o Ginásio Baiano e o Culto à Ciência) / Education as politics: the formation and renovation of educational repertoires during Dom Pedros II reign in Brazil (Colégio Pedro II, Ginásio Baiano and Culto à Ciência)

Carlos Eduardo Dias Souza 18 August 2015 (has links)
O argumento principal deste trabalho parte do pressuposto de que pensar a educação é fundamental para se entender o processo de crise política e as lógicas de renovação social que se desenrolaram durante o Segundo Reinado no Brasil. Assim, a análise do cotidiano escolar de três instituições aqui consideradas modelares de ensino secundário o Colégio Pedro II, fundado em 1837, o Ginásio Baiano, fundado em 1858, e o Culto à Ciência, de 1874 permite identificar, em cada uma delas, padrões distintos de socialização. Trata-se, pois, de uma análise dos sentidos políticos atribuídos à função educativa naquele período. Interessa, portanto: 1. observar a lógica que presidia a organização didático-curricular das instituições ou seja, seus projetos educacionais , buscando identificar temas e questões que podem ser tomados como indicadores de inovações e transformações no conceito de educação em uso na época para, em seguida, 2. analisar de que maneiras tais inovações poderiam se difundir dentre os alunos, realçando aí uma relação social particular, professor-aluno, como meio fundamental de vincular tais projetos, a princípio abstratos, a práticas educativas cotidianas e regulares. O interesse principal, ao final, é 3. sugerir, por meio da apresentação da trajetória de personagens exemplares diretores, professores e alguns alunos egressos dessas instituições os vínculos entre projetos educacionais e ação política no contexto de crise política do Império. O conceito de repertório pedagógico permite associar projeto e prática educacionais, reforçando a modularidade do Colégio Pedro II na esfera da educação secundária e abrindo espaço para a formação de práticas dissonantes de aspecto modernizador tanto no Ginásio Baiano quanto no Culto à Ciência. / The main topic of this thesis comes from the supposition that education is a main sphere in the analysis of Brazilian Empire political crisis and its social renovation patterns developed during Pedros II reign (1840-1889). The routines of three schools considered here as modulates that time Colégio Pedro II, founded in Rio in 1837; Ginásio Baiano, from Salvador in 1858; and Culto à Ciência founded in Campinas in 1874 generated different socialization patterns. These patterns, as shown in this work, had political meanings. The purpose was 1. to notice the didactical and curricular logics of these three institutions its educational projects as source of themes and questions that denote innovations and transformations in the concept of education of the time, to 2. analyze how these innovations could be disseminated through the agents involved at schools organization, basically teachers and students. The intention is to show the practice of educational projects working through those relations. As doing so, this work wants to suggest, when observed the trajectories of some chosen agents from the tree institutions, the relation between educational projects and political action at a political crisis moment as complementary spheres. The use of the concept of repertoire as proposed by Ann Swidler (1986; 1995; 2001), here adapted as an educational repertoire, allows the association between culture here, in its educational sphere and politics. Doing so, Colégio Pedro II the main school of Brazilian Empire is taken as the source of an educational repertoire. This so called imperial repertoire, faced with different situations in distinct places as Bahia and São Paulo provinces and through the performances of directors and teachers as Abílio Borges and João Köpke, were adapted to new contexts, answering the same questions with new answers. The modern educational repertoire improved by Borges and Kökpe reinforces the similarity between education and politics, opening the political field to dissonant proposals, as the abolition of slavery and the Republics system.

La fabrique savante de l'Europe : une archéologie du discours de l'Europe communautaire (1870-1973) / The scientific making of Europe : an Archeology of the European Communities discourse (1870-1973)

Canihac, Hugo 19 June 2017 (has links)
Cette thèse prend pour objet la construction d’un discours politique et social nouveau - celuide l’Europe communautaire. Ce processus est appréhendé comme le résultat du travail demultiples collectifs d’acteurs politiques et savants. Ces collectifs ont contribué à l’invention duvocabulaire communautaire, d’une part, et à la normalisation de certains savoirs etinterprétations des Communautés, d’autre part. Il s’agit alors de mettre en lumière lesconditions historiques de ce travail collectif dans deux Etats fondateurs de la constructioneuropéenne – la France et l’Allemagne. L’enjeu est d’explorer tout à la fois les conditions depossibilité de l’innovation politique et les conditions de légitimation d’un objet politiquenouveau.En mobilisant des sources historiques variées, ce travail retrace les carrières dans les débatscommunautaires de deux des définitions largement utilisées pour définir l’Europecommunautaire jusqu’à aujourd’hui - la « supranationalité » et « l’économie sociale demarché ». L’étude croisée de leurs usages permet d’examiner les controverses politicoacadémiquesdans lesquelles l’Europe communautaire a été définie comme type institutionneldistinct (de l’Etat-nation) et comme mode de gouvernement spécifique (du marché). A reboursde l’hypothèse d’une « révolution communautaire », la thèse invite à réinscrire l’inventioncommunautaire dans le temps plus long de la construction des Etats nationaux et de leurssavoirs. A l’opposé d’une lecture génétique de la construction communautaire commedéploiement d’un sens défini depuis les années 1950, elle donne à voir la diversité desinterprétations et des savoirs qui ont été produits et se sont affrontés dans les premières, etidentifie les conditions de leurs succès différenciés. / This dissertation aims to understand the construction of a new type of political and socialdiscourse: that of the European Economic Community (EEC). This process is taken, on theone hand, to be the invention on the part of political actors and scholars of a vocabulary andconceptual apparatus which made the EEC thinkable. On the other hand, the process isunderstood as the constitution of specialized disciplines which, by more or less successfullyasserting their legitimacy to produce discourse on the EEC as an object, have contributed torendering certain interpretations obligatory. The dissertation highlights the historical conditionsin which actors have contributed to the emergence, circulation and stabilization of suchknowledge in two founding member states of the EEC - France and Germany – up to the firstenlargement of the EEC in 1973. Beyond the specific case of European integration, thechallenge is to explore the conditions both for political innovation and for the legitimization ofa new political object.Making use of several types of historical source, the thesis retraces the careers of two of thedefinitions widely used to define the EEC up to the present - "supranationality" and the "socialmarket economy". Examination of the uses of these terms makes it possible to identify andinvestigate politico-academic controversies in which the EEC has been defined as a distinctinstitutional type (of the nation-state) and as specific mode of government (of the market).In contrast to the hypothesis of a "revolution" in the EEC, the thesis calls for the reinsertion ofthe invention of the EEC into the longer history of construction of national states andgovernment sciences. Contrary to a genetic interpretation of European integration as a definiteproject from the 1950s, it reveals the diversity of interpretations and knowledges which wereproduced and which competed with one another in the early years of the EEC, and identifiesthe conditions for their unequal success. Finally, the dissertation leads us to qualify thehypothesis of the formation of "common sense" about the EEC, emphasizing the national anddisciplinary differences which persist in their interpretations.

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