Spelling suggestions: "subject:"politika"" "subject:"politikai""
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Inovační politika Rakouska / Austrian innovation policyTesařová, Anna January 2007 (has links)
Předmětem zkoumání této diplomové práce je inovační politika Rakouska, jež představuje důležitý nástroj napomáhající zvýšení mezinárodní konkurenceschopnosti země. Východisko práce tvoří analýza vybraných ukazatelů inovační výkonnosti Rakouska a zhodnocení jeho postavení v rámci ostatních evropských států. Hlavní část pak zachycuje organizaci rakouské inovační politiky a principy jejího fungování včetně uvedení používaných nástrojů.
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Problematika prodtidrogové politiky v ČR a EU / Drug policy in Czech republic and EUŤoupalíková, Klára Bc. January 2007 (has links)
Cílem práce je vymezení základních aspektů a deskripce současného systému protidrogové politiky státních a nestátních orgánů v organizaci protidrogové politiky se stanovením současných aspektů směřujících k sjednocení názorů na tuto problematiku s cílem předložit návrhy de lege ferenda pro úspěšnou organizaci preventivních a represivních opatření v závislosti na vstup do EU. Součástí práce bude stanovení ekonomické analýzy represe a prevence jako významných součástí protidrogové politiky.
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České a mezinárodní cizinecké právo v evropských a širších souvislostechKoukal, Jan January 2007 (has links)
Práce se zabývá významem a vývojem vízového styku v mezinárodních vztazích, včetně charakteristiky vízového styku České republiky s vybranými státy. Zobrazuje dopady vstupu ČR do EU na tuto oblast. Rovněž analyzuje aktuální situaci procesu integrace evropských zemích do Schengenského systému, azylovou politiku a vybrané otázky v oblasti migrace na území ČR. Použití statistických údajů z oblasti migrace dotváří realistický pohled.
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Aktuální trendy v železniční dopravě se zaměřením na prostor Evropské unieBrůhová, Veronika January 2007 (has links)
Diplomová práce se zabývá mapováním současného vývoje železniční dopravy jak ve světě, tak v Evropské unii. Analyzuje silné a slabé stránky železniční dopravy a hledá oblasti, které pro železniční dopravu představují příležitost k posílení její pozice.
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Komparace ekonomicko-teoretických přístupů k ochraně přírodních zdrojů ve vazbě na přírodní zdroj voda / The Comparison of Theoretical Approaches to the Environmental Protection and Their Application on the Problem of Water AllocationSlavíková, Lenka January 2008 (has links)
Práce se soustředí na komparaci východisek neoklasické environmentální ekonomie, ekologické institucionální ekonomie a tržních přístupů k ochraně životního prostředí. Uvedené tři ekonomicko-teoretické směry v současné době představují hlavní paradigmata v rámci ekonomie životního prostředí a soupeří o míru vlivu na ekologickou politiku jednotlivých států či nadnárodních organizací. Jelikož tyto směry dochází k diametrálně odlišným doporučením ohledně preferovaných režimů správy přírodních zdrojů (státní, komunitní či soukromé vlastnictví), je cílem komparace nalézt prvky pro možný společný postup či naopak identifikovat příčiny hlavních odlišností. Ucelené srovnání všech tří ekonomicko-teoretických směrů nebylo doposud provedeno, což vede k izolovanému vývoji všech tří sledovaných paradigmat.
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Happening / HappeningRybníčková, Alena January 2018 (has links)
In this thesis I inquire into the nature and possibilities of happenings as they were practiced in the years 2010–2014 especially by political activists, who regard them as an attractive means of drawing attention to various issues. I designate these types of happenings as political happenings, analysing and interpreting their nature with the help of examples taken from my own experience.
What I see as most important is the attitude to happenings, which should be based in intention and play, as opposed to being solely guided by purpose. I consider purpose as a rational con-struct, a firm point outside the happening as such, which takes one’s mind off the event itself and tends to turn it into propaganda. For this reason I recommend to take purposes only as reference points, focusing instead on the event itself. This can be greatly facilitated by play, which frees us from the pursuit of external aims, allowing us to abide in the situation here and now. In this way both the activist and the spectator are given the opportunity to step back, gain ease, and to liberate themselves from the all too binding feeling of responsibility for the result. Of course, one cannot stay content with play, for to do so would be to turn the happening into an aimless practical joke with no proper form, and thus with little appeal. Instead, the happen-ing needs to be guided by the activist’s intention which mediates between purpose and play. Intention is a process which take purpose as its point of reference, but unlike it is grounded in the present moment and is ready to change as the situation itself develops.
Next I analyse the symbolic level of happenings, which thanks to its openness belongs to the world of play. The fact that symbols cannot be reduced to a single meaning limits their poten-tial for communication and makes them unsuitable for expressing a clear purpose, but this very fact incites the spectators to more active types of communication. A symbol does not exist in itself, it is always a part of a wider network of symbolic associations. By acting within it, the participants themselves also become parts of this network. In this way symbols come alive in human body, gestures and movements, evoking feelings and attitudes. This type of communi-cation is psychosomatic, influencing our embodied stance which forms the matrix of our con-scious attitudes. Thanks to this, symbolic action can influence both actors and spectators on a level that would be hard to reach solely by verbal explanations.
I also examine the satirical structure of happenings, which I describe as being constituted by the relation of the dominant and the subversive pattern. In addition to this I show that good satire does not just deride but is self-reflexive as well.
For an organizer of happenings it is useful to be one’s own spectator. It does not matter if the spectators do not notice all the details. What matters is whether the actors pay sufficient atten-tion to them. If they do, the effect of every single detail does not get lost even if it is not actual-ly “seen” by anyone. A happening requires the confidence that a well performed event is mean-ingful even this meaning is not easy to point out. Only with this kind of attitude will it be well grounded in its actors, and there will be a chance that it gets caught on in the spectators and will contribute to a change in their personal attitude.
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Regioninės politikos įgyvendinimas Marijampolės regiono pavyzdžiu / Implementation of regional policy in example of Marijampole regionŽukauskienė, Ilma 21 September 2006 (has links)
This master s final paper analyses aspects of regional policy, it overlooks the importance of region, the essence of regional policy and its ways of implementation. There is comparative analysis of social economical indexes of Marijampole region and their tendencies. It is estimated and compared situation between single municipalities, also between all Lithuanian counties. It is applied the statistical methods of documental and competitive analysis. With reference of methods there is done the evaluation of the condition of Marijampole region, there is designed SWOT matrix and there is done its analysis. In reference with this analysis there are suggested opportunities for the development of Marijampole region. There is analysed social- economical condition according to explanatory theories of economical development of regions. It is proved the author's formulated hypothesis of scientifical research that there is gap not only between Marijampole and other Lithuanian counties but also between municipalities within the county.
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Politinių pokyčių Lietuvoje atspindžiai Nacionalinėje televizijoje 1988 – 2003 metais / Political changes in lithuania reflected in the national television (1988-2003)Kavaliauskas, Tomas 24 November 2010 (has links)
Prieš penkiasdešimt metų, 2007 m. balandžio 30 d., Lietuvoje atsirado televizija. Ši sukaktis tapo pretekstu detaliau paanalizuoti kaip sekėsi Nepriklausomybę atkūrusiai valstybei perimti ir kurti nuo valdžios ir politikų nepriklausomą Nacionalinę televiziją. Darbo „Politinių pokyčių Lietuvoje atspindžiai Nacionalinėje televizijoje 1988-2003 metais“ tyrimo objektu pasirinktas neanalizuotas penkiolikos metų laikotarpis, kai Lietuvoje vyko vieni reikšmingiausių valstybės pokyčių. Magistro darbe siekiama išsiaiškinti ar politiniai ir politikų pokyčiai, kokiu nors būdu, darė įtaką Lietuvos televizijai. Televizijos, kaip ypatingo subjekto svarbą suvokė 1990 m. kovo 11 d. Nepriklausomybę atkūrusios Aukščiausiosios Tarybos vadovai, kai vos po kelių dienų ėmėsi Valstybinio radijo ir televizijos komiteto pertvarkų. Turint tik iš SSRS laikų suformuotą valstybinės žiniasklaidos patirtį, kai Nacionalinė televizija buvo oficialus/valstybinis transliuotojas, politikai įstatymu įtvirtino nuostatą, leidusią jiems neribotai naudotis Lietuvos radijo ir televizijos eteriu. Darant prielaidą, kad Lietuvos radijo ir televizijos vadovas yra lemiantis veiksnys įstaigai renkantis vienokias ar kitokias veiklos kryptis, ideologines ar politines gaires, vadovo diegiama strategija - esmingiausiais Lietuvos televizijos istorinės raidos etapais - kito kartu su generaliniais direktoriais. Jų požiūris į laikmečio politinę situaciją, suvokimas apie visuomenę ir jos poreikius, lėmė televizijos visuomeninio... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / TV in Lithuania emerged fifty years ago, in 1957. This anniversary became a good pretext to analyse how the state, after the recovery of independence, intercepted and created independent National TV channel. The object of research “The reflections of Lithuanian political changes in National TV channel: 1988-2003” has never been analysed, while in this fifteen years period of the most important changes were going on in Lithuania. The aim of analysis is – to search out how the political changes reflected National TV channel. The importance of TV already recognized the leaders of Supreme Council, which recreated the independence of Lithuania in 11th of May 1990. After few days Council started the reorganization of National Radio and TV committee. Got to use to soviet conception, when National TV was official broadcaster, politicians passed the law, which gave them the freedom in using broadcast of National radio and TV. Keeping in mind, that the head on National Radio ant TV station is the most important person choosing the aspects of ideology, politics and strategy, verified together with a changes of general directors of National broadcaster. According to view of these leaders to political situation, society and her demands, the direction of National Radio and TV has developed. Using the analysis of law, press and with a help on interviews with the ex-directors of National Radio and TV channel, in this research was investigated the transformation of National Radio and TV... [to full text]
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Lietuvos inovacijų politikos ir pagrindinių jos nuostatų tyrimas / Research of innovation policy and its main regulations in LithuaniaGlazauskas, Ramūnas 09 June 2006 (has links)
In the Master’s paper current situation and development of the national innovation system in Lithuania is analysed.
The aim of the work is to execute comparative analysis of the innovation policy in Lithuania, suggest the means of its stimulation, discuss possible preconditions and barriers, formulate main objectives and means of implementation.
The main objectives:
• In the theoretical part, systematically analyse experiences of EU countries in the field of building innovation systems;
• Identify functional means and institutions of implementation of innovation system in Lithuania;
• Review potential trends for development of innovative business, evaluate reasons of its origin;
• Determine and present influential factors and hurdles of development of innovation system in Lithuania;
• Implement the analysis of the main attitudes of development of innovation system;
• Summarize and draw conclusions, present suggestions on the future development of the structure of the innovation system in Lithuania.
The object of the innovation system and policy, presumptions of its origin, the role of finance intermediates, innovation system structure’s classification and its main functions are overlooked in the theoretical part of the study. The purpose of the theoretical part is to present the structure of the innovation system in the context of the experiences of the EU countries.
In the analytical part, the innovation system in Lithuania is reviewed thoroughly. The position of the... [to full text]
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Moterys šiuolaikiniame parlamentarizme: socialinio - politinio portreto Lietuvoje kontūrai ir jų pokyčiai / Women in Modern Parliamentarianism: Outline of the Lithuanian socio - political Picture and its DevelopmentsKaraliūnienė, Danutė 16 August 2007 (has links)
XI. S a n t r a u k a
Tema: “Moterys šiuolaikiniame parlamentarizme: socialinio – politinio portreto Lietuvoje kontūrai ir jų pokyčiai” .
Nagrinėjama problema: šiuolaikinių moterų politikių požiūris į moteris politikes, jų asmenybę, vertybes, politinės veiklos motyvaciją, moterų vietą politikoje bei valstybės.
Darbo tikslas : atlikti 2004-2008 m. Seimo moterų anketinę apklausą. Ištirti 20 a. pr. moterų visuomenininkų – Steigiamojo Seimo parlamentarių bei visų kitų tarpukario ir Nepriklausomybės metų - nuo 1990 m. Seimų moterų politikių socialinio - politinio portreto kontūrus bei nustatyti jų pokyčius.
Darbo uždavinys : pateikti Steigiamojo Seimo, 1 – ojo, 2 - ojo, 3 – iojo Seimų laikotarpyje nuo 1920 m. iki 1926 m. moterų parlamentarių socialinio – politinio portreto pokyčius, atskleidžiant jų asmenybes, vertybes, politinę motyvaciją, tikslus, požiūrį į visuomenės procesus, moterų vietą tuometinėje politikoje, jų indėlį valstybės kūrime.
- Pateikti 1990 m. Auk��čiausiosios Tarybos - Atkuriamojo Seimo, 1992 m., 1996 m., 2000 m, 2004 m. Seimų moterų politikių socialinio - politinio portreto kontūrus, atskleidžiant jų asmenybes, vertybes, politinę motyvaciją, tikslus, indėlį valstybės bei moterų vietą šiandieninėje politikoje.
- Išnagrinėti ir pateikti empirinės apklausos tyrimo metodu surinktą medžiagą apie šiuolaikinės politikės požiūrį į moterį politikę, politinės veiklos perspektyvas, moters vietą bei indėlį politikoje.
Iškėliau hipotezes:
1. Moterys, eidamos į... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / X. S u m m a r y
The topic of the thesis is Women in Modern Parliamentarianism: Outline of the Lithuanian Socio-political Picture and its Developments. The paper analyses the problem of the attitude of modern women politicians to other women politicians, their personality, values, a motivation of political activity, women’s place in politics as well as social and state problems.
The aim of the work is to question current and former women Members of the Seimas, to analyze the socio-political portrait of women public activists and members of the Reconstituent Seimas of the beginning of the 20th century as well as women politicians from the interwar Seimas and the Seimas after the restoration of the independence in 1990.
The task of the thesis is to examine the socio-political picture of women members of the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Seimas in the period of 1920-1926, to establish their personalities, values, political motivation, objectives, the attitude to social processes, women’s place in the politics of the time and their contribution to the formation of the state.
To present the socio-political picture of women politicians of the Supreme Council – the Reconstituent Seimas of 1990, the Seimas of 1992, 1996, 2000 and 2004, to establish their personalities, values, political motivation, objectives, as well as the contribution in establishing the status of the state and women in today’s politics. The paper also aims at analyzing and presenting the material collected using an... [to full text]
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