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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Morfologie křídelní nervatury larválních stádií Palaeodictyoptera ze svrchního karbonu Polska / Palaeodictyoptera: morphology of immature wings from the Upper Carboniferous of Poland

Tippeltová, Zuzana January 2013 (has links)
Insect wings are very specific and unique structures in animal kingdom. Wing morphology is a result of long-standing complicated evolutionary process and until recently the way how the wings have evolved is not completely clarified. The flight ability is one of the most important event in insect history because it allows them to exploit new habitats, escape from predators or find the sexual partner. Here we present the newly discovered material consisting of Palaeodictyoptera immature wings from the Upper Carboniferous (Westphalian A) of Poland. This order became extinct in the end of Permian, however during the Late Paleozoic was remarkably diversified. Until recently, number of adult palaeodictyopterans have been described, however the immature stages are relatively unknown due to lack of suitable fossils. Immature wings present in this thesis have undoubtedly palaeodictyopterous affinities with atribution within superfamilies Breyeroidea and Homoiopteroidea. However, their familial assignment into Breyeriidae (morphotype A) and Homiopteridae (morphotype B) based on fore wing venation characters is not definite because of wing venation limits in early ontogenetic stages. The aim of the present work is a complex description of 14 new palaeodictyopteriids immature wings, and to point out certain important...

Vliv stárnutí populace na důchodový systém v České republice a Polsku / Consequences of the demographic ageing for the pension system in the Czech Republic and Poland

Mielniczková, Aneta January 2013 (has links)
Nowadays, what has become a subject of frequent discussions is the demographic trend of rapidly aging population, which significantly influences current pension system. Goal of this dissertation, besides description of relevant legislative development in Czech Republic and Poland, is to introduce theoretically possible parameters of regulation before and after pension reform (2013) assuming that rules for retirement at a particular age are valid. This dissertation works with following parameters: retirement age, replacement ratio and pension insurance tariff. Based on these parameters, three different projections have been created and described theoretically possible regulations of specific parameters of pension system while using following indicators: rate of economic dependency, ratio expenses on pension system : GDP and pension insurance tariff. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)

Odraz národních povstání v NDR, Polsku a Maďarsku v letech 1953-1956 v soudobém československém tisku se zaměřením na deníky Rudé Právo a Mladá fronta / Reflection of national uprisings in NDR, Poland and Hungaryin the years 1953-1956 in contenporary press in Czechoslovakia, focusing ithe study on daily newspapers Rude Pravo and Mlada fronta

Šafář, Ondřej January 2016 (has links)
UNIVERZITA KARLOVA V PRAZE FAKULTA SOCIÁLNÍCH VĚD Institut komunikačních studií a žurnalistiky Ondřej Šafář Odraz národních povstání v NDR, Polsku a Maďarsku v letech 1953-1956 v soudobém československém tisku se zaměřením na deníky Rudé právo a Mladá fronta Diplomová práce Praha 2016 Abstract The thesis "Reflection of national uprisings in East Germany, Poland and Hungary in the years 1953-1956 in contemporary press in Czechoslovakia, focusing the study on daily newspapers Rude právo and Mladá fronta" concentrates on the way, how the media reflected uprisings that took place in the 50s in neighbouring countries under the Soviet sphere of influence. The thesis describes the political development in Czechoslovakia from the end of World War II until 1956. The thesis also describes the development, structure and governance of the Czechoslovakia media in this period of time, including the history of the monitored dailies Rudé právo and Mladá fronta. The thesis also focuses on the background and the process of the three uprisings in East Germany, Poland and Hungary. Following part introduces basic theoretical concepts (including ideology, propaganda, hegemony and discourse) as a background for the practical part, which is a qualitative research of journals Rudé právo and Mladá fronta at selected periods of time...

Vnější ekonomická rovnováha zemí Visegrádské čtyřky v období let 2008 až 2010 / External Economic Balance of Visegrad Countries 2008 – 2010

Tříletá, Barbora January 2010 (has links)
Diploma thesis deals with the development of external economic balance (particularly balance of payments) of Visegrad Countries in the years 2008-2010. The first chapter introduces the theory of the external economic balance. The second chapter describes the development of balance of payments of of Visegrad Countries in the years 2008-2010, common elements and differences between particular countries, basic trends, and the development during the given period of time.

Rovnost z hlediska věku a genderu (Česko, Dánsko, Francie, Polsko) / Equality: age and gender (Czechia, Denmark, France, Poland)

Černá, Tereza January 2019 (has links)
Equality: Age and gender Abstract Diploma thesis addresses age and gender inequalities in Czechia, Denmark, France and Poland, based on Special Eurobarometer 437 and Special Eurobarometer 465. It introduces basic terms connected with inequality in society as well as terms related to gender and age discrimination. The analytical part is focused on different perceptions of age and gender inequality by respondents from four selected countries. The questions are also analysed on base on the respondent's gender and their age group, either 25-34, or 55-64 years. The conclusion of the conducted survey data analysis is, that society in Czechia and Poland inclines towards gender-based prejudices and stereotypes more, than society in Denmark and France, which may be a consequence of stronger emphasis on gender equality in Western European countries. Age discrimination is more often noticed by Czech and French respondents, but it is clear, that respondents from all four countries perceive ageism as very serious and do not see adopted anti- discrimination measures as sufficient. Key words: discrimination, inequality, stereotypes, ageing, ageism, age discrimination, gender discrimination, Czechia, Denmark, France, Poland

Les modes de la légitimation du lobbying en Europe centrale et ses ambivalences : négocier la frontière symbolique entre la sphère publique et la sphère privée en Pologne et en République tchèque (1990-2016) / Patterns of the legitimation of lobbying in Central Europe and its ambivalences : negotiating symbolic boundaries between the public and private spheres in Poland and the Czech Republic (1990-2016) / Vzorce legitimizace lobbingu v zemích střední evropy a její rozpory : vyjednavani symbolicke hranice mezi verejnou a soukromou sferou v Polsku a Ceske republice (1990-2016)

Vargovčíková, Jana 20 September 2018 (has links)
La thèse examine les tentatives de professionnalisation et d’institutionnalisation du lobbying en Pologne et en République tchèque du début des années 1990 à 2016, en utilisant le cadre théorique de la sociologie des professions, de la sociologie de l’action publique et l’analyse interprétative des politiques publiques. Tout d’abord, sur la base d’une analyse statistique des trajectoires professionnelles de quatre-vingts lobbyistes consultants polonais et tchèques, elle présente leur typologie commune aux deux pays et montre comment sont liés les efforts de reconnaissance et d’amélioration de leur statut professionnel à leur poursuite de la légitimité politique. Ensuite, elle s’attache à montrer comment le lobbying a été construit comme un problème politique, analysant l’évolution de l’usage de ce terme dans la presse, les scandales politiques emblématiques liés au lobbying, ainsi que les débats parlementaires et débats d’experts. En analysant la mise sur agenda du lobbying comme problème, la thèse accorde une attention particulière au rôle des acteurs transnationaux dans ce processus. Enfin, les processus de régulation du lobbying sont analysés comme des arènes où la frontière symbolique entre les sphères publique et privée est négociée et redéfinie. / The dissertation examines attempts to professionalize and institutionalize lobbying in Poland and the Czech Republic from the beginning of the 1990s to 2016, using the theoretical framework of the sociology of professions, the sociology of public policy-making and interpretive policy analysis. First, on the basis of a statistical analysis of the professional paths of eighty Polish and Czech commercial lobbyists, it presents their common typology for both countries and shows how efforts to gain recognition and enhance their professional status, i.e. efforts to professionalize lobbying, are linked to their pursuit of political legitimacy. Then it analyses the construction of lobbying as a policy problem, analysing the evolution of its use in the press, emblematic political scandals related to lobbying, as well as debates in parliamentary and policy expert fora. It then explores the conditions under which lobbying in both countries was constructed as a problem and set on the agenda. In doing so, the dissertation pays particular attention to the role of transnational actors in this process. Finally, lobbying regulation processes are analysed as arenas where the symbolic boundary between the public and private spheres is negotiated and redefined. / Práce zkoumá pokusy o profesionalizaci a institucionalizaci lobbingu v Polsku a v České republice od začátku 90.-tých let 20. století do roku 2016, z hlediska sociologie profesí, sociologie tvorby veřejných politik a také jejich interpretativní analýzy. Nejdříve na základě analýzy profesních drah osmdesáti polských a českých lobbistů předkládá společnou typologii lobbistů konzultantů pro obě země a ukazuje, jak snahy o získání uznání a zlepšení profesního statusu, tedy snahy o profesionalizaci lobbingu, souvisejí se snahou o získání politické legitimity. Pak uchopuje lobbing jako specifický způsob politizace polické aktivity soukromých aktérů. Ukazuje, za jakých podmínek byl lobbing v obou zemích coby problém konstruován a nastolen na agendu, jakou roli v této politizaci sehrály mezinárodní organizace a externí aktéři, a konečně, jakým způsobem tyto pokusy o regulaci lobbingu participují na redefinici symbolické hranice mezi veřejnou a soukromou sférou.

Obraz Poláků a Polska v jazykových příručkách pro Čechy / The Picture of Polish and Poland in the Language Textbooks for Czech

Kaiserová, Michaela January 2018 (has links)
The thesis The Picture of Polish and Poland in the Language Textbooks for Czech reconstructs the image of Poland and Polish in the textbooks, grammar and other language books, which are addressed to Czech recipients. The thesis is divided into a theoretical and a practical part. The theoretical part consists of three main sections, which are based on the secondary literature, the first focuses on the the linguistic picture of the world, the second deals with the stereotypes and the prototypes and the third aims at the didactics of foreign languages in the Czech and Polish background. The purpose of the practical part is, based on an analysis of selected topics, to create a coherent picture of Polish and Poland. The topics include, for example, the roles of a man and woman in the Polish family, the characteristics of the Poles, spending time, cuisine and eating, names and surnames, description of historical events etc.

Hospodářská krize a její dopady na export České republiky / Impact of economic crisis on the export of the Czech Republic

ŠETEK, David January 2011 (has links)
The goal is to evaluate the impact of economic crisis on the export of Czech Republic. It also analyze the dependencies between selected countries in the export field. The work is based largely on statistical data and methods of statistical analysis (descriptive statistics and graphical outputs). The first outcome of this work is to evaluate the economic interdependence between the Czech Republic and neighboring states. Further, a prediction of the developments in the field of export into the future.

Poľsko ako značka (vnímanie Poľska medzi mladou generáciou) / Poland as a brand (perception of Poland among young generation)

Mydlová, Michaela January 2017 (has links)
The master thesis is focused on the perception of Poland as a brand among university students. The aim of the master thesis is an analysis of Poland in terms of image and identity of the country perceived by university students. The theoretical part is concentrated on nation branding as a key concept for building a nation brand. The practical part contains analysis of secondary data from rating indexes, researches about perception of Poland, national and media campaigns. The primary research included qualitative and quantitative methods to explore the perception of Poland, general image, stereotypes, opinions and attitude toward Polish products and services. The research was carried out among Polish and Czech university students.

Komparace regionální politiky Polska a České republiky / Comparison of regional policy in Poland and in the Czech Republic

Tomešová, Jana January 2008 (has links)
This diploma thesis is focused on implementation of regional policy in the Czech Republic and Poland. The theoretical part deals with regional policy in general, its definition, motives and used instruments. It is also described its implementation in the Czech Republic and Poland, namely institutional framework, documents in this sphere. This work also contains a description of basic disparities in both states and unemployment trend and trend of regional domestic produkt per inhabitant in regions NUTS II. It is also briefly described how these two states draw the support from structural funds. The last part compares the implementation of regional policy in the Czech Republic and Poland and contains a SWOT analysis.

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