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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

"Quasi eingebettet in die Schrift" Der doppelte Erzählboden popmoderner Oberflächenbeschreibung und der ästhetische Fundamentalismus in Christian Krachts Roman 1979

Seelig, Arnim H. Alexander 08 1900 (has links)
Cette mémoire est une analyse du subtexte immanent dans le roman « 1979 » (2001) de Christian Kracht, auteur suisse, qui est le plus connu pour son début « Faserland » (1995). Ces oeuvres sont situées dans le mouvement de la littérature Pop allemande des années 1990 et en résultent en même temps. Dans ce contexte, le climat socio-politique après la réunification, notamment le Literaturstreit, jouera un rôle important dans mon interprétation comme fond de la poésie de Kracht. J’exposerai les difficultés que le discours de la littérature Pop porte en ce qui concerne l’œuvre de cet auteur, qui, même s’il est vu en général comme fondateur de ce genre littéraire en Allemagne, ne considère pas ses textes comme littérature Pop dans ses déclarations notoirement problématiques. Je devrais objecter que Kracht est en combat avec la littérature Pop d’une façon stylistique et pas rarement ironique, ce qui traverse la définition étroite dominante. Il fait cela en adoptant sur l’un côté le trait le plus signifiant du genre, à savoir le caractère superficiel extrêmement descriptif et en transmettant sur l’autre côté un message moral profond, ce qui rend impossible la classification de ses textes comme Pop, signifiant seulement le divertissement ou l’archivisme de Moritz Bassler. En fait, la fréquence de signifiants de Pop dans les textes de Kracht créent par leur arrangement un réseau de sens qui, dans le paradigme post- moderne, peut être décrit le mieux avec le terme « rhizome » de Gilles Deleuze et Félix Guattari. En faisant ça, Kracht suit une autre tradition qui traverse les limites de la littérature Pop, comme il se sert de la décadence, de l’esthétisme et du symbolisme du fin-du-siècle d’un Hugo von Hofmannsthal, d’un Stefan George et d’un Joris-Karl Huysmans avec leurs pointes de mise en garde contre les déficits du modernisme, du libéralisme et du capitalisme, d’une façon nommée « fondamentalisme esthétique » par le sociologiste Stefan Breuer. Cette recherche se référera aux interprétations originales des textes source, aux évaluations de littérature d’accompagnement, à savoir des manuels scolaires en critique littéraire, en sociologie et en histoire allemande, aux comptes rendu, dissertations et entrevues et aux textes philosophiques. Cette mémoire est écrit en allemand. / This master's thesis is an analysis of the subtext immanent in the novel "1979" (2001) by Swiss author, Christian Kracht, who is best known for his debut, "Faserland" (1995). These works are situated in and result from the 1990's movement of German pop literature. In that context, the socio-political climate after the re-unification, most notably the Literaturstreit, plays an important role in my interpretation as the background to Kracht's poetics. I delineate the difficulties that the pop literature discourse carries both, as a literary category and in regard to this author's work, taking into consideration his notoriously problematic statements to the effect that he does not consider his texts to be pop literature, in spite of being commonly regarded as the founder of this literary form in Germany. I shall argue that Kracht engages in a stylistic and more often than not ironic play with pop literature, which transgresses the dominant narrow definition of it. He does so by adopting on the one hand its most-defining feature of extreme descriptive superficiality, yet by conveying on the other hand a moral message of profound dimensions, which renders impossible the classification of his texts as pop, neither in the sense of mere entertainment nor in the sense of Moritz Bassler’s archivism. In fact, the very arsenal of pop signifiers present in Kracht's texts create through their arrangement a web of meaning, which in the post-modern paradigm can be best described with Gilles Deleuze's and Félix Guattari's term “rhizome." By doing so Kracht follows in the footsteps of another tradition which transgresses the boundaries of pop literature, as he reaches back to the aestheticistic décadence and symbolism at the fin-de-siècle of a Hugo von Hofmannsthal, a Stefan George, and a Joris-Karl Huysmans, with their strong undertones of warnings against the shortfalls of modernism, liberalism, and capitalism, in a fashion that is termed “aesthetic fundamentalism” by Stefan Breuer. This research draws on original interpretations of the source texts, on evaluations of secondary literature such as scholarly works in German literary criticism, sociology and history, on book reviews, essays and interviews, and on philosophical texts. The thesis is written in German. / Gegenstand der vorliegenden Arbeit ist der narrative Subtext im Roman 1979 (2001) des Schweizer Autoren Christian Kracht, der vor allem mit seinem Romandebüt Faserland (1995) bekannt wurde. Seine Texte stehen im Zusammenhang mit der Neuen Deutschen Popliteratur der 90er Jahre. In diesem Kontext hat auch das soziokulturelle Klima nach der Wiedervereinigung eine wichtige Rolle, das sich am prägnantesten im Literaturstreit äußerte, weshalb dieser in der hier vorgenommenen Intepretation von Krachts Poetik seinen Platz findet. Außerdem soll aufgezeigt werden, inwieweit die Neue Deutsche Popliteratur sowohl als gattungstechnische Kategorie als auch im Bezug auf Krachts Werk problematisch ist. Dies entspricht den Beteuerungen des Autors, dass er keine Popliteratur schreibe, obwohl er als ihr Gründer gilt. Das Argument dieser Arbeit ist, dass Kracht auf stilistische und oft ironische Weise mit Popliteratur spielt, wodurch er die bestehende enge Definition dieser transgressiert. Da er einerseits das bezeichnenste Merkmal von Popliteratur, nämlich die Oberflächenbeschreibung, übernimmt, andererseits aber dadurch eine tiefe moralische Aussage macht, lassen sich seine Texte nicht als Pop verorten,weder als Unterhaltung, noch im Sinne von Moritz Baßlers Archivismus. Vielmehr ergeben die von Kracht versammelten Pop-Signifikanten in ihrer Vernetzung ein Sinngebäude, das in postmoderner Parlanz mit Gilles Deleuze und Félix Guattari als „Rhizom“ bezeichnet werden kann. Indem Kracht so verfährt, knüpft er ebenfalls an eine Tradition jenseits von Popliteratur an, und zwar an die ästhetizistische décadence und den Symbolismus des fin de siècle eines Hugo von Hofmannsthal, Stefan George und Joris-Karl Huysmans, sowie deren Warnungen vor den Mängeln des Modernismus, Liberalismus und Kapitalismus, wobei diese Einstellung von Stefan Breuer als ästhetischer Fundamentalismus bezeichnet wird.

Postmodernizmo architektūros privatūs gyvenamieji namai Lietuvoje / Postmodern single-family houses in Lithuania

Galaunytė, Aistė 21 June 2013 (has links)
Baigiamajame magistro darbe nagrinėjama postmodernizmo stiliaus raiška privačiuose gyvenamuosiuose namuose Lietuvoje, nuo XX a. 9 dešimtmečio vidurio iki 10 dešimtmečio pabaigos. Siekiant atskleisti šio stiliaus bruožus, specifiką ir kultūrinę reikšmę Lietuvoje darbe analizuojami Vakarų pasaulio (JAV, Vakarų Europos, Japonijos) privačių gyvenamųjų namų etalonai bei sąlygos, nulėmusios jų raidą. Darbe nustatoma, kad to meto socialiniai, politiniai, ekonominiai veiksniai Lietuvoje, iš esmės lėmė ir šios architektūros nepažinimą ir kritišką vertinimą. Daroma prielaida, kad dėl politinių-ekonominių veiksnių, užsienio profesinė periodika buvo viena iš pagrindinių priemonių postmodernizmo architektūrai pažinti. Todėl atliekama privačių gyvenamųjų namų publikuotų užsienio periodiniuose leidiniuose ir Lietuvoje lyginamoji analizė. Nustatomi charakteringiausi Lietuvos postmodernizmo architektūros privačių gyvenamųjų namų bruožai ir jų sąsajos su užsienio architektūra. Iš nagrinėjamų Lietuvos postmodernizmo stiliaus privačių gyvenamųjų namų išskiriami aukšto kokybinio lygio pastatai-etalonai, įvardinamos jų vertingosios savybės.Darbo apimtis – 92 p. teksto be priedo, 57 iliustr., 9 schemos, 99 bibliografiniai šaltiniai, 3 priedai. / The goal of Master thesis is to investigate expression and features of postmodern style of private dwelling-houses of Lithuania, from the middle of the 9th decade to the 10th decade of the twentieth century. In order to reveal the characteristics, features and cultural significance of the style in Lithuania, the private dwelling-houses of postmodern style of the Western world (the U.S., Western Europe, Japan) are analyzed, as well as conditions which prompted their development. The paper discusses that the social, political and economic factors of Lithuania at that time, led to the suspicion and critical evaluation of postmodern architecture in general.It is assumed that due to the political-economical factors, the Western magazines were one of the main tools for Lithuanian architects to get to know postmodern architecture. Therefore, a comparative analysis between private dwelling-houses published in foreign periodicals, and of Lithuania, is conducted. Consequently the most common features of private dwelling-houses of postmodern style in Lithuania and their links with Western architecture are determined. Houses of Lithuania of high quality postmodern architecture are named, their valuable properties are defined. Thesis consists of: 92 p. text without extras, 57 pictures., 9 schemes, 99 bibliographical entries, 3 appendixes included.

La divine comédie de Stan Brakhage : une lecture du film lyrique The Dante Quartet

Arsenault, Nadia 12 1900 (has links)
Film abstrait peint à la main sur de la pellicule recyclée, The Dante Quartet de Stan Brakhage est une adaptation personnelle de La divine comédie de Dante. Agissant comme un palimpseste où chaque couche révèle des éléments caractéristiques de l’oeuvre du cinéaste ainsi que l’influence de certains poètes et artistes, The Dante Quartet reprend certaines caractéristiques de l’ekphrasis. Dans ce mémoire, je travaille avec l’hypothèse heuristique que The Dante Quartet est une ekphrasis, et plus précisément une ekphrasis inversée. Ce mémoire s’intéresse à ce qui reste du pré-texte après son passage d’un média à un autre. Compte tenu du laps temporel qui sépare ces deux œuvres, il est aussi question d’influences contemporaines au travail de Brakhage. Le cinéaste basant son travail sur les phénomènes de vision (et plus particulièrement sur les visions hypnagogiques dans le cas qui m’occupe), le point sera fait sur la pensée de Brakhage à ce sujet, pensée qu’il expose dans son livre-manifeste Metaphors on Vision. / The Dante Quartet by Stan Brakhage is a personal adaptation of The Divine Comedy of Dante who took the form of an abstract movie made from hand painted images on recycled footage. Acting as a palimpsest in which each layer reveals characteristic features of Brakhage's work and the influence of different poets and artists on it, The Dante Quartet also includes some features of ekphrasis. In this thesis, I work with the heuristic assumption that The Dante Quartet is an ekphrasis, specifically a reverse ekphrasis. This thesis looks at what remains of the pre-text after the transfer from one medium to another. Given the temporal interval between these two works, I will also discuss of certain contemporary influences to Brakhage's work. As the filmmaker based his work on vision phenomena (especially on hypnagogic visions in that movie), the point will be made regarding Brakhage's thinking about this, thought that he describes in his manifesto Metaphors on Vision.

Investicijų portfelio sudarymas ir valdymas (Skandinavijos rinkų pavyzdžiu) / Making and controlling investments portfolio (according to Scandinavian market example)

Kašėtaitė, Aida 10 February 2011 (has links)
Baigiamajame magistro darbe nustatomos modernios ir postmodernios portfelio teorijos ypatybės, investicijų portfelio sudarymo ir valdymo teorijos. Sudarant portfelį, akcijų atrankai yra naudojama fundamentalioji ir koreliacinė analizė. Išanalizuoti Skandinavijos šalių: Danijos, Suomijos ir Švedijos makroekonominiai rodikliai, energetikos, medicinos ir informacinių technologijų sektoriai. Iš minėtųjų sektorių pasirinktos didelės ir vidutinės kapitalizacijos įmonių akcijos, kurios papildomai analizuojamos, lyginant įmonių finansinę būklę nusakančius rodiklius. Remiantis atlikta analize atrinktos 5 įmonių akcijos, iš kurių sudaromas investicijų portfelis. Sudarytas investicijų portfelis optimizuojamas ir valdomas. Investicijų portfelis valdomas tris laikotarpius, remiantis pasaulinių akcijų indeksų, akcijų sektorių indeksų ir akcijų kainų kitimo analize. Išnagrinėjus teorinius ir praktinius portfelinio investavimo aspektus, pateikiamos baigiamojo darbo išvados ir pasiūlymai. Darbą sudaro 6 dalys: įvadas, investicijų analizės ir valdymo teorinės problemos, Skandinavijos šalių makroekonominė ir sektorių analizė, investicijų portfelio sudarymas ir valdymas, išvados ir literatūros sąrašas. / In the final master thesis there are analyzed modern and postmodern portfolio theory featuries, theories of making and controlling investments portfolio. Stock selection is based on fundamental and correlation analyzes. In the second part of the thesis there are analyzed macroeconomic indicators and energetics, medicine, information technologies sectors of the Scandinavian countries, such as Denmark, Finland and Sweden. Large and middle capitalization stocks are selected from these sectors and evaluated again using indicators which describes companies financial statement. 5 stocks are selected based on above-mentioned analyses. The portfolio is made using selected stocks. The next step is portfolio optimization and controling. Investments portfolio is controlled in three periods. Controlling is based on different analyzes: indexes of stocks and sectors, stocks’ prices changes. After considering portfolio investments in all of its aspects in the end of theses it is presented conclusions and appendixes. Structure: introduction, theoretical problems of investments analyses and controlling, Scandinavian countries macroeconomics and sectors analyses, making and controlling investments analyses, conclusions and suggestions, references.

Beyond Toxic Leaders : Follower-centered Approach

Khalifa Sh. Dayeb, Amr January 2014 (has links)
Rethinking the possible borders of leadership, requires an investigative work which problematizes the principal assumptions upon which leadership discourse is built. From follower-centered approach, this research examines the relational factors that might accelerate the wheel of toxic behaviour in organizations, with a brief critique of the out- dated themes which continue to occupy fair amount of the discourse of leadership, this critique is based on problematizing the perspectives, commonly referred to, as The Romance of Leadership. after doing so, I try to create a counterweight body of work in which I disregard some of leaders domination by focusing on followers instead, consequently, I attempt to introduce possible breakthrough in term of language as an approach to replace old and depreciated terms, as well as, recommendations for countering the radical views toward followers. In addition, I did an empirical investigation to the abovementioned themes by conducting a study in my workplace in order to check the plausibility of the conceptualization I done before, through, and after the empirical phase of this thesis, finally, I presented some personal reflections in regard with the course of study and suggested some ideas concerning the methodology within which this research has functioned.

Rejecting the Page, Inciting Visuality: Staging 'Woyzeck' in a Mediatized Culture

Conway, Elisha 14 January 2013 (has links)
The influence of new media on theatrical practice over the past fifty years has spurred a movement towards theatrical forms which are increasingly organized around the sensory elements of performance. This change is most noticeable in the visual approaches to theatre, and it has produced what I have labeled a theatre of visuality. This thesis argues that the tendencies for visualization found in visual media have extensively marked the performance strategies of contemporary theatre practice, resulting in a shift away from the logocentric dramatic text and towards theatre performance organized around the visual. Looking at four contemporary productions of Georg Buchner’s Woyzeck –Thomas Ostermeier’s Woyzeck (2005), Vesturport’s Woyzeck (2005), Robert Wilson’s Woyzeck (2000), and Josef Nadj’s Woyzeck ou l’Ébauche du Vertige (1994)– this thesis produces a preliminary typology of four distinct visualities/theatrical forms which make up the theatre of visuality: hyperrealism, synesthesia, superficiality, and visual narration. This thesis contributes to the conceptualization and understanding of postdramatic theatre by linking the theatre’s rejection of the text to the increased centrality of the visual in performance, and by tracing these shifts to the influence of visual media.

"Why so serious?" comics, film and politics, or the comic book film as the answer to the question of identity and narrative in a post-9/11 world /

Moody, Kyle Andrew. January 2009 (has links)
Title from first page of PDF document. Includes bibliographical references (p. 104-110).

When mobility difficulties do not dominate: a narrative-pastoral approach

Eksteen, Susan 30 November 2007 (has links)
This qualitative study was interested in what needed to be heard from people who have difficulty in putting one foot in front of the other. The research aimed to expose some of the dominant discourses around mobility difficulties through exploring the relationship discourse has with power and to look for less talked about ways of resisting some of the harmful effects of dominant discourses. It also explored how participants used their spiritual beliefs to establish meaning in their mobility difficulty experiences. The exploring was done by employing discourse analysis as analysing tool to search for dominant and alternate meanings found in experiences of mobility difficulties. Theoretical frameworks included practical theology, pastoral care, narrative practices, postmodern ideas, discourse, social construction theory, deconstruction, qualitative research and action research. The researcher's own experience of mobility difficulties has been used as background where she was both an observer and participant. / Philosophy, Practical and Systematic Theology / M.Th. (Practical Theology with specialisation in Pastoral Therapy)

Le Père "impuissant" et l'objet a "impossible" : impasses adolescentes dans le lien social actuel / The “powerless” father and the “impossible” object a : adolescent impasses in current social link

Druzhinenko-Silhan, Daria 22 September 2012 (has links)
Ce travail de thèse est consacré à l’étude de l’adolescence dans le lien social actuel. En mettant en lien plusieurs concepts psychanalytiques nous essayons de rendre compte des difficultés du passage adolescent que nous avons pu observer dans la clinique. Nous mettons en avant le lien entre le discours social ambiant et les difficultés que les adolescents peuvent éprouver aujourd’hui en tentant de devenir adulte. Nous concluons sur la question de la panne du sujet adolescent. Cette panne de l’adolescence n’est ni considérée comme une panne de l’Autre que chaque adolescent rencontre, ni comme une panne de la société mais comme une panne des processus mêmes de subjectivation. La difficulté de grandir peut être aujourd’hui entendu comme l’absence du désir de devenir adulte, comme l’impossible construction du lien à l’Autre. Nous évoquons à la fin de cette thèse le mythe de Narcisse et le destin du sujet désirant dans une société où on ne donne pas le temps au désir d’émerger. / This PhD thesis is dedicated to a study on adolescence in the current social link. We put into relation several psychoanalytical concepts in order to acknowledge the difficulties of passing through adolescence that we observed in the Clinic.The methodology of this research is based on the study “CoPsyEnfant”. We used children’s and adolescents’ drawings in order to find out which are the identification models used today by children and adolescents. Clinical interviews and projective tests were used to help us to understand the subjectivity processes and hardships of adolescent passage in the current social link. The analysis of three clinical cases demonstrated several possible paths while passing through adolescence. We conclude on the question of the failure of the adolescent subject. The difficulty to grow can be heard today as the lack of desire to become an adult, as the impossible construction of the link to the big Other. At the end of this thesis we mention the Narcissus myth and the desiring subject’s destiny within a society which does not give the time to the desire to appear.

Současná praxe a možnosti využití supervize v ošetřovatelství / Current practice and ways of the supervision use in nursing

VAŇKOVÁ, Milena January 2015 (has links)
The thesis named "Current practice and possible ways of implementing clinical supervision in nursing" is the first doctoral dissertation establishing the concept of supervision in the Czech nursing environment. Itscentralresearch questionis as follows: How do nurses and university educators in nursing construct, interpret and practically apply theconcept ofclinical supervision and the supervisor's role in the context of nursing education at specific institutions of tertiary education and clinical nursing practice in the Czech Republic? The author draws on international theoretical literature and local empiricalevidence.Her qualitative research took the form of 26 semi-structured interviews with academic nursingeducators from the entire Czech Republic. In justified cases those are supplemented with qualitative data obtained through the study of legislative, policy and strategic documents in nursing and health care, including publicly available information and sources on clinical supervision, in order torefine the resulting picture of her interpretation of current clinical supervision practice in Czech nursing. A shift to the constructivist paradigm enabled one to conceive the term "clinical supervision" mainly in relation to learning, training and professional development of supervisees, also in the context of transformation of education and supervision not only of nurses but also of supervisors themselves in the Czech Republic. The author also focuses on the philosophical and theoretical foundations of clinical supervision and application of the postmodern approach in egalitarian clinical supervision. The empirical part of this dissertation is based on the qualitative research conducted. The author gradually presents her results as individual categoriesand relations between them that ensued from the analysed data in the process of open coding. The author draws a link between the category of implementation of clinical supervision in the context of nurses' professional education andexternal conditions, the environment and a broader professional and social-cultural context. Clinical supervision in nursing is constructed mainly as a unidisciplinaryconcept and a part of the nursing profession. The university nursing educatoris typically constructed as a role professional, but there is also an ongoing process ofdiversification, stratification, profiling and professionalization of non-academic nursing educators. Based on a content analysis of documents and post-modern philosophical-theoretical foundations and strategies of legitimizingclinical supervision, the author views the concept of clinical supervision in nursing as socially constructedand discursively legitimated. The author also defines the limitations of her research that arise from the choice of a qualitative research design. In the conclusion she outlines some future trends of clinical supervision in particular educational institutions that can be interesting and inspiring not only for supervisors but also for teachers of supervision themselves. Based on the results of her empirical analysis the author emphasises the need to integrate the theory and practice of education, clinical supervision and nursing. A comprehensive structure and methodology of system-wide implementation of clinical supervision, based on the situation of clinical nursing practice and supervision needs in the Czech Republic,should in future formthe basis of innovation of existing university programmes in nursing and approaches to the education and training of supervisors, as well as the subject of new research in clinical supervision.

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