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Microstructural Evolution and Deformation Mechanisms in Nickel-Base SuperAlloysSong, Hyo-Jin 06 December 2010 (has links)
No description available.
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Utvecklingen av den europeiska marknaden för logistikfastigheter : - skillnader mellan olika länder och deras prime yield / Development of the European Market for Logistics Properties : - differences between different countries and their prime yieldSpjuth, Marcus, Diebitsch Litzén, Fabian January 2022 (has links)
Tillsammans med e-handelns explosiva ökning under de senaste åren har lager och logistikfastigheter blivit alltmer populära bland investerare. Med den ökade uppmärksamheten för logistikfastigheter har deras avkastningskrav sjunkit, de så kallade yielderna har blivit påverkade. Yielden är den avkastningen som en tillgång producerar, prime yielden är lika med avkastningen för en tillgång av högsta kvalitet i ett bra läge. En ökad efterfrågan har inneburit att logistikfastigheters prime yielder har påverkats markant. De senaste åren har prime yielderna sjunkit i flera marknader och står för närvarande på rekordlåga nivåer. Syftet med uppsatsen är att se hur prime yielderna för logistikfastigheter skiljer sig mellan olika länder. Uppsatsen kommer undersöka vilka faktorer som ligger till grunden av varför olika länder har varierande prime yielder, samt se till hur mycket dessa faktorer påverkar marknaden. Uppsatsen kommer genom litteraturstudier och intervjuer utreda hur prime yielden skiljer sig mellan olika länder i Europa. Uppsatsen reder ut frågan för vilka faktorer som påverkar prime yielden på logistikfastigheter och vilken marknad som har bäst förutsättningar framgent. Resultatet visar att det finns stora skillnader mellan prime yielderna för olika länders logistikfastigheter. Undersökningen gjordes av nio länder som alla har en betydande del av den europeiska logistikmarknaden. Av dessa länder visade resultatet att det skiljer 1,4 procentenheter mellan marknaden med lägst och högst prime yield. Den främsta orsaken till vad som påverkar prime yield nivån är den ekonomiska teorin om utbud och efterfrågan. En högre efterfrågan innebär mer kapital som söker sig till en viss marknad, en effekt av detta är att yielderna på fastigheterna går ned och priserna går upp. De olika ländernas räntenivå visade ha en stor betydelse för efterfrågan då högre räntor dämpar köpkraften från investerare. Efterfrågan styrs även från vardera marknads underliggande förutsättningar vilket inkluderar logistikfastigheters hyres- och vakansnivå, utvecklingen av e-handel, infrastruktur,geografisk placering, samt politiska stabilitet. Resultatet visar att dagens efterfrågan från företag att hyra lager och logistiklokaler är väldigt hög, vilket indikerar på att ett framtida ökat utbud av logistikfastigheter i prime segmentet är av mindre betydelse för prime yielden. / Along with the explosive growth of e-commerce in recent years, warehouses and logistics properties have become increasingly more popular with investors. With the increased attention for logistics properties, their yields have fallen. The yield is the return that an asset produces, the prime yield is equal to the return for an asset of the highest quality in a good location. Increased demand on the segment has meant that the prime yields of logistics properties have been significantly affected. In recent years, prime yields have fallen in several markets and are currently at record low levels. The purpose of the thesis is to see how the prime yields for logistics properties differ between different countries. The thesis will investigate the factors that underlie why different countries have varying prime yields and see how much these factors affect the market. The thesis will, through literature studies and interviews, investigate how the prime yield differs between different countries in Europe. The thesis clarifies the question of which factors affect the prime yield on logistics properties and which market has the best conditions for the future.The results show that there are large differences between the prime yields for different countries' logistics properties. The survey was conducted of nine countries, all of which have a significant part of the European logistics market. Of these countries, the results showed that there is a difference of 1.4 percentage points between the market with the lowest and highest prime yield. The main reason for what affects the prime yield level is the economic theory of supply and demand. A higher demand means more capital seeking into a certain market, an effect of this is that the yields on the properties go down and the prices go up. The interest rates of the different countries proved to be of great importance for demand as higher interest rates dampen the purchasing power of investors. Demand is also governed by the underlying conditions of each market, which includes the rental and vacancy level of logistics properties, the development of e-commerce, infrastructure, geographical location, and political stability. The results show that the current demand from companies to rent warehouses and logistics premises is very high, which indicates that a future increase in supply of logistics properties in the prime segment is of less importance for the prime yield.
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(p,g,r) - generations and conjugacy class ranks of certain simple groups of the form, Sp(,2), M23 and A11Motalane, Malebogo John January 2021 (has links)
Thesis (Ph.D. (Mathematics)) -- University of Limpopo, 2021 / A finite group G is called (l, m, n)-generated, if it is a quotient group of the triangle group
T(l, m, n) = x, y, z|xl = ym = zn = xyz = 1-. In [43], Moori posed the question of finding all
the (p, q, r) triples, where p, q and r are prime numbers, such that a non-abelian finite simple group G is a (p, q, r)-generated. In this thesis, we will establish all the (p, q, r)-generations of the following groups, the Mathieu sporadic simple group M23, the alternating group A11 and the symplectic group Sp(6, 2). Let X be a conjugacy class of a finite group G. The rank of X in G, denoted by rank(G : X), is defined to be the minimum number of elements of X generating G. We investigate the ranks of the non-identity conjugacy classes of the above three mentioned finite simple groups. The Groups, Algorithms and Programming (GAP) [26] and the Atlas of finite group representatives
[55] are used in our computation / University of Limpopo
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Prévision de la prime de marché canadienne et américaineLemay-Crilly, Maxime January 2016 (has links)
Dans le cadre de cette étude, il est question de prédire les primes de risque de marché pour les États-Unis et le Canada sur un horizon d’un mois en se basant sur les données économiques des 20 dernières années. En se basant sur les modèles élaborés précédemment dans la littérature, ce mémoire a pour but d’effectuer des prévisions plus précises que celles générées précédemment. Ainsi, on observe que l’ensemble des modèles retenus, tant univariés, multivariés ou par agrégation sectorielle obtiennent un pouvoir explicatif supérieur au modèle naïf, et ce tant pour le marché américain que le marché canadien. Pour le marché américain, le modèle multivarié Stepwise Backward obtient la meilleure performance du groupe étudié avec un R[indice supérieur 2] de 0.10714 dans un contexte In-Sample et un R[indice supérieur 2] de 0.22284 dans un contexte Out-Of-Sample selon le test de McCracken (2007). Ce modèle permet donc d’expliquer 22.28% de la variation mensuelle de la prime de risque américaine dans le contexte de l’échantillon observé dans cette étude. Le modèle en question est composé des variables économiques représentant les variations mensuelles au niveau de l’inflation, de la masse monétaire M2, ainsi que du dernier taux journalier du mois observé pour les obligations gouvernementales ayant une échéance de deux ans, cinq ans et dix ans. Pour le marché canadien, le modèle multivarié Stepwise Forward obtient la meilleure performance du groupe étudié dans un contexte In-Sample avec un R[indice supérieur 2] de 0.07760 selon le test de McCracken (2007). Cependant, dans un contexte Out-Of-Sample, le modèle de prévision par agrégation sectorielle élaboré à la section 4.4 obtient de loin la meilleure performance avec un R[indice supérieur 2] de 0.17773 selon le test de McCracken (2007), permettant donc d’expliquer 17.77% de la variation mensuelle de la prime de risque canadienne. La performance accrue des modèles de prévision dans un contexte Out-Of-Sample semble provenir d’une meilleure performance notamment dans les premières années d’observation, (2001 à 2007) grâce à l’exclusion des grandes variations affectant les dernières années de la période d’observation (2008 à 2011).
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Étude exploratoire portant sur le paiement d'une prime à l'acquisition dans les marchés boursiers canadiens et américainsLéveillé, Simon January 2015 (has links)
Dans cette étude exploratoire, nous avons étudié les primes payées à l’acquisition
dans les marchés boursiers canadiens et américains. Afin de documenter l’application
d’un escompte pour manque de contrôle, l’expert en évaluation d’entreprises peut,
s’il compte se baser sur des transactions comparables, utiliser les données sur les
acquisitions d’entreprises dans les marchés boursiers. Le marché des acquisitions
étant plus développé aux États-Unis, l’expert en évaluation d’entreprises (en contexte
canadien) est souvent contraint d’utiliser les données américaines.
Nous nous sommes intéressés à la valeur moyenne des primes selon les trois critères
suivants : le pays de la cible, le motif de la transaction et la marge nette de la cible.
Les primes payées à l’acquisition d’une cible sont en moyennes 2,72 points de
pourcentage supérieures en contexte américain qu’en contexte canadien. Aussi, les
primes payées par les acheteurs stratégiques sont en moyennes 5,90 points de
pourcentages supérieures aux primes payées par les acheteurs financiers. Cette
différence semble refléter le fait que les acheteurs stratégiques attribuent une valeur
aux synergies contrairement aux acheteurs financiers. Les primes payées pour
acquérir des cibles non rentables sont en moyennes 13,71 points de pourcentages
supérieures aux primes payées par les cibles rentables.
Finalement, les primes payées à l’acquisition semblent varier en fonction des
rendements des prix des actions sur le marché. Nous observons une relation (linéaire)
inverse entre les rendements moyens au temps t-1 et les primes moyennes payées
sur le marché au temps t.
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Topics in analytic number theoryMaynard, James January 2013 (has links)
In this thesis we prove several different results about the number of primes represented by linear functions. The Brun-Titchmarsh theorem shows that the number of primes which are less than x and congruent to a modulo q is less than (C+o(1))x/(phi(q)log{x}) for some value C depending on log{x}/log{q}. Different authors have provided different estimates for C in different ranges for log{x}/log{q}, all of which give C>2 when log{x}/log{q} is bounded. We show in Chapter 2 that one can take C=2 provided that log{x}/log{q}> 8 and q is sufficiently large. Moreover, we also produce a lower bound of size x/(q^{1/2}phi(q)) when log{x}/log{q}>8 and is bounded. Both of these bounds are essentially best-possible without any improvement on the Siegel zero problem. Let k>1 and Pi(n) be the product of k linear functions of the form a_in+b_i for some integers a_i, b_i. Suppose that Pi(n) has no fixed prime divisors. Weighted sieves have shown that for infinitely many integers n, the number of prime factors of Pi(n) is at most r_k, for some integer r_k depending only on k. In Chapter 3 and Chapter 4 we introduce two new weighted sieves to improve the possible values of r_k when k>2. In Chapter 5 we demonstrate a limitation of the current weighted sieves which prevents us proving a bound better than r_k=(1+o(1))klog{k} for large k. Zhang has shown that there are infinitely many intervals of bounded length containing two primes, but the problem of bounded length intervals containing three primes appears out of reach. In Chapter 6 we show that there are infinitely many intervals of bounded length containing two primes and a number with at most 31 prime factors. Moreover, if numbers with up to 4 prime factors have `level of distribution' 0.99, there are infinitely many integers n such that the interval [n,n+90] contains 2 primes and an almost-prime with at most 4 prime factors.
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Polisen i förändring : En fallstudie om Polismyndighetens upphandling av kommunikationstjänster från PR-byrån PrimeSjöberg, Matilda January 2016 (has links)
Polismyndigheten har under 2015 påbörjat och ska under 2016 fortsätta undergå en omorganisering. En del av omorganiseringen innefattar att Polismyndigheten skrivit ett fyraårigt kontrakt värderat till 35 miljoner kronor med Prime Public Relations AB med avseende upphandling av strategiska kommunikationstjänster. Studien syftar till att undersöka vad skälen är till att Polismyndigheten har valt att en PR-byrå ska sköta delar av deras kommunikation och vad det hittills fått för konsekvenser. Totalt analyseras 50 artiklar som publicerats under upphandlingstiden i en innehållsanalys för att få en överblick kring olika teman som framkommit. Innehållsanalysen fungerar som ett kvantitativt komplement till två semi-strukturerade intervjuer samt en mailkorrespondens med projektansvarig för samarbetet med Polismyndigheten på Prime. En av intervjuerna hölls med en tidigare presstalesperson för Polismyndigheten som nu är kommunikationskonsult med uppdrag inom bland annat kriskommunikation. Den andra intervjun hölls med ansvarig handläggare för upphandlingen hos Polismyndigheten. En enkät kompletterar materialet med utomstående åsikter kring förändring av förtroendet för polisen i samband med upphandlingen. Tillsammans bidrar metoderna till ett gediget material för fallstudien som blir belyst från olika håll både med hjälp av kvalitativ samt kvantitativ data. Resultaten leder fram till en diskussion kring organisationskommunikation och intern kritik från anställda poliser som en produkt av upphandlingen. Analysen tar även upp de anställdas meningsskapande av den nya kontexten inom myndigheten samt en diskussion om förtroende och huruvida situationen kring upphandlingen skulle kunna ha sköts på ett annat sätt för att undvika negativa konsekvenser.
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Understanding semantic priming: Evidence from masked lexical decision and semantic categorization tasksHector, Johanna Elizabeth January 2005 (has links)
There are now extensive behavioral and neuropsychological evidence to indicate that semantic information of a word can be activated without conscious awareness. However, semantic activation alone may not be sufficient for observing semantic priming effects in masked lexical decision task. In the following study, two tasks were used: lexical decision and semantic categorization. Conscious awareness of the prime was systematically manipulated by varying the duration of the prime and by varying the placement of the mask in the prime-target presentation sequence. Priming effects were observed in the semantic categorization task at prime durations of 42 milliseconds but no semantic priming was observed for the same prime duration in the lexical decision task. However, semantic priming effects began to emerge in lexical decision at the longer prime durations (55 & 69 ms) and under the least effective prime-mask presentation sequences. It is proposed that semantic activation alone is not sufficient for semantic priming effects in the lexical decision task but that central executive involvement is necessary, if only at the lowest level, for facilitatory effects to be observed. Furthermore, no such central executive involvement appears to be required for the semantic categorization task. The priming effects obtained in this task is interpreted in terms of a "decision priming" effect.
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The Symbolic Representation of Latinos: A Content Analysis of Prime-Time TelevisionMcKenzie-Elliott, Tracey M. 08 1900 (has links)
The media are powerful agents of socialization in modern society influencing values, beliefs, and attitudes of the culture that produces them. Both the quantity and quality of Latino images in the media may reflect and reinforce the place of Latinos in United States society. This study examines how Latinos are portrayed in television entertainment programming by addressing two major research questions: 1) What is the extent of Latino recognition on prime-time television? and 2) What is the extent of respect accorded Latinos on prime-time television? A one-week sample of prime-time television programming airing on three networks yielded 47 programs and 807 characters for analysis. Using content analysis methodology, recognition is identified by examining the frequency and proportional representation of Latino television portrayals and respect is measured by examining the types and significance of these roles. The results indicate an overall lack of diversity on prime-time television with only 11 of the 47 programs analyzed reaching 50% or more of the maximum possible diversity in their racial and ethnic portrayals. Specifically, Latinos represent only 3% of primetime television characters, less than one-fourth of their proportion of the nation's population. Compared to non-Hispanic Whites, Blacks, and Asians, Latinos are the group least likely to occupy major roles in prime-time entertainment shows and represent only 1.9% of the total opening cast credits. Latinos are still presented stereotypically but are more often presented in a generic fashion with no reference to ethnic cultural experiences. The extent of recognition and respect accorded Latinos in prime-time television is severely limited, thus there is a need for continued research and dialogue regarding symbolic media images of Latinos. The findings have implications for social scientists interested in media forms and content as cultural artifacts, members of the television media industry responsible for program development and distribution, and college media educators responsible for training young media professionals.
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Prime Meridian: A Collection of Short StoriesVoltolina, Vanessa January 2006 (has links)
Thesis advisor: George O'Har / As an untrained and self-taught painter, Scottish-born and London-bred artist Jack Vettriano draws on his own experiences to create provoking paintings that are both successful and controversial. His works, described as “pulp fiction novel covers” and “railway posters” of the 1950s, encompass scenes of ordinary people doing everyday things. His most famous work, The Singing Butler, now outsells van Gogh’s Sunflowers and Monet’s Water Lilies in Europe and the United Kingdom. In this 2005-2006 senior thesis entitled "Prime Meridian: A Collection of Short Stories," I have attempted to put a narrative to select Vettriano paintings. Based on the belief that every painting tells its own unique story, I worked to discover what this story was for me, and what the images and characters in Vettriano’s paintings incited. A series of six short pieces, set in late 20th century England, describe the realities and defining moments of life. I have attempted to make these as close as possible to actual British life through research, interviews, and my own experiences in London’s East End. This collection begins with "Tube Tension," which tracks a man in his spontaneous engagement plans and through a turbulent London Tube ride. "Brick Lane" focuses not on the woman in Vettriano’s painting, but the scene behind her. It is a story about how we remember the past, and if these memories are enough to sustain us through present. "Street Noise," a story in which a young woman has flashbacks to an event that changes her perception of the media and the world forever. In "The Pier," a son has to convince his mother why he must leave her, his hometown, and everything he knows. "Know Guardrails" follows a woman who has just been diagnosed with a terminal illness. "The Zoo" is a day in the life of a London pub worker. He is forced to the Coroner’s Office when someone who he has seen at a nightclub is found dead. / Thesis (BA) — Boston College, 2006. / Submitted to: Boston College. College of Arts and Sciences. / Discipline: College Honors Program.
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