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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Singing the Lord's song in a strange land : a practical theological investigation into the spiritual experiences of South African expatriates in Africa after 2000 A.D.

Ferguson, Clifford Stanley 08 1900 (has links)
An evaluation of the spiritual experience of South African expatriates living in or migrating to other African countries, as a process of practical theology, established that expatriates do not isolate themselves from their churches in South Africa (SA). SA churches only make provision for traditional missionary outreaches and do not make provision for the SA expatriates, black or white, living in these African metropolitan areas. The subjects studied included SA expatriates, the relationships between SA churches, local African churches and expatriates, the act of migration, repatriation and its challenges together with the spiritual and social impact on individuals, marriages and families. A topical view implicates a direct relationship between fieldworkers, missionaries and chaplains deployment into African countries from SA. Furthermore, from research it is implied that the church in SA remains the spiritual home and resource centre of the migrant. The practical theological call for a realignment of mission praxis is vital and is linked to Christ’s parable of the ninety nine sheep, whilst one is lost (Matthew 18:12-14; Luke 15:4-7). This analogy produces the direct requirement of the Church to reconstruct missions to encompass combined support for their congregants in SA, the ninety nine, and those expatriates living in other African countries, the one. The missions to Africa should no longer be missions that only seek to convert African tribes to Christianity, but rather to serve Africans and others immigrating to countries on the continent. Church resources for SA expatriates would be made available when a visionary change occurs at the planning stages of strategies for African missions. Proposed mission strategies should include cell church, care group and discipleship models geared for missions and the African expatriate terrain. A realistic strategy that harmonises resources within the church to serve those abroad shall ensure positive impact on the spirituality, family and marriage of the expatriate. Finally two challenges are laid before the SA church, one, to continue with missions in Africa according to the Great Commission of Jesus Christ, Matthew 28:19-20, with the second, to combine the expatriate discipleship models into its mission strategies. / Philosophy, Practical and Systematic Theology / D. Th. (Practical Theology)

Co-Abhängigkeit und Resilienz von Frauen mit alkoholabhängigen Angehörigen : ein Beitrag zur Biografieforschung für die Seelsorge / Codependence and resilience of women with alcohol-addicted relatives : a contribution to biographical research for pastoral counselling

Hörauf, Waltraud 01 1900 (has links)
German text / Die Alkoholabhängigkeit ist die am stärksten verbreitete Abhängigkeitserkrankung in Deutschland. Unbekannt ist die Zahl der betroffenen Angehörigen. Nach Erarbeitung not-wendiger theoretischer Grundlagen und Vorstellung aktueller Forschungsergebnisse stan-den narrative Interviews mit Frauen von alkoholabhängigen Partnern im Mittelpunkt der Forschungsarbeit. Durch Datenanalyse und Dateninterpretation mit Methoden der rekon-struktiven Sozialforschung wurde ein tieferes Verständnis für die Lebensgeschichte der beiden ausgewählten Biografinnen gewonnen. Risiko- und Schutzfaktoren konnten diffe-renziert erfasst und resilienzfördernde Maßnahmen für Seelsorge und Beratung abgeleitet werden. Besondere Beachtung fand die Bedeutung des christlichen Glaubens als Resilienz-faktor. Weitere Beobachtungen durch Einbeziehung aller Interviews als Datenmaterial wurden als Hilfen für das Verständnis der Gesamtproblematik ausgewertet. Aus der Dis-kussion der Ergebnisse ergaben sich Handlungsempfehlungen für die christliche Gemeinde und richtungsweisende Impulse für Seelsorge und Beratung. Schlüsselbegriffe: / Alcohol dependence is the most widespread addictive disease in Germany, the number of affected relatives unkown. After acquiring theoretical foundations and current research results, my research focused on narrative interviews with wives of alcohol dependent part-ners. By the use of reconstructive social research methods, data analysis and interpretation a deeper understanding of the life history of the two selected biographers was obtained. After detecting risk and protective factors, resilience promoting factors for pastoral care and counselling could be derived. Special attention was paid to the importance of Christian faith. For an understanding of the overall problem, all interviews were included as data material and evaluated. From the discussion of the results, recommendations for the Chris-tian Church and impulses giving direction for pastoral care and counselling were derived. / Practical Theology / M. Th. (Practical Theology)

Mit dem Hörer ins Gespräch kommen : Situationsbezug der Predigt in der Epoche Johann Michael Sailers im Vergleich zur Gegenwart / Establishing a dialogue with the audience : the situational reference of the sermon in the epoch of Johann Michael Sailer in comparison to the present

Richter, Klaus Max Erich 01 1900 (has links)
Die kirchliche Verkündigung steht heute vor mannigfachen Herausforderungen. Das dynamische Beziehungsgeflecht von Prediger und Hörer, Text und Situation lässt sich nur schwer im Gleichgewicht halten. Prüft man die homiletischen Publikationen der Gegenwart und der jüngeren Vergangenheit, so wird deutlich, dass die Predigt sehr gründlich im Kontext der Hörersituation reflektiert wird. In diesem Zusammenhang ist auf einen möglichen Konflikt aufmerksam zu machen: die auf die Hörersituation bedachte Predigt kann versucht sein, den Anspruch des biblischen Textes zu vernachlässigen. Meine Dissertation will zur Frage der Hörerorientierung der Predigt einen klärenden Beitrag leisten, und zwar mithilfe eines homiletischen Vergleichs, der Epoche Johann Michaels Sailers mit der Gegenwart und jüngeren Vergangenheit. Bei aller kritischen Distanz zur geistesgeschichtlichen Bewegung der Aufklärung dürfen wir nicht übersehen, dass fruchtbare Impulse von ihr ausgegangen sind und zum Beispiel viele Anliegen der „katholischen Aufklärung“ im Zweiten Vatikanischen Konzil (1962-1965) wieder aufgegriffen wurden. Die weithin von anthropologischen Interessen geleiteten homiletischen Bemühungen während der Aufklärungsphase im 18. Jahrhundert stehen in einer erkennbaren Analogie zur gegenwärtigen Situation. In besonderer Weise wird die homiletische Konzeption des Pastoraltheologen und späteren Bischofs von Regensburg Johann Michael Sailer (1751-1832) dargestellt. Sein Entwurf einer christlichen Lebenslehre auf biblischem Fundament ist von bleibender Aktualität. Zum Vergleich, insbesondere im Blick auf die Hörererwartungen Situationsklärung, Solidarität und Zukunft, werden exemplarisch die homiletischen Entwürfe von Ernst Lange, Rudolf Bohren, Wilfried Engemann und Rolf Zerfaß herangezogen. / Preaching in the church today faces manifold challenges. The dynamic web of relationships between preacher and audience, text and situation is difficult to keep in balance. When analysing the homiletic publications of the present and recent past, it becomes apparent that the sermon is very thoroughly reflected with the context of the situation of the audience. In this connection, one has to draw attention to a possible conflict: a sermon designed with regard to the situation of the audience may be tempted to neglect the biblical text and its demands. Therefore, this thesis aims to make a clarifying contribution to the question of the audience orientation of sermons, namely by means of a homiletic comparison of the epoch of Johann Michael Sailer with the present and recent past. In spite of all critical distance to the history of thought of the Enlightenment Movement, we should not overlook the fact that fruitful impulses emanated from this time, and that, for example, many concerns of the “Catholic Enlightenment” were addressed again at the Second Vatican Council (1962-1965). The homiletic efforts of the Enlightenment period in the 18th century, which were widely led by anthropological interests, can be recognized as analogous to the current situation. The homiletic conception of the pastoral theologian and later Bishop of Regensburg, Johann Michael Sailer (1751-1832), will be described in particular. His conception of Christian ethical teaching on a biblical foundation is of timeless relevance. As comparison, the homiletic drafts of Ernst Lange, Rudolf Bohren, Wilfried Engemann and Rolf Zerfaß will be exemplarily analysed, particularly with regard to the expectation of the audience. / Philosophy, Practical and Systematic Theology / D. Th. (Practical Theology)

From sign to symbol : re-integrating communion into the common life of Baptists in South Africa

Simms, Ian Melville 06 1900 (has links)
Christian Spirituality, Church History and Missiology / M. Th. (Practical Theology)

Kerkmusiek vir hedendaagse tieners

Van Tonder, Barend Jacobus 06 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Die eng definiering van kerkmusiek staan tans in die spervuur vanwee: 1. Ingrypende wendinge binne die praktiese teologie in die afgelope paar dekades, wat pleit om 'n hernieude ondersoek binne die handelingsveld van viering (waaronder himnologie); 2. 'n Verskuiwing in wereldbeskouing weg van modernisme na postmodernisme; 3. Die geboorte van 'n totaal nuwe geslag adolessente, bekend as die 'Verlore Generasie' of 'Generasie X' . Kerkmusiek, in die engere sin, soos dit steeds grootliks verstaan word, hou nie genoegsaam met hierdie tendense rekening nie. Vandaar verloor kerkmusiek sy impak en inspraak in die leefwereld van die hedendaagse tiener. Dit veroorsaak gevolglik 'n groterwordende kloof tussen adolessente en die erediens, gemeente en kerk. In hierdie studie word gepoog om genoegsaam op bostaande tendense ag te slaan, sodat 'n breer def iniering van kerkmusiek tot stand mag kom, wat ruimte vir grater verskeidenheid en aktualiteit tot gevolg sal he, en die spanning random kerkmusiek en die tiener kan probeer ontlont. / The narrow defining of church music today experiences a critical assault on account of: 1. Drastic turns within the development of Practical theology in the past few decades, which ask for a renewed investigation within the field of himnology; 2. a Shift in worldview away from modernism to post-modernism; 3. The birth of a total new generation of adolescents, known as the 'Lost Generation' or 'Generation X' . Church music in the narrow sense, as it is still understood to a great extent, does not take these tendencys serious enough. For this reason it's impact and influence in the life of today's teenagers declines. With this study a thorough acknowledgement of these shifts is attempted, which will result in a much broader defining of church music, and in turn will bring forth a scope for more variety and actuality, so that hopefully the growing gap between teenagers and church music can be bridged. / Practical Theology / M.Diac. (Jeugwerk)

Ghetto of woestyntog? : 'n ondersoek na die geloofsbeeld in die kategesemateriaal van die Nederduitse Gereformeerde Kerk

Gerber, J. J. (Jacobus Johannes) 11 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Geloof wat in die kategese as deel van 'n to tale geloofsvormingsproses op die tafel kom, moet holisties-ekosistemies verstaan word met die 'hic et nunc'- relevansie daarvan as 'n kwalifiserende maatstaf. Geloof so gesien, behoort in die kategesemateriaal van die Nederduitse Gereformeerde Kerk na vore te kom. Die grootste deel van die studie is gewy aan die bree teoretisering in holisties-ekosistemiese perspektief. Vanuit 'n wetenskapsteoretiese vertrekpunt is 'n eie prakties-teologiese teorie oor geloof ontwerp wat geloof enersyds sien as die dinamiese interaksie van gawe, inhoud en respons, en andersyds as 'n aantal perspektiewe daarop. Hierdie teorie het as vertrekpunt gedien om sekere van die kontekste waarbinne geloof funksioneer, te beskryf, naamlik die koninkryk van God, die samelewing, die gemeente, die kategese, die adolessent, die jeugsubkultuur en die skool. In hierdie beskrywing is 'n omvattende teorie oor die kategese daargestel wat dit holisties-ekosistemies sien. Deur middel van inhoudsanalise is fasette van die teoriee getoets aan die lesse in die handboeke van die kategete wat met die adolessente in standerd 5 tot 8 werk. Daar is bevind dat die geloofsbeeld wat na vore kom steriel kognitief-vertikaal is. Oor 'n tydperk van meer as twintig jaar is weinig samelewingsrelevante kwessies aangeraak. Die belangwekkende dokumente Ras, Volk en Nasie en Kerk en Samelewing het nie gefunksioneer nie. In terme van die teorie oor geloof fasiliteer die kategesemateriaal nie relevante geloof midde-in die wereld waarin die adolessente moet glo nie. Dit het ook geblyk dat die inhoudsanalise as werkwyse en die meetinstrument wat ontwerp is, bruikbaar was. Die studie formuleer vanuit die teoriee en die empiriese ondersoek 'n aantal perspektiewe van waaruit die kategese en die lesmateriaal daarvan die kritiese hantering van die verhouding kognitief-affektief-konatief en die gerigtheid individueel-vertikaal, horisontaal-ekklesiaal en horisontaal-sosiaal kan hanteer met die oog daarop dat die kerk sigself en die adolessente as deel daarvan, nie in 'n dogmatistiese ghetto in perk nie, maar vorm met die oog op 'n selfstandige en relevante geloofsfunksionering op die geloof stog in die woestyn van die wereld met die oog op die realisering van die Ryk van God. / Faith which is handled in catechesis as part of the total process of the formation of faith should be understood in a holistic-ecosystemic way with its 'hic et nunc' relevance as a qualifying criterion. It should also appear in this form in the material for catechesis in the Nederduitse Gereformeerde Kerk. The greater part of the study focuses on broad theorising from a holistic-ecosystemic perspective. An independent practical-theological theory on faith is developed from a scientific-theoretical basis. This theory sees faith as a dynamic interaction of gift, content and response on the one hand and a number of different perspectives on the other. It serves as the point of departure for describing some of the contexts in which faith functions, namely the kingdom of God, society, the community, catechesis, the adolescent, the youth subculture and the school. In the process a comprehensive theory about catechesis is developed which sees it holistically ecosystemically. Content analysis is used to test aspects of the theories against the lessons in the manuals for catechists working with adolescents in standards 5 to 8. The resultant image of faith is found to be cognitively-vertically sterile. Over a period of more than twenty years few socially relevant issues were touched on. The important documents Ras, Volk en Nasie and Kerk en Samelewing did not function. In terms of the theory of faith this material for catechesis does not facilitate relevant faith in the world in which the adolescent has to have faith. It is also apparent that content analysis as a method and the measuring instrument used were suitable. Using the theories and the empirical investigation the study formulates a number of perspectives from which catechesis and the lesson material can deal with the critical handling of the relationship cognitively-affectively-conatively and the directedness individually-vertically, horizontally-ecclesially and horizontally-socially so that the church does not imprison itself and its adolescent members in a dogmatistic ghetto, but shapes them so that their faith can function independently and relevantly on the way of faith through the desert of the world with a view to realise the kingdom of God. / Philosophy, Practical & Systematic Theology / Th. D. (Praktiese Teologie)

Die rol van 'n pastorale berader in 'n gemeentediensjaarspan

Biggs, Johanna Wilhelmina Margareta 11 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Hierdie navorsing handel oor die pastorale begeleiding van 'n gemeentediensjaarspan deur 'n pastorale berader. Die studie is kwalitatief van aard en vind plaas binne die diskoers van praktiese teologie. Die pastoraal-narratiewe metodologie wat aangewend is in die begeleidingsproses, en die narratiewe mikrokaarte van onderskeidelik not-knowing, deursigtigheid, ekstemalisering, dekonstruksie, her-skrywe, rituele, die vermyding van 'n taal van tekortkoming, briewe, re-membering, metafore, die skep van 'n gehoor, vraagstelling en reflektering word bespreek. De Jongh van Arkel se onderskeidings vir die pastoraat word indringend bespreek. Besondere aandag word geskenk aan die vierde onderskeiding wat hy byvoeg, naamlik pastorale terapie. Die navorsing is gerig op almal wat betrokke is by die opleiding en begeleiding van diensjaarspanne, asook op gemeentes wat diensjaarspanne huisves. Voorstelle vir die toekomstige opleiding en begeleiding van diensjaarspanne word gemaak. / This research deals with the pastoral accompaniment (by a pastoral counsellor) of a congregational team that does a service year for Christ. The study is of a qualitative nature and takes place within the discourse of practical theology. The pastoral-narrative methodology that is used in the counselling process, and the narrative micro maps of notknowing, transparency, externalisation, deconstruction, re-authoring, rituals, the avoidance of a language of shortcoming, letters, re-membering, metaphors, the creation of an audience, questioning and reflection, are discussed. De Jongh van Arkel's distinctions for the pastorate are discussed in detail. Special attention is paid to the fourth distinction that he makes, namely pastoral therapy. The research is directed towards everyone who is involved in the training and accompaniment of teams that do a service year for Christ, as well as congregations who host teams that do a year of service. Suggestions for future training and accompaniment of such teams are made. / Theology / M. Th.

The pastoral role of the sacrament of confession : a life narrative study in the Masvingo Diocese in Zimbabwe

Nyandoro, Rudolf 11 1900 (has links)
The laxity and continuous apathy among some members of the Catholic Church of the Masvingo Diocese in Zimbabwe towards the Sacrament of Confession prompted this study. The claim of Zvaiwa (2009) that confession is disappearing while psychology is being used more, as reflected in the title of his article ―Confession out, psychology in‖, motivated this research. The objective of the study was therefore, to explore the practical therapeutic value of the Sacrament of Confession among members of the Catholic Church in Masvingo Diocese in Zimbabwe. A theoretical and qualitative life narrative study was done from within a practical pastoral therapeutic perspective of practical theology. The sample of the empirical study consisted of 30 priests and laypeople in the five deaneries. A lifeline and semistructured interview instrument was used. A key finding of the study was that the Sacrament of Confession was not threatened by psychological counselling or psychotherapy. Another significant finding was that the Catholic Diocese of Masvingo was experiencing a devaluation of the church‘s pastoral confessional practice among its priests and laypeople. The study confirmed that the Sacrament of Confession has therapeutic value and spiritual meaning in the Church. The Sacrament of Confession and psychological counselling or psychotherapy were found to collaborate as therapeutic disciplines in pastoral therapy. A new model of therapeutic counselling that embraces spiritual direction through psychological counselling and reconciliation is proposed. It is rooted in cultural value; spirituality; private confession followed by prayer and absolution; and change in existential life, to enhance the pastoral role of the Sacrament of Confession in the Diocese of Masvingo, Zimbabwe. This model has interdisciplinary elements borrowed from medical, pastoral, psychological and social research fields. If adopted in the Diocese it would decrease the spiritual indifference amongst the parishioners and prevent them from defecting to other denominations. / Practical Theology / D. Th. (Practical Theology with specialisation in Pastoral Therapy)

Demenz und Bibel : seelsorge im altenheim / Dementia and Bible : counselling residents in retirement homes

Zeller, Ulrich 06 1900 (has links)
Text in German / The society in developed countries is ever aging. Consequently, the proportion of the population living in retirement homes increases steadily. A central focus of pastoral counselling in retirement homes is the proclamation of the Gospel. However, many of their residents are affected by dementia. As the course of their disease progresses, their mental capacity decreases. This creates special tension for the counselling of residents of retirement homes. It moves in the tension field between counselling as proclamation of the word (Thurneysen) and focusing on dialogue as propagated by the pastoral care movement. Thus, the question arises of how the biblical message can be proclaimed to the affected people. This present research paper points out various approaches of dealing with people affected by dementia. Among these are activating approaches, such as occupational therapy, drawing or music therapy, reality orientation training, “warme zorg” (warm care) and security therapy. All of these approaches are related to the surroundings. Furthermore, approaches will be examined which influence the interaction with affected people: such as validation, person-centered care according to Tom Kitwood (2008), psychotherapy and maieutic listening. Finally, therapies will be considered which relate to the person and biography of people with dementia – such as reminiscence therapy, memory training and biography work. Moreover, the paper specifically investigates which particular features apply to small bible study groups in retirement homes. Eventually, it displays how affected people can be reached by hearing, seeing, smelling, tasting and sensing. In order to be able to stimulate the sense of hearing, one can include, for example, poems or sounds. The sense of vision is stimulated by pictures or symbols. Various flavors or foods appeal to the sense of smell. Skins and other objects activate the sense of touch. The findings gained from literature will be compared to praxis. For this purpose, various episodes will be documented using the empirical method of participating observation. All observations have been carried out in the Emil-Sräga Haus in Singen (Germany) where the author of this paper works as male nurse and counselor. / Practical theology / M.Th. (Practical theology)

Die man wie se vrou 'n mastektomie gehad het : 'n pastorale beradingsmodel

Barnard, Hendrik Johannes Jacobus 03 April 2014 (has links)
Summaries in Afrikaans and English / ‘n Praktiese teologiese probleem is in die bediening geïndentifiseer: die man wie se vrou ‘n mastektomie gehad het, word nie pastoraal ondersteun nie. Hierdie probleem is deur middel van kwalitatiewe navorsing ondersoek. Met die kennis uit die navorsing en die literatuurstudie is daaraan die navorsingsdoelstelling beantwoord. Hierdeur is die praktiese teologie op ‘n unieke wyse verryk, deur ‘n wetenskaplike bydrae om die pastorale berader beter te bekwaam. Borskanker is ‘n lewensbedreigde siekte waarop geen man voorberei is nie. Met die verlies van ‘n kosbare liggaamsdeel van die vrou en haar behoefte aan ondersteuning van haar man, begin hy om sy ware-man wees (identiteit) te bevraagteken. Die verlies het ook trauma by die man tot gevolg. As die man deur sy emosies oorweldig word en hy nie oor die vermoë beskik om dit te verwerk nie, kan hy in wanhoop verval. Die man lewe in die postmoderne era. Die uitdagings en onsekerhede van hierdie era het ‘n bydrae tot die ontwikkeling van die “Post-foundational” praktiese teologiese benadering gelewer. Daarom het die navorser besluit om hierdie benadering in die studie te volg. Hierdeur is ‘n gesprek tussen die praktiese teologie, mediese- en geesteswetenskappe vanuit ‘n transversale perspektief moontlik, om die invloed van die mastektomie op die man te bepaal. Duidelike behoeftes en vrae kom navore wat vereis dat die berader homself sal onderskei in kennis van die onderskeie pastorale benaderings en tegnieke, toepaslike mediese, Bybel- en geestes wetenskappe. Die omstandighede waarin die man hom bevind het die bevraagtekening van sy spiritualiteit tot gevolg. Sy spiritualiteit kan vir hom van groot waarde wees. Die doel van die beradingsmodel is om die man te fasiliteer om sy ware identiteit in Christus te ontdek. Deur die genade van die Here word geloofsvolwassenheid in die man ‘n waarheid. Daardeur vind transendering ten opsigte van ‘n “bevraagde identiteit” na ‘n “identiteit van betekenis en hoop” plaas. Deur die werking van die Heilige Gees word die man op die vervulling van God se heilsbeloftes vir die nood waarin verkeer verseker. Die doel van hierdie beradingsmodel vir die praktiese teologie, is ‘n geloofsvolwasse man met ‘n nuwe toekomsverhaal. / A practical theological problem was identified in the ministry: a husband whose wife undergoes a mastectomy does not receive pastoral care. This problem was investigated through a qualitative research study. The research objective was answered by doing research and a literature study. This scientific research enriches the practical theology in an unique way so that the pastoral counsellor is supported and can be more competent. Breast cancer is a life-threatening disease that no husband is prepared for. The wife loses an intimate part of her body and needs to be supported by her husband. He starts to question his own manhood (identity). This loss is also a traumatic experiences for him. He is overwhelmed by his emotions and can fall into despair if he does not have the ability to process the problem. We live in the post-modern era. This has lead to the development of the Post-foundational practical theological approach. The researcher therefore decided to follow this approach in his study. This help to determine the influence of the disruption and uncertainties in the life of the man through a discourse between the practical theology, medical- and human science from a transversal perspective. Evident questions were raised for which the counsellor needs to distinguish himself with knowledge about the various pastoral approaches and techniques, appropriate knowledge of the Bible, medical- and human science. The circumstances in which the man finds himself raise questions about the meaning of his spirituality. Spirituality can be of great help for the husband. The aim of this counseling model is to facilitate the husband through the narrative approach to find the meaning of his true identity in Christ. Through the grace of God the husband becomes spiritually mature. The dependence on God through a process of transcendence changes the ‘question identity’ to an ‘identity of value and hope’. Through the work of Holy Spirit the husband is reassured of the fulfillment of the promises of salvation by God. The aim of this counseling model for the practical theology is a spiritually matured husband with a new future story. / Practical Theology / D. Th. (Practical Theology)

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