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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Best practice guidelines to monitor and prevent hearing loss related to drug resistant tuberculosis treatment

Haumba, Samson Malwa 06 1900 (has links)
The purpose of the study was to develop best practice guidelines to prevent permanent hearing loss associated with the management of multi-drug resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB) through raised awareness and monitoring. The Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) and MDR-TB are global public health problems requiring urgent scale-up of treatment services. Irreversible sensorineural hearing loss (SNHL) is one of the adverse drug reactions of the current World Health Organization (WHO) recommended MDR-TB chemotherapy fuelling another public health problem, that disabling hearing loss, which is the second highest contributor of Years Lived with Disability (YLD) according to the World Health Report (2003). Expansion of MDR-TB treatment threatens to increase incidence of SNHL unless there is urgent implementation of intervention towards preservation of hearing for patients on treatment. This empirical study determined and documented the incidence of SNHL in HIV positive and HIV negative patients on MDR-TB treatment, the risk factors for SNHL, from the time treatment initiation to SNHL. Based on the findings, developed and improved the understanding of best practice guidelines for monitoring and prevention of MDR-TB treatment-related SNHL. The empirical study recruited a cohort of 173 patients with normal hearing status, after diagnosis with MDR-TB and enrolled on MDR-TB therapy over thirteen month period. Patients in the cohort received monthly hearing sensitivity testing during the intensive MDR-TB therapy when injectable aminoglycoside antibiotics are part of the treatment regimen. The three study endpoints included completion of the eight-month intensive treatment phase without developing hearing loss, development incident hearing loss or loss to follow up. Data was analysed using STATA statistical software and summarised using frequencies, means, proportions, and rates. The study documented incidence of SNHL, time to hearing loss and risk factors for hearing loss. Recommendations to prevent and monitor hearing loss are made based on the the study findings. / Health Studies / D. Litt. et Phil. (Health Studies)

Strengthening lifestyle interventions in primary health care : the challenge of change and implementation of guidelines in clinical practice / Stärka arbetet med levnadsvanor i primärvården : utmaningen att förändra och att introducera riktlinjer i klinisk praxis

Kardakis, Therese January 2017 (has links)
Background: Lifestyle habits like tobacco use, hazardous use of alcohol, unhealthy eating habits and insufficient physical activity are risk factors for developing non-communicable diseases, which are the leading, global causes of death. Furthermore, ill health and chronic diseases are costly and put an increased burden on societies and health systems.  In order to address this situation, governmental bodies and organizations’ have encouraged healthcare providers to reorient the focus of healthcare and undertake effective interventions that support patients to engage in healthy lifestyle habits. In Sweden, national clinical practice guidelines (CPGs) on lifestyle interventions were released in 2011. However, the challenges of changing clinical practice and introducing guidelines are well documented, and health interventions face particular difficulties. The overall purpose of this thesis is to contribute towards a better understanding of the complexities of shifting primary health care to become more health oriented, and to explore the implementation environment and its effect on lifestyle intervention CPGs. The specific aims are to investigate how implementation challenges were addressed during the guideline development process (Study I), to investigate several dimensions of readiness for implementing lifestyle intervention guidelines, including aspects of the intervention and the intervention context (Study II), to explore the extent to which health care professionals are working with lifestyle interventions in primary health care, and to describe and develop a baseline measure of professional knowledge, attitudes and perceived organizational support for lifestyle interventions (Study III), and to assess the progress of implementing lifestyle interventions in primary care settings, as  well as investigate the uptake and usage of the CPGs in clinical practice (Study IV).   Methods and results: Interviews were conducted with national guideline-developers (n=7). They were aware of numerous implementation challenges, and applied strategies and ways to address them during the guideline development process. The strategies adhered to four themes: (a) broad agreements and consensus about scope and purpose, (b) systematic and active involvement of stakeholders, (c) formalized and structured development procedures, and (d) openness and transparent development procedures. At the same time, the CPGs for lifestyle interventions challenged the development-model at the National Board of Health and Welfare (NBHW) because of their preventive and non-disease specific focus (I). A multiple case study was also conducted, using a mixed methods approach to gather data from key organizational individuals that were accountable for planning the implementation of CPGs (n=10), as well as health professionals and managers (n=340). Analysis of this data revealed that conditions for change were favorable in the two organizations that served as case studies, especially concerning change focus (health orientation) and the specific intervention (national guidelines on lifestyle interventions). Somewhat limited support was found for change and learning, and change format (national guidelines in general). Furthermore, factors in the outer context were found to influence the priority and timing of the intervention, as well as considerable inconsistencies across the professional groups (II). A cross-sectional study among physicians and nurses (n=315) in Swedish primary healthcare showed that healthcare professionals have a largely positive attitude and thorough overall knowledge of lifestyle intervention methods. However, both the level of knowledge and the involvement in patients’ lifestyle change, differed between professional groups. Organizational support like CPGs and the development of primary health care (PHC) collaborations with other stakeholders were identified as potential strategies for enhancing the implementation of lifestyle interventions in PHC (III). In addition to interviews and case studies, a longitudinal survey among health professionals (n=150; n=73) demonstrated that their use of methods to encourage patients to reduce or eliminate tobacco or alcohol use, had increased. The survey also indicated that nurses had increased the extent to which they addressed all four lifestyle habits. The progress of the implementation of CPGs on lifestyle interventions in PHC was somewhat limited, and important differences in physicians and nurses’ attitudes, as well as their use of the guidelines, were found (IV). Conclusions: Health orientation differs in many ways from more traditional fields in medicine. To strengthen the implementation of this very important (but not “urgent”) field in health care, it needs, first of all, to be prioritized at all levels! The results of the studies demonstrate relatively slow adoption of lifestyle intervention CPGs in clinical practice, and indicate room for improvement. The findings of this thesis can inform healthcare policy and research on further development of the health orientation perspective, as well as on the challenges of implementing CPGs on lifestyle interventions in primary care. In summary, this thesis presents important lessons learned regarding health orientation - from the development of CPGs in the field, via assessing healthcare organizations’ readiness to change and health professionals’ attitudes to methods to support patients with lifestyle changes. / Bakgrund: Levnadsvanor som tobaksbruk, riskbruk av alkohol, ohälsosamma matvanor och otillräcklig fysisk aktivitet är riskfaktorer för att utveckla kroniska sjukdomar, vilka orsakar de flesta dödsfallen i världen. Ohälsa och dess följdsjukdomar utmanar också samhällen och hälsosystem världen över p.g.a. de höga kostnader som de medför. För att förbättra situationen så försöker regeringar och organisationer förändra hälso- och sjukvårdens perspektiv till att fokusera mer på hälsa och att arbeta med effektiva interventioner för att förebygga och att förändra människors ohälsosamma vanor. År 2011 i Sverige, publicerades nationella kliniska riktlinjer för vårdens arbete med att förebygga sjukdom genom att stödja förändring av patienters ohälsosamma levnadsvanor. Det är dock välkänt hur svårt det är att förändra klinisk praxis och att introducera riktlinjer, och interventioner på området hälsa i sjukvården brottas med specifika utmaningar. Det övergripande syftet med den här avhandlingen har varit att bidra till en bättre förståelse av komplexiteten i att hälsoorientera primärvården, och att utforska förutsättningarna till att implementera kliniska riktlinjer för att stödja förändring av patienters levnadsvanor. De mer specifika syftena var: att (I) utforska hur implementeringsutmaningarna behandlades i utvecklingsprocessen av riktlinjerna ; att (II) undersöka dimensioner av beredskapen för förändring i primärvården för att implementera riktlinjerna om levnadsvanor inkluderande aspekter av interventionen själv samt kontexten ; att (III) utforska i vilken utsträckning hälsoprofessionerna arbetar med levnadsvanor i primärvården, och att beskriva deras kunskap, attityder och uppfattat organisatoriskt stöd för livsstilsinterventioner ; att (IV) i en två-årig uppföljning utvärdera utvecklingen av arbetet med levnadsvanor i primärvården, och användningen av de specifika nationella riktlinjerna för levnadsvanor. Metod och resultat: En intervjustudie med riktlinjeutvecklare på nationell nivå (n = 7) visade att många utmaningar för implementeringen av riktlinjerna identifierades och bemöttes under utvecklingsprocessen i fyra teman av strategier: breda överenskommelser och konsensus om inriktning och syfte, systematiskt och aktivt inkluderande av stakeholders, formaliserad och strukturerad utvecklingsprocess, öppenhet och insyn utvecklingsprocess. Samtidigt utmanade dock riktlinjerna om livsstilsinterventioner Socialstyrelsens utvecklingmodell p.g.a. deras förebyggande och icke sjukdomsspecifika fokus (I). En multipel fallstudie med nyckelpersoner ansvariga för implementeringen av riktlinjerna i sjukvårdsorganisationerna (n = 10) samt vårdpersonal och chefer (n = 340), visade på gynnsamma villkor för förändring i båda organisationerna rörande förändringsfokus (d.v.s. hälsoorientering) och den specifika interventionen (d.v.s. riktlinjer om metoder för att stödja förändring av ohälsosamma levnadsvanor). Stödet för förändring och lärande visade på något svagare resultat, likaså formen för förändringen d.v.s. nationella riktlinjer i allmänhet. Faktorer i den yttre kontexten visade sig kunna påverka prioritering av och optimalt val av tidpunkt för interventionen, likaså betydande skillnader i uppfattningar mellan yrkesgrupperna (II). En tvärsnittsstudie bland läkare och sjuksköterskor (n = 315) i primärvården visade att de har en positiv attityd och en god kunskapsnivå om metoder för livsstilsförändring. Både kunskapsnivå och i vilken utsträckning man arbetar med patienters livsstil skiljer sig mellan yrkesgrupper. Organisatoriskt stöd som nationella riktlinjer och utvecklandet av primärvårdens samarbete med intressenter i närområdet identifierades som viktigt för att förbättra arbetet med livsstil interventioner (III). En longitudinell undersökning bland vårdpersonal visade att användning av metoder för att förändra patientens vanor beträffande tobaksbruk och riskbruk av alkohol har ökat över tid, och att sjuksköterskorna arbetar i högre utsträckning med alla fyra levnadsvanorna än i tidigare. Implementeringen av de nationella riktlinjerna för levnadsvanor hade inte kommit så långt vid det andra mättillfället, och stora skillnader visade sig i hur läkare och sköterskor ser på riktlinjer och i vilken utsträckning de använder dem (IV). Slutsats: Hälsofrämjande och prevention skiljer sig på många sätt från mer traditionella fält inom medicinen. För att stärka implementeringen av det här viktiga (men ej akuta) fältet i hälso- och sjukvården, så måste det först av allt prioriteras på alla nivåer! Resultatet visar på ett svagt upptag av riktlinjerna för livsstilsinterventioner i klinisk praxis, och lämnar utrymme till förbättring. Aspekter av resultatet som presenteras i avhandlingen kan vägleda fortsatt utveckling och implementering av hälsoorientering och riktlinjer för livsstilsinterventioner inom primärvården, samt användas för att påverka policy, praxis och framtida forskning. Det gäller framför allt aspekter av utveckling av nationella riktlinjer på området; hälso- och sjukvårdsorganisationernas beredskap till förändring; hälsoprofessionernas attityder, kunskap och i vilken utsträckning de arbetar med livsstilsinterventioner och riktlinjer.

Practitioners' Use of Clinical Practice Guidelines: An Evidence-Based Approach

Santana, Sondra Michelle Phipps 01 January 2013 (has links)
Pre-diabetes is a serious health problem in the United States. Distinguished by plasma glucose levels that are above the normal threshold, patients with pre-diabetes are 10 times more likely to develop type 2 diabetes. Patients with pre-diabetes suffer the same complications as patients with diabetes including diabetic retinopathy, nephropathy, and microalbuminuria. There is considerable evidence to support the idea that early identification and aggressive treatment of pre-diabetes has the potential to delay disease progression. The American Diabetes Association’s clinical practice guideline recommends management of with lifestyle modification and metformin for patients who are at risk for developing type 2 diabetes. The purpose of this project was to evaluate the implementation of the 2012 ADA clinical practice guidelines regarding the management of patients with pre-diabetes by the health care providers at a volunteer-run clinic located in a large metropolitan area in the southeastern United States. This study, even with a small sample size (n=26) revealed that the providers at the clinic had not implemented the 2012 ADA clinical practice guidelines. Clinical practice guidelines promote health care interventions that have proven benefits and improve the consistency of care provided to patients. The greatest benefits of implementing clinical practice guidelines for patients with pre-diabetes are early diagnosis and aggressive disease management. This would improve patient outcomes and in the long run, decrease the cost of medical care.

Prescribing cotrimoxazole prophylactic therapy (CPT) before and after an electronic medical record system implementation in two selected hospitals in Malawi

Gadabu, Oliver Jintha 11 1900 (has links)
Opportunistic infections (OIs) have been identified as a leading cause of poor outcomes in the ARV therapy (ART) programme. In order to reduce OIs, the Malawi, MoH introduced routine prescription of cotrimoxazole preventive therapy (CPT) in 2005. The MoH also started scaling up a point-of-care electronic medical record (EMR) system in 2007 to improve monitoring and evaluation. This study had the following objectives: i) to quantify prescription of CPT before and after implementing EMR; ii) to compare the difference in CPT prescription before and after implementing EMR. A historically controlled study design was used to compare CPT prescriptions one year before, and one year after implementation of the EMR at two health facilities. The data indicated that there was a significant (P <0.001) decrease in CPT prescribing at one health facility and a significant increase in CPT prescription at another. / Health Studies / M.A. (Public Health)

Patient and other factors influencing the prescribing of cardiovascular prevention therapy in the general practice setting with and without nurse assessment

Mohammed, Mohammed A., El Sayed, C., Marshall, T. January 2012 (has links)
Although guidelines indicate when patients are eligible for antihypertensives and statins, little is known about whether general practitioners (GPs) follow this guidance. To determine the factors influencing GPs decisions to prescribe cardiovascular prevention drugs. DESIGN OF STUDY: Secondary analysis of data collected on patients whose cardiovascular risk factors were measured as part of a controlled study comparing nurse-led risk assessment (four practices) with GP-led risk assessment (two practices). SETTING: Six general practices in the West Midlands, England. PATIENTS: Five hundred patients: 297 assessed by the project nurse, 203 assessed by their GP. MEASUREMENTS: Cardiovascular risk factor data and whether statins or antihypertensives were prescribed. Multivariable logistic regression models investigated the relationship between prescription of preventive treatments and cardiovascular risk factors. RESULTS: Among patients assessed by their GP, statin prescribing was significantly associated only with a total cholesterol concentration >/= 7 mmol/L and antihypertensive prescribing only with blood pressure >/= 160/100 mm Hg. Patients prescribed an antihypertensive by their GP were five times more likely to be prescribed a statin. Among patients assessed by the project nurse, statin prescribing was significantly associated with age, sex, and all major cardiovascular risk factors. Antihypertensive prescribing was associated with blood pressures >/= 140/90 mm Hg and with 10-year cardiovascular risk. LIMITATIONS: Generalizability is limited, as this is a small analysis in the context of a specific cardiovascular prevention program. CONCLUSIONS: GP prescribing of preventive treatments appears to be largely determined by elevation of a single risk factor. When patients were assessed by the project nurse, prescribing was much more consistent with established guidelines.

The experiences, challenges and coping resources of working wives and stay-at-home husbands : a social work perspective

Mitchell, Chanaz Anzolette 02 1900 (has links)
Text in English / The transition from traditional to non-traditional marital roles was brought about by changes in the political, social and economic spheres. Within this transition, a new family arrangement has emerged in which traditional marital roles of breadwinning husband and care-giving, nurturer-wife are replaced by a breadwinning wife and a care-giving, nurturer-husband, the so-called stay-at-home husband. Various factors contributed and necessitated this change in marital roles, such as, but not limited to, the feminist movement, the economic recession, changes in legislation, retrenchments and so forth. However, making this transition is not easy. These couples, fulfilling non-traditional marital roles, are faced with stigmatisation and negative attitudes that make them want to conceal their marital roles from family, friends, the community and society as a whole. This state of affairs results in a situation where these couples stay in the closet and as consequence the topic is ill-researched and ripe for further investigation. Using a qualitative, phenomenological approach, this study explored and described the challenges, experiences and coping resources of couples fulfilling non-traditional marital roles in order to propose practice guidelines to support these couples from a social work perspective. A total of ten couples participated in the study. Independently, the working wives and stay-at-home husbands provided separate accounts of realities related to fulfilling the non-traditional marital roles within their respective marital relationships. Themes that emerged from the in-depth description of their experiences reflected the benefits accrued, the challenges experienced, their needs and coping resources. From the information provided suggestions were derived for social workers to assist couples in a similar working wife and stay-at-home husband marriage set-up to deal with situations encountered. In consulting extant literature, research on this phenomenon appeared to be totally neglected both internationally and nationally. Hence this study sought to address this lacuna by specifically investigating the situation in South Africa. It also appeared that existing research tended to focus on either the stay-at-home mother or the dual career family. Research on the experiences of stay-at-home husbands was thus severely lacking as were ways in which such couples in these roles could be supported. Therefore, making use of the ecological and role theory perspectives, attention is given to exposing their experiences, challenges and coping resources with a view to developing practice guidelines for helping social work practitioners to adequately support these couples practising non-traditional marital roles. / Social Work / Ph. D. (Social Work)

The experiences, challenges and coping resources of working wives and stay-at-home husbands : a social work perspective

Mitchell, Chanaz Anzolette 02 1900 (has links)
The transition from traditional to non-traditional marital roles was brought about by changes in the political, social and economic spheres. Within this transition, a new family arrangement has emerged in which traditional marital roles of breadwinning husband and care-giving, nurturer-wife are replaced by a breadwinning wife and a care-giving, nurturer-husband, the so-called stay-at-home husband. Various factors contributed and necessitated this change in marital roles, such as, but not limited to, the feminist movement, the economic recession, changes in legislation, retrenchments and so forth. However, making this transition is not easy. These couples, fulfilling non-traditional marital roles, are faced with stigmatisation and negative attitudes that make them want to conceal their marital roles from family, friends, the community and society as a whole. This state of affairs results in a situation where these couples stay in the closet and as consequence the topic is ill-researched and ripe for further investigation. Using a qualitative, phenomenological approach, this study explored and described the challenges, experiences and coping resources of couples fulfilling non-traditional marital roles in order to propose practice guidelines to support these couples from a social work perspective. A total of ten couples participated in the study. Independently, the working wives and stay-at-home husbands provided separate accounts of realities related to fulfilling the non-traditional marital roles within their respective marital relationships. Themes that emerged from the in-depth description of their experiences reflected the benefits accrued, the challenges experienced, their needs and coping resources. From the information provided suggestions were derived for social workers to assist couples in a similar working wife and stay-at-home husband marriage set-up to deal with situations encountered. In consulting extant literature, research on this phenomenon appeared to be totally neglected both internationally and nationally. Hence this study sought to address this lacuna by specifically investigating the situation in South Africa. It also appeared that existing research tended to focus on either the stay-at-home mother or the dual career family. Research on the experiences of stay-at-home husbands was thus severely lacking as were ways in which such couples in these roles could be supported. Therefore, making use of the ecological and role theory perspectives, attention is given to exposing their experiences, challenges and coping resources with a view to developing practice guidelines for helping social work practitioners to adequately support these couples practising non-traditional marital roles. / Social Work / Ph. D. (Social Work)

Inter-professional Clinical Practice Guideline for Vocational Evaluation following Traumatic Brain Injury

Stergiou-Kita, Mary Melpomeni 11 January 2012 (has links)
Due to physical, cognitive and emotional impairments, many individuals are unemployed or under-employed following a traumatic brain injury. The research evidence links the rigour of a vocational evaluation to future employment outcomes. Despite this link, no specific guidelines exist for vocational evaluations. Using the research evidence and a diverse panel of clinical and academic experts, the primary objective of this doctoral research was to develop an inter-professional clinical practice guideline for vocational evaluation following traumatic brain injury. The objective of the guideline is to make explicit the processes and factors relevant to vocational evaluation, to assist evaluators (i.e. clients, health and vocational professionals, and employers) in collaboratively determining clients’ work abilities and developing recommendations for work entry, re-entry or vocational planning. The steps outlined in the Canadian Medical Association's Handbook on Clinical Practice Guidelines were utilized to develop the guideline and include the following: 1) identifying the guideline’s objective/questions; 2) performing a systematic literature review; 3) gathering a panel; 4) developing recommendations; 4) guideline writing; 5) pilot testing. The resulting guideline includes 17 key recommendations within the following seven domains: 1) evaluation purpose and rationale; 2) initial intake process; 3) assessment of the personal domain; 4) assessment of the environment; 5) assessment of occupational/job requirements; 6) analysis and synthesis of assessment results; and 7) development of evaluation recommendations. Results from an exploratory study of the guideline’s implementation by occupational therapists in their daily practices revealed that clinicians used the guideline to identify practice gaps, systematize their evaluation processes, enhance inter-professional and inter-stakeholder communication, and re-conceptualize their vocational evaluations across disability groups. Statistically significant improvements were also noted in clients’ participation scores on the Mayo-Portland Adaptability Inventory–4 following guideline use. This guideline may be applicable to individuals with TBI, clinicians, health and vocational professionals, employers, professional organizations, administrators, policy makers and insurers.

Inter-professional Clinical Practice Guideline for Vocational Evaluation following Traumatic Brain Injury

Stergiou-Kita, Mary Melpomeni 11 January 2012 (has links)
Due to physical, cognitive and emotional impairments, many individuals are unemployed or under-employed following a traumatic brain injury. The research evidence links the rigour of a vocational evaluation to future employment outcomes. Despite this link, no specific guidelines exist for vocational evaluations. Using the research evidence and a diverse panel of clinical and academic experts, the primary objective of this doctoral research was to develop an inter-professional clinical practice guideline for vocational evaluation following traumatic brain injury. The objective of the guideline is to make explicit the processes and factors relevant to vocational evaluation, to assist evaluators (i.e. clients, health and vocational professionals, and employers) in collaboratively determining clients’ work abilities and developing recommendations for work entry, re-entry or vocational planning. The steps outlined in the Canadian Medical Association's Handbook on Clinical Practice Guidelines were utilized to develop the guideline and include the following: 1) identifying the guideline’s objective/questions; 2) performing a systematic literature review; 3) gathering a panel; 4) developing recommendations; 4) guideline writing; 5) pilot testing. The resulting guideline includes 17 key recommendations within the following seven domains: 1) evaluation purpose and rationale; 2) initial intake process; 3) assessment of the personal domain; 4) assessment of the environment; 5) assessment of occupational/job requirements; 6) analysis and synthesis of assessment results; and 7) development of evaluation recommendations. Results from an exploratory study of the guideline’s implementation by occupational therapists in their daily practices revealed that clinicians used the guideline to identify practice gaps, systematize their evaluation processes, enhance inter-professional and inter-stakeholder communication, and re-conceptualize their vocational evaluations across disability groups. Statistically significant improvements were also noted in clients’ participation scores on the Mayo-Portland Adaptability Inventory–4 following guideline use. This guideline may be applicable to individuals with TBI, clinicians, health and vocational professionals, employers, professional organizations, administrators, policy makers and insurers.

Tertiary students' experiences and needs related to unplanned pregnancies and the termination of pregnancy : practice guidelines for psychosocial support

Conradie, Lynette 01 1900 (has links)
The prevalence of and increase in unplanned pregnancies (UPs) and the termination of pregnancy (TOP) amongst tertiary students (TSs) have been found to have a detrimental impact on students, their significant others, and tertiary institutions. UPs amongst TSs have been mentioned as one of the factors contributing to the problem of high dropout rates, which calls for an investigation of this phenomenon and strategies to address it. Despite the need for support to TSs who find themselves in the predicament of an UP and/or TOP, a lacuna has been found with specific reference to practice guidelines from the ambit of social work to assist service providers (SPs) in the provision of psychosocial support services to the said students. To explore and describe the experiences, support, and support needs of TSs presenting with UPs and/or TOPs from the perspectives of these students and the SPs rendering services to them, as well as to gather suggestions from them to inform practice guidelines for psychosocial support, the qualitative research approach, designs, and methods of data collection were used to collect data from six TS- and 23 SP-participants that were purposively recruited. Presenting the findings against the backdrop of Schlossberg’s Transition Process Model (Schlossberg, 2011 & 1981), adopted as theoretical framework for the study, the following emerged: Experiencing an UP and/or TOP is a traumatic crisis event for TSs, which rings in a transition resulting in imminent and fundamental changes in their academic and social life, relationships, outlook on life, and self-image, as well as a smorgasbord of feelings and emotional reactions such as shock, denial, guilt, shame, loneliness, depression and anger following this event. The UP-crisis is arrested by deciding how to manage it (either through parenting, foster care, adoption, or TOP). This decision-making process is perceived as difficult with the formal and/or informal convoy of support, or lack thereof, having a decisive influence on the outcome of how the UP is managed. Apart from TS-participants’ appraisal of the support that they received in dealing with this life event, they articulated several support needs and suggestions for themselves and other TSs alike. The SPparticipants also offered several suggestions on how psychosocial support to a TS confronted with this phenomenon should be provided. The suggestions from both participant groups informed the practice guidelines to assist SPs in providing psychosocial support to TSs presenting with an UP and/or TOP. These guidelines focus specifically on how to establish a helping relationship with a TS presenting with the concern of an UP and/or a TOP, and how to assess and intervene in the situation, the self, the support, and the (coping) strategies surrounding the TS’s UP and/or TOP. In addition, recommendations for university policies on student pregnancies, social work practice, and further research were made. / Social Work / D. Phil. (Social Work)

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