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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Complementaridade onda-partícula e emaranhamento quântico na formação de professores de física segundo a perspectiva sociocultural

Netto, Jader da Silva January 2015 (has links)
Esta pesquisa foi realizada em um Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia e dedicou-se ao estudo de alguns conceitos de Física Quântica na formação de professores de Física, sob a perspectiva do referencial sociocultural, tendo o foco dirigido à complementaridade de segundo tipo, uma das teses da interpretação de Copenhagen, e ao emaranhamento quântico. O marco teóricometodológico adotado foi a teoria da mediação de Vygotsky e a filosofia translinguística de Bakhtin. Foram realizados três estudos qualitativos com o objetivo de investigar quais são os significados socialmente construídos sobre conceitos de Física Quântica por professores de Física em formação, sendo um estudo piloto e duas intervenções didáticas junto a uma disciplina de Física Moderna e Contemporânea em nível de graduação. As atividades de ensino foram conduzidas a partir de exposições teóricas e simulação computacional com o Interferômetro Virtual de Mach-Zehnder, orientada por roteiros exploratórios. A partir do estudo dos fenômenos da interferência e emaranhamento quânticos nesse dispositivo semiótico, buscou-se compreender em que medida as ações mediadas pelo uso do software como recurso didático atuaram no sentido de promover entre os professores uma construção conceitual colaborativa sobre esses conceitos da Física Quântica. A análise do discurso, fundamentada em conceitos bakhtinianos, possibilitou uma melhor compreensão sobre o processo de construção de conceitos culturalmente válidos acerca da interferência quântica, da complementaridade e do emaranhamento. No contexto explorado, verificamos que se estabeleceu o dilema da manutenção de visões antagônicas, o que pode ser evidenciado a partir dos modelos explicativos elaborados pelos estudantes. Para aqueles que atribuíram um caráter corpuscular aos fótons, os fenômenos intermediários permanecem como um conflito ainda não resolvido, enquanto para os demais a complementaridade onda-partícula passou a compor um nova classe de conceitos. A noção de não-localidade, necessária para compreender o emaranhamento quântico, não foi reconhecida pelos estudantes, evidenciando a forte presença de noções clássicas nos modelos explicativos utilizados na tentativa de obter uma explicação plausível para o fenômeno. / The research presented in this thesis was developed in a Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology is directed to research about an approach of the some foundations of Quantum Physics in pre-service teachers’ training, based on the sociocultural perspective and this work focuses on the second kind of complementarity, one of the thesis of the Copenhagen interpretation, and the quantum entanglement. The theoretical and methodological framework adopted in this research is the Vygotsky’s theory of mediation and Bakhtin’s translinguistics philosophy. Three qualitative researches were performed in order to investigate which are the socially constructed meanings on QP foundations in the context of pre-service teachers’ training: one in an introductory course with physics teachers and two along a didactic intervention during a pre-service teachers’ training course on Modern and Contemporary Physics. The teaching activities were conducted mediated by theoretical lectures and computer simulation using the Virtual Mach- Zehnder Interferometer, conducted by the exploratory guide. From the study of interference phenomena and quantum entanglement in this semiotic tool, one tries to understand how the pupils actions are mediated by the software in the sense of promoting a collaborative conceptual construction among teachers about these foundations of QP. Discourse analysis grounded on Bakhtin’s concepts allowed us to evaluate the potentialities of the software and a better understanding of the process of conceptual construction that are culturally valid about quantum interference, complementarity and entanglement. In this context we perceive that was created the dilemma of maintaining competing visions, which can be evidenced from the explanatory models designed by the students. For the students that admitted a corpuscular character to photons so that intermediate phenomena remain as a unresolved cognitive conflict, while for others the wave - particle complementarity has became a new class of concepts. The non-locality notion, pre-requisite to understand the quantum entanglement, wasn’t learned by the students, demonstrating the strong presence of classical notions in explanatory models used to obtain a plausible explanation for the phenomenon.

Professores em formação de inglês: complexidade, escala comum de valores e identidades / Pre-servic english teachers: complexity, scale of common values and identities

Duarte, Gabriela Bohlmann 17 February 2014 (has links)
Submitted by Aline Batista (alinehb.ufpel@gmail.com) on 2015-04-02T19:44:30Z No. of bitstreams: 2 Professores em formação de inglês.pdf: 4496123 bytes, checksum: 52f7fea608263abfe8b8b4499f8f61bb (MD5) license_rdf: 23148 bytes, checksum: 9da0b6dfac957114c6a7714714b86306 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Aline Batista (alinehb.ufpel@gmail.com) on 2015-04-03T01:22:07Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 Professores em formação de inglês.pdf: 4496123 bytes, checksum: 52f7fea608263abfe8b8b4499f8f61bb (MD5) license_rdf: 23148 bytes, checksum: 9da0b6dfac957114c6a7714714b86306 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-04-03T01:23:37Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 Professores em formação de inglês.pdf: 4496123 bytes, checksum: 52f7fea608263abfe8b8b4499f8f61bb (MD5) license_rdf: 23148 bytes, checksum: 9da0b6dfac957114c6a7714714b86306 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-02-17 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / Este trabalho analisou os comportamentos e os valores que constituíram as escalas comuns de valores de um grupo de professores de língua inglesa em formação nas suas interações em um blog educacional do curso durante quatro semestres do curso de Licenciatura em Letras – Português e Inglês, a fim de averiguar o processo de constituição identitária desse grupo nos diferentes períodos. Partiu-se do entendimento que o grupo de professores em formação poderia ser visto como um sistema complexo (LARSEN-FREEMAN, 1997; LARSEN-FREEMAN e CAMERON, 2007; 2008; PAIVA, 2005; VETROMILLE-CASTRO, 2007; 2008; MARTINS, 2008; 2009) e que o processo de constituição identitária também poderia ser investigado sob esse mesmo viés (SADE, 2009; SCOZ, 2011; SILVA, 2000; NORTON, 2000). As características dos sistemas complexos foram estabelecidas a partir de Bertalanffy (2009), Gleick (1988), Morin (2011) e Lewin (1999), e os valores foram identificados conforme a definição de Piaget (1973) para escala comum de valores qualitativos. Esperava-se, inicialmente, a identificação de comportamentos autônomos (HOLEC, 1981) e colaborativos (PAAS, 2005) na interação dos alunos como professores em formação desde o início da atividade dos blogs, durante o 3º semestre. Contudo, ao longo das análises, percebeu-se que nesse período, o grupo, em geral, apresentou comportamento de aprendizes de inglês. A partir do sexto semestre, o comportamento predominante foi de professores de inglês em formação, embora as atuações dos pequenos grupos e dos alunos tenham variado ao longo desses períodos. A motivação foi um fator presente em todos os semestres, em diferentes intensidades, e acredita-se que também seja parte da função de professores. Foi possível constatar que as identidades de fato não são fixas e que mesmo uma identidade docente, de um professor em formação, altera-se sem que os indivíduos deixem de ser professores. / In this dissertation, it was analyzed the behaviors and values that were part of the scale of common values of a pre-service English teachers’ group in their interactions on an educational blog during four semesters of theirs Language Teaching Bachelor’s Course. The aim was to investigate the process of identity constitution of this group in the different semesters. The research was based on the understanding that the pre-service teachers’ group could be seen as a complex system (LARSEN-FREEMAN, 1997; LARSEN-FREEMAN e CAMERON, 2007; 2008; PAIVA, 2005; VETROMILLE-CASTRO, 2007; 2008; MARTINS, 2008; 2009) and that the process of identity constitution could also be seen in the same perspective. The complex systems’ characteristics were established from Bertalanffy (2009), Gleick (1988), Morin (2011) e Lewin (1999), and the values were identified according to Piaget’s (1973) definition for scale of common qualitative values. Initially, the researcher expected that the autonomous (HOLEC, 1981) and collaborative (PAAS, 2005) behaviors would appear in the interaction of the students as pre-service teachers since the beginning of the blog activity, in the third semester. However, the researcher perceived that the group, in general, had the behavior of English language learners. From the sixth semester on, the predominant behavior was the preservice teachers’, although the small groups and the individual students’ behaviors have ranged during the semesters. The motivation was an important factor, which appeared in different ways, in all semesters the blog was used. Besides, the motivation is believed to be part of teachers’ behavior. The analyzes demonstrated that the identities are not fixed and that a teacher’s identity change even though the individuals do not stop being teachers.

O papel da escola com a formação inicial do professor no momento de estágio: limites, desafios e perspectivas

Custodio, Cândida Maria de Sousa 26 August 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-08-20T13:48:26Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Candida_Maria_Sousa_Custodio_Dissertacao.pdf: 326414 bytes, checksum: e724d0ce8defdc7ce5b4e236cc9ce400 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-08-26 / This research aimed at knowing, by means of Curricular Pre-service Training if school used for training, from the perspective of the principal team, the teachers and trainers, contributes to initial training of teachers coming from Higher Education Institutions (HEIs). Based on a qualitative approach we used a questionnaire for getting data. Data collection among respondents was done by intentional sampling. The study was carried out in a public elementary and secondary school in Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul State. Some resulting questions marked out the study, such as: which types and what the characteristics are of the possible contribution of the school used for training? How is really built the relationship between the school used for training and the HEIs? The main theoretical bases were Alarcão (2001), Nóvoa (1992; 1995), and Pepper (2001; 2008). Some elements may be emphasized as a synthesis of the study: The three groups mentioned the importance of supervised pre-service training for initial training of future teachers. Training was characterized as the place of practice, as well as the moment to practice learned theories. In addition, institutions also were recognized as having very different roles, in other words, the university as the place of theory and the school as the place of practice. A criticism was presented to the distance, normally perceived, between the school used for training and the university. Another criticism regarded the fact that training happens for a too short time, something more emphasized by teachers and of the principal team. It seems advisable to see the school used for training as cotraining institution for the future teacher in activities that are only developed during training. A question to be considered is that the school has not the role of a mere "recipient" of trainers, but, even according to some laws, a more formative role. Supervised Pre-Service Training, although a mandatory component, and despite being thought as an articulator of knowledge, included in curricular syllabuses, seems to lacks mechanisms that could structure its recognition as a place in the professional field connected to curricular university activities. / Esta pesquisa buscou conhecer, via Estágio Curricular, se a escola-campo de estágio, na perspectiva da equipe diretiva, dos professores e dos próprios estagiários, contribui para a formação inicial do professor oriundo de Instituições de Educação Superior. Alicerçada numa abordagem qualitativa utilizou, como instrumento, o questionário. A coleta de dados, entre esses segmentos, foi por amostragem intencional. O estudo foi realizado numa escola pública de ensino fundamental e médio, na cidade de Pelotas, RS. Algumas questões decorrentes balizaram o estudo, tais como: de que tipo e como se caracteriza a possível contribuição da escola-campo de estágio? Como efetivamente tem se construído a relação escola-campo e IES? Destacaram-se como referenciais teóricos, neste trabalho, Alarcão (2001); Nóvoa (1992; 1995); Pimenta (2001; 2008). Alguns elementos podem ser destacados como síntese do estudo, são eles: Os três segmentos mencionaram a importância do estágio supervisionado para a formação inicial dos estagiários, futuros professores. O estágio foi caracterizado como o local da prática, bem como o momento para colocar em prática a teoria. Aliada a esta observação tem o fato de as instituições também terem sido reconhecidas com papéis muito distintos, ou seja, universidade como local da teoria e escola como o local da prática. Uma questão de crítica foi o distanciamento, normalmente percebido, entre a escola-campo e a universidade. Outro ponto de crítica foi no tocante à pouca permanência dos estagiários na escola, e esse dado foi evidenciado com maior ênfase nos dizeres dos professores e da equipe diretiva. Parece ser pertinente pensar a escola-campo de estágio como uma instituição co-formadora do futuro professor, em atividades que se atribuem ao momento de estágio. A questão a ser pensada é que o papel da escola não se reduz à mera recebedora de estagiários, mas tem, até por orientação legal, um papel mais formativo. Ao Estágio Curricular Supervisionado, ainda que seja componente obrigatório, e considerado como articulador de saberes, com espaço na grade curricular, parece lhe faltar, no entanto, mecanismos que possam estruturar seu reconhecimento como espaço do campo profissional em conexão às atividades do curso.

A constructivist learning event using computers at the Instituto Superior de Ciências de Educação (ISCED) - Angola

Kussumua, IIda Tavita Jurda Tomas 26 October 2007 (has links)
The aim of this study was to investigate how well pre-service teachers are being prepared by the Computers in Education course to integrate computers into their teaching methods by the Faculty of Education at the Instituto Superior de Ciências de Educação (ISCED) in Lubango, Angola. The study used a constructivist learning event devised by the researcher to assess how well the selected sample of pre-service teachers were able to use computers and the Internet to fulfil a series of tasks contained in the constructivist learning event under carefully controlled research conditions. After they had completed these tasks under experimental conditions, the researcher and her two assistants used various means to assess the performance of the participating groups in these activities. A qualitative case study approach was used for this study. The case study took place at ISCED in Lubango because ISCED is the only institution of higher education in Angola that uses computers to prepare pre-service teachers to integrate computer technology with their teaching. The course in which this takes place is known as the Computers for Education course. Twenty-one pre-service teachers and the two Information and Communication Technology (ICT) teachers of the Computers for Education from ISCED participated voluntarily in the study. The data collection instruments used included questionnaires for the pre-service teachers and ICT teachers; observation checklists for the pre-service teachers; interviews of pre-service teachers and ICT teachers, and scoring rubrics for the pre-service teachers’ task assessment documents. The data analysis method used in this study was that of interpretive analysis. The theoretical framework used to scaffold this study was the theory of constructivism devised by Bruner (1966). Bruner states that constructivism is the “theory of learning, where learning is seen as an active process in which students construct new ideas or concepts based upon their current or past knowledge”. In constructivist learning events of this kind, students select and transform information, construct hypotheses and make their own decisions in reliance upon their own cognition and previous knowledge and experience. Cronjé’s Model of Four Quadrants (2000), which enables a researcher to plot objectivism as complementary to constructivism, was used by the researcher as the basis for an analysis of data. The Model of Four Quadrants describes how learning theories such as behaviourism and constructivism exist as opposites in the quadrant upon which the model is based. An objectivist or behaviourist approach to teaching and learning assumes that knowledge exists essentially and independently outside the minds of both learners and teachers, and behaviourist methods of teaching effect a transfer of objective knowledge from the mind of the teacher to the mind of the student. In contrast to this, the constructivist approach is based on the assumption that all meanings are subjectively constructed in the human mind, and that learners acquire knowledge (and therefore education) by creating their own meanings while engaging in the solution of authentic learning tasks devised by the teacher. Constructivism does not recognise the existence of any kind of objectively independent shared reality that can be transferred materially from one mind to another. Although these two approaches are radically different from one another, and although they exist conceptually as polar opposites in Cronjé’s Model, elements from both models can be utilised to achieve a desired learning outcome. What the researcher has suggested in her analysis, conclusions and recommendations is that elements from both learning theories described in the model can be successfully used to teach ISCED students how to integrate computer technology into their teaching. Current teaching and learning practices at ISCED are predominantly behaviourist in method and outcomes since the ICT teachers at ISCED use mainly the lecture method for teaching. For formative assessment, the present teachers use question and answer methods. For summative assessment, they use multiple-choice questions, schedules that require students to insert information into blank spaces, projects, and essay-type questions. In contrast to this, they use learner-centred constructivist forms of teaching such as projects, group work and verbal expression of appreciation to encourage learner performance. The teaching of the Computers in Education course at ISCED may therefore be said to combine both behaviourist and constructivist methods of teaching. / Dissertation (MEd (Computer Integrated Education))--University of Pretoria, 2007. / Curriculum Studies / MEd / unrestricted

The Efficacy Of Online Traumatic Brain Injury Training For Pre-Service Educators

Gear, Brooks 09 August 2021 (has links)
No description available.

The Cycle of Inquiry System: a Teacher Development System for Planning and Implementation of Emergent Curriculum for Pre-service and In-service Teachers

Broderick, Jane Tingle, Hong, Seong Bock 01 January 2014 (has links)
No description available.

The Cycle of Inquiry System: a Teacher Development System for Planning and Implementation of Emergent Curriculum for Pre-service and In-service Teachers

Broderick, Jane Tingle, Hong, Seong Bock, Garrett, Michael D. 01 January 2012 (has links)
No description available.

The Cycle of Inquiry System: a Teacher Development System for Planning and Implementation of Emergent Curriculum for Pre-service and In-service Teachers

Broderick, Jane Tingle, Hong, Seong Bock, Garrett, Michael D. 01 January 2013 (has links)
No description available.

The Cycle of Inquiry System: a Teacher Development System for Planning and Implementation of Emergent Curriculum for Pre-service and In-service Teachers

Broderick, Jane Tingle, Hong, Seong Bock, Garrett, Michael D. 01 January 2012 (has links)
Gain experience with a systematic professional development model to identify key capacities needed in teachers who wish to develop and implement emergent curricula. Use the COI system to locate and use evidence from planning documents to help teachers develop curricula.

Příprava studentů primární pedagogiky ke konstruktivistickému pojetí učiva a vyučování o společnosti / Preparing student teachers for constructivist teaching about society in primary grades

Dvořáková, Michaela January 2012 (has links)
Preparing student teachers for constructivist teaching about society in primary grades Michaela Dvořáková Abstract The content of primary social studies could be described as cultural universals - domains of human existence that form part of everybody's experience. Despite that, children do need a skilled instruction helping them to elaborate these topics. We suppose that for the constructivist teachers, deep content knowledge and pedagogic content knowledge is necessary to elaborate and conceptualize children's experiences. In this thesis, we wanted to learn more about the knowledge base of pre-service teachers. To explore the education students' content knowledge and pedagogical content knowledge of social studies topics, we elicited students' concepts related to the topic of family using concept mapping. Then we performed the content analysis of the obtained concepts. We tried to determine whether pre-service teachers rely on their prior knowledge (including misconceptions) of family or whether they use the knowledge gained in social science classes at the high school or at our university. Students do not use their academic knowledge gained in social studies classes spontaneously, but they are able to do when prompted. An important part of pedagogical content knowledge of a social studies teacher are the...

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