Spelling suggestions: "subject:"coreservice"" "subject:"deservice""
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Futuros professores de matemática: concepções, memórias e escolha profissionalSilva, Thaís Leal da Cruz 08 April 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-12-23T14:01:46Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Thais Leal da Cruz Silva.pdf: 3736864 bytes, checksum: 897ad6d3bad96489ee68a426cb55f256 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2013-04-08 / This masters thesis, focusing on mathematics education, is linked to the Graduate Education Program, of the Education Center at Federal University of Espírito Santo - Brasil (UFES). The study investigated conceptions, memories and career choice of undergraduate pre-service secondary mathematics teachers from the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Espírito Santo (Ifes) - Brazil in Cachoeiro de Itapemirim campus. The studies of Ernest, Gómez Chacón, Lorenzato, Bridge, Santos, Santos-Wagner, and Thompson, among others offered theoretical
support for this work. These studies show how much relevant is to value the conceptions of teachers and students relative to mathematics, and how it can interfere with the training, learning and performance of these individuals, in the environment in which they live. We followed a class of the undergraduate pre-service secondary mathematics teacher education course for a year, between the second and fourth period of the course. The study methodology was qualitative and adopted features of ethnographic research. The gathering and the production of data were performed by classroom observations, conversations, interviews, questionnaires and
tasks proposed to undergraduates. Furthermore, we gave constantly feedback to the students to confirm data recorded and interpretations with them. The study showed that participants exhibited more than one conception about mathematics and furnished cues that differentiated their thoughts about mathematics and mathematics teaching. We noted that experiences with mathematics influence the undergraduates conceptions about this discipline and pedagogical aspects, as well as the professional choice. The teachers, the kinds of classes that students experienced,
the social and family environment were important elements in the individual formation and conceptions about mathematics and mathematic teaching. The participants showed mathematics conceptions and study habits different in relation to the
mathematics studied in basic education and college. The research process and its constant feedback contributed to improve the undergraduates knowledge about themselves, and for some students to become self-conscious about how they have been dedicating to the undergraduate secondary mathematics teacher course / Este trabalho de mestrado, com foco na educação matemática, vincula-se ao Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação do Centro de Educação da Universidade
Federal do Espírito Santo. O estudo investigou concepções, memórias e escolha profissional de licenciandos em matemática, do Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Espírito Santo (Ifes), no campus de Cachoeiro de Itapemirim. Os estudos de Ernest, Gómez Chacón, Lorenzato, Ponte, Santos, Santos-Wagner, e Thompson, dentre outros, ofereceram aportes teóricos para este trabalho. Estes estudos mostram o quanto é relevante valorizar concepções de professores e alunos, em relação à matemática e o quanto isso pode interferir na formação, aprendizagem e atuação desses indivíduos no ambiente em que estudam,
aprendem e vivem. Acompanhamos uma turma do curso de licenciatura em matemática durante um ano, entre o segundo e o quarto período do curso. A metodologia do estudo teve natureza qualitativa e adotou recursos da pesquisa do
tipo etnográfica. A coleta e a produção de dados foram realizadas por meio de observações de aulas, conversas, entrevistas, questionários e tarefas propostas aos licenciandos. Além disso, realizamos momentos de retorno da pesquisa para confirmar dados e interpretações com os participantes. Em nosso estudo, percebemos que os participantes exibiam mais de uma concepção sobre a
matemática e forneciam pistas que diferenciavam seus pensamentos, a respeito da matemática e de seu ensino. Notamos que experiências com a matemática influenciam concepções dos licenciandos sobre a disciplina e seus aspectos pedagógicos, assim como a escolha profissional. Os professores, os tipos de aulas que os alunos vivenciaram, o ambiente social e familiar foram elementos importantes
na formação do indivíduo e nas suas concepções, a respeito de matemática e seu ensino. Os participantes apresentaram concepções e hábitos de estudos distintos, em relação à matemática estudada na educação básica e na faculdade. O processo de pesquisa e o constante retorno aos participantes contribuíram para que os licenciandos se conhecessem melhor e para que alguns alunos se conscientizassem a respeito do quanto estão se dedicando para o curso de licenciatura
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O uso da realidade aumentada no ensino de física / The use of Augmented Reality in Physics Education.Marcelo Clayton de Jesus e Sousa 03 June 2015 (has links)
A Física utiliza modelos científicos para representar de maneira mais simplificada os fenômenos físicos. Um professor atuando no Ensino de Física precisa mediar o acesso a esse conhecimento. A complexidade e o nível de abstração dos modelos são obstáculos para os alunos, que o professor precisa ajudar a superar. A Realidade Aumentada (RA) é uma Tecnologia de Informação e Comunicação - TIC que permite a sobreposição e o alinhamento de objetos reais e virtuais, em um ambiente real e em tempo real. Já algum tempo o uso de atividades de aprendizagem usando RA como auxilio na compreensão de modelos científicos é investigado. Considerando o exposto, o presente trabalho buscou investigar se as escolas públicas, bem como se alunos licenciandos de Ciências possuem infraestrutura tecnológica mínima para viabilizar o uso da RA para fins didáticos. Buscamos também analisar o processo de criação ou adaptação dos objetos virtuais em 3D, empregados em RA e que simulam modelos científicos, seja por um professor típico, sem conhecimento em linguagens de programação, seja por uma equipe de especialistas, composta por professores e programadores. Analisamos ainda, por meio de uma intervenção com uso de RA, junto a alunos de um curso de licenciatura em Ciências, se essa ferramenta permite interpretar melhor os conceitos que regem um modelo científico (nessa pesquisa escolhemos utilizar o modelo de Drude para condução elétrica). Nossos resultados mostram que o uso da RA no ensino terá maior amparo tecnológico através dos dispositivos móveis (notebooks, smartphones e tablets). Em contrapartida encontramos algumas barreiras para seu uso, principalmente no que concerne a dificuldade de desenvolvimento de objetos virtuais, que coloca o professor numa condição de usuário dessa tecnologia e não como agente ativo na sua produção ou contextualização para sua sala de aula. / Physics makes use of scientific models to represent natural phenomena in a simplified way. The role of teachers in physics education is to mediate access to this kind of knowledge. The complexity and level of abstraction of the models are obstacles that students must overcome, helped by their teachers. Augmented Reality (AR) is a technology that permits the superposition of virtual objects in real space, overlaying and aligning these virtual objects in space, in real time. For some time already learning activities using AR technology are being investigated as a way to help students overcome their dificulties with scientific models. This dissertation investigates wether public schools and pre-service science teachers in Brazil have access to the technical infrastructure necessary to make use of learning activities using AR. We also analised the process of creating or customizing of the 3D virtual objects used in these learning activities, either by an individual teacher without special programing training or by a team of teachers and specialists. Finally, we used a learning activity using AR with a class of pre-service science teachers to evaluate wether its use helped students to interpret one particular scientific model (the Drude model of electrical conduction). Our results show that the use of AR for teaching is best suported through mobile platforms (notebooks, smartphones or tablets). We found some barriers to the use of AR technology, mostly with respect to the creation or adaptation of the virtual objects by individual teachers, which puts them in a role of user of the technology instead of active agents in the production, adaptation or contextualization of the technology for their classrooms.
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Esculpindo a profissão professor: experiências, emoções e cognições na construção das identidades docentes de licenciados em letras / Becoming a professional teacher: experiences, emotions and cognitions in the development of teacher identities in a group of students majoring in languagesOliveira, Hélvio Frank de 12 December 2013 (has links)
Submitted by Marlene Santos (marlene.bc.ufg@gmail.com) on 2014-10-15T18:19:11Z
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license_rdf: 23148 bytes, checksum: 9da0b6dfac957114c6a7714714b86306 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Jaqueline Silva (jtas29@gmail.com) on 2014-10-16T17:57:18Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2
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license_rdf: 23148 bytes, checksum: 9da0b6dfac957114c6a7714714b86306 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2014-10-16T17:57:18Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2
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Previous issue date: 2013-12-12 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / This study focuses on the construction of professional identities in pre-service language
teacher education. The main objective of this research is to understand how the participants
perceive themselves and the possibilities they have for the future with regard to the senses
they give to teacher education and language teaching profession, since they are pre-service
teachers. For this, we intended to identify and analyze emotions and cognitions related to
becoming or not Portuguese and/or English language teachers, from the participants’
experiences reported in narratives. By having adopted a qualitative approach to collect and to
analyze the data, this case study was conducted in a group of sixteen students who were
majoring in English and Portuguese at a public university in the state of Goiás. The data were
obtained through the school year of 2012 by means of questionnaires, life histories,
collaborative discussion sessions, stimulated recall on audio recording, virtual journals,
explanations of visual narratives and semi-structured interviews and were analyzed in the
light of studies on the socio-historical-cultural theory and its theoretical developments and on
Critical Applied Linguistics. The results suggest that teacher professional identities are
complex phenomena, characterized by language and dynamic movements of construction,
reconstruction and deconstruction of ways of being or not being a teacher, interrelated to the
experiences narrated by the participants. Furthermore, we found that, within the unstable and
contradictory processes of construction of professional identities, cognitions and emotions of
participants, based on personal and social experiences of individuals with pre-service teacher
education and language teaching professional, operate as significant elements for their
identification or lack of identification with that profession. In this context, a number of factors
nurture social and discursive positioning of the participants’ professional identities, which are
not consistent for several reasons, including, for example, uncertainty about teaching
profession due to financial dissatisfaction and current devaluation of teaching, as well as the
lack of conditions for admission to other higher education courses. / Este estudo tem como foco a construção de identidades profissionais na formação inicial de
professores de línguas. O objetivo principal desta pesquisa é investigar a maneira como os
participantes compreendem a si mesmos e as possibilidades que têm para o futuro no que se
refere aos sentidos conferidos à formação inicial e à profissão docente, uma vez que estão
prestes a finalizar um curso de licenciatura. Para isso, buscou-se identificar e analisar
cognições e emoções relacionadas ao tornar-se ou não professor de Português e/ou de Inglês,
a partir das experiências relatadas em forma de narrativas. Adotando uma abordagem
qualitativa de coleta e de análise dos dados, este estudo de caso foi conduzido em uma
universidade pública do interior do estado de Goiás, e contou com a participação de dezesseis
estudantes pertencentes ao último ano de Letras. Os dados, obtidos no ano letivo de 2012 por
intermédio da utilização de questionários, histórias de vida, sessões colaborativas e de
rememoração de aulas, gravadas em áudio, diários virtuais, explicações de narrativas visuais e
entrevistas semiestruturadas, foram analisados à luz de estudos sobre a teoria sócio-históricocultural
e seus desdobramentos teóricos e sobre a Linguística Aplicada Crítica. Os resultados
apontam para o fato de que as identidades profissionais docentes são fenômenos complexos,
caracterizados pela linguagem e por movimentos dinâmicos de construção, de reconstrução e
de desconstrução de maneiras de ser ou não ser professor, intrincados às experiências narradas
pelos participantes. Além disso, foi possível constatar que, nos processos instáveis e
contraditórios de construção das identidades profissionais, as cognições e as emoções dos
participantes, baseadas nas experiências pessoais e sociais desses indivíduos com a formação
inicial e com docência, operam como elementos significativos para suas identificações ou não
identificações com a profissão. Nesse bojo, uma série de fatores nutre o posicionamento social
e discursivo das identidades profissionais dos participantes, as quais não se constituem sólidas
por diversos motivos, entre os quais, por exemplo, estão a incerteza sobre a docência devido à
insatisfação financeira e à desvalorização atual da carreira, bem como a falta de condições de
ingresso em outros cursos de ensino superior almejados.
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A formação inicial do professor de inglês: o olhar do alunoPérillat, Luciana Hortense Garcia 13 October 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-28T18:22:24Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Luciana Hortense Garcia Perillat.pdf: 449972 bytes, checksum: c664c802901e73d9317c4f861ace584f (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2011-10-13 / The aim of this research is to investigate a pre-service English teacher education course
in São Paulo by offering a critical-analytical view not only of its organization but also
of the pedagogical-practical curriculum itself. The investigation was done by: (a) a
study of the curriculum for the course; (b) class observation; (c) plans for some
subjects; (d) the students view of the course.
A panoramic view was built based on the curriculum, the curriculum in practice and on
how the students see the course they have been doing.
The theoretical basis for this research involves: (a) teacher educators and future teachers
as engaged human beings involved in change (Freire, 1996/2005); (b) a view of an
autonomous teacher-researcher involved in practice (Vygotsky 1979/ 2004); (c) the
view of an educator as an autonomous researcher; (d) the curriculum as an instrument
for research about reality (Apple, 2006).
The data were collected using a questionnaire, observing classes in the undergraduate
course and analyzing the curriculum for the course as well as the plans for some
disciplines. This analysis allowed for a broad view of how the English Language Course
is organized and of how the future teachers feel about the course / O objetivo desta pesquisa é investigar a formação inicial de professores de
língua inglesa lançando um olhar crítico analítico tanto sobre a organização de um curso
de Letras-Inglês de uma universidade particular da cidade de São Paulo como sobre a
formação pedagógico-prática nele oferecida. A investigação foi feita a partir: (a) do
estudo do currículo; (b) das aulas que puderam ser assistidas das disciplinas existentes
no currículo; (c) dos programas destas disciplinas; (d) da visão dos alunos sobre o curso.
Esta pesquisa me fez estudar e conhecer um curso de formação inicial de
professores de língua inglesa. O que parece ser inovador neste estudo é o panorama que
tento construir de um curso de formação inicial a partir de uma visão global do
currículo, do currículo na prática e de como os alunos vêem o curso que fazem.
Fundamentam teoricamente este estudo: (a) uma visão de formador e dos em
formação como sujeitos engajados e comprometidos numa transformação (Freire,
1996/2005); (b) uma visão de professor pesquisador autônomo e ligado à prática
(Vygotsky 1979/ 2004); (c) a figura do formador como um pesquisador também
autônomo (Wallace, 1991); (d) o currículo como instrumento da pesquisa da(s)
realidade(s) de vida (Apple, 2006).
Os dados foram coletados por meio de questionários, observação de aulas,
análise do currículo da universidade assim como alguns programas de ensino. A análise
dos resultados da pesquisa permitiu ter uma visão ampla de como está organizado esse
curso de Letras-Inglês e de como os futuros professores se sentem ao receber essa
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Saberes experienciais e estágio investigativo na formação de professores de física / Experiential knowledge and investigative stage in physics teacher educationCunha, Alexander Montero 16 December 2013 (has links)
O estágio supervisionado na formação inicial de professores é o momento no qual os licenciandos são inseridos, como professor, em seu ambiente profissional. Para se compreender o lugar do estágio na formação docente é necessário investigar como os saberes docentes dos licenciandos são elaborados durante essa formação. A pesquisa aqui apresentada possui como tema central a produção de saberes docentes por licenciandos em física durante o estágio supervisionado investigativo em sua formação inicial. Um estágio que envolve uma dimensão de ensino, caracterizada pelas atividades de regência dos licenciandos, e uma dimensão pesquisa, que envolve os licenciandos em um processo de pesquisa sobre a sua própria prática. Utilizamos a conceituação de saber como constructo de pesquisa e a centralidade dos saberes experienciais na prática profissional docente, tal como propostos por Tardif (2008), a fim de compreendermos a elaboração e a validação de saberes docentes pelos licenciandos durante o estágio supervisionado investigativo. Utilizamos também o Conhecimento Pedagógico do Conteúdo (PCK), como esquema teórico de análise com o intuito de caracterizar as interações existentes entre os saberes docentes relacionados às atividades de regência desenvolvidas pelos licenciandos. O pesquisador, como supervisor de estágio, orientou, durante um semestre, dois licenciandos de uma universidade pública de São Paulo no desenvolvimento de seus estágios. A análise dos dados envolveu dois recortes: um primeiro longitudinal, a partir das gravações das reuniões de supervisão entre os licenciandos e o pesquisador, além de uma apresentação final de estágio e uma entrevista final individual, que propiciou uma linha cronológica da elaboração e validação dos saberes docentes conforme o desenvolvimento do estágio supervisionado investigativo; e um segundo recorte transversal, com base em cinco unidades temáticas de análise, originárias da primeira etapa de análise, que nos permitiu esmiuçar a elaboração e validação dos saberes docentes desenvolvidos pelos licenciandos durante o estágio supervisionado investigativo. A partir desses dois recortes analisados de forma mais descritiva, foi possível delinear um melhor entendimento da relação teoria e prática e da centralidade dos saberes experienciais no decorrer do estágio supervisionado investigativo. A percepção da centralidade dos saberes experienciais e do movimento do PCK na atividade de regência dos licenciandos no desenvolvimento do estágio supervisionado investigativo nos possibilitaram refletir sobre a formação inicial de professores e propor redirecionamentos que podem contribuir para uma formação teórico-prática mais efetiva. / The supervised practicum in initial teacher education is the moment in which the pre-service teachers are inserted, as a teacher, into their professional environment. To understand the place of internship in teacher education is necessary to investigate how the teachers knowledge pre-service teachers are prepared during the training. This research focus on the development of teachers knowledge by pre-service teachers during a investigate supervised practicum occurred in their initial teacher education. A investigate supervised practicum comprehends both the teaching dimension, the latter having as its main characteristic the teaching activities carried out by the pre-service teachers, and the research dimension, which takes into account a process whereby pre-service teachers examine their own pedagogical practices. The concept of knowing as a research construct and the centrality of experiential knowledge in teachers professional practice are considered, as proposed by Tardif (2008), so as to understand the development and validation of teachers knowledge by pre-service teachers throughout the investigate supervised practicum. Moreover, the so-called Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK) was also applied as a theoretical framework of analysis in order to describe the interactions prevailing in the teachers knowledge related to the practicum accomplished by the pre-service teachers. The researcher, as the practicum supervisor, guided and assisted two pre-service teachers of a public university of São Paulo over one semester in the development of their practicum. The analysis of the data involved two perspectives: firstly, a longitudinal one, which regarded the recorded supervision meetings between the pre-service teachers and the researcher, as well as a practicum final presentation, and an individual final interview, which provided a timeline of the of the development and validation of teachers knowledge as the supervised pre-service teachers practicum progressed; and secondly, a transversal perspective, based on five thematic units of analysis, originating in the first stage of analysis, which allowed us to look deeper the development and validation the teachers knowledge by pre-service teachers during the supervised practicum. From these two perspectives examined in more descriptive way, it was possible to devise a better understanding of the theory-practice relationship and the centrality of experiential knowledge in the accomplishment of the investigate supervised pre-service teachers practicum. The perception of the centrality of experiential knowledge and the movement of PCK in the teaching activities of pre-service teachers in the development of investigative supervised practium, allowed us to reflect on the initial teacher education and propose redirects that can contribute to a more effective theory-practice relationship.
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O uso da realidade aumentada no ensino de física / The use of Augmented Reality in Physics Education.Sousa, Marcelo Clayton de Jesus e 03 June 2015 (has links)
A Física utiliza modelos científicos para representar de maneira mais simplificada os fenômenos físicos. Um professor atuando no Ensino de Física precisa mediar o acesso a esse conhecimento. A complexidade e o nível de abstração dos modelos são obstáculos para os alunos, que o professor precisa ajudar a superar. A Realidade Aumentada (RA) é uma Tecnologia de Informação e Comunicação - TIC que permite a sobreposição e o alinhamento de objetos reais e virtuais, em um ambiente real e em tempo real. Já algum tempo o uso de atividades de aprendizagem usando RA como auxilio na compreensão de modelos científicos é investigado. Considerando o exposto, o presente trabalho buscou investigar se as escolas públicas, bem como se alunos licenciandos de Ciências possuem infraestrutura tecnológica mínima para viabilizar o uso da RA para fins didáticos. Buscamos também analisar o processo de criação ou adaptação dos objetos virtuais em 3D, empregados em RA e que simulam modelos científicos, seja por um professor típico, sem conhecimento em linguagens de programação, seja por uma equipe de especialistas, composta por professores e programadores. Analisamos ainda, por meio de uma intervenção com uso de RA, junto a alunos de um curso de licenciatura em Ciências, se essa ferramenta permite interpretar melhor os conceitos que regem um modelo científico (nessa pesquisa escolhemos utilizar o modelo de Drude para condução elétrica). Nossos resultados mostram que o uso da RA no ensino terá maior amparo tecnológico através dos dispositivos móveis (notebooks, smartphones e tablets). Em contrapartida encontramos algumas barreiras para seu uso, principalmente no que concerne a dificuldade de desenvolvimento de objetos virtuais, que coloca o professor numa condição de usuário dessa tecnologia e não como agente ativo na sua produção ou contextualização para sua sala de aula. / Physics makes use of scientific models to represent natural phenomena in a simplified way. The role of teachers in physics education is to mediate access to this kind of knowledge. The complexity and level of abstraction of the models are obstacles that students must overcome, helped by their teachers. Augmented Reality (AR) is a technology that permits the superposition of virtual objects in real space, overlaying and aligning these virtual objects in space, in real time. For some time already learning activities using AR technology are being investigated as a way to help students overcome their dificulties with scientific models. This dissertation investigates wether public schools and pre-service science teachers in Brazil have access to the technical infrastructure necessary to make use of learning activities using AR. We also analised the process of creating or customizing of the 3D virtual objects used in these learning activities, either by an individual teacher without special programing training or by a team of teachers and specialists. Finally, we used a learning activity using AR with a class of pre-service science teachers to evaluate wether its use helped students to interpret one particular scientific model (the Drude model of electrical conduction). Our results show that the use of AR for teaching is best suported through mobile platforms (notebooks, smartphones or tablets). We found some barriers to the use of AR technology, mostly with respect to the creation or adaptation of the virtual objects by individual teachers, which puts them in a role of user of the technology instead of active agents in the production, adaptation or contextualization of the technology for their classrooms.
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Developing Critically Conscious Pre-Service Teachers: A Social Justice Approach to Educate Culturally Linguistically Diverse StudentsJanuary 2019 (has links)
abstract: One of the major issues confronting education in Arizona and across the United States has been the consistent low performance of culturally and linguistically diverse (CLD) students in comparison to their peers as evidenced by the disparity of the achievement gap at every level in the educational pipeline. A contributing factor has been the lack of teacher preparation focused on teaching CLD students. Preparation focused on a culturally responsive curriculum about dispositions and pedagogical knowledge and skills as well as field experience placement with CLD students have been previously identified areas to consider when training preservice teachers (PSTs). Therefore, this study examined how a Culturally Responsive and Linguistic Teaching (CRLT) Framework would raise preservice teacher’s critical consciousness about teaching CLD students. The CRLT Framework focused on two specific areas; (a) a culturally responsive curriculum and (b) a team-based service-learning experience. The CRP curriculum included lessons designed to increase PSTs understanding about how their sociolinguist views influenced their pedagogical knowledge about teaching CLD students. In addition, the team-based service-learning approach, as a community of practice, provided experiences for PSTs to apply theory to practice. A mixed method analysis was employed to collect and analyze the quantitative data (surveys) and qualitative data (interviews and photovoice). Results from this study suggested increases in PSTs’ knowledge, self-efficacy, and perceptions of usefulness of CRP in their future practices. The team-based, service-learning component, which was based on a community of practice framework, enhanced the learning experience by allowing students to move from theory to practice and served as an important contributing factor to the overall results. Given the findings of this research study, it appeared that an introductory course focused on a culturally responsive and linguistic teaching influenced PSTs’ dispositions, knowledge, and skills. Thus, providing an introductory course, earlier rather than later, has the potential to change the trajectory of preparing PSTs so they were more prepared to teach CLD students as they continued through their program of study. Results showed effective work with CLD students was about so much more than ‘just good teaching.’ / Dissertation/Thesis / Doctoral Dissertation Educational Leadership and Policy Studies 2019
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Teacher Dispositions in Special Education Training to Promote Persistence in the FieldChaney, Megan 01 January 2017 (has links)
A teacher's disposition is a valued factor in special education; however, preservice teacher training in California higher education institutions does not require a focus on dispositions. The purpose of this quantitative correlational study was to examine whether common dispositions were associated with retention among teachers with comparable experience and preparation in special education. The study was grounded in constructivist learning theories including experiential learning, transformational learning, reflective practice, communities of practice, and situated learning. Data collection included responses to the Teacher Dispositions Index survey from 28 teachers in the partner school district. Results of multiple regression analyses indicated that effective communication and commitment to ethical professional behavior were common dispositions among persistent special education teachers. This research study affirmed special education teacher dispositions are difficult to define and assess. Future research is recommended regarding the dispositions of effective communication, commitment to ethical professional behavior, and supplemental dispositions present in the teaching profession. The doctoral project included a professional development seminar to foster persistence among special education teachers. Results may be used to increase percentages of persistent teachers in special education programs.
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Opettajan ammatti-identiteetin muotoutuminen matemaattisten aineiden opetusharjoittelussaHasari, M. (Matti) 20 September 2019 (has links)
In this thesis, I will focus on the changes in the professional identity of pre-service teachers in mathematics, physics and chemistry during their teacher training. The study material consists of 43 pre-service teachers’ learning journals in the academic year of 2005–2006.
Bruner (1986) separates two modes of thinking: Narrative and paradigmatic. In this study, I focus on narrative thinking. According to Denzin (1989), a story includes a plot, a middle point and an ending, and the turning points in the story often have a special meaning.
In applying narrative method, and by using purposeful sampling I selected six different pre-service teachers’ journals as study material. Applying Polkinghorne’s (1995) approach, the pre-service teachers’ case descriptions were emplotted. The narratives included the changes that had happened in various subdomains of teacher’s professional identity. After that I compared the six case descriptions systematically on the basis of the central themes including the pre-service teachers’ self-esteem related to teaching and mastering the subjects, reflection, emotions, and how to deal with them, and beliefs of students and teaching. A special attention was paid to the changes in them. One point of interest was to find out what kind of meaning the teacher trainers had on the changes in the pre-sevice teachers’ professional identity.
According to the main findings, only one pre-service teacher’s professional identity has developed during the training periods in all central aspects. Self-esteem related to mastering the subjects remained good with almost all the pre-service teachers, but self-esteem related to teaching improved with three cases, and got worse with two cases. With some pre-service teachers, the focus on their reflection changed from themselves towards student’s activity. Coping with tenseness, failures in dealing with negative emotions and insecurity about one’s professional identity were in the main role in their stories.
All pre-service teachers had teacher-centered lessons in mathematics, but some started to value student-centered orientation also. Physics and chemistry lessons were more student-centered including, for example, project and lab work. Beliefs about students became more positive. The significance of the teacher trainers in developing a pre-servive teacher’s professional identity was often quite minor. / Tiivistelmä
Tutkin matematiikan, fysiikan ja kemian aineenopettajaopiskelijoiden ammatti-identiteetin kehittymistä heidän opetusharjoittelunsa aikana. Tutkimusaineistona olivat 43:n lukuvuonna 2005–2006 opetusharjoitteluihin osallistuneiden opettajaopiskelijan pitämät oppimispäiväkirjat.
Bruner (1986) erottaa kaksi ajattelun muotoa: narratiivisen ja paradigmaattisen. Tässä tutkimuksessa fokusoidun narratiiviseen ajatteluun. Denzinin (1989) mukaan tarinassa on juoni, alku, keskikohta ja loppu, ja käännekohdat tarinassa saavat erityisen merkityksen.
Narratiivista lähestymistapaa käyttäen valitsin tutkimusaineistoksi harkinnanvaraisesti kuuden erilaisen opettajaopiskelijan oppimispäiväkirjat. Polkinghornea (1995) soveltaen juonensin opettajaopiskelijoiden tapauskuvaukset niin, että ne sisälsivät opettajan ammatti-identiteetin eri osa-alueissa tapahtuneet muutokset. Sen jälkeen vertailin tapauskuvauksia systemaattisesti keskeisten teemojen osalta. Keskeisiä teemoja olivat opettamiseen ja opetettavan aineen osaamiseen liittyvä itsetunto, reflektointi, tunteet ja niiden käsittely sekä uskomukset oppilaista ja opettamisesta. Kiinnitin erityisesti huomiota muutoksiin. Tarkastelin myös opetusharjoittelun ohjaajien merkitystä opettajaopiskelijan ammatti-identiteetin muutoksiin.
Päätulokseni ovat seuraavat: Vain yhden opettajaopiskelijan ammatti-identiteetti kehittyi opetusharjoittelun aikana jokaisella opettajan ammatti-identiteetin keskeisellä osa-alueella. Opetettavan aineen osaamiseen liittyvä itsetunto säilyi lähes kaikilla opettajaopiskelijoilla hyvänä, mutta opettamiseen liittyvä itsetunto nousi kolmella ja laski kahdella opetusharjoittelun aikana. Opettajaopiskelijoiden reflektointi muuttui osalla itsestä oppilaan toimintaan kohdistuvaksi. Jännittämisestä selviytyminen, negatiivisten tunteiden käsittelyn epäonnistuminen ja epävarmuus opettajan ammatti-identiteetistä olivat pääosassa opettajaopiskelijoiden kertomuksissa. Opettajakeskeisyys painottui kaikilla opettajaopiskelijoilla matematiikan opetuksessa, osalla tapahtui muutosta oppilaskeskeiseen suuntaan. Fysiikan ja kemian oppitunneilla oppilaskeskeisyys näkyi oppilastöiden ohjaamisen kautta. Uskomukset yläasteen oppilaista muuttuivat positiivisemmiksi. Ohjaajan merkitys opettajaopiskelijan ammatti-identiteetin kehityksessä tuli melko vähän esille.
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Integrating Science, Technology, Society and Environment (STSE) into physics teacher education: Pre-service Teachers' Perceptions and ChallengesMacLeod, Katarin Alinta 17 December 2012 (has links)
Although STSE has recently received attention in educational research, policy, and science curricula development, fewer strides have been made in moving theory into practice. There are many examples of STSE-based and issues-based teaching in science at the elementary and secondary levels, which can be found in the literature (Alsop, Bencze, & Pedretti, 2005; Hodson, 1993, 2000; Pedretti & Hodson, 1995), yet little has focused specifically on physics education. This doctoral thesis will examine pre-service physics teachers’ beliefs and perceptions, challenges and tensions which influence their adoption of STSE education in the context of a pre-service physics education course (Curriculum and Instruction in Physics Education at the B.Ed level). An interpretive case study design as described by Merriam (1988) has been employed for this research (Merriam, 1988; Novodvorsky, 2006). The specific phenomena this case study examined and explored were the pre-service physics teachers’ beliefs and perceptions, challenges and tensions influencing their adoption of physics curricula that explicitly emphasizes an STSE orientation to physics education. The pre-service physics teachers’ evolution of perceptions and attitudes show growth in the areas of curricula understanding and implementation issues, potential student concerns, and general fit of the subject within the context of a student’s learning journey. This study contributes to our understanding of the challenges pre-service physics teachers face when considering teaching physics through an STSE lens, and provides some implications for both pre-service and in-service teacher education.
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