Spelling suggestions: "subject:"coreservice"" "subject:"deservice""
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Pre-service teachers’ mathematics profiles and the influence thereof on their instructional behaviourBarnes, Hayley 11 April 2012 (has links) (PDF)
In this paper the notion of “mathematics profiles” and “instructional behaviour profiles is introduced. A brief explanation of what these profiles are and how they were constructed and represented for preservice mathematics teachers is provided. An example of one of the participants’ profiles is included as an example. The influence of the pre-service teachers’ mathematics profiles on their instructional
behaviour is then discussed. This is done with regard to using the mathematics profiles as a potential tool to optimise the development of pre-service mathematics teachers’ instructional behaviour towards
a more reform-oriented approach.
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設計導向的知識翻新學習對師資培育生教學知識之影響 / Effects of design-based knowledge building on pre-service teachers’ teaching knowledge蔡函汝, Tsai, Han Ju Unknown Date (has links)
主要研究結果如下:(1)師培生整體教案設計品質提升,其中又在教學創新及創意表現向度(Z= 2.87,p < .01)與教學架構向度(Z=2.55,p < .05)上有顯著成長。(2)在各組教案設計討論過程中,發現包含一項教學知識的想法數量有顯著減少趨勢(Z=-2.81,P<.01);在各組收到的回饋中也發現,回饋包含兩項教學知識者於期末則有明顯成長趨勢(Z= 2.19,p < .05)。(3)利用集群分析將各組師培生教案設計所討論的想法進行分類,結果得到兩大集群,其一在認知及後設認知類型想法中產出較多,命名為想法高產出組;另一群則相反,命名為想法低產出組。此外研究還發現,想法高產出組在教案設計之創新及創意面向(t=2.33,p<.05)、教學媒體及科技面向(t=2.80,p<.05)顯著高於低想法產出組,也較低產出組能產出更多認知及後設認知類型討論想法。
綜上述而言,本研究發現設計導向的知識翻新學習歷程有助於師培生教學媒體教案設計之翻新,並提升師培生在討論及回饋中融合運用教學知識之能力。此外亦發現,能提出較多高階類型想法組別,其教案設計之創新程度、科技使用品質及給予他組回饋的表現上,相較之下也較佳。本研究建議教師在教學上應同時兼顧師培生討論數量及品質,鼓勵學生不斷提升討論的想法層次,並適時介入低產出組學生討論之中,協助學生不斷改進其教案設計的想法,以提升其教案設計所需的相關教學知識。 / The purpose of this research was to investigate the effects of design-based knowledge building on pre-service teachers’ teaching knowledge. This research adopted a case study design. Participants were 44 undergraduate pre-service teachers who engaged in a course pertaining to the design of instructional media. They were divided into 10 learning groups. Data sources included: (1) pre-service teachers’ design of three lesson plans; (2) pre-service teachers’ discussion within groups; and (3) peer feedback after presentation of each group’s lesson plan. The process of data analysis is as follows: First, lesson plans were assessed by an evaluation form, and then analyzed by using nonparametric tests to see if there was any change in the design of lesson plans. Second, the three discussion and peer-feedback activities within each group were analyzed by open coding using two different coding schemes: “Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge—TPACK” (Mishra & Koehler, 2006), and quality of ideas. Third, using cluster analysis to divide 10 groups into different clusters, this study further compared students’ learning processes and outcomes between groups.
The findings were as follows: (1) It was found that the design quality of lesson plans were enhanced, especially in terms of the innovative and creative teaching performance dimension (Z = 2.87, p <.01) and the design framework dimension (Z = 2.55, p <.05); (2) In the course of group discussion, teaching ideas that contained only one type of teaching knowledge (e.g., content knowledge) had decreased significantly (Z=-2.81,P<.01). Teaching feedback (received from other groups) regarding two types of teaching knowledge (e.g., pedagogical content knowledge) increased significantly (Z= 2.19,p < .05). (3) Using cluster analysis, this study classified 10 groups into 2 clusters based on groups’ discussion about teaching ideas. One cluster outperformed in both cognitive and meta-cognitive types of teaching ideas was named high-productive cluster; the other cluster was named less-productive cluster. High-productive cluster was superior to low-productive cluster in terms of the “Innovative and Creative Teaching” and “Instructional Media and Technology Use” dimensions for lesson plans, and in terms of the quality of feedback they provided to their peer groups. The main findings were as follows: (1) Design-based knowledge building helps pre-service teachers’ to design more innovatively their lesson plans and to enhance their teaching knowledge; (2) It was found that the groups who could work more creatively with ideas could also produce more innovative lesson plans, and were also more likely to give away quality feedback to other peer groups. Based on the findings, it is suggested that teachers should not just pay attention to the quantity of discussion posts, but also the quality of idea discussed. It is also important to encourage student to work innovatively and collaboratively with ideas during discussion. Teachers should also try to intervene and help provide necessary scaffolds to the low-productive groups so as to encourage them to continuously improve their teaching ideas.
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Exploring mathematical identity as a tool for self-reflection amongst pre-service primary school teachers: “I think you have to be able to explain something in about 100 different ways”Eaton, Patricia, OReilly, Maurice 12 April 2012 (has links) (PDF)
A study of students’ mathematical identity was carried out in February 2009 involving participants from two colleges of education, one in Dublin (Republic of Ireland) and one in Belfast (Northern Ireland). All participants were pre-service primary school teachers in the third
year of their B.Ed. programme, having chosen to specialize in mathematics. Data was gathered using a questionnaire (with, mainly, open-ended questions) followed by focus groups, involving the same participants, on each campus. This paper considers how students’ exploration of their mathematical identity led them to deepen their insight into learning and teaching mathematics. Recommendations are made for how the methods used in this research might be beneficial on a larger scale, in different environments.
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From Physical Model To Proof For Understanding Via DGS: Interplay Among EnvironmentsOsta, Iman M. 07 May 2012 (has links) (PDF)
The widespread use of Dynamic Geometry Software (DGS) is raising many interesting questions and discussions as to the necessity, usefulness and meaning of proof in school mathematics. With these questions in mind, a didactical sequence on the topic “Conics” was developed in a teacher education course tailored for pre-service secondary math methods course. The idea of the didactical sequence is to introduce “Conics” using a concrete manipulative approach (paper folding) then an explorative DGS-based construction activity embedding the need for a proof. For that purpose, the DGS software serves as an intermediary tool, used to bridge the gap between the
physical model and the formal symbolic system of proof. The paper will present an analysis of participants’ geometric thinking strategies, featuring proof as an embedded process in geometric construction situations.
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探討實習課對職前華語文教師教學信念與教學行為之影響 / A Case Study of How Teaching Practicum Influences Interns’ Beliefs and Practices黃子耘, Huang, Tzu Yun Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討實習課對職前華語文教師教學信念與教學行為之影響,以某國立大學華語文教學碩士學程二年級的七位台籍學生為研究對象。首先,教學信念之探討係透過質性訪談、試教後的反思札記、及修改前後之教案等相關資料進行分析;其次,教學行為的探討則以剖析職前華語文教師試教錄影檔案中的行為表現為主;最後,再進行交叉比對,以探究教學信念與教學行為之間的關係。主要研究問題為:第一,實習課如何影響職前華語文教師教學信念(共分為教學方式、師生角色、課程與教材、教學任務四個面向進行探討)?第二,藉著實習課錄影檔案,探究職前華語文教師的具體教學表現行為為何?第三,教學信念及教學行為之間的關係為何?分析方式則是藉由Nvivo 統計分析軟體編碼以質化方式分析教學信念,其次以量化方式分析教學行為,然後再以紮根理論方式探討教學信念與教學行為間的關係。
研究結果顯示:(一)本個案中的教學實習課對職前華語文教師所形塑之教學信念較趨向效能取向; (二)本個案中的教學實習課對職前華語文教師教學行為之影響主要為提高其以學生中心方式教學的比例; (三)本個案中的職前華語文教師之教學信念與教學行為間的關係並非完全一致,而是呈現出些微相異處;(四)整體而言,教學實習課有助於職前華語文教師增進教學專業能力,亦其助其瞭解學習者特性知識與教育現場所需的脈絡知識。最後,根據研究結果,本研究提出相關建議供未來華語文師資教育之參考。 / This case study aims to understand how teaching practicum might impact pre-service teachers’ teaching beliefs and teaching practices. Participants were seven Taiwanese Chinese language pre-service teachers who were in their 2nd year of graduate study and they were from the Department of Teaching Chinese as Second Language at a national university in Taiwan. To implement, firstly, this study analyzed pre-service teachers’ teaching beliefs using qualitative interviews, reflective teaching journals, and their teaching plans and other relevant information. These data were coded by using Nvivo statistical software. Secondly, this study analyzed pre-service teachers’ teaching practice using their videotaped records. Lastly, this study made use of all above collected data in a more integrated manner to analyze the relationship between pre-service teachers’ teaching beliefs and their teaching practices based on grounded theory.
The main findings of this study include the following: (1) After teaching practicum, the teaching beliefs of the participating pre-service teachers became more efficiency-oriented; (2) After teaching practicum, the teaching practices of the participating pre-service teachers became more likely to perform more student-centered teaching; (3) It was found that the relationship between pre-service teachers’ teaching beliefs and teaching practices was not fully consistent; (4) Overall, it was found that teaching practicum employed in this course not only enhanced pre-service teachers’ professional teaching ability but also equipped them with more knowledge of learners, as well as learners’ characteristics, and more knowledge of educational contexts.
Based on the findings, three suggestions for cultivating more effective Chinese language pre-service teachers were made.
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Professional development of teachers for effective environmental educationBopape, Johannah 30 November 2006 (has links)
Studies have shown that most teachers in South Africa have no background in Environmental Education (EE), have not received pre-service training in EE and very little teacher education has taken place in EE. The Revised National Curriculum Statements emphasise the infusion of EE in all learning areas. There is, however, a problem whether there is a need for professional development of teachers for effective EE. The main aim of this study is to enable teachers to acquire knowledge and skills to infuse EE in all learning areas. The study gathered data through literature review from primary and secondary sources. The questionnaire was developed as a research tool and was sampled to 216 Tshwane North District Office teachers. The collected data are analysed by using the frequency tables indicating percentage of respondents in each category. The study recommends the professional development of teachers for effective implementation of EE in schools. / Educational Studies / M.Ed.
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Action research: A proposal for training and titration in the careers of Initial and Primary Education of a private higher education institution in Lima / La investigación-acción: una propuesta para la formación y titulación en las carreras de Educación Inicial y Primaria de una institución de educación superior privada de Lima / A pesquisa-ação: uma proposta de capacitação e titulação nas carreiras de Educação Inicial e Primária da instituição de ensino superior privado em LimaCabrera Morgan, Liza 10 April 2018 (has links)
The goal of this essay is to share the project proposal about the use of the action research approach in the degree completion award process for students in thePre-school and Primary Education specialization in a private higher education institution of Lima. This is done within the framework of the implementationprocess for the new curriculum plan initiated in 2013. In that sense, we highlightthe characteristics of this type of research that have been embodied in practice, theprocess followed for its application, as well as achievements, difficulties and theaspects that we still need to work out. Lastly, some thoughts are proposed to consolidate this type of research in the academic and organizational structure of thisinstitution, which could prove useful for higher education institutions interestedin the implementation of this research approach. / El presente ensayo busca socializar la propuesta de trabajo en torno al desarrollode la investigación-acción en el proceso de titulación de las carreras de EducaciónInicial y Primaria de una institución de educación superior privada de Lima, en elmarco del proceso de implementación del nuevo plan curricular iniciado el 2013.En ese sentido, se resaltan las características de este tipo de investigación que sehan encarnado en la práctica, el proceso que se ha asumido para su aplicación, asícomo los logros, las dificultades y los aspectos sobre los cuales se requiere continuar trabajando. Finalmente se proponen algunas reflexiones para la consolidación de este tipo de investigación en la estructura académica y organizativa de dicha institución, que pueden resultar útiles para aquellas instituciones de educación superior interesadas en aplicar este enfoque de investigación. / O presente ensaio tem como objetivo socializar a proposta de trabalho ao redor do desenvolvimento da Investigação- Ação no processo de concessão de licenciatura em docência dos educação infantil e anos iniciais do ensino fundamental da instituição de ensino superior privado em Lima, dentro do contexto do processo de implementação do novo plano curricular iniciado em 2013. Nesse sentido se ressaltam as características deste tipo de investigação que foram adotadas na prática, o processo que se assumiu para sua aplicação, assim como os resultados, as dificuldades e os aspectos sobre os quais se requer continuar trabalhando. Finalmente, se propõe algumas reflexões para a consolidação deste tipo de investigação na estrutura acadêmica e de organização da instituição, que podem resultar úteis para aquelas instituições de educação superior interessadas em aplicar este enfoque de investigação.
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The impact of pre-service primary English language teacher training on post-training practiceTemesgen Daniel Bushiso 05 1900 (has links)
This study sought to investigate the impact of pre-service primary school English language teachers’ training on their post-training practice. A constructive research paradigm and qualitative method were used in the study. The participants were selected purposively, and
final year pre-service primary school English trainee teachers were used to collect the research data. The data were collected in the year 2016. To collect the data, an interview schedule, an observation guide and document analyses were used. The interviews and the
observations were recorded and later transcribed. The transcribed data were coded, categorized according to their similarity, and then these categories were further collapsed into themes. The findings showed that the primary school ELT trainee teachers did not have
sufficient understanding of the ELT methods offered during their training which led to poor practice, as revealed in their independent teaching. Some of the reasons for the trainees’ poor
understanding and practice mentioned were that the training system was not supported by the reflective teaching method, and the support of ICT. In addition, there was a significant waste of time budgeted for the course time for the completion of the training program. In relation to
time, the practicum time the students stayed in the primary school during independent teaching was not sufficient to give them hands-on practice. Moreover, they did not get the required support from the school mentors and the training college supervisors. Due to these
constraints, almost all the participant trainee teachers demonstrated poor performances during the lesson delivery, which indicated that they did not understand the principles of the ELT methods / English Studies / D. Litt. et Phil. (English)
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Peace education in Zimbabwean pre-service teacher education : a critical reflectionMakoni, Richard 02 1900 (has links)
This study was designed to bring to the fore the reasons for introducing peace education in pre-service teacher education in Zimbabwean teachers colleges in order to establish the foundations for positive peace in Zimbabwe. The focus of the study was on the preparation of Zimbabwean pre-service teachers in peace education as an effective approach for building durable peace in Zimbabwe. The main research question that guided this study was: Why and how should peace education be introduced at pre-service teacher education colleges in Zimbabwe? The overall aim of the research is to develop an appropriate peace education programme for Zimbabwean teachers’ colleges which will be employed as a strategy for constructing positive peace in Zimbabwe. A phenomenological methodology blending Edmund Husserl’s descriptive phenomenology and Martin Heidegger’s interpretive phenomenology was used to elicit participants’ views on the challenges and possibilities of introducing peace education at pre-service teacher education colleges in Zimbabwe. Data for the study were gathered using semi-structured interviews, focus group interviews and documentary analysis.
Key themes emerging from the data analysis were that (a) there is an absence of positive peace in contemporary Zimbabwe (b) Zimbabwean teachers’ colleges are not offering courses in peace education (c) peace education would benefit Zimbabwe as a country, (d) peace education is implementable at pre-service teacher education colleges in Zimbabwe, (e) there is need to develop an appropriate peace education curriculum that reflects the needs of Zimbabwean citizens and (f) college principals, lecturers, student teachers, policymakers and programme-makers have important roles to play in peace education initiatives. Through this study, the researcher established that peace education is a plausible and sustainable mechanism for building positive peace which has remained obscure in Zimbabwe despite thirty-four years of hard won independence. This shows the necessity for introducing peace education in Zimbabwean teachers colleges as a strategy for positive peace building. It is therefore, recommended that teachers’ colleges in Zimbabwe should introduce peace education in their pre-service programmes in order to build prospective teachers’ capacities to establish an infrastructure for positive peace in their future classrooms, the immediate communities and Zimbabwean society as a whole. / Philosophy of Education / D. Ed. (Philosophy of Education)
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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / This research was carried out between 2007 and 2009, inside the Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação from UFSM/RS, linked to Research Project Dilemas e Perspectivas para a Inovação Educacional na Educação Básica e na Formação de Professores (DIPIED) and to the Studies, Researches and Interventions Group Inovação Educacional, Práticas Educativas e Formação de
Professores (INOVAEDUC) . The main purpose was to characterize the professional identity construction process of Pre-service Curricular Training (PCT) teachers at Teacher Education Courses (TEC), in order to contribute to a better understanding of these function development particularities and the formative and professional activities that can help in this function development. For that, we proposed the following research problem: In which proportion the PCT teachers professional identity
formation conditioning factors interfere in the professional identity formation of a professional group
that develops this function? To carry out this research, we used a qualitative approach, through we did
45 structured individuals interviews with PCT teachers. In the total, considering that some people were interviewed in two different steps of the work, we involved 31 PCT supervising teachers in 15 of the 19 TEC from UFSM. To analyse the interviews, we applied some principles from the called Análise do Conteúdo. We pointed out some factors that conditioning the PCT teachers professional identity formation process investigated and we present them in an non-growing order of importance in this
process: (1) initial identification process with PCT supervision function, in special, the activities
mentioned as basis to this process; (2) the essential characteristics and set of knowledge to develop
this function, considering their responsibility for pre-service students professional as well personal
formation; (3) the formative teachers individuals conceptions related to PCT supervision function,
which, several of them are very similar to a certain pedagogical ideals or to a consolidated pedagogical
common sense; (4) the constant confrontation between relational and biographic components from the
identity formation, being that the first seems weakened , due to the absence or reduced interactive forms among the formative teachers within the collective of PCT supervisors investigated; (5) the local professional culture of PCT supervisors collective , which interferes in the identity formation in less proportion, as consequence of the few interaction established among the formative teachers. Considering such factors and the relative importance of each one of them, we can affirm that the PCT teachers, from UFSM TEC, professional identity formation process is characterized by the
individualism and it has as a basis the discovery of how developing this function from the own practice
or from the moment in which the supervisors actions are disarticulated from models and practices that they lived in the students position, mainly, during their owns pre-service trainings. Besides, it is a gradual and unfinished process due to the how developing this function learning is strongly related to: (1) the changes that occur in the schools spaces; (2) the different troubles lived by the pre-service teachers during their practice development; (3) the institutional alterations, that occurs in the preservice schools or in the formative institution, or still the normative ones, originated from teaching
system management official authorities, referent to the PCT organization and the development in TEC. / Esta pesquisa foi desenvolvida entre 2007 e 2009, no âmbito do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação da UFSM/RS, vinculada ao Projeto de Pesquisa Dilemas e Perspectivas para a Inovação Educacional na Educação Básica e na Formação de Professores (DIPIED) e ao Grupo de Estudos, Pesquisas e Intervenções Inovação Educacional, Práticas Educativas e Formação de Professores (INOVAEDUC) . O objetivo principal foi caracterizar o processo de construção da identidade profissional de professores orientadores de Estágio Curricular Pré-Profissional (ECPP) em Cursos de Licenciatura (CL), de
modo a contribuir para uma melhor compreensão das especificidades inerentes ao desempenho dessa função e das atividades formativas e profissionais, possíveis de auxiliar no desempenho dessa função. Para isso, nos propusemos o seguinte problema de pesquisa: Em que medida os fatores condicionantes da formação da identidade profissional de professores orientadores de ECPP interferem na formação da
identidade profissional de um grupo de profissionais que desempenham essa função? Para o desenvolvimento do trabalho, utilizamo-nos de uma abordagem qualitativa, mediante a qual realizamos 45 entrevistas individuais estruturadas com professores orientadores de ECPP. No total, considerando-se que alguns sujeitos foram entrevistados em duas etapas distintas do trabalho, envolvemos 31 professores que orientam ECPP em 15 dos 19 CL da UFSM. Para análise dessas entrevistas, empregamos alguns princípios da chamada Análise de Conteúdo. Evidenciamos alguns fatores que condicionam o processo de formação das identidades profissionais dos orientadores de ECPP investigados e os apresentamos em ordem decrescente de importância nesse processo: (1) o processo de identificação inicial com a função de orientação de ECPP, em especial, as atividades mencionadas como base para esse processo; (2) as
características e os saberes essenciais para desempenho dessa função, considerando sua responsabilidade pela formação profissional, bem como pessoal, do aluno estagiário; (3) as concepções individuais dos formadores, relativas à função de orientação de ECPP, as quais, em boa parte,
assemelham-se a um certo ideário pedagógico ou a um senso comum pedagógico consolidado; (4) o constante confronto entre o componente relacional e o componente biográfico da formação identitária, sendo que o primeiro se mostra enfraquecido , devido à ausência ou às reduzidas formas de interação entre os formadores dentro do coletivo de orientadores de ECPP investigado; (5) a cultura profissional
local do coletivo de orientadores de ECPP, a qual condiciona a formação identitária em menor proporção, por conseqüência da pouca interação estabelecida entre os próprios formadores. Considerando tais fatores e a importância relativa de cada um deles, podemos afirmar que o processo de formação da identidade profissional de orientadores de ECPP, atuantes em CL da UFSM, caracteriza-se pelo individualismo e tem por base a descoberta de como desempenhar essa função, a partir da própria atuação ou a partir do momento em que as ações dos orientadores se desvinculam de modelos e de práticas que vivenciaram na condição de alunos, em especial, durante os seus próprios ECPP. Além disso, esse é um processo gradual e inacabado devido à aprendizagem de como desempenhar essa função estar fortemente relacionada
com: (1) as mudanças que ocorrem no funcionamento dos espaços escolares; (2) os diferentes problemas vivenciados pelos alunos estagiários no desenvolvimento de suas práticas; (3) as alterações de caráter institucional, sejam elas efetivadas nas escolas campo de estágio ou efetivadas na agência formadora, ou ainda as de caráter normativo, emanadas das instâncias oficiais de administração dos sistemas de ensino, referentes à organização e ao desenvolvimento dos ECPP em CL.
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