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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Relational Learning: A Study of Peer Mentoring Experiences among Undergraduate Teacher Education Majors

Chorba, Kristen 16 December 2013 (has links)
No description available.

Evaluating the Effects of a Formative Classroom Management Coaching Program for Pre-Service Teachers

Holdaway, Alex S. 19 September 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Undergraduate Students’ Cultural Proficiency Education in Career and Citizenship Preparation

Jagger, Carla Beth 31 October 2016 (has links)
No description available.

From chameleons to koalas: exploring Australian culture with pre-service teachers through children's literture and international experience

Stiles, James W. 21 June 2004 (has links)
No description available.

Assessing the Usage Ratings of an Automated Language Intervention

Linke, Elizabeth A. 18 December 2012 (has links)
No description available.

Blivande förskollärares uppfattningar om fysisk aktivitet i förskolan : En kvalitativ studie med utgångspunkt i fokusgrupper / Prospective preschool teachers' perceptions on physical activity inpreschool : A qualitative study based on focus groups

Björn, Karin, Jonsson, Lisa January 2022 (has links)
Studiens syfte är att bidra med kunskaper om hur blivande förskollärare ser på fysisk aktivitet i förskolan och om det finns yttre ramfaktorer som påverkar för vilken fysisk aktivitet som möjliggörs. Det handlar om yttre ramfaktorer såsom styrdokument, tid för planering, pedagogers kompetens och förhållningssätt, barngruppens storlek, lokaler, miljöer samt materiella resurser. Dessa ramfaktorer utgår från ramfaktorteorin som också varit den teoretiska grunden för vår studie. 14 blivande förskollärare fördelat på tre grupper deltog i studien, där fokusgrupper användes som metod för att få kunskaper om vilka uppfattningar de blivande förskollärarna har om fysisk aktivitet och vilka yttre ramfaktorer som kan påverka inom området. Utifrån ljudinspelning vid fokusgruppsintervjuerna samt transkribering av materialet som sedan analyserades utifrån IPA- metoden, kunde ett resultat urskönjas.Resultatet visar att de blivande förskollärarna upplever att de finns påverkande ramfaktorer för vilken fysisk aktivitet som kan möjliggöras i förskolan. Läroplanen och tiden för planering av fysisk aktivitet är svårpåverkade ramfaktorer. Att barngruppens storlek, pedagogers kompetens och förskolans olika miljöer är ramfaktorer som påverkar möjliggörandet av fysisk aktivitet framkommer också. Samtidigt ser de blivande förskollärarna möjligheterna i att kunna påverka dessa ramfaktorer för att kunna möjliggöra för fysisk aktivitet i större utsträckning. Därmed visar resultatet att hur förskollärare väljer att förhålla sig till de yttre ramfaktorerna, påverkar för vilken fysisk aktivitet som sker i förskolan. Vår studie visar att blivande förskollärare har en positiv syn i att se möjligheterna i de yttre ramfaktorerna vilket bidrar till att barn i större utsträckning får vara fysiskt aktiva. / The purpose of the study is to contribute knowledge about how prospective preschool teachers view physical activity in preschool and whether there are external framework factors that affect which physical activity is made possible. These are external framework factors such as curriculum, time for planning, educators' skills and attitudes, the size of the children's group, premises, environments and material resources. These framework factors are based on the framework factor theory, which has also been the theoretical basis for our study. 14 prospective preschool teachers divided into three groups participated in the study. Focus groups were used as a method to gain knowledge about what perceptions the prospective preschool teachers have about physical activity and which external framework factors can influence the area. Based on audio recording at the focus group interviews and transcription of the material, which was then analyzed based on the IPA method, a result could be discerned. The results show that the prospective preschool teachers feel that there are influencing framework factors for what physical activity can be made possible in the preschool. The curriculum and the time for planning physical activity are difficult factors to influence. It also appears that the size of the group of children, the competence of educators and the different environments of the preschool are framework factors that affect the enabling of physical activity. At the same time, the prospective preschool teachers see the possibilities in being able to influence these framework factors in order to be able to enable physical activity to a greater extent. Thus, the results show that how preschool teachers choose to relate to the external framework factors, affects for which physical activity takes place in the preschool. Our study shows that prospective preschool teachers have a positive view in seeing the possibilities in the external framework factors, which contributes to children being physically active to a greater extent.

Botswana student teachers' views on the nature of science and scientific method: a critical reflection

Kadiyala, Aparna 30 June 2005 (has links)
The assumption of the present study is that teachers should possess an adequate understanding of the nature of science and scientific method and hence this aspect was investigated. The empirical research carried out with Secondary School teacher trainees at Botswana colleges of education showed the following: Subjects possess an adequate understanding of some aspects of the nature of science and several aspects of the scientific method. They however do not have an adequate understanding on certain aspects of the nature of science. An association was found between the nature of science, type of educational institution attended, years of study and majoring in science. A positive association was found between scientific method and years spent studying. The present study recommended the inclusion of history, philosophy and sociology of science in the curriculum of teacher education. / Educational Studies / M. Ed. (with specialisation in Natural Science Education)

Botswana student teachers' views on the nature of science and scientific method: a critical reflection

Kadiyala, Aparna 30 June 2005 (has links)
The assumption of the present study is that teachers should possess an adequate understanding of the nature of science and scientific method and hence this aspect was investigated. The empirical research carried out with Secondary School teacher trainees at Botswana colleges of education showed the following: Subjects possess an adequate understanding of some aspects of the nature of science and several aspects of the scientific method. They however do not have an adequate understanding on certain aspects of the nature of science. An association was found between the nature of science, type of educational institution attended, years of study and majoring in science. A positive association was found between scientific method and years spent studying. The present study recommended the inclusion of history, philosophy and sociology of science in the curriculum of teacher education. / Educational Studies / M. Ed. (with specialisation in Natural Science Education)

Professional development of teachers for effective environmental education

Bopape, Johannah 30 November 2006 (has links)
Studies have shown that most teachers in South Africa have no background in Environmental Education (EE), have not received pre-service training in EE and very little teacher education has taken place in EE. The Revised National Curriculum Statements emphasise the infusion of EE in all learning areas. There is, however, a problem whether there is a need for professional development of teachers for effective EE. The main aim of this study is to enable teachers to acquire knowledge and skills to infuse EE in all learning areas. The study gathered data through literature review from primary and secondary sources. The questionnaire was developed as a research tool and was sampled to 216 Tshwane North District Office teachers. The collected data are analysed by using the frequency tables indicating percentage of respondents in each category. The study recommends the professional development of teachers for effective implementation of EE in schools. / Educational Studies / M.Ed.

Peace education in Zimbabwean pre-service teacher education : a critical reflection

Makoni, Richard 02 1900 (has links)
This study was designed to bring to the fore the reasons for introducing peace education in pre-service teacher education in Zimbabwean teachers colleges in order to establish the foundations for positive peace in Zimbabwe. The focus of the study was on the preparation of Zimbabwean pre-service teachers in peace education as an effective approach for building durable peace in Zimbabwe. The main research question that guided this study was: Why and how should peace education be introduced at pre-service teacher education colleges in Zimbabwe? The overall aim of the research is to develop an appropriate peace education programme for Zimbabwean teachers’ colleges which will be employed as a strategy for constructing positive peace in Zimbabwe. A phenomenological methodology blending Edmund Husserl’s descriptive phenomenology and Martin Heidegger’s interpretive phenomenology was used to elicit participants’ views on the challenges and possibilities of introducing peace education at pre-service teacher education colleges in Zimbabwe. Data for the study were gathered using semi-structured interviews, focus group interviews and documentary analysis. Key themes emerging from the data analysis were that (a) there is an absence of positive peace in contemporary Zimbabwe (b) Zimbabwean teachers’ colleges are not offering courses in peace education (c) peace education would benefit Zimbabwe as a country, (d) peace education is implementable at pre-service teacher education colleges in Zimbabwe, (e) there is need to develop an appropriate peace education curriculum that reflects the needs of Zimbabwean citizens and (f) college principals, lecturers, student teachers, policymakers and programme-makers have important roles to play in peace education initiatives. Through this study, the researcher established that peace education is a plausible and sustainable mechanism for building positive peace which has remained obscure in Zimbabwe despite thirty-four years of hard won independence. This shows the necessity for introducing peace education in Zimbabwean teachers colleges as a strategy for positive peace building. It is therefore, recommended that teachers’ colleges in Zimbabwe should introduce peace education in their pre-service programmes in order to build prospective teachers’ capacities to establish an infrastructure for positive peace in their future classrooms, the immediate communities and Zimbabwean society as a whole. / Philosophy of Education / D. Ed. (Philosophy of Education)

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