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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


Buchmann, Letícia Taís 12 May 2008 (has links)
This thesis was carried out following the research line Education and Arts of the Postgraduate Education Program at the Federal University of Santa Maria (UFSM), Brazil, and it is one of the works originated in the research group FAPEM (Qualification, Action and Research in Musical Education), registered at the Brazilian research support agency CNPq. This work aims at investigating music teaching development in the supervised pre-service teacher training of the Music Course Licentiate s degree at UFSM, from the point of view of a group of six trainees. In order to do so, we sought to understand the trainees conception of training and its relation to primary and secondary education. Besides taking into account the laws related to the theme, our theoretical references included authors from the fields of Education (such as ALARCÃO; TAVARES, 1987; GARCIA, 1999; PIMENTA; LIMA, 2004) and Musical Education (such as MATEIRO, 2002a, 2002b; MATTANA, 2005; BEINEKE; BELLOCHIO, 2007) whose research works focus on teachers professional development and supervised pre-service teacher training. The adopted methodological approach was qualitative, including semi-structured interviews, memory stimulus interviews and video recordings of the trainees classes. Criteria for selecting participants were the trainees interest and availability as well as the researcher s availability for going to the schools at the time the trainees were teaching in order to film them. Data were analyzed following their organization into two categories: (1) conceptions of training, including the supervisor s role, and (2) teaching practice at school, considering that the training was carried out in pairs, its relation to primary and secondary education and the trainees experiences. Based on our interpretation and dialogue with the references concerning teaching development in supervised pre-service teacher training, it was possible to reach some conclusions about music teachers professional development. Thus, we believe this research may contribute relevant data to the teaching profession. We pointed out the sharing of actions by the trainees and their supervisor s mediation, as well as problems and considerations regarding teaching development during training and its relation to music teachers professional development. / Esta dissertação foi desenvolvida na Linha de Pesquisa Educação e Artes, do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação da Universidade Federal de Santa Maria e está vinculada ao grupo CNPq/Fapem: Formação, Ação e Pesquisa em Educação Musical. O objetivo da pesquisa foi investigar a construção da docência em Música no estágio supervisionado do Curso de Música Licenciatura Plena da UFSM, a partir do ponto de vista de um grupo de seis estagiários. Para tanto procurou-se conhecer as concepções dos estagiários sobre o estágio supervisionado e entender sua relação com o ensino na Educação Básica. Além de considerar a legislação vigente sobre os temas, os referenciais teóricos estudados incluem autores dos campos da Educação (como ALARCÃO; TAVARES, 1987; GARCIA, 1999; PIMENTA; LIMA, 2004) e da Educação Musical (como MATEIRO, 2002a, 2002b; MATTANA, 2005; BEINEKE; BELLOCHIO, 2007), cujas pesquisas focalizam a formação inicial de professores e o estágio supervisionado. A abordagem metodológica adotada foi a qualitativa, com a realização de entrevistas semi-estruturadas e de estimulação de memória e gravações em vídeo de aulas dos estagiários. A seleção dos participantes ocorreu pelo critério de interesse e disponibilidade em participar da pesquisa e também pela possibilidade de a pesquisadora ir à escola de Educação Básica nos horários das aulas desses estagiários para realizar as filmagens. A análise dos dados foi realizada a partir da organização de duas categorias: (1) concepções de estágio, incluindo a função desempenhada pela orientação, e (2) a atividade docente na escola, destacando a realização do estágio em duplas e a relação com o ensino na Educação Básica com foco nas experiências dos estagiários. A partir da interpretação e diálogo com os referenciais sobre a construção da docência no estágio supervisionado foi possível tecer considerações sobre o processo formativo de professores de Música. Nesse viés, acredita-se que esta pesquisa possa contribuir com dados relevantes sobre o estágio na construção da docência, ressaltando-se o compartilhamento das ações dos estagiários e a mediação da orientação. Enfatizam-se também problematizações e reflexões sobre a construção da docência durante o estágio e sua relação com a formação de professores de Música.

Polidocentes-com-Mídias e o Ensino de Cálculo I / Polyteacher-with-media and teaching of Calculus

Almeida, Helber Rangel Formiga Leite de [UNESP] 23 November 2016 (has links)
Submitted by HELBER RANGEL FORMIGA LEITE DE ALMEIDA null (helber.rangel@gmail.com) on 2016-11-30T18:00:42Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Almeida, Helber.pdf: 6860142 bytes, checksum: bf9100b9af47d735378c90389e414030 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Felipe Augusto Arakaki (arakaki@reitoria.unesp.br) on 2016-12-02T15:43:20Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 almeida_hrfl_dr_rcla.pdf: 6860142 bytes, checksum: bf9100b9af47d735378c90389e414030 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-12-02T15:43:20Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 almeida_hrfl_dr_rcla.pdf: 6860142 bytes, checksum: bf9100b9af47d735378c90389e414030 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-11-23 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / Esta pesquisa tem como objetivo compreender o papel das Tecnologias Digitais (TD) no ensino da disciplina Cálculo I oferecida a distância, em particular, para cursos de Licenciatura em Matemática da Universidade Aberta do Brasil (UAB). Trata-se de uma pesquisa de cunho qualitativo. Mais especificamente, utilizei a abordagem metodológica da Teoria Fundamentada nos Dados (TFD). Nessa abordagem, o pesquisador deve construir uma teoria a partir do desenvolvimento de conceitos, categorias, propriedades e dimensões. A TFD foi utilizada na construção e na análise dos dados, estes, produzidos a partir de quatro fontes: observação no Ambiente Virtual de Aprendizagem (AVA), entrevistas com professores, tutores e alunos dos cursos, análise dos documentos oficiais destes cursos e um diário de campo do pesquisador. Os dados produzidos permitiram um diálogo com as ideias de polidocência, que discute a fragmentação do ensino em cursos a distância, e do construto seres-humanos-com-mídias, que propõe que humanos e tecnologias atuam juntos na produção do conhecimento matemático. Esses dados permitiram inferir que há dois papéis em evidência, cada um analisado em uma das categorias que emergiram, intituladas “TD e seu papel na estruturação da disciplina” e “TD e seu papel na docência da disciplina”. Em cada uma das categorias foram desenvolvidas três propriedades. Na primeira: o design da disciplina, a avaliação online e a interação. Na segunda categoria, as propriedades exploradas foram: a mudança de papéis, a estratégia e as dificuldades epistemológicas. Posteriormente, essas categorias foram integradas em uma categoria central que indica a teoria que defende a existência de um construto polidocentes-com-mídias para os dados produzidos e analisados. Esse construto sugere que as TD atuam no coletivo de trabalhadores da polidocência, alterando papéis e desvelando outros neste coletivo. Para isso, é necessário que o AVA seja um ambiente rico em interações colaborativas, nas quais o diálogo seja constantemente incentivado por professores e tutores. Com o construto polidocentes-com-mídias elaborado, o modelo foi, então, verificado nas disciplinas analisadas, o que corroborou a necessidade das interações colaborativas. Com esta pesquisa, espera-se que outras sejam iniciadas no sentido de investigar que outros papéis as TD podem desempenhar, não apenas no ensino, como também na aprendizagem de outras disciplinas em contextos semelhantes. / This research aims to understand the role of Digital Technologies (DT) in the teaching of Calculus in distance education, in particular, in the Pre-Service Mathematics Teacher Education of the Open University of Brazil (UAB). A qualitative research approach was used, specifically the methodological approach of Grounded Theory (GT). In this approach, the researcher builds a theory grounded in concepts, categories, properties and dimensions identified through analysis of the data. The data were produced from four sources: observation in Virtual Learning Environment (VLE), interviews with teachers, tutors and students of the courses, analysis of official documents of these courses, and research field notes. Based on the produced data, it was possible to build a dialogue between poly-teaching ideas regarding the fragmentation of teaching in distance learning courses, and the theoretical construct humans-with-media, which proposes that humans and technology work together in the production of mathematical knowledge. Two roles of DT emerged as analytic categories: "DT and its role in the structuring of the course" and "DT and its role in teaching the course". In each category, three properties were developed. In the first category, they were: the course design, evaluation and online interaction. In the second category, the properties explored were: changing roles, strategy and epistemological difficulties. Later, these categories were integrated into a central category that formed the basis for defending the existence of the theoretical construct “poly-teachers-with-media”. This construct suggests that DT act in the collective of poly-teaching workers, changing roles and revealing others in this collective. Therefore, it is necessary for the VLE to be an environment rich in collaborative interactions, in which the dialogue is constantly encouraged by teachers and tutors. Once the notion of the construct poly-teachers-with-media was developed, the model was then verified in the analyzed courses, which supported the relationship with the need for collaborative interactions. With this research, it is hoped that others will begin to investigate the other roles that DT can play, not only in teaching, but also in the learning of different subjects in similar contexts.

Teletandem: sessões de orientação e suas perspectivas para o curso de letras

Candido, Juliana [UNESP] 30 November 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-11T19:30:22Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2010-11-30Bitstream added on 2014-06-13T18:40:24Z : No. of bitstreams: 1 candido_j_me_sjrp.pdf: 2430091 bytes, checksum: f71fd9f825d0e6ad6145cb7b0ddbe729 (MD5) / Nesta pesquisa objetivou-se estudar a formação inicial do professor de LE no contexto de laboratório de teletandem. Foca-se em quatro aspectos na graduação do professor de línguas: a orientação, a mediação, a reflexão e a aprendizagem em teletandem. Nesta pesquisa discute-se, através de um recurso tecnológico, o módulo Adobe® Acrobat® Connect™ Pro, a orientação, a mediação e a reflexão pelos alunos-professores de uma universidade estadual paulista, inseridos em um laboratório de teletandem. Neste laboratório, os alunos do curso de Letras, denominados aqui de alunos-orientadores, ministram sessões de orientação teórica e tecnológica para os alunos ingressantes no projeto Teletandem Brasil: língua estrangeira para todos, isto é, aqueles que ainda não iniciaram o seu processo de aprendizagem de língua estrangeira em teletandem. Assim, a pesquisa em questão constitui-se basicamente em três etapas: i) observação das sessões de orientação presenciais ministradas pelos alunos-orientadores no laboratório de teletandem; ii) leitura, reflexão e análise do diário-reflexivo dos alunos-orientadores acerca destas sessões de orientação teórica e iii) realização das sessões de mediação online com os alunos-orientadores pelo módulo Adobe® Acrobat® Connect™ Pro. O interesse no desenvolvimento da pesquisa surgiu pelas necessidades e inquietações na minha experiência como aluna do curso de Letras, isto é, como professora de língua estrangeira em formação inicial carente de maior orientação e reflexão da natureza que este novo contexto de ensino e aprendizagem de línguas em tandem permite oferecer. Desta forma, objetivou-se, especificamente investigar quais os possíveis impactos da experiência de orientação, dada pelo aluno de Letras, futuro professor de LE, no... / This research study aimed at investigating the foreign language teacher‟s pre-service education in a teletandem‟s laboratory context. Specifically, it focuses on four aspects in the foreign language teacher‟s pre-service education: counseling, mediation, reflection and learning in teletandem. This study discusses, through a new technological resource, the Adobe® Acrobat® Connect™ Pro, the counseling, mediation and the reflection by the pre-service students from a state university in São Paulo state, inside a teletandem laboratory. In this laboratory, the undergraduate foreigner teachers, called at this study of counselor-students, provide theoretical and technological counseling sessions to the freshman students in the thematic project named Teletandem Brasil: língua estrangeira para todos, in other words, for those students who have not started their foreign language learning in teletandem process yet. Therefore, this research is basically constituted by three stages: i) observation of the face to face counseling sessions given by the counselor-students in the laboratory; ii) reading, reflection and analysis of the reflective diaries of the counselor-students about these face to face counseling sessions and iii) realization of the online mediation sessions with the counselor-students through the Adobe® Acrobat® Connect™ Pro. The interest to achieve this research arose by the needs and concerns within my experience as an undergraduate foreign language teacher, in other words, as a teacher in a pre-service education lacking more counseling and reflection of the nature that this new context of teaching and learning languages in-tandem can provide. Thus, the study aimed to investigate what are the possible impacts of the counseling sessions‟ experience, given by the... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)

導入總整課程概念於臺灣中小學師資職前教育之研究 / A Study on Integrating the Concept of the Capstone Course into Primary and Secondary Teacher Education in Taiwan

陳培菱, Chen, Pei Ling Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在導入總整課程概念於臺灣中小學師資職前教育,探討國外總整課程之內涵與功能,初步建構臺灣中小學師資職前教育之總整課程,並提出結論與建議,以供未來師資培育大學發展總整課程之參考。 研究方法上,先以文件分析出可行之臺灣中小學職前教育總整課程,接著以專家問卷進行課程的刪修,再利用模糊德菲法探究專家學者對課程具備整合、反思與銜接功能之看法,最後根據專家學者們之共識,完成我國中小學師資職前教育總整課程。根據研究之結果與分析,歸納主要結論如下: 一、中小學師資職前教育總整課程形式包含「實地教學經驗」、「研究計畫」、「專題討論」、「歷程檔案」、「綜合表現與評量」五大類。 二、以實地教學經驗,如「半年教育實習」、「分科/分領域教學實習」、「實踐史懷哲精神教育服務計畫」等,在中小學師資職前教育總整課程之各功能認同度最高。 三、臺灣中小學師資職前教育總整課程依據類型不同,具備總整性存在差異。 最後,本研究根據研究結果,提出相關建議,俾供各師資培育之大學以及後續研究之參考。 / The purpose of this study is to integrate the concept of capstone course to pre-service primary and secondary teacher education in Taiwan. This paper not only explores the connotation and function of the capstone course in pre-service teacher education, but also constructs the capstone course in pre-service teacher education for Taiwan. It also provides conclusions and suggestions for universities that offers teacher training programs to develop their capstone course in the future. The main conclusions follow: 1.The capstone courses of pre-service teacher education include five categories: "field experience", "research project", "seminar", "portfolio", "comprehensive performance and evaluation". 2.The field experience, such as " student teaching", " teaching practicum ", " Schweitzer program " and so on, has the highest capstone function in Taiwan’s pre-service primary and secondary teacher education. 3.The function of capstone course is much different in Taiwan according to varietal types of professional courses and activities of pre-service primary and secondary teacher education. In conclusion, the findings and results in the hope of providing suggestion for the universities that offers teacher training programs and more studies in the future.

From memories of the past to anticipations of the future:pre-service elementary teachers’ mathematical identity work

Lutovac, S. (Sonja) 30 September 2014 (has links)
Abstract This study explored mathematical identity work by drawing on the cases of Finnish and Slovenian pre-service elementary teachers. All cases reported having had negative experiences with mathematics during their school years. These experiences were shown to have a central meaning for pre-service teachers’ mathematical identities. However, identity also extends to the future. For this reason, pre-service teachers’ anticipations of the future were also explored. The concepts of narrative identity (Ricoeur, 1992) and possible selves (Markus & Nurius, 1989) were applied in the context of mathematics education. The overall narrative perspective of the study enabled a psycho-social understanding of identity. The special interest of the study was confined to an understanding of the role that educational contexts play in pre-service teachers’ mathematical identity work. Narrative inquiry was applied as a research methodology. In-depth interviews invited pre-service teachers to construct narratives of their mathematics-related experiences. These narratives were analysed holistically and categorically, as well as in terms of content and form. The findings showed striking similarities in pre-service teachers’ school-time memories. The cases in question felt like victims of their own mathematical experiences. The anticipations of mathematics teaching were also underlined by the challenges rooted in their school-time experiences. However, a surprising finding was that the identity work in which the Finnish and Slovenian cases engaged during their teacher education differed substantially. The main reasons for the differences in identity work seemed to stem from different emphases and pedagogical practices in mathematics education courses within the Finnish and Slovenian teacher education settings. The study argued that identity work can be facilitated during teacher education. To begin such a process, it would be central to focus on pre-service teachers’ biographical context through narrative pedagogical tools. The findings also showed that neglecting issues from school-time experiences might engender further challenges for pre-service teachers’ future mathematics teaching. Finally, the study argued for the need to openly address identity during teacher education. The significant theoretical contribution of the study is the conceptualisation of ‘mathematical identity work’. / Tiivistelmä Tutkimuksessa tarkasteltiin matemaattista identiteettityötä suomalaisten ja slovenialaisten luokanopettajaopiskelijoiden kokemusten kautta. Opiskelijoiden mukaan heillä oli ollut omana kouluaikanaan kielteisiä matematiikan opintoihin liittyviä kokemuksia, joilla osoitettiin olevan negatiivisia vaikutuksia opiskelijoiden matemaattisiin identiteetteihin. Koska tutkimuksessa korostuu identiteetin tulevaisuusaspekti, tarkastelun kohteina olivat opiskelijoiden tulevaisuuteen liittyvät toiveet ja odotukset. Tutkimuksessa sovellettiin narratiivisen identiteetin (Ricoeur, 1992) ja mahdollisten minuuksien (Markus & Nurius, 1989) käsitteitä matematiikan opetuksen kontekstissa. Identiteetin ymmärtämisen psyko-sosiaalisena ilmiönä mahdollisti narratiivinen näkökulma. Erityinen huomio kohdistettiin siihen, millainen merkitys kasvatuksellisilla konteksteilla on luokanopettajaopiskelijoiden matemaattisessa identiteettityössä. Tutkimusmetodologiana käytettiin narratiivista tutkimusta. Opiskelijat kertoivat syvähaastatteluissa matematiikkaan liittyvistä kokemuksistaan. Nämä narratiivit analysoitiin holistisesti ja kategorisesti ottaen huomioon myös niiden sisältö ja muoto. Tuloksista ilmenee merkittävää samankaltaisuutta luokanopettajaopiskelijoiden omaan kouluaikaan liittyvissä muistoissa. Monet esimerkiksi kuvailivat itsensä uhreiksi. Myös tulevaan matematiikan opetukseen liittyvät ennakko-odotukset olivat värittyneet opettajaopiskelijoiden omaan kouluaikaan liittyvien haasteellisten kokemusten kautta. Yllättävä tulos oli se, että suomalaisten ja slovenialaisten opiskelijoiden luokanopettajakoulutuksen aikainen identiteettityö erosi huomattavasti toisistaan. Erojen pääsyynä ovat nähtävästi erilaiset painotukset ja käytänteet opettajankoulutuksen matematiikan pedagogisissa opinnoissa. Tutkimus osoittaa, että identiteettityötä voidaan pyrkiä edistämään opettajankoulutuksen aikana. Prosessin aloittamiseksi olisi tärkeää kohdentaa huomio opettajaopiskelijoiden elämäkerrallisiin konteksteihin soveltamalla narratiivisia pedagogisia työkaluja. Sillä että omaan kouluaikaan liittyviä kokemuksia ei oteta huomioon, voi olla kielteisiä heijastuksia opettajaopiskelijoiden tulevaan matematiikan opetukseen. Tutkimuksen mukaan identiteetti on syytä ottaa avoimesti tarkasteluun opettajankoulutuksen aikana. Tutkimuksen teorian kannalta merkittävä anti on termin matemaattinen identiteettityö käsitteellistäminen.

Adapting Instruction Using Disruptive Technology during the COVID-19 Pandemic: How STEM Teacher Educators, Pre-service Teachers, K-12 Educators, and 6th -12th Grade Students Rapidly Adapt to Online Learning

Vakil, Joanne Baltazar January 2020 (has links)
No description available.

Relevance of the Swaziland teacher education curricula to professional ethics regarding teacher-pupil relationships

Simelane, Jenneth Futhie 02 1900 (has links)
Education in Swaziland is faced with the challenge of degenerating professional standards among teachers. This study sought to determine the relevance of the current teacher training curriculum in preparing pre-service teachers on professional ethics regarding teacher-pupil relationships. The study’s participants were from two universities; University of Swaziland (UNISWA) and Southern Africa Nazarene University (SANU), and three teacher-training colleges; William Pitcher, Ngwane, and Swaziland College of Technology. Participants comprised five purposefully selected heads of education departments, five focus groups of eight final year student teachers randomly selected from each institution, 100 new teachers with less than five years teaching experience (graduates) from the participating teacher training institutions. Data were collected concurrently using a semi-structured interview for the heads of department, focus group interviews for student teachers, a questionnaire for new teachers and document analysis for collecting data from documents of the institutions. Instruments were pilot tested on samples with similar characteristics to those of the participants. Data analysis was guided by the research questions. Qualitative data from the interviews and focus group interviews were analysed inductively, presented narratively through the use of verbatim quotations. Content analysis was used to analyse data from the documents and presented similarly to that from interviews. Quantitative data was analysed using descriptive statistics such as means, frequencies and percentages using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) Version 20. Findings of the study revealed that the extent to which teacher training institutions implemented professional ethics regarding teacher-pupil relationships was not as adequate as it should, in terms of content and methods of implementation. The teacher training institutions generally offered professional ethics not as a course but as part of a course or courses. Therefore, the study recommended that the curricula in teacher training institutions should incorporate a course specific to ethics of the teaching profession. A further study on challenges faced by teacher training institutions in the implementation of the curriculum on professional ethics is necessary. / Curriculum and Instructional Studies / D. Ed. (Curriculum Studies)

Elementary Teacher Candidate Perceptions of Hip-Hop Pedagogy in the Mathematics Classroom

Cason, Marti B. 08 1900 (has links)
This dissertation examines elementary teacher candidates' perceptions of hip-hop culture and utilizing hip-hop pedagogy in a mathematics classroom. This study demonstrates how elements of hip-hop may be integrated into an elementary mathematics methods course to develop pedagogical knowledge that challenges teacher candidates to explore the benefits of utilizing hip-hop as a tool in the classroom. This study contributes to the growing body of research that investigates the use of hip-hop pedagogy in educator preparatory programs. Participants in this study were teacher candidates at a large university in Texas enrolled in the final year of their educator preparatory program. This research shows that as a result of integrating hip-hop pedagogy in the mathematics methods course, teacher candidates had increased knowledge and more positive perceptions of hip-hop culture, and they demonstrated a greater willingness to integrate hip-hop pedagogy in their future classrooms.

Analýza využití multimédií ve výuce přírodopisu a biologie / Analysis of the Use of Multimedia in Science Education

Odcházelová, Tereza January 2016 (has links)
Digital literacy is one of key competencies for lifelong learning. Although implementing multimedia (i.e. ICT) into the educational process has a global perspective, the curricular documents for compulsory school attendance in the Czech Republic (Rámcový vzdělávací program), Slovak Republic (Štátny vzdelávací program) and Germany (Bildungsstandards) do not emphasize this need. A review of the above mentioned documents indicated, that the general need to develop digital literacy of pupils across all school subjects is not formulated by these documents. Therefore, the personal opinions and beliefs of the teachers, their enthusiasm to use ICT, their level of computer literacy, school facilities and the approach of pupils to ICT, play the most important role with regard to the implementation of multimedia in the educational process. Accordingly, the combined research conducted by questionnaires and structured interviews, is aimed towards beliefs, opinions and experiences of pre-service and in-service teachers of biology and primary school pupils from the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Germany. The research has involved 422 Czech, 205 Slovak and 136 German in-service biology teachers and 222 Czech, 100 Slovak and 84 German pre-service teachers. The questionnaires were also addressed to 442 Czech pupils...

Pre-service teachers’ mathematics profiles and the influence thereof on their instructional behaviour

Barnes, Hayley 11 April 2012 (has links)
In this paper the notion of “mathematics profiles” and “instructional behaviour profiles is introduced. A brief explanation of what these profiles are and how they were constructed and represented for preservice mathematics teachers is provided. An example of one of the participants’ profiles is included as an example. The influence of the pre-service teachers’ mathematics profiles on their instructional behaviour is then discussed. This is done with regard to using the mathematics profiles as a potential tool to optimise the development of pre-service mathematics teachers’ instructional behaviour towards a more reform-oriented approach.

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