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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Možnosti nahrazení vazby / Means of Substitution of Custody

Gantnerová, Anna January 2019 (has links)
91 Abstract - Means of substitution of custody The topic of this thesis are the means of substitution of custody. The institute of custody is a very actual topic that is developing dynamically and is still controversial. Thanks to both domestic and international courts, the standard of protection of basic human rights keeps increasing and custody is therefore considered an extreme securing measure that can only be used in case there are no usable milder means. The aim of this thesis is to introduce these means of substitution of custody, stating their issues in theory and in praxis, their critical evaluation and suggestions de lege ferenda. The first chapter of this thesis focuses on general characteristics of custody and conditions of its use. The first chapter is a crucial part of the thesis as the means of substitution of custody directly relate to the institute of custody itself. The second chapter of this thesis focuses on the development of individual means of substitution of custody. It is a rather brief overview of the most significant amendments to legislation. In the author's opinion though, to correctly understand the current legislation concerning means of substitution of custody, it is necessary to be aware of the historical context of the establishment and use of these means. The third and...

Role policejního orgánu v přípravném řízení trestním / The role of the police authority in pre-trial proceedings

Knapešová, Kristýna January 2018 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the role of the police authority in preliminary criminal proceedings. The thesis is divided into twelve chapters which are further structured into subchapters, describing in more detail the given procedure or institute. According to the phases of preliminary proceedings, the diploma thesis is chronologically divided into the examination phase and investigation phase, describing further the police authority proceedings. The objective of the diploma thesis is particularly to describe the procedure and actions of the police authority in individual phases of preliminary proceedings and to explain its role. The content of the diploma thesis is focused on the relation of the person against whom the criminal proceedings are being conducted (i.e. the suspected or accused) and the police authority. More specifically, particularly on the procedures of the Police of the Czech Republic bodies; marginally, it mentions other bodies in the position of a police authority, as well. This is the reason the reader most often encounters in the text a comparison of the criminal proceedings adjustments and the Act on the Police of the Czech Republic, possibly with notice to their differences. In the elaborated topic, emphasis is put on the right of the accused to a fair trial, right of the...

A cost analysis and recidivism study of a pre-trial diversion program

Green, Ruth E. 01 January 1979 (has links)
This research project is a report of cost findings and rearrest rates from a program evaluation of a pre-trial diversion program. In 1978 Cascade Research Center (CRC) contracted with Clark County, Washington, to determine the cost-effectiveness and cost-efficiency of the Pre-Habilitation agency, which implements the Prosecuting Attorney's Pre-Trial Diversion Program.

Accidental Detention: A Threat to the Legitimacy of Venezuelan Democracy

Durán-Sánchez, Mabel Gabriela 01 January 2013 (has links)
The main argument of this thesis is that the penitentiary crisis in Venezuela is brought about an inept criminal justice system whose functioning (or lack thereof) further exacerbates overcrowding in penitentiary facilities as well as violates the most basic human rights. More elaborately, I argue that the unintentional (mis)use of pre-trial preventive detention, one of the consequences of the inept criminal justice system, further exacerbates the overcrowding in prisons and creates serious human rights implications. The purpose of this study is to establish a connection between the penitentiary crisis in Venezuela, with a focus on pre-trial preventive detention, and the larger criminal justice system failure in the country. The data source and data gathering technique for the thesis consists of a content analysis and a secondary literature review. Since the theoretical framework of the project is international human rights, instruments from the United Nations and the Organization of American States are used. Reports from non-governmental organizations like Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, and Observatorio Venezolano de Prisiones provide the data to conduct the analysis which is specific to pre-trial preventive detention in Venezuela. These reports are produced on a yearly basis and will help to compliment the data obtained from government sources, mainly the Venezuelan Ombudsman's office. The findings of the thesis support the argument that contrary to common belief, the (mis)use of pre-trial preventive detention in Venezuela is in fact mainly accidental, it is not systematic in the sense that it is not targeting a particular group of people due to their political affiliation and/or beliefs. Furthermore, I prove that Venezuelan penitentiary facilities are overcrowded due to the (mis)use of pre-trial preventive detention. Immediate recommendations for the Venezuelan state include re-categorizing the penal population in Venezuela as well as diminishing the use of deprivation of liberty, specifically pre-trial preventive detention.

Įtariamojo, kaltinamojo su psichikos sutrikimais teisių ir teisėtų interesų užtikrinimas / Provision of the rights and lawful interests of a suspect/defendant with mental disorders

Ivanovas, Anatolijus 26 December 2006 (has links)
Terminas psichikos sutrikimai baudžiamojo proceso moksle turi specialią procesinę teisinę reikšmę ir vartojamas kalbant apie tokius sutrikimus dėl kurių įtariamasis, kaltinamasis negali savarankiškai įgyvendinti teisės į gynybą. Magistro baigiamasis darbas aktualus tuo, jog remiantis susiformavusia teisine praktika, atskleistas įtariamųjų, kaltinamųjų, turinčių psichikos sutrikimų, teisių ir teisėtų interesų užtikrinimo veiksmingumas. Pateikiama naudinga informacija ikiteisminio tyrimo pareigūnams ar prokurorams apie įtariamųjų psichikos sutrikimų tipinius požymius, kurie gali padėti laiku atskleisti įtariamojo psichikos sutrikimus bei tokių žinių gavimo šaltinius. Analizuojamas psichikos sutrikimų nustatymas taikant specialių žinių panaudojimo formas baudžiamajame procese – ekspertizę ir objektų tyrimą. Remiantis mokslinės literatūros apibendrinimu bei archyvinių baudžiamųjų bylų analize pateikiami specialių žinių panaudojimo, psichikos sutrikimams nustatyti, probleminiai aspektai. Be to, analizuojama gynybos instituto svarba baudžiamajame procese. Aptariama viena iš pagrindinių įtariamojo, kaltinamojo, turinčio psichikos sutrikimų teisių ir teisėtų interesų užtikrinimo garantijų - teisė į gynybą bei atstovų pagal įstatymą dalyvavimo procese tikslingumas, atskleidžiami kai kurie diskutuotini aspektai. / The term psychical disorders has a specific juridical meaning in the science of criminal process and it shall be used talking about such disorders, due to which the suspect, indictee cannot independently implement his right to defence. Master’s paper is urgent by the fact that basing upon the already shaped legal practice, efficiency of providing rights and legal interests of the suspects/defendants with mental disorders is disclosed. Useful information for pre-trial investigation officers or prosecutors is provided covering the types of mental disorders of the suspects, which could assist in timely disclosing the suspect’s mental disorders as well as the ways to obtain such knowledge. Disclosure of mental disorders is analysed by applying the special knowledge forms in the criminal proceedings: expertise and subject analysis. Basing upon the scientific literature summary and analysis of archive criminal cases, problem aspects of special knowledge use for disclosure of mental disorders are presented. Besides that, importance of defence institution on the criminal proceedings is analysed. One of the main guarantees of a suspect/defendant with mental disorders to have his/her rights and legal interests assured – his/her right to defence and purposefulness of representatives’ participation in the process according to the law is described, some disputable aspects are disclosed. Taking into consideration the research performed during the final work and the conclusion that rights... [to full text]

Seksualinio prievartavimo tyrimo metodikos ypatumai / Investigation methodes of sexual abuse

Liubkevičiūtė, Vaida 03 July 2012 (has links)
Ikiteisminio tyrimo pareigūnai iki šiol neturi konkrečių patarimų, į kokius pagrindinius aspektus reiktų sutelkti dėmesį tiriant specifinį nusikaltimą - seksualinį prievartavimą, kuris pasižymi tam tikromis ypatybėmis, pvz. auka gali tapti tie vyrai, tiek moterys; neatsiranda specifinių pasekmių tokių kaip nėštumas; sunkiau nei kituose su seksualinio apsisprendimo laisve ir asmens neliečiamumu susijusiuose nusikaltimuose nustatyti prievartos ir lytinio akto faktą. Dėl šių ypatybių įrodyti tokio pobūdžio nusikaltimus kartais būna itin sudėtinga, todėl tik išmanant seksualinio prievartavimo teisinę-kriminalistinę charakteristiką ir greitai bei efektyviai atlikus pagrindinius ir būtinus procesinius veiksmus tokius kaip išsami nukentėjusiojo, įtariamojo apklausa, detali įvykio vietos apžiūra ir kruopštus objektų bei pėdsakų tyrimas gali sąlygoti teisingą ikiteisminio tyrimo pabaigą. Pagrindinis šio tyrimo objektas yra ikiteisminiai tyrimai, 470 nuasmenintų nuosprendžių seksualinio prievartavimo bylose, bei anoniminės ikiteisminio tyrimo prokurorų, tyrėjų, specialistų ir teismo medicinos gydytojų apklausos. Tyrimo tikslas yra išanalizuoti seksualinio prievartavimo bylų ikiteisminio tyrimo etapą, atsižvelgiant į atliktų ikiteisminio tyrimo veiksmų efektyvumą nagrinėjant bylą teisme. Darbe išanalizuotos pagrindinės seksualinio prievartavimo tyrimo problemos. Išvadose pateikti siūlymai kaip pasiekti efektyvesnių rezultatų tiriant seksualinio prievartavimo bylas. / Until now there is no quite recommendation of sexual abuse cases for investigators. Many times there is making usual procedure, as in any other offences cases. But this crime requires a very special attempt. There are some things that must be done immediately by investigator: victim body must be examined not in short time, but immediately; Victim closes must be taken form it yet after statement was made. Also there must be looking for crime scene investigators help: in many scenes may be found blood and seeds. Purpose of this master final work was to identify pre-trial investigations issues that require special attempt for sexual abuse cases. Also this work deals with issues that can make such cases investigation more effective. Therefore there were analyzed 470 judgments of sexual abuse cases, made interviews with pre-trial investigators, prosecutors, crime scene investigators and coroners. Some issues were identified and there were proposed solutions about. Although it would be much more effective to organize some curses about any kind of sexual assault cases investigation. Also there were suggestions to make some „to do” list for investigators that deal with such cases.

Státní zástupce v přípravném řízení trestním / The public prosecutor in a pre-trial proceedings

Hájek, Jaroslav January 2018 (has links)
The public prosecutor in a pre-trial criminal proceedings Abstract The Diploma thesis is concerned with the role of a Public Prosecutor in pre-trial criminal proceedings. The opening part of the thesis introduces the Public Prosecutor's office as a system of authorities of a state, which is established to defend a public interest in criminal proceedings. In this part of the Diploma thesis deals with the scope of authority of the Public Prosecutor's office, the framework of the Public Prosecutor's office and with the questionable issues of the position of the Public Prosecutor's office according to the Constitution of the Czech Republic and the independence of the Public Prosecutor's office. The opening part of the thesis also covers a brief definition of the term the pre-trial criminal proceedings since the core of the activity of the Public Prosecutor lies in this stage of criminal proceedings. The following parts of the thesis are dedicated to a detailed analysis of a role of a Public Prosecutor in pre-trial criminal proceedings based on the valid legislation of the Czech Republic. First, the author deals with general issues of the role of Public Prosecutor in pre-trial criminal proceedings. The Public Prosecutor performs a supervision in pre-trial criminal proceedins. The supervision in preparatory...

The right to silence and the privilege against self-incrimination: a critical examination of a doctrine in search of cogent reasons

Theophilopoulos, Constantine 08 1900 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to analyse the silence principle (i.e. the right to silence and the privilege against self-incrimination) and to determine its place within procedural and constitutional law. Should the silence principle be entirely abolished, sustained as a limited evidentiary rule or elevated to the status of a constitutional right? The central question to be argued is whether the silence principle has a rationally justifiable and valid procedural place within the accusatorial-adversarial Anglo-American system of criminal justice. The methodology employed in the main body of this thesis involves a critical and comparative examination of the silence principle and is founded on the following four legs : a) A historical analysis of the silence principle and its antecedents. Does the historical silence principle support the modern silence principle in description and scope? b) An analysis of the distinction between a "right" and a "privilege". Why is the accused's right to silence distinguished from the witness privilege? Is there a philosophical justification for the silence principle? c) A comparative study of the two major jurisdictions of the Anglo-American system of justice, namely : i) The American silence principle constituted as the fifth amendment privilege against self-incrimination and entrenched within the U.S. Constitution; ii) The English silence principle constituted until recently as a common law evidentiary rule contained within a body of ill-defined principles loosely referred to as the unwritten English Constitution. The common law rule has been statutorily formalized in the Criminal Justice and Public Order Act 1994 and will be greatly influenced by the new Human Rights Act 1998. iii) The South African interpretation of a silence principle is caught between the two extremes of an American absolute right and an English evidentiary rule. Silence in South Africa is a relative right subject to a balance of interest and reasonable limitation. Which of these definitions is better suited as a template for an ideal silence principle? vi d) A comparative international study of the procedural differences between an inquisitorial and an accusatorial system. How does a principle of silence function outside the accusatorial system? The conclusion of the thesis is that the most suitable role of a silence principle within the accusatorial system is one of a flexible compromise. While it does not deserve abolition neither does it deserve elevation into a constitutional right. Silence is best suited to the role of a procedural evidentiary rule. A circumstantial item of evidence with its trial admissibility determined by the criteria of relevancy and prejudice. If the legal, political and cultural pressures upon a particular jurisdiction are such as to demand constitutional entrenchment then the second best alternative is to define the silence principle as a relative right susceptible to a properly applied balance of interest test. The worst alternative is to define the silence principle in absolute terms. Silence as an evidentiary rule or a relative right means that it will sometimes be necessary to emphasise the autonomous interests of the individual in remaining silent and at other times the societal interest in crime prevention. Which interest is to be preferred and to what extent will depend on the prevailing social pressures of the day. It shall be argued that the elevation of a silence principle into a constitutional right stifles a critical examination of the essentiale of silence by disguising its inherent irrationality and lack of a philosophical raison de etre. The interpretation of a silence principle as an absolute constitutional right by the Supreme Court of the United States is confusing, contradictory and riddled with innumerable exceptions. By contrast the English approach to silence is pragmatic and highly successful. The Criminal Justice and Public Order Act of 1994 gives a meaningful interpretation of silence which takes into account its logical flaws. The English statute is a successful compromise between the need to protect the individual during the criminal process and the need to combating crime in the most efficient manner possible. While the South African interpretation of silence is a workable compromise, South Africa may have been better served by defining its silence principle in terms of the pragmatic English statutory model which allows for the efficient but carefully controlled use of silence in the combating of crime. / Jurisprudence / LL.D. (Jurisprudence)

A Descriptive Study of Incompetent to Stand Trial and Non-Restorable Defendants in Pinal County Arizona

January 2017 (has links)
abstract: This thesis examines the demographic, clinical, and criminal characteristics and discharge dispositions of pre-trial defendants deemed incompetent to stand trial and non-restorable (IST/NR) in Pinal County Arizona. Currently, there is limited research on defendants who are deemed IST/NR and even less so on discharge dispositions. The study utilized comparative descriptive analysis of secondary data collected by the Pinal County Attorney Offices on IST/NR defendants and restored defendants. It employed chi-square analyses to compare key variables between defendant groups. The study found few variations in clinical, legal, and criminal characteristics observed by previous studies and no statistical differences amongst IST/NR and restored defendants. However, it found the re-offense rate of IST/NR defendants in Pinal County was considerably lower than the general prison population. Moreover, it identified a narrow use of civil commitment procedures and guardianship amongst the IST/NR defendants who have a mental illness. Implications for further research and policy for Pinal County and Arizona are made. / Dissertation/Thesis / Masters Thesis Social Work 2017

Účast obhájce v přípravném řízení / The position of defence counsel in Pre-trial Proceedings

Sýkorová, Nikola January 2015 (has links)
The right of deffencee is one of the most important fundamental rights of a person against whom the criminal proceedings is brought. The role of defence counsel in preliminary procedure is essential. He has to be an advocate only and a member of Bar Association, consequently a person with a juristic education and qualified to this job. Defence counsel must defend a laws of accused by all the tolerable ways and work on his behalf. In my work I direct my attention towards the legal status of counsel under current Czech legal regulation, issues of the compulsory defence, legal position of chosen and court-appointed counsel, designation of the counsel by the Bar Association, rights and duties of counsel. Also I direct my attention towards preliminary procedure and on various aspects of defender's participation in preliminary procedure and his tasks in it.

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