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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Ambulanssjuksköterskans upplevelse av att handleda studenter på grundnivå.

Burström, Johanna, Hosinsky, Maria January 2013 (has links)
ABSTRACT Background: As a nurse it is a part of your work description to precepting students. A good relationship between preceptor and student is important for a successful precepting witch can be rewarding for both parties. There are many studies on how nurses in hospital departments experience precepting students, however it is not as explored in the prehospital care. Objective: To describe ambulance nurses' experience of precepting nursing students in the third and final year of university-level nursing school. Method: A qualitative study was conducted. Nine respondents at two ambulance stations in central Sweden were selected with the help of strategic convenience sample. The informants were nurses with specialist education in ambulance/prehospital care who had experience of working in the ambulance unit for at least a year. Result: The majority of participants were positive to precepting students and the time seemed adequate. Primarily in emergency situations the nurses felt that there was not enough time. Despite this, the nurses felt that this wasn’t a problem since they usually had time afterwards to talk and reflect over the expired events. However, many felt that because of the short internship it was hard to get to know the students, which led to an uncertainty in letting the student take care of the patient in certain situations. Conclusion: The study shows new results regarding ambulance nurse's perception of the supervision process. The study also shows differences between supervision in emergency medical services and ward care. This shows that the results from studies of the tutorial are not directly transferable to the prehospital care. Larger studies with more variation among the participants would be able to raise additional aspects in the precepting area. Keywords: nurse, ambulance, student and precepting


Eneke, Malin, Hallén, Emilie January 2010 (has links)
Syftet med studien var att undersöka sjuksköterskors uppfattningar av handledning av sjuksköterskestudenter. Frågeställningarna som författarna ville få besvarade var: vad handledning innebar för sjuksköterskan och vad hon ansåg påverka handledningen. Metoden som författarna valde att använda var en fenomenografisk ansats. Fenomenografin var lämplig då författarna ville undersöka sjuksköterskornas olika uppfattningar kring det valda fenomenet. Datainsamlingen utfördes genom semistrukurerade intervjuer med sex sjuksköterskor på en kirurgavdelning på UMAS. Resultatet redovisas i tabellform och i flytande text i fem kategorier med tillhörande underkategorier. Dessa kategorier och underkategorier har författarna utformat baserat på informanternas uttalanden. Resultatet visar att sjuksköterskorna uppfattar handledning som en pågående process som påverkas av en rad olika faktorer. De faktorer sjuksköterskorna uppfattade som mest väsentliga var även de som författarna valde att använda som kategorier. Dessa var vägledning och stöd, kommunikation, erfarenhet och kunskap, personkemi mellan handledare och student och slutligen arbetsklimat på avdelningen. / The aim of this study was to examine nurses’ perceptions of precepting nurse students. The questions at issue the authors wanted answered were what precepting meant to the nurse and what she considered had an influence on the preceptorship.. The method used was a phenomenographical approach. Phenomenography was appropriate as the authors wanted to examine the nurses’ different perceptions of the chosen phenomenon. The collection of data was performed by semi structured interviews with six nurses at a surgical ward on UMAS. The result is shown as a table and in narrative text as five categories with belonging subcategories. These categories and subcategories were by the authors designed based on the informant’s statements. The result shows that the nurses perceive precepting as an ongoing process which is affected by different factors. Factors that the nurses thought of as most essential were the same as the authors used as categories. These were guidance and support, communication, experience and knowledge, personal chemistry and finally working climate in the ward.

Handledning av specialistsjuksköterskestudenter inom intensivvård : faktorer av betydelse för student och handledare / Precepting postgraduate nursing students in critical care : -significant factors for students and preceptors

Rajkovic, Charlott January 2013 (has links)
Att handleda specialistsjuksköterskestudenter ställer höga krav på handledaren eftersom de handleder en sjuksköterska med yrkeserfarenhet. Studenten har hamnat i ett helt nytt sammanhang och befinner sig återigen på novisstadiet. Handledningen kan utmanas på flera sätt, både positivt och negativt, i den unika intensivvårdsmiljön. Syftet var att beskriva faktorer av betydelse för studenter och handledare vid handledningen under den verksamhetsförlagda utbildningen i specialistsjuksköterskeutbildningen med inriktning intensivvård. Litteraturstudien består av 8 kvalitativa artiklar som analyserats utifrån syftet och mynnat ut i två huvudteman: handledning - faktorer av betydelse för studenterna samt handledning - faktorer av betydelse för handledarna. Resultatet visade att tidigare kunskaper och förmågor inte kunde appliceras inom intensivvård men att utmaningar och ansvar som anpassades efter förmåga fick studenten att växa. Socialisering in i teamet var betydelsefull för utvecklingen. Handledarna upplevde rollen som viktig och betydelsefull men erfor att tidsbrist och bristande stöd från teamet innebar ett hinder. Handledaren tillsammans med övriga teamet har ett stort ansvar i att möjliggöra en gynnsam lärandemiljö. Det är viktigt med motiverade handledare som är tillgängliga för studenten och reflekterande i sitt förhållningssätt. Det magra sökresultatet i denna litteraturstudie indikerar att fortsatta studier om handledning av specialistsjuksköterskestudenter inom intensivvård behövs. En empirisk studie kunde undersöka möjligheter och hinder i handledningsprocessen. Dessutom vore det intressant att utforska hur övriga teamet upplever handledningen av specialistsjuksköterskestudenter inom intensivvård. / Precepting postgraduate nursing students is a high demanding task, the   student is a registered nurse with her own experiences. Furthermore, the   students have found themselves in a new context, again a novice nurse. The   precepting can face several challenges, positive and negative, in the unique   setting of the critical care unit. For that reason, the aim was to describe   significant factors for students and preceptors during the clinical education   of the postgraduate critical care nurse education program. This review   consists of 8 qualitative articles, analyzed according to the purpose, and   resulted in two main themes: significant factors for the students and significant   factors for the preceptors. The findings revealed that prior knowledge   and skills was not applicable in the critical care unit, but student progress   was made possible by appropriate challenges and responsibilities. The   socialization and to be a part of the team was important for student   progress. The preceptors found their role important and meaningful, but lack   of time and support could be an obstacle. To be reflective, motivated and   available was important characteristics. Preceptors, and members of the team,   are responsible of provide a positive learning environment. The few articles   in this review indicate that further studies needs to be conducted to explore   the conditions and the process of precepting postgraduate nursing students in   the critical care unit. Furthermore would it be interesting to exam how the   other team members experience the precepting process.

Upplevelsen av att handleda sjuksköterskestudenter i omvårdnadsprocessen på en akutvårdsavdelning : en intervjustudie / The experience of precepting student nurses in the nursing process in an emergency ward : an interview study

Hasselrot, Lottie January 2015 (has links)
SAMMANFATTNING Att arbeta i svensk hälso- och sjukvård idag innebär att arbeta i en balans mellan stressiga och stimulerande arbetssituationer. I sjuksköterskors arbetsuppgifter ingår det, utöver de arbetsuppgifter som utförs inom ens verksamhet, att handleda sjuksköterskestudenter. Tidigare studier visar på att handledning kräver mycket tid och energi och kan leda till stress hos personalen. Samtidigt kan handledning vara väldigt givande för personalen då man ser studenten växa i sin yrkesroll och att handledare i och med det kan växa i sin egen yrkesroll som sjuksköterska. Omvårdnadsprocessen är en central del i sjuksköterskestudenters utbildning och framförallt i verksamhetsförlagd utbildning i termin tre under sjuksköterskeutbildningen. På en akutvårdsavdelning kan patienter som har kort förväntad vårdtid eller patienter som är i behov av extra övervakning eller kontroller vårdas. Tidigare studier som genomförts på sjuksköterskor som är verksamma inom akutsjukvård visar att handledning kräver mycket tid och energi av de som handleder. Syftet med studien var att belysa sjuksköterskors upplevelse av att handleda sjuksköterskestudenter i omvårdnadsprocessen på en akutvårdsavdelning. Metoden som användes var en kvalitativ intervjustudie där semistrukturerade intervjuer genomfördes med sju respondenter från ett sjukhus i Stockholmsområdet. Intervjuerna analyserades med hjälp av kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Analysen resulterade i fem kategorier med tillhörande underkategorier. Ur dessa kategorier kunde författaren fastställa tre teman som var Förhållningssätt, Begränsningar och Möjligheter. Resultatet visade att upplevelsen av att handleda sjuksköterskestudenter i omvårdnadsprocessen på en akutvårdsavdelning kan skilja sig från handledare till handledare. Oavsett vilken vana sjuksköterskor har i rollen som handledare eller vilka strategier de skapar sig i sin handledarroll så finns det strukturella faktorer på en akutvårdsavdelning som påverkar lärandet för studenten. Det kan vara en bra miljö att möta redan tidigt under utbildningen men gentemot de lärandemål i termin tre där omvårdnadsprocessen står i centrum så upplevs akutvårdsavdelning inte som en optimal lärandemiljö. Sjuksköterskor kan trots detta uppleva att handledningen i sig kan leda till professionell utveckling i den egna yrkesrollen då handledare lär sig själv genom att lära andra. Slutsatsen är att handledande sjuksköterskor upplever att en akutvårdsavdelning inte är en optimal miljö för handledning i omvårdnadsprocessen. För att framöver kunna ta emot studenter i termin tre så finns det ett behov av att lärandemiljön anpassas mer efter studenterna och de som handleder snarare än att studenterna ska anpassa sig efter verksamheten. Det finns ett värde i att skapa en välfungerande lärandemiljö för studenten då det även leder till en professionell utveckling hos de som handleder samt en god omvårdnad för patienterna.

Verksamhetsförlagd utbildning på nya vilkor : Sjuksköterskors erfarenheter av handledning i en studentsal / Clinical placement on new conditions : Nurses experience of precepting in student-dedicated treatment rooms

Birgersson, Åsa-Maria, Sundman, Christina January 2012 (has links)
Bakgrund Handledning av sjuksköterskestudenter finns väl beskriven i litteraturen men erfarenheter av att handleda i kontexten studentsal har endast i ringa omfattning fokuserats i tidigare studier. Syftet med denna studie var att beskriva handledning i studentsal utifrån handledande sjuksköterskors erfarenheter. Metod Studiens ansats var kvalitativ och datainsamling genomfördes genom åtta semistrukturerade intervjuer. Intervjuerna utfördes med respondenter från två sjukhus i en svensk storstad. Data har bearbetats genom innehållsanalys. Resultatet Analysen resulterade i fem kategorier. Ur dessa framträdde två teman, Förändrade förutsättningar i lärandemiljön och en utmanande pedagogik. Respondenterna beskrev både utmaningar, vinster och brister i handledningssituationen som skedde mer på distans på studentsalen. Kommunikation, bekräftelse och ärlighet beskrevs som en grundförutsättning för en välfungerande handledning. Därtill hör också organisatoriska förutsättningar, kollegialt stöd, egen kompetens och engagemang från både lärosäte och verksamhet. Den stora vinsten framställdes som professionell utveckling hos handledande sjuksköterskor, mer självständiga studenter samt bättre handledningsklimat. Svårigheterna låg i att handleda en grupp med studenter med olika kunskapsnivåer samt att få tiden att räcka för både patient och student. Resultatet har efter sammanställning diskuterats utifrån Katie Erikssons teoretiska begrepp om ansa, leka och lära. Slutsats Handledning av studenter i studentsal accentuerade vinster respektive svårigheter i handledning. Detta berodde på att handledningen skedde i grupp vilket ofta upplevdes som en svårighet. Välfungerande studentsalshanledning kunde å andra sidan tillföra ökad möjlighet till professionell utveckling. Klinisk betydelse Med kunskap om handledning i studentsal genereras förutsättning för handledning i tiden, vilket i sig skapar möjligheter att möta framtidens behov av välutbildad personal och därigenom bibehållen patientcentrerad omvårdnad. / Background Nursing students preception is well described in previous literature but studies about registered nurses´ experiences of precepting in student-dedicated treatment rooms have been done in very little extent. Aim of present study was to describe precepting in student-dedicated treatment rooms according to experiences of precepting nurses. Method for this study has been through qualitative approach, collection of data has been executed through eight semi-structured interviews with respondents from two hospitals in a Swedish downtown area. Data was analysed through structured content analysis. Result is presented in five categories and two themes: Changed prerequisites in the teaching environment and pedagogic challenges. Precepting nurses described challenges, benefits and limitations with hands-off precepting. Communication, acknowledgement and honesty were described as fundamental to achieve effective precepting as well as organisational prerequisites, support from colleagues, individual nursing competence and commitment from both universities and clinic. The major benefits were professional growth for precepting nurses, more independent students along with improved climate on the ward amongst the preceptors. The difficulties were related to precepting groups of students and to find enough time to care for both student as well as patient. The result of this study has been discussed from the perspective of Katie Eriksson’s healthcare theory. Conclusion Precepting in student-dedicated treatment rooms accentuates the benefits and limitations within the core of student precepting in general. Group precepting per se is experienced as more difficult than traditional supervision. At the same time precepting in student-dedicated treatment rooms can be even more rewarding than traditional precepting and lead to a higher amount of professional development. Clinical contribution Precepting nursing students rightly is essential for a modern precepting that meet the demands of the future and renders well educated health personnel and thereby maintains patient-centred care.

An Interpretive Description of Registered Nurses’ Experiences as Preceptors for Newly Hired Registered Nurses in Acute Pediatric Clinical Settings

Alostaz, Nasrin January 2020 (has links)
Background: In clinical practice, the responsibilities of frontline registered nurses (RNs) include providing patient care as well as precepting students and new staff nurses. The role has been acknowledged as demanding and challenging in acute healthcare settings and the importance of the preceptor role for the ease of the new nurses’ transition to clinical settings has been discussed in the literature. However, less is known about the nurses’ experiences as preceptors in the pediatric acute clinical setting. The purpose of this research was to explore and describe the experiences of RNs as preceptors when they precept newly hired registered nurses in pediatrics settings. Method: An interpretive descriptive design was used to guide the research process. Semi-structured one-on-one interviews, both in-person and virtual, were carried out with five preceptors who are registered nurses in an Ontario hospital. The real-life experiences of these participants are reported using their rich descriptions of events. Data collection and analysis were conducted concurrently and informed by the Braun and Clark (2006) framework. Results: Findings were grouped under the following three themes: the duality role of pediatric nurses; experiences of preceptor pediatrics nurses; and pediatric nurse preceptors’ needs. Implications: This study demonstrates that the role of the registered nurse as a preceptor is diverse and demanding, and that preceptors need to be supported by various stakeholders to ensure that they can carry out their role effectively. Recommendations are made for future practice, education, and research. Keywords: Preceptor, preceptorship, precepting, registered nurses, newly hired registered nurses, newly graduated nurses, acute healthcare, pediatrics / Thesis / Master of Science (MSc) / In clinical practice, registered nurses play not only the bedside healthcare provider role but also, they play the preceptor role. This role can be both difficult and challenging. Therefore, it is important to understand registered nurses’ experiences as preceptors in clinical settings. The goal of this study was to gain an understanding of the registered nurses’ experiences as preceptors for newly hired registered nurses in pediatric healthcare settings. This study showed that preceptors were aware of their dual role, shared experiences of feeling awarded, and discussed challenges they encountered when precepting. Finally, they identified some of their needs that they believed may assist them when being involved in the preceptor-preceptee relationship. It is important to acknowledge the challenges that preceptors encounter when precepting new nurses into the clinical area. Furthermore, it is imperative to prepare nurses for the preceptor role to ensure effective preceptor-preceptee relationships and improve preceptees retention and competence in their role.

How and Why GPs commit the time to precept medical students

Walters, Lucie, lucie.walters@flinders.edu.au January 2009 (has links)
This thesis defines the time impact of precepting medical students on rural general practitioners and explains how and why they commit the time to precept. To answer this question, original research was undertaken within the context of the innovative community-based medical education program, the Parallel Rural Community Curriculum (PRCC), using the parallel consulting model. Chapters One to Three detail the context of this study, appraise the existing evidence in the literature, and establish the rigour of the study design. In line with the constructivist theoretical perspective presented by the author, a case study methodology was chosen for this study. The thesis is constructed in two parts. Results from a prospective cohort study of GPs� videotaped consulting, with and without students, are described in Chapters Four and Five. No increase in consultation time or non-consulting time was found when precepting medical students. GPs� activities changed, suggesting they adapted their behaviour when students were present. An interpretive study, using a grounded theory approach, was used to explain the �how� and �why� of the research question. Interview data from GP preceptors, practice managers and students was used to construct a transferable explanatory theory as it emerged from the data. These results are presented in Chapters Six and Seven. The majority of GPs considered precepting more time consuming than consulting alone. This finding was not consistent with the videotaped data. GPs consistently experienced time pressure in their roles due to constant intrusion of competing priorities. This increased when precepting students. Frequent descision making by GPs as a response to their drive to remain on time was found to be a significant contributing factor to the changes found in consultation activities. Although many types of professional enrichment were identified by GP preceptors as adding value to precepting, the doctor-student relationship was clearly defined as the most important motivator for precepting in this study. The case study analysis explains how and why this occurred, and documents the maturation of the doctor-student repationship over time in the year long PRCC attachments. Through a grounded theory analysis of the data, four precepting consultation models emerged: student observer, teacher-healer, doctor orchestrator and doctor advisor. In Chapter Eight, the study defines these models in the context of legitimate peripheral participation of a novice member of the rural GP community of practice. The corroborative evidence from the literature suggests that these models may be applicable to other settings, particularly other community-based medical education sites.

”Sociala kunskaper, det kan ju kanske inte jag lära ut...” : En kvalitativ studie om vad sjuksköterskehandledare anser att studenter bör ha för kunskaper, förmågor och attityder. / “Social skills, maybe I can't teach that...” : A qualitative study on what nursing supervisors believe students should have in terms of knowledge, abilities and attitudes.

Grönlund, Sara January 2023 (has links)
Sjuksköterskehandledare bedömer och handleder studenter på den verksamhetsförlagda utbildningen, något som ingår i deras arbetsuppgifter. Syftet med studien var att få en djupare förståelse om vad handledare anser att en student ska ha för kunskaper, förmågor och attityder. Fokus låg på att undersöka fenomenet ur handledarens perspektiv, eftersom jag upplevde att det saknades forskning ur den synvinkeln. Studiens teoretiska referensram utgick från yrkeshabitus, ett begrepp som har utvecklats från Pierre Bourdieus begrepp habitus. Empirin inhämtades med hjälp av tio kvalitativa intervjuer, som genomfördes digitalt med sjuksköterskor som hade erfarenhet av att handleda studenter. Empirin analyserades med hjälp av en kvalitativ innehållsanalys och fem kategorier och 15 underkategorier skapades. Resultatet visade att handledarna ansåg det vara viktigare att studenterna uppvisade sociala och emotionella förmågor, framför praktiska och teoretiska kunskaper. De kunskaper och förmågor som framkom, överensstämde i stort med examensmålen för sjuksköterskor. Informanterna hade alla en relativt homogen bild över vad studenter bör inneha och sträva efter för dispositioner som finns i sjuksköterskans yrkeshabitus. Resultatet påvisade även oskrivna och dolda kriterier och förmågor som en student bör uppfylla, där det ansågs att för att bli rätt person för yrket behövde de socialisera sig med dessa yrkesidentiteter som finns i sjuksköterskan yrkeshabitus. Åsikter om vad en student ska kunna grundar sig inte enbart på vad de gör utan även på hur de är. / Nursing supervisors assess and supervise students on the clinical training, which is part of their work. The purpose of the study was to get a deeper understanding of what supervisors believe a student should have in terms of knowledge, abilities and attitudes. The focus was on investigating the phenomenon from the supervisor's perspective, as I felt that there was a lack of research from that point of view. The study's theoretical frame of reference was based on professional habitus, a concept that has been developed from Pierre Bourdieu's concept of habitus. The data was collected using ten qualitative interviews that were conducted digitally, with nurses who had experience of supervising students. The data was analyzed using a qualitative content analysis and five categories and 15 subcategories were created. The result showed that the supervisors considered that the most important abilities for the students were social and emotional abilities, rather than the practical and theoretical knowledge. The knowledge and abilities that emerged corresponded well to the graduation goals for nurses. The informants all had a relatively homogenous view of the dispositions that students should have and strive for and that are found in the nurse's professional habitus. The result also demonstrated unwritten and hidden criteria and abilities that a student should meet, where it was believed that to become the right person for the profession, they needed to socialize with these professional identities found in the nursing professional habitus. Opinions about what a student should know are not only based on what they do but also on how they are.

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