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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Undersköterskors upplevelser av att handleda sjuksköterskestudenter

Eriksson, Mattias, Mattsson, Emil January 2013 (has links)
Bakgrund: Sjuksköterskeprogrammet  vid Uppsala universitet innefattar 49,5 högskolepoäng verksamhetsförlagd utbildning (VFU). I termin 2 har studenterna fyra veckor VFU inom basal omvårdnad och handledes då av undersköterska. Handledning är ett sätt att lära ut och utveckla kompetens och innefattar både teoretiskt och praktiskt kunnande. Syfte: Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka undersköterskornas upplevelser av att handleda sjuksköterskestudenter under deras verksamhetsförlagda utbildning i termin 2 på sjuksköterskeprogrammet. Metod: Kvalitativ intervjustudie med deskriptiv design. Intervjuer med semistrukturerade frågor. Resultat: Analysen av intervjusvaren visade att de handledande undersköterskorna ägnade sig åt en uppgiftscentrerad handledning. Handledarna beskrev att även de själva fått nytta av att vara handledare. Det framkom att viktiga kvalitéer hos handledarna anses vara stöttande, kunna ge en positiv bild av yrket och ta hand om studenterna på ett bra sätt. Handledarna upplevde sig få liten mängd information om studenten innan de träffas, men säger även att det brukade gå bra ändå. Handledarna anpassade handledningen efter studentens tidigare erfarenheter samt personlighet. Studentens inställning och intressenivå påverkade handledningen på flera sätt. Handledarna hade ej fått utbildning i att handleda sjuksköterskestudenter men önskade få detta. Slutsats: Undersköterskorna handledde på ett uppgiftscentrerat sätt men med inslag  av ansvar och pedagogik och anpassade handledningen efter studentens tidigare erfarenheter, kunskaper och personlighet. Handledningen påverkade av studentens inställning. Undersköterskorna önskade mer information om studenten innan de träffas, men sa att det gick bra ändå, vilket kan tolkas som motsägelsefullt. Undersköterskorna hade inte  fått utbildning för att handleda men önskade detta. / Background: The nursing programme at Uppsala university includes 49,5 academic points of clinical training. In the second semester students have four weeks of clinical training in basic nursing and were preceptored by an assistant nurse. Preceptoring includes theory and practice in a way to teach and to develope competence. Aim: To examine the assistant nurse's experiences of preceptoring nurse students during their clinical training during their second semester at the nursing programme. Method: Qualitative interview study with descriptive design. Interviews with semi-structured questions. Results: Preceptoring assistant nurses had a task-centered approach to preceptoring. The assistant nurses themselves had use of being preceptors. Important preceptor qualities were; being supportive, projecting a positive image of the trade and taking care of the students in a good way. The preceptors received little information about the students before meeting them, but said it's okay. The preceptoring was adapted to the student's earlier experience and personality. The student's attitude and level of interest affected the preceptoring. The assistant nurses had not received education to preceptor nurse students. Conclusion: The assistant nurses used a task-centered approach to preceptoring with elements of responsibility and pedagogy. The preceptoring was adapted to the student's earlier experience and personality. The preceptoring was affected by the student's attitude. The assistant nurses wished for more information about the student before they met, but said it was fine anyway, which could be interpreted as contradicting. The assistant nurses had not received any education about preceptoring, but were interested in getting one.

Sjuksköterskors erfarenhet av att handleda sjuksköterskestudenter : En litteraturstudie / Nurses' experience of preceptoring nursing students : A literature review

Falck, Amanda, Holst, Fanny January 2022 (has links)
Bakgrund: Sjuksköterskeyrket innebär flera utmaningar som ansvar, arbetsuppgifter och handledning till sjuksköterskestudent. Handledning till sjuksköterskestudent är en del av sjuksköterskeutbildningen och förväntas kunna utföras av legitimerad sjuksköterska parallellt med omvårdnad. Syfte: Syftet med litteraturstudien var att undersöka sjuksköterskors erfarenhet av att handleda sjuksköterskestudenter. Metod: Litteraturstudien baserades på vetenskapliga artiklar med kvalitativ metod. Databassökningen av vetenskapliga artiklar genomfördes i Cinahl och PubMed. Tio vetenskapliga artiklar med kvalitativ design valdes ut. Sju av artiklarna ansågs ha hög kvalitet och tre av medelhög kvalitet. Samtliga tio vetenskapliga artiklar undersökte sjuksköterskors erfarenhet av att handleda sjuksköterskestudenter. De vetenskapliga artiklarna analyserades utifrån Willmans & Stoltz (2017) metasyntes. Resultat: I resultatet presenterades fem huvudrubriker vilka var utmaningar, ansvar, relation, stöd och personlig utveckling. Utmaningar resulterade i tre underrubriker vilka var tidsbrist, kunskapsbrist och kunskapsbehov. Huvudrubriken relation resulterade i en underrubrik vilken var tillit och förtroende. Konklusion: Litteraturstudien visade på att sjuksköterskors erfarenhet av att handleda sjuksköterskestudenter är både positiva och negativa samt påverkas av olika faktorer. Återkommande faktorer var tidsbrist utifrån svårighet att handleda sjuksköterskestudent parallellt med omvårdnad av patient. Kunskapsbrist var kopplad till saknad kunskap inom handledning, samt ett behov av handledarutbildning. Litteraturstudien visade på att sjuksköterskor upplever stort ansvar i handledarskapet och att handledning till sjuksköterskestudent upplevs som ett ömsesidigt lärande. Nyckelord: erfarenhet, handledning, klinisk placering, sjuksköterska, sjuksköterskestudent. / Background: There are many challenges in the nursing profession when it comes to responsibilities, assignments and preceptoring nursing students. Preceptoring nursing students is the foundation of nursing education and is expected of the legitimized nurse alongside with nursing care.       Aim: The aim with the literature review was to explore nurses’ experience of preceptoring nursing students. Method: The data was collected through a literature review based on scientific articles with a qualitative method. Cinahl and PubMed were used as databases during the article search. Ten scientific articles with a qualitative design were selected. Seven articles were considered to have high quality and three was considered to have an average quality. Each article explored nurses’ experience of preceptoring nursing students. The scientific articles were analyzed through Willman & Stoltz (2017) metasynthesis.   Result: The results revealed five main headlines which were challenges, responsibility, relation, support, and personal development. Challenges resulted in three subheadings which were lack of time, lack of knowledge and needs for knowledge. The headline relation resulted in one subheading which were trust and confidence. Conclusion: The literature review showed that the nurses’ experiences of preceptoring nursing students are both positive and negative, which is affected by different factors. Recurrent factors were lack of time based on difficulties in preceptoring nursing students parallel with nursing care. Lack of knowledge were linked to lack of knowledge in preceptoring, as well as a need of preceptor education. The literature review showed that nurses experienced great responsibilities in the role as a preceptor and that preceptoring to nursing students was experienced as a mutual learning opportunity.   Keywords: experience, clinical placement, nurse, nursing student, preceptoring.

Pharmacy Internship : Students’ Learning in a Professional Practice Setting

Wallman, Andy January 2010 (has links)
The aim of this thesis was to explore Swedish pharmacist students’ learning during pharmacy internship. Internships are meant to introduce students to professional practice. Education programs have to reflect changes in the professional role, and take into account that learning in a professional practice setting differs from organized formal education. This thesis includes both quantitative and qualitative research approaches and applies workplace learning theories. A scheme for measuring pharmacy students’ reflective ability was developed and shown to be feasible and reliable. Factors important for reflection were found to be primarily social and contextual, especially trained tutor and small pharmacy size. Notably, learning style or critical thinking did not correlate to students’ reflective ability. Tutors and students perceived that students used a wide variety of activities supporting learning of a broad repertoire of knowledge and skills, preparing them for coming professional working life. Tutors are most important to support learning. However, the current curriculum and formal activities do not address all these outcomes and learning activities used, e.g. workplace learning. The first overall conclusion is that internship plays an essential part in the pharmacist education program. The integration of formal and informal learning activities during internship, including raising awareness of incidental learning, is important to support students in learning the professional practice of pharmacy. This integration could possibly be strengthened by introducing further tutor training, different assignments, and by using portfolios. The second conclusion is that the community of practice is essential for students’ learning during internship, especially the student-tutor interaction. Hence, the entire social context has to be considered and it is important to ensure a good learning environment at pharmacies during internship. In summary, this thesis contributes to the understanding of students’ learning during pharmacy internship and introduces educational research on the Swedish undergraduate pharmacy education programs.

Att vara sjuksköterska : En studie av sjuksköterskeprofessionen avseende omvårdnad, handledning och utveckling

Hallin, Karin January 2009 (has links)
Avhandlingens övergripande syfte var att klarlägga sjuksköterskors erfarenheter av sjuksköterskeprofessionen avseende omvårdnad, handledning och utveckling. Avhand‐lingen innefattar två kvalitativa (I, II) och två kvantitativa (III, IV) studier. Femton sjuksköterskor intervjuades sex år efter examen (I, II). Sjuksköterskorna var bland de första i Sverige med treårig sjuksköterskeutbildning. Handledare till sjuksköterske‐studenter i verksamhetsförlagd utbildning besvarade ett frågeformulär om handledning före/efter införd handledningsmodell (III, IV). I handledningsstudierna deltog 113 sjuksköterskor år 2000 (III) och 109 (III) respektive 142 (IV) sjuksköterskor år 2006. Svarsfrekvensen motsvarade ca 71% (III, IV). Innehållsanalys (I, II) och statistiska beräk‐ningar (III, IV) utfördes. Analysen visade att sjuksköterskor med treårig sjuksköterskeutbildning och sex års erfarenhet hade hittat sin nisch (II). Ingen ångrade sitt yrkesval. Många var under‐stimulerade samtidigt som de balanserade mellan påfrestning och stimulans (I) hinder och möjligheter (II). Flertalet var tveksamma till om de skulle orka arbeta fram till pensionsåldern (I, II). Inrättandet av en handledningsmodell som gav stöd till både sjuksköterskestudenter och handledare visade sig vara ett bra sätt i att organisera samverkan mellan handledare och lärare (III). Flertalet handledare var nöjda med det stöd de fått och upplevde säkerhet i handledarrollen (III). Emellertid, sjuksköterskor med och utan specialistutbildning värderade sjuksköterskestudenter olika (IV). Behovet av ett fokuserat lärande visades som ett mönster genom resultaten (I, II, III, IV). Avhandlingen visar genom resultaten att sjuksköterskor verkar i en komplex pro‐fession där det krävs skickliga sjuksköterskor för att klara det arbete sjuksköterskan är satt att sköta. För framgång i omvårdnad, handledning och utveckling är den lärande miljön central. En miljö där teori, praktik, forskning och reflektion vävs samman och där stöd, samverkan och professionell utveckling är ledstjärnor. Avhandlingen visar att en ökad samverkan mellan vårdverksamhet och universitet/högskola är nödvändig för att sjuksköterskeutbildningen och omvårdnadsarbetet skall kunna anpassas till hälso‐ och sjukvårdens ökade krav. Avhandlingens resultat kan användas som grund för fortsatta diskussioner med hänsyn till omvårdnadsvetenskap och beslut kring sjuksköterskans arbete såväl i utbildningssammanhang som i vårdverksamhet. / The overall aim of this thesis was to elucidate Registered Nurses’ (RNs) experiences of the nursing profession regarding nursing, preceptoring and professional development. The thesis includes two qualitative studies (I, II) and two quantitative studies (III, IV). Fifteen RNs were interviewed six years after graduation (I, II). These nurses were among the first in Sweden to graduate from the 3‐year Bachelor programme in nursing. Preceptors for nursing students in clinical education answered a questionnaire regarding experiences of the preceptor role before/after the introduction of a preceptor model (III, IV). In the studies related to preceptoring 113 RNs participated in 2000 (III), and 109 (III) respectively 142 (IV) RNs participated in 2006, with similar response rates of roughly 71% (III, IV). A content analysis (I, II), and statistic analysis (III, IV) were performed. The analysis showed that RNs graduates from the Bachelor programme in nursing, with six years nursing experience, had found their niche (II). None regretted the choice of profession. Several were under stimulated at the same time as they oscillated between strain and stimulation (I) and between obstacles and opportunities (II). The majority thought that growing old in nursing could prove to be difficult (I, II). The introduction of the preceptor model, with its support to both nursing students and preceptors, showed how to organize co‐operation between preceptors and teachers (III) successfully. The majority of the preceptors were satisfied with the support they had received and experienced a feeling of confidence in their role as preceptor (III). However, specialist nurses and non‐specialist‐nurses valued nursing students differently (IV). The necessity of adopting focused learning emerged as a pattern (I, II, III, IV). The results of the thesis show that RNs work in a complex profession that demands skilled nurses to accomplish the tasks they are required to perform. To successful nursing, preceptoring and development the teaching environment is pre‐dominant. It is an environment where theory, practice, research, feedback and reflection are interwoven and where support, co‐operation and professional development are the guiding‐stars. The thesis shows an increased co‐operation between the healthcare organization and university is necessary in order to adapt the nursing education and profession to the ever increasing demands in health care. The results of the thesis are a contribution to continued discussions regarding nursing science and RN’s work from both educational and health care context.

Role školící sestry v adaptačním procesu sester na vybraném pracovišti / The role of preceptor nurse in the transition period at the selected workplace

Polidarová, Zuzana January 2021 (has links)
Introduction: A nurse preceptorship is essential in the transition period (TP) of novice nurses. Especially in intensive care workplaces, where training for highly specialized and demanding care is provided. TP thus becomes a sensitive period in which the employee decides whether to remain in the workplace or even in the profession. Methodology: This is qualitative study with the main focus of the survey on the specific experience of preceptors with TP management. Data collection was performed using semi-structured interviews with preceptor nurses in one selected workplace of intensive care. Data analysis was performed in 4 steps, open coding and sorting of data into categories and subcategories were used. Results: Six main topics were identified: Preceptors' experience from their own transition, TP organization attributes, Evaluation and feedback, The role of the preceptor nurse, Critical moments and Factors influencing the TP. The experience of trainers from their own TP is a significant predictor for their individual way of training and leading novice nurses. Evaluation and feedback have a culture and should be performed regularly in cycles to achieve the purpose. The preceptor has many roles, participates in the creation of social relationships with the novice, he himself strives to establish...

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