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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Mensuração da pressão de dióxido de carbono arterial e expirado em lactentes e crianças sob ventilação mecânica invasiva

Rasera, Carmen Caroline 10 March 2010 (has links)
Capes / Nos pacientes neonatais e pediátricos internados em unidade de terapia intensiva, a monitorização do dióxido de carbono tem grande importância clínica durante a ventilação mecânica invasiva no ajuste dos parâmetros ventilatórios e na detecção de complicações relacionadas à ventilação. O objetivo principal deste estudo é investigar a correlação e o nível de concordância entre a pressão final de dióxido de carbono exalado (PetCO2) e a pressão parcial de dióxido de carbono arterial (PaCO2) em pacientes no período pós-operatório de cirurgia cardíaca, verificando a relação entre ambos os métodos em dois grupos de acordo com a temperatura corporal e as complicações pulmonares associadas. No total, 74 pacientes participaram do grupo 1, com 110 mensurações de PetCO2, PaCO2 medida a 37 °C e corrigida pela temperatura real do paciente. Para toda a amostra, a correlação foi mais significativa com a PaCO2 corrigida (r = 0,92) do que com a medida (r = 0,78), durante todo o período do estudo. A diferença média entre PaCO2 medida e PetCO2 foi 4,42 mmHg e aumentou significativamente durante a instabilidade térmica, enquanto para PaCO2 corrigida a diferença média foi de 1,12 mmHg e permaneceu baixa mesmo durante hipo ou hipertermia. Os resultados obtidos para os 246 pares de PetCO2 e PaCO2 analisados em 42 pacientes ventilados de acordo com o grupo 2, mostraram que os dois métodos foram altamente correlacionados (r = 0,94) e manteve-se elevado mesmo em pacientes com complicações respiratórias. A diferença média entre as mensurações de ambos os métodos foi de -0,71 mmHg e os valores de PetCO2 estavam dentro de 2 mmHg da correspondente PaCO2 em 80,49% das mensurações, indicando uma forte relação. Os resultados deste estudo demonstram que a PetCO2 mensurada pelo capnômetro é tão precisa quanto a PaCO2 mensurada pela gasometria arterial, assim a capnometria pode ser considerada um método de monitorização indireta e não invasiva da PaCO2 em pacientes de terapia intensiva submetidos à ventilação mecânica. / In neonates and pediatrics patients in intensive care units, monitoring of carbon dioxide has great clinical significance during the invasive mechanical ventilation in the adjustment of ventilatory parameters and detection of complications related to ventilation. The objective of this research is to investigate the correlation and level of agreement between end-tidal carbon dioxide pressure (PetCO2) and the partial pressure of arterial carbon dioxide (PaCO2) in patients in the postoperative period of cardiac surgery, verifying the relationship between both methods in two groups according to body temperature and pulmonary complications. Altogether 74 patients were arranged in the group 1 with 110 measurements of PetCO2, PaCO2 measured at 37 ºC and corrected to the real body temperature of the patient. For the whole sample, the correlation was statistically more significant with corrected PaCO2 (r = 0.92) than with the measured (r = 0.78), throughout the study period. The mean difference between measured PaCO2 and PetCO2 was 4.42 mmHg and increased significantly during body temperature instability, while for corrected PaCO2 the mean difference was 1.12 mmHg and remained low even during hypo or hyperthermia. The results for 246 PetCO2 and PaCO2 pairs analyzed in 42 patients ventilated according to group 2, proved that both methods were highly correlated (r = 0.94) and kept elevated even in patients with respiratory complications. The mean difference between the measurements of both methods was -0.71 mmHg and the values of PetCO2 were within 2 mmHg of PaCO2 in 80.49% of the measurements, indicating a high relationship. The results of this study demonstrate that PetCO2 measured by capnometer is as accurate as PaCO2 measured by arterial blood gases, thus the capnometry can be considered an indirect and noninvasive monitoring method of PaCO2 in patients of intensive therapy under mechanical ventilation.

Sistema telemétrico com tecnologia RFID para medição de pressão

Luis, Hamilton Costa 17 September 2010 (has links)
A necessidade da medicina por equipamentos eletrônicos portáteis, menores, confiáveis e baratos favorece o desenvolvimento de técnicas biotelemétricas passivas de monitoração nas aplicações biomédicas invasivas. Nesse trabalho são apresentados o desenvolvimento e o teste de um dispositivo sensor biotelemétrico passivo, que utiliza a tecnologia de identificação por radio freqüência - RFID (Radio Frequency Identification). O dispositivo desenvolvido, comumente chamado como tag, é comporto basicamente por três partes: a arquitetura RFID utilizada para baixa freqüência, a unidade de controle responsável pelo processamento dos dados e a unidade sensora responsável pela monitoração da pressão arterial. Como o tag e passivo, ou seja, não contém baterias, para que seja ativado é necessário um aparelho que faça sua energização e também decodifique os dados por ele transmitidos. Este aparelho que faz a leitura e envia um sinal para ativar o transponder é comumente chamado de leitora. A leitora utilizada neste projeto terá seu firmware adaptado de forma a processar o valor da pressão enviada pelo tag. São abordados neste trabalho tanto a modelagem teórica do sistema quanto a especificação prática dos componentes para os testes de validação. Na modelagem teórica são apresentados os modelos matemáticos comportamentais do sistema. Os resultados obtidos validam a metodologia utilizada para o desenvolvimento de um sensor RFID passivo que tem como finalidade mensurar a pressão arterial. / The need of medicine for portable electronic equipments smallers [sic], reliables [sic] and inexpensive supports the development of biotelemetry techniques passive monitoring in invasive biomedical applications. In this work are presents [sic] the development and testing of a passive biotelemetry sensor device, which uses the technology of Radio Frequency Identification - RFID. The developed device, commonly referred to as the tag, is basically composed of three parts: the RFID architecture used for low frequency, the control unit responsible for data processing and sensor unit responsible for monitoring blood pressure. As the tag is passive i.e. does not contain batteries to activate it, It [sic] is necessary a device that makes its energizing and also decode the data transmitted by it. This device that reads and sends a signal to activate the transponder is commonly called a reader. The reader used in this project will have its firmware adapted to handle the pressure value sent by the tag. This work also presents theoretical modeling of the system and the specification of components for practicing the validation tests. In theoretical modeling are presented mathematical models of system behavior. The results validate the methodology used for the development of passive RFID sensor that aims to measure blood pressure.

Meteorologická stanice se vzdáleným přístupem / Meteorological Station with Remote Access

Svoboda, Josef January 2010 (has links)
This thesis discusses design and realization of air temperature, pressure and relative humidity measuring device, transmission of measured data over internet and their presentation on a web site. First chapter introduces reader into principles of measuring air temperature, pressure and relative humidity and various types of sensors used for measuring . Next, the conception of designed system is described. Designed system must accomplish tasks from reading raw data from the sensor up to thein graphical presentation to the internet user. Second and third chapter describes hardware and software design of air temperature, pressure and relative humidity measuring unit. In next part one can find description of software used to transmit measured data over internet and software for generating web pages which are shown to users. The work is revieved in the final part of this thesis.

Dynamické charakteristiky běžně používaných snímačů tlaku / Dynamical characteristics of the commonly used pressure transducers

Slavíček, Ondřej January 2016 (has links)
This thesis deals with the dynamic properties of electric pressure transducers. These are properties that are reflected in the measurement of rapid, time-dependent processes. They could be described in two ways. Either by using amplitude and phase frequency response characteristics, or just one particular value. Natural frequency, cutoff frequency or time constant. These parameters indicate the extreme values for the use of measuring devices in the measurement of time-dependent processes. In this work will be described procedures for determining these parameters.

Error-Aware Density-Based Clustering of Imprecise Measurement Values

Lehner, Wolfgang, Habich, Dirk, Volk, Peter B., Dittmann, Ralf, Utzny, Clemens 15 June 2022 (has links)
Manufacturing process development is under constant pressure to achieve a good yield for stable processes. The development of new technologies, especially in the field of photomask and semiconductor development, is at its phys- ical limits. In this area, data, e.g. sensor data, has to be collected and analyzed for each process in order to ensure process quality. With increasing complexity of manufactur- ing processes, the volume of data that has to be evaluated rises accordingly. The complexity and data volume exceeds the possibility of a manual data analysis. At this point, data mining techniques become interesting. The application of current techniques is complex because most of the data is captured with sensor measurement tools. Therefore, every measured value contains a specific error. In this paper we propose an error-aware extension of the density-based al- gorithm DBSCAN. Furthermore, we present some quality measures which could be utilized for further interpretation of the determined clustering results. With this new cluster algorithm, we can ensure that masks are classified into the correct cluster with respect to the measurement errors, thus ensuring a more likely correlation between the masks.

Le dépistage de l’hypertension artérielle lors de consultation sans rendez-vous

Michaud, André 04 1900 (has links)
Le décès d’une personne sur cinq à travers le monde est associé à l’hypertension artérielle (HTA). Or, près de la moitié des individus avec HTA ignorent leur condition : ils n’ont pas été dépistés. Cette thèse a pour objectif, principalement à travers la présentation de deux articles originaux, de contribuer à l’amélioration du dépistage de l’HTA. Avant la présentation des deux articles de cette thèse, les résultats d’un examen de la littérature sur les effets des démarches de dépistage de l’HTA en milieux hors hospitaliers sont exposés. On y constate notamment qu’une telle démarche permet d’identifier près d’un adulte sur trois comme ayant une pression artérielle (PA) élevée. La pratique infirmière dans la prise en charge de l’HTA est également explorée. Il en ressort que leurs interventions non pharmacologiques et leurs interventions directes sur le traitement pharmacologique permettent à la fois une amélioration des habitudes de vie ainsi qu’un abaissement de la PA au moins équivalente aux soins médicaux usuels. Le premier article de cette thèse consiste en une revue systématique effectuée en utilisant le protocole Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses - Diagnostic Test Accuracy (PRISMA-DTA). Les objectifs de cette revue systématique étaient de décrire la performance (valeur prédictive positive, taux de suivi) de la stratégie de dépistage de l’HTA qui consiste à tirer profit de la mesure de la PA effectuée d’emblée auprès des millions de personnes qui se présentent annuellement dans les départements d’urgence. Les méthodes de mesure de la PA utilisées lors de la consultation initiale à l'urgence, les moyens utilisés pour assurer un suivi, ainsi que les méthodes utilisées pour confirmer un diagnostic de l’HTA sont également décrits. À la suite d’une recension initiale de 1030 articles, 10 de ceux-ci répondaient aux critères d’inclusion. L’outil Quality Assessment of Diagnostic Accuracy Studies-2 (Quadas-2) a été utilisé pour l’évaluation de la qualité des études. L’âge moyen des participants est de 51,6 ± 6,4 ans. Pour effectuer la mesure de la PA au département d’urgence, un appareil au mercure a été utilisé dans la moitié des études, quatre ont utilisé un appareil électronique et pour deux études, cette information n’était pas disponible. Parmi ceux ayant eu un dépistage positif, le taux de suivi moyen est de 61,9 %. Parmi eux, 50,2 % ont reçu la confirmation d’un diagnostic d’HTA à la suite d’une démarche de suivi. L’on retrouve dans seulement deux études une méthode de confirmation diagnostique correspondant aux standards des sociétés savantes en HTA. Une autre solution pour l’amélioration du dépistage de l’HTA est d’augmenter la validité de la méthode de mesure de la PA. Le second article de cette thèse avait pour objectif d’évaluer la performance (valeurs prédictives, sensibilité, spécificité, coefficient de kappa et taux de suivi) d’une nouvelle stratégie de dépistage de l’HTA au moment d’une consultation pour urgence mineure. La stratégie consiste, à la suite d’une mesure initiale de la PA dont le résultat est élevé, en l’ajout d’une seconde méthode de mesure de la PA : la mesure oscillométrique en série. Un monitorage ambulatoire de la pression artérielle (MAPA) d’une durée de 24 heures a été fait pour chaque participant afin d’évaluer la performance de la combinaison des deux méthodes de mesures cliniques. Le MAPA constitue la mesure étalon en HTA. Effectuée dans une clinique GMF de Laval, 50 des 80 participants (62,5 %) inclus ont complété l’étude en se présentant au rendez-vous de suivi pour un MAPA. L’âge moyen des participants est de 51,9 ans. À la suite d’une mesure initiale de la PA dont le résultat est élevé, l’ajout de la mesure oscillométrique en série a été associé à une valeur prédictive positive de 62,5 % et une valeur prédictive négative de 83,3 % (sensibilité, 87 %; spécificité 56 %; coefficient de kappa 0,41). Cette thèse permet d’offrir des pistes de réponses qui pourront contribuer à l’amélioration du dépistage de l’HTA. Tout d’abord, le premier article met en lumière le fait que les consultations au département d’urgence représentent une excellente opportunité pour le dépistage de l’HTA. En effet, cela permet de rejoindre un nombre très important d’individus. Une mesure de la PA est effectuée à chacun d’eux, ils sont plutôt jeunes et lorsque le résultat de la mesure est élevé, cela correspond réellement à une HTA pour la moitié des cas. Le taux de suivi se situe à environ 60 %. La démarche de dépistage à l’urgence consiste essentiellement à reconnaitre une PA élevée, puis d’effectuer une référence afin d’obtenir une prise en charge. Cela implique qu’à chaque 100 adultes avec une PA élevée à l’urgence et pour qui une démarche de dépistage serait effectuée, 30 individus pourraient avoir un diagnostic d’HTA confirmé ainsi qu’une prise en charge subséquente. Malgré cela, le défi de la validité de la mesure et du suivi demeure. La contribution originale du deuxième article s’attarde à cette question. À la suite d’une mesure initiale de la PA dont le résultat est élevé, l’ajout de la mesure oscillométrique en série permet d’augmenter la validité de la démarche de dépistage. En effet, ceux pour qui le résultat de cette mesure est normal peuvent être considérés, d’une façon sécuritaire, comme étant non hypertendus. Ainsi, les individus dirigés afin d’effectuer un examen de confirmation diagnostique seront mieux ciblés, les ressources existantes mieux utilisées. Enfin, des recommandations sont présentées relativement au dépistage de l’HTA, à sa prise en charge, mais également sur la pratique infirmière. / One out of five people worldwide dies from causes linked to hypertension (HTN). Yet, nearly half of individuals with HTN are unaware of their condition as they have not been screened. The goal of this thesis, mainly through the presentation of two original articles, is to help improve HTN screening. Before presenting the two articles, the results of a literature review on the effects of the HTN screening process in an out-of-hospital setting are outlined. In particular, it is noted that such a process helps to identify nearly one out of three adults as having elevated blood pressure (BP). The nursing practice in HTN management is also explored. It is concluded that their non-pharmacological interventions and direct interventions on the pharmacological treatment help to improve lifestyles and lower BP by at least the same amount as customary medical care. The first article of this thesis consists in a systematic review conducted with the use of the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses - Diagnostic Test Accuracy (PRISMA-DTA) protocol. The purposes of this systematic review are to describe the performance (positive predictive value, follow-up rate) of the HTN screening strategy, which consists in drawing on the BP measurement taken on millions of people who show up in the emergency department (ED) annually. The BP measurement methods used during the initial ED consultation, the methods used to ensure follow-up, and the methods used to confirm an HTN diagnosis are also described. Following an initial review of 1030 articles, 10 of these met the inclusion criteria. The Quality Assessment of Diagnostic Accuracy Studies-2 (Quadas-2) tool was used to evaluate the quality of the studies. The average age of participants is 51.6 ± 6.4 years. To take a BP measurement in the ED, a mercury device was used in half of the studies, four used an electronic device and for two studies, this information was unavailable. Among those with a positive screen, the average monitoring rate is 61.9%. Among them, 50.2% received confirmation of an HTN diagnosis following the follow-up process. Only two studies mention a diagnosis confirmation method that meets the standards of learned HTN societies. Another solution to improve HTN screening is to increase the validity of the BP measurement method. The goal of the second article of this thesis was to evaluate the performance (predictive values, sensitivity, specificity, kappa coefficient and monitoring rate) of a new HTN screening strategy when consulting for a minor emergency. Following the initial high BP measurement, the strategy consists in adding a second BP measurement method: the automated office blood pressure measurement (AOBP). Each participant underwent 24-hour ambulatory blood pressure monitoring (ABPM) to evaluate the performance of the combination of both clinical measurement methods. ABPM is the gold standard for BP measurement. Conducted in a GMF clinic in Laval, Quebec, 50 of the 80 participants (62.5%) included completed the study by showing up to the follow-up ABPM appointment. The average age of participants is 51.9 years old. Following an initial high BP measurement, adding the AOBP is linked to a positive predictive value of 62.5% and a negative predictive value of 83.3% (sensitivity 87%, specificity 56%, kappa coefficient 0.41). This thesis offers possibilities that can help improve HTN screening. The first article highlights the fact that ED consultations are an excellent opportunity to screen for HTN. Indeed, this helps to reach many individuals: BP measurement is taken on each one, they are rather young, and when the measurement is high, this actually corresponds to an HTN for half of the cases. The follow-up rate is about 60%. The ED screening process mainly consists in recognizing high BP, and then making a referral to obtain treatment. This implies that for every 100 adults with high BP in the ED and on whom a screening process would be conducted, 30 people could have a confirmed HTN diagnosis and subsequent treatment. And yet, the validity of the measurement and follow-up remains a challenge. The original contribution of the second article examines this question. Following an initial high BP measurement, adding the AOBP helps to increase the validity of the screening process. Indeed, those for whom the result of this measurement is normal can safely be considered as non-hypertensive. As such, those referred to complete a diagnosis confirmation exam will be better targeted and the existing resources better used. Lastly, recommendations are made regarding HTN screening, its management, and the related nursing practice.

Design- och simuleringsstudie av flödeshus och sensorkropp / A design and simulation study of a sensor body and flow housing

Larsson Sparr, Klara, Muhonen, Mathias January 2020 (has links)
I detta arbete har ett koncept utvecklats för en flödesmätningsmetod med en intern sensorkropp samt bibehållen flödeshastighet. Denna mätmetod består av en sensorkropp i ett flödeshus där mätningen av flödet utförs med hjälp av pitotrörsberäkningar. Två olika lösningar presenteras i detta arbete, där skillnaderna grundar sig i utformningen av sensorkroppen. Sensorkroppens tvärsnitt är liknande för båda lösningarna. Den ena lösningen är rotationssymmetrisk i centrum av röret medan den andra går från vägg till vägg centrerat i röret. För att åstadkomma bibehållen flödeshastighet så utfördes beräkningar för att modellera flödeshuset, så att flödets tvärsnittsarea motsvarade arean i röret utan sensorkropp. I dessa beräkningar ingick även att kompensera för ökade solida ytor, då dessa ytor skapar gränsskikt där flödets hastighet sänks. Jämförelser mellan arbetets genererade koncept och uppdragsgivarens nuvarande produkter utfördes. Jämförelsen resulterade i flera områden där arbetets koncept skulle kunna komplettera redan befintliga produkter. / In this project a concept for flow measurement has been developed, where there is an internal sensor body as well as a constant flow speed. This measurement method consists of a sensor body in a flow housing where the flow measurement is done using conventional pitot tube calculations. Two different solutions are presented in this work, the differences between the two solutions are based on the design of the sensor body. The cross-section of the sensor body is similar for both solutions, but one solution is rotationally symmetrical while the other goes from wall to wall. Both sensor bodies are centered in the tube. To accomplish continuous flow speed, calculations were made to model the flow housing, so the cross-sectional area of the flow corresponded to the area of the tube without the sensor body. In these calculations a compensation factor for increased solid surface area were included, as this area creates a boundary layer that lowers the flow speed and changes based on the design of the sensor body. Comparisons between the concept in this project and the commissioner's current products were made. This comparison resulted in several areas where this projects concept could complement existing products.

Development of a Two-Fluid Drag Law for Clustered Particles Using Direct Numerical Simulation and Validation through Experiments

Abbasi Baharanchi, Ahmadreza 13 November 2015 (has links)
This dissertation focused on development and utilization of numerical and experimental approaches to improve the CFD modeling of fluidization flow of cohesive micron size particles. The specific objectives of this research were: (1) Developing a cluster prediction mechanism applicable to Two-Fluid Modeling (TFM) of gas-solid systems (2) Developing more accurate drag models for Two-Fluid Modeling (TFM) of gas-solid fluidization flow with the presence of cohesive interparticle forces (3) using the developed model to explore the improvement of accuracy of TFM in simulation of fluidization flow of cohesive powders (4) Understanding the causes and influential factor which led to improvements and quantification of improvements (5) Gathering data from a fast fluidization flow and use these data for benchmark validations. Simulation results with two developed cluster-aware drag models showed that cluster prediction could effectively influence the results in both the first and second cluster-aware models. It was proven that improvement of accuracy of TFM modeling using three versions of the first hybrid model was significant and the best improvements were obtained by using the smallest values of the switch parameter which led to capturing the smallest chances of cluster prediction. In the case of the second hybrid model, dependence of critical model parameter on only Reynolds number led to the fact that improvement of accuracy was significant only in dense section of the fluidized bed. This finding may suggest that a more sophisticated particle resolved DNS model, which can span wide range of solid volume fraction, can be used in the formulation of the cluster-aware drag model. The results of experiment suing high speed imaging indicated the presence of particle clusters in the fluidization flow of FCC inside the riser of FIU-CFB facility. In addition, pressure data was successfully captured along the fluidization column of the facility and used as benchmark validation data for the second hybrid model developed in the present dissertation. It was shown the second hybrid model could predict the pressure data in the dense section of the fluidization column with better accuracy.

Implementace rozhraní IO-Link do snímačů tlaku / IO/Link interface implementation to pressure sensors

Pešl, Jiří January 2014 (has links)
This thesis is concerned with the measurement of physical quantities. Thesis describes sensors in general terms and requirements, which delivers latest trends in the field of automation. The main theme of this thesis is sensors for meassuring pressure, and their connection to the automation chain. In the next part thesis describes the design of the converter for connecting SMART sensors for pressure measuring, that use HART communication protocol, to the automation systems managed by a communication protocol IO-link. First will be described in detail various communication standards by their ISO OSI model, and on this theoretical basis will be based design of converter between communication protocol HART and communication protocol IO-Link. The last part will be Designed software for this converter.

3D printed flexible substrate with pneumatic driven electrodes for health monitoring

Schubert, Martin, Friedrich, Sabine, Wedekind, Daniel, Zaunseder, Sebastian, Malberg, Hagen, Bock, Karlheinz 11 February 2019 (has links)
Telemedical methods enable remote patient monitoring and healthcare at a distance. Besides, fitness tracker and sport watches are currently trending electronic products to generate awareness of health parameters in daily life. Especially, the long-term and continuous measurement of electrophysiological signals such as electrocardiogramm (ECG) becomes increasingly attractive for telemedical applications. Typically used disposable Ag/AgCl wet electrodes for good skin-electrode contact can potentially cause skin irritation and rashes. This paper presents a low cost, individual and flexible substrate for skin electrodes to be applied in future consumer electronic or professional applications. It enables an alternative contact method of the electrode to the skin by applying a pressure during the measurement and hence good contact. If no measurement is needed pressure can be released and the electrode loses skin contact. The 3D printed polymer module is 4 mm thick and comprises a pressure chamber, silver electrodes and insulation layer. The airtight printed membrane of flexible filament, which expands when inflating the chamber, may be printed in different thicknesses and shapes, much thinner than the present 4mm. This enables a high individuality for various applications. Pressure up to 150 kPa was applied and leads to dilatation of 1400 μm. First tests on skin when measuring electrodermal activity (EDA) show promising results for future applications.

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